//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#elif POSIX
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "isys.h"
#include "dedicated.h"
#include "engine_hlds_api.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "tier0/vcrmode.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "tier1/strtools.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "idedicatedexports.h"
#include "vgui/vguihelpers.h"
static long hDLLThirdParty = 0L;
// Modules...
CSysModule *s_hMatSystemModule = NULL; CSysModule *s_hEngineModule = NULL; CSysModule *s_hSoundEmitterModule = NULL;
CreateInterfaceFn s_MaterialSystemFactory; CreateInterfaceFn s_EngineFactory; CreateInterfaceFn s_SoundEmitterFactory;
============== Load3rdParty
Load support for third party .dlls ( gamehost ) ============== */ void Load3rdParty( void ) { // Only do this if the server operator wants the support.
// ( In case of malicious code, too )
if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-usegh" ) ) { hDLLThirdParty = sys->LoadLibrary( "ghostinj.dll" ); } }
============== EF_VID_ForceUnlockedAndReturnState
Dummy funcion called by engine ============== */ int EF_VID_ForceUnlockedAndReturnState(void) { return 0; }
============== EF_VID_ForceLockState
Dummy funcion called by engine ============== */ void EF_VID_ForceLockState(int) { }
============== InitInstance
============== */ bool InitInstance( ) { Load3rdParty();
return true; }
============== ProcessConsoleInput
============== */ int ProcessConsoleInput(void) { char *s; int count = 0;
if ( engine ) { do { char szBuf[ 256 ]; s = sys->ConsoleInput( count++, szBuf, sizeof( szBuf ) ); if (s && s[0] ) { V_strcat_safe( szBuf, "\n" ); engine->AddConsoleText ( szBuf ); } } while (s); }
return count; }
void RunServer( void );
class CDedicatedExports : public CBaseAppSystem<IDedicatedExports> { public: virtual void Sys_Printf( char *text ) { if ( sys ) { sys->Printf( "%s", text ); } }
virtual void RunServer() { void RunServer( void ); ::RunServer(); } };
static const char *get_consolelog_filename() { static bool s_bInited = false; static char s_consolelog[ MAX_PATH ];
if ( !s_bInited ) { s_bInited = true;
// Don't do the -consolelog thing if -consoledebug is present.
// CTextConsoleUnix::Print() looks for -consoledebug.
const char *filename = NULL; if ( !CommandLine()->FindParm( "-consoledebug" ) && CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-consolelog", &filename ) && filename ) { V_strcpy_safe( s_consolelog, filename ); } }
return s_consolelog; }
SpewRetval_t DedicatedSpewOutputFunc( SpewType_t spewType, char const *pMsg ) { if ( sys ) { sys->Printf( "%s", pMsg );
// If they have specified -consolelog, log this message there. Otherwise these
// wind up being lost because Sys_InitGame hasn't been called yet, and
// Sys_SpewFunc is the thing that logs stuff to -consolelog, etc.
const char *filename = get_consolelog_filename(); if ( filename[ 0 ] && pMsg[ 0 ] ) { FileHandle_t fh = g_pFullFileSystem->Open( filename, "a" ); if ( fh != FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { g_pFullFileSystem->Write( pMsg, V_strlen( pMsg ), fh ); g_pFullFileSystem->Close( fh ); } } } #ifdef _WIN32
Plat_DebugString( pMsg ); #endif
if (spewType == SPEW_ERROR) { // In Windows vgui mode, make a message box or they won't ever see the error.
#ifdef _WIN32
extern bool g_bVGui; if ( g_bVGui ) { MessageBox( NULL, pMsg, "Error", MB_OK | MB_TASKMODAL ); } TerminateProcess( GetCurrentProcess(), 1 ); #elif POSIX
fflush(stdout); _exit(1); #else
#error "Implement me"
return SPEW_ABORT; } if (spewType == SPEW_ASSERT) { if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-noassert" ) == 0 ) return SPEW_DEBUGGER; else return SPEW_CONTINUE; } return SPEW_CONTINUE; }
int Sys_GetExecutableName( char *out ) { #ifdef _WIN32
if ( !::GetModuleFileName( ( HINSTANCE )GetModuleHandle( NULL ), out, 256 ) ) { return 0; } #else
strcpy( out, g_szEXEName ); #endif
return 1; }
// Purpose: Return the directory where this .exe is running from
// Output : char
const char *UTIL_GetExecutableDir( ) { static char exedir[ MAX_PATH ];
exedir[ 0 ] = 0; if ( !Sys_GetExecutableName(exedir) ) return NULL;
char *pSlash; char *pSlash2; pSlash = strrchr( exedir,'\\' ); pSlash2 = strrchr( exedir,'/' ); if ( pSlash2 > pSlash ) { pSlash = pSlash2; } if (pSlash) { *pSlash = 0; }
// Return the bin directory as the executable dir if it's not in there
// because that's really where we're running from...
int exeLen = strlen(exedir); if ( exedir[exeLen-4] != CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR || exedir[exeLen-3] != 'b' || exedir[exeLen-2] != 'i' || exedir[exeLen-1] != 'n' ) { Q_strncat( exedir, "\\bin", sizeof( exedir ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); Q_FixSlashes( exedir ); }
return exedir; }
// Purpose: Return the directory where this .exe is running from
// Output : char
const char *UTIL_GetBaseDir( void ) { static char basedir[ MAX_PATH ];
char const *pOverrideDir = CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-basedir" ); if ( pOverrideDir ) return pOverrideDir;
basedir[ 0 ] = 0; const char *pExeDir = UTIL_GetExecutableDir( ); if ( pExeDir ) { strcpy( basedir, pExeDir ); int dirlen = strlen( basedir ); if ( basedir[ dirlen - 3 ] == 'b' && basedir[ dirlen - 2 ] == 'i' && basedir[ dirlen - 1 ] == 'n' ) { basedir[ dirlen - 4 ] = 0; } }
return basedir; }