Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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  1. @echo off
  2. setlocal
  3. @rem Move to the batch file directory so we can run it from anywhere
  4. cd %~dp0
  5. call "%VS120COMNTOOLS%vsvars32.bat"
  6. p4 edit *.vcxproj
  7. p4 edit *.sln
  8. @rem This will upgrade from v110_xp to v120_xp
  9. devenv cryptest2010.sln /upgrade
  10. @rem Remove upgrade files
  11. rmdir Backup /s/q
  12. rmdir _UpgradeReport_Files /s/q
  13. del UpgradeLog*.*
  14. devenv cryptest2010.sln /rebuild "release|Win32" /project cryptlib
  15. devenv cryptest2010.sln /rebuild "release|x64" /project cryptlib
  16. @rem Temporarily copy the 2013 libraries to a different location to allow
  17. @rem VS 2010 and VS 2012 and VS 2013 to exist side-by-side.
  18. p4 edit ..\..\lib\public\2013\cryptlib.lib
  19. xcopy /y ..\..\lib\public\cryptlib.lib ..\..\lib\public\2013
  20. p4 add ..\..\lib\public\2013\cryptlib.lib
  21. p4 revert ..\..\lib\public\cryptlib.lib
  22. p4 edit ..\..\lib\public\x64\2013\cryptlib.lib
  23. xcopy /y ..\..\lib\public\x64\cryptlib.lib ..\..\lib\public\x64\2013
  24. p4 add ..\..\lib\public\x64\2013\cryptlib.lib
  25. p4 revert ..\..\lib\public\x64\cryptlib.lib
  26. @rem Revert the upgraded libraries
  27. p4 revert *.vcxproj
  28. p4 revert *.sln
  29. @echo Check in the changed libraries in src\lib if you are done.