%include <std/std_except.i>
// // Use the following macro with modern STL implementations // //#define SWIG_STD_MODERN_STL // // Use this to deactive the previous definition, when using gcc-2.95 // or similar old compilers. // //#define SWIG_STD_NOMODERN_STL
// Here, we identify compilers we now have problems with STL. %{ #if defined(__SUNPRO_CC) && defined(_RWSTD_VER) # define SWIG_STD_NOASSIGN_STL # define SWIG_STD_NOINSERT_TEMPLATE_STL # define SWIG_STD_NOITERATOR_TRAITS_STL #endif
#if defined(__GNUC__) # if __GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR <= 96 # define SWIG_STD_NOMODERN_STL # endif #endif
// // Common code for supporting the STD C++ namespace //
%{ #include <string> #include <stdexcept> %}
%fragment("StdIteratorTraits","header") %{ #if !defined(SWIG_STD_NOITERATOR_TRAITS_STL) #include <iterator> #else namespace std { template <class Iterator> struct iterator_traits { typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type; typedef typename Iterator::value_type value_type; };
#if defined(__SUNPRO_CC) && defined(_RWSTD_VER) template <class Iterator, class Category,class T, class Reference, class Pointer, class Distance> struct iterator_traits<__reverse_bi_iterator<Iterator,Category,T,Reference,Pointer,Distance> > { typedef Distance difference_type; typedef T value_type; }; #endif
template <class T> struct iterator_traits<T*> { typedef T value_type; typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type; };
template<typename _InputIterator> inline typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::difference_type distance(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last) { typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::difference_type __n = 0; while (__first != __last) { ++__first; ++__n; } return __n; }
} #endif %}
%fragment("StdTraitsCommon","header") %{ namespace swig { template <class Type> struct noconst_traits { typedef Type noconst_type; };
template <class Type> struct noconst_traits<const Type> { typedef Type noconst_type; };
/* type categories */ struct pointer_category { }; struct value_category { };
/* General traits that provides type_name and type_info */ template <class Type> struct traits { };
template <class Type> inline const char* type_name() { return traits<typename noconst_traits<Type >::noconst_type >::type_name(); }
template <class Type> struct traits_info { static swig_type_info *type_query(std::string name) { name += " *"; return SWIG_TypeQuery(name.c_str()); } static swig_type_info *type_info() { static swig_type_info *info = type_query(type_name<Type>()); return info; } };
template <class Type> inline swig_type_info *type_info() { return traits_info<Type>::type_info(); }
/* Partial specialization for pointers */ template <class Type> struct traits <Type *> { typedef pointer_category category; static std::string make_ptr_name(const char* name) { std::string ptrname = name; ptrname += " *"; return ptrname; } static const char* type_name() { static std::string name = make_ptr_name(swig::type_name<Type>()); return name.c_str(); } };
template <class Type, class Category> struct traits_as { }; template <class Type, class Category> struct traits_check { };
} %} /* Generate the traits for a swigtype */
%define %traits_swigtype(Type...) %fragment(SWIG_Traits_frag(Type),"header",fragment="StdTraits") { namespace swig { template <> struct traits<Type > { typedef pointer_category category; static const char* type_name() { return #Type; } }; } } %enddef
/* Generate the typemaps for a class that has 'value' traits */
%define %typemap_traits(Code,Type...) %typemaps_asvalfrom(%arg(Code), %arg(swig::asval<Type >), %arg(swig::from), %arg(SWIG_Traits_frag(Type)), %arg(SWIG_Traits_frag(Type)), Type); %enddef
/* Generate the typemaps for a class that behaves more like a 'pointer' or plain wrapped Swigtype. */
%define %typemap_traits_ptr(Code,Type...) %typemaps_asptrfrom(%arg(Code), %arg(swig::asptr), %arg(swig::from), %arg(SWIG_Traits_frag(Type)), %arg(SWIG_Traits_frag(Type)), Type); %enddef
/* Equality methods */ %define %std_equal_methods(Type...) %extend Type { bool operator == (const Type& v) { return *self == v; } bool operator != (const Type& v) { return *self != v; } }
/* Order methods */
%define %std_order_methods(Type...) %extend Type { bool operator > (const Type& v) { return *self > v; } bool operator < (const Type& v) { return *self < v; }
bool operator >= (const Type& v) { return *self >= v; }
bool operator <= (const Type& v) { return *self <= v; } } %enddef
/* Comparison methods */
%define %std_comp_methods(Type...) %std_equal_methods(Type ) %std_order_methods(Type ) %enddef