//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: A helper that repesents a player hull swept through space between a
// start and end point. It writes out both points as keyvalues to the entity.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Box3D.h"
#include "GlobalFunctions.h"
#include "fgdlib/HelperInfo.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystem.h"
#include "materialsystem/imesh.h"
#include "MainFrm.h" // For refreshing the object properties dialog
#include "MapDoc.h"
#include "MapSweptPlayerHull.h"
#include "MapPlayerHullHandle.h"
#include "MapPointHandle.h"
#include "MapView2D.h"
#include "Material.h"
#include "Options.h"
#include "ObjectProperties.h" // For refreshing the object properties dialog
#include "Render2D.h"
#include "Render3D.h"
#include "ToolManager.h"
#include "ToolSweptHull.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
// Purpose: Factory function. Used for creating a CMapSweptPlayerHull from a set
// of string parameters from the FGD file.
// Input : pInfo - Pointer to helper info class which gives us information
// about how to create the class.
// Output : Returns a pointer to the class, NULL if an error occurs.
CMapClass *CMapSweptPlayerHull::Create(CHelperInfo *pHelperInfo, CMapEntity *pParent) { CMapSweptPlayerHull *pBox = new CMapSweptPlayerHull; pBox->SetRenderColor(255,255,255); return(pBox); }
// Purpose:
CMapSweptPlayerHull::CMapSweptPlayerHull(void) { Initialize(); }
// Purpose:
void CMapSweptPlayerHull::Initialize(void) { r = 255; g = 255; b = 255;
m_Point[0] = new CMapPlayerHullHandle; m_Point[0]->Attach(this);
m_Point[1] = new CMapPlayerHullHandle; m_Point[1]->Attach(this); }
// Purpose:
CMapSweptPlayerHull::~CMapSweptPlayerHull(void) { }
// Purpose:
// Input : bFullUpdate -
void CMapSweptPlayerHull::CalcBounds(BOOL bFullUpdate) { CMapClass::CalcBounds(bFullUpdate);
Vector vecMins; Vector vecMaxs;
m_Render2DBox.ResetBounds(); m_CullBox.ResetBounds(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { m_Point[i]->CalcBounds(bFullUpdate); m_Point[i]->GetCullBox(vecMins, vecMaxs);
m_CullBox.UpdateBounds(vecMins, vecMaxs); }
m_BoundingBox = m_CullBox; m_Render2DBox = m_CullBox; }
// Purpose:
// Output : CMapClass
CMapClass *CMapSweptPlayerHull::Copy(bool bUpdateDependencies) { CMapSweptPlayerHull *pCopy = new CMapSweptPlayerHull;
if (pCopy != NULL) { pCopy->CopyFrom(this, bUpdateDependencies); }
return(pCopy); }
// Purpose:
// Input : pObject -
// Output : CMapClass
CMapClass *CMapSweptPlayerHull::CopyFrom(CMapClass *pObject, bool bUpdateDependencies) { Assert(pObject->IsMapClass(MAPCLASS_TYPE(CMapSweptPlayerHull))); CMapSweptPlayerHull *pFrom = (CMapSweptPlayerHull *)pObject;
CMapClass::CopyFrom(pObject, bUpdateDependencies);
m_Point[0]->CopyFrom(pFrom->m_Point[0], bUpdateDependencies); m_Point[1]->CopyFrom(pFrom->m_Point[1], bUpdateDependencies);
return(this); }
// Purpose: Gets the tool object for a given context data from HitTest2D.
CBaseTool *CMapSweptPlayerHull::GetToolObject(int nHitData, bool bAttachObject) { // FIXME: ideally, we could use CToolPointHandle here, because all it does is move
// points around, but that would require some way for the CMapSweptPlayerHull to know
// when the CMapPointHandle's position changes. This way the CToolAxisHandle can
// handle the notification. In general, we need a better system for building complex
// objects from simple ones and handling changes to the simple objects in the complex one.
// If we DID use a CToolPointHandle, we'd need to reconcile the status bar updates that
// are done in OnMouseMove2D, because points and axes cause different status bar text
// to be displayed as they are dragged around.
CToolSweptPlayerHull *pTool = (CToolSweptPlayerHull *)ToolManager()->GetToolForID(TOOL_SWEPT_HULL);
if ( bAttachObject ) pTool->Attach(this, nHitData);
return pTool; }
// Purpose:
// Input : pView -
// point -
// nData -
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CMapSweptPlayerHull::HitTest2D(CMapView2D *pView, const Vector2D &point, HitInfo_t &HitData) { if (IsVisible()) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if ( m_Point[i]->HitTest2D(pView, point, HitData) ) { HitData.pObject = this; HitData.uData = i; HitData.nDepth = 0; return true; } } }
return false; }
// Purpose:
// Input : pRender -
void CMapSweptPlayerHull::Render2D(CRender2D *pRender) { SelectionState_t eState = GetSelectionState();
CMapView2D *pView = (CMapView2D*)pRender->GetView();
m_Point[0]->Render2D(pRender); m_Point[1]->Render2D(pRender);
Vector vecOrigin1; Vector vecOrigin2; m_Point[0]->GetOrigin(vecOrigin1); m_Point[1]->GetOrigin(vecOrigin2);
Vector mins1, maxs1; Vector mins2, maxs2; m_Point[0]->m_CullBox.GetBounds( mins1, maxs1 ); m_Point[1]->m_CullBox.GetBounds( mins2, maxs2 );
// Draw swept volume
Vector dir = vecOrigin2 - vecOrigin1;
int nHorz = pView->axHorz; int nVert = pView->axVert; int nThird = pView->axThird;
dir[ nThird ] = 0;
VectorNormalize( dir );
float dx = dir[ nHorz ]; float dy = dir[ nVert ];
if ( dx == 0 && dy == 0 ) return;
if (eState == SELECT_MODIFY) { pRender->PushRenderMode( RENDER_MODE_DOTTED ); pRender->SetDrawColor( GetRValue(Options.colors.clrSelection), GetGValue(Options.colors.clrSelection), GetBValue(Options.colors.clrSelection) );
} else { pRender->PushRenderMode( RENDER_MODE_FLAT ); pRender->SetDrawColor( GetRValue(Options.colors.clrToolHandle), GetGValue(Options.colors.clrToolHandle), GetBValue(Options.colors.clrToolHandle) ); }
Vector line1[2]; Vector line2[2]; line1[0].Init(); line1[1].Init(); line2[0].Init(); line2[1].Init();
if ( dx > 0 ) { if ( dy > 0 ) { line1[0][nHorz] = mins1[ nHorz ]; line1[0][nVert] = maxs1[ nVert ]; line1[1][nHorz] = mins2[ nHorz ]; line1[1][nVert] = maxs2[ nVert ];
line2[0][nHorz] = maxs1[ nHorz ]; line2[0][nVert] = mins1[ nVert ]; line2[1][nHorz] = maxs2[ nHorz ]; line2[1][nVert] = mins2[ nVert ]; } else { line1[0][nHorz] = maxs1[ nHorz ]; line1[0][nVert] = maxs1[ nVert ]; line1[1][nHorz] = maxs2[ nHorz ]; line1[1][nVert] = maxs2[ nVert ];
line2[0][nHorz] = mins1[ nHorz ]; line2[0][nVert] = mins1[ nVert ]; line2[1][nHorz] = mins2[ nHorz ]; line2[1][nVert] = mins2[ nVert ]; } } else { if ( dy > 0 ) { line1[0][nHorz] = maxs1[ nHorz ]; line1[0][nVert] = maxs1[ nVert ]; line1[1][nHorz] = maxs2[ nHorz ]; line1[1][nVert] = maxs2[ nVert ];
line2[0][nHorz] = mins1[ nHorz ]; line2[0][nVert] = mins1[ nVert ]; line2[1][nHorz] = mins2[ nHorz ]; line2[1][nVert] = mins2[ nVert ]; } else { line1[0][nHorz] = mins1[ nHorz ]; line1[0][nVert] = maxs1[ nVert ]; line1[1][nHorz] = mins2[ nHorz ]; line1[1][nVert] = maxs2[ nVert ];
line2[0][nHorz] = maxs1[ nHorz ]; line2[0][nVert] = mins1[ nVert ]; line2[1][nHorz] = maxs2[ nHorz ]; line2[1][nVert] = mins2[ nVert ]; } }
pRender->DrawLine( line1[0], line1[1] ); pRender->DrawLine( line2[0], line2[1] );
pRender->PopRenderMode(); }
// Purpose:
// Input : pRender -
void CMapSweptPlayerHull::Render3D(CRender3D *pRender) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { m_Point[i]->Render3D(pRender); }
if (GetSelectionState() == SELECT_NONE) { pRender->SetDrawColor( 200,180,0 ); } else { pRender->SetDrawColor( 255,0,0 ); }
Vector vec1; Vector vec2; m_Point[0]->GetOrigin(vec1); m_Point[1]->GetOrigin(vec2); pRender->DrawLine(vec1, vec2); }
// Purpose:
int CMapSweptPlayerHull::SerializeRMF(std::fstream &File, BOOL bRMF) { return(0); }
// Purpose:
int CMapSweptPlayerHull::SerializeMAP(std::fstream &File, BOOL bRMF) { return(0); }
// Purpose: Overridden to chain down to our endpoints, which are not children.
void CMapSweptPlayerHull::SetOrigin(Vector &vecOrigin) { BaseClass::SetOrigin(vecOrigin);
m_Point[0]->SetOrigin(vecOrigin); m_Point[1]->SetOrigin(vecOrigin); }
// Purpose: Overridden to chain down to our endpoints, which are not children.
SelectionState_t CMapSweptPlayerHull::SetSelectionState(SelectionState_t eSelectionState) { SelectionState_t eState = BaseClass::SetSelectionState(eSelectionState);
m_Point[0]->SetSelectionState(eSelectionState); m_Point[1]->SetSelectionState(eSelectionState);
return eState; }
// Purpose: Special version of set SelectionState to set the state in only one
// endpoint handle for dragging that handle.
SelectionState_t CMapSweptPlayerHull::SetSelectionState(SelectionState_t eSelectionState, int nHandle) { SelectionState_t eState = BaseClass::SetSelectionState(eSelectionState); m_Point[nHandle]->SetSelectionState(eSelectionState); return eState; }
// Purpose: Overridden because origin helpers don't take the color of their
// parent entity.
// Input : red, green, blue -
void CMapSweptPlayerHull::SetRenderColor(unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue) { }
// Purpose: Overridden because origin helpers don't take the color of their
// parent entity.
// Input : red, green, blue -
void CMapSweptPlayerHull::SetRenderColor(color32 rgbColor) { }
static Vector playerFixup( 0, 0, 36 );
// Purpose:
// Input : szKey -
// szValue -
void CMapSweptPlayerHull::OnParentKeyChanged(const char *szKey, const char *szValue) { if (!stricmp(szKey, "point0")) { Vector vecOrigin; sscanf(szValue, "%f %f %f", &vecOrigin.x, &vecOrigin.y, &vecOrigin.z );
vecOrigin += playerFixup;
m_Point[0]->SetOrigin(vecOrigin); PostUpdate(Notify_Changed); } else if (!stricmp(szKey, "point1")) { Vector vecOrigin; sscanf(szValue, "%f %f %f", &vecOrigin.x, &vecOrigin.y, &vecOrigin.z );
vecOrigin += playerFixup;
m_Point[1]->SetOrigin(vecOrigin); PostUpdate(Notify_Changed); } }
// Purpose: Called by the axis tool to update the position of the endpoint.
void CMapSweptPlayerHull::UpdateEndPoint(Vector &vecPos, int nPointIndex) { m_Point[nPointIndex]->SetOrigin( vecPos ); PostUpdate(Notify_Changed); UpdateParentKey(); }
// Purpose: Overridden to transform our endpoints.
void CMapSweptPlayerHull::DoTransform(const VMatrix &matrix) { BaseClass::DoTransform(matrix);
m_Point[0]->Transform(matrix); m_Point[1]->Transform(matrix);
UpdateParentKey(); }
// Purpose:
void CMapSweptPlayerHull::UpdateParentKey(void) { CMapEntity *pEntity = dynamic_cast <CMapEntity *> (m_pParent); if (pEntity != NULL) { Vector vecOrigin1; Vector vecOrigin2; m_Point[0]->GetOrigin(vecOrigin1); m_Point[1]->GetOrigin(vecOrigin2);
vecOrigin1 -= playerFixup; vecOrigin2 -= playerFixup;
char szValue[KEYVALUE_MAX_VALUE_LENGTH]; sprintf(szValue, "%g %g %g", (double)vecOrigin1.x, (double)vecOrigin1.y, (double)vecOrigin1.z ); pEntity->NotifyChildKeyChanged(this, "point0", szValue); pEntity->NotifyChildKeyChanged(this, "origin", szValue);
sprintf(szValue, "%g %g %g", (double)vecOrigin2.x, (double)vecOrigin2.y, (double)vecOrigin2.z); pEntity->NotifyChildKeyChanged(this, "point1", szValue); } }
// Purpose: Sets the keyvalue in our parent when we are added to the world.
// Input : pWorld -
void CMapSweptPlayerHull::OnAddToWorld(CMapWorld *pWorld) { BaseClass::OnAddToWorld(pWorld); UpdateParentKey(); }
// Purpose: Sets the keyvalue in our parent after the map is loaded.
// Input : pWorld -
void CMapSweptPlayerHull::PostloadWorld(CMapWorld *pWorld) { BaseClass::PostloadWorld(pWorld); UpdateParentKey(); }
// Purpose: Returns the position of the given endpoint.
// Input : vecPos - Receives the position.
// nPointIndex - Endpoint index [0,1].
void CMapSweptPlayerHull::GetEndPoint(Vector &vecPos, int nPointIndex) { m_Point[nPointIndex]->GetOrigin(vecPos); }