// iterhash.cpp - written and placed in the public domain by Wei Dai
#ifndef __GNUC__
#include "iterhash.h"
#include "misc.h"
template <class T, class BASE> void IteratedHashBase<T, BASE>::Update(const byte *input, size_t len) { HashWordType oldCountLo = m_countLo, oldCountHi = m_countHi; if ((m_countLo = oldCountLo + HashWordType(len)) < oldCountLo) m_countHi++; // carry from low to high
m_countHi += (HashWordType)SafeRightShift<8*sizeof(HashWordType)>(len); if (m_countHi < oldCountHi || SafeRightShift<2*8*sizeof(HashWordType)>(len) != 0) throw HashInputTooLong(this->AlgorithmName());
const unsigned int blockSize = this->BlockSize(); unsigned int num = ModPowerOf2(oldCountLo, blockSize);
T* dataBuf = this->DataBuf(); byte* data = (byte *)dataBuf; assert(dataBuf && data);
if (num != 0) // process left over data
{ if (num+len >= blockSize) { if (data && input) {memcpy(data+num, input, blockSize-num);} HashBlock(dataBuf); input += (blockSize-num); len -= (blockSize-num); num = 0; // drop through and do the rest
} else { if (data && input && len) {memcpy(data+num, input, len);} return; } }
// now process the input data in blocks of blockSize bytes and save the leftovers to m_data
if (len >= blockSize) { if (input == data) { assert(len == blockSize); HashBlock(dataBuf); return; } else if (IsAligned<T>(input)) { size_t leftOver = HashMultipleBlocks((T *)input, len); input += (len - leftOver); len = leftOver; } else do { // copy input first if it's not aligned correctly
if (data && input) memcpy(data, input, blockSize); HashBlock(dataBuf); input+=blockSize; len-=blockSize; } while (len >= blockSize); }
if (data && input && len && data != input) memcpy(data, input, len); }
template <class T, class BASE> byte * IteratedHashBase<T, BASE>::CreateUpdateSpace(size_t &size) { unsigned int blockSize = this->BlockSize(); unsigned int num = ModPowerOf2(m_countLo, blockSize); size = blockSize - num; return (byte *)DataBuf() + num; }
template <class T, class BASE> size_t IteratedHashBase<T, BASE>::HashMultipleBlocks(const T *input, size_t length) { unsigned int blockSize = this->BlockSize(); bool noReverse = NativeByteOrderIs(this->GetByteOrder()); T* dataBuf = this->DataBuf(); do { if (noReverse) this->HashEndianCorrectedBlock(input); else { ByteReverse(dataBuf, input, this->BlockSize()); this->HashEndianCorrectedBlock(dataBuf); }
input += blockSize/sizeof(T); length -= blockSize; } while (length >= blockSize); return length; }
template <class T, class BASE> void IteratedHashBase<T, BASE>::PadLastBlock(unsigned int lastBlockSize, byte padFirst) { unsigned int blockSize = this->BlockSize(); unsigned int num = ModPowerOf2(m_countLo, blockSize); T* dataBuf = this->DataBuf(); byte* data = (byte *)dataBuf; data[num++] = padFirst; if (num <= lastBlockSize) memset(data+num, 0, lastBlockSize-num); else { memset(data+num, 0, blockSize-num); HashBlock(dataBuf); memset(data, 0, lastBlockSize); } }
template <class T, class BASE> void IteratedHashBase<T, BASE>::Restart() { m_countLo = m_countHi = 0; Init(); }
template <class T, class BASE> void IteratedHashBase<T, BASE>::TruncatedFinal(byte *digest, size_t size) { this->ThrowIfInvalidTruncatedSize(size);
T* dataBuf = this->DataBuf(); T* stateBuf = this->StateBuf(); unsigned int blockSize = this->BlockSize(); ByteOrder order = this->GetByteOrder();
PadLastBlock(blockSize - 2*sizeof(HashWordType)); dataBuf[blockSize/sizeof(T)-2+order] = ConditionalByteReverse(order, this->GetBitCountLo()); dataBuf[blockSize/sizeof(T)-1-order] = ConditionalByteReverse(order, this->GetBitCountHi());
if (IsAligned<HashWordType>(digest) && size%sizeof(HashWordType)==0) ConditionalByteReverse<HashWordType>(order, (HashWordType *)digest, stateBuf, size); else { ConditionalByteReverse<HashWordType>(order, stateBuf, stateBuf, this->DigestSize()); memcpy(digest, stateBuf, size); }
this->Restart(); // reinit for next use
#ifdef __GNUC__
template class IteratedHashBase<word64, HashTransformation>; template class IteratedHashBase<word64, MessageAuthenticationCode>;
template class IteratedHashBase<word32, HashTransformation>; template class IteratedHashBase<word32, MessageAuthenticationCode>; #endif