//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// Defines the entry point for the application.
#if defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 )
#include <windows.h>
#include "shlwapi.h" // registry stuff
#include <direct.h>
#elif defined ( LINUX ) || defined( OSX )
#define O_EXLOCK 0
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <locale.h>
#elif defined ( _X360 )
#include "appframework/ilaunchermgr.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "engine_launcher_api.h"
#include "tier0/vcrmode.h"
#include "ifilesystem.h"
#include "tier1/interface.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "iregistry.h"
#include "appframework/IAppSystem.h"
#include "appframework/AppFramework.h"
#include <vgui/VGUI.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include "tier0/platform.h"
#include "tier0/memalloc.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "tier1/utlrbtree.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystem.h"
#include "istudiorender.h"
#include "vgui/IVGui.h"
#include "IHammer.h"
#include "datacache/idatacache.h"
#include "datacache/imdlcache.h"
#include "vphysics_interface.h"
#include "filesystem_init.h"
#include "vstdlib/iprocessutils.h"
#include "video/ivideoservices.h"
#include "tier1/tier1.h"
#include "tier2/tier2.h"
#include "tier3/tier3.h"
#include "p4lib/ip4.h"
#include "inputsystem/iinputsystem.h"
#include "filesystem/IQueuedLoader.h"
#include "reslistgenerator.h"
#include "tier1/fmtstr.h"
#include "sourcevr/isourcevirtualreality.h"
#include "steam/steam_api.h"
#if defined( _X360 )
#include "xbox/xbox_win32stubs.h"
#include "xbox/xbox_console.h"
#include "xbox/xbox_launch.h"
#if defined( USE_SDL )
#include "SDL.h"
#if !defined( _WIN32 )
#define MB_OK 0x00000001
#define MB_SYSTEMMODAL 0x00000002
#define MB_ICONERROR 0x00000004
int MessageBox( HWND hWnd, const char *message, const char *header, unsigned uType ); #endif // _WIN32
#endif // USE_SDL
#if defined( POSIX )
#define RELAUNCH_FILE "/tmp/hl2_relaunch"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
#define DEFAULT_HL2_GAMEDIR "hl2"
#if defined( USE_SDL )
extern void* CreateSDLMgr(); #endif
// Modules...
static IEngineAPI *g_pEngineAPI; static IHammer *g_pHammer;
bool g_bTextMode = false;
static char g_szBasedir[MAX_PATH]; static char g_szGamedir[MAX_PATH];
// copied from sys.h
struct FileAssociationInfo { char const *extension; char const *command_to_issue; };
static FileAssociationInfo g_FileAssociations[] = { { ".dem", "playdemo" }, { ".sav", "load" }, { ".bsp", "map" }, };
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma warning(disable:4073)
#pragma init_seg(lib)
class CLeakDump { public: CLeakDump() : m_bCheckLeaks( false ) { }
~CLeakDump() { if ( m_bCheckLeaks ) { MemAlloc_DumpStats(); } }
bool m_bCheckLeaks; } g_LeakDump;
// Spew function!
SpewRetval_t LauncherDefaultSpewFunc( SpewType_t spewType, char const *pMsg ) { #ifndef _CERT
#ifdef WIN32
OutputDebugStringA( pMsg ); #else
fprintf( stderr, "%s", pMsg ); #endif
switch( spewType ) { case SPEW_MESSAGE: case SPEW_LOG: return SPEW_CONTINUE;
case SPEW_WARNING: if ( !stricmp( GetSpewOutputGroup(), "init" ) ) { #if defined( WIN32 ) || defined( USE_SDL )
::MessageBox( NULL, pMsg, "Warning!", MB_OK | MB_SYSTEMMODAL | MB_ICONERROR ); #endif
case SPEW_ASSERT: if ( !ShouldUseNewAssertDialog() ) { #if defined( WIN32 ) || defined( USE_SDL )
::MessageBox( NULL, pMsg, "Assert!", MB_OK | MB_SYSTEMMODAL | MB_ICONERROR ); #endif
} return SPEW_DEBUGGER; case SPEW_ERROR: default: #if defined( WIN32 ) || defined( USE_SDL )
::MessageBox( NULL, pMsg, "Error!", MB_OK | MB_SYSTEMMODAL | MB_ICONERROR ); #endif
_exit( 1 ); } #else
if ( spewType != SPEW_ERROR) return SPEW_CONTINUE; _exit( 1 ); #endif
// Implementation of VCRHelpers.
class CVCRHelpers : public IVCRHelpers { public: virtual void ErrorMessage( const char *pMsg ) { #if defined( WIN32 ) || defined( LINUX )
NOVCR( ::MessageBox( NULL, pMsg, "VCR Error", MB_OK ) ); #endif
virtual void* GetMainWindow() { return NULL; } };
static CVCRHelpers g_VCRHelpers;
// Purpose: Return the game directory
// Output : char
char *GetGameDirectory( void ) { return g_szGamedir; }
void SetGameDirectory( const char *game ) { Q_strncpy( g_szGamedir, game, sizeof(g_szGamedir) ); }
// Gets the executable name
bool GetExecutableName( char *out, int outSize ) { #ifdef WIN32
if ( !::GetModuleFileName( ( HINSTANCE )GetModuleHandle( NULL ), out, outSize ) ) { return false; } return true; #else
return false; #endif
// Purpose: Return the base directory
// Output : char
char *GetBaseDirectory( void ) { return g_szBasedir; }
// Purpose: Determine the directory where this .exe is running from
void UTIL_ComputeBaseDir() { g_szBasedir[0] = 0;
if ( IsX360() ) { char const *pBaseDir = CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-basedir" ); if ( pBaseDir ) { strcpy( g_szBasedir, pBaseDir ); } }
if ( !g_szBasedir[0] && GetExecutableName( g_szBasedir, sizeof( g_szBasedir ) ) ) { char *pBuffer = strrchr( g_szBasedir, '\\' ); if ( *pBuffer ) { *(pBuffer+1) = '\0'; }
int j = strlen( g_szBasedir ); if (j > 0) { if ( ( g_szBasedir[j-1] == '\\' ) || ( g_szBasedir[j-1] == '/' ) ) { g_szBasedir[j-1] = 0; } } }
if ( IsPC() ) { char const *pOverrideDir = CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-basedir" ); if ( pOverrideDir ) { strcpy( g_szBasedir, pOverrideDir ); } }
#ifdef WIN32
Q_strlower( g_szBasedir ); #endif
Q_FixSlashes( g_szBasedir ); }
#ifdef WIN32
BOOL WINAPI MyHandlerRoutine( DWORD dwCtrlType ) { #if !defined( _X360 )
TerminateProcess( GetCurrentProcess(), 2 ); #endif
return TRUE; } #endif
void InitTextMode() { #ifdef WIN32
#if !defined( _X360 )
SetConsoleCtrlHandler( MyHandlerRoutine, TRUE );
freopen( "CONIN$", "rb", stdin ); // reopen stdin handle as console window input
freopen( "CONOUT$", "wb", stdout ); // reopen stout handle as console window output
freopen( "CONOUT$", "wb", stderr ); // reopen stderr handle as console window output
XBX_Error( "%s %s: Not Supported", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); #endif
void SortResList( char const *pchFileName, char const *pchSearchPath );
#define ALL_RESLIST_FILE "all.lst"
#define ENGINE_RESLIST_FILE "engine.lst"
// create file to dump out to
class CLogAllFiles { public: CLogAllFiles(); void Init(); void Shutdown(); void LogFile( const char *fullPathFileName, const char *options );
private: static void LogAllFilesFunc( const char *fullPathFileName, const char *options ); void LogToAllReslist( char const *line );
bool m_bActive; char m_szCurrentDir[_MAX_PATH];
// persistent across restarts
CUtlRBTree< CUtlString, int > m_Logged; CUtlString m_sResListDir; CUtlString m_sFullGamePath; };
static CLogAllFiles g_LogFiles;
static bool AllLogLessFunc( CUtlString const &pLHS, CUtlString const &pRHS ) { return CaselessStringLessThan( pLHS.Get(), pRHS.Get() ); }
CLogAllFiles::CLogAllFiles() : m_bActive( false ), m_Logged( 0, 0, AllLogLessFunc ) { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT(); m_sResListDir = "reslists"; }
void CLogAllFiles::Init() { if ( IsX360() ) { return; }
// Can't do this in edit mode
if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-edit" ) ) { return; }
if ( !CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-makereslists" ) ) { return; }
m_bActive = true;
char const *pszDir = NULL; if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-reslistdir", &pszDir ) && pszDir ) { char szDir[ MAX_PATH ]; Q_strncpy( szDir, pszDir, sizeof( szDir ) ); Q_StripTrailingSlash( szDir ); #ifdef WIN32
Q_strlower( szDir ); #endif
Q_FixSlashes( szDir ); if ( Q_strlen( szDir ) > 0 ) { m_sResListDir = szDir; } }
// game directory has not been established yet, must derive ourselves
char path[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", GetBaseDirectory(), CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-game", "hl2" ) ); Q_FixSlashes( path ); #ifdef WIN32
Q_strlower( path ); #endif
m_sFullGamePath = path;
// create file to dump out to
char szDir[ MAX_PATH ]; V_snprintf( szDir, sizeof( szDir ), "%s\\%s", m_sFullGamePath.String(), m_sResListDir.String() ); g_pFullFileSystem->CreateDirHierarchy( szDir, "GAME" );
g_pFullFileSystem->AddLoggingFunc( &LogAllFilesFunc );
if ( !CommandLine()->FindParm( "-startmap" ) && !CommandLine()->FindParm( "-startstage" ) ) { m_Logged.RemoveAll(); g_pFullFileSystem->RemoveFile( CFmtStr( "%s\\%s\\%s", m_sFullGamePath.String(), m_sResListDir.String(), ALL_RESLIST_FILE ), "GAME" ); }
#ifdef WIN32
::GetCurrentDirectory( sizeof(m_szCurrentDir), m_szCurrentDir ); Q_strncat( m_szCurrentDir, "\\", sizeof(m_szCurrentDir), 1 ); _strlwr( m_szCurrentDir ); #else
getcwd( m_szCurrentDir, sizeof(m_szCurrentDir) ); Q_strncat( m_szCurrentDir, "/", sizeof(m_szCurrentDir), 1 ); #endif
void CLogAllFiles::Shutdown() { if ( !m_bActive ) return;
m_bActive = false;
if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-makereslists" ) ) { g_pFullFileSystem->RemoveLoggingFunc( &LogAllFilesFunc ); }
// Now load and sort all.lst
SortResList( CFmtStr( "%s\\%s\\%s", m_sFullGamePath.String(), m_sResListDir.String(), ALL_RESLIST_FILE ), "GAME" ); // Now load and sort engine.lst
SortResList( CFmtStr( "%s\\%s\\%s", m_sFullGamePath.String(), m_sResListDir.String(), ENGINE_RESLIST_FILE ), "GAME" );
m_Logged.Purge(); }
void CLogAllFiles::LogToAllReslist( char const *line ) { // Open for append, write data, close.
FileHandle_t fh = g_pFullFileSystem->Open( CFmtStr( "%s\\%s\\%s", m_sFullGamePath.String(), m_sResListDir.String(), ALL_RESLIST_FILE ), "at", "GAME" ); if ( fh != FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { g_pFullFileSystem->Write("\"", 1, fh); g_pFullFileSystem->Write( line, Q_strlen(line), fh ); g_pFullFileSystem->Write("\"\n", 2, fh); g_pFullFileSystem->Close( fh ); } }
void CLogAllFiles::LogFile(const char *fullPathFileName, const char *options) { if ( !m_bActive ) { Assert( 0 ); return; }
// write out to log file
Assert( fullPathFileName[1] == ':' );
int idx = m_Logged.Find( fullPathFileName ); if ( idx != m_Logged.InvalidIndex() ) { return; }
m_Logged.Insert( fullPathFileName );
// make it relative to our root directory
const char *relative = Q_stristr( fullPathFileName, GetBaseDirectory() ); if ( relative ) { relative += ( Q_strlen( GetBaseDirectory() ) + 1 );
char rel[ MAX_PATH ]; Q_strncpy( rel, relative, sizeof( rel ) ); #ifdef WIN32
Q_strlower( rel ); #endif
Q_FixSlashes( rel ); LogToAllReslist( rel ); } }
// Purpose: callback function from filesystem
void CLogAllFiles::LogAllFilesFunc(const char *fullPathFileName, const char *options) { g_LogFiles.LogFile( fullPathFileName, options ); }
// Purpose: This is a bit of a hack because it appears
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
static bool IsWin98OrOlder() { bool retval = false;
#if defined( WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 )
OSVERSIONINFOEX osvi; ZeroMemory(&osvi, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX)); osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX); BOOL bOsVersionInfoEx = GetVersionEx ((OSVERSIONINFO *) &osvi); if( !bOsVersionInfoEx ) { // If OSVERSIONINFOEX doesn't work, try OSVERSIONINFO.
osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof (OSVERSIONINFO); if ( !GetVersionEx ( (OSVERSIONINFO *) &osvi) ) { Error( "IsWin98OrOlder: Unable to get OS version information" ); } }
switch (osvi.dwPlatformId) { case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT: // NT, XP, Win2K, etc. all OK for SSE
break; case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS: // Win95, 98, Me can't do SSE
retval = true; break; case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s: // Can't really run this way I don't think...
retval = true; break; default: break; } #endif
return retval; }
// Purpose: Figure out if Steam is running, then load the GameOverlayRenderer.dll
void TryToLoadSteamOverlayDLL() { #if defined( WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 )
// First, check if the module is already loaded, perhaps because we were run from Steam directly
HMODULE hMod = GetModuleHandle( "GameOverlayRenderer" DLL_EXT_STRING ); if ( hMod ) { return; }
if ( 0 == GetEnvironmentVariableA( "SteamGameId", NULL, 0 ) ) { // Initializing the Steam client API has the side effect of setting up the AppId
// which is immediately queried in GameOverlayRenderer.dll's DllMain entry point
if( SteamAPI_InitSafe() ) { const char *pchSteamInstallPath = SteamAPI_GetSteamInstallPath(); if ( pchSteamInstallPath ) { char rgchSteamPath[MAX_PATH]; V_ComposeFileName( pchSteamInstallPath, "GameOverlayRenderer" DLL_EXT_STRING, rgchSteamPath, Q_ARRAYSIZE(rgchSteamPath) ); // This could fail, but we can't fix it if it does so just ignore failures
LoadLibrary( rgchSteamPath ); }
SteamAPI_Shutdown(); } }
// Inner loop: initialize, shutdown main systems, load steam to
class CSourceAppSystemGroup : public CSteamAppSystemGroup { public: // Methods of IApplication
virtual bool Create(); virtual bool PreInit(); virtual int Main(); virtual void PostShutdown(); virtual void Destroy();
private: const char *DetermineDefaultMod(); const char *DetermineDefaultGame();
bool m_bEditMode; };
// The dirty disk error report function
void ReportDirtyDiskNoMaterialSystem() { #ifdef _X360
for ( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) { if ( XUserGetSigninState( i ) != eXUserSigninState_NotSignedIn ) { XShowDirtyDiscErrorUI( i ); return; } } XShowDirtyDiscErrorUI( 0 ); #endif
// Instantiate all main libraries
bool CSourceAppSystemGroup::Create() { IFileSystem *pFileSystem = (IFileSystem*)FindSystem( FILESYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION ); pFileSystem->InstallDirtyDiskReportFunc( ReportDirtyDiskNoMaterialSystem );
#ifdef WIN32
CoInitialize( NULL ); #endif
// Are we running in edit mode?
m_bEditMode = CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-edit" );
double st = Plat_FloatTime();
AppSystemInfo_t appSystems[] = { { "engine" DLL_EXT_STRING, CVAR_QUERY_INTERFACE_VERSION }, // NOTE: This one must be first!!
{ "", "" } // Required to terminate the list
#if defined( USE_SDL )
AddSystem( (IAppSystem *)CreateSDLMgr(), SDLMGR_INTERFACE_VERSION ); #endif
if ( !AddSystems( appSystems ) ) return false;
// This will be NULL for games that don't support VR. That's ok. Just don't load the DLL
AppModule_t sourceVRModule = LoadModule( "sourcevr" DLL_EXT_STRING ); if( sourceVRModule != APP_MODULE_INVALID ) { AddSystem( sourceVRModule, SOURCE_VIRTUAL_REALITY_INTERFACE_VERSION ); }
// pull in our filesystem dll to pull the queued loader from it, we need to do it this way due to the
// steam/stdio split for our steam filesystem
char pFileSystemDLL[MAX_PATH]; bool bSteam; if ( FileSystem_GetFileSystemDLLName( pFileSystemDLL, MAX_PATH, bSteam ) != FS_OK ) return false;
AppModule_t fileSystemModule = LoadModule( pFileSystemDLL ); AddSystem( fileSystemModule, QUEUEDLOADER_INTERFACE_VERSION );
// Hook in datamodel and p4 control if we're running with -tools
if ( IsPC() && ( ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-tools" ) && !CommandLine()->FindParm( "-nop4" ) ) || CommandLine()->FindParm( "-p4" ) ) ) { #ifdef STAGING_ONLY
AppModule_t p4libModule = LoadModule( "p4lib" DLL_EXT_STRING ); IP4 *p4 = (IP4*)AddSystem( p4libModule, P4_INTERFACE_VERSION ); // If we are running with -steam then that means the tools are being used by an SDK user. Don't exit in this case!
if ( !p4 && !CommandLine()->FindParm( "-steam" ) ) { return false; } #endif // STAGING_ONLY
AppModule_t vstdlibModule = LoadModule( "vstdlib" DLL_EXT_STRING ); IProcessUtils *processUtils = ( IProcessUtils* )AddSystem( vstdlibModule, PROCESS_UTILS_INTERFACE_VERSION ); if ( !processUtils ) return false; }
// Connect to iterfaces loaded in AddSystems that we need locally
IMaterialSystem *pMaterialSystem = (IMaterialSystem*)FindSystem( MATERIAL_SYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION ); if ( !pMaterialSystem ) return false;
// Load the hammer DLL if we're in editor mode
#if defined( _WIN32 ) && defined( STAGING_ONLY )
if ( m_bEditMode ) { AppModule_t hammerModule = LoadModule( "hammer_dll" DLL_EXT_STRING ); g_pHammer = (IHammer*)AddSystem( hammerModule, INTERFACEVERSION_HAMMER ); if ( !g_pHammer ) { return false; } } #endif // defined( _WIN32 ) && defined( STAGING_ONLY )
// Load up the appropriate shader DLL
// This has to be done before connection.
char const* pDLLName = "shaderapidx9" DLL_EXT_STRING; if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-noshaderapi" ) ) { pDLLName = "shaderapiempty" DLL_EXT_STRING; }
pMaterialSystem->SetShaderAPI( pDLLName );
double elapsed = Plat_FloatTime() - st; COM_TimestampedLog( "LoadAppSystems: Took %.4f secs to load libraries and get factories.", (float)elapsed );
return true; }
bool CSourceAppSystemGroup::PreInit() { CreateInterfaceFn factory = GetFactory(); ConnectTier1Libraries( &factory, 1 ); ConVar_Register( ); ConnectTier2Libraries( &factory, 1 ); ConnectTier3Libraries( &factory, 1 );
if ( !g_pFullFileSystem || !g_pMaterialSystem ) return false;
CFSSteamSetupInfo steamInfo; steamInfo.m_bToolsMode = false; steamInfo.m_bSetSteamDLLPath = false; steamInfo.m_bSteam = g_pFullFileSystem->IsSteam(); steamInfo.m_bOnlyUseDirectoryName = true; steamInfo.m_pDirectoryName = DetermineDefaultMod(); if ( !steamInfo.m_pDirectoryName ) { steamInfo.m_pDirectoryName = DetermineDefaultGame(); if ( !steamInfo.m_pDirectoryName ) { Error( "FileSystem_LoadFileSystemModule: no -defaultgamedir or -game specified." ); } } if ( FileSystem_SetupSteamEnvironment( steamInfo ) != FS_OK ) return false;
CFSMountContentInfo fsInfo; fsInfo.m_pFileSystem = g_pFullFileSystem; fsInfo.m_bToolsMode = m_bEditMode; fsInfo.m_pDirectoryName = steamInfo.m_GameInfoPath; if ( FileSystem_MountContent( fsInfo ) != FS_OK ) return false;
if ( IsPC() || !IsX360() ) { fsInfo.m_pFileSystem->AddSearchPath( "platform", "PLATFORM" ); } else { // 360 needs absolute paths
FileSystem_AddSearchPath_Platform( g_pFullFileSystem, steamInfo.m_GameInfoPath ); }
if ( IsPC() ) { // This will get called multiple times due to being here, but only the first one will do anything
reslistgenerator->Init( GetBaseDirectory(), CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-game", "hl2" ) );
// This will also get called each time, but will actually fix up the command line as needed
reslistgenerator->SetupCommandLine(); }
// FIXME: Logfiles is mod-specific, needs to move into the engine.
// Required to run through the editor
if ( m_bEditMode ) { g_pMaterialSystem->EnableEditorMaterials(); }
StartupInfo_t info; info.m_pInstance = GetAppInstance(); info.m_pBaseDirectory = GetBaseDirectory(); info.m_pInitialMod = DetermineDefaultMod(); info.m_pInitialGame = DetermineDefaultGame(); info.m_pParentAppSystemGroup = this; info.m_bTextMode = g_bTextMode;
g_pEngineAPI->SetStartupInfo( info );
return true; }
int CSourceAppSystemGroup::Main() { return g_pEngineAPI->Run(); }
void CSourceAppSystemGroup::PostShutdown() { // FIXME: Logfiles is mod-specific, needs to move into the engine.
DisconnectTier3Libraries(); DisconnectTier2Libraries(); ConVar_Unregister( ); DisconnectTier1Libraries(); }
void CSourceAppSystemGroup::Destroy() { g_pEngineAPI = NULL; g_pMaterialSystem = NULL; g_pHammer = NULL;
#ifdef WIN32
CoUninitialize(); #endif
// Determines the initial mod to use at load time.
// We eventually (hopefully) will be able to switch mods at runtime
// because the engine/hammer integration really wants this feature.
const char *CSourceAppSystemGroup::DetermineDefaultMod() { if ( !m_bEditMode ) { return CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-game", DEFAULT_HL2_GAMEDIR ); } return g_pHammer->GetDefaultMod(); }
const char *CSourceAppSystemGroup::DetermineDefaultGame() { if ( !m_bEditMode ) { return CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-defaultgamedir", DEFAULT_HL2_GAMEDIR ); } return g_pHammer->GetDefaultGame(); }
// MessageBox for SDL/OSX
#if defined( USE_SDL ) && !defined( _WIN32 )
int MessageBox( HWND hWnd, const char *message, const char *header, unsigned uType ) { SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox( 0, header, message, GetAssertDialogParent() ); return 0; }
// Allow only one windowed source app to run at a time
#ifdef WIN32
HANDLE g_hMutex = NULL; #elif defined(POSIX)
int g_lockfd = -1; char g_lockFilename[MAX_PATH]; #endif
bool GrabSourceMutex() { #ifdef WIN32
if ( IsPC() ) { // don't allow more than one instance to run
g_hMutex = ::CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, TEXT("hl2_singleton_mutex"));
unsigned int waitResult = ::WaitForSingleObject(g_hMutex, 0);
// Here, we have the mutex
if (waitResult == WAIT_OBJECT_0 || waitResult == WAIT_ABANDONED) return true;
// couldn't get the mutex, we must be running another instance
return false; } #elif defined(POSIX)
// Under OSX use flock in /tmp/source_engine_<game>.lock, create the file if it doesn't exist
const char *pchGameParam = CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-game", DEFAULT_HL2_GAMEDIR ); CRC32_t gameCRC; CRC32_Init(&gameCRC); CRC32_ProcessBuffer( &gameCRC, (void *)pchGameParam, Q_strlen( pchGameParam ) ); CRC32_Final( &gameCRC );
#ifdef LINUX
* Linux */
// Check TMPDIR environment variable for temp directory.
char *tmpdir = getenv( "TMPDIR" );
// If it's NULL, or it doesn't exist, or it isn't a directory, fallback to /tmp.
struct stat buf; if( !tmpdir || stat( tmpdir, &buf ) || !S_ISDIR ( buf.st_mode ) ) tmpdir = "/tmp";
V_snprintf( g_lockFilename, sizeof(g_lockFilename), "%s/source_engine_%u.lock", tmpdir, gameCRC );
g_lockfd = open( g_lockFilename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0666 ); if ( g_lockfd == -1 ) { printf( "open(%s) failed\n", g_lockFilename ); return false; }
struct flock fl; fl.l_type = F_WRLCK; fl.l_whence = SEEK_SET; fl.l_start = 0; fl.l_len = 1;
if ( fcntl ( g_lockfd, F_SETLK, &fl ) == -1 ) { printf( "fcntl(%d) for %s failed\n", g_lockfd, g_lockFilename ); return false; }
return true; #else
* OSX */ V_snprintf( g_lockFilename, sizeof(g_lockFilename), "/tmp/source_engine_%u.lock", gameCRC );
g_lockfd = open( g_lockFilename, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_EXLOCK | O_NONBLOCK | O_TRUNC, 0777 ); if (g_lockfd >= 0) { // make sure we give full perms to the file, we only one instance per machine
fchmod( g_lockfd, 0777 );
// we leave the file open, under unix rules when we die we'll automatically close and remove the locks
return true; }
// We were unable to open the file, it should be because we are unable to retain a lock
if ( errno != EWOULDBLOCK) { fprintf( stderr, "unexpected error %d trying to exclusively lock %s\n", errno, g_lockFilename ); }
return false; #endif // OSX
#endif // POSIX
return true; }
void ReleaseSourceMutex() { #ifdef WIN32
if ( IsPC() && g_hMutex ) { ::ReleaseMutex( g_hMutex ); ::CloseHandle( g_hMutex ); g_hMutex = NULL; } #elif defined(POSIX)
if ( g_lockfd != -1 ) { close( g_lockfd ); g_lockfd = -1; unlink( g_lockFilename ); } #endif
// Remove all but the last -game parameter.
// This is for mods based off something other than Half-Life 2 (like HL2MP mods).
// The Steam UI does 'steam -applaunch 320 -game c:\steam\steamapps\sourcemods\modname', but applaunch inserts
// its own -game parameter, which would supercede the one we really want if we didn't intercede here.
void RemoveSpuriousGameParameters() { // Find the last -game parameter.
int nGameArgs = 0; char lastGameArg[MAX_PATH]; for ( int i=0; i < CommandLine()->ParmCount()-1; i++ ) { if ( Q_stricmp( CommandLine()->GetParm( i ), "-game" ) == 0 ) { Q_snprintf( lastGameArg, sizeof( lastGameArg ), "\"%s\"", CommandLine()->GetParm( i+1 ) ); ++nGameArgs; ++i; } }
// We only care if > 1 was specified.
if ( nGameArgs > 1 ) { CommandLine()->RemoveParm( "-game" ); CommandLine()->AppendParm( "-game", lastGameArg ); } }
============ va
does a varargs printf into a temp buffer, so I don't need to have varargs versions of all text functions. ============ */ static char *va( char *format, ... ) { va_list argptr; static char string[8][512]; static int curstring = 0;
curstring = ( curstring + 1 ) % 8;
va_start (argptr, format); Q_vsnprintf( string[curstring], sizeof( string[curstring] ), format, argptr ); va_end (argptr);
return string[curstring]; }
// Purpose:
// Input : *param -
// Output : static char const
static char const *Cmd_TranslateFileAssociation(char const *param ) { static char sz[ 512 ]; char *retval = NULL;
char temp[ 512 ]; Q_strncpy( temp, param, sizeof( temp ) ); Q_FixSlashes( temp ); #ifdef WIN32
Q_strlower( temp ); #endif
const char *extension = V_GetFileExtension(temp); // must have an extension to map
if (!extension) return retval; extension--; // back up so we have the . in the extension
int c = ARRAYSIZE( g_FileAssociations ); for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { FileAssociationInfo& info = g_FileAssociations[ i ];
if ( ! Q_strcmp( extension, info.extension ) && ! CommandLine()->FindParm(va( "+%s", info.command_to_issue ) ) ) { // Translate if haven't already got one of these commands
Q_strncpy( sz, temp, sizeof( sz ) ); Q_FileBase( sz, temp, sizeof( sz ) );
Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "%s %s", info.command_to_issue, temp ); retval = sz; break; } }
// return null if no translation, otherwise return commands
return retval; }
// Purpose: Converts all the convar args into a convar command
// Input : none
// Output : const char * series of convars
static const char *BuildCommand() { static CUtlBuffer build( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER ); build.Clear();
// arg[0] is the executable name
for ( int i=1; i < CommandLine()->ParmCount(); i++ ) { const char *szParm = CommandLine()->GetParm(i); if (!szParm) continue;
if (szParm[0] == '-') { // skip -XXX options and eat their args
const char *szValue = CommandLine()->ParmValue(szParm); if ( szValue ) i++; continue; } if (szParm[0] == '+') { // convert +XXX options and stuff them into the build buffer
const char *szValue = CommandLine()->ParmValue(szParm); if (szValue) { build.PutString(va("%s %s;", szParm+1, szValue)); i++; } else { build.PutString(szParm+1); build.PutChar(';'); } } else { // singleton values, convert to command
char const *translated = Cmd_TranslateFileAssociation( CommandLine()->GetParm( i ) ); if (translated) { build.PutString(translated); build.PutChar(';'); } } }
build.PutChar( '\0' );
return (const char *)build.Base(); }
// Purpose: The real entry point for the application
// Input : hInstance -
// hPrevInstance -
// lpCmdLine -
// nCmdShow -
// Output : int APIENTRY
#ifdef WIN32
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int LauncherMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow ) #else
DLL_EXPORT int LauncherMain( int argc, char **argv ) #endif
{ #ifdef LINUX
// Temporary fix to stop us from crashing in printf/sscanf functions that don't expect
// localization to mess with your "." and "," float seperators. Mac OSX also sets LANG
// to en_US.UTF-8 before starting up (in info.plist I believe).
// We need to double check that localization for libcef is handled correctly
// when we slam things to en_US.UTF-8.
// Also check if C.UTF-8 exists and use it? This file: /usr/lib/locale/C.UTF-8.
// It looks like it's only installed on Debian distros right now though.
const char en_US[] = "en_US.UTF-8";
setenv( "LC_ALL", en_US, 1 ); setlocale( LC_ALL, en_US );
const char *CurrentLocale = setlocale( LC_ALL, NULL ); if ( Q_stricmp( CurrentLocale, en_US ) ) { Warning( "WARNING: setlocale('%s') failed, using locale:'%s'. International characters may not work.\n", en_US, CurrentLocale ); } #endif // LINUX
#ifdef WIN32
SetAppInstance( hInstance ); #elif defined( POSIX )
// Store off command line for argument searching
Plat_SetCommandLine( BuildCmdLine( argc, argv, false ) );
if( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-sleepatstartup" ) ) { // When launching from Steam, it can be difficult to get a debugger attached when you're
// crashing quickly at startup. So add a -sleepatstartup command line and sleep for 5
// seconds which should allow time to attach a debugger.
sleep( 5 ); } #endif
// Hook the debug output stuff.
SpewOutputFunc( LauncherDefaultSpewFunc );
if ( 0 && IsWin98OrOlder() ) { Error( "This build does not currently run under Windows 98/Me." ); return -1; }
// Quickly check the hardware key, essentially a warning shot.
if ( !Plat_VerifyHardwareKeyPrompt() ) { return -1; }
const char *filename; #ifdef WIN32
CommandLine()->CreateCmdLine( IsPC() ? VCRHook_GetCommandLine() : lpCmdLine ); #else
CommandLine()->CreateCmdLine( argc, argv ); #endif
// No -dxlevel or +mat_hdr_level allowed on POSIX
#ifdef POSIX
CommandLine()->RemoveParm( "-dxlevel" ); CommandLine()->RemoveParm( "+mat_hdr_level" ); CommandLine()->RemoveParm( "+mat_dxlevel" ); #endif
// If we're using -default command line parameters, get rid of DX8 settings.
if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-default" ) ) { CommandLine()->RemoveParm( "-dxlevel" ); CommandLine()->RemoveParm( "-maxdxlevel" ); CommandLine()->RemoveParm( "+mat_dxlevel" ); } // Figure out the directory the executable is running from
#if defined( _X360 )
bool bSpewDllInfo = CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-dllinfo" ); bool bWaitForConsole = CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-vxconsole" ); XboxConsoleInit(); XBX_InitConsoleMonitor( bWaitForConsole || bSpewDllInfo ); #endif
#if defined( _X360 )
if ( bWaitForConsole ) COM_TimestampedLog( "LauncherMain: Application Start - %s", CommandLine()->GetCmdLine() ); if ( bSpewDllInfo ) { XBX_DumpDllInfo( GetBaseDirectory() ); Error( "Stopped!\n" ); }
int storageID = XboxLaunch()->GetStorageID(); if ( storageID != XBX_INVALID_STORAGE_ID && storageID != XBX_STORAGE_DECLINED ) { // Validate the storage device
XDEVICE_DATA deviceData; DWORD ret = XContentGetDeviceData( storageID, &deviceData ); if ( ret != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // Device was removed
int userID = XboxLaunch()->GetUserID(); if ( !IsRetail() && userID == XBX_INVALID_USER_ID ) { // didn't come from appchooser, try find a valid user id for dev purposes
XUSER_SIGNIN_INFO info; for ( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) { if ( ERROR_NO_SUCH_USER != XUserGetSigninInfo( i, 0, &info ) ) { userID = i; break; } } } XBX_SetPrimaryUserId( userID ); #endif // defined( _X360 )
#ifdef POSIX
{ struct stat st; if ( stat( RELAUNCH_FILE, &st ) == 0 ) { unlink( RELAUNCH_FILE ); } } #endif
// This call is to emulate steam's injection of the GameOverlay DLL into our process if we
// are running from the command line directly, this allows the same experience the user gets
// to be present when running from perforce, the call has no effect on X360
// Start VCR mode?
if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-vcrrecord", &filename ) ) { if ( !VCRStart( filename, true, &g_VCRHelpers ) ) { Error( "-vcrrecord: can't open '%s' for writing.\n", filename ); return -1; } } else if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-vcrplayback", &filename ) ) { if ( !VCRStart( filename, false, &g_VCRHelpers ) ) { Error( "-vcrplayback: can't open '%s' for reading.\n", filename ); return -1; } }
// See the function for why we do this.
#ifdef WIN32
if ( IsPC() ) { // initialize winsock
WSAData wsaData; int nError = ::WSAStartup( MAKEWORD(2,0), &wsaData ); if ( nError ) { Msg( "Warning! Failed to start Winsock via WSAStartup = 0x%x.\n", nError); } } #endif
// Run in text mode? (No graphics or sound).
if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-textmode" ) ) { g_bTextMode = true; InitTextMode(); } #ifdef WIN32
else { int retval = -1; // Can only run one windowed source app at a time
if ( !GrabSourceMutex() ) { // Allow the user to explicitly say they want to be able to run multiple instances of the source mutex.
// Useful for side-by-side comparisons of different renderers.
bool multiRun = CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-multirun" ) != NULL;
// We're going to hijack the existing session and load a new savegame into it. This will mainly occur when users click on links in Bugzilla that will automatically copy saves and load them
// directly from the web browser. The -hijack command prevents the launcher from objecting that there is already an instance of the game.
if (CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-hijack" )) { HWND hwndEngine = FindWindow( "Valve001", NULL );
// Can't find the engine
if ( hwndEngine == NULL ) { ::MessageBox( NULL, "The modified entity keyvalues could not be sent to the Source Engine because the engine does not appear to be running.", "Source Engine Not Running", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ); } else { const char *szCommand = BuildCommand();
// Fill out the data structure to send to the engine.
COPYDATASTRUCT copyData; copyData.cbData = strlen( szCommand ) + 1; copyData.dwData = 0; copyData.lpData = ( void * )szCommand;
if ( !::SendMessage( hwndEngine, WM_COPYDATA, 0, (LPARAM)©Data ) ) { ::MessageBox( NULL, "The Source Engine was found running, but did not accept the request to load a savegame. It may be an old version of the engine that does not support this functionality.", "Source Engine Declined Request", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ); } else { retval = 0; }
free((void *)szCommand); } } else { if (!multiRun) { ::MessageBox(NULL, "Only one instance of the game can be running at one time.", "Source - Warning", MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OK); } }
if (!multiRun) { return retval; } } } #elif defined( POSIX )
else { if ( !GrabSourceMutex() ) { ::MessageBox(NULL, "Only one instance of the game can be running at one time.", "Source - Warning", 0 ); return -1; } } #endif
#ifdef WIN32
// Make low priority?
if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-low" ) ) { SetPriorityClass( GetCurrentProcess(), IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS ); } else if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-high" ) ) { SetPriorityClass( GetCurrentProcess(), HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS ); } #endif
// If game is not run from Steam then add -insecure in order to avoid client timeout message
if ( NULL == CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-steam" ) ) { CommandLine()->AppendParm( "-insecure", NULL ); }
// Figure out the directory the executable is running from
// and make that be the current working directory
_chdir( GetBaseDirectory() );
g_LeakDump.m_bCheckLeaks = CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-leakcheck" ) ? true : false;
bool bRestart = true; while ( bRestart ) { bRestart = false;
CSourceAppSystemGroup sourceSystems; CSteamApplication steamApplication( &sourceSystems ); int nRetval = steamApplication.Run(); if ( steamApplication.GetErrorStage() == CSourceAppSystemGroup::INITIALIZATION ) { bRestart = (nRetval == INIT_RESTART); } else if ( nRetval == RUN_RESTART ) { bRestart = true; }
bool bReslistCycle = false; if ( !bRestart ) { bReslistCycle = reslistgenerator->ShouldContinue(); bRestart = bReslistCycle; } if ( !bReslistCycle ) { // Remove any overrides in case settings changed
CommandLine()->RemoveParm( "-w" ); CommandLine()->RemoveParm( "-h" ); CommandLine()->RemoveParm( "-width" ); CommandLine()->RemoveParm( "-height" ); CommandLine()->RemoveParm( "-sw" ); CommandLine()->RemoveParm( "-startwindowed" ); CommandLine()->RemoveParm( "-windowed" ); CommandLine()->RemoveParm( "-window" ); CommandLine()->RemoveParm( "-full" ); CommandLine()->RemoveParm( "-fullscreen" ); CommandLine()->RemoveParm( "-dxlevel" ); CommandLine()->RemoveParm( "-autoconfig" ); CommandLine()->RemoveParm( "+mat_hdr_level" ); } }
#ifdef WIN32
if ( IsPC() ) { // shutdown winsock
int nError = ::WSACleanup(); if ( nError ) { Msg( "Warning! Failed to complete WSACleanup = 0x%x.\n", nError ); } } #endif
// Allow other source apps to run
#if defined( WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 )
// Now that the mutex has been released, check HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Valve\Source\Relaunch URL. If there is a URL here, exec it.
// This supports the capability of immediately re-launching the the game via Steam in a different audio language
HKEY hKey; if ( RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Valve\\Source", NULL, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { char szValue[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwValueLen = MAX_PATH;
if ( RegQueryValueEx( hKey, "Relaunch URL", NULL, NULL, (unsigned char*)szValue, &dwValueLen ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { ShellExecute (0, "open", szValue, 0, 0, SW_SHOW); RegDeleteValue( hKey, "Relaunch URL" ); }
RegCloseKey(hKey); }
#elif defined( OSX ) || defined( LINUX )
struct stat st; if ( stat( RELAUNCH_FILE, &st ) == 0 ) { FILE *fp = fopen( RELAUNCH_FILE, "r" ); if ( fp ) { char szCmd[256]; int nChars = fread( szCmd, 1, sizeof(szCmd), fp ); if ( nChars > 0 ) { if ( nChars > (sizeof(szCmd)-1) ) { nChars = (sizeof(szCmd)-1); } szCmd[nChars] = 0; char szOpenLine[ MAX_PATH ]; #if defined( LINUX )
Q_snprintf( szOpenLine, sizeof(szOpenLine), "xdg-open \"%s\"", szCmd ); #else
Q_snprintf( szOpenLine, sizeof(szOpenLine), "open \"%s\"", szCmd ); #endif
system( szOpenLine ); } fclose( fp ); unlink( RELAUNCH_FILE ); } } #elif defined( _X360 )
return 0; }