//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "packfile.h"
#include "zip_utils.h"
#include "tier0/basetypes.h"
#include "tier1/convar.h"
#include "tier1/lzmaDecoder.h"
#include "tier1/utlbuffer.h"
#include "tier1/generichash.h"
ConVar fs_monitor_read_from_pack( "fs_monitor_read_from_pack", "0", 0, "0:Off, 1:Any, 2:Sync only" );
// How many bytes we should decode at a time when doing pseudo-reads to seek forward in a compressed file handle,
// (affects maximum stack allocation by a forward seek)
CPackFile::CPackFile() { m_FileLength = 0; m_hPackFileHandleFS = NULL; m_fs = NULL; m_nBaseOffset = 0; m_bIsMapPath = false; m_lPackFileTime = 0L; m_refCount = 0; m_nOpenFiles = 0; m_PackFileID = 0; }
CPackFile::~CPackFile() { if ( m_nOpenFiles ) { Error( "Closing pack file with %d open files!\n", m_nOpenFiles ); }
if ( m_hPackFileHandleFS ) { m_fs->FS_fclose( m_hPackFileHandleFS ); m_hPackFileHandleFS = NULL; }
m_fs->m_ZipFiles.FindAndRemove( this ); }
int CPackFile::GetSectorSize() { if ( m_hPackFileHandleFS ) { return m_fs->FS_GetSectorSize( m_hPackFileHandleFS ); } #if defined( SUPPORT_PACKED_STORE )
else if ( m_hPackFileHandleVPK ) { return 2048; } #endif
else { return -1; } }
// Read a bit of the file from the pack file:
int CZipPackFileHandle::Read( void* pBuffer, int nDestSize, int nBytes ) { // Clamp nBytes to not go past the end of the file (async is still possible due to nDestSize)
if ( nBytes + m_nFilePointer > m_nLength ) { nBytes = m_nLength - m_nFilePointer; }
// Seek to the given file pointer and read
int nBytesRead = m_pOwner->ReadFromPack( m_nIndex, pBuffer, nDestSize, nBytes, m_nBase + m_nFilePointer );
m_nFilePointer += nBytesRead;
return nBytesRead; }
// Seek around inside the pack:
int CZipPackFileHandle::Seek( int nOffset, int nWhence ) { if ( nWhence == SEEK_SET ) { m_nFilePointer = nOffset; } else if ( nWhence == SEEK_CUR ) { m_nFilePointer += nOffset; } else if ( nWhence == SEEK_END ) { m_nFilePointer = m_nLength + nOffset; }
// Clamp the file pointer to the actual bounds of the file:
if ( m_nFilePointer > m_nLength ) { m_nFilePointer = m_nLength; }
return m_nFilePointer; }
// Open a file inside of a pack file.
CFileHandle *CZipPackFile::OpenFile( const char *pFileName, const char *pOptions ) { int nIndex, nOriginalSize, nCompressedSize; int64 nPosition; unsigned short nCompressionMethod;
// find the file's location in the pack
if ( GetFileInfo( pFileName, nIndex, nPosition, nOriginalSize, nCompressedSize, nCompressionMethod ) ) { m_mutex.Lock(); #if defined( SUPPORT_PACKED_STORE )
if ( m_nOpenFiles == 0 && m_hPackFileHandleFS == NULL && !m_hPackFileHandleVPK ) #else
if ( m_nOpenFiles == 0 && m_hPackFileHandleFS == NULL ) #endif
{ // Try to open it as a regular file first
m_hPackFileHandleFS = m_fs->Trace_FOpen( m_ZipName, "rb", 0, NULL );
// !NOTE! Pack files inside of VPK not supported
} m_nOpenFiles++; m_mutex.Unlock(); CPackFileHandle* ph = NULL; if ( nCompressionMethod == ZIP_COMPRESSION_LZMA ) { ph = new CLZMAZipPackFileHandle( this, nPosition, nOriginalSize, nCompressedSize, nIndex ); } else { AssertMsg( nCompressionMethod == ZIP_COMPRESSION_NONE, "Unsupported compression type in zip pack file" ); ph = new CZipPackFileHandle( this, nPosition, nOriginalSize, nIndex ); } CFileHandle *fh = new CFileHandle( m_fs ); fh->m_pPackFileHandle = ph; fh->m_nLength = nOriginalSize;
// The default mode for fopen is text, so require 'b' for binary
if ( strstr( pOptions, "b" ) == NULL ) { fh->m_type = FT_PACK_TEXT; } else { fh->m_type = FT_PACK_BINARY; }
#if !defined( _RETAIL )
fh->SetName( pFileName ); #endif
return fh; }
return NULL; }
// Get a directory entry from a pack's preload section
ZIP_PreloadDirectoryEntry* CZipPackFile::GetPreloadEntry( int nEntryIndex ) { if ( !m_pPreloadHeader ) { return NULL; }
// If this entry doesn't have a corresponding preload entry, fail.
if ( m_PackFiles[nEntryIndex].m_nPreloadIdx == INVALID_PRELOAD_ENTRY ) { return NULL; }
return &m_pPreloadDirectory[m_PackFiles[nEntryIndex].m_nPreloadIdx]; }
// Read a file from the pack
int CZipPackFile::ReadFromPack( int nEntryIndex, void* pBuffer, int nDestBytes, int nBytes, int64 nOffset ) { if ( nEntryIndex >= 0 ) { if ( nBytes <= 0 ) { return 0; }
// X360TBD: This is screwy, it works because m_nBaseOffset is 0 for preload capable zips
// It comes into play for files out of the embedded bsp zip,
// this hackery is a pre-bias expecting ReadFromPack() do a symmetric post bias, yuck.
// Attempt to satisfy request from possible preload section, otherwise fall through
// A preload entry may be compressed
ZIP_PreloadDirectoryEntry *pPreloadEntry = GetPreloadEntry( nEntryIndex ); if ( pPreloadEntry ) { // convert the absolute pack file position to a local file position
int nLocalOffset = nOffset - m_PackFiles[nEntryIndex].m_nPosition; byte *pPreloadData = (byte*)m_pPreloadData + pPreloadEntry->DataOffset;
if ( CLZMA::IsCompressed( pPreloadData ) ) { unsigned int actualSize = CLZMA::GetActualSize( pPreloadData ); if ( nLocalOffset + nBytes <= (int)actualSize ) { // satisfy from compressed preload
if ( fs_monitor_read_from_pack.GetInt() == 1 ) { char szName[MAX_PATH]; IndexToFilename( nEntryIndex, szName, sizeof( szName ) ); Msg( "Read From Pack: [Preload] Requested:%d, Compressed:%d, %s\n", nBytes, pPreloadEntry->Length, szName ); }
if ( nLocalOffset == 0 && nDestBytes >= (int)actualSize && nBytes == (int)actualSize ) { // uncompress directly into caller's buffer
CLZMA::Uncompress( (unsigned char *)pPreloadData, (unsigned char *)pBuffer ); return nBytes; }
// uncompress into temporary memory
CUtlMemory< byte > tempMemory; tempMemory.EnsureCapacity( actualSize ); CLZMA::Uncompress( pPreloadData, tempMemory.Base() ); // copy only what caller expects
V_memcpy( pBuffer, (byte*)tempMemory.Base() + nLocalOffset, nBytes ); return nBytes; } } else if ( nLocalOffset + nBytes <= (int)pPreloadEntry->Length ) { // satisfy from uncompressed preload
if ( fs_monitor_read_from_pack.GetInt() == 1 ) { char szName[MAX_PATH]; IndexToFilename( nEntryIndex, szName, sizeof( szName ) ); Msg( "Read From Pack: [Preload] Requested:%d, Total:%d, %s\n", nBytes, pPreloadEntry->Length, szName ); }
V_memcpy( pBuffer, pPreloadData + nLocalOffset, nBytes ); return nBytes; } } }
#if defined ( _X360 )
// fell through as a direct request from within the pack
// intercept to possible embedded section
if ( m_pSection ) { // a section is a special update zip that has no files, only preload
// it has to be in the section
V_memcpy( pBuffer, (byte*)m_pSection + nOffset, nBytes ); return nBytes; } #endif
// Otherwise, do the read from the pack
if ( fs_monitor_read_from_pack.GetInt() == 1 || ( fs_monitor_read_from_pack.GetInt() == 2 && ThreadInMainThread() ) ) { // spew info about real i/o request
char szName[MAX_PATH]; IndexToFilename( nEntryIndex, szName, sizeof( szName ) ); Msg( "Read From Pack: Sync I/O: Requested:%7d, Offset:0x%16.16llx, %s\n", nBytes, m_nBaseOffset + nOffset, szName ); }
int nBytesRead = 0; // Seek to the start of the read area and perform the read: TODO: CHANGE THIS INTO A CFileHandle
if ( m_hPackFileHandleFS ) { m_fs->FS_fseek( m_hPackFileHandleFS, m_nBaseOffset + nOffset, SEEK_SET ); nBytesRead = m_fs->FS_fread( pBuffer, nDestBytes, nBytes, m_hPackFileHandleFS ); } #if defined( SUPPORT_PACKED_STORE )
else { // We're a packfile embedded in a VPK
m_hPackFileHandleVPK.Seek( m_nBaseOffset + nOffset, FILESYSTEM_SEEK_HEAD ); nBytesRead = m_hPackFileHandleVPK.Read( pBuffer, nBytes ); } #endif
return nBytesRead; }
// Gets size, position, and index for a file in the pack.
bool CZipPackFile::GetFileInfo( const char *pFileName, int &nBaseIndex, int64 &nFileOffset, int &nOriginalSize, int &nCompressedSize, unsigned short &nCompressionMethod ) { char szCleanName[MAX_FILEPATH]; Q_strncpy( szCleanName, pFileName, sizeof( szCleanName ) ); #ifdef _WIN32
Q_strlower( szCleanName ); #endif
Q_FixSlashes( szCleanName );
if ( !Q_RemoveDotSlashes( szCleanName, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR, false ) ) { return false; }
CZipPackFile::CPackFileEntry lookup;
// We may get passed non-canonicalized filenames, so we need to remove the ../ from the path
char szFixedName[MAX_PATH] = {0}; V_strcpy_safe( szFixedName, pFileName ); V_RemoveDotSlashes( szFixedName );
lookup.m_HashName = HashStringCaselessConventional( szFixedName );
int idx = m_PackFiles.Find( lookup ); if ( -1 != idx ) { nFileOffset = m_PackFiles[idx].m_nPosition; nOriginalSize = m_PackFiles[idx].m_nOriginalSize; nCompressedSize = m_PackFiles[idx].m_nCompressedSize; nBaseIndex = idx; nCompressionMethod = m_PackFiles[idx].m_nCompressionMethod; return true; }
return false; }
bool CZipPackFile::IndexToFilename( int nIndex, char *pBuffer, int nBufferSize ) { AssertMsg( nIndex >= 0 && nIndex < m_PackFiles.Count(), "Out of bounds vector access in IndexToFilename" ); if ( nIndex >= 0 ) { m_fs->String( m_PackFiles[nIndex].m_hFileName, pBuffer, nBufferSize ); return true; }
Q_strncpy( pBuffer, "unknown", nBufferSize );
return false; }
// Find a file in the pack.
bool CZipPackFile::ContainsFile( const char *pFileName ) { int nIndex, nOriginalSize, nCompressedSize; int64 nOffset; unsigned short nCompressionMethod; bool bFound = GetFileInfo( pFileName, nIndex, nOffset, nOriginalSize, nCompressedSize, nCompressionMethod ); return bFound; }
// Build a list of matching files and directories given a FindFirst() style wildcard
void CZipPackFile::GetFileAndDirLists( const char *pRawWildCard, CUtlStringList &outDirnames, CUtlStringList &outFilenames, bool bSortedOutput ) { // See also: VPKlib function with same name.
CUtlDict<int,int> AddedDirectories; // Used to remove duplicate paths
char szWildCard[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; char szWildCardPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; char szWildCardBase[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; char szWildCardExt[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
size_t nLenWildcardPath = 0; size_t nLenWildcardBase = 0;
bool bBaseWildcard = true; bool bExtWildcard = true;
// Parse the wildcard string into a base and extension used for string comparisons
V_strncpy( szWildCard, pRawWildCard, sizeof( szWildCard ) ); V_FixSlashes( szWildCard, '/' ); V_RemoveDotSlashes( szWildCard, '/', /* bRemoveDoubleSlashes */ true );
// Workaround edge case in crappy path code. ExtractFilePath extracts a/b/ from a/b/c/ but FileBase would return the empty string.
size_t nLenWildCard = V_strlen( szWildCard ); if ( nLenWildCard && szWildCard[ nLenWildCard - 1 ] == '/' ) { V_strncpy( szWildCardPath, szWildCard, sizeof( szWildCardPath ) ); } else { V_ExtractFilePath( szWildCard, szWildCardPath, sizeof( szWildCardPath ) ); }
V_FileBase( szWildCard, szWildCardBase, sizeof( szWildCardBase ) ); bool bWildcardHasExt = !!V_strrchr( szWildCard, '.' ); V_ExtractFileExtension( szWildCard, szWildCardExt, sizeof( szWildCardExt ) );
// From the pattern, we now have the directory path up to the file pattern, the filename base, and the filename
// extension.
// We don't support partial wildcards here (foo*bar.*). This support is massively inconsistent in our codebase and
// there's no one point where we implement it, so rather than trying to match one of our broken implementations
// (windows stdio is the only one I could find that was actually right), I'm going with "you shouldn't use this API
// for that".
bBaseWildcard = ( V_strcmp( szWildCardBase, "*" ) == 0 ); bExtWildcard = ( V_strcmp( szWildCardExt, "*" ) == 0 );
if ( !bWildcardHasExt && bBaseWildcard ) { // For the special case of just '*' (and not, e.g., '*.') match '*.*'
bExtWildcard = true; }
nLenWildcardPath = V_strlen( szWildCardPath ); nLenWildcardBase = V_strlen( szWildCardBase );
// Generate the list of directories and files that match the wildcard
// For each candidate we attempt to walk up its path and consider the directories it represents as well (the
// directories in a zip only exist in that files contain them, there are no empty directories)
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_PackFiles, filesIdx ) { char szCandidateName[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; IndexToFilename( filesIdx, szCandidateName, sizeof( szCandidateName ));
if ( !szCandidateName[0] ) { continue; }
// Check if this file starts with the wildcard selector's path.
// Note that we only ensure the prefix is the same. There are no specific entries for directories in a zip, they
// only exist in that files in the zip reference them, so handle subdirectory matches from filenames as well.
CUtlDict<int,int> ConsideredDirectories; // Will have duplicate directory matches when multiple files reside in them
if ( ( nLenWildcardPath && ( 0 == V_strnicmp( szCandidateName, szWildCardPath, nLenWildcardPath ) ) ) || ( !nLenWildcardPath && strchr( szCandidateName, '/' ) ) ) { // Check if we matched because of a sub-directory, e.g. a/b/*.* would match /a/b/c/d/foo (in which case we
// want to add /a/b/c to the matched directories list, ignoring the actual specific file)
char szCandidateBaseName[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; bool bIsDir = false; size_t nSubDirLen = 0; char *pSubDirSlash = strchr( szCandidateName + nLenWildcardPath, '/' ); if ( pSubDirSlash ) { // This is a subdirectory match, drop everything after it and continue with it as the filename
nSubDirLen = (size_t)( (ptrdiff_t)pSubDirSlash - (ptrdiff_t)( szCandidateName + nLenWildcardPath ) ); V_strncpy( szCandidateBaseName, szCandidateName + nLenWildcardPath, nSubDirLen + 1 ); bIsDir = true;
// Early out if we already considered this exact directory from another file
if ( ConsideredDirectories.Find( szCandidateBaseName ) != ConsideredDirectories.InvalidIndex() ) { continue; }
ConsideredDirectories.Insert( szCandidateBaseName, 0 ); } else { V_strncpy( szCandidateBaseName, szCandidateName + nLenWildcardPath, sizeof( szCandidateBaseName ) ); }
char *pExt = strchr( szCandidateBaseName, '.' ); if ( pExt ) { // Null out the . and move to point to the extension
*pExt = '\0'; pExt++; }
// Determine if this file matches the wildcart (*.*, *.ext, ext.*)
bool bBaseMatch = false; bool bExtMatch = false;
// If we have a base dir name, and we have a szWildCardBase to match against
if ( bBaseWildcard ) bBaseMatch = true; // The base is the wildCard ("*"), so whatever we have as the base matches
else bBaseMatch = ( 0 == V_stricmp( szCandidateBaseName, szWildCardBase ) );
// If we have an extension and we have a szWildCardExtension to mach against
if ( ( bExtWildcard && pExt ) || ( !pExt && !bWildcardHasExt ) ) bExtMatch = true; else bExtMatch = bWildcardHasExt && pExt && ( 0 == V_stricmp( pExt, szWildCardExt ) );
// If both parts match, then add it to the list
if ( bBaseMatch && bExtMatch ) { if ( bIsDir ) { // Pull up to the subdir we considered out of szCandidateName
size_t nMatchSize = nLenWildcardPath + nSubDirLen + 1; char *pszFullMatch = new char[ nMatchSize ]; V_strncpy( pszFullMatch, szCandidateName, nMatchSize ); outDirnames.AddToTail( pszFullMatch ); } else { size_t nMatchSize = V_strlen( szCandidateName ) + 1; char *pszFullMatch = new char[ nMatchSize ]; V_strncpy( pszFullMatch, szCandidateName, nMatchSize ); outFilenames.AddToTail( pszFullMatch ); } } } }
// Sort the output if requested
if ( bSortedOutput ) { outDirnames.Sort( &CUtlStringList::SortFunc ); outFilenames.Sort( &CUtlStringList::SortFunc ); } }
// Set up the preload section
void CZipPackFile::SetupPreloadData() { if ( m_pPreloadHeader || !m_nPreloadSectionSize ) { // already loaded or not available
return; }
void *pPreload; #if defined ( _X360 )
if ( m_pSection ) { pPreload = (byte*)m_pSection + m_nPreloadSectionOffset; } else #endif
{ pPreload = malloc( m_nPreloadSectionSize ); if ( !pPreload ) { return; }
if ( IsX360() ) { // 360 XZips are always dvd aligned
Assert( ( m_nPreloadSectionSize % XBOX_DVD_SECTORSIZE ) == 0 ); Assert( ( m_nPreloadSectionOffset % XBOX_DVD_SECTORSIZE ) == 0 ); }
// preload data is loaded as a single unbuffered i/o operation
ReadFromPack( -1, pPreload, -1, m_nPreloadSectionSize, m_nPreloadSectionOffset ); }
// setup the header
m_pPreloadHeader = (ZIP_PreloadHeader *)pPreload;
// setup the preload directory
m_pPreloadDirectory = (ZIP_PreloadDirectoryEntry *)((byte *)m_pPreloadHeader + sizeof( ZIP_PreloadHeader ) );
// setup the remap table
m_pPreloadRemapTable = (unsigned short *)((byte *)m_pPreloadDirectory + m_pPreloadHeader->PreloadDirectoryEntries * sizeof( ZIP_PreloadDirectoryEntry ) );
// set the preload data base
m_pPreloadData = (byte *)m_pPreloadRemapTable + m_pPreloadHeader->DirectoryEntries * sizeof( unsigned short ); }
void CZipPackFile::DiscardPreloadData() { if ( !m_pPreloadHeader ) { // already discarded
return; }
#if defined ( _X360 )
// a section is an alias, the header becomes an alias, not owned memory
if ( !m_pSection ) { free( m_pPreloadHeader ); } #else
free( m_pPreloadHeader ); #endif
m_pPreloadHeader = NULL; }
// Parse the zip file to build the file directory and preload section
bool CZipPackFile::Prepare( int64 fileLen, int64 nFileOfs ) { if ( !fileLen || fileLen < sizeof( ZIP_EndOfCentralDirRecord ) ) { // nonsense zip
return false; }
// Pack files are always little-endian
m_swap.ActivateByteSwapping( IsX360() );
m_FileLength = fileLen; m_nBaseOffset = nFileOfs;
ZIP_EndOfCentralDirRecord rec = { 0 };
// Find and read the central header directory from its expected position at end of the file
bool bCentralDirRecord = false; int64 offset = fileLen - sizeof( ZIP_EndOfCentralDirRecord );
// 360 can have an incompatible format
bool bCompatibleFormat = true; if ( IsX360() ) { // 360 has dependable exact zips, backup to handle possible xzip format
if ( offset - XZIP_COMMENT_LENGTH >= 0 ) { offset -= XZIP_COMMENT_LENGTH; }
// single i/o operation, scanning forward
char *pTemp = (char *)_alloca( fileLen - offset ); ReadFromPack( -1, pTemp, -1, fileLen - offset, offset ); while ( offset <= (int64)(fileLen - sizeof( ZIP_EndOfCentralDirRecord )) ) { memcpy( &rec, pTemp, sizeof( ZIP_EndOfCentralDirRecord ) ); m_swap.SwapFieldsToTargetEndian( &rec ); if ( rec.signature == PKID( 5, 6 ) ) { bCentralDirRecord = true; if ( rec.commentLength >= 4 ) { char *pComment = pTemp + sizeof( ZIP_EndOfCentralDirRecord ); if ( !V_strnicmp( pComment, "XZP2", 4 ) ) { bCompatibleFormat = false; } } break; } offset++; pTemp++; } } else { // scan entire file from expected location for central dir
for ( ; offset >= 0; offset-- ) { ReadFromPack( -1, (void*)&rec, -1, sizeof( rec ), offset ); m_swap.SwapFieldsToTargetEndian( &rec ); if ( rec.signature == PKID( 5, 6 ) ) { bCentralDirRecord = true; break; } } } Assert( bCentralDirRecord ); if ( !bCentralDirRecord ) { // no zip directory, bad zip
return false; }
int numFilesInZip = rec.nCentralDirectoryEntries_Total; if ( numFilesInZip <= 0 ) { // empty valid zip
return true; }
int firstFileIdx = 0;
// read central directory into memory and parse
CUtlBuffer zipDirBuff( 0, rec.centralDirectorySize, 0 ); zipDirBuff.EnsureCapacity( rec.centralDirectorySize ); zipDirBuff.ActivateByteSwapping( IsX360() ); ReadFromPack( -1, zipDirBuff.Base(), -1, rec.centralDirectorySize, rec.startOfCentralDirOffset ); zipDirBuff.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, rec.centralDirectorySize );
ZIP_FileHeader zipFileHeader; char filename[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
// Check for a preload section, expected to be the first file in the zip
zipDirBuff.GetObjects( &zipFileHeader ); zipDirBuff.Get( filename, Min( (size_t)zipFileHeader.fileNameLength, sizeof(filename) - 1 ) ); if ( !V_stricmp( filename, PRELOAD_SECTION_NAME ) ) { m_nPreloadSectionSize = zipFileHeader.uncompressedSize; m_nPreloadSectionOffset = zipFileHeader.relativeOffsetOfLocalHeader + sizeof( ZIP_LocalFileHeader ) + zipFileHeader.fileNameLength + zipFileHeader.extraFieldLength; SetupPreloadData();
// Set up to extract the remaining files
int nextOffset = bCompatibleFormat ? zipFileHeader.extraFieldLength + zipFileHeader.fileCommentLength : 0; zipDirBuff.SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_CURRENT, nextOffset ); firstFileIdx = 1; } else { if ( IsX360() ) { // all 360 zip files are expected to have preload sections
// only during development, maps are allowed to lack them, due to auto-conversion
if ( !m_bIsMapPath || g_pFullFileSystem->GetDVDMode() == DVDMODE_STRICT ) { Warning( "ZipFile '%s' missing preload section\n", m_ZipName.String() ); } }
// No preload section, reset buffer pointer
zipDirBuff.SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, 0 ); }
// Parse out central directory and determine absolute file positions of data.
// Supports uncompressed zip files, with or without preload sections
bool bSuccess = true; char tmpString[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
m_PackFiles.EnsureCapacity( numFilesInZip );
for ( int i = firstFileIdx; i < numFilesInZip; ++i ) { CZipPackFile::CPackFileEntry lookup; zipDirBuff.GetObjects( &zipFileHeader );
if ( zipFileHeader.signature != PKID( 1, 2 ) ) { Warning( "Invalid pack file signature\n" ); bSuccess = false; break; }
if ( zipFileHeader.compressionMethod != ZIP_COMPRESSION_NONE && zipFileHeader.compressionMethod != ZIP_COMPRESSION_LZMA ) { Warning( "Pack file uses unsupported compression method: %hi\n", zipFileHeader.compressionMethod ); bSuccess = false; break; }
Assert( zipFileHeader.fileNameLength < sizeof( tmpString ) ); unsigned int fileNameLen = Min( (size_t)zipFileHeader.fileNameLength, sizeof( tmpString ) - 1 ); zipDirBuff.Get( (void *)tmpString, fileNameLen ); tmpString[fileNameLen] = '\0'; Q_FixSlashes( tmpString );
lookup.m_hFileName = m_fs->FindOrAddFileName( tmpString ); lookup.m_HashName = HashStringCaselessConventional( tmpString ); lookup.m_nOriginalSize = zipFileHeader.uncompressedSize; lookup.m_nCompressedSize = zipFileHeader.compressedSize; lookup.m_nPosition = zipFileHeader.relativeOffsetOfLocalHeader + sizeof( ZIP_LocalFileHeader ) + zipFileHeader.fileNameLength + zipFileHeader.extraFieldLength; lookup.m_nCompressionMethod = zipFileHeader.compressionMethod;
// track the index to this file's possible preload directory entry
if ( m_pPreloadRemapTable ) { lookup.m_nPreloadIdx = m_pPreloadRemapTable[i]; } else { lookup.m_nPreloadIdx = INVALID_PRELOAD_ENTRY; } m_PackFiles.InsertNoSort( lookup );
int nextOffset = bCompatibleFormat ? zipFileHeader.extraFieldLength + zipFileHeader.fileCommentLength : 0; zipDirBuff.SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_CURRENT, nextOffset ); }
return bSuccess; }
CZipPackFile::CZipPackFile( CBaseFileSystem* fs, void *pSection ) : m_PackFiles() { m_fs = fs; m_pPreloadDirectory = NULL; m_pPreloadData = NULL; m_pPreloadHeader = NULL; m_pPreloadRemapTable = NULL; m_nPreloadSectionOffset = 0; m_nPreloadSectionSize = 0;
#if defined( _X360 )
m_pSection = pSection; #endif
CZipPackFile::~CZipPackFile() { DiscardPreloadData(); }
// Purpose:
// Input : src1 -
// src2 -
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CZipPackFile::CPackFileLessFunc::Less( CZipPackFile::CPackFileEntry const& src1, CZipPackFile::CPackFileEntry const& src2, void *pCtx ) { return ( src1.m_HashName < src2.m_HashName ); }
// Purpose: Zip Pack file handle implementation
CZipPackFileHandle::CZipPackFileHandle( CZipPackFile* pOwner, int64 nBase, unsigned int nLength, unsigned int nIndex, unsigned int nFilePointer ) { m_pOwner = pOwner; m_nBase = nBase; m_nLength = nLength; m_nIndex = nIndex; m_nFilePointer = nFilePointer; pOwner->AddRef(); }
CZipPackFileHandle::~CZipPackFileHandle() { m_pOwner->m_mutex.Lock(); --m_pOwner->m_nOpenFiles; // XXX(johns) this doesn't go here, the hell
if ( m_pOwner->m_nOpenFiles == 0 && m_pOwner->m_bIsMapPath ) { if ( m_pOwner->m_hPackFileHandleFS ) { m_pOwner->FileSystem()->Trace_FClose( m_pOwner->m_hPackFileHandleFS ); m_pOwner->m_hPackFileHandleFS = NULL; } } m_pOwner->Release(); m_pOwner->m_mutex.Unlock(); }
void CZipPackFileHandle::SetBufferSize( int nBytes ) { if ( m_pOwner->m_hPackFileHandleFS ) { m_pOwner->FileSystem()->FS_setbufsize( m_pOwner->m_hPackFileHandleFS, nBytes ); } }
int CZipPackFileHandle::GetSectorSize() { return m_pOwner->GetSectorSize(); }
int64 CZipPackFileHandle::AbsoluteBaseOffset() { return m_pOwner->GetPackFileBaseOffset() + m_nBase; }
#if defined( _DEBUG ) && !defined( OSX )
#include <atomic>
static std::atomic<int> sLZMAPackFileHandles( 0 ); #endif // defined( _DEBUG ) && !defined( OSX )
CLZMAZipPackFileHandle::CLZMAZipPackFileHandle( CZipPackFile* pOwner, int64 nBase, unsigned int nOriginalSize, unsigned int nCompressedSize, unsigned int nIndex, unsigned int nFilePointer ) : CZipPackFileHandle( pOwner, nBase, nCompressedSize, nIndex, nFilePointer ), m_BackSeekBuffer( 0, PACKFILE_COMPRESSED_FILEHANDLE_SEEK_BUFFER ), m_ReadBuffer( 0, PACKFILE_COMPRESSED_FILEHANDLE_READ_BUFFER ), m_pLZMAStream( NULL ), m_nSeekPosition( 0 ), m_nOriginalSize( nOriginalSize ) { Reset(); #if defined( _DEBUG ) && !defined( OSX )
if ( ++sLZMAPackFileHandles == PACKFILE_COMPRESSED_FILE_HANDLES_WARNING ) { // By my count a live filehandle is currently around 270k, mostly due to the LZMA dictionary (256k) with the
// rest being the read/seek buffers.
Warning( "More than %u compressed file handles in use. " "These carry large buffers around, and can cause high memory usage\n", PACKFILE_COMPRESSED_FILE_HANDLES_WARNING ); } #endif // defined( _DEBUG ) && !defined( OSX )
CLZMAZipPackFileHandle::~CLZMAZipPackFileHandle() { delete m_pLZMAStream; m_pLZMAStream = NULL; #if defined( _DEBUG ) && !defined( OSX )
sLZMAPackFileHandles--; Assert( sLZMAPackFileHandles >= 0 ); #endif // defined( _DEBUG ) && !defined( OSX )
int CLZMAZipPackFileHandle::Read( void* pBuffer, int nDestSize, int nBytes ) { int nMaxRead = Min( Min( nDestSize, nBytes ), Size() - Tell() ); int nBytesRead = 0;
// If we have seeked backwards into our buffer, read from there first
int nBackSeek = m_BackSeekBuffer.TellPut() - m_BackSeekBuffer.TellGet(); Assert( nBackSeek >= 0 ); if ( nBackSeek > 0 ) { int nBackSeekRead = Min( nBackSeek, nMaxRead ); m_BackSeekBuffer.Get( pBuffer, nBackSeekRead ); nBytesRead += nBackSeekRead; }
// Done if nothing to read
if ( nMaxRead - nBytesRead <= 0 ) { m_nSeekPosition += nBytesRead; return nBytesRead; }
// Read bytes not fulfilled by backbuffer
Assert( m_BackSeekBuffer.TellPut() == m_BackSeekBuffer.TellGet() ); while ( nBytesRead < nMaxRead ) { // refill read buffer if empty
int nRemainingReadBuffer = FillReadBuffer();
// Consume from read buffer
unsigned int nCompressedBytesRead = 0; unsigned int nOutputBytesWritten = 0; bool bSuccess = m_pLZMAStream->Read( (unsigned char *)m_ReadBuffer.PeekGet(), nRemainingReadBuffer, (unsigned char *)pBuffer + nBytesRead, nMaxRead - nBytesRead, nCompressedBytesRead, nOutputBytesWritten );
if ( bSuccess ) { // fixup get position
m_ReadBuffer.SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_CURRENT, nCompressedBytesRead );
nBytesRead += nOutputBytesWritten;
AssertMsg( nCompressedBytesRead == (unsigned int)nRemainingReadBuffer || nBytesRead == nMaxRead, "Should have consumed the readbuffer or reached nMaxRead" );
if ( nCompressedBytesRead == 0 && nOutputBytesWritten == 0 ) { AssertMsg( nCompressedBytesRead > 0 || nOutputBytesWritten > 0, "Stuck progress in read loop, aborting. Stream may be defunct." ); break; } } else { Warning( "Pack file: reading from LZMA stream failed\n" ); break; } }
// Finally, store last bytes output to the backseek buffer
// If we read less than BackSeekBuffer.Size() bytes, shift the end of the old backseek buffer up
int nOldBackSeek = m_BackSeekBuffer.TellPut(); int nReuseBackSeek = Max( Min( m_BackSeekBuffer.Size() - nBytesRead, nOldBackSeek ), 0 ); if ( nReuseBackSeek ) { // Shift the reused chunk to the front
V_memmove( m_BackSeekBuffer.Base(), (unsigned char *)m_BackSeekBuffer.Base() + m_BackSeekBuffer.TellPut() - nReuseBackSeek, nReuseBackSeek ); }
// Update get/put position
m_BackSeekBuffer.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, nReuseBackSeek ); m_BackSeekBuffer.SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, nReuseBackSeek );
// Fill in remainder from what we just read
int nReadIntoBackSeek = Min( m_BackSeekBuffer.Size() - nReuseBackSeek, nBytesRead ); m_BackSeekBuffer.Put( (unsigned char *)pBuffer + nBytesRead - nReadIntoBackSeek, nReadIntoBackSeek ); m_BackSeekBuffer.SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_CURRENT, nReadIntoBackSeek );
m_nSeekPosition += nBytesRead; return nBytesRead; }
int CLZMAZipPackFileHandle::Seek( int nOffset, int nWhence ) { int nNewPosition = m_nSeekPosition;
if ( nWhence == SEEK_CUR ) { nNewPosition = m_nSeekPosition + nOffset; } else if ( nWhence == SEEK_END ) { nNewPosition = Size() + nOffset; } else if ( nWhence == SEEK_SET ) { nNewPosition = nOffset; } else { AssertMsg( false, "Unknown seek type" ); }
nNewPosition = Min( Size(), nNewPosition ); nNewPosition = Max( 0, nNewPosition );
if ( nNewPosition == m_nSeekPosition ) { return nNewPosition; }
// Backwards seek
if ( nNewPosition < m_nSeekPosition ) { int nBackSeekAvailable = m_BackSeekBuffer.TellGet(); int nDesiredBackSeek = m_nSeekPosition - nNewPosition;
if ( nBackSeekAvailable >= nDesiredBackSeek ) { // Move get backwards into backseek buffer to account for seek
m_BackSeekBuffer.SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_CURRENT, -nDesiredBackSeek ); m_nSeekPosition = nNewPosition; } else { // Seeking backwards beyond our backseek buffer. Have to restart stream. This kills the performance.
Warning( "LZMA file handle: seeking backwards beyond backseek buffer size ( %u ), " "replaying read & decompression of %u bytes. Should avoid large back seeks in compressed files or " "increase backseek buffer sizing.", m_BackSeekBuffer.Size(), nNewPosition );
// Reset to beginning of underlying stream
// Fall through to performing a forward seek
} }
// Forward seek
if ( nNewPosition > m_nSeekPosition ) { // Can't actually seek forward without making decode progress. Issue fake reads until we've reached our target.
unsigned char dummyBuffer[COMPRESSED_SEEK_READ_CHUNK]; while ( nNewPosition > m_nSeekPosition ) { int nReadSize = Min( nNewPosition - m_nSeekPosition, COMPRESSED_SEEK_READ_CHUNK ); unsigned int nBytesRead = Read( &dummyBuffer, sizeof(dummyBuffer), nReadSize ); m_nSeekPosition += nBytesRead; if ( !nBytesRead ) { Warning( "LZMA file handle: failed reading forward to desired seek position\n" ); break; } } }
return m_nSeekPosition; }
int CLZMAZipPackFileHandle::Tell() { return m_nSeekPosition; }
int CLZMAZipPackFileHandle::Size() { return m_nOriginalSize; }
int CLZMAZipPackFileHandle::FillReadBuffer() { int nRemainingReadBuffer = m_ReadBuffer.TellPut() - m_ReadBuffer.TellGet(); int nRemainingCompressedBytes = CZipPackFileHandle::Size() - CZipPackFileHandle::Tell();
if ( nRemainingReadBuffer > 0 || nRemainingCompressedBytes <= 0 ) { // No action if read buffer isn't empty
return nRemainingReadBuffer; }
// Reset empty read buffer
m_ReadBuffer.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, 0 ); m_ReadBuffer.SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, 0 ); int nRefillSize = Min( nRemainingCompressedBytes, m_ReadBuffer.Size() ); int nRefillResult = CZipPackFileHandle::Read( m_ReadBuffer.PeekPut(), m_ReadBuffer.Size(), nRefillSize ); AssertMsg( nRefillSize == nRefillResult, "Don't expect to fail to read here" );
// Fixup put pointer after writing into buffer's memory
m_ReadBuffer.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_CURRENT, nRefillResult );
return nRefillResult; }
void CLZMAZipPackFileHandle::Reset() { // Seek underlying stream back to start
CZipPackFileHandle::Seek( SEEK_SET, 0 );
delete m_pLZMAStream; m_pLZMAStream = new CLZMAStream(); m_pLZMAStream->InitZIPHeader( CZipPackFileHandle::Size(), m_nOriginalSize ); m_nSeekPosition = 0; m_BackSeekBuffer.SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, 0 ); m_BackSeekBuffer.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, 0 ); m_ReadBuffer.SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, 0 ); m_ReadBuffer.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, 0 ); }