//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "pch_materialsystem.h"
#include "cmatnullrendercontext.h"
#include "cmatrendercontext.h"
#include "itextureinternal.h"
class CMatNullRenderContext : public CMatRenderContextBase { public: CMatNullRenderContext() : m_WidthBackBuffer( 0 ), m_HeightBackBuffer( 0 ) { }
virtual void InitializeFrom( CMatRenderContextBase *pInitialState ) { CMatRenderContextBase::InitializeFrom( pInitialState ); g_pShaderAPI->GetBackBufferDimensions( m_WidthBackBuffer, m_HeightBackBuffer ); }
void BeginRender() { }
void EndRender() { }
void Flush(bool) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void GetRenderTargetDimensions(int &,int &) const { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void DepthRange(float,float) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void ClearBuffers(bool,bool,bool) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void ReadPixels(int,int,int,int,unsigned char *,ImageFormat) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void SetAmbientLight(float,float,float) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void SetLight(int,const LightDesc_t &) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void SetLightingOrigin( Vector vLightingOrigin ) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void SetAmbientLightCube(Vector4D []) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void CopyRenderTargetToTexture(ITexture *) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void SetFrameBufferCopyTexture(ITexture *,int) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
ITexture *GetFrameBufferCopyTexture(int) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); return NULL; }
void GetViewport( int& x, int& y, int& width, int& height ) const { // Verify valid top of RT stack
Assert ( m_RenderTargetStack.Count() > 0 );
// Grab the top of stack
const RenderTargetStackElement_t& element = m_RenderTargetStack.Top();
// If either dimension is negative, set to full bounds of current target
if ( (element.m_nViewW < 0) || (element.m_nViewH < 0) ) { // Viewport origin at target origin
x = y = 0;
// If target is back buffer
if ( element.m_pRenderTargets[0] == NULL ) { width = m_WidthBackBuffer; height = m_HeightBackBuffer; } else // if target is texture
{ width = element.m_pRenderTargets[0]->GetActualWidth(); height = element.m_pRenderTargets[0]->GetActualHeight(); } } else // use the bounds from the stack directly
{ x = element.m_nViewX; y = element.m_nViewY; width = element.m_nViewW; height = element.m_nViewH; } } void CullMode(MaterialCullMode_t) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void FogMode(MaterialFogMode_t) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void FogStart(float) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void FogEnd(float) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void SetFogZ(float) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
MaterialFogMode_t GetFogMode() { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); return MATERIAL_FOG_NONE; }
int GetCurrentNumBones( ) const { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); return 0; }
void FogColor3f(float,float,float) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void FogColor3fv(const float *) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void FogColor3ub(unsigned char,unsigned char,unsigned char) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void FogColor3ubv(const unsigned char *) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void GetFogColor(unsigned char *) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void SetNumBoneWeights(int) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
IMesh *CreateStaticMesh(VertexFormat_t,const char *,IMaterial *) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); return NULL; }
void DestroyStaticMesh(IMesh *) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
IMesh *GetDynamicMesh(bool,IMesh *,IMesh *,IMaterial *) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); return NULL; }
virtual IMesh* GetDynamicMeshEx( VertexFormat_t, bool, IMesh*, IMesh*, IMaterial * ) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); return NULL; }
int SelectionMode(bool) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); return 0; }
void SelectionBuffer(unsigned int *,int) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void ClearSelectionNames() { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void LoadSelectionName(int) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void PushSelectionName(int) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void PopSelectionName() { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void ClearColor3ub(unsigned char,unsigned char,unsigned char) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void ClearColor4ub(unsigned char,unsigned char,unsigned char,unsigned char) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void OverrideDepthEnable(bool,bool) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void OverrideColorWriteEnable( bool, bool ) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void OverrideAlphaWriteEnable( bool, bool ) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void DrawScreenSpaceQuad(IMaterial *) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void SyncToken(const char *) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
OcclusionQueryObjectHandle_t CreateOcclusionQueryObject() { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); return NULL; }
void DestroyOcclusionQueryObject(OcclusionQueryObjectHandle_t) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void ResetOcclusionQueryObject( OcclusionQueryObjectHandle_t hOcclusionQuery ) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void BeginOcclusionQueryDrawing(OcclusionQueryObjectHandle_t) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void EndOcclusionQueryDrawing(OcclusionQueryObjectHandle_t) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
int OcclusionQuery_GetNumPixelsRendered(OcclusionQueryObjectHandle_t) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); return 1; }
void SetFlashlightMode(bool) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); } virtual bool GetFlashlightMode( void ) const { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); return false; }
void SetFlashlightState(const FlashlightState_t &,const VMatrix &) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void SetScissorRect( const int nLeft, const int nTop, const int nRight, const int nBottom, const bool bEnableScissor ) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
virtual void PushDeformation( DeformationBase_t const *Deformation ) { }
virtual void PopDeformation( ) { }
virtual int GetNumActiveDeformations() const { return 0; }
void EnableUserClipTransformOverride(bool) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void UserClipTransform(const VMatrix &) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
IMorph *CreateMorph(MorphFormat_t, const char *pDebugName) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); return NULL; }
void DestroyMorph(IMorph *) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void BindMorph(IMorph *) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void SetMorphTargetFactors(int,float *,int) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void ReadPixelsAndStretch(Rect_t *,Rect_t *,unsigned char *,ImageFormat,int) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void GetWindowSize(int &,int &) const { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void DrawScreenSpaceRectangle(IMaterial *,int,int,int,int,float,float,float,float,int,int,void*,int,int) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void LoadBoneMatrix(int,const matrix3x4_t &) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void BindLightmapTexture(ITexture *) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void CopyRenderTargetToTextureEx(ITexture *,int,Rect_t *,Rect_t *) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void CopyTextureToRenderTargetEx(int,ITexture *,Rect_t *,Rect_t *) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void SetFloatRenderingParameter(int,float) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void SetIntRenderingParameter(int,int) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void SetVectorRenderingParameter(int,const Vector &) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void SetStencilEnable(bool) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void SetStencilFailOperation(StencilOperation_t) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void SetStencilZFailOperation(StencilOperation_t) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void SetStencilPassOperation(StencilOperation_t) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void SetStencilCompareFunction(StencilComparisonFunction_t) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void SetStencilReferenceValue(int) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void SetStencilTestMask(uint32) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void SetStencilWriteMask(uint32) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void ClearStencilBufferRectangle(int,int,int,int,int) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void PushCustomClipPlane(const float *) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void PopCustomClipPlane() { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void GetMaxToRender(IMesh *,bool,int *,int *) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
int GetMaxVerticesToRender(IMaterial *) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); return 0; }
int GetMaxIndicesToRender() { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); return 0; }
void DisableAllLocalLights() { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
int CompareMaterialCombos(IMaterial *,IMaterial *,int,int) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); return 0; }
IMesh *GetFlexMesh() { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); return NULL; }
void SetFlashlightStateEx(const FlashlightState_t &,const VMatrix &,ITexture *) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
ITexture *GetLocalCubemap() { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); return NULL; }
void ClearBuffersObeyStencil(bool,bool) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void ClearBuffersObeyStencilEx( bool bClearColor, bool bClearAlpha, bool bClearDepth ) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void PerformFullScreenStencilOperation( void ) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
bool GetUserClipTransform(VMatrix &) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); return true; }
void GetFogDistances(float *,float *,float *) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void BeginPIXEvent(unsigned long,const char *) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void EndPIXEvent() { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void SetPIXMarker(unsigned long,const char *) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void BeginBatch(IMesh *) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void BindBatch(IMesh *,IMaterial *) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void DrawBatch(int,int) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void EndBatch() { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void SetToneMappingScaleLinear(const Vector &) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
float GetFloatRenderingParameter(int) const { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); return 0; }
int GetIntRenderingParameter(int) const { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); return 0; }
Vector GetVectorRenderingParameter(int) const { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); return Vector(0,0,0); }
void SwapBuffers() { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void ForceDepthFuncEquals(bool) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
bool InFlashlightMode() const { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); return true; }
void BindStandardTexture(TextureStage_t,StandardTextureId_t) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void GetLightmapDimensions(int *,int *) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
MorphFormat_t GetBoundMorphFormat() { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); return 0; }
void DrawClearBufferQuad(unsigned char,unsigned char,unsigned char,unsigned char,bool,bool,bool) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
bool OnDrawMesh(IMesh *,CPrimList *,int) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); return true; }
bool OnDrawMesh(IMesh *,int,int) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); return true; }
bool OnSetFlexMesh(IMesh *,IMesh *,int) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); return true; }
bool OnSetColorMesh(IMesh *,IMesh *,int) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); return true; }
bool OnSetPrimitiveType(IMesh *,MaterialPrimitiveType_t) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); return true; }
bool OnFlushBufferedPrimitives() { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); return true; }
void ForceHardwareSync() { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void BeginFrame() { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void EndFrame() { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
void AsyncCreateTextureFromRenderTarget( ITexture* pSrcRt, const char* pDstName, ImageFormat dstFmt, bool bGenMips, int nAdditionalCreationFlags, IAsyncTextureOperationReceiver* pRecipient, void* pExtraArgs ) OVERRIDE { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
virtual void AsyncMap( ITextureInternal* pTexToMap, IAsyncTextureOperationReceiver* pRecipient, void* pExtraArgs ) OVERRIDE { }
virtual void AsyncUnmap( ITextureInternal* pTexToUnmap ) OVERRIDE {
virtual void AsyncCopyRenderTargetToStagingTexture( ITexture* pDst, ITexture* pSrc, IAsyncTextureOperationReceiver* pRecipient, void* pExtraArgs ) OVERRIDE {
void SetShadowDepthBiasFactors( float fSlopeScaleDepthBias, float fDepthBias ) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); } void BindStandardTexture( Sampler_t, StandardTextureId_t ) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
// ------------ New Vertex/Index Buffer interface ----------------------------
// Do we need support for bForceTempMesh and bSoftwareVertexShader?
// I don't think we use bSoftwareVertexShader anymore. .need to look into bForceTempMesh.
IVertexBuffer *CreateStaticVertexBuffer( VertexFormat_t fmt, int nVertexCount, const char *pBudgetGroup ) { Assert( 0 ); return NULL; } IIndexBuffer *CreateStaticIndexBuffer( MaterialIndexFormat_t fmt, int nIndexCount, const char *pBudgetGroup ) { Assert( 0 ); return NULL; } void DestroyVertexBuffer( IVertexBuffer * ) { Assert( 0 ); } void DestroyIndexBuffer( IIndexBuffer * ) { Assert( 0 ); } // Do we need to specify the stream here in the case of locking multiple dynamic VBs on different streams?
IVertexBuffer *GetDynamicVertexBuffer( int streamID, VertexFormat_t vertexFormat, bool bBufferedtrue ) { Assert( 0 ); return NULL; } IIndexBuffer *GetDynamicIndexBuffer( MaterialIndexFormat_t fmt, bool bBufferedtrue ) { Assert( 0 ); return NULL; } void BindVertexBuffer( int streamID, IVertexBuffer *pVertexBuffer, int nOffsetInBytes, int nFirstVertex, int nVertexCount, VertexFormat_t fmt, int nRepetitions1 ) { Assert( 0 ); } void BindIndexBuffer( IIndexBuffer *pIndexBuffer, int nOffsetInBytes ) { Assert( 0 ); } void Draw( MaterialPrimitiveType_t primitiveType, int firstIndex, int numIndices ) { Assert( 0 ); } virtual void BeginMorphAccumulation() { Assert( 0 ); } virtual void EndMorphAccumulation() { Assert( 0 ); } virtual void AccumulateMorph( IMorph* pMorph, int nMorphCount, const MorphWeight_t* pWeights ) { Assert( 0 ); } virtual bool GetMorphAccumulatorTexCoord( Vector2D *pTexCoord, IMorph *pMorph, int nVertex ) { Assert(0); pTexCoord->Init(); return false; } virtual void SetFlexWeights( int nFirstWeight, int nCount, const MorphWeight_t* pWeights ) {}
virtual void FogMaxDensity( float flMaxDensity ) { AssertMsg( 0, "CMatNullRenderContext only provides base features, not a stub (right now)" ); }
virtual void EnableColorCorrection( bool bEnable ) {} virtual ColorCorrectionHandle_t AddLookup( const char *pName ) { return 0; } virtual bool RemoveLookup( ColorCorrectionHandle_t handle ) { return true; } virtual void LockLookup( ColorCorrectionHandle_t handle ) {} virtual void LoadLookup( ColorCorrectionHandle_t handle, const char *pLookupName ) {} virtual void UnlockLookup( ColorCorrectionHandle_t handle ) {} virtual void SetLookupWeight( ColorCorrectionHandle_t handle, float flWeight ) {} virtual void ResetLookupWeights( ) {} virtual void SetResetable( ColorCorrectionHandle_t handle, bool bResetable ) {} virtual void SetFullScreenDepthTextureValidityFlag( bool bIsValid ) {}
virtual void SetNonInteractivePacifierTexture( ITexture *pTexture, float flNormalizedX, float flNormalizedY, float flNormalizedSize ) {} virtual void SetNonInteractiveTempFullscreenBuffer( ITexture *pTexture, MaterialNonInteractiveMode_t mode ) {} virtual void EnableNonInteractiveMode( MaterialNonInteractiveMode_t mode ) {} virtual void RefreshFrontBufferNonInteractive() {}
#if defined( _X360 )
virtual void PushVertexShaderGPRAllocation( int iVertexShaderCount = 64 ) { Assert( 0 ); }
virtual void PopVertexShaderGPRAllocation( void ) { Assert( 0 ); } #endif
void DoStartupShaderPreloading( void ) {}; #endif
void TextureManagerUpdate( void ) { }
int m_WidthBackBuffer, m_HeightBackBuffer; };
CMatRenderContextBase *CreateNullRenderContext() { return new CMatNullRenderContext; }