Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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258 lines
7.4 KiB

  1. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. // GAMEUI.VPC
  3. //
  4. // Project Script
  5. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. $macro SRCDIR ".."
  7. $Macro OUTBINDIR "$SRCDIR\..\game\bin"
  8. $include "$SRCDIR\vpc_scripts\source_dll_base.vpc"
  9. $Include "$SRCDIR\vpc_scripts\source_saxxyawards.vpc"
  10. $include "$SRCDIR\vpc_scripts\source_cryptlib_include.vpc"
  11. $Configuration
  12. {
  13. $Compiler
  14. {
  15. $AdditionalIncludeDirectories "$BASE;.\;$SRCDIR\vgui2\include;$SRCDIR\vgui2\controls;$SRCDIR\common\GameUI"
  17. }
  18. $Linker
  19. {
  20. $AdditionalDependencies "$BASE Ws2_32.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib Shlwapi.lib" [$WIN32]
  21. $SystemLibraries "iconv;z" [$OSXALL]
  22. $SystemLibraries "rt" [$LINUXALL && !$DEDICATED]
  23. $GCC_ExtraLinkerFlags "-L/usr/lib32 -L/usr/lib" [$LINUXALL && !$DEDICATED]
  24. }
  25. }
  26. $Configuration "Debug"
  27. {
  28. $Linker [$X360]
  29. {
  30. $AdditionalDependencies "$BASE Xonlined.lib"
  31. }
  32. }
  33. $Configuration "Release"
  34. {
  35. $Linker [$X360]
  36. {
  37. $AdditionalDependencies "$BASE Xonline.lib"
  38. }
  39. }
  40. $Project "GameUI"
  41. {
  42. $Folder "Source Files"
  43. {
  44. $File "BackgroundMenuButton.cpp"
  45. $File "BasePanel.cpp"
  46. $File "GameConsole.cpp"
  47. $File "GameUI_Interface.cpp"
  48. $File "LogoFile.cpp" [!$POSIX]
  49. $File "ModInfo.cpp"
  50. $File "MouseMessageForwardingPanel.cpp"
  51. $File "$SRCDIR\Tracker\common\msgbuffer.cpp" [!$POSIX]
  52. $File "$SRCDIR\Tracker\common\netapi.cpp" [!$POSIX]
  53. $File "$SRCDIR\common\GameUI\ObjectList.cpp"
  54. $File "PanelListPanel.cpp"
  55. $File "RunGameEngine.cpp"
  56. $File "$SRCDIR\common\GameUI\scriptobject.cpp"
  57. $File "$SRCDIR\Tracker\common\Socket.cpp" [!$POSIX]
  58. $File "Sys_Utils.cpp"
  59. $File "TextEntryBox.cpp"
  60. $File "TGAImagePanel.cpp"
  61. $File "$SRCDIR\public\vgui_controls\vgui_controls.cpp"
  62. $File "VGuiSystemModuleLoader.cpp"
  63. $File "BonusMapsDatabase.cpp"
  64. $File "BonusMapsDatabase.h"
  65. $File "$SRCDIR\common\language.cpp"
  66. $File "$SRCDIR\common\imageutils.cpp"
  67. $File "SaveGameBrowserDialog.cpp"
  68. $File "gameui_util.cpp"
  69. $File "gameui_util.h"
  70. }
  71. $Folder "Header Files"
  72. {
  73. $File "BackgroundMenuButton.h"
  74. $File "BasePanel.h"
  75. $File "BaseSaveGameDialog.h"
  76. $File "CDKeyEntryDialog.h"
  77. $File "ChangeGameDialog.h"
  78. $File "CreateMultiplayerGameBotPage.h"
  79. $File "CreateMultiplayerGameDialog.h"
  80. $File "CreateMultiplayerGameGameplayPage.h"
  81. $File "CreateMultiplayerGameServerPage.h"
  82. $File "EngineInterface.h"
  83. $File "GameConsole.h"
  84. $File "GameUI_Interface.h"
  85. $File "LoadingDialog.h"
  86. $File "$SRCDIR\vgui2\src\Memorybitmap.h"
  87. $File "ModInfo.h"
  88. $File "MouseMessageForwardingPanel.h"
  89. $File "PanelListPanel.h"
  90. $File "$SRCDIR\common\GameUI\scriptobject.h"
  91. $File "Sys_Utils.h"
  92. $File "TextEntryBox.h"
  93. $File "TGAImagePanel.h"
  94. $File "VGuiSystemModuleLoader.h"
  95. $File "SaveGameBrowserDialog.h"
  96. }
  97. $Folder "Public Header Files"
  98. {
  99. $File "$SRCDIR\public\iachievementmgr.h"
  100. $File "$SRCDIR\public\game\client\IGameClientExports.h"
  101. $File "$SRCDIR\common\GameUI\IGameUI.h"
  102. $File "$SRCDIR\public\IGameUIFuncs.h"
  103. $File "$SRCDIR\public\tier1\interface.h"
  104. $File "$SRCDIR\common\IObjectContainer.h"
  105. $File "$SRCDIR\common\IRunGameEngine.h"
  106. $File "$SRCDIR\common\IVguiModule.h"
  107. $File "$SRCDIR\common\IVGuiModuleLoader.h"
  108. $File "$SRCDIR\common\GameUI\ObjectList.h"
  109. $File "$SRCDIR\public\savegame_version.h"
  110. $File "$SRCDIR\Tracker\common\TrackerMessageFlags.h"
  111. $File "$SRCDIR\common\ValveCDKeyGameAndTerritoryCodes.h"
  112. $File "$SRCDIR\common\language.h"
  113. $File "$SRCDIR\common\imageutils.h"
  114. }
  115. $Folder "Controls"
  116. {
  117. $File "BitmapImagePanel.cpp"
  118. $File "BitmapImagePanel.h"
  119. $File "CommandCheckButton.cpp"
  120. $File "CommandCheckButton.h"
  121. $File "CvarNegateCheckButton.cpp"
  122. $File "CvarNegateCheckButton.h"
  123. $File "$SRCDIR\common\GameUI\cvarslider.cpp"
  124. $File "$SRCDIR\common\GameUI\cvarslider.h"
  125. $File "CvarTextEntry.cpp"
  126. $File "CvarTextEntry.h"
  127. $File "CvarToggleCheckButton.cpp"
  128. $File "CvarToggleCheckButton.h"
  129. $File "HapticControlBox.cpp"
  130. $File "HapticControlBox.h"
  131. $File "KeyToggleCheckButton.cpp"
  132. $File "KeyToggleCheckButton.h"
  133. $File "LabeledCommandComboBox.cpp"
  134. $File "LabeledCommandComboBox.h"
  135. $File "URLButton.cpp"
  136. $File "URLButton.h"
  137. $File "vcontrolslistpanel.cpp"
  138. $File "vcontrolslistpanel.h"
  139. }
  140. $Folder "Dialogs"
  141. {
  142. $File "BenchmarkDialog.cpp"
  143. $File "BenchmarkDialog.h"
  144. $File "BonusMapsDialog.cpp"
  145. $File "BonusMapsDialog.h"
  146. $File "CommentaryDialog.cpp"
  147. $File "CommentaryDialog.h"
  148. $File "CommentaryExplanationDialog.cpp"
  149. $File "CommentaryExplanationDialog.h"
  150. $File "ContentControlDialog.cpp"
  151. $File "ContentControlDialog.h"
  152. $File "CustomTabExplanationDialog.cpp"
  153. $File "CustomTabExplanationDialog.h"
  154. $File "GameConsoleDialog.cpp"
  155. $File "GameConsoleDialog.h"
  156. $File "LoadGameDialog_Xbox.cpp"
  157. $File "LoadGameDialog.cpp"
  158. $File "LoadGameDialog.h"
  159. $File "MultiplayerAdvancedDialog.cpp"
  160. $File "MultiplayerAdvancedDialog.h"
  161. $File "NewGameDialog.cpp"
  162. $File "NewGameDialog.h"
  163. $File "PlayerListDialog.cpp"
  164. $File "PlayerListDialog.h"
  165. $File "SaveGameDialog_Xbox.cpp"
  166. $File "SaveGameDialog.cpp"
  167. $File "SaveGameDialog.h"
  168. $File "LoadCommentaryDialog.cpp"
  169. $File "LoadingDialog.cpp"
  170. $File "BaseSaveGameDialog.cpp"
  171. $File "ChangeGameDialog.cpp" [!$POSIX]
  172. $File "CreateMultiplayerGameBotPage.cpp"
  173. $File "CreateMultiplayerGameDialog.cpp"
  174. $File "CreateMultiplayerGameGameplayPage.cpp"
  175. $File "CreateMultiplayerGameServerPage.cpp"
  176. $File "OptionsDialog_Xbox.cpp"
  177. $File "ControllerDialog.cpp"
  178. $File "ControllerDialog.h"
  179. }
  180. $Folder "Matchmaking"
  181. {
  182. $File "matchmaking\achievementsdialog.cpp"
  183. $File "matchmaking\achievementsdialog.h"
  184. $File "matchmaking\basedialog.cpp"
  185. $File "matchmaking\basedialog.h"
  186. $File "matchmaking\dialogmenu.cpp"
  187. $File "matchmaking\dialogmenu.h"
  188. $File "matchmaking\leaderboarddialog.cpp"
  189. $File "matchmaking\leaderboarddialog.h"
  190. $File "matchmaking\matchmakingbasepanel.cpp"
  191. $File "matchmaking\matchmakingbasepanel.h"
  192. $File "matchmaking\pausedialog.cpp"
  193. $File "matchmaking\pausedialog.h"
  194. $File "matchmaking\sessionlobbydialog.cpp"
  195. $File "matchmaking\sessionlobbydialog.h"
  196. $File "matchmaking\sessionoptionsdialog.cpp"
  197. $File "matchmaking\sessionoptionsdialog.h"
  198. $File "matchmaking\sessionbrowserdialog.cpp"
  199. $File "matchmaking\sessionbrowserdialog.h"
  200. $File "matchmaking\welcomedialog.cpp"
  201. $File "matchmaking\welcomedialog.h"
  202. }
  203. $Folder "Options Dialog"
  204. {
  205. $File "OptionsDialog.cpp"
  206. $File "OptionsDialog.h"
  207. $File "OptionsSubAudio.cpp"
  208. $File "OptionsSubAudio.h"
  209. $File "OptionsSubDifficulty.cpp"
  210. $File "OptionsSubDifficulty.h"
  211. $File "OptionsSubGame.cpp"
  212. $File "OptionsSubGame.h"
  213. $File "OptionsSubHaptics.cpp" [$WIN32]
  214. $File "OptionsSubHaptics.h" [$WIN32]
  215. $File "OptionsSubKeyboard.cpp"
  216. $File "OptionsSubKeyboard.h"
  217. $File "OptionsSubMouse.cpp"
  218. $File "OptionsSubMouse.h"
  219. $File "OptionsSubMultiplayer.cpp"
  220. $File "OptionsSubMultiplayer.h"
  221. $File "OptionsSubPortal.cpp"
  222. $File "OptionsSubPortal.h"
  223. $File "OptionsSubVideo.cpp"
  224. $File "OptionsSubVideo.h"
  225. $File "OptionsSubVoice.cpp"
  226. $File "OptionsSubVoice.h"
  227. }
  228. $Folder "Link Libraries"
  229. {
  230. $Lib bitmap
  231. $Lib mathlib
  232. $Lib matsys_controls
  233. $Lib tier2
  234. $Lib tier3
  235. $Lib vgui_controls
  236. $Lib vtf
  237. $Lib "$LIBCOMMON/libjpeg" [!$DEDICATED]
  238. $ImpLib steam_api
  239. $Lib libpng [!$VS2015&&!$DEDICATED]
  240. $Lib $LIBCOMMON/libpng [$VS2015&&!$DEDICATED]
  241. $Lib libz [!$DEDICATED]
  242. $ImpLib SDL2 [$SDL]
  243. }
  244. }