//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "client_pch.h"
#include "ivideomode.h"
#include "vgui_DebugSystemPanel.h"
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Controls.h>
#include <vgui_controls/MenuButton.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Menu.h>
#include <vgui_controls/MenuItem.h>
#include <vgui/Cursor.h>
#include <vgui_controls/TreeView.h>
#include <vgui_controls/ImageList.h>
#include <vgui/IScheme.h>
#include <vgui/IVGui.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Frame.h>
#include <vgui_controls/CheckButton.h>
#include <vgui_controls/PropertyPage.h>
#include <vgui_controls/PropertyDialog.h>
#include <vgui_controls/PropertySheet.h>
#include "tier1/CommandBuffer.h"
#include "tier1/tier1.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
using namespace vgui;
// Purpose: A menu button that knows how to parse cvar/command menu data from gamedir\scripts\debugmenu.txt
class CDebugMenuButton : public MenuButton { typedef MenuButton BaseClass;
public: // Construction
CDebugMenuButton( Panel *parent, const char *panelName, const char *text );
private: // Menu associated with this button
Menu *m_pMenu; };
class CDebugCommandButton : public vgui::Button { typedef vgui::Button BaseClass; public: CDebugCommandButton( vgui::Panel *parent, const char *panelName, const char *labelText, const char *command ) : BaseClass( parent, panelName, labelText ) { AddActionSignalTarget( this ); SetCommand( command ); }
virtual void OnCommand( const char *command ) { Cbuf_AddText( va( "%s\n", (char *)command ) ); }
virtual void OnTick( void ) { } };
class CDebugCommandCheckbox : public vgui::CheckButton { typedef vgui::CheckButton BaseClass; public: CDebugCommandCheckbox( vgui::Panel *parent, const char *panelName, const char *labelText, const char *command ) : BaseClass( parent, panelName, labelText ) { m_pVar = ( ConVar * )g_pCVar->FindVar( command ); SetCommand( command ); AddActionSignalTarget( this ); }
virtual void OnCommand( const char *command ) { if ( m_pVar ) { Cbuf_AddText( va( "%s %d\n", m_pVar->GetName(), !m_pVar->GetInt() ) ); } }
private: ConVar *m_pVar; };
class CDebugIncrementCVarButton : public vgui::Button { typedef vgui::Button BaseClass; public: CDebugIncrementCVarButton( vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *pPanelName, const char *pLabelText, const char *pCommand ) : BaseClass( pParent, pPanelName, pLabelText ) { CCommand args; args.Tokenize( pCommand );
m_pVar = NULL; if ( args.ArgC() >= 4 ) { m_pVar = ( ConVar * )g_pCVar->FindVar( args[0] );
m_flMinvalue = (float)atof( args[1] ); m_flMaxvalue = (float)atof( args[2] ); m_flIncrement = (float)atof( args[3] ); }
SetCommand( "increment" ); AddActionSignalTarget( this );
m_flPreviousValue = -9999.0f;
OnTick(); }
virtual void OnCommand( const char *command ) { //
if ( !m_pVar ) return;
float curValue = m_pVar->GetFloat(); curValue += m_flIncrement; if ( curValue > m_flMaxvalue ) { curValue = m_flMinvalue; } else if ( curValue < m_flMinvalue ) { curValue = m_flMaxvalue; } m_pVar->SetValue( curValue ); }
virtual void OnTick( void ) { if ( !m_pVar ) return;
if ( m_pVar->GetFloat() == m_flPreviousValue ) return;
char sz[ 512 ]; Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "%s %.2f", m_pVar->GetName(), m_pVar->GetFloat() ); SetText( sz ); SizeToContents(); m_flPreviousValue = m_pVar->GetFloat(); }
ConVar *m_pVar; float m_flMinvalue; float m_flMaxvalue; float m_flIncrement;
float m_flPreviousValue;
class CDebugOptionsPage : public vgui::PropertyPage { typedef vgui::PropertyPage BaseClass; public: CDebugOptionsPage ( vgui::Panel *parent, const char *panelName ) : BaseClass( parent, panelName ) { vgui::ivgui()->AddTickSignal( GetVPanel(), 250 ); }
virtual void OnTick( void ) { BaseClass::OnTick();
if ( !IsVisible() ) return;
int c = m_LayoutItems.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { vgui::Panel *p = m_LayoutItems[ i ]; p->OnTick(); } }
virtual void PerformLayout( void ) { BaseClass::PerformLayout();
int c = m_LayoutItems.Count(); int x = 5; int y = 5;
int w = 150; int h = 18; int gap = 2;
int tall = GetTall();
// LoadControlSettings( va( "resource\\%s.res", kv->GetName() ) );
for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { vgui::Panel *p = m_LayoutItems[ i ]; p->SetBounds( x, y, w, h );
y += ( h + gap ); if ( y >= tall - h ) { x += ( w + gap ); y = 5; } } }
void Init( KeyValues *kv ) { // LoadControlSettings( va( "resource\\%s.res", kv->GetName() ) );
for (KeyValues *control = kv->GetFirstSubKey(); control != NULL; control = control->GetNextKey()) { const char *t; t = control->GetString( "command", "" ); if ( t && t[0] ) { CDebugCommandButton *btn = new CDebugCommandButton( this, "CommandButton", control->GetName(), t ); m_LayoutItems.AddToTail( btn ); continue; } t = control->GetString( "togglecvar", "" ); if ( t && t[0] ) { CDebugCommandCheckbox *checkbox = new CDebugCommandCheckbox( this, "CommandCheck", control->GetName(), t ); m_LayoutItems.AddToTail( checkbox ); continue; } t = control->GetString( "incrementcvar", "" ); if ( t && t[0] ) { CDebugIncrementCVarButton *increment = new CDebugIncrementCVarButton( this, "IncrementCVar", control->GetName(), t ); m_LayoutItems.AddToTail( increment ); continue; } } }
CUtlVector< vgui::Panel * > m_LayoutItems; };
class CDebugOptionsPanel : public vgui::PropertyDialog { typedef vgui::PropertyDialog BaseClass; public:
CDebugOptionsPanel( vgui::Panel *parent, const char *panelName ) : BaseClass( parent, panelName ) { SetTitle( "Debug Options", true );
KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "DebugOptions" ); if ( kv ) { if ( kv->LoadFromFile(g_pFullFileSystem, "scripts/DebugOptions.txt") ) { for (KeyValues *dat = kv->GetFirstSubKey(); dat != NULL; dat = dat->GetNextKey()) { if ( !Q_strcasecmp( dat->GetName(), "width" ) ) { SetWide( dat->GetInt() ); continue; } else if ( !Q_strcasecmp( dat->GetName(), "height" ) ) { SetTall( dat->GetInt() ); continue; }
CDebugOptionsPage *page = new CDebugOptionsPage( this, dat->GetName() ); page->Init( dat ); AddPage( page, dat->GetName() ); } } kv->deleteThis(); } GetPropertySheet()->SetTabWidth(72); SetPos( videomode->GetModeStereoWidth() - GetWide() - 10 , 10 ); SetVisible( true );
if ( g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( "resource/DebugOptionsPanel.res" ) ) { LoadControlSettings( "resource/DebugOptionsPanel.res" ); } }
void Init( KeyValues *kv ); };
void CDebugOptionsPanel::Init( KeyValues *kv ) { }
// Purpose: Constructor
CDebugMenuButton::CDebugMenuButton(Panel *parent, const char *panelName, const char *text) : BaseClass( parent, panelName, text ) { MakePopup();
// Assume no menu
m_pMenu = new Menu( this, "DebugMenu" ); m_pMenu->AddMenuItem( "Debug Panel", "toggledebugpanel", parent ); m_pMenu->AddMenuItem( "Quit", "Quit", parent );
MenuButton::SetMenu(m_pMenu); SetOpenDirection(Menu::DOWN); }
// Purpose: Container for menu button
// Input : *parent -
// *panelName -
CDebugSystemPanel::CDebugSystemPanel( Panel *parent, const char *panelName ) : BaseClass( parent, panelName ) {
SetBounds( 0, 0, videomode->GetModeStereoWidth(), videomode->GetModeStereoHeight() );
// Show arrow cursor while in this mode
SetCursor( vgui::dc_arrow ); SetVisible( false ); SetPaintEnabled( false ); SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( false );
m_pDebugMenu = new CDebugMenuButton( this, "Debug Menu", "Debug Menu" ); int h = 24; // Locate it at top left
m_pDebugMenu->SetPos( 0, 0 ); m_pDebugMenu->SetSize( 110, h );
m_hDebugOptions = new CDebugOptionsPanel( this, "DebugOptions" ); }
// Purpose: Hook so we can force cursor visible
// Input : state -
void CDebugSystemPanel::SetVisible( bool state ) { BaseClass::SetVisible( state ); if ( state ) { surface()->SetCursor( GetCursor() ); } }
void CDebugSystemPanel::OnCommand( const char *command ) { if ( !Q_strcasecmp( command, "toggledebugpanel" ) ) { if ( m_hDebugOptions ) { m_hDebugOptions->SetVisible( !m_hDebugOptions->IsVisible() ); } return; } else if ( !Q_strcasecmp( command, "quit" ) ) { Cbuf_AddText( "quit\n" ); }
BaseClass::OnCommand( command ); }