Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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  1. /*
  2. File: PMErrors.h
  3. Contains: Mac OS X Printing Manager Error Codes.
  4. Version: QuickTime 7.3
  5. Copyright: (c) 2007 (c) 1999-2001 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved
  6. Bugs?: For bug reports, consult the following page on
  7. the World Wide Web:
  9. */
  10. #ifndef __MACERRORS__
  11. #include <MacErrors.h>
  12. #endif
  13. #if PRAGMA_ONCE
  14. #pragma once
  15. #endif
  16. #ifdef __cplusplus
  17. extern "C" {
  18. #endif
  20. #pragma import on
  21. #endif
  23. #pragma options align=mac68k
  25. #pragma pack(push, 2)
  27. #pragma pack(2)
  28. #endif
  29. enum {
  30. /* general purpose printing error codes used by various printing modules */
  31. kPMAllocationFailure = memFullErr, /* out of memory error */
  32. kPMInternalError = -30870, /* internal printing error */
  33. kPMInvalidIndex = -30882, /* invalid index in array */
  34. kPMStringConversionFailure = -30883, /* error converting a string */
  35. kPMXMLParseError = -30884, /* error parsing XML data */
  36. kPMInvalidJobTemplate = -30885, /* invalid job template */
  37. kPMInvalidPrinterInfo = -30886, /* invalid printer info ticket */
  38. kPMInvalidConnection = -30887, /* invalid connection type */
  39. kPMInvalidKey = -30888, /* invalid key in ticket or template or dictionary */
  40. kPMInvalidValue = -30889, /* invalid value in ticket or template or dictionary */
  41. kPMInvalidAllocator = -30890, /* invalid memory allocator */
  42. kPMInvalidTicket = -30891, /* invalid job ticket */
  43. kPMInvalidItem = -30892, /* invalid item in ticket or template or dictionary */
  44. kPMInvalidType = -30893, /* invalid type in ticket or template or dictionary */
  45. kPMInvalidReply = -30894, /* invalid reply from a remote server/client */
  46. kPMInvalidFileType = -30895, /* invalid file type in queue */
  47. kPMInvalidObject = -30896, /* invalid object or internal error */
  48. /* Print Job Creator and Printing Dialog Extension error codes (-9500 to -9540) */
  49. kPMNoDefaultItem = -9500, /* unused; to be removed */
  50. kPMNoDefaultSettings = -9501, /* unused; to be removed */
  51. kPMInvalidPDEContext = -9530, /* invalid printing dialog extension context */
  52. kPMDontSwitchPDEError = -9531, /* tells the pjc not to switch panels */
  53. kPMUnableToFindProcess = -9532, /* unable to find the process */
  54. /* PrintCenter and Printer Browser error codes (-9540 to -9579) */
  55. kPMInvalidPBMRef = -9540, /* invalid printer browser module reference.*/
  56. kPMNoSelectedPrinters = -9541, /* no selected printers or error getting selection.*/
  57. kPMInvalidLookupSpec = -9542, /* error retrieving lookup specification. */
  58. kPMSyncRequestFailed = -9543, /* error handling sync request. */
  59. kPMEditRequestFailed = -9544, /* error handling request to update Edit menu */
  60. kPMPrBrowserNoUI = -9545, /* got UI function call with no UI present. */
  61. /* Job Ticket error codes (-9580 to -9619) */
  62. kPMTicketTypeNotFound = -9580, /* we can't find the ticket type in our ticket. */
  63. kPMUpdateTicketFailed = -9581, /* attempt to update ticket to current API failed. */
  64. kPMValidateTicketFailed = -9582, /* ticket has at least one key that's invalid. */
  65. kPMSubTicketNotFound = -9583, /* sub ticket requested is not stored in this ticket. */
  66. kPMInvalidSubTicket = -9584, /* unable to add the requested sub-ticket. */
  67. kPMDeleteSubTicketFailed = -9585, /* sub ticket could not be deleted. */
  68. kPMItemIsLocked = -9586, /* item's locked flag was true when attempt made to update. */
  69. kPMTicketIsLocked = -9587, /* caller may not change a locked ticket. */
  70. kPMTemplateIsLocked = -9588, /* caller can't change the template. */
  71. kPMKeyNotFound = -9589, /* the requested update is for a key that doesn't exist. */
  72. kPMKeyNotUnique = -9590, /* the key passed in already exists in the ticket, can't make a new one. */
  73. kPMUnknownDataType = -9591, /* couldn't determine proper CF type for the value passed in. */
  74. /* ClientPrintingLib (-9620 to -9629) */
  75. kPMCreateMessageFailed = -9620, /* could not create message */
  76. kPMServerCommunicationFailed = -9621, /* communication with print server failed */
  77. kPMKeyOrValueNotFound = -9623, /* missing required key or value */
  78. kPMMessagingError = -9624, /* could not connect to message port or send a message to remote client */
  79. /* Queue Manager (-9630 to -9659) */
  80. kPMServerNotFound = -9630, /* print server not found */
  81. kPMServerAlreadyRunning = -9631, /* print server is already running */
  82. kPMServerSuspended = -9632, /* server suspended */
  83. kPMServerAttributeRestricted = -9633, /* access to attribute restricted */
  84. kPMFileOrDirOperationFailed = -9634, /* file/directory operation failed */
  85. kPMUserOrGroupNotFound = -9635, /* specified user/group not found */
  86. kPMPermissionError = -9636, /* permission related error */
  87. kPMUnknownMessage = -9637, /* unknown message */
  88. kPMQueueNotFound = -9638, /* queue not found */
  89. kPMQueueAlreadyExists = -9639, /* queue already exists */
  90. kPMQueueJobFailed = -9640, /* could not queue a new job */
  91. kPMJobNotFound = -9641, /* job not found */
  92. kPMJobBusy = -9642, /* job is busy */
  93. kPMJobCanceled = -9643, /* job has aborted */
  94. kPMDocumentNotFound = -9644, /* document not found */
  95. /* Job Manager (-9660 to -9699) */
  96. kPMPMSymbolNotFound = -9660, /* a required printer module symbol is missing */
  97. kPMIOMSymbolNotFound = -9661, /* a required IO module symbol is missing */
  98. kPMCVMSymbolNotFound = -9662, /* a required converter module symbol is missing */
  99. kPMInvalidPMContext = -9663, /* PrinterModule context is invalid */
  100. kPMInvalidIOMContext = -9664, /* IO Module context is invalid */
  101. kPMInvalidCVMContext = -9665, /* Converter Module context is invalid */
  102. kPMInvalidJobID = -9666, /* JobID passed from Printer Module is not valid */
  103. kPMNoPrinterJobID = -9667, /* no JobID from target printer/connection */
  104. kPMJobStreamOpenFailed = -9668, /* failed to open job stream */
  105. kPMJobStreamReadFailed = -9669, /* failed to read from job stream */
  106. kPMJobStreamEndError = -9670, /* reached end of job stream */
  107. kPMJobManagerAborted = -9671, /* Job Manager is aborting */
  108. /* Converters (-9700 to -9739) */
  109. kPMPluginNotFound = -9701, /* Converter plugin not found */
  110. kPMPluginRegisterationFailed = -9702, /* Converter Plugin error */
  111. kPMFontNotFound = -9703, /* Font not found */
  112. kPMFontNameTooLong = -9704, /* font name too long */
  113. kPMGeneralCGError = -9705, /* CoreGraphics returned error */
  114. kPMInvalidState = -9706, /* Invalid converter state */
  115. /* Printer Modules (-9740 to -9779) */
  116. /* IO Modules (-9780 to -9799) */
  117. kPMInvalidPrinterAddress = -9780, /* a file or connection could not be open */
  118. kPMOpenFailed = -9781, /* a file or connection could not be open */
  119. kPMReadFailed = -9782, /* file/connection read failed */
  120. kPMWriteFailed = -9783, /* file/connection write failed */
  121. kPMStatusFailed = -9784, /* connection status failed */
  122. kPMCloseFailed = -9785, /* close file/connection failed */
  123. kPMUnsupportedConnection = -9786, /* connection type not supported */
  124. kPMIOAttrNotAvailable = -9787 /* IO attribute not available on current connection type */
  125. };
  127. #pragma options align=reset
  129. #pragma pack(pop)
  131. #pragma pack()
  132. #endif
  133. #ifdef PRAGMA_IMPORT_OFF
  134. #pragma import off
  135. #elif PRAGMA_IMPORT
  136. #pragma import reset
  137. #endif
  138. #ifdef __cplusplus
  139. }
  140. #endif