Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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  1. /**
  2. * @file rubystdautodoc.swg
  3. * @author gga
  4. * @date Wed May 2 17:20:39 2007
  5. *
  6. * @brief This file contains autodocs for standard STL functions.
  7. *
  8. *
  9. */
  10. //
  11. // For STL autodocumentation
  12. //
  13. AUTODOC(c_str, "Convert class to a String representation");
  14. AUTODOC(begin, "Return an iterator to the beginning of the $class");
  15. AUTODOC(end, "Return an iterator to past the end of the $class");
  16. AUTODOC(rbegin, "Return a reverse iterator to the beginning (the end) of the $class");
  17. AUTODOC(rend, "Return a reverse iterator to past the end (past the beginning) of the $class");
  18. AUTODOC(length, "Size or Length of the $class");
  19. AUTODOC(replace, "Replace all or a portion of the $class");
  20. AUTODOC(resize, "Resize the size of the $class");
  21. AUTODOC(capacity, "Reserved capacity of the $class");
  22. AUTODOC(reserve, "Reserve memory in the $class for a number of elements");
  23. AUTODOC(erase, "Delete a portion of the $class");
  24. AUTODOC(max_size, "Maximum size of elements allowed in the $class");
  25. AUTODOC(iterator, "Return an iterator to the $class");
  26. AUTODOC(empty, "Check if the $class is empty or not");
  27. AUTODOC(rfind, "Find an element in reverse usually starting from the end of the $class");
  28. AUTODOC(assign, "Assign a new $class or portion of it");
  29. AUTODOC(front, "Return the first element in $class");
  30. AUTODOC(back, "Return the last element in $class");
  31. AUTODOC(second, "Return the second element in $class");
  32. AUTODOC(push_front, "Add an element at the beginning of the $class");
  33. AUTODOC(push_back, "Add an element at the end of the $class");
  34. AUTODOC(pop_front, "Remove and return element at the beginning of the $class");
  35. AUTODOC(pop_back, "Remove and return an element at the end of the $class");
  36. AUTODOC(clear, "Clear $class contents");