//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "audio_pch.h"
#include "circularbuffer.h"
#include "voice.h"
#include "voice_wavefile.h"
#include "r_efx.h"
#include "cdll_int.h"
#include "voice_gain.h"
#include "voice_mixer_controls.h"
#include "ivoicerecord.h"
#include "ivoicecodec.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "../../filesystem_engine.h"
#include "tier1/utlbuffer.h"
#if defined( _X360 )
#include "xauddefs.h"
#include "steam/steam_api.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
static CSteamAPIContext g_SteamAPIContext; static CSteamAPIContext *steamapicontext = NULL;
void Voice_EndChannel( int iChannel ); void VoiceTweak_EndVoiceTweakMode(); void EngineTool_OverrideSampleRate( int& rate );
// A fallback codec that should be the most likely to work for local/offline use
#define VOICE_FALLBACK_CODEC "vaudio_celt"
// Special entity index used for tweak mode.
// Special channel index passed to Voice_AddIncomingData when in tweak mode.
// How long does the sign stay above someone's head when they talk?
#define SPARK_TIME 0.2
// How long a voice channel has to be inactive before we free it.
#define DIE_COUNTDOWN 0.5
#define LOCALPLAYERTALKING_TIMEOUT 0.2f // How long it takes for the client to decide the server isn't sending acks
// of voice data back.
// If this is defined, then the data is converted to 8-bit and sent otherwise uncompressed.
// The format we sample voice in.
WAVEFORMATEX g_VoiceSampleFormat = { WAVE_FORMAT_PCM, // wFormatTag
1, // nChannels
// These two can be dynamically changed by voice_init
2, // nBlockAlign
16, // wBitsPerSample
sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX) // cbSize
static bool Voice_SetSampleRate( DWORD rate ) { if ( g_VoiceSampleFormat.nSamplesPerSec != rate || g_VoiceSampleFormat.nAvgBytesPerSec != rate * 2 ) { g_VoiceSampleFormat.nSamplesPerSec = rate; g_VoiceSampleFormat.nAvgBytesPerSec = rate * 2; return true; }
return false; }
int Voice_SamplesPerSec() { int rate = g_VoiceSampleFormat.nSamplesPerSec; EngineTool_OverrideSampleRate( rate ); return rate; }
int Voice_AvgBytesPerSec() { int rate = g_VoiceSampleFormat.nSamplesPerSec; EngineTool_OverrideSampleRate( rate ); return ( rate * g_VoiceSampleFormat.wBitsPerSample ) >> 3; }
ConVar voice_avggain( "voice_avggain", "0.5" ); ConVar voice_maxgain( "voice_maxgain", "10" ); ConVar voice_scale( "voice_scale", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE );
ConVar voice_loopback( "voice_loopback", "0", FCVAR_USERINFO ); ConVar voice_fadeouttime( "voice_fadeouttime", "0.1" ); // It fades to no sound at the tail end of your voice data when you release the key.
// Debugging cvars.
ConVar voice_profile( "voice_profile", "0" ); ConVar voice_showchannels( "voice_showchannels", "0" ); // 1 = list channels
// 2 = show timing info, etc
ConVar voice_showincoming( "voice_showincoming", "0" ); // show incoming voice data
ConVar voice_enable( "voice_enable", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); // Globally enable or disable voice.
ConVar voice_threshold( "voice_threshold", "2000", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); #endif // VOICE_VOX_ENABLE
// Have it force your mixer control settings so waveIn comes from the microphone.
// CD rippers change your waveIn to come from the CD drive
ConVar voice_forcemicrecord( "voice_forcemicrecord", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE );
// This should not be lower than the maximum difference between clients' frame durations (due to cmdrate/updaterate),
// plus some jitter allowance.
ConVar voice_buffer_ms( "voice_buffer_ms", "100", FCVAR_INTERNAL_USE, "How many milliseconds of voice to buffer to avoid dropouts due to jitter and frame time differences." );
int g_nVoiceFadeSamples = 1; // Calculated each frame from the cvar.
float g_VoiceFadeMul = 1; // 1 / (g_nVoiceFadeSamples - 1).
// While in tweak mode, you can't hear anything anyone else is saying, and your own voice data
// goes directly to the speakers.
bool g_bInTweakMode = false; int g_VoiceTweakSpeakingVolume = 0;
bool g_bVoiceAtLeastPartiallyInitted = false;
// The codec and sample rate passed to Voice_Init. "" and -1 if voice is not initialized
char g_szVoiceCodec[_MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; int g_nVoiceRequestedSampleRate = -1;
const char *Voice_ConfiguredCodec() { return g_szVoiceCodec; } int Voice_ConfiguredSampleRate() { return g_nVoiceRequestedSampleRate; }
// Timing info for each frame.
static double g_CompressTime = 0; static double g_DecompressTime = 0; static double g_GainTime = 0; static double g_UpsampleTime = 0;
class CVoiceTimer { public: inline void Start() { if( voice_profile.GetInt() ) { m_StartTime = Plat_FloatTime(); } } inline void End(double *out) { if( voice_profile.GetInt() ) { *out += Plat_FloatTime() - m_StartTime; } }
double m_StartTime; };
static bool g_bLocalPlayerTalkingAck = false; static float g_LocalPlayerTalkingTimeout = 0;
CSysModule *g_hVoiceCodecDLL = 0;
// Voice recorder. Can be waveIn, DSound, or whatever.
static IVoiceRecord *g_pVoiceRecord = NULL; static IVoiceCodec *g_pEncodeCodec = NULL;
static bool g_bVoiceRecording = false; // Are we recording at the moment?
static bool g_bVoiceRecordStopping = false; // Are we waiting to stop?
bool g_bUsingSteamVoice = false;
#ifdef WIN32
extern IVoiceRecord* CreateVoiceRecord_DSound(int nSamplesPerSec); #elif defined( OSX )
extern IVoiceRecord* CreateVoiceRecord_AudioQueue(int sampleRate); #endif
#ifdef POSIX
extern IVoiceRecord* CreateVoiceRecord_OpenAL(int sampleRate); #endif
static bool VoiceRecord_Start() { if ( g_bUsingSteamVoice ) { if ( steamapicontext && steamapicontext->SteamUser() ) { steamapicontext->SteamUser()->StartVoiceRecording(); return true; } } else if ( g_pVoiceRecord ) { return g_pVoiceRecord->RecordStart(); } return false; }
static void VoiceRecord_Stop() { if ( g_bUsingSteamVoice ) { if ( steamapicontext && steamapicontext->SteamUser() ) { steamapicontext->SteamUser()->StopVoiceRecording(); } } else if ( g_pVoiceRecord ) { return g_pVoiceRecord->RecordStop(); } }
// Used for storing incoming voice data from an entity.
class CVoiceChannel { public: CVoiceChannel();
// Called when someone speaks and a new voice channel is setup to hold the data.
void Init(int nEntity);
public: int m_iEntity; // Number of the entity speaking on this channel (index into cl_entities).
// This is -1 when the channel is unused.
CSizedCircularBuffer <VOICE_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE> m_Buffer; // Circular buffer containing the voice data.
// Used for upsampling..
double m_LastFraction; // Fraction between m_LastSample and the next sample.
short m_LastSample; bool m_bStarved; // Set to true when the channel runs out of data for the mixer.
// The channel is killed at that point.
float m_TimePad; // Set to TIME_PADDING when the first voice packet comes in from a sender.
// We add time padding (for frametime differences)
// by waiting a certain amount of time before starting to output the sound.
IVoiceCodec *m_pVoiceCodec; // Each channel gets is own IVoiceCodec instance so the codec can maintain state.
CAutoGain m_AutoGain; // Gain we're applying to this channel
CVoiceChannel *m_pNext; bool m_bProximity; int m_nViewEntityIndex; int m_nSoundGuid; };
CVoiceChannel::CVoiceChannel() { m_iEntity = -1; m_pVoiceCodec = NULL; m_nViewEntityIndex = -1; m_nSoundGuid = -1; }
void CVoiceChannel::Init(int nEntity) { m_iEntity = nEntity; m_bStarved = false; m_Buffer.Flush(); m_TimePad = Clamp( voice_buffer_ms.GetFloat(), 1.f, 5000.f ) / 1000.f; m_LastSample = 0; m_LastFraction = 0.999;
m_AutoGain.Reset( 128, voice_maxgain.GetFloat(), voice_avggain.GetFloat(), voice_scale.GetFloat() ); }
// Incoming voice channels.
CVoiceChannel g_VoiceChannels[VOICE_NUM_CHANNELS];
// These are used for recording the wave data into files for debugging.
#define MAX_WAVEFILEDATA_LEN 1024*1024
char *g_pUncompressedFileData = NULL; int g_nUncompressedDataBytes = 0; const char *g_pUncompressedDataFilename = NULL;
char *g_pDecompressedFileData = NULL; int g_nDecompressedDataBytes = 0; const char *g_pDecompressedDataFilename = NULL;
char *g_pMicInputFileData = NULL; int g_nMicInputFileBytes = 0; int g_CurMicInputFileByte = 0; double g_MicStartTime;
static ConVar voice_writevoices( "voice_writevoices", "0", 0, "Saves each speaker's voice data into separate .wav files\n" ); class CVoiceWriterData { public: CVoiceWriterData() : m_pChannel( NULL ), m_nCount( 0 ), m_Buffer() { }
// Copy ctor is needed to insert into CVoiceWriter's CUtlRBTree.
CVoiceWriterData(const CVoiceWriterData& other) : m_pChannel( other.m_pChannel ), m_nCount( other.m_nCount ), m_Buffer( ) { m_Buffer.CopyBuffer( other.m_Buffer ); }
static bool Less( const CVoiceWriterData &lhs, const CVoiceWriterData &rhs ) { return lhs.m_pChannel < rhs.m_pChannel; }
CVoiceChannel *m_pChannel; int m_nCount; CUtlBuffer m_Buffer;
private: CVoiceWriterData& operator=(const CVoiceWriterData&); };
class CVoiceWriter { public: CVoiceWriter() : m_VoiceWriter( 0, 0, CVoiceWriterData::Less ) { }
void Flush() { for ( int i = m_VoiceWriter.FirstInorder(); i != m_VoiceWriter.InvalidIndex(); i = m_VoiceWriter.NextInorder( i ) ) { CVoiceWriterData *data = &m_VoiceWriter[ i ];
if ( data->m_Buffer.TellPut() <= 0 ) continue; data->m_Buffer.Purge(); } }
void Finish() { if ( !g_pSoundServices->IsConnected() ) { Flush(); return; }
for ( int i = m_VoiceWriter.FirstInorder(); i != m_VoiceWriter.InvalidIndex(); i = m_VoiceWriter.NextInorder( i ) ) { CVoiceWriterData *data = &m_VoiceWriter[ i ]; if ( data->m_Buffer.TellPut() <= 0 ) continue;
int index = data->m_pChannel - g_VoiceChannels; Assert( index >= 0 && index < (int)ARRAYSIZE( g_VoiceChannels ) );
char path[ MAX_PATH ]; Q_snprintf( path, sizeof( path ), "%s/voice", g_pSoundServices->GetGameDir() ); g_pFileSystem->CreateDirHierarchy( path );
char fn[ MAX_PATH ]; Q_snprintf( fn, sizeof( fn ), "%s/pl%02d_slot%d-time%d.wav", path, index, data->m_nCount, (int)g_pSoundServices->GetClientTime() );
WriteWaveFile( fn, (const char *)data->m_Buffer.Base(), data->m_Buffer.TellPut(), g_VoiceSampleFormat.wBitsPerSample, g_VoiceSampleFormat.nChannels, Voice_SamplesPerSec() );
Msg( "Writing file %s\n", fn );
++data->m_nCount; data->m_Buffer.Purge(); } }
void AddDecompressedData( CVoiceChannel *ch, const byte *data, size_t datalen ) { if ( !voice_writevoices.GetBool() ) return;
CVoiceWriterData search; search.m_pChannel = ch; int idx = m_VoiceWriter.Find( search ); if ( idx == m_VoiceWriter.InvalidIndex() ) { idx = m_VoiceWriter.Insert( search ); }
CVoiceWriterData *slot = &m_VoiceWriter[ idx ]; slot->m_Buffer.Put( data, datalen ); } private:
CUtlRBTree< CVoiceWriterData > m_VoiceWriter; };
static CVoiceWriter g_VoiceWriter;
inline void ApplyFadeToSamples(short *pSamples, int nSamples, int fadeOffset, float fadeMul) { for(int i=0; i < nSamples; i++) { float percent = (i+fadeOffset) * fadeMul; pSamples[i] = (short)(pSamples[i] * (1 - percent)); } }
bool Voice_Enabled( void ) { return voice_enable.GetBool(); }
int Voice_GetOutputData( const int iChannel, //! The voice channel it wants samples from.
char *copyBufBytes, //! The buffer to copy the samples into.
const int copyBufSize, //! Maximum size of copyBuf.
const int samplePosition, //! Which sample to start at.
const int sampleCount //! How many samples to get.
) { CVoiceChannel *pChannel = &g_VoiceChannels[iChannel]; short *pCopyBuf = (short*)copyBufBytes;
int maxOutSamples = copyBufSize / BYTES_PER_SAMPLE;
// Find out how much we want and get it from the received data channel.
CCircularBuffer *pBuffer = &pChannel->m_Buffer; int nBytesToRead = pBuffer->GetReadAvailable(); nBytesToRead = min(min(nBytesToRead, (int)maxOutSamples), sampleCount * BYTES_PER_SAMPLE); int nSamplesGotten = pBuffer->Read(pCopyBuf, nBytesToRead) / BYTES_PER_SAMPLE;
// Are we at the end of the buffer's data? If so, fade data to silence so it doesn't clip.
int readSamplesAvail = pBuffer->GetReadAvailable() / BYTES_PER_SAMPLE; if(readSamplesAvail < g_nVoiceFadeSamples) { int bufferFadeOffset = max((readSamplesAvail + nSamplesGotten) - g_nVoiceFadeSamples, 0); int globalFadeOffset = max(g_nVoiceFadeSamples - (readSamplesAvail + nSamplesGotten), 0); ApplyFadeToSamples( &pCopyBuf[bufferFadeOffset], nSamplesGotten - bufferFadeOffset, globalFadeOffset, g_VoiceFadeMul); } // If there weren't enough samples in the received data channel,
// pad it with a copy of the most recent data, and if there
// isn't any, then use zeros.
if ( nSamplesGotten < sampleCount ) { int wantedSampleCount = min( sampleCount, maxOutSamples ); int nAdditionalNeeded = (wantedSampleCount - nSamplesGotten); if ( nSamplesGotten > 0 ) { short *dest = (short *)&pCopyBuf[ nSamplesGotten ]; int nSamplesToDuplicate = min( nSamplesGotten, nAdditionalNeeded ); const short *src = (short *)&pCopyBuf[ nSamplesGotten - nSamplesToDuplicate ];
Q_memcpy( dest, src, nSamplesToDuplicate * BYTES_PER_SAMPLE );
//Msg( "duplicating %d samples\n", nSamplesToDuplicate );
nAdditionalNeeded -= nSamplesToDuplicate; if ( nAdditionalNeeded > 0 ) { dest = (short *)&pCopyBuf[ nSamplesGotten + nSamplesToDuplicate ]; Q_memset(dest, 0, nAdditionalNeeded * BYTES_PER_SAMPLE);
// Msg( "zeroing %d samples\n", nAdditionalNeeded );
Assert( ( nAdditionalNeeded + nSamplesGotten + nSamplesToDuplicate ) == wantedSampleCount ); } } else { Q_memset( &pCopyBuf[ nSamplesGotten ], 0, nAdditionalNeeded * BYTES_PER_SAMPLE ); } nSamplesGotten = wantedSampleCount; }
// If the buffer is out of data, mark this channel to go away.
if(pBuffer->GetReadAvailable() == 0) { pChannel->m_bStarved = true; }
if(voice_showchannels.GetInt() >= 2) { Msg("Voice - mixed %d samples from channel %d\n", nSamplesGotten, iChannel); }
VoiceSE_MoveMouth(pChannel->m_iEntity, (short*)copyBufBytes, nSamplesGotten); return nSamplesGotten; }
void Voice_OnAudioSourceShutdown( int iChannel ) { Voice_EndChannel( iChannel ); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// Internal stuff.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
CVoiceChannel* GetVoiceChannel(int iChannel, bool bAssert=true) { if(iChannel < 0 || iChannel >= VOICE_NUM_CHANNELS) { if(bAssert) { Assert(false); } return NULL; } else { return &g_VoiceChannels[iChannel]; } }
// Helper for doing a default-init with some codec if we weren't passed specific parameters
bool Voice_InitWithDefault( const char *pCodecName ) { if ( !pCodecName || !*pCodecName ) { return false; }
int nRate = Voice_GetDefaultSampleRate( pCodecName ); if ( nRate < 0 ) { Msg( "Voice_InitWithDefault: Unable to determine defaults for codec \"%s\"\n", pCodecName ); return false; }
return Voice_Init( pCodecName, Voice_GetDefaultSampleRate( pCodecName ) ); }
bool Voice_Init( const char *pCodecName, int nSampleRate ) { if ( voice_enable.GetInt() == 0 ) { return false; }
if ( !pCodecName || !pCodecName[0] ) { return false; }
bool bSpeex = Q_stricmp( pCodecName, "vaudio_speex" ) == 0; bool bCelt = Q_stricmp( pCodecName, "vaudio_celt" ) == 0; bool bSteam = Q_stricmp( pCodecName, "steam" ) == 0; // Miles has not been in use for voice in a long long time. Not worth the surface to support ancient demos that may
// use it (and probably do not work for other reasons)
// "vaudio_miles"
if ( !( bSpeex || bCelt || bSteam ) ) { Msg( "Voice_Init Failed: invalid voice codec %s.\n", pCodecName ); return false; }
g_bVoiceAtLeastPartiallyInitted = true; V_strncpy( g_szVoiceCodec, pCodecName, sizeof(g_szVoiceCodec) ); g_nVoiceRequestedSampleRate = nSampleRate;
g_bUsingSteamVoice = bSteam;
if ( !steamapicontext ) { steamapicontext = &g_SteamAPIContext; steamapicontext->Init(); }
if ( g_bUsingSteamVoice ) { if ( !steamapicontext->SteamFriends() || !steamapicontext->SteamUser() ) { Msg( "Voice_Init: Requested Steam voice, but cannot access API. Voice will not function\n" ); return false; } }
// For steam, nSampleRate 0 means "use optimal steam sample rate".
if ( bSteam && nSampleRate == 0 ) { Msg( "Voice_Init: Using Steam voice optimal sample rate %d\n", steamapicontext->SteamUser()->GetVoiceOptimalSampleRate() ); // Steam's sample rate may change and not be supported by our rather unflexible sound engine. However, steam
// will resample as necessary in DecompressVoice, so we can pretend we're outputting at native rates.
// Behind the scenes, we'll request steam give us the encoded stream at its "optimal" rate, then we'll try to
// decompress the output at this rate, making it transparent to us that the encoded stream is not at our output
// rate.
Voice_SetSampleRate( SOUND_DMA_SPEED ); } else { Voice_SetSampleRate( nSampleRate ); }
if(!VoiceSE_Init()) return false;
// Get the voice input device.
#ifdef OSX
g_pVoiceRecord = CreateVoiceRecord_AudioQueue( Voice_SamplesPerSec() ); if ( !g_pVoiceRecord ) { // Fall back to OpenAL
g_pVoiceRecord = CreateVoiceRecord_OpenAL( Voice_SamplesPerSec() ); } #elif defined( WIN32 )
g_pVoiceRecord = CreateVoiceRecord_DSound( Voice_SamplesPerSec() ); #else
g_pVoiceRecord = CreateVoiceRecord_OpenAL( Voice_SamplesPerSec() ); #endif
if( !g_pVoiceRecord ) { Msg( "Unable to initialize sound capture. You won't be able to speak to other players." ); }
// Init codec DLL for non-steam
if ( !bSteam ) { // CELT's qualities are 0-3, we historically just passed 4 to the other two even though they don't really map to the
// same thing.
// Changing the quality level we use here will require either extending SVC_VoiceInit to pass down which quality is
// in use or using a different codec name (vaudio_celtHD!) for backwards compatibility
int quality = bCelt ? 3 : 4;
// Get the codec.
CreateInterfaceFn createCodecFn = NULL; g_hVoiceCodecDLL = FileSystem_LoadModule(pCodecName);
if ( !g_hVoiceCodecDLL || (createCodecFn = Sys_GetFactory(g_hVoiceCodecDLL)) == NULL || (g_pEncodeCodec = (IVoiceCodec*)createCodecFn(pCodecName, NULL)) == NULL || !g_pEncodeCodec->Init( quality ) ) { Msg("Unable to load voice codec '%s'. Voice disabled. (module %i, iface %i, codec %i)\n", pCodecName, !!g_hVoiceCodecDLL, !!createCodecFn, !!g_pEncodeCodec); Voice_Deinit(); return false; }
for (int i=0; i < VOICE_NUM_CHANNELS; i++) { CVoiceChannel *pChannel = &g_VoiceChannels[i];
if ((pChannel->m_pVoiceCodec = (IVoiceCodec*)createCodecFn(pCodecName, NULL)) == NULL || !pChannel->m_pVoiceCodec->Init( quality )) { Voice_Deinit(); return false; } } }
// XXX(JohnS): These don't do much in Steam codec mode, but code below uses their presence to mean 'voice fully
// initialized' and other things assume they will succeed.
// Steam mode uses steam for raw input so this isn't meaningful and could have side-effects
if( voice_forcemicrecord.GetInt() && !bSteam ) { if( g_pMixerControls ) g_pMixerControls->SelectMicrophoneForWaveInput(); }
return true; }
void Voice_EndChannel(int iChannel) { Assert(iChannel >= 0 && iChannel < VOICE_NUM_CHANNELS);
CVoiceChannel *pChannel = &g_VoiceChannels[iChannel]; if ( pChannel->m_iEntity != -1 ) { int iEnt = pChannel->m_iEntity; pChannel->m_iEntity = -1;
if ( pChannel->m_bProximity == true ) { VoiceSE_EndChannel( iChannel, iEnt ); } else { VoiceSE_EndChannel( iChannel, pChannel->m_nViewEntityIndex ); } g_pSoundServices->OnChangeVoiceStatus( iEnt, false ); VoiceSE_CloseMouth( iEnt );
pChannel->m_nViewEntityIndex = -1; pChannel->m_nSoundGuid = -1;
// If the tweak mode channel is ending
if ( iChannel == 0 && g_bInTweakMode ) { VoiceTweak_EndVoiceTweakMode(); } } }
void Voice_EndAllChannels() { for(int i=0; i < VOICE_NUM_CHANNELS; i++) { Voice_EndChannel(i); } }
bool EngineTool_SuppressDeInit();
void Voice_Deinit() { // This call tends to be expensive and when voice is not enabled it will continually
// call in here, so avoid the work if possible.
if( !g_bVoiceAtLeastPartiallyInitted ) return;
if ( EngineTool_SuppressDeInit() ) return;
for(int i=0; i < VOICE_NUM_CHANNELS; i++) { CVoiceChannel *pChannel = &g_VoiceChannels[i]; if ( pChannel->m_pVoiceCodec ) { pChannel->m_pVoiceCodec->Release(); pChannel->m_pVoiceCodec = NULL; } }
if( g_pEncodeCodec ) { g_pEncodeCodec->Release(); g_pEncodeCodec = NULL; }
if(g_hVoiceCodecDLL) { FileSystem_UnloadModule(g_hVoiceCodecDLL); g_hVoiceCodecDLL = NULL; }
if(g_pVoiceRecord) { g_pVoiceRecord->Release(); g_pVoiceRecord = NULL; }
g_bVoiceAtLeastPartiallyInitted = false; g_szVoiceCodec[0] = '\0'; g_nVoiceRequestedSampleRate = -1; g_bUsingSteamVoice = false; }
bool Voice_GetLoopback() { return !!voice_loopback.GetInt(); }
void Voice_LocalPlayerTalkingAck() { if(!g_bLocalPlayerTalkingAck) { // Tell the client DLL when this changes.
g_pSoundServices->OnChangeVoiceStatus(-2, TRUE); }
g_bLocalPlayerTalkingAck = true; g_LocalPlayerTalkingTimeout = 0; }
void Voice_UpdateVoiceTweakMode() { if(!g_bInTweakMode || !g_pVoiceRecord) return;
CVoiceChannel *pTweakChannel = GetVoiceChannel( 0 );
if ( pTweakChannel->m_nSoundGuid != -1 && !S_IsSoundStillPlaying( pTweakChannel->m_nSoundGuid ) ) { VoiceTweak_EndVoiceTweakMode(); return; }
char uchVoiceData[4096]; bool bFinal = false; int nDataLength = Voice_GetCompressedData(uchVoiceData, sizeof(uchVoiceData), bFinal);
Voice_AddIncomingData(TWEAKMODE_CHANNELINDEX, uchVoiceData, nDataLength, 0); }
void Voice_Idle(float frametime) { if( voice_enable.GetInt() == 0 ) { Voice_Deinit(); return; }
if( g_bLocalPlayerTalkingAck ) { g_LocalPlayerTalkingTimeout += frametime; if(g_LocalPlayerTalkingTimeout > LOCALPLAYERTALKING_TIMEOUT) { g_bLocalPlayerTalkingAck = false; // Tell the client DLL.
g_pSoundServices->OnChangeVoiceStatus(-2, FALSE); } }
// Precalculate these to speedup the voice fadeout.
g_nVoiceFadeSamples = max((int)(voice_fadeouttime.GetFloat() * g_VoiceSampleFormat.nSamplesPerSec ), 2); g_VoiceFadeMul = 1.0f / (g_nVoiceFadeSamples - 1);
if(g_pVoiceRecord) g_pVoiceRecord->Idle();
// If we're in voice tweak mode, feed our own data back to us.
// Age the channels.
int nActive = 0; for(int i=0; i < VOICE_NUM_CHANNELS; i++) { CVoiceChannel *pChannel = &g_VoiceChannels[i]; if(pChannel->m_iEntity != -1) { if(pChannel->m_bStarved) { // Kill the channel. It's done playing.
Voice_EndChannel(i); pChannel->m_nSoundGuid = -1; } else { float oldpad = pChannel->m_TimePad; pChannel->m_TimePad -= frametime; if(oldpad > 0 && pChannel->m_TimePad <= 0) { // Start its audio.
pChannel->m_nViewEntityIndex = g_pSoundServices->GetViewEntity(); pChannel->m_nSoundGuid = VoiceSE_StartChannel( i, pChannel->m_iEntity, pChannel->m_bProximity, pChannel->m_nViewEntityIndex ); g_pSoundServices->OnChangeVoiceStatus(pChannel->m_iEntity, TRUE); VoiceSE_InitMouth(pChannel->m_iEntity); }
++nActive; } } }
if(nActive == 0) VoiceSE_EndOverdrive();
// voice_showchannels.
if( voice_showchannels.GetInt() >= 1 ) { for(int i=0; i < VOICE_NUM_CHANNELS; i++) { CVoiceChannel *pChannel = &g_VoiceChannels[i]; if(pChannel->m_iEntity == -1) continue;
Msg("Voice - chan %d, ent %d, bufsize: %d\n", i, pChannel->m_iEntity, pChannel->m_Buffer.GetReadAvailable()); } }
// Show profiling data?
if( voice_profile.GetInt() ) { Msg("Voice - compress: %7.2fu, decompress: %7.2fu, gain: %7.2fu, upsample: %7.2fu, total: %7.2fu\n", g_CompressTime*1000000.0, g_DecompressTime*1000000.0, g_GainTime*1000000.0, g_UpsampleTime*1000000.0, (g_CompressTime+g_DecompressTime+g_GainTime+g_UpsampleTime)*1000000.0 );
g_CompressTime = g_DecompressTime = g_GainTime = g_UpsampleTime = 0; } }
bool Voice_IsRecording() { return g_bVoiceRecording && !g_bInTweakMode; }
bool Voice_RecordStart( const char *pUncompressedFile, const char *pDecompressedFile, const char *pMicInputFile) { if( !g_pEncodeCodec && !g_bUsingSteamVoice ) return false;
if ( !g_bUsingSteamVoice ) { g_pEncodeCodec->ResetState(); } if(pMicInputFile) { int a, b, c; ReadWaveFile(pMicInputFile, g_pMicInputFileData, g_nMicInputFileBytes, a, b, c); g_CurMicInputFileByte = 0; g_MicStartTime = Plat_FloatTime(); }
if(pUncompressedFile) { g_pUncompressedFileData = new char[MAX_WAVEFILEDATA_LEN]; g_nUncompressedDataBytes = 0; g_pUncompressedDataFilename = pUncompressedFile; }
if(pDecompressedFile) { g_pDecompressedFileData = new char[MAX_WAVEFILEDATA_LEN]; g_nDecompressedDataBytes = 0; g_pDecompressedDataFilename = pDecompressedFile; }
g_bVoiceRecording = false; if ( g_pVoiceRecord ) { g_bVoiceRecording = VoiceRecord_Start(); if ( g_bVoiceRecording ) { if ( steamapicontext && steamapicontext->SteamFriends() && steamapicontext->SteamUser() ) { // Tell Friends' Voice chat that the local user has started speaking
steamapicontext->SteamFriends()->SetInGameVoiceSpeaking( steamapicontext->SteamUser()->GetSteamID(), true ); }
g_pSoundServices->OnChangeVoiceStatus( -1, true ); // Tell the client DLL.
} }
return g_bVoiceRecording; }
void Voice_UserDesiresStop() { if ( g_bVoiceRecordStopping ) return;
g_bVoiceRecordStopping = true; g_pSoundServices->OnChangeVoiceStatus( -1, false ); // Tell the client DLL.
// If we're using Steam voice, we'll keep recording until Steam tells us we
// received all the data.
if ( g_bUsingSteamVoice ) { steamapicontext->SteamUser()->StopVoiceRecording(); } else { VoiceRecord_Stop(); } }
bool Voice_RecordStop() { // Write the files out for debugging.
if(g_pMicInputFileData) { delete [] g_pMicInputFileData; g_pMicInputFileData = NULL; }
if(g_pUncompressedFileData) { WriteWaveFile(g_pUncompressedDataFilename, g_pUncompressedFileData, g_nUncompressedDataBytes, g_VoiceSampleFormat.wBitsPerSample, g_VoiceSampleFormat.nChannels, Voice_SamplesPerSec() ); delete [] g_pUncompressedFileData; g_pUncompressedFileData = NULL; }
if(g_pDecompressedFileData) { WriteWaveFile(g_pDecompressedDataFilename, g_pDecompressedFileData, g_nDecompressedDataBytes, g_VoiceSampleFormat.wBitsPerSample, g_VoiceSampleFormat.nChannels, Voice_SamplesPerSec() ); delete [] g_pDecompressedFileData; g_pDecompressedFileData = NULL; } g_VoiceWriter.Finish();
if ( g_bVoiceRecording ) { if ( steamapicontext->SteamFriends() && steamapicontext->SteamUser() ) { // Tell Friends' Voice chat that the local user has stopped speaking
steamapicontext->SteamFriends()->SetInGameVoiceSpeaking( steamapicontext->SteamUser()->GetSteamID(), false ); } }
g_bVoiceRecording = false; g_bVoiceRecordStopping = false; return(true); }
int Voice_GetCompressedData(char *pchDest, int nCount, bool bFinal) { // Check g_bVoiceRecordStopping in case g_bUsingSteamVoice changes on us
// while waiting for the end of voice data.
if ( g_bUsingSteamVoice || g_bVoiceRecordStopping ) { uint32 cbCompressedWritten = 0; uint32 cbUncompressedWritten = 0; uint32 cbCompressed = 0; uint32 cbUncompressed = 0; // We're going to always request steam give us the encoded stream at the optimal rate, unless our final output
// rate is lower than it. We'll pass our output rate when we actually extract the data, which Steam will
// happily upsample from its optimal rate for us.
int nEncodeRate = min( (int)steamapicontext->SteamUser()->GetVoiceOptimalSampleRate(), Voice_SamplesPerSec() ); EVoiceResult result = steamapicontext->SteamUser()->GetAvailableVoice( &cbCompressed, &cbUncompressed, nEncodeRate ); if ( result == k_EVoiceResultOK ) { result = steamapicontext->SteamUser()->GetVoice( true, pchDest, nCount, &cbCompressedWritten, g_pUncompressedFileData != NULL, g_pUncompressedFileData, MAX_WAVEFILEDATA_LEN - g_nUncompressedDataBytes, &cbUncompressedWritten, nEncodeRate );
if ( g_pUncompressedFileData ) { g_nUncompressedDataBytes += cbUncompressedWritten; } g_pSoundServices->OnChangeVoiceStatus( -3, true ); } else { if ( result == k_EVoiceResultNotRecording && g_bVoiceRecording ) { Voice_RecordStop(); }
g_pSoundServices->OnChangeVoiceStatus( -3, false ); } return cbCompressedWritten; }
IVoiceCodec *pCodec = g_pEncodeCodec; if( g_pVoiceRecord && pCodec ) { #ifdef VOICE_VOX_ENABLE
static ConVarRef voice_vox( "voice_vox" ); #endif // VOICE_VOX_ENABLE
short tempData[8192]; int samplesWanted = min(nCount/BYTES_PER_SAMPLE, (int)sizeof(tempData)/BYTES_PER_SAMPLE); int gotten = g_pVoiceRecord->GetRecordedData(tempData, samplesWanted);
// If they want to get the data from a file instead of the mic, use that.
if(g_pMicInputFileData) { double curtime = Plat_FloatTime(); int nShouldGet = (curtime - g_MicStartTime) * Voice_SamplesPerSec(); gotten = min(sizeof(tempData)/BYTES_PER_SAMPLE, (size_t)min(nShouldGet, (g_nMicInputFileBytes - g_CurMicInputFileByte) / BYTES_PER_SAMPLE)); memcpy(tempData, &g_pMicInputFileData[g_CurMicInputFileByte], gotten*BYTES_PER_SAMPLE); g_CurMicInputFileByte += gotten * BYTES_PER_SAMPLE; g_MicStartTime = curtime; } #ifdef VOICE_VOX_ENABLE
else if ( gotten && voice_vox.GetBool() == true ) { // If the voice data is essentially silent, don't transmit
short *pData = tempData; int averageData = 0; int minData = 16384; int maxData = -16384; for ( int i=0; i<gotten; ++i ) { short val = *pData; averageData += val; minData = min( val, minData ); maxData = max( val, maxData ); ++pData; } averageData /= gotten; int deltaData = maxData - minData;
if ( deltaData < voice_threshold.GetFloat() && maxData < voice_threshold.GetFloat() ) { // -3 signals that we're silent
g_pSoundServices->OnChangeVoiceStatus( -3, false ); return 0; } } #endif // VOICE_VOX_ENABLE
int nCompressedBytes = min( gotten, nCount ); for ( int i=0; i < nCompressedBytes; i++ ) { pchDest[i] = (char)(tempData[i] >> 8); } #else
int nCompressedBytes = pCodec->Compress((char*)tempData, gotten, pchDest, nCount, !!bFinal); #endif
// Write to our file buffers..
if(g_pUncompressedFileData) { int nToWrite = min(gotten*BYTES_PER_SAMPLE, MAX_WAVEFILEDATA_LEN - g_nUncompressedDataBytes); memcpy(&g_pUncompressedFileData[g_nUncompressedDataBytes], tempData, nToWrite); g_nUncompressedDataBytes += nToWrite; } #ifdef VOICE_VOX_ENABLE
// -3 signals that we're talking
g_pSoundServices->OnChangeVoiceStatus( -3, (nCompressedBytes > 0) ); #endif // VOICE_VOX_ENABLE
return nCompressedBytes; } else { #ifdef VOICE_VOX_ENABLE
// -3 signals that we're silent
g_pSoundServices->OnChangeVoiceStatus( -3, false ); #endif // VOICE_VOX_ENABLE
return 0; } }
//------------------ Copyright (c) 1999 Valve, LLC. ----------------------------
// Purpose: Assigns a channel to an entity by searching for either a channel
// already assigned to that entity or picking the least recently used
// channel. If the LRU channel is picked, it is flushed and all other
// channels are aged.
// Input : nEntity - entity number to assign to a channel.
// Output : A channel index to which the entity has been assigned.
int Voice_AssignChannel(int nEntity, bool bProximity) { if(g_bInTweakMode) return VOICE_CHANNEL_IN_TWEAK_MODE;
// See if a channel already exists for this entity and if so, just return it.
int iFree = -1; for(int i=0; i < VOICE_NUM_CHANNELS; i++) { CVoiceChannel *pChannel = &g_VoiceChannels[i];
if(pChannel->m_iEntity == nEntity) { return i; } else if(pChannel->m_iEntity == -1 && ( pChannel->m_pVoiceCodec || g_bUsingSteamVoice ) ) { // Won't exist in steam voice mode
if ( pChannel->m_pVoiceCodec ) { pChannel->m_pVoiceCodec->ResetState(); } iFree = i; break; } }
// If they're all used, then don't allow them to make a new channel.
if(iFree == -1) { return VOICE_CHANNEL_ERROR; }
CVoiceChannel *pChannel = &g_VoiceChannels[iFree]; pChannel->Init(nEntity); pChannel->m_bProximity = bProximity; VoiceSE_StartOverdrive();
return iFree; }
//------------------ Copyright (c) 1999 Valve, LLC. ----------------------------
// Purpose: Determines which channel has been assigened to a given entity.
// Input : nEntity - entity number.
// Output : The index of the channel assigned to the entity, VOICE_CHANNEL_ERROR
// if no channel is currently assigned to the given entity.
int Voice_GetChannel(int nEntity) { for(int i=0; i < VOICE_NUM_CHANNELS; i++) if(g_VoiceChannels[i].m_iEntity == nEntity) return i;
double UpsampleIntoBuffer( const short *pSrc, int nSrcSamples, CCircularBuffer *pBuffer, double startFraction, double rate) { double maxFraction = nSrcSamples - 1;
while(1) { if(startFraction >= maxFraction) break;
int iSample = (int)startFraction; double frac = startFraction - floor(startFraction);
double val1 = pSrc[iSample]; double val2 = pSrc[iSample+1]; short newSample = (short)(val1 + (val2 - val1) * frac); pBuffer->Write(&newSample, sizeof(newSample));
startFraction += rate; }
return startFraction - floor(startFraction); }
//------------------ Copyright (c) 1999 Valve, LLC. ----------------------------
// Purpose: Adds received voice data to
// Input :
// Output :
int Voice_AddIncomingData(int nChannel, const char *pchData, int nCount, int iSequenceNumber) { CVoiceChannel *pChannel;
// If in tweak mode, we call this during Idle with -1 as the channel, so any channel data from the network
// gets rejected.
if(g_bInTweakMode) { if(nChannel == TWEAKMODE_CHANNELINDEX) nChannel = 0; else return 0; }
if ( ( pChannel = GetVoiceChannel(nChannel)) == NULL || ( !g_bUsingSteamVoice && !pChannel->m_pVoiceCodec ) ) { return(0); }
pChannel->m_bStarved = false; // This only really matters if you call Voice_AddIncomingData between the time the mixer
// asks for data and Voice_Idle is called.
// Decompress.
// @note Tom Bui: suggested destination buffer for Steam voice is 22kb
char decompressed[22528];
int nDecompressed = nCount; for ( int i=0; i < nDecompressed; i++ ) ((short*)decompressed)[i] = pchData[i] << 8;
int nDecompressed = 0; if ( g_bUsingSteamVoice ) { uint32 nBytesWritten = 0; EVoiceResult result = steamapicontext->SteamUser()->DecompressVoice( pchData, nCount, decompressed, sizeof( decompressed ), &nBytesWritten, Voice_SamplesPerSec() ); if ( result == k_EVoiceResultOK ) { nDecompressed = nBytesWritten / BYTES_PER_SAMPLE; } } else { nDecompressed = pChannel->m_pVoiceCodec->Decompress(pchData, nCount, decompressed, sizeof(decompressed)); }
if ( g_bInTweakMode ) { short *data = (short *)decompressed; g_VoiceTweakSpeakingVolume = 0;
// Find the highest value
for ( int i=0; i<nDecompressed; ++i ) { g_VoiceTweakSpeakingVolume = max((int)abs(data[i]), g_VoiceTweakSpeakingVolume); }
// Smooth it out
g_VoiceTweakSpeakingVolume &= 0xFE00; }
pChannel->m_AutoGain.ProcessSamples((short*)decompressed, nDecompressed);
// Upsample into the dest buffer. We could do this in a mixer but it complicates the mixer.
pChannel->m_LastFraction = UpsampleIntoBuffer( (short*)decompressed, nDecompressed, &pChannel->m_Buffer, pChannel->m_LastFraction, (double)Voice_SamplesPerSec()/g_VoiceSampleFormat.nSamplesPerSec ); pChannel->m_LastSample = decompressed[nDecompressed];
// Write to our file buffer..
if(g_pDecompressedFileData) { int nToWrite = min(nDecompressed*2, MAX_WAVEFILEDATA_LEN - g_nDecompressedDataBytes); memcpy(&g_pDecompressedFileData[g_nDecompressedDataBytes], decompressed, nToWrite); g_nDecompressedDataBytes += nToWrite; }
g_VoiceWriter.AddDecompressedData( pChannel, (const byte *)decompressed, nDecompressed * 2 );
if( voice_showincoming.GetInt() != 0 ) { Msg("Voice - %d incoming samples added to channel %d\n", nDecompressed, nChannel); }
return(nChannel); }
#if DEAD
//------------------ Copyright (c) 1999 Valve, LLC. ----------------------------
// Purpose: Flushes a given receive channel.
// Input : nChannel - index of channel to flush.
void Voice_FlushChannel(int nChannel) { if ((nChannel < 0) || (nChannel >= VOICE_NUM_CHANNELS)) { Assert(false); return; }
g_VoiceChannels[nChannel].m_Buffer.Flush(); } #endif
// IVoiceTweak implementation.
int VoiceTweak_StartVoiceTweakMode() { // If we're already in voice tweak mode, return an error.
if(g_bInTweakMode) { Assert(!"VoiceTweak_StartVoiceTweakMode called while already in tweak mode."); return 0; }
if ( !g_pMixerControls && voice_enable.GetBool() ) { Voice_ForceInit(); }
if( !g_pMixerControls ) return 0;
Voice_EndAllChannels(); Voice_RecordStart(NULL, NULL, NULL); Voice_AssignChannel(TWEAKMODE_ENTITYINDEX, false ); g_bInTweakMode = true; InitMixerControls();
return 1; }
void VoiceTweak_EndVoiceTweakMode() { if(!g_bInTweakMode) { Assert(!"VoiceTweak_EndVoiceTweakMode called when not in tweak mode."); return; }
g_bInTweakMode = false; Voice_RecordStop(); }
void VoiceTweak_SetControlFloat(VoiceTweakControl iControl, float flValue) { if(!g_pMixerControls) return;
if(iControl == MicrophoneVolume) { g_pMixerControls->SetValue_Float(IMixerControls::MicVolume, flValue); } else if ( iControl == MicBoost ) { g_pMixerControls->SetValue_Float( IMixerControls::MicBoost, flValue ); } else if(iControl == OtherSpeakerScale) { voice_scale.SetValue( flValue ); } }
void Voice_ForceInit() { if ( g_pMixerControls || !voice_enable.GetBool() ) { // Nothing to do
return; }
// Lacking a better default, just peak at what the server's sv_voicecodec is set to
static ConVarRef sv_voicecodec( "sv_voicecodec" ); if ( !Voice_InitWithDefault( sv_voicecodec.GetString() ) ) { // Try ultimate fallback
Voice_InitWithDefault( VOICE_FALLBACK_CODEC ); } }
float VoiceTweak_GetControlFloat(VoiceTweakControl iControl) { Voice_ForceInit();
if(!g_pMixerControls) return 0;
if(iControl == MicrophoneVolume) { float value = 1; g_pMixerControls->GetValue_Float(IMixerControls::MicVolume, value); return value; } else if(iControl == OtherSpeakerScale) { return voice_scale.GetFloat(); } else if(iControl == SpeakingVolume) { return g_VoiceTweakSpeakingVolume * 1.0f / 32768; } else if ( iControl == MicBoost ) { float flValue = 1; g_pMixerControls->GetValue_Float( IMixerControls::MicBoost, flValue ); return flValue; } else { return 1; } }
bool VoiceTweak_IsStillTweaking() { return g_bInTweakMode; }
void Voice_Spatialize( channel_t *channel ) { if ( !g_bInTweakMode ) return;
Assert( channel->sfx ); Assert( channel->sfx->pSource ); Assert( channel->sfx->pSource->GetType() == CAudioSource::AUDIO_SOURCE_VOICE );
// Place the tweak mode sound back at the view entity
CVoiceChannel *pVoiceChannel = GetVoiceChannel( 0 ); Assert( pVoiceChannel ); if ( !pVoiceChannel ) return;
if ( pVoiceChannel->m_nSoundGuid != channel->guid ) return;
// No change
if ( g_pSoundServices->GetViewEntity() == pVoiceChannel->m_nViewEntityIndex ) return;
DevMsg( 1, "Voice_Spatialize changing voice tweak entity from %d to %d\n", pVoiceChannel->m_nViewEntityIndex, g_pSoundServices->GetViewEntity() );
pVoiceChannel->m_nViewEntityIndex = g_pSoundServices->GetViewEntity(); channel->soundsource = pVoiceChannel->m_nViewEntityIndex; }
IVoiceTweak g_VoiceTweakAPI = { VoiceTweak_StartVoiceTweakMode, VoiceTweak_EndVoiceTweakMode, VoiceTweak_SetControlFloat, VoiceTweak_GetControlFloat, VoiceTweak_IsStillTweaking, };