//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// 4-23-98
// JOHN: implementation of interface between client-side DLL and game engine.
// The cdll shouldn't have to know anything about networking or file formats.
// This file is Win32-dependant
#include "client_pch.h"
#include "getintersectingsurfaces_struct.h"
#include "gl_model_private.h"
#include "surfinfo.h"
#include "vstdlib/random.h"
#include "cdll_int.h"
#include "cmodel_engine.h"
#include "tmessage.h"
#include "console.h"
#include "snd_audio_source.h"
#include <vgui_controls/Controls.h>
#include <vgui/IInput.h>
#include "iengine.h"
#include "keys.h"
#include "con_nprint.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#include "sound.h"
#include "gl_rmain.h"
#include "proto_version.h"
#include "client_class.h"
#include "gl_rsurf.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "r_local.h"
#include "lightcache.h"
#include "gl_matsysiface.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystemhardwareconfig.h"
#include "materialsystem/materialsystem_config.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterial.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialvar.h"
#include "materialsystem/itexture.h"
#include "istudiorender.h"
#include "l_studio.h"
#include "voice.h"
#include "enginestats.h"
#include "testscriptmgr.h"
#include "r_areaportal.h"
#include "host.h"
#include "host_cmd.h"
#include "vox.h"
#include "iprediction.h"
#include "icliententitylist.h"
#include "eiface.h"
#include "ivguicenterprint.h"
#include "engine/IClientLeafSystem.h"
#include "dt_recv_eng.h"
#include <vgui/IVGui.h>
#include "sys_dll.h"
#include "vphysics_interface.h"
#include "materialsystem/imesh.h"
#include "IOcclusionSystem.h"
#include "filesystem_engine.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "client_textmessage.h"
#include "host_saverestore.h"
#include "cl_main.h"
#include "demo.h"
#include "appframework/ilaunchermgr.h"
#include "vgui_baseui_interface.h"
#include "LocalNetworkBackdoor.h"
#include "lightcache.h"
#include "vgui/ISystem.h"
#include "ivideomode.h"
#include "icolorcorrectiontools.h"
#include "toolframework/itoolframework.h"
#include "engine/view_sharedv1.h"
#include "view.h"
#include "game/client/iclientrendertargets.h"
#include "tier2/tier2.h"
#include "matchmaking.h"
#include "inputsystem/iinputsystem.h"
#include "iachievementmgr.h"
#include "profile.h"
#include "cl_steamauth.h"
#include "download.h"
#include "replay/iclientreplay.h"
#include "demofile.h"
#include "igame.h"
#include "iclientvirtualreality.h"
#include "sourcevr/isourcevirtualreality.h"
#include "cl_check_process.h"
#include "enginethreads.h"
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
#include "replay_internal.h"
#include "replay/replaylib.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// forward declarations
IMaterial* BrushModel_GetLightingAndMaterial( const Vector &start, const Vector &end, Vector &diffuseLightColor, Vector &baseColor ); const char *Key_NameForBinding( const char *pBinding ); void CL_GetBackgroundLevelName( char *pszBackgroundName, int bufSize, bool bMapName ); CreateInterfaceFn g_ClientFactory = NULL; extern CGlobalVars g_ServerGlobalVariables;
// globals
CSysModule *g_ClientDLLModule = NULL; // also used by materialproxyfactory.cpp
bool g_bClientGameDLLGreaterThanV13;
void AddIntersectingLeafSurfaces( mleaf_t *pLeaf, GetIntersectingSurfaces_Struct *pStruct ) { SurfaceHandle_t *pHandle = &host_state.worldbrush->marksurfaces[pLeaf->firstmarksurface]; for ( int iSurf=0; iSurf < pLeaf->nummarksurfaces; iSurf++ ) { SurfaceHandle_t surfID = pHandle[iSurf]; ASSERT_SURF_VALID( surfID ); if ( MSurf_Flags(surfID) & SURFDRAW_SKY ) continue;
// Make sure we haven't already processed this one.
bool foundSurf = false; for(int iTest=0; iTest < pStruct->m_nSetInfos; iTest++) { if(pStruct->m_pInfos[iTest].m_pEngineData == (void *)surfID) { foundSurf = true; break; } } if ( foundSurf ) continue;
// Make sure there's output room.
if(pStruct->m_nSetInfos >= pStruct->m_nMaxInfos) return; SurfInfo *pOut = &pStruct->m_pInfos[pStruct->m_nSetInfos]; pOut->m_nVerts = 0; pOut->m_pEngineData = (void *)surfID;
// Build vertex list and bounding box.
Vector vMin( 1000000.0f, 1000000.0f, 1000000.0f); Vector vMax(-1000000.0f, -1000000.0f, -1000000.0f); for(int iVert=0; iVert < MSurf_VertCount( surfID ); iVert++) { int vertIndex = pStruct->m_pModel->brush.pShared->vertindices[MSurf_FirstVertIndex( surfID ) + iVert];
pOut->m_Verts[pOut->m_nVerts] = pStruct->m_pModel->brush.pShared->vertexes[vertIndex].position; vMin = vMin.Min(pOut->m_Verts[pOut->m_nVerts]); vMax = vMax.Max(pOut->m_Verts[pOut->m_nVerts]);
++pOut->m_nVerts; if(pOut->m_nVerts >= MAX_SURFINFO_VERTS) break; }
// See if the sphere intersects the box.
int iDim=0; for(; iDim < 3; iDim++) { if(((*pStruct->m_pCenter)[iDim]+pStruct->m_Radius) < vMin[iDim] || ((*pStruct->m_pCenter)[iDim]-pStruct->m_Radius) > vMax[iDim]) { break; } } if(iDim == 3) { // (Couldn't reject the sphere in the loop above).
pOut->m_Plane = MSurf_GetForwardFacingPlane( surfID ); ++pStruct->m_nSetInfos; } } }
void GetIntersectingSurfaces_R( GetIntersectingSurfaces_Struct *pStruct, mnode_t *pNode ) { if(pStruct->m_nSetInfos >= pStruct->m_nMaxInfos) return;
// Ok, this is a leaf. Check its surfaces.
if(pNode->contents >= 0) { mleaf_t *pLeaf = (mleaf_t*)pNode;
if(pStruct->m_bOnlyVisible && pStruct->m_pCenterPVS) { if(pLeaf->cluster < 0) return;
if(!(pStruct->m_pCenterPVS[pLeaf->cluster>>3] & (1 << (pLeaf->cluster&7)))) return; }
// First, add tris from displacements.
for ( int i = 0; i < pLeaf->dispCount; i++ ) { IDispInfo *pDispInfo = MLeaf_Disaplcement( pLeaf, i ); pDispInfo->GetIntersectingSurfaces( pStruct ); }
// Next, add brush tris.
AddIntersectingLeafSurfaces( pLeaf, pStruct ); return; } // Recurse.
float dot; cplane_t *plane = pNode->plane; if ( plane->type < 3 ) { dot = (*pStruct->m_pCenter)[plane->type] - plane->dist; } else { dot = pStruct->m_pCenter->Dot(plane->normal) - plane->dist; }
// Recurse into child nodes.
if(dot > -pStruct->m_Radius) GetIntersectingSurfaces_R(pStruct, pNode->children[SIDE_FRONT]); if(dot < pStruct->m_Radius) GetIntersectingSurfaces_R(pStruct, pNode->children[SIDE_BACK]); }
// slow routine to draw a physics model
// NOTE: very slow code!!! just for debugging!
void DebugDrawPhysCollide( const CPhysCollide *pCollide, IMaterial *pMaterial, matrix3x4_t& transform, const color32 &color, bool drawAxes ) { if ( !pMaterial ) { pMaterial = materials->FindMaterial("shadertest/wireframevertexcolor", TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER); }
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
Vector *outVerts; int vertCount = physcollision->CreateDebugMesh( pCollide, &outVerts ); if ( vertCount ) { IMesh *pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh( true, NULL, NULL, pMaterial );
CMeshBuilder meshBuilder; meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_TRIANGLES, vertCount/3 );
for ( int j = 0; j < vertCount; j++ ) { Vector out; VectorTransform( outVerts[j].Base(), transform, out.Base() ); meshBuilder.Position3fv( out.Base() ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, 0, 0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); } meshBuilder.End(); pMesh->Draw(); } physcollision->DestroyDebugMesh( vertCount, outVerts );
// draw the axes
if ( drawAxes ) { Vector xaxis(10,0,0), yaxis(0,10,0), zaxis(0,0,10); Vector center; Vector out;
MatrixGetColumn( transform, 3, center ); IMesh *pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh( true, NULL, NULL, pMaterial ); CMeshBuilder meshBuilder; meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_LINES, 3 );
// X
meshBuilder.Position3fv( center.Base() ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( 255, 0, 0, 255 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, 0, 0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); VectorTransform( xaxis.Base(), transform, out.Base() ); meshBuilder.Position3fv( out.Base() ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( 255, 0, 0, 255 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, 0, 0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex();
// Y
meshBuilder.Position3fv( center.Base() ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( 0, 255, 0, 255 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, 0, 0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); VectorTransform( yaxis.Base(), transform, out.Base() ); meshBuilder.Position3fv( out.Base() ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( 0, 255, 0, 255 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, 0, 0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex();
// Z
meshBuilder.Position3fv( center.Base() ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( 0, 0, 255, 255 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, 0, 0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); VectorTransform( zaxis.Base(), transform, out.Base() ); meshBuilder.Position3fv( out.Base() ); meshBuilder.Color4ub( 0, 0, 255, 255 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, 0, 0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); meshBuilder.End(); pMesh->Draw(); } }
// implementation of IVEngineHud
// UNDONE: Move this to hud export code, subsume previous functions
class CEngineClient : public IVEngineClient { public: CEngineClient();
int GetIntersectingSurfaces( const model_t *model, const Vector &vCenter, const float radius, const bool bOnlyVisible, SurfInfo *pInfos, const int nMaxInfos);
Vector GetLightForPoint(const Vector &pos, bool bClamp); Vector GetLightForPointFast(const Vector &pos, bool bClamp); const char *ParseFile( const char *data, char *token, int maxlen ); virtual bool CopyLocalFile( const char *source, const char *destination ); void GetScreenSize( int& w, int &h ); void ServerCmd( const char *szCmdString, bool bReliable ); void ClientCmd( const char *szCmdString ); void ClientCmd_Unrestricted( const char *szCmdString ); void SetRestrictServerCommands( bool bRestrict ); void SetRestrictClientCommands( bool bRestrict ); bool GetPlayerInfo( int ent_num, player_info_t *pinfo ); client_textmessage_t *TextMessageGet( const char *pName ); bool Con_IsVisible( void ); int GetLocalPlayer( void ); float GetLastTimeStamp( void ); const model_t *LoadModel( const char *pName, bool bProp ); void UnloadModel( const model_t *model, bool bProp ); CSentence *GetSentence( CAudioSource *pAudioSource ); float GetSentenceLength( CAudioSource *pAudioSource ); bool IsStreaming( CAudioSource *pAudioSource ) const; void AddPhonemeFile( const char *pszPhonemeFile );
// FIXME, move entirely to client .dll
void GetViewAngles( QAngle& va ); void SetViewAngles( QAngle& va ); int GetMaxClients( void ); void Key_Event( ButtonCode_t key, int down ); const char *Key_LookupBinding( const char *pBinding ); const char *Key_LookupBindingExact( const char *pBinding ); const char *Key_BindingForKey( ButtonCode_t code ); void StartKeyTrapMode( void ); bool CheckDoneKeyTrapping( ButtonCode_t &key ); bool IsInGame( void ); bool IsConnected( void ); bool IsDrawingLoadingImage( void ); void Con_NPrintf( int pos, const char *fmt, ... ); void Con_NXPrintf( const struct con_nprint_s *info, const char *fmt, ... ); IMaterial *TraceLineMaterialAndLighting( const Vector &start, const Vector &end, Vector &diffuseLightColor, Vector &baseColor ); int IsBoxVisible( const Vector& mins, const Vector& maxs ); int IsBoxInViewCluster( const Vector& mins, const Vector& maxs );
float Time(); void Sound_ExtraUpdate( void );
bool CullBox ( const Vector& mins, const Vector& maxs ); const char *GetGameDirectory( void ); const VMatrix& WorldToScreenMatrix(); const VMatrix& WorldToViewMatrix();
// Loads a game lump off disk
int GameLumpVersion( int lumpId ) const; int GameLumpSize( int lumpId ) const; bool LoadGameLump( int lumpId, void* pBuffer, int size );
// Returns the number of leaves in the level
int LevelLeafCount() const; virtual ISpatialQuery* GetBSPTreeQuery();
// Convert texlight to gamma...
virtual void LinearToGamma( float* linear, float* gamma );
// Get the lightstyle value
virtual float LightStyleValue( int style ); virtual void DrawPortals();
// Computes light due to dynamic lighting at a point
// If the normal isn't specified, then it'll return the maximum lighting
virtual void ComputeDynamicLighting( Vector const& pt, Vector const* pNormal, Vector& color );
// Computes light due to dynamic lighting at a point
// If the normal isn't specified, then it'll return the maximum lighting
// If pBoxColors is specified (it's an array of 6), then it'll copy the light contribution at each box side.
virtual void ComputeLighting( const Vector& pt, const Vector* pNormal, bool bClamp, Vector& color, Vector *pBoxColors );
// Returns the color of the ambient light
virtual void GetAmbientLightColor( Vector& color );
// Returns the dx support level
virtual int GetDXSupportLevel(); virtual bool SupportsHDR(); virtual void Mat_Stub( IMaterialSystem *pMatSys );
// menu display
virtual void GetChapterName( char *pchBuff, int iMaxLength ); virtual char const *GetLevelName( void ); virtual int GetLevelVersion( void ); virtual bool IsLevelMainMenuBackground( void ); virtual void GetMainMenuBackgroundName( char *dest, int destlen );
// Occlusion system control
virtual void SetOcclusionParameters( const OcclusionParams_t ¶ms );
// Purpose: Takes a trackerID and returns which player slot that user is in
// returns 0 if no player found with that ID
virtual int GetPlayerForUserID(int userID); #if !defined( NO_VOICE )
virtual struct IVoiceTweak_s *GetVoiceTweakAPI( void ); #endif
virtual void EngineStats_BeginFrame( void ); virtual void EngineStats_EndFrame( void ); virtual void FireEvents(); virtual void CheckPoint( const char *pName ); virtual int GetLeavesArea( int *pLeaves, int nLeaves ); virtual bool DoesBoxTouchAreaFrustum( const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs, int iArea );
// Sets the hearing origin
virtual void SetAudioState( const AudioState_t &audioState );
// Sentence API
virtual int SentenceGroupPick( int groupIndex, char *name, int nameLen ); virtual int SentenceGroupPickSequential( int groupIndex, char *name, int nameLen, int sentenceIndex, int reset ); virtual int SentenceIndexFromName( const char *pSentenceName ); virtual const char *SentenceNameFromIndex( int sentenceIndex ); virtual int SentenceGroupIndexFromName( const char *pGroupName ); virtual const char *SentenceGroupNameFromIndex( int groupIndex ); virtual float SentenceLength( int sentenceIndex ); virtual void DebugDrawPhysCollide( const CPhysCollide *pCollide, IMaterial *pMaterial, matrix3x4_t& transform, const color32 &color );
// Activates/deactivates an occluder...
virtual void ActivateOccluder( int nOccluderIndex, bool bActive ); virtual bool IsOccluded( const Vector &vecAbsMins, const Vector &vecAbsMaxs ); virtual void *SaveAllocMemory( size_t num, size_t size ); virtual void SaveFreeMemory( void *pSaveMem ); virtual INetChannelInfo *GetNetChannelInfo( void ); virtual bool IsPlayingDemo( void ); virtual bool IsRecordingDemo( void ); virtual bool IsPlayingTimeDemo( void ); virtual int GetDemoRecordingTick( void ); virtual int GetDemoPlaybackTick( void ); virtual int GetDemoPlaybackStartTick( void ); virtual float GetDemoPlaybackTimeScale( void ); virtual int GetDemoPlaybackTotalTicks( void ); virtual bool IsPaused( void ); virtual bool IsTakingScreenshot( void ); virtual bool IsHLTV( void ); virtual void GetVideoModes( int &nCount, vmode_s *&pModes ); virtual void GetUILanguage( char *dest, int destlen );
// Can skybox be seen from a particular point?
virtual SkyboxVisibility_t IsSkyboxVisibleFromPoint( const Vector &vecPoint );
virtual const char* GetMapEntitiesString(); virtual bool IsInEditMode( void ); virtual bool IsInCommentaryMode( void ); virtual float GetScreenAspectRatio();
virtual unsigned int GetEngineBuildNumber() { return PROTOCOL_VERSION; } virtual const char * GetProductVersionString() { return GetSteamInfIDVersionInfo().szVersionString; } virtual void GrabPreColorCorrectedFrame( int x, int y, int width, int height ); virtual bool IsHammerRunning( ) const;
// Stuffs the cmd into the buffer & executes it immediately (vs ClientCmd() which executes it next frame)
virtual void ExecuteClientCmd( const char *szCmdString );
virtual bool MapHasHDRLighting( void) ; virtual int GetAppID();
virtual void SetOverlayBindProxy( int iOverlayID, void *pBindProxy );
virtual bool CopyFrameBufferToMaterial( const char *pMaterialName );
// Matchmaking
void ChangeTeam( const char *pTeamName ); virtual void ReadConfiguration( const bool readDefault = false );
virtual void SetAchievementMgr( IAchievementMgr *pAchievementMgr ); virtual IAchievementMgr *GetAchievementMgr();
virtual bool MapLoadFailed( void ); virtual void SetMapLoadFailed( bool bState );
virtual bool IsLowViolence(); virtual const char *GetMostRecentSaveGame( void ); virtual void SetMostRecentSaveGame( const char *lpszFilename );
virtual void StartXboxExitingProcess(); virtual bool IsSaveInProgress(); virtual uint OnStorageDeviceAttached( void ); virtual void OnStorageDeviceDetached( void );
virtual void ResetDemoInterpolation( void );
virtual bool REMOVED_SteamRefreshLogin( const char *password, bool isSecure ) { return false; } virtual bool REMOVED_SteamProcessCall( bool & finished ) { return false; }
virtual void SetGamestatsData( CGamestatsData *pGamestatsData ); virtual CGamestatsData *GetGamestatsData();
#if defined( USE_SDL )
virtual void GetMouseDelta( int &x, int &y, bool bIgnoreNextMouseDelta ); #endif
virtual void ServerCmdKeyValues( KeyValues *pKeyValues );
virtual bool IsSkippingPlayback( void ); virtual bool IsLoadingDemo( void );
virtual bool IsPlayingDemoALocallyRecordedDemo();
virtual uint GetProtocolVersion( void );
virtual bool IsWindowedMode( void );
virtual void FlashWindow(); virtual int GetClientVersion() const; // engines build
virtual bool IsActiveApp(); virtual void DisconnectInternal();
virtual int GetInstancesRunningCount( );
virtual float GetPausedExpireTime( void ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool StartDemoRecording( const char *pszFilename, const char *pszFolder = NULL ); virtual void StopDemoRecording( void ); virtual void TakeScreenshot( const char *pszFilename, const char *pszFolder = NULL ); };
// Singleton
static CEngineClient s_VEngineClient; IVEngineClient *engineClient = &s_VEngineClient; EXPOSE_SINGLE_INTERFACE_GLOBALVAR( CEngineClient, IVEngineClient, VENGINE_CLIENT_INTERFACE_VERSION, s_VEngineClient ); EXPOSE_SINGLE_INTERFACE_GLOBALVAR( CEngineClient, IVEngineClient013, VENGINE_CLIENT_INTERFACE_VERSION_13, s_VEngineClient );
// Constructor
CEngineClient::CEngineClient() { }
int CEngineClient::GetIntersectingSurfaces( const model_t *model, const Vector &vCenter, const float radius, const bool bOnlyVisible, SurfInfo *pInfos, const int nMaxInfos) { if ( !model ) return 0;
byte pvs[MAX_MAP_LEAFS/8]; GetIntersectingSurfaces_Struct theStruct; theStruct.m_pModel = ( model_t * )model; theStruct.m_pCenter = &vCenter; theStruct.m_pCenterPVS = CM_Vis( pvs, sizeof(pvs), CM_LeafCluster( CM_PointLeafnum( vCenter ) ), DVIS_PVS ); theStruct.m_Radius = radius; theStruct.m_bOnlyVisible = bOnlyVisible; theStruct.m_pInfos = pInfos; theStruct.m_nMaxInfos = nMaxInfos; theStruct.m_nSetInfos = 0;
// Go down the BSP.
GetIntersectingSurfaces_R( &theStruct, &model->brush.pShared->nodes[ model->brush.firstnode ] );
return theStruct.m_nSetInfos; }
Vector CEngineClient::GetLightForPoint(const Vector &pos, bool bClamp) { Vector vRet; ComputeLighting( pos, NULL, bClamp, vRet, NULL ); return vRet; }
Vector CEngineClient::GetLightForPointFast(const Vector &pos, bool bClamp) { Vector vRet; int leafIndex = CM_PointLeafnum(pos); vRet.Init(); Vector cube[6]; Mod_LeafAmbientColorAtPos( cube, pos, leafIndex ); for ( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) { vRet.x = fpmax(vRet.x, cube[i].x ); vRet.y = fpmax(vRet.y, cube[i].y ); vRet.z = fpmax(vRet.z, cube[i].z ); } if ( bClamp ) { if ( vRet.x > 1.0f ) vRet.x = 1.0f; if ( vRet.y > 1.0f ) vRet.y = 1.0f; if ( vRet.z > 1.0f ) vRet.z = 1.0f; } return vRet; }
const char *CEngineClient::ParseFile( const char *data, char *token, int maxlen ) { return ::COM_ParseFile( data, token, maxlen ); }
bool CEngineClient::CopyLocalFile( const char *source, const char *destination ) { return ::COM_CopyFile( source, destination ); }
void CEngineClient::GetScreenSize( int& w, int &h ) { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); pRenderContext->GetWindowSize( w, h ); }
void CEngineClient::ServerCmd( const char *szCmdString, bool bReliable ) { // info handling
char buf[255]; Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "cmd %s", szCmdString );
CCommand args; args.Tokenize( buf ); Cmd_ForwardToServer( args, bReliable ); }
void CEngineClient::ClientCmd( const char *szCmdString ) { // Check that we can add the two execution markers
if ( cl.m_bRestrictClientCommands && !Cbuf_HasRoomForExecutionMarkers( 2 ) ) { AssertMsg( false, "CEngineClient::ClientCmd called but there is no room for the execution markers. Ignoring command." ); return; }
// Only let them run commands marked with FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE.
if ( cl.m_bRestrictClientCommands ) Cbuf_AddTextWithMarkers( eCmdExecutionMarker_Enable_FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE, szCmdString, eCmdExecutionMarker_Disable_FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE ); else Cbuf_AddText( szCmdString ); }
void CEngineClient::ClientCmd_Unrestricted( const char *szCmdString ) { Cbuf_AddText( szCmdString ); }
void CEngineClient::SetRestrictServerCommands( bool bRestrict ) { cl.m_bRestrictServerCommands = bRestrict; }
void CEngineClient::SetRestrictClientCommands( bool bRestrict ) { cl.m_bRestrictClientCommands = bRestrict; }
void CEngineClient::ExecuteClientCmd( const char *szCmdString ) { Cbuf_AddText( szCmdString ); Cbuf_Execute(); }
bool CEngineClient::GetPlayerInfo( int ent_num, player_info_t *pinfo ) { ent_num--; // player list if offset by 1 from ents
if ( ent_num >= cl.m_nMaxClients || ent_num < 0 ) { Q_memset( pinfo, 0, sizeof( player_info_t ) ); return false; }
Assert( cl.m_pUserInfoTable ); if ( !cl.m_pUserInfoTable ) { Q_memset( pinfo, 0, sizeof( player_info_t ) ); return false; }
Assert( ent_num < cl.m_pUserInfoTable->GetNumStrings() ); if ( ent_num >= cl.m_pUserInfoTable->GetNumStrings() ) { Q_memset( pinfo, 0, sizeof( player_info_t ) ); return false; }
int cubPlayerInfo; player_info_t *pi = (player_info_t*) cl.m_pUserInfoTable->GetStringUserData( ent_num, &cubPlayerInfo );
if ( !pi || cubPlayerInfo < sizeof( player_info_t ) ) { Q_memset( pinfo, 0, sizeof( player_info_t ) ); return false; }
Q_memcpy( pinfo, pi, sizeof( player_info_t ) );
// Fixup from network order (little endian)
CByteswap byteswap; byteswap.SetTargetBigEndian( false ); byteswap.SwapFieldsToTargetEndian( pinfo );
return true; }
client_textmessage_t *CEngineClient::TextMessageGet( const char *pName ) { return ::TextMessageGet( pName ); }
bool CEngineClient::Con_IsVisible( void ) { return ::Con_IsVisible(); }
int CEngineClient::GetLocalPlayer( void ) { return cl.m_nPlayerSlot + 1; }
float CEngineClient::GetLastTimeStamp( void ) { return cl.m_flLastServerTickTime; }
bool CEngineClient::MapHasHDRLighting( void) { return modelloader->LastLoadedMapHasHDRLighting(); }
const model_t *CEngineClient::LoadModel( const char *pName, bool bProp ) { return modelloader->GetModelForName( pName, bProp ? IModelLoader::FMODELLOADER_DETAILPROP : IModelLoader::FMODELLOADER_CLIENTDLL ); }
CSentence *CEngineClient::GetSentence( CAudioSource *pAudioSource ) { if (pAudioSource) { return pAudioSource->GetSentence(); } return NULL; }
void AddPhonemesFromFile( const char *pszFileName );
void CEngineClient::AddPhonemeFile( const char *pszPhonemeFile ) { AddPhonemesFromFile( pszPhonemeFile ); }
float CEngineClient::GetSentenceLength( CAudioSource *pAudioSource ) { if (pAudioSource && pAudioSource->SampleRate() > 0 ) { float length = (float)pAudioSource->SampleCount() / (float)pAudioSource->SampleRate(); return length; } return 0.0f; }
bool CEngineClient::IsStreaming( CAudioSource *pAudioSource ) const { if ( pAudioSource ) { return pAudioSource->IsStreaming(); } return false; }
// FIXME, move entirely to client .dll
void CEngineClient::GetViewAngles( QAngle& va ) { VectorCopy( cl.viewangles, va ); }
void CEngineClient::SetViewAngles( QAngle& va ) { cl.viewangles.x = AngleNormalize( va.x ); cl.viewangles.y = AngleNormalize( va.y ); cl.viewangles.z = AngleNormalize( va.z ); Assert( !IS_NAN(cl.viewangles.x ) ); Assert( !IS_NAN(cl.viewangles.y ) ); Assert( !IS_NAN(cl.viewangles.z ) ); }
int CEngineClient::GetMaxClients( void ) { return cl.m_nMaxClients; }
void CEngineClient::SetMapLoadFailed( bool bState ) { g_ServerGlobalVariables.bMapLoadFailed = bState; }
bool CEngineClient::MapLoadFailed( void ) { return g_ServerGlobalVariables.bMapLoadFailed; }
void CEngineClient::ReadConfiguration( const bool readDefault /*= false*/ ) { Host_ReadConfiguration(); }
const char *CEngineClient::Key_LookupBinding( const char *pBinding ) { return ::Key_NameForBinding( pBinding ); }
const char *CEngineClient::Key_LookupBindingExact( const char *pBinding ) { return ::Key_NameForBindingExact( pBinding ); }
const char *CEngineClient::Key_BindingForKey( ButtonCode_t code ) { return ::Key_BindingForKey( code ); }
void CEngineClient::StartKeyTrapMode( void ) { Key_StartTrapMode(); }
bool CEngineClient::CheckDoneKeyTrapping( ButtonCode_t &code ) { return Key_CheckDoneTrapping( code ); }
bool CEngineClient::IsInGame( void ) { return cl.IsActive(); }
bool CEngineClient::IsConnected( void ) { return cl.IsConnected(); }
bool CEngineClient::IsDrawingLoadingImage( void ) { return scr_drawloading; }
void CEngineClient::Con_NPrintf( int pos, const char *fmt, ... ) { va_list argptr; char text[4096]; va_start (argptr, fmt); Q_vsnprintf(text, sizeof( text ), fmt, argptr); va_end (argptr);
::Con_NPrintf( pos, "%s", text ); }
void CEngineClient::Con_NXPrintf( const struct con_nprint_s *info, const char *fmt, ... ) { va_list argptr; char text[4096]; va_start (argptr, fmt); Q_vsnprintf(text, sizeof( text ), fmt, argptr); va_end (argptr);
::Con_NXPrintf( info, "%s", text ); }
IMaterial *CEngineClient::TraceLineMaterialAndLighting( const Vector &start, const Vector &end, Vector &diffuseLightColor, Vector &baseColor ) { return BrushModel_GetLightingAndMaterial( start, end, diffuseLightColor, baseColor ); }
int CEngineClient::IsBoxVisible( const Vector& mins, const Vector& maxs ) { return CM_BoxVisible( mins, maxs, Map_VisCurrent(), CM_ClusterPVSSize() ); }
int CEngineClient::IsBoxInViewCluster( const Vector& mins, const Vector& maxs ) { // See comments in Map_VisCurrentCluster for why we might get a negative number.
int curCluster = Map_VisCurrentCluster(); if ( curCluster < 0 ) return false;
byte pvs[MAX_MAP_LEAFS/8]; const byte *ppvs = CM_Vis( pvs, sizeof(pvs), curCluster, DVIS_PVS ); return CM_BoxVisible(mins, maxs, ppvs, sizeof(pvs) ); }
float CEngineClient::Time() { return Sys_FloatTime(); }
void CEngineClient::Sound_ExtraUpdate( void ) { // On xbox this is not necessary except for long pauses, so unhook this one
if ( IsX360() ) return;
S_ExtraUpdate(); }
bool CEngineClient::CullBox ( const Vector& mins, const Vector& maxs ) { return R_CullBoxSkipNear( mins, maxs, g_Frustum ); }
const char *CEngineClient::GetGameDirectory( void ) { return com_gamedir; }
const VMatrix& CEngineClient::WorldToScreenMatrix() { // FIXME: this is only valid if we're currently rendering. If not, it should use the player, or it really should pass one in.
return g_EngineRenderer->WorldToScreenMatrix(); }
const VMatrix& CEngineClient::WorldToViewMatrix() { // FIXME: this is only valid if we're currently rendering. If not, it should use the player, or it really should pass one in.
return g_EngineRenderer->ViewMatrix(); }
// Loads a game lump off disk
int CEngineClient::GameLumpVersion( int lumpId ) const { return Mod_GameLumpVersion( lumpId ); }
int CEngineClient::GameLumpSize( int lumpId ) const { return Mod_GameLumpSize( lumpId ); }
bool CEngineClient::LoadGameLump( int lumpId, void* pBuffer, int size ) { return Mod_LoadGameLump( lumpId, pBuffer, size ); }
// Returns the number of leaves in the level
int CEngineClient::LevelLeafCount() const { return host_state.worldbrush->numleafs; }
ISpatialQuery* CEngineClient::GetBSPTreeQuery() { return g_pToolBSPTree; }
// Convert texlight to gamma...
void CEngineClient::LinearToGamma( float* linear, float* gamma ) { gamma[0] = LinearToTexture( linear[0] ) / 255.0f; gamma[1] = LinearToTexture( linear[1] ) / 255.0f; gamma[2] = LinearToTexture( linear[2] ) / 255.0f; }
// Get the lightstyle value
float CEngineClient::LightStyleValue( int style ) { return ::LightStyleValue( style ); }
void CEngineClient::DrawPortals() { R_DrawPortals(); }
// Computes light due to dynamic lighting at a point
// If the normal isn't specified, then it'll return the maximum lighting
void CEngineClient::ComputeDynamicLighting( Vector const& pt, Vector const* pNormal, Vector& color ) { ::ComputeDynamicLighting( pt, pNormal, color ); }
// Computes light due to dynamic lighting at a point
// If the normal isn't specified, then it'll return the maximum lighting
void CEngineClient::ComputeLighting( const Vector& pt, const Vector* pNormal, bool bClamp, Vector& color, Vector *pBoxColors ) { ::ComputeLighting( pt, pNormal, bClamp, color, pBoxColors ); }
// Returns the color of the ambient light
void CEngineClient::GetAmbientLightColor( Vector& color ) { dworldlight_t* pWorldLight = FindAmbientLight(); if (!pWorldLight) color.Init( 0, 0, 0 ); else VectorCopy( pWorldLight->intensity, color ); }
// Returns the dx support level
int CEngineClient::GetDXSupportLevel() { return g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetDXSupportLevel(); }
bool CEngineClient::SupportsHDR() { // deprecated.
// Assert( 0 );
return false; }
void CEngineClient::Mat_Stub( IMaterialSystem *pMatSys ) { materials = pMatSys; // Pass the call to the model renderer.
if ( g_pStudioRender ) g_pStudioRender->Mat_Stub( pMatSys ); }
void CEngineClient::GetChapterName( char *pchBuff, int iMaxLength ) { serverGameDLL->GetSaveComment( pchBuff, iMaxLength, 0.0f, 0.0f, true ); }
char const *CEngineClient::GetLevelName( void ) { if ( sv.IsDedicated() ) { return "Dedicated Server"; } else if ( !cl.IsConnected() ) { return ""; }
return cl.m_szLevelFileName; }
int CEngineClient::GetLevelVersion( void ) { return g_ServerGlobalVariables.mapversion; }
bool CEngineClient::IsLevelMainMenuBackground( void ) { return sv.IsLevelMainMenuBackground(); }
void CEngineClient::GetMainMenuBackgroundName( char *dest, int destlen ) { CL_GetBackgroundLevelName( dest, destlen, false ); }
// Occlusion system control
void CEngineClient::SetOcclusionParameters( const OcclusionParams_t ¶ms ) { OcclusionSystem()->SetOcclusionParameters( params.m_flMaxOccludeeArea, params.m_flMinOccluderArea ); }
// Purpose: Takes a trackerID and returns which player slot that user is in
// returns 0 if no player found with that ID
int CEngineClient::GetPlayerForUserID(int userID) { if ( !cl.m_pUserInfoTable ) return 0;
// We are occasionally getting crashes here where it looks like cl.m_nMaxClients
// is larger than the number of items in cl.m_pUserInfoTable. Callstack:
// engine.dll CEngineClient::GetPlayerForUserID
// client.dll CTFHudDeathNotice::OnGameEvent
// client.dll CHudBaseDeathNotice::FireGameEvent
// client.dll CTFHudDeathNotice::FireGameEvent
// engine.dll CGameEventManager::FireEventIntern
// engine.dll CGameEventManager::FireEventClientSide
// engine.dll CClientState::ProcessGameEvent
// So add check to make sure we don't go over m_pUserInfoTable size.
int nMaxClients = Min( cl.m_nMaxClients, cl.m_pUserInfoTable->GetNumStrings() ); for ( int i = 0; i < nMaxClients; i++ ) { player_info_t *pi = (player_info_t*) cl.m_pUserInfoTable->GetStringUserData( i, NULL );
if ( !pi ) continue;
// Fixup from network order (little endian)
if ( LittleLong( pi->userID ) == userID ) { // return as entity index
return (i+1); } }
return 0; }
#if !defined( NO_VOICE )
struct IVoiceTweak_s *CEngineClient::GetVoiceTweakAPI( void ) { return &g_VoiceTweakAPI; } #endif
void CEngineClient::EngineStats_BeginFrame( void ) { g_EngineStats.BeginFrame(); }
void CEngineClient::EngineStats_EndFrame( void ) { g_EngineStats.EndFrame(); }
void CEngineClient::FireEvents() { // Run any events queued up for this frame
CL_FireEvents(); }
void CEngineClient::CheckPoint( const char *pName ) { GetTestScriptMgr()->CheckPoint( pName ); }
int CEngineClient::GetLeavesArea( int *pLeaves, int nLeaves ) { if ( nLeaves == 0 ) return -1;
int iArea = host_state.worldbrush->leafs[pLeaves[0]].area; for ( int i=1; i < nLeaves; i++ ) { int iTestArea = host_state.worldbrush->leafs[pLeaves[i]].area; if ( iTestArea != iArea ) return -1; }
return iArea; }
bool CEngineClient::DoesBoxTouchAreaFrustum( const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs, int iArea ) { const Frustum_t *pFrustum = GetAreaFrustum( iArea ); return !R_CullBoxSkipNear( mins, maxs, *pFrustum ); }
// Sets the hearing origin
void CEngineClient::SetAudioState( const AudioState_t &audioState ) { Host_SetAudioState( audioState ); }
// Sentence API
int CEngineClient::SentenceGroupPick( int groupIndex, char *name, int nameLen ) { return VOX_GroupPick( groupIndex, name, nameLen ); }
int CEngineClient::SentenceGroupPickSequential( int groupIndex, char *name, int nameLen, int sentenceIndex, int reset ) { return VOX_GroupPickSequential( groupIndex, name, nameLen, sentenceIndex, reset ); }
int CEngineClient::SentenceIndexFromName( const char *pSentenceName ) { int sentenceIndex = -1; VOX_LookupString( pSentenceName, &sentenceIndex ); return sentenceIndex; }
const char *CEngineClient::SentenceNameFromIndex( int sentenceIndex ) { return VOX_SentenceNameFromIndex( sentenceIndex ); }
int CEngineClient::SentenceGroupIndexFromName( const char *pGroupName ) { return VOX_GroupIndexFromName( pGroupName ); }
const char *CEngineClient::SentenceGroupNameFromIndex( int groupIndex ) { return VOX_GroupNameFromIndex( groupIndex ); }
float CEngineClient::SentenceLength( int sentenceIndex ) { return VOX_SentenceLength( sentenceIndex ); }
void CEngineClient::DebugDrawPhysCollide( const CPhysCollide *pCollide, IMaterial *pMaterial, matrix3x4_t& transform, const color32 &color ) { ::DebugDrawPhysCollide( pCollide, pMaterial, transform, color, false ); }
// Activates/deactivates an occluder...
void CEngineClient::ActivateOccluder( int nOccluderIndex, bool bActive ) { OcclusionSystem()->ActivateOccluder( nOccluderIndex, bActive ); }
bool CEngineClient::IsOccluded( const Vector &vecAbsMins, const Vector &vecAbsMaxs ) { return OcclusionSystem()->IsOccluded( vecAbsMins, vecAbsMaxs ); }
void *CEngineClient::SaveAllocMemory( size_t num, size_t size ) { return ::SaveAllocMemory( num, size ); }
void CEngineClient::SaveFreeMemory( void *pSaveMem ) { ::SaveFreeMemory( pSaveMem ); }
INetChannelInfo *CEngineClient::GetNetChannelInfo( void ) { return (INetChannelInfo*)cl.m_NetChannel; }
bool CEngineClient::IsPlayingDemo( void ) { return demoplayer->IsPlayingBack(); }
bool CEngineClient::IsRecordingDemo( void ) { return demorecorder->IsRecording(); }
bool CEngineClient::IsPlayingTimeDemo( void ) { return demoplayer->IsPlayingTimeDemo(); }
bool CEngineClient::IsPaused( void ) { return cl.IsPaused(); }
bool CEngineClient::IsTakingScreenshot( void ) { return cl_takesnapshot; }
int CEngineClient::GetDemoRecordingTick( void ) { return demorecorder->GetRecordingTick(); }
int CEngineClient::GetDemoPlaybackTick( void ) { return demoplayer->GetPlaybackTick(); }
int CEngineClient::GetDemoPlaybackStartTick( void ) { return demoplayer->GetPlaybackStartTick(); }
float CEngineClient::GetDemoPlaybackTimeScale( void ) { return demoplayer->GetPlaybackTimeScale(); }
int CEngineClient::GetDemoPlaybackTotalTicks( void ) { return demoplayer->GetTotalTicks(); }
bool CEngineClient::IsHLTV( void ) { return cl.ishltv; }
void CEngineClient::GetVideoModes( int &nCount, vmode_s *&pModes ) { nCount = videomode->GetModeCount(); pModes = videomode->GetMode( 0 ); }
void CEngineClient::GetUILanguage( char *dest, int destlen ) { const char *pStr = cl_language.GetString(); if ( pStr ) { V_strncpy( dest, pStr, destlen ); } else if ( IsX360() ) { dest[0] = 0; } }
// Can skybox be seen from a particular point?
SkyboxVisibility_t CEngineClient::IsSkyboxVisibleFromPoint( const Vector &vecPoint ) { // In the mat_fullbright 1 case, it's always visible
// (we may have no lighting in the level, and vrad is where LEAF_FLAGS_SKY is computed)
if ( g_pMaterialSystemConfig->nFullbright == 1 ) return SKYBOX_3DSKYBOX_VISIBLE;
int nLeaf = CM_PointLeafnum( vecPoint ); int nFlags = GetCollisionBSPData()->map_leafs[nLeaf].flags; if ( nFlags & LEAF_FLAGS_SKY ) return SKYBOX_3DSKYBOX_VISIBLE; return ( nFlags & LEAF_FLAGS_SKY2D ) ? SKYBOX_2DSKYBOX_VISIBLE : SKYBOX_NOT_VISIBLE; }
const char* CEngineClient::GetMapEntitiesString() { return CM_EntityString(); }
bool CEngineClient::IsInEditMode( void ) { return g_bInEditMode; }
bool CEngineClient::IsInCommentaryMode( void ) { return g_bInCommentaryMode; }
float CEngineClient::GetScreenAspectRatio() { return GetScreenAspect( ); }
int CEngineClient::GetAppID() { return GetSteamAppID(); }
void CEngineClient::SetOverlayBindProxy( int iOverlayID, void *pBindProxy ) { OverlayMgr()->SetOverlayBindProxy( iOverlayID, pBindProxy ); }
void CEngineClient::ChangeTeam( const char *pTeamName ) { g_pMatchmaking->ChangeTeam( pTeamName ); }
// Returns true if copy occured
bool CEngineClient::CopyFrameBufferToMaterial( const char *pMaterialName ) { if ( !IsX360() ) { // not for PC
Assert( 0 ); return false; }
IMaterial *pMaterial = materials->FindMaterial( pMaterialName, TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER ); if ( pMaterial->IsErrorMaterial() ) { // unknown material
return false; }
bool bFound; IMaterialVar *pMaterialVar = pMaterial->FindVar( "$baseTexture", &bFound, false ); if ( !bFound || pMaterialVar->GetType() != MATERIAL_VAR_TYPE_TEXTURE ) { // lack of expected $basetexture
return false; }
ITexture *pTexture = pMaterialVar->GetTextureValue(); if ( !pTexture || !pTexture->IsRenderTarget() ) { // base texture is not a render target
return false; }
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
int width, height; pRenderContext->GetRenderTargetDimensions( width, height ); if ( width != pTexture->GetActualWidth() || height != pTexture->GetActualHeight() ) { // better be matched, not supporting a disparate blit in this context
// disparate blit may very well use same RT we are trying to copy into
return false; }
pRenderContext->CopyRenderTargetToTexture( pTexture ); return true; }
// Used by the color correction UI
void CEngineClient::GrabPreColorCorrectedFrame( int x, int y, int width, int height ) { colorcorrectiontools->GrabPreColorCorrectedFrame( x, y, width, height ); }
// Is hammer running?
bool CEngineClient::IsHammerRunning( ) const { return IsPC() ? InEditMode() : false; }
extern IAchievementMgr *g_pAchievementMgr;
// Sets achievement mgr
void CEngineClient::SetAchievementMgr( IAchievementMgr *pAchievementMgr ) { g_pAchievementMgr = pAchievementMgr; }
// Gets achievement mgr
IAchievementMgr *CEngineClient::GetAchievementMgr() { return g_pAchievementMgr; }
// Called by the client to determine violence settings for things like ragdoll
// fading.
bool CEngineClient::IsLowViolence() { return g_bLowViolence; }
const char *CEngineClient::GetMostRecentSaveGame( void ) { return saverestore->GetMostRecentlyLoadedFileName(); }
void CEngineClient::SetMostRecentSaveGame( const char *lpszFilename ) { saverestore->SetMostRecentSaveGame( lpszFilename ); }
// Called by gameui to hint the engine that an exiting process has started.
// The Engine needs to stabilize to a safe quiet state. More frames are going
// to and have to run, but the true exit will occur.
void CEngineClient::StartXboxExitingProcess() { if ( IsPC() ) { // not for PC
return; }
// save out the achievements
g_pAchievementMgr->SaveGlobalStateIfDirty( false );
S_StopAllSounds( true );
// Shutdown QMS, need to go back to single threaded
Host_AllowQueuedMaterialSystem( false ); }
bool CEngineClient::IsSaveInProgress() { return saverestore->IsSaveInProgress(); }
extern IXboxSystem *g_pXboxSystem;
// Purpose:
uint CEngineClient::OnStorageDeviceAttached( void ) { return g_pXboxSystem->OpenContainers(); }
// Purpose:
void CEngineClient::OnStorageDeviceDetached( void ) { XBX_SetStorageDeviceId( XBX_INVALID_STORAGE_ID ); g_pXboxSystem->CloseContainers(); }
void CEngineClient::ResetDemoInterpolation( void ) { if( demorecorder->IsRecording() ) demorecorder->ResetDemoInterpolation(); if (demoplayer->IsPlayingBack() ) demoplayer->ResetDemoInterpolation(); }
extern CGamestatsData *g_pGamestatsData; void CEngineClient::SetGamestatsData( CGamestatsData *pGamestatsData ) { g_pGamestatsData = pGamestatsData; }
CGamestatsData *CEngineClient::GetGamestatsData() { return g_pGamestatsData; }
#if defined( USE_SDL )
void CEngineClient::GetMouseDelta( int &x, int &y, bool bIgnoreNextMouseDelta ) { g_pLauncherMgr->GetMouseDelta( x, y, bIgnoreNextMouseDelta ); }
void CEngineClient::ServerCmdKeyValues( KeyValues *pKeyValues ) { cl.SendServerCmdKeyValues( pKeyValues ); }
bool CEngineClient::IsSkippingPlayback( void ) { return demoplayer->IsSkipping(); }
bool CEngineClient::IsLoadingDemo( void ) { return demoplayer->IsLoading(); }
bool CEngineClient::IsPlayingDemoALocallyRecordedDemo() { return IsPlayingDemo() && demoplayer && demoplayer->GetDemoFile() && !V_strnicmp( demoplayer->GetDemoFile()->m_DemoHeader.servername, "localhost", 9 ); }
uint CEngineClient::GetProtocolVersion() { if ( demoplayer && demoplayer->IsPlayingBack() ) { return demoplayer->GetProtocolVersion(); } return PROTOCOL_VERSION; }
bool CEngineClient::IsWindowedMode() { return videomode->IsWindowedMode(); }
int CEngineClient::GetClientVersion() const { return GetSteamInfIDVersionInfo().ClientVersion; }
bool CEngineClient::IsActiveApp( void ) { return game->IsActiveApp(); }
// Previously ConCommand disconnect
void CEngineClient::DisconnectInternal( void ) { Disconnect(); }
// The client DLL serves out this interface
IBaseClientDLL *g_ClientDLL = NULL; IClientVirtualReality *g_pClientVR = NULL; IPrediction *g_pClientSidePrediction = NULL; IClientRenderTargets *g_pClientRenderTargets = NULL; IClientEntityList *entitylist = NULL; ICenterPrint *centerprint = NULL; IClientLeafSystemEngine *clientleafsystem = NULL; bool g_bClientLeafSystemV1; ClientClass *g_pClientClassHead = NULL; IClientReplay *g_pClientReplay = NULL;
ClientClass *ClientDLL_GetAllClasses( void ) { if ( g_ClientDLL ) return g_ClientDLL->GetAllClasses(); else return g_pClientClassHead; }
static void ClientDLL_InitRecvTableMgr() { // Register all the receive tables.
RecvTable *pRecvTables[MAX_DATATABLES]; int nRecvTables = 0; for ( ClientClass *pCur = ClientDLL_GetAllClasses(); pCur; pCur=pCur->m_pNext ) { ErrorIfNot( nRecvTables < ARRAYSIZE( pRecvTables ), ("ClientDLL_InitRecvTableMgr: overflowed MAX_DATATABLES") ); pRecvTables[nRecvTables] = pCur->m_pRecvTable; ++nRecvTables; }
RecvTable_Init( pRecvTables, nRecvTables ); }
static void ClientDLL_ShutdownRecvTableMgr() { RecvTable_Term(); }
CreateInterfaceFn ClientDLL_GetFactory( void ) { return g_ClientFactory; }
// Purpose: Loads the client DLL
// Input : -
bool ClientDLL_Load() { Assert ( !g_ClientDLLModule );
// Check the signature on the client dll. If this fails we load it anyway but put this client
// into insecure mode so it won't connect to secure servers and get VAC banned
if ( !Host_AllowLoadModule( "client.dll", "GAMEBIN", true ) ) { // not supposed to load this but we will anyway
Host_DisallowSecureServers(); Host_AllowLoadModule( "client.dll","GAMEBIN", true ); }
g_ClientDLLModule = g_pFileSystem->LoadModule( "client", "GAMEBIN", false ); if ( g_ClientDLLModule ) { g_ClientFactory = Sys_GetFactory( g_ClientDLLModule ); if ( g_ClientFactory ) { g_ClientDLL = (IBaseClientDLL *)g_ClientFactory( CLIENT_DLL_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); // this is to ensure the old format of the string table is used for clients version 13 and older.
// when the client version gets revved, there will need to be an else that sets this bool to true
g_bClientGameDLLGreaterThanV13 = false; if ( !g_ClientDLL ) { Sys_Error( "Could not get client.dll interface from library client" ); }
if( g_pSourceVR ) { g_pClientVR = (IClientVirtualReality *)g_ClientFactory( CLIENTVIRTUALREALITY_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); if( !g_pClientVR ) { Msg( "client.dll is not VR-compatible.\n" ); } } } else { Sys_Error( "Could not find factory interface in library client" ); } } else { // tell Steam to do a quick verify of the install. Sys_Error doesn't return, so do this first.
if( Steam3Client().SteamApps() ) Steam3Client().SteamApps()->MarkContentCorrupt( true );
// library failed to load
Sys_Error( "Could not load library client. Try restarting. If that doesn't work, verify the cache." ); }
// Load the client render targets interface from the client .dll
// NOTE: Its OK if this returns NULL, as some mods won't provide the interface and will just use the default behavior of the engine
g_pClientRenderTargets = (IClientRenderTargets *)g_ClientFactory( CLIENTRENDERTARGETS_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL );
return true; }
void InitExtraClientCmdCanExecuteVars() { // This can go away when we ship a client DLL with the FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE flag set on these cvars/concommands.
Cmd_AddClientCmdCanExecuteVar( "cancelselect" ); Cmd_AddClientCmdCanExecuteVar( "menuselect" ); Cmd_AddClientCmdCanExecuteVar( "playgamesound" ); Cmd_AddClientCmdCanExecuteVar( "_cl_classmenuopen" ); Cmd_AddClientCmdCanExecuteVar( "cl_buy_favorite" ); Cmd_AddClientCmdCanExecuteVar( "voice_modenable" ); Cmd_AddClientCmdCanExecuteVar( "togglescores" );
Cmd_AddClientCmdCanExecuteVar( "spec_next" ); Cmd_AddClientCmdCanExecuteVar( "spec_prev" ); Cmd_AddClientCmdCanExecuteVar( "spec_mode" ); Cmd_AddClientCmdCanExecuteVar( "spec_menu" ); Cmd_AddClientCmdCanExecuteVar( "spec_autodirector" ); Cmd_AddClientCmdCanExecuteVar( "overview_zoom" ); Cmd_AddClientCmdCanExecuteVar( "overview_mode" ); Cmd_AddClientCmdCanExecuteVar( "overview_health" ); Cmd_AddClientCmdCanExecuteVar( "overview_names" ); Cmd_AddClientCmdCanExecuteVar( "overview_tracks" ); Cmd_AddClientCmdCanExecuteVar( "overview_locked" ); Cmd_AddClientCmdCanExecuteVar( "overview_alpha" );
Cmd_AddClientCmdCanExecuteVar( "playgamesound" ); }
// Purpose: Inits the client .dll
void ClientDLL_Init( void ) { extern void CL_SetSteamCrashComment();
// Assert ClientDLL_Load successfully created these interfaces, as we need them to init properly
Assert ( g_ClientDLL ); Assert ( g_ClientFactory );
// this will get updated after we load a map, but this gets video info if we sys_error() prior to loading a map
if ( g_ClientDLL ) { COM_TimestampedLog( "g_ClientDLL->Init" );
if ( !g_ClientDLL->Init(g_AppSystemFactory, g_AppSystemFactory, &g_ClientGlobalVariables ) ) { Sys_Error("Client.dll Init() in library client failed."); }
if ( g_ClientFactory ) { COM_TimestampedLog( "g_pClientSidePrediction->Init" );
// Load the prediction interface from the client .dll
g_pClientSidePrediction = (IPrediction *)g_ClientFactory( VCLIENT_PREDICTION_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); if ( !g_pClientSidePrediction ) { Sys_Error( "Could not get IPrediction interface from library client" ); } g_pClientSidePrediction->Init();
entitylist = ( IClientEntityList *)g_ClientFactory( VCLIENTENTITYLIST_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); if ( !entitylist ) { Sys_Error( "Could not get client entity list interface from library client" ); }
centerprint = ( ICenterPrint * )g_ClientFactory( VCENTERPRINT_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); if ( !centerprint ) { Sys_Error( "Could not get centerprint interface from library client" ); }
clientleafsystem = ( IClientLeafSystemEngine *)g_ClientFactory( CLIENTLEAFSYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); if ( clientleafsystem ) { g_bClientLeafSystemV1 = false; } else if ( !clientleafsystem ) { clientleafsystem = ( IClientLeafSystemEngine *)g_ClientFactory( CLIENTLEAFSYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION_1, NULL ); if ( !clientleafsystem ) { Sys_Error( "Could not get client leaf system interface from library client" ); } else { g_bClientLeafSystemV1 = true; } }
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
if ( Replay_IsSupportedModAndPlatform() ) { // Replay dll should be loaded by this point
if ( !g_pReplay ) { Sys_Error( "Replay.dll was not loaded" ); }
// Get pointer to client-side replay interface implementation
g_pClientReplay = (IClientReplay *)g_ClientFactory( CLIENT_REPLAY_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); if ( !g_pClientReplay ) { Sys_Error( "Could not get the replay interface from library client" ); }
// Allow the client dll to setup pointers to replay interfaces
extern CreateInterfaceFn g_fnReplayFactory; if ( !g_ClientDLL->ReplayInit( g_fnReplayFactory ) ) { Sys_Error( "Client ReplayInit() failed!" ); }
// Allow the replay dll to setup pointers to client interfaces
if ( !g_pReplay->CL_Init( g_ClientFactory ) ) { Sys_Error( "Replay system ClientInit() failed" ); }
if ( !g_ClientDLL->ReplayPostInit() ) { Sys_Error( "Client ReplayPostInit() failed!" ); }
#if !defined( DEDICATED )
extern CGameServer sv; if ( !sv.IsDedicated() ) { g_pClientReplayContext = g_pReplay->CL_GetContext(); g_pReplayManager = g_pClientReplayContext->GetReplayManager(); g_pReplayMovieManager = g_pClientReplayContext->GetMovieManager(); g_pReplayMovieRenderer = g_pClientReplayContext->GetMovieRenderer(); g_pReplayPerformanceManager = g_pClientReplayContext->GetPerformanceManager(); g_pReplayPerformanceController = g_pClientReplayContext->GetPerformanceController();
ReplayLib_Init( com_gamedir, g_pClientReplayContext ); } #endif
} #endif
toolframework->ClientInit( g_ClientFactory ); }
// Don't want TF2 running less than DX 8
if ( g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig && g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetDXSupportLevel() < 80 ) { if ( ( Q_stricmp( COM_GetModDirectory(), "tf" ) == 0 ) || ( Q_stricmp( COM_GetModDirectory(), "ep2" ) == 0 ) || ( Q_stricmp( COM_GetModDirectory(), "portal" ) == 0 ) || ( Q_stricmp( COM_GetModDirectory(), "tf_beta" ) == 0 ) ) { Sys_Error( "Your graphics hardware must support at least pixel shader version 1.1 to run this game!" ); } } }
COM_TimestampedLog( "ClientDLL_InitRecvTableMgr" );
ClientDLL_InitRecvTableMgr(); InitExtraClientCmdCanExecuteVars(); }
// Purpose: Shuts down the client .dll
void ClientDLL_Shutdown( void ) { #if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
if ( g_pReplay ) { g_pReplay->CL_Shutdown(); } #endif
vgui::ivgui()->RunFrame(); materials->UncacheAllMaterials();
entitylist = NULL; g_pClientSidePrediction = NULL; g_ClientFactory = NULL; centerprint = NULL;
g_ClientDLL->Shutdown(); }
// Purpose: Unloads the client .dll
// Input : -
void ClientDLL_Unload() { FileSystem_UnloadModule( g_ClientDLLModule );
g_ClientDLL = NULL; g_ClientDLLModule = NULL; g_pClientRenderTargets = NULL;
// Purpose: Called when the game initializes and whenever the vid_mode is changed
// so the HUD can reinitialize itself.
void ClientDLL_HudVidInit( void ) { g_ClientDLL->HudVidInit(); }
// Purpose: Allow client .dll to modify input data
void ClientDLL_ProcessInput( void ) { if ( !g_ClientDLL ) return;
VPROF("ClientDLL_ProcessInput"); tmZoneFiltered( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, 50, TMZF_NONE, "%s", __FUNCTION__ ); g_ClientDLL->HudProcessInput( cl.IsConnected() ); }
// Purpose:
void ClientDLL_FrameStageNotify( ClientFrameStage_t frameStage ) { if ( !g_ClientDLL ) return;
tmZoneFiltered( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, 50, TMZF_NONE, "%s", __FUNCTION__ );
g_ClientDLL->FrameStageNotify( frameStage ); }
// Purpose: Allow client .dll to think
void ClientDLL_Update( void ) { if ( sv.IsDedicated() ) return;
if ( !g_ClientDLL ) return;
g_ClientDLL->HudUpdate( true ); }
// Purpose:
void ClientDLL_VoiceStatus( int entindex, bool bTalking ) { if( g_ClientDLL ) g_ClientDLL->VoiceStatus( entindex, bTalking ); }
#include "winlite.h"
// Purpose:
void CEngineClient::FlashWindow() { #ifndef USE_SDL
FLASHWINFO flashwinfo; flashwinfo.cbSize = sizeof( flashwinfo ); flashwinfo.hwnd = (HWND)game->GetMainWindow(); flashwinfo.dwFlags = FLASHW_ALL; flashwinfo.uCount = 5; flashwinfo.dwTimeout = 0; FlashWindowEx( &flashwinfo ); #endif
// Purpose:
int CEngineClient::GetInstancesRunningCount( ) { return CheckOtherInstancesRunning( ); }
// Purpose:
float CEngineClient::GetPausedExpireTime( void ) { return cl.GetPausedExpireTime(); }
// Purpose:
bool CEngineClient::StartDemoRecording( const char *pszFilename, const char *pszFolder /* = NULL */ ) { bool bUseFolder = ( pszFolder && pszFolder[0] );
if ( demorecorder->IsRecording() ) { ConMsg( "Already recording.\n" ); return false; }
if ( demoplayer->IsPlayingBack() ) { ConMsg( "Can't record during demo playback.\n" ); return false; }
// check filename
if ( !COM_IsValidPath( pszFilename ) ) { ConMsg( "record %s: invalid filename.\n", pszFilename ); return false; }
if ( bUseFolder ) { // check folder
if ( !COM_IsValidPath( pszFolder ) ) { ConMsg( "record %s: invalid folder.\n", pszFolder ); return false; } }
char szFinal[MAX_OSPATH]; char szTemp[MAX_OSPATH];
if ( !g_ClientDLL->CanRecordDemo( szTemp, sizeof( szTemp ) ) ) { ConMsg( "%s\n", szTemp ); // re-use szTemp as the error string if the client prevents us from starting a demo
return false; }
if ( bUseFolder ) { V_sprintf_safe( szTemp, "%s%c%s", pszFolder, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR, pszFilename ); } else { V_sprintf_safe( szTemp, "%s", pszFilename ); }
// remove .dem extension if it exists
Q_StripExtension( szTemp, szFinal, sizeof( szFinal ) );
// record it
demorecorder->StartRecording( szFinal, false );
return true; }
// Purpose:
void CEngineClient::StopDemoRecording( void ) { if ( !demorecorder->IsRecording() ) { ConDMsg( "Not recording a demo.\n" ); return; }
demorecorder->StopRecording(); }
// Purpose:
void CEngineClient::TakeScreenshot( const char *pszFilename, const char *pszFolder /* = NULL */ ) { bool bUseFolder = ( pszFolder && pszFolder[0] );
// check filename
if ( !COM_IsValidPath( pszFilename ) ) { ConMsg( "TakeScreenshot invalid filename: %s\n", pszFilename ); return; }
if ( bUseFolder ) { // check folder
if ( !COM_IsValidPath( pszFolder ) ) { ConMsg( "TakeScreenshot invalid folder: %s\n", pszFolder ); return; } }
bool bReadPixelsFromFrontBuffer = g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->ReadPixelsFromFrontBuffer(); if ( bReadPixelsFromFrontBuffer ) { Shader_SwapBuffers(); }
// Disable threading for the duration of the screenshots, because we need to get pointers to the (complete)
// back buffer right now.
bool bEnabled = materials->AllowThreading( false, g_nMaterialSystemThread );
char szFinal[MAX_OSPATH] = {0};
if ( bUseFolder ) { V_sprintf_safe( szFinal, "%s%c%s", pszFolder, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR, pszFilename ); } else { V_sprintf_safe( szFinal, "%s", pszFilename ); }
V_SetExtension( szFinal, ".tga", sizeof( szFinal ) );
videomode->TakeSnapshotTGA( szFinal );
// Restore threading if it was previously enabled (if it wasn't this will do nothing).
materials->AllowThreading( bEnabled, g_nMaterialSystemThread );
if ( !bReadPixelsFromFrontBuffer ) { Shader_SwapBuffers(); } }