//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "linux_support.h"
#include "tier0/threadtools.h" // For ThreadInMainThread()
#include "tier1/strtools.h"
char selectBuf[PATH_MAX];
int FileSelect(const struct dirent *ent) { const char *mask=selectBuf; const char *name=ent->d_name;
//printf("Test:%s %s\n",mask,name);
if(!strcmp(name,".") || !strcmp(name,"..") ) return 0;
if(!strcmp(selectBuf,"*.*")) return 1;
while( *mask && *name ) { if(*mask=='*') { mask++; // move to the next char in the mask
if(!*mask) // if this is the end of the mask its a match
{ return 1; } while(*name && toupper(*name)!=toupper(*mask)) { // while the two don't meet up again
name++; } if(!*name) { // end of the name
break; } } else if (*mask!='?') { if( toupper(*mask) != toupper(*name) ) { // mismatched!
return 0; } else { mask++; name++; if( !*mask && !*name) { // if its at the end of the buffer
return 1; } }
} else /* mask is "?", we don't care*/ { mask++; name++; } } return( !*mask && !*name ); // both of the strings are at the end
int FillDataStruct(FIND_DATA *dat) { struct stat fileStat;
if(dat->curMatch >= dat->numMatches) return -1;
char szFullPath[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( szFullPath, sizeof(szFullPath), "%s/%s", dat->cBaseDir, dat->namelist[dat->curMatch]->d_name );
if(!stat(szFullPath,&fileStat)) { dat->dwFileAttributes=fileStat.st_mode; } else { dat->dwFileAttributes=0; }
// now just put the filename in the output data
Q_snprintf( dat->cFileName, sizeof(dat->cFileName), "%s", dat->namelist[dat->curMatch]->d_name );
//printf("%s\n", dat->namelist[dat->curMatch]->d_name);
dat->curMatch++; return 1; }
HANDLE FindFirstFile( const char *fileName, FIND_DATA *dat) { char nameStore[PATH_MAX]; char *dir=NULL; int n,iret=-1; Q_strncpy(nameStore,fileName, sizeof( nameStore ) );
if(strrchr(nameStore,'/') ) { dir=nameStore; while(strrchr(dir,'/') ) { struct stat dirChk;
// zero this with the dir name
dir=strrchr(nameStore,'/'); if ( dir == nameStore ) // special case for root dir, '/'
{ dir[1] = '\0'; } else { *dir='\0'; dir=nameStore; }
if (stat(dir,&dirChk) < 0) { continue; }
if( S_ISDIR( dirChk.st_mode ) ) { break; } } } else { // couldn't find a dir seperator...
return (HANDLE)-1; }
if( strlen(dir)>0 ) { if ( strlen(dir) == 1 ) // if it was the root dir
Q_strncpy(selectBuf,fileName+1, sizeof( selectBuf ) ); else Q_strncpy(selectBuf,fileName+strlen(dir)+1, sizeof( selectBuf ) );
Q_strncpy(dat->cBaseDir,dir, sizeof( dat->cBaseDir ) ); dat->namelist = NULL; n = scandir(dir, &dat->namelist, FileSelect, alphasort); if (n < 0) { if ( dat->namelist ) free(dat->namelist); // silently return, nothing interesting
} else { dat->numMatches = n; dat->curMatch = 0; iret=FillDataStruct(dat); if(iret<0) { if ( dat->namelist ) free(dat->namelist); dat->namelist = NULL; }
} }
// printf("Returning: %i \n",iret);
return (HANDLE)iret; }
bool FindNextFile(HANDLE handle, FIND_DATA *dat) { if(dat->curMatch >= dat->numMatches) { if ( dat->namelist != NULL ) free(dat->namelist); dat->namelist = NULL; return false; // no matches left
FillDataStruct(dat); return true; }
bool FindClose(HANDLE handle) { return true; }
// Pass this function a full path and it will look for files in the specified
// directory that match the file name but potentially with different case.
// The directory name itself is not treated specially.
// If multiple names that match are found then lowercase letters take precedence.
bool findFileInDirCaseInsensitive( const char *file, char* output, size_t bufSize) { // Make sure the output buffer is always null-terminated.
output[0] = 0;
// Find where the file part starts.
const char *dirSep = strrchr(file,'/'); if( !dirSep ) { dirSep=strrchr(file,'\\'); if( !dirSep ) { return false; } }
// Allocate space for the directory portion.
size_t dirSize = ( dirSep - file ) + 1; char *dirName = static_cast<char *>( alloca( dirSize ) );
V_strncpy( dirName , file, dirSize );
DIR* pDir = opendir( dirName ); if ( !pDir ) return false;
const char* filePart = dirSep + 1; // The best matching file name will be placed in this array.
char outputFileName[ MAX_PATH ]; bool foundMatch = false;
// Scan through the directory.
for ( dirent* pEntry = NULL; ( pEntry = readdir( pDir ) ); /**/ ) { if ( strcasecmp( pEntry->d_name, filePart ) == 0 ) { // If we don't have an existing candidate or if this name is
// a better candidate then copy it in. A 'better' candidate
// means that test beats tesT which beats tEst -- more lowercase
// letters earlier equals victory.
if ( !foundMatch || strcmp( outputFileName, pEntry->d_name ) < 0 ) { foundMatch = true; V_strcpy_safe( outputFileName, pEntry->d_name ); } } }
closedir( pDir );
// If we didn't find any matching names then lowercase the passed in
// file name and use that.
if ( !foundMatch ) { V_strcpy_safe( outputFileName, filePart ); V_strlower( outputFileName ); }
Q_snprintf( output, bufSize, "%s/%s", dirName, outputFileName ); return foundMatch; }