//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "History.h"
#include "GlobalFunctions.h"
#include "MapDoc.h"
#include "MapWorld.h"
#include "SearchReplaceDlg.h"
#include "hammer.h"
#include "Selection.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
// Context data for a FindFirstObject/FindNextObject session.
struct FindObject_t { //
// Where to look: in the world or in the selection set.
FindReplaceIn_t eFindIn;
CMapWorld *pWorld; EnumChildrenPos_t WorldPos; // A position in the world tree for world searches.
CUtlVector<CMapClass *> SelectionList; // A copy of the selection list for selection only searches.
int nSelectionIndex; // The index into the selection list for iterating the selection list.
// What to look for.
CString strFindText; bool bVisiblesOnly; bool bCaseSensitive; bool bWholeWord; };
CMapClass *FindNextObject(FindObject_t &FindObject); bool FindCheck(CMapClass *pObject, FindObject_t &FindObject);
// Purpose: Returns true if the string matches the search criteria, false if not.
// Input : pszString - String to check.
// FindObject - Search criteria, including string to search for.
bool MatchString(const char *pszString, FindObject_t &FindObject) { if (FindObject.bWholeWord) { if (FindObject.bCaseSensitive) { return (!strcmp(pszString, FindObject.strFindText)); }
return (!stricmp(pszString, FindObject.strFindText)); }
if (FindObject.bCaseSensitive) { return (strstr(pszString, FindObject.strFindText) != NULL); }
return (Q_stristr(pszString, FindObject.strFindText) != NULL); }
// Purpose: Returns true if the string matches the search criteria, false if not.
// Input : pszIn -
// pszOut - String to check.
// FindObject - Search criteria, including string to search for.
bool ReplaceString(char *pszOut, const char *pszIn, FindObject_t &FindObject, const char *pszReplace) { //
// Whole matches are simple, just strcpy the replacement string into the out buffer.
if (FindObject.bWholeWord) { if (FindObject.bCaseSensitive && (!strcmp(pszIn, FindObject.strFindText))) { strcpy(pszOut, pszReplace); return true; }
if (!stricmp(pszIn, FindObject.strFindText)) { strcpy(pszOut, pszReplace); return true; } }
// Partial matches are a little tougher.
const char *pszStart = NULL; if (FindObject.bCaseSensitive) { pszStart = strstr(pszIn, FindObject.strFindText); } else { pszStart = Q_stristr(pszIn, FindObject.strFindText); }
if (pszStart != NULL) { int nOffset = pszStart - pszIn;
strncpy(pszOut, pszIn, nOffset); pszOut += nOffset; pszIn += nOffset + strlen(FindObject.strFindText);
strcpy(pszOut, pszReplace); pszOut += strlen(pszReplace);
strcpy(pszOut, pszIn);
return true; }
return false; }
// Purpose: Begins a Find or Find/Replace operation.
CMapClass *FindFirstObject(FindObject_t &FindObject) { CMapClass *pObject = NULL;
if (FindObject.eFindIn == FindInWorld) { // Search the entire world.
pObject = FindObject.pWorld->GetFirstDescendent(FindObject.WorldPos); } else { // Search the selection only.
if (FindObject.SelectionList.Count()) { pObject = FindObject.SelectionList.Element(0); FindObject.nSelectionIndex = 1; } }
if (!pObject) { return NULL; }
if (FindCheck(pObject, FindObject)) { return pObject; }
return FindNextObject(FindObject); }
// Purpose:
// Input : pObject -
CMapClass *FindNextObject(FindObject_t &FindObject) { while (true) { CMapClass *pObject = NULL; if (FindObject.eFindIn == FindInWorld) { // Search the entire world.
pObject = FindObject.pWorld->GetNextDescendent(FindObject.WorldPos); } else { // Search the selection only.
if (FindObject.nSelectionIndex < FindObject.SelectionList.Count()) { pObject = FindObject.SelectionList.Element(FindObject.nSelectionIndex); FindObject.nSelectionIndex++; } }
if ((!pObject) || FindCheck(pObject, FindObject)) { return pObject; } } }
// Purpose:
// Input : pObject -
// FindObject -
// Output : Returns true if the object matches the search criteria, false if not.
bool FindCheck(CMapClass *pObject, FindObject_t &FindObject) { CMapEntity *pEntity = dynamic_cast <CMapEntity *>(pObject); if (!pEntity) { return false; }
if (FindObject.bVisiblesOnly && !pObject->IsVisible()) { return false; }
// Search keyvalues.
for ( int i=pEntity->GetFirstKeyValue(); i != pEntity->GetInvalidKeyValue(); i=pEntity->GetNextKeyValue( i ) ) { const char *pszValue = pEntity->GetKeyValue(i); if (pszValue && MatchString(pszValue, FindObject)) { return true; } }
// Search connections.
int nConnCount = pEntity->Connections_GetCount(); for (int i = 0; i < nConnCount; i++) { CEntityConnection *pConn = pEntity->Connections_Get(i); if (pConn) { if (MatchString(pConn->GetTargetName(), FindObject) || MatchString(pConn->GetParam(), FindObject)) { return true; } } }
return false; }
// Purpose:
// Input : pLastFound -
// FindObject -
// pszReplaceText -
// Output : Returns the number of occurrences of the find text that were replaced.
int FindReplace(CMapEntity *pEntity, FindObject_t &FindObject, const char *pszReplace) { int nReplacedCount = 0; //
// Replace keyvalues.
for ( int i=pEntity->GetFirstKeyValue(); i != pEntity->GetInvalidKeyValue(); i=pEntity->GetNextKeyValue( i ) ) { const char *pszValue = pEntity->GetKeyValue(i); char szNewValue[MAX_PATH]; if (pszValue && ReplaceString(szNewValue, pszValue, FindObject, pszReplace)) { const char *pszKey = pEntity->GetKey(i); if (pszKey) { pEntity->SetKeyValue(pszKey, szNewValue); nReplacedCount++; } } }
// Replace connections.
int nConnCount = pEntity->Connections_GetCount(); for (int i = 0; i < nConnCount; i++) { CEntityConnection *pConn = pEntity->Connections_Get(i); if (pConn) { char szNewValue[MAX_PATH];
if (ReplaceString(szNewValue, pConn->GetTargetName(), FindObject, pszReplace)) { pConn->SetTargetName(szNewValue); nReplacedCount++; } if (ReplaceString(szNewValue, pConn->GetParam(), FindObject, pszReplace)) { pConn->SetParam(szNewValue); nReplacedCount++; } } }
return nReplacedCount; }
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CSearchReplaceDlg, CDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CSearchReplaceDlg)
// Purpose:
// Input : pParent -
CSearchReplaceDlg::CSearchReplaceDlg(CWnd *pParent) : CDialog(CSearchReplaceDlg::IDD, pParent) { m_bNewSearch = true;
m_bVisiblesOnly = FALSE; m_nFindIn = FindInWorld; m_bWholeWord = FALSE; m_bCaseSensitive = FALSE; //}}AFX_DATA_INIT
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
BOOL CSearchReplaceDlg::Create(CWnd *pwndParent) { return CDialog::Create(CSearchReplaceDlg::IDD, pwndParent); }
// Purpose:
// Input : pDX -
void CSearchReplaceDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX);
DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_VISIBLES_ONLY, m_bVisiblesOnly); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_WHOLE_WORD, m_bWholeWord); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_CASE_SENSITIVE, m_bCaseSensitive); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_FIND_TEXT, m_strFindText); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_REPLACE_TEXT, m_strReplaceText); DDX_Radio(pDX, IDC_SELECTION, m_nFindIn); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
// Purpose:
void CSearchReplaceDlg::OnCancel(void) { ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); }
// Purpose: Fill out the find criteria from the dialog controls.
// Input : FindObject -
void CSearchReplaceDlg::GetFindCriteria(FindObject_t &FindObject, CMapDoc *pDoc) { FindObject.pWorld = pDoc->GetMapWorld();
if (m_nFindIn == FindInSelection) { FindObject.eFindIn = FindInSelection;
const CMapObjectList *pSelection = pDoc->GetSelection()->GetList(); for (int i = 0; i < pSelection->Count(); i++) { CMapClass *pObject = pSelection->Element(i); if ( pObject->IsGroup() ) { // If it's a group, get all the entities in the group.
const CMapObjectList *pChildren = pObject->GetChildren(); FOR_EACH_OBJ( *pChildren, pos ) { FindObject.SelectionList.AddToTail( pChildren->Element(pos) ); } } else { FindObject.SelectionList.AddToTail(pObject); } } } else { FindObject.eFindIn = FindInWorld; }
FindObject.strFindText = m_strFindText; FindObject.bVisiblesOnly = (m_bVisiblesOnly == TRUE); FindObject.bWholeWord = (m_bWholeWord == TRUE); FindObject.bCaseSensitive = (m_bCaseSensitive == TRUE); }
// Purpose: Called when they hit the Find, the Replace, or the Replace All button.
// Input : uCmd - The ID of the button the user hit, IDC_FIND_NEXT or IDC_REPLACE.
// Output : Returns TRUE to indicate that the message was handled.
BOOL CSearchReplaceDlg::OnFindReplace(UINT uCmd) { CMapDoc *pDoc = CMapDoc::GetActiveMapDoc(); if (!pDoc) { return TRUE; }
static FindObject_t FindObject; static CMapClass *pLastFound = NULL; static int nReplaceCount = 0; FindObject_t TempFindObject;
bool bDone = false;
UpdateData(); GetFindCriteria(TempFindObject, pDoc);
if ( strcmp(TempFindObject.strFindText, FindObject.strFindText) != 0 ) { m_bNewSearch = true; }
do { CMapClass *pObject = NULL; if (m_bNewSearch) { //
// New search. Fetch the data from the controls.
UpdateData(); GetFindCriteria(FindObject, pDoc);
// We have to keep track of the last object in the iteration for replacement,
// because replacement is done when me advance to the next object.
pLastFound = NULL; nReplaceCount = 0;
pObject = FindFirstObject(FindObject); } else { pObject = FindNextObject(FindObject); }
// Replace All is undone as single operation. Mark the undo position the first time
// we find a match during a Replace All.
if (m_bNewSearch && (uCmd == IDC_REPLACE_ALL) && pObject) { GetHistory()->MarkUndoPosition(pDoc->GetSelection()->GetList(), "Replace Text"); }
// If we have an object to do the replace on, do the replace.
if (pLastFound && ((uCmd == IDC_REPLACE) || (uCmd == IDC_REPLACE_ALL))) { if (uCmd == IDC_REPLACE) { // Allow for undo each time we do a Replace.
GetHistory()->MarkUndoPosition(NULL, "Replace Text"); }
// Do the replace on the last matching object we found. This lets the user see what
// object will be modified before it is done.
GetHistory()->Keep(pLastFound); nReplaceCount += FindReplace((CMapEntity *)pLastFound, FindObject, m_strReplaceText);
GetDlgItem(IDCANCEL)->SetWindowText("Close"); }
if (pObject) { //
// We found an object that satisfies our search.
if ((uCmd == IDC_FIND_NEXT) || (uCmd == IDC_REPLACE)) { //
// Highlight the match.
pDoc->SelectObject(pObject, scClear | scSelect); pDoc->CenterViewsOnSelection(); }
// Stop after one match unless we are doing a Replace All.
if (uCmd != IDC_REPLACE_ALL) { bDone = true; }
m_bNewSearch = false; pLastFound = pObject; } else { //
// No more objects in the search set match our criteria.
if ((m_bNewSearch) || (uCmd != IDC_REPLACE_ALL)) { CString str; str.Format("Finished searching for '%s'.", m_strFindText.GetBuffer()); MessageBox(str, "Find/Replace Text", MB_OK);
// TODO: put the old selection back
} else if (uCmd == IDC_REPLACE_ALL) { CString str; str.Format("Replaced %d occurrences of the string '%s' with '%s'.", nReplaceCount, m_strFindText.GetBuffer(), m_strReplaceText.GetBuffer()); MessageBox(str, "Find/Replace Text", MB_OK); }
m_bNewSearch = true; bDone = true; }
} while (!bDone);
return TRUE; }
// Purpose:
void CSearchReplaceDlg::OnOK() { }
// Purpose: Called any time we are hidden or shown.
// Input : bShow -
// nStatus -
void CSearchReplaceDlg::OnShowWindow(BOOL bShow, UINT nStatus) { if (bShow) { m_bNewSearch = true; GetDlgItem(IDCANCEL)->SetWindowText("Cancel");
m_nFindIn = FindInWorld; CMapDoc *pDoc = CMapDoc::GetActiveMapDoc(); if (pDoc) { if ( !pDoc->GetSelection()->IsEmpty() ) { m_nFindIn = FindInSelection; } }
// Populate the controls with the current data.
UpdateData(FALSE); }
CDialog::OnShowWindow(bShow, nStatus); }