//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: implementation of the rcon server
#if defined(_WIN32)
#if !defined(_X360)
#include <winsock.h>
#undef SetPort // winsock screws with the SetPort string... *sigh*
#define socklen_t int
#define MSG_NOSIGNAL 0
#elif POSIX
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#define closesocket close
#define WSAGetLastError() errno
#define ioctlsocket ioctl
#ifdef OSX
#define MSG_NOSIGNAL 0
#include <tier0/dbg.h>
#include "utlbuffer.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "sv_rcon.h"
#include "proto_oob.h" // PORT_RCON define
#include "sv_remoteaccess.h"
#include "cl_rcon.h"
#include "sv_filter.h"
#if defined( _X360 )
#include "xbox/xbox_win32stubs.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
class CRPTServer : public CRConServer { typedef CRConServer BaseClass;
public: virtual void OnSocketAccepted( SocketHandle_t hSocket, const netadr_t & netAdr, void** ppData ) { BaseClass::OnSocketAccepted( hSocket, netAdr, ppData );
// Enable cheats on this client only
Cmd_SetRptActive( true ); }
virtual void OnSocketClosed( SocketHandle_t hSocket, const netadr_t & netAdr, void* pData ) { Cmd_SetRptActive( false ); BaseClass::OnSocketClosed( hSocket, netAdr, pData ); } };
static CRPTServer g_RPTServer; CRConServer & RPTServer() { return g_RPTServer; } #endif // ENABLE_RPT
static CRConServer g_RCONServer; CRConServer & RCONServer() { return g_RCONServer; }
static void RconPasswordChanged_f( IConVar *pConVar, const char *pOldString, float flOldValue ) { ConVarRef var( pConVar ); const char *pPassword = var.GetString(); #ifndef SWDS
RCONClient().SetPassword( pPassword ); #endif
RCONServer().SetPassword( pPassword );
} ConVar rcon_password ( "rcon_password", "", FCVAR_SERVER_CANNOT_QUERY|FCVAR_DONTRECORD, "remote console password.", RconPasswordChanged_f );
ConVar sv_rcon_banpenalty( "sv_rcon_banpenalty", "0", 0, "Number of minutes to ban users who fail rcon authentication", true, 0, false, 0 ); ConVar sv_rcon_maxfailures( "sv_rcon_maxfailures", "10", 0, "Max number of times a user can fail rcon authentication before being banned", true, 1, true, 20 ); ConVar sv_rcon_minfailures( "sv_rcon_minfailures", "5", 0, "Number of times a user can fail rcon authentication in sv_rcon_minfailuretime before being banned", true, 1, true, 20 ); ConVar sv_rcon_minfailuretime( "sv_rcon_minfailuretime", "30", 0, "Number of seconds to track failed rcon authentications", true, 1, false, 0 ); ConVar sv_rcon_whitelist_address( "sv_rcon_whitelist_address", "", 0, "When set, rcon failed authentications will never ban this address, e.g. ''" );
ConVar sv_rcon_maxpacketsize( "sv_rcon_maxpacketsize", "1024", 0, "The maximum number of bytes to allow in a command packet", true, 0, false, 0 ); ConVar sv_rcon_maxpacketbans( "sv_rcon_maxpacketbans", "1", 0, "Ban IPs for sending RCON packets exceeding the value specified in sv_rcon_maxpacketsize", true, 0, true, 1 );
// Purpose: Constructor
#pragma warning ( disable : 4355 )
CRConServer::CRConServer() : m_Socket( this ) { }
CRConServer::CRConServer( const char *pNetAddress ) : m_Socket( this ) { SetAddress( pNetAddress ); }
#pragma warning ( default : 4355 )
// Purpose: Destructor
CRConServer::~CRConServer() { }
// Allows a server to request a listening client to connect to it
bool CRConServer::ConnectToListeningClient( const netadr_t &adr, bool bSingleSocket ) { if ( m_Socket.ConnectSocket( adr, bSingleSocket ) < 0 ) { ConWarning( "Unable to connect to remote client (%s)\n", adr.ToString() ); return false; } return true; }
// Purpose: returns true if the listening socket is created and listening
bool CRConServer::IsConnected() { return m_Socket.IsListening(); }
void CRConServer::SetPassword( const char *pPassword ) { m_Socket.CloseAllAcceptedSockets(); m_Password = pPassword; }
bool CRConServer::HasPassword() const { return !m_Password.IsEmpty(); }
bool CRConServer::IsPassword( const char *pPassword ) const { // Must have a password set to allow any rconning.
if ( !HasPassword() ) return false;
// If the pw does not match, then not authed
return ( Q_strcmp( pPassword, m_Password.Get() ) == 0 ); }
// Purpose: Set the address to bind to
void CRConServer::SetAddress( const char *pNetAddress ) { NET_StringToAdr( pNetAddress, &m_Address ); if ( m_Address.GetPort() == 0 ) { m_Address.SetPort( PORT_RCON ); } }
bool CRConServer::CreateSocket() { return m_Socket.CreateListenSocket( m_Address ); }
// Inherited from ISocketCreatorListener
bool CRConServer::ShouldAcceptSocket( SocketHandle_t hSocket, const netadr_t & netAdr ) { return !Filter_ShouldDiscard( netAdr ); }
void CRConServer::OnSocketAccepted( SocketHandle_t hSocket, const netadr_t &netAdr, void** ppData ) { ConnectedRConSocket_t *pNewSocket = new ConnectedRConSocket_t; pNewSocket->lastRequestID = 0; pNewSocket->authed = false; pNewSocket->listenerID = g_ServerRemoteAccess.GetNextListenerID( true, &netAdr ); *ppData = pNewSocket; }
void CRConServer::OnSocketClosed( SocketHandle_t hSocket, const netadr_t &netAdr, void* pData ) { m_bSocketDeleted = true; ConnectedRConSocket_t *pOldSocket = (ConnectedRConSocket_t*)( pData ); delete pOldSocket; }
// Purpose: accept new connections and walk open sockets and handle any incoming data
void CRConServer::RunFrame() { m_Socket.RunFrame(); m_bSocketDeleted = false;
// handle incoming data
// NOTE: Have to iterate in reverse since we may be killing sockets
int nCount = m_Socket.GetAcceptedSocketCount(); for ( int i = nCount - 1; i >= 0; --i ) { // process any outgoing data for this socket
ConnectedRConSocket_t *pData = GetSocketData( i ); SocketHandle_t hSocket = m_Socket.GetAcceptedSocketHandle( i ); const netadr_t& socketAdr = m_Socket.GetAcceptedSocketAddress( i ); while ( pData->m_OutstandingSends.Count() > 0 ) { CUtlBuffer &packet = pData->m_OutstandingSends[ pData->m_OutstandingSends.Head()]; bool bSent = SendRCONResponse( i, packet.PeekGet(), packet.TellPut() - packet.TellGet(), true ); if ( bSent ) // all this packet was sent, remove it
{ pData->m_OutstandingSends.Remove( pData->m_OutstandingSends.Head() ); // delete this entry no matter what, SendRCONResponse() will re-queue if needed
} else // must have blocked part way through, SendRCONResponse
// fixed up the queued entry
{ break; } } int sendLen = g_ServerRemoteAccess.GetDataResponseSize( pData->listenerID ); if ( sendLen > 0 ) { char sendBuf[4096]; char *pBuf = sendBuf; bool bAllocate = ( sendLen + sizeof(int) > sizeof(sendBuf) ); if ( bAllocate ) { pBuf = new char[sendLen + sizeof(int)]; } memcpy( pBuf, &sendLen, sizeof(sendLen) ); // copy the size of the packet in
g_ServerRemoteAccess.ReadDataResponse( pData->listenerID, pBuf + sizeof(int), sendLen ); SendRCONResponse( i, pBuf, sendLen + sizeof(int) ); if ( bAllocate ) { delete [] pBuf; } }
// check for incoming data
int pendingLen = 0; unsigned long readLen = 0; char ch; pendingLen = recv( hSocket, &ch, sizeof(ch), MSG_PEEK ); if ( pendingLen == -1 && SocketWouldBlock() ) continue;
if ( pendingLen == 0 ) { m_Socket.CloseAcceptedSocket( i ); continue; }
if ( pendingLen < 0 ) { //DevMsg( "RCON Cmd: peek error %s\n", NET_ErrorString(WSAGetLastError()));
m_Socket.CloseAcceptedSocket( i ); continue; }
// find out how much we have to read
ioctlsocket( hSocket, FIONREAD, &readLen ); if ( readLen > sizeof(int) ) // we have a command to process
{ CUtlBuffer & response = pData->packetbuffer; response.EnsureCapacity( response.TellPut() + readLen ); char *recvBuf = (char *)_alloca( min( 1024ul, readLen ) ); // a buffer used for recv()
unsigned int len = 0; while ( len < readLen ) { int recvLen = recv( hSocket, recvBuf , min(1024ul, readLen - len) , 0 ); if ( recvLen == 0 ) // socket was closed
{ m_Socket.CloseAcceptedSocket( i ); break; } if ( recvLen < 0 && !SocketWouldBlock() ) { Warning( "RCON Cmd: recv error (%s)\n", NET_ErrorString( WSAGetLastError() ) ); break; }
response.Put( recvBuf, recvLen ); len += recvLen; } response.SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, 0 );
int size = response.GetInt(); if ( sv_rcon_maxpacketsize.GetInt() > 0 && size > sv_rcon_maxpacketsize.GetInt() ) { if ( sv_rcon_maxpacketbans.GetBool() ) { HandleFailedRconAuth( socketAdr ); }
m_Socket.CloseAcceptedSocket( i ); continue; } while ( size > 0 && size <= response.TellPut() - response.TellGet() ) { SV_RedirectStart( RD_SOCKET, &socketAdr ); g_ServerRemoteAccess.WriteDataRequest( this, pData->listenerID, response.PeekGet(), size ); SV_RedirectEnd(); if ( m_bSocketDeleted ) return; response.SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_CURRENT, size ); // eat up the buffer we just sent
if ( response.TellPut() - response.TellGet() >= sizeof(int) ) { size = response.GetInt(); // read how much is in this packet
} else { size = 0; // finished the packet
} }
// Check and see if socket was closed as a result of processing - this can happen if the user has entered too many passwords
int nNewCount = m_Socket.GetAcceptedSocketCount(); if ( 0 == nNewCount || i > nNewCount || pData != GetSocketData( i ) ) { response.Purge(); break; }
if ( size > 0 || (response.TellPut() - response.TellGet() > 0)) { // trim the bytes that were just processed
CUtlBuffer tmpBuf; if ( response.TellPut() - response.TellGet() > 0 ) { tmpBuf.Put( response.PeekGet(), response.TellPut() - response.TellGet() ); }
if ( size > 0 ) { response.Put( &size, sizeof(size)); }
if ( tmpBuf.TellPut() > 0 ) { response.Put( tmpBuf.Base(), tmpBuf.TellPut() ); } } else { response.Purge(); } } } // for each socket
// Purpose: flush the response of a network command back to a user
void CRConServer::FinishRedirect( const char *msg, const netadr_t &adr ) { // NOTE: Has to iterate in reverse; SendRCONResponse can close sockets
int nCount = m_Socket.GetAcceptedSocketCount(); for ( int i = nCount - 1; i >= 0; --i ) { const netadr_t& socketAdr = m_Socket.GetAcceptedSocketAddress( i ); if ( !adr.CompareAdr( socketAdr ) ) continue;
CUtlBuffer response;
// build the response
ConnectedRConSocket_t *pSocketData = GetSocketData( i ); response.PutInt(0); // the size, this gets set once we make the packet
response.PutInt(pSocketData->lastRequestID); response.PutInt(SERVERDATA_RESPONSE_VALUE); response.PutString(msg); response.PutString(""); int size = response.TellPut() - sizeof(int); response.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, 0 ); response.PutInt(size); // the size
response.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_CURRENT, size );
// OutputDebugString( va("RCON: String is %i long\n", Q_strlen(msg)) ); // can't use DevMsg(), we are potentially inside the RedirectFlush() function
// printf("RCON: String is %i long, packet size %i\n", Q_strlen(msg), size );
SendRCONResponse( i, response.Base(), response.TellPut() ); } }
// Purpose: set the current outstanding request ID for this connection, used by the redirect flush above
void CRConServer::SetRequestID( ra_listener_id listener, int iRequestID ) { int nCount = m_Socket.GetAcceptedSocketCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { ConnectedRConSocket_t *pSocketData = GetSocketData( i ); if ( pSocketData->listenerID == listener) { pSocketData->lastRequestID = iRequestID; } } }
// Purpose: send a buffer to a particular connection
bool CRConServer::SendRCONResponse( int nIndex, const void *data, int len, bool fromQueue ) { SocketHandle_t hSocket = m_Socket.GetAcceptedSocketHandle( nIndex ); if ( hSocket < 0 ) return false;
ConnectedRConSocket_t *pSocketData = GetSocketData( nIndex );
// if we already have queued data pending then just add this to the end
// of the queue
if ( !fromQueue && pSocketData->m_OutstandingSends.Count() > 0 ) { if ( pSocketData->m_OutstandingSends.Count() > RCON_MAX_OUTSTANDING_SENDS ) { m_Socket.CloseAcceptedSocket( nIndex ); return false; }
int index = pSocketData->m_OutstandingSends.AddToTail(); pSocketData->m_OutstandingSends[index].Put( data, len ); return true; }
Assert( !( fromQueue && data != (pSocketData->m_OutstandingSends[pSocketData->m_OutstandingSends.Head()].Base())));
int sendLen = 0; while ( sendLen < len ) { int ret = send( hSocket, (const char *)data + sendLen, len - sendLen, MSG_NOSIGNAL ); if ( ret == -1 ) { // can't finish sending this right now, push it back
// on the TOP of the queue to be sent next time around
if ( !SocketWouldBlock() ) { m_Socket.CloseAcceptedSocket( nIndex ); return false; }
if ( !fromQueue ) // we don't have an entry for this
// yet, add a new one
{ int index = pSocketData->m_OutstandingSends.AddToHead(); pSocketData->m_OutstandingSends[index].Put( (void *)((char *)data + sendLen), len - sendLen ); } else // update the existing queued item to show we
// sent some of it (we only ever send the head of the list)
{ pSocketData->m_OutstandingSends[pSocketData->m_OutstandingSends.Head()].SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_CURRENT, sendLen ); } return false; } else if ( ret > 0 ) { sendLen += ret; } } // printf("RCON: Sending packet %i in len\n", len);
// OutputDebugString( va("RCON: Sending packet %i in len\n", len) ); // can't use DevMsg(), we are potentially inside the RedirectFlush() function
return true; }
// Purpose: compares failed rcons based on most recent failure time
bool CRConServer::FailedRCon_t::operator<(const struct CRConServer::FailedRCon_t &rhs) const { int myTime = 0; int rhsTime = 0;
if ( badPasswordTimes.Count() ) myTime = badPasswordTimes[ badPasswordTimes.Count() - 1 ];
if ( rhs.badPasswordTimes.Count() ) rhsTime = rhs.badPasswordTimes[ rhs.badPasswordTimes.Count() - 1 ];
return myTime < rhsTime; }
// Purpose: tracks failed rcon attempts and bans repeat offenders
bool CRConServer::HandleFailedRconAuth( const netadr_t & adr ) { if ( sv_rcon_whitelist_address.GetString()[0] ) { if ( !V_strcmp( adr.ToString( true ), sv_rcon_whitelist_address.GetString() ) ) { ConMsg( "Rcon auth failed from rcon whitelist address %s\n", adr.ToString() ); return false; } }
int i; FailedRCon_t *failedRcon = NULL; int nCount = m_failedRcons.Count(); for ( i=0; i < nCount; ++i ) { if ( adr.CompareAdr( m_failedRcons[i].adr, true ) ) { failedRcon = &m_failedRcons[i]; break; } }
if ( !failedRcon ) { // remove an old rcon if necessary
if ( nCount >= 32 ) { // look for the one with the oldest failure
int indexToRemove = -1; for ( i=0; i < nCount; ++i ) { if ( indexToRemove < 0 || m_failedRcons[i] < m_failedRcons[indexToRemove] ) { indexToRemove = i; } } if ( indexToRemove >= 0 ) { m_failedRcons.Remove( indexToRemove ); } }
// add the new rcon
int index = m_failedRcons.AddToTail(); failedRcon = &m_failedRcons[index]; failedRcon->adr = adr; failedRcon->badPasswordCount = 0; failedRcon->badPasswordTimes.RemoveAll(); }
// update this failed rcon
++failedRcon->badPasswordCount; failedRcon->badPasswordTimes.AddToTail( sv.GetTime() );
// remove old failure times (sv_rcon_maxfailures is limited to 20, so we won't be hurting anything by pruning)
while ( failedRcon->badPasswordTimes.Count() > 20 ) { failedRcon->badPasswordTimes.Remove( 0 ); }
// sanity-check the rcon banning cvars
if ( sv_rcon_maxfailures.GetInt() < sv_rcon_minfailures.GetInt() ) { int temp = sv_rcon_maxfailures.GetInt(); sv_rcon_maxfailures.SetValue( sv_rcon_minfailures.GetInt() ); sv_rcon_minfailures.SetValue( temp ); }
// ConMsg( "%d of %d bad password times tracked\n", failedRcon->badPasswordTimes.Count(), failedRcon->badPasswordCount );
// ConMsg( "min=%d, max=%d, time=%.2f\n", sv_rcon_minfailures.GetInt(), sv_rcon_maxfailures.GetInt(), sv_rcon_minfailuretime.GetFloat() );
// check if the user should be banned based on total failed attempts
if ( failedRcon->badPasswordCount > sv_rcon_maxfailures.GetInt() ) { ConMsg( "Banning %s for rcon hacking attempts\n", failedRcon->adr.ToString( true ) ); Cbuf_AddText( va( "addip %i %s\n", sv_rcon_banpenalty.GetInt(), failedRcon->adr.ToString( true ) ) ); Cbuf_Execute(); return true; }
// check if the user should be banned based on recent failed attempts
int recentFailures = 0; for ( i=failedRcon->badPasswordTimes.Count()-1; i>=0; --i ) { if ( failedRcon->badPasswordTimes[i] + sv_rcon_minfailuretime.GetFloat() >= sv.GetTime() ) { ++recentFailures; } } if ( recentFailures > sv_rcon_minfailures.GetInt() ) { ConMsg( "Banning %s for rcon hacking attempts\n", failedRcon->adr.ToString( true ) ); Cbuf_AddText( va( "addip %i %s\n", sv_rcon_banpenalty.GetInt(), failedRcon->adr.ToString( true ) ) ); Cbuf_Execute(); return true; }
return false; }
bool CRConServer::BCloseAcceptedSocket( ra_listener_id listener ) { int nCount = m_Socket.GetAcceptedSocketCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { ConnectedRConSocket_t *pSocketData = GetSocketData( i ); if ( pSocketData->listenerID == listener ) { m_Socket.CloseAcceptedSocket( i ); return true; } } return false; }