/** * @file rubycontainer_extended.swg * @author gga * @date Sat May 5 05:36:01 2007 * * @brief This file contains additional functions that make containers * behave closer to ruby primitive types. * However, some of these functions place some restrictions on * the underlying object inside of the container and the iterator * (that it has to have an == comparison function, that it has to have * an = assignment operator, etc). * */
/** * Macro used to add extend functions that require operator== in object. * * @param Container STL container * @param Type class inside container * */ %define %swig_container_with_equal_operator( Container, Type )
VALUE __delete__( const Type& val ) { VALUE r = Qnil; Container<Type >::iterator e = $self->end(); Container<Type >::iterator i = std::remove( $self->begin(), e, val ); // remove dangling elements now $self->erase( i, e ); if ( i != e ) r = swig::from< Type >( val ); else if ( rb_block_given_p() ) r = rb_yield(Qnil); return r; }
%enddef // end of %swig_container_with_equal_operator
/** * Macro used to add extend functions that require the assignment * operator (ie. = ) of contained class * * @param Container STL container * @param Type class inside container * */
%define %swig_container_with_assignment( Container, Type )
// // map! -- the equivalent of std::transform // Container< Type >* map_bang() {
if ( !rb_block_given_p() ) rb_raise( rb_eArgError, "No block given" );
VALUE r = Qnil; Container< Type >::iterator i = $self->begin(); Container< Type >::iterator e = $self->end();
try { for ( ; i != e; ++i ) { r = swig::from< Type >( *i ); r = rb_yield( r ); *i = swig::as< Type >( r ); } } catch ( const std::invalid_argument& ) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "Yield block did not return a valid element for " #Container); } return $self; }
%enddef // end of %swig_container_with_assignment
/** * Macro used to add all extended functions to a container * * @param Container STL container * @param Type class inside container * */ %define %swig_container_extend( Container, Type )
%extend Container< Type > {
%swig_container_with_assignment( %arg(Container), Type ); %swig_container_with_equal_operator( %arg(Container), Type );
/** * Private macro used to add all extended functions to C/C++ * primitive types * * @param Container an STL container, like std::vector (with no class template) * */ %define %__swig_container_extend_primtypes( Container )
%swig_container_extend( %arg( Container ), bool ); %swig_container_extend( %arg( Container ), char ); %swig_container_extend( %arg( Container ), short ); %swig_container_extend( %arg( Container ), int ); %swig_container_extend( %arg( Container ), unsigned short ); %swig_container_extend( %arg( Container ), unsigned int ); %swig_container_extend( %arg( Container ), float ); %swig_container_extend( %arg( Container ), double ); %swig_container_extend( %arg( Container ), std::complex ); %swig_container_extend( %arg( Container ), std::string ); %swig_container_extend( %arg( Container ), swig::GC_VALUE ); %swig_container_extend( %arg( Container ), swig::GC_VALUE );
%__swig_container_extend_primtypes( std::vector ); %__swig_container_extend_primtypes( std::deque ); %__swig_container_extend_primtypes( std::list );