//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: P.E.T. (Particle Editing Tool); main UI smarts class
#ifndef PETTOOL_H
#define PETTOOL_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "tier0/platform.h"
#include "toolutils/basetoolsystem.h"
#include "toolutils/recentfilelist.h"
#include "toolutils/toolmenubar.h"
#include "toolutils/toolswitchmenubutton.h"
#include "toolutils/tooleditmenubutton.h"
#include "toolutils/toolfilemenubutton.h"
#include "toolutils/toolmenubutton.h"
#include "datamodel/dmelement.h"
#include "datamodel/dmehandle.h"
#include "toolframework/ienginetool.h"
#include "toolutils/enginetools_int.h"
#include "toolutils/savewindowpositions.h"
#include "toolutils/toolwindowfactory.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmeparticlesystemdefinition.h"
#include "particles/particles.h"
// Forward declarations
class CDmElement; class CPetDoc; class CParticleSystemPropertiesContainer; class CParticleSystemDefinitionBrowser; class CParticleSystemPreviewPanel; class CDmeParticleSystemDefinition; enum ParticleFunctionType_t;
namespace vgui { class Panel; }
// Allows the doc to call back into the CommEdit editor tool
abstract_class IPetDocCallback { public: // Called by the doc when the data changes
virtual void OnDocChanged( const char *pReason, int nNotifySource, int nNotifyFlags ) = 0; };
// Global methods of the commedit tool
abstract_class IPetTool { public: // Gets at the rool panel (for modal dialogs)
virtual vgui::Panel *GetRootPanel() = 0;
// Gets the registry name (for saving settings)
virtual const char *GetRegistryName() = 0; };
// Implementation of the CommEdit tool
class CPetTool : public CBaseToolSystem, public IFileMenuCallbacks, public IPetDocCallback, public IPetTool { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CPetTool, CBaseToolSystem );
public: CPetTool();
// Inherited from IToolSystem
virtual const char *GetToolName() { return "Particle Editor"; } virtual bool Init( ); virtual void Shutdown(); virtual bool CanQuit(); virtual void OnToolActivate(); virtual void OnToolDeactivate(); virtual void Think( bool finalTick );
// Inherited from IFileMenuCallbacks
virtual int GetFileMenuItemsEnabled( ); virtual void AddRecentFilesToMenu( vgui::Menu *menu ); virtual bool GetPerforceFileName( char *pFileName, int nMaxLen );
// Inherited from IPetDocCallback
virtual void OnDocChanged( const char *pReason, int nNotifySource, int nNotifyFlags ); virtual vgui::Panel *GetRootPanel() { return this; }
// Inherited from CBaseToolSystem
virtual vgui::HScheme GetToolScheme(); virtual vgui::Menu *CreateActionMenu( vgui::Panel *pParent ); virtual void OnCommand( const char *cmd ); virtual const char *GetRegistryName() { return "PetTool"; } virtual const char *GetBindingsContextFile() { return "cfg/Pet.kb"; } virtual vgui::MenuBar *CreateMenuBar( CBaseToolSystem *pParent );
MESSAGE_FUNC( Save, "OnSave" ); void SaveAndTest();
public: MESSAGE_FUNC( OnRestartLevel, "RestartLevel" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnNew, "OnNew" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnOpen, "OnOpen" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnSaveAs, "OnSaveAs" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnClose, "OnClose" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnCloseNoSave, "OnCloseNoSave" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnMarkNotDirty, "OnMarkNotDirty" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnExit, "OnExit" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnCopy, "OnCopy" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnPaste, "OnPaste" );
// Commands related to the edit menu
void OnDescribeUndo();
// Methods related to the view menu
MESSAGE_FUNC( OnToggleProperties, "OnToggleProperties" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnToggleParticleSystemBrowser, "OnToggleParticleSystemBrowser" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnToggleParticlePreview, "OnToggleParticlePreview" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnDefaultLayout, "OnDefaultLayout" );
// Keybindings
KEYBINDING_FUNC( undo, KEY_Z, vgui::MODIFIER_CONTROL, OnUndo, "#undo_help", 0 ); KEYBINDING_FUNC( redo, KEY_Z, vgui::MODIFIER_CONTROL | vgui::MODIFIER_SHIFT, OnRedo, "#redo_help", 0 ); KEYBINDING_FUNC_NODECLARE( edit_copy, KEY_C, vgui::MODIFIER_CONTROL, OnCopy, "#edit_copy_help", 0 ); KEYBINDING_FUNC_NODECLARE( edit_paste, KEY_V, vgui::MODIFIER_CONTROL, OnPaste, "#edit_paste_help", 0 );
void PerformNew(); void OpenFileFromHistory( int slot ); void OpenSpecificFile( const char *pFileName ); virtual void SetupFileOpenDialog( vgui::FileOpenDialog *pDialog, bool bOpenFile, const char *pFileFormat, KeyValues *pContextKeyValues ); virtual bool OnReadFileFromDisk( const char *pFileName, const char *pFileFormat, KeyValues *pContextKeyValues ); virtual bool OnWriteFileToDisk( const char *pFileName, const char *pFileFormat, KeyValues *pContextKeyValues ); virtual void OnFileOperationCompleted( const char *pFileType, bool bWroteFile, vgui::FileOpenStateMachine::CompletionState_t state, KeyValues *pContextKeyValues );
// returns the document
CPetDoc *GetDocument();
// Gets at tool windows
CParticleSystemPropertiesContainer *GetProperties(); CParticleSystemDefinitionBrowser *GetParticleSystemDefinitionBrowser(); CParticleSystemPreviewPanel *GetParticlePreview();
void SetCurrentParticleSystem( CDmeParticleSystemDefinition *pParticleSystem, bool bForceBrowserSelection = true ); CDmeParticleSystemDefinition* GetCurrentParticleSystem( void );
private: // Creates a new document
void NewDocument( );
// Loads up a new document
bool LoadDocument( const char *pDocName );
// Updates the menu bar based on the current file
void UpdateMenuBar( );
virtual const char *GetLogoTextureName();
// Creates, destroys tools
void CreateTools( CPetDoc *doc ); void DestroyTools();
// Initializes the tools
void InitTools();
// Shows, toggles tool windows
void ToggleToolWindow( Panel *tool, char const *toolName ); void ShowToolWindow( Panel *tool, char const *toolName, bool visible );
// Kills all tool windows
void DestroyToolContainers();
private: // Document
CPetDoc *m_pDoc;
// The menu bar
CToolFileMenuBar *m_pMenuBar;
// Element properties for editing material
vgui::DHANDLE< CParticleSystemPropertiesContainer > m_hProperties;
// The entity report
vgui::DHANDLE< CParticleSystemDefinitionBrowser > m_hParticleSystemDefinitionBrowser;
// Particle preview window
vgui::DHANDLE< CParticleSystemPreviewPanel > m_hParticlePreview;
// The currently viewed entity
CDmeHandle< CDmeParticleSystemDefinition > m_hCurrentParticleSystem;
// Separate undo context for the act busy tool
CToolWindowFactory< ToolWindow > m_ToolWindowFactory; };
extern CPetTool *g_pPetTool;
#endif // PETTOOL_H