//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Handles parsing and routing of shell commands to their handlers.
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "MainFrm.h"
#include "MapDoc.h"
#include "MapEntity.h"
#include "Shell.h"
#include "hammer.h"
#include "filesystem_helpers.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
// Shell command handler function pointer.
typedef bool (CShell::*ShellHandlerFunc_t)(const char *pszCommand, const char *pszArguments);
// Dispatch table entry.
struct ShellDispatchTable_t { const char *pszCommand; // Name of command associated with this entry.
ShellHandlerFunc_t pfnHandler; // Function handler for the command.
// Dispatch table for shell commands.
ShellDispatchTable_t CShell::m_DispatchTable[] = { { "session_begin", &CShell::BeginSession }, { "session_end", &CShell::EndSession }, { "entity_create", &CShell::EntityCreate }, { "entity_delete", &CShell::EntityDelete }, { "entity_set_keyvalue", &CShell::EntitySetKeyValue }, { "entity_rotate_incremental", &CShell::EntityRotateIncremental },
{ "map_check_version", &CShell::CheckMapVersion }, { "node_create", &CShell::NodeCreate }, { "node_delete", &CShell::NodeDelete }, { "nodelink_create", &CShell::NodeLinkCreate }, { "nodelink_delete", &CShell::NodeLinkDelete }, { "release_video_memory", &CShell::ReleaseVideoMemory }, { "grab_video_memory", &CShell::GrabVideoMemory }, };
// Purpose: Constructor.
CShell::CShell(void) { m_pDoc = NULL; }
// Purpose: Destructor.
CShell::~CShell(void) { }
// Purpose: Initiates a shell editing session.
// Input : pszCommand - Should be "session_begin".
// pszArguments - Filename and file version in the engine.
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CShell::BeginSession(const char *pszCommand, const char *pszArguments) { if ((m_pDoc != NULL) && !m_pDoc->IsShellSessionActive()) { if (DoVersionCheck(pszArguments)) { m_pDoc->BeginShellSession(); return(true); } }
return(false); }
// Purpose: Verifies that the map begine edited in the engine is the same name
// and version as the active document. This prevents problems with
// editing out of sync versions of the map via the engine.
// Input : pszCommand - Should be "map_check_version".
// pszArguments - Filename and file version in the engine.
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CShell::CheckMapVersion(const char *pszCommand, const char *pszArguments) { if ((m_pDoc != NULL) && m_pDoc->IsShellSessionActive()) { return(DoVersionCheck(pszArguments)); }
return(false); }
// Purpose: Verifies that the map being edited in the engine is the same name
// and version as the active document. This prevents problems with
// editing out of sync versions of the map via the engine.
// Input : pszCommand -
// pszArguments -
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CShell::DoVersionCheck(const char *pszArguments) { if (m_pDoc != NULL) { char szEngineMapPath[MAX_PATH]; int nEngineMapVersion;
if (sscanf(pszArguments, "%s %d", szEngineMapPath, &nEngineMapVersion) == 2) { char szEngineMapName[MAX_PATH]; _splitpath(szEngineMapPath, NULL, NULL, szEngineMapName, NULL);
char szDocName[MAX_PATH]; _splitpath(m_pDoc->GetPathName(), NULL, NULL, szDocName, NULL);
int nDocVersion = m_pDoc->GetDocVersion();
if (!stricmp(szDocName, szEngineMapName) && (nDocVersion == nEngineMapVersion)) { return(true); } } }
return(false); }
// Purpose: Verifies that the map begine edited in the engine is the same name
// and version as the active document. This prevents problems with
// editing out of sync versions of the map via the engine.
// Input : pszCommand - Should be "session_end".
// pszArguments - Filename and file version in the engine.
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CShell::EndSession(const char *pszCommand, const char *pszArguments) { if ((m_pDoc != NULL) && m_pDoc->IsShellSessionActive()) { m_pDoc->EndShellSession(); return(true); }
return(false); }
// Purpose: Creates an entity of a given class at a specified location.
// Input : pszCommand - Should be "entity_create".
// pszArguments - Class name of entity and x, y, z coordinate at which
// to create it.
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CShell::EntityCreate(const char *pszCommand, const char *pszArguments) { if ((m_pDoc != NULL) && m_pDoc->IsShellSessionActive()) { float x; float y; float z; char szClassName[MAX_PATH];
if (sscanf(pszArguments, "%s %f %f %f", szClassName, &x, &y, &z) == 4) { bool bCreated = (m_pDoc->CreateEntity(szClassName, x, y, z) != NULL); return(bCreated); } }
return(false); }
// Purpose: Deletes an entity by class name and origin.
// Input : pszCommand - Should be "entity_delete".
// pszArguments - Class name of entity and x, y, z coordinates.
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CShell::EntityDelete(const char *pszCommand, const char *pszArguments) { if ((m_pDoc != NULL) && m_pDoc->IsShellSessionActive()) { float x; float y; float z; char szClassName[MAX_PATH];
if (sscanf(pszArguments, "%s %f %f %f", szClassName, &x, &y, &z) == 4) { bool bDeleted = m_pDoc->DeleteEntity(szClassName, x, y, z); return(bDeleted); } }
return(false); }
static void RotateMapEntity( CMapEntity *pEntity, const QAngle &rotation ) { Vector origin; pEntity->GetOrigin( origin ); QAngle hammerRotate; hammerRotate.Init( rotation.z, -rotation.x, rotation.y ); pEntity->TransRotate( origin, hammerRotate ); }
bool CShell::EntityRotateIncremental(const char *pszCommand, const char *pszArguments) { if ((m_pDoc != NULL) && m_pDoc->IsShellSessionActive()) { const int NUM_ROTATE_INCREMENTAL_ARGS = 7; float x; float y; float z; QAngle rotation; char szArgs[NUM_ROTATE_INCREMENTAL_ARGS][512]; // classname, x, y, z, ax, ay, az
char token[1024]; const char *pBuffer = pszArguments;
int arg = 0; while ( pBuffer && arg < NUM_ROTATE_INCREMENTAL_ARGS ) { pBuffer = ParseFile( pBuffer, token, NULL ); if ( pBuffer ) { Q_strncpy( szArgs[arg], token, ARRAYSIZE(szArgs[arg]) ); arg++; } } if ( arg == NUM_ROTATE_INCREMENTAL_ARGS ) { x = atof(szArgs[1]); y = atof(szArgs[2]); z = atof(szArgs[3]); CMapEntity *pEntity = m_pDoc->FindEntity(szArgs[0], x, y, z); if (pEntity != NULL) { rotation.x = atof(szArgs[4]); rotation.y = atof(szArgs[5]); rotation.z = atof(szArgs[6]); RotateMapEntity( pEntity, rotation ); return true; } } } return false; }
// Purpose: Sets a keyvalue on an entity, searching by classname & origin
// Input : pszCommand - Should be "entity_delete".
// pszArguments - Class name of entity and x, y, z coordinates.
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CShell::EntitySetKeyValue(const char *pszCommand, const char *pszArguments) { if ((m_pDoc != NULL) && m_pDoc->IsShellSessionActive()) { const int NUM_KEY_VALUE_ARGS = 6; float x; float y; float z; char szArgs[NUM_KEY_VALUE_ARGS][512]; // classname, x, y, z, key, value
char token[1024]; const char *pBuffer = pszArguments;
int arg = 0; while ( pBuffer && arg < NUM_KEY_VALUE_ARGS ) { pBuffer = ParseFile( pBuffer, token, NULL ); if ( pBuffer ) { Q_strncpy( szArgs[arg], token, ARRAYSIZE(szArgs[arg]) ); arg++; } } if ( arg == NUM_KEY_VALUE_ARGS ) { x = atof(szArgs[1]); y = atof(szArgs[2]); z = atof(szArgs[3]); CMapEntity *pEntity = m_pDoc->FindEntity(szArgs[0], x, y, z); if (pEntity != NULL) { if ( !Q_stricmp( szArgs[4], "origin" ) ) { Vector origin; sscanf(szArgs[5], "%f %f %f", &origin[0], &origin[1], &origin[2]); Vector oldOrigin; pEntity->GetOrigin( oldOrigin ); pEntity->TransMove(origin - oldOrigin); } else if ( pEntity->IsSolidClass() && !Q_stricmp( szArgs[4], "angles" ) ) { QAngle angles; sscanf(szArgs[5], "%f %f %f", &angles[0], &angles[1], &angles[2]); // build a relative transform from the previous state to the current state
// NOTE: This only works once since solid classes destructively modify transform info (GetAngles always returns identity)
// NOTE: Use rotateIncremental instead!
QAngle oldAngles; pEntity->GetAngles( oldAngles ); if ( oldAngles != angles ) { QAngle xformAngles; RotationDelta( oldAngles, angles, &xformAngles ); RotateMapEntity( pEntity, xformAngles ); } } else { pEntity->SetKeyValue( szArgs[4], szArgs[5] ); } return true; } } }
return false; }
// Purpose: Creates a navigation node of a given class at a specified location.
// Input : pszCommand - Should be "node_create".
// pszArguments - Class name of node to create, ID to assign it, and
// x, y, z coordinate at which to create the node.
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CShell::NodeCreate(const char *pszCommand, const char *pszArguments) { if ((m_pDoc != NULL) && m_pDoc->IsShellSessionActive()) { float x; float y; float z; int nID; char szClassName[MAX_PATH];
if (sscanf(pszArguments, "%s %d %f %f %f", szClassName, &nID, &x, &y, &z) == 5) { m_pDoc->SetNextNodeID(nID); m_pDoc->CreateEntity(szClassName, x, y, z);
return(true); } }
return(false); }
// Purpose: Deletes a navigation node by ID.
// Input : pszCommand - Should be "node_delete".
// pszArguments - Unique node ID of node to delete.
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CShell::NodeDelete(const char *pszCommand, const char *pszArguments) { bool bFound = false;
if ((m_pDoc != NULL) && m_pDoc->IsShellSessionActive()) { char szID[80]; if (sscanf(pszArguments, "%s", szID) == 1) { CMapEntityList Found; if (m_pDoc->FindEntitiesByKeyValue(Found, "nodeid", szID, false)) { FOR_EACH_OBJ( Found, pos ) { CMapEntity *pEntity = Found.Element(pos); m_pDoc->DeleteObject(pEntity); bFound = true; } } } }
return(bFound); }
// Purpose: Creates a navigation node of a given class at a specified location.
// Input : pszCommand - Should be "nodelink_create".
// pszArguments - Node ids of start and end nodes, space delimited.
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CShell::NodeLinkCreate(const char *pszCommand, const char *pszArguments) { if ((m_pDoc != NULL) && m_pDoc->IsShellSessionActive()) { char szIDStart[80]; char szIDEnd[80];
if (sscanf(pszArguments, "%s %s", szIDStart, szIDEnd) == 2) { //
// It doesn't matter where we place it because it will move to the midpoint of the
// start and end entities.
CMapEntity *pEntity = m_pDoc->CreateEntity("info_node_link", 0, 0, 0); if (pEntity != NULL) { pEntity->SetKeyValue("startnode", szIDStart); pEntity->SetKeyValue("endnode", szIDEnd);
return(true); } } }
return(false); }
// Purpose: Deletes a navigation node by class name and ID.
// Input : pszCommand - Should be "node_delete".
// pszArguments - Class name of node and unique node ID.
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CShell::NodeLinkDelete(const char *pszCommand, const char *pszArguments) { bool bFound = false;
if ((m_pDoc != NULL) && m_pDoc->IsShellSessionActive()) { char szIDStart[80]; char szIDEnd[80];
if (sscanf(pszArguments, "%s %s", szIDStart, szIDEnd) == 2) { //
// Look for info_node_link entities with the appropriate start/end keys.
CMapEntityList Found; if (m_pDoc->FindEntitiesByClassName(Found, "info_node_link", false)) { FOR_EACH_OBJ( Found, pos ) { CMapEntity *pEntity = Found.Element(pos);
const char *pszNode1 = pEntity->GetKeyValue("startnode"); const char *pszNode2 = pEntity->GetKeyValue("endnode"); if ((pszNode1 != NULL) && (pszNode2 != NULL)) { if (((!stricmp(pszNode1, szIDStart)) && (!stricmp(pszNode2, szIDEnd))) || ((!stricmp(pszNode1, szIDEnd)) && (!stricmp(pszNode2, szIDStart)))) { m_pDoc->DeleteObject(pEntity); bFound = true; } } } } } }
return(bFound); }
// Purpose: Releases all video memory
// Input : pszCommand - Should be "release_video_memory".
// pszArguments - None.
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CShell::ReleaseVideoMemory(const char *pszCommand, const char *pszArguments) { APP()->ReleaseVideoMemory(); APP()->SuppressVideoAllocation(true); return(true); }
// Purpose: Indicates it's safe to grab video memory
// Input : pszCommand - Should be "grab_video_memory".
// pszArguments - None.
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CShell::GrabVideoMemory(const char *pszCommand, const char *pszArguments) { APP()->SuppressVideoAllocation(false); return(true); }
// Purpose: Attempts to fund a command in the dispatch table, then routes the
// command and its arguments to the handler, if found.
// Input : pszCommand - Command and arguments.
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CShell::RunCommand(const char *pszCommand) { for (int nCommand = 0; nCommand < sizeof(m_DispatchTable) / sizeof(m_DispatchTable[0]); nCommand++) { int nCommandLen = strlen(m_DispatchTable[nCommand].pszCommand);
if (!_strnicmp(pszCommand, m_DispatchTable[nCommand].pszCommand, nCommandLen)) { return((this->*m_DispatchTable[nCommand].pfnHandler)(m_DispatchTable[nCommand].pszCommand, &pszCommand[nCommandLen])); } }
return(false); }
// Purpose: Sets the map document that this shell should operate on.
// Input : pDoc - Pointer to document.
void CShell::SetDocument(CMapDoc *pDoc) { m_pDoc = pDoc; }