File: IntlResources.h Contains: International Resource definitions. Version: QuickTime 7.3 Copyright: (c) 2007 (c) 1983-2001 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. Bugs?: For bug reports, consult the following page on the World Wide Web: http://developer.apple.com/bugreporter/
*/ #ifndef __INTLRESOURCES__
#ifndef __MACTYPES__
#include <MacTypes.h>
#pragma once
#pragma import on
#pragma options align=mac68k
#pragma pack(push, 2)
#pragma pack(2)
enum { /* Bits in the itlcFlags byte */ itlcShowIcon = 7, /*Show icon even if only one script*/ itlcDualCaret = 6, /*Use dual caret for mixed direction text*/ /* Bits in the itlcSysFlags word */ itlcSysDirection = 15 /*System direction - left to right/right to left*/ };
enum { /* One more flag in the itlcFlags byte */ itlcDisableKeyScriptSync = 3 /*Disable font and keyboard script synchrinozation*/ };
enum { /* We should define masks, too. */ itlcDisableKeyScriptSyncMask = 1 << itlcDisableKeyScriptSync /*Disable font and keyboard script synchrinozation mask*/ };
enum { tokLeftQuote = 1, /* NumberParts.data[] enumerators */ tokRightQuote = 2, /* In general, these are NOT to be considered indices into the data[] array */ tokLeadPlacer = 3, tokLeader = 4, tokNonLeader = 5, tokZeroLead = 6, tokPercent = 7, tokPlusSign = 8, tokMinusSign = 9, tokThousands = 10, tokReserved = 11, /* 11 is reserved field */ tokSeparator = 12, tokEscape = 13, tokDecPoint = 14, tokEPlus = 15, tokEMinus = 16, tokMaxSymbols = 31, curNumberPartsVersion = 1 /*current version of NumberParts record*/ };
enum { currSymLead = 16, currNegSym = 32, currTrailingZ = 64, currLeadingZ = 128 };
enum { mdy = 0, dmy = 1, ymd = 2, myd = 3, dym = 4, ydm = 5 };
typedef SInt8 DateOrders; enum { timeCycle24 = 0, /*time sequence 0:00 - 23:59*/ timeCycleZero = 1, /*time sequence 0:00-11:59, 0:00 - 11:59*/ timeCycle12 = 255, /*time sequence 12:00 - 11:59, 12:00 - 11:59*/ zeroCycle = 1, /*old name for timeCycleZero*/ longDay = 0, /*day of the month*/ longWeek = 1, /*day of the week*/ longMonth = 2, /*month of the year*/ longYear = 3, /*year*/ supDay = 1, /*suppress day of month*/ supWeek = 2, /*suppress day of week*/ supMonth = 4, /*suppress month*/ supYear = 8, /*suppress year*/ dayLdingZ = 32, mntLdingZ = 64, century = 128, secLeadingZ = 32, minLeadingZ = 64, hrLeadingZ = 128 };
/* moved OffsetTable back here from QuickdrawText */ struct OffPair { short offFirst; short offSecond; }; typedef struct OffPair OffPair; typedef OffPair OffsetTable[3]; struct Intl0Rec { char decimalPt; /*decimal point character*/ char thousSep; /*thousands separator character*/ char listSep; /*list separator character*/ char currSym1; /*currency symbol*/ char currSym2; char currSym3; UInt8 currFmt; /*currency format flags*/ UInt8 dateOrder; /*order of short date elements: mdy, dmy, etc.*/ UInt8 shrtDateFmt; /*format flags for each short date element*/ char dateSep; /*date separator character*/ UInt8 timeCycle; /*specifies time cycle: 0..23, 1..12, or 0..11*/ UInt8 timeFmt; /*format flags for each time element*/ char mornStr[4]; /*trailing string for AM if 12-hour cycle*/ char eveStr[4]; /*trailing string for PM if 12-hour cycle*/ char timeSep; /*time separator character*/ char time1Suff; /*trailing string for AM if 24-hour cycle*/ char time2Suff; char time3Suff; char time4Suff; char time5Suff; /*trailing string for PM if 24-hour cycle*/ char time6Suff; char time7Suff; char time8Suff; UInt8 metricSys; /*255 if metric, 0 if inches etc.*/ short intl0Vers; /*region code (hi byte) and version (lo byte)*/ }; typedef struct Intl0Rec Intl0Rec; typedef Intl0Rec * Intl0Ptr; typedef Intl0Ptr * Intl0Hndl; struct Intl1Rec { Str15 days[7]; /*day names*/ Str15 months[12]; /*month names*/ UInt8 suppressDay; /*255 for no day, or flags to suppress any element*/ UInt8 lngDateFmt; /*order of long date elements*/ UInt8 dayLeading0; /*255 for leading 0 in day number*/ UInt8 abbrLen; /*length for abbreviating names*/ char st0[4]; /*separator strings for long date format*/ char st1[4]; char st2[4]; char st3[4]; char st4[4]; short intl1Vers; /*region code (hi byte) and version (lo byte)*/ short localRtn[1]; /*now a flag for opt extension*/ }; typedef struct Intl1Rec Intl1Rec; typedef Intl1Rec * Intl1Ptr; typedef Intl1Ptr * Intl1Hndl; /*fields for optional itl1 extension*/ struct Itl1ExtRec { Intl1Rec base; /*un-extended Intl1Rec*/ short version; short format; short calendarCode; /*calendar code for this itl1 resource*/ long extraDaysTableOffset; /*offset in itl1 to extra days table*/ long extraDaysTableLength; /*length of extra days table*/ long extraMonthsTableOffset; /*offset in itl1 to extra months table*/ long extraMonthsTableLength; /*length of extra months table*/ long abbrevDaysTableOffset; /*offset in itl1 to abbrev days table*/ long abbrevDaysTableLength; /*length of abbrev days table*/ long abbrevMonthsTableOffset; /*offset in itl1 to abbrev months table*/ long abbrevMonthsTableLength; /*length of abbrev months table*/ long extraSepsTableOffset; /*offset in itl1 to extra seps table*/ long extraSepsTableLength; /*length of extra seps table*/ short tables[1]; /*now a flag for opt extension*/ }; typedef struct Itl1ExtRec Itl1ExtRec; struct UntokenTable { short len; short lastToken; short index[256]; /*index table; last = lastToken*/ }; typedef struct UntokenTable UntokenTable; typedef UntokenTable * UntokenTablePtr; typedef UntokenTablePtr * UntokenTableHandle; union WideChar { char a[2]; /*0 is the high order character*/ short b; }; typedef union WideChar WideChar; struct WideCharArr { short size; WideChar data[10]; }; typedef struct WideCharArr WideCharArr; struct NumberParts { short version; WideChar data[31]; /*index by [tokLeftQuote..tokMaxSymbols]*/ WideCharArr pePlus; WideCharArr peMinus; WideCharArr peMinusPlus; WideCharArr altNumTable; char reserved[20]; }; typedef struct NumberParts NumberParts; typedef NumberParts * NumberPartsPtr;
struct Itl4Rec { short flags; /*reserved*/ long resourceType; /*contains 'itl4'*/ short resourceNum; /*resource ID*/ short version; /*version number*/ long resHeader1; /*reserved*/ long resHeader2; /*reserved*/ short numTables; /*number of tables, one-based*/ long mapOffset; /*offset to table that maps byte to token*/ long strOffset; /*offset to routine that copies canonical string*/ long fetchOffset; /*offset to routine that gets next byte of character*/ long unTokenOffset; /*offset to table that maps token to canonical string*/ long defPartsOffset; /*offset to default number parts table*/ long resOffset6; /*reserved*/ long resOffset7; /*reserved*/ long resOffset8; /*reserved*/ }; typedef struct Itl4Rec Itl4Rec; typedef Itl4Rec * Itl4Ptr; typedef Itl4Ptr * Itl4Handle; /* New NItl4Rec for System 7.0: */ struct NItl4Rec { short flags; /*reserved*/ long resourceType; /*contains 'itl4'*/ short resourceNum; /*resource ID*/ short version; /*version number*/ short format; /*format code*/ short resHeader; /*reserved*/ long resHeader2; /*reserved*/ short numTables; /*number of tables, one-based*/ long mapOffset; /*offset to table that maps byte to token*/ long strOffset; /*offset to routine that copies canonical string*/ long fetchOffset; /*offset to routine that gets next byte of character*/ long unTokenOffset; /*offset to table that maps token to canonical string*/ long defPartsOffset; /*offset to default number parts table*/ long whtSpListOffset; /*offset to white space code list*/ long resOffset7; /*reserved*/ long resOffset8; /*reserved*/ short resLength1; /*reserved*/ short resLength2; /*reserved*/ short resLength3; /*reserved*/ short unTokenLength; /*length of untoken table*/ short defPartsLength; /*length of default number parts table*/ short whtSpListLength; /*length of white space code list*/ short resLength7; /*reserved*/ short resLength8; /*reserved*/ }; typedef struct NItl4Rec NItl4Rec; typedef NItl4Rec * NItl4Ptr; typedef NItl4Ptr * NItl4Handle;
struct TableDirectoryRecord { OSType tableSignature; /*4 byte long table name */ unsigned long reserved; /*Reserved for internal use */ unsigned long tableStartOffset; /*Table start offset in byte*/ unsigned long tableSize; /*Table size in byte*/ }; typedef struct TableDirectoryRecord TableDirectoryRecord; struct Itl5Record { Fixed versionNumber; /*itl5 resource version number */ unsigned short numberOfTables; /*Number of tables it contains */ unsigned short reserved[3]; /*Reserved for internal use */ TableDirectoryRecord tableDirectory[1]; /*Table directory records */ }; typedef struct Itl5Record Itl5Record; struct RuleBasedTrslRecord { short sourceType; /*Transliterate target type for the LHS of the rule */ short targetType; /*Transliterate target type for the RHS of the rule */ short formatNumber; /*Transliterate resource format number */ short propertyFlag; /*Transliterate property flags */ short numberOfRules; /*Number of rules following this field */ }; typedef struct RuleBasedTrslRecord RuleBasedTrslRecord;
struct ItlcRecord { short itlcSystem; /*default system script*/ short itlcReserved; /*reserved*/ SInt8 itlcFontForce; /*default font force flag*/ SInt8 itlcIntlForce; /*default intl force flag*/ SInt8 itlcOldKybd; /*MacPlus intl keybd flag*/ SInt8 itlcFlags; /*general flags*/ short itlcIconOffset; /*keyboard icon offset; not used in 7.0*/ SInt8 itlcIconSide; /*keyboard icon side; not used in 7.0*/ SInt8 itlcIconRsvd; /*rsvd for other icon info*/ short itlcRegionCode; /*preferred verXxx code*/ short itlcSysFlags; /*flags for setting system globals*/ SInt8 itlcReserved4[32]; /*for future use*/ }; typedef struct ItlcRecord ItlcRecord; struct ItlbRecord { short itlbNumber; /*itl0 id number*/ short itlbDate; /*itl1 id number*/ short itlbSort; /*itl2 id number*/ short itlbFlags; /*Script flags*/ short itlbToken; /*itl4 id number*/ short itlbEncoding; /*itl5 ID # (optional; char encoding)*/ short itlbLang; /*current language for script */ SInt8 itlbNumRep; /*number representation code*/ SInt8 itlbDateRep; /*date representation code */ short itlbKeys; /*KCHR id number*/ short itlbIcon; /*ID # of SICN or kcs#/kcs4/kcs8 suite.*/ }; typedef struct ItlbRecord ItlbRecord; /* New ItlbExtRecord structure for System 7.0 */ struct ItlbExtRecord { ItlbRecord base; /*un-extended ItlbRecord*/ long itlbLocalSize; /*size of script's local record*/ short itlbMonoFond; /*default monospace FOND ID*/ short itlbMonoSize; /*default monospace font size*/ short itlbPrefFond; /*preferred FOND ID*/ short itlbPrefSize; /*preferred font size*/ short itlbSmallFond; /*default small FOND ID*/ short itlbSmallSize; /*default small font size*/ short itlbSysFond; /*default system FOND ID*/ short itlbSysSize; /*default system font size*/ short itlbAppFond; /*default application FOND ID*/ short itlbAppSize; /*default application font size*/ short itlbHelpFond; /*default Help Mgr FOND ID*/ short itlbHelpSize; /*default Help Mgr font size*/ Style itlbValidStyles; /*set of valid styles for script*/ Style itlbAliasStyle; /*style (set) to mark aliases*/ }; typedef struct ItlbExtRecord ItlbExtRecord;
#pragma options align=reset
#pragma pack(pop)
#pragma pack()
#pragma import off
#pragma import reset
#endif /* __INTLRESOURCES__ */