//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystemhardwareconfig.h"
#include "IHardwareConfigInternal.h"
#include "bitmap/imageformat.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystem.h"
// Forward declarations
struct ShaderDeviceInfo_t;
// Vendor IDs sometimes needed for vendor-specific code
#define VENDORID_ATI 0x1002
#define VENDORID_INTEL 0x8086
// ShaderAPI constants
enum { #if defined( DX_TO_GL_ABSTRACTION )
// Hardware caps structures
struct HardwareCaps_t : public MaterialAdapterInfo_t { // *****************************NOTE*********************************************
// If you change any members, make sure and reflect the changes in CHardwareConfig::ForceCapsToDXLevel for every dxlevel!!!!!
// If you change any members, make sure and reflect the changes in CHardwareConfig::ForceCapsToDXLevel for every dxlevel!!!!!
// If you change any members, make sure and reflect the changes in CHardwareConfig::ForceCapsToDXLevel for every dxlevel!!!!!
// If you change any members, make sure and reflect the changes in CHardwareConfig::ForceCapsToDXLevel for every dxlevel!!!!!
// If you change any members, make sure and reflect the changes in CHardwareConfig::ForceCapsToDXLevel for every dxlevel!!!!!
// *****************************NOTE*********************************************
// NOTE: Texture stages are an obsolete concept; used by fixed-function hardware
// Samplers are dx9+, indicating how many textures we can simultaneously bind
// In Dx8, samplers didn't exist and texture stages were used to indicate the
// number of simultaneously bound textures; we'll emulate that by slamming
// the number of samplers to == the number of texture stages.
CompressedTextureState_t m_SupportsCompressedTextures; VertexCompressionType_t m_SupportsCompressedVertices; int m_NumSamplers; int m_NumTextureStages; int m_nMaxAnisotropy; int m_MaxTextureWidth; int m_MaxTextureHeight; int m_MaxTextureDepth; int m_MaxTextureAspectRatio; int m_MaxPrimitiveCount; int m_NumPixelShaderConstants; int m_NumBooleanPixelShaderConstants; int m_NumIntegerPixelShaderConstants; int m_NumVertexShaderConstants; int m_NumBooleanVertexShaderConstants; int m_NumIntegerVertexShaderConstants; int m_TextureMemorySize; int m_MaxNumLights; int m_MaxBlendMatrices; int m_MaxBlendMatrixIndices; int m_MaxVertexShaderBlendMatrices; int m_MaxUserClipPlanes; HDRType_t m_HDRType; char m_pShaderDLL[32]; ImageFormat m_ShadowDepthTextureFormat; ImageFormat m_NullTextureFormat; int m_nVertexTextureCount; int m_nMaxVertexTextureDimension; unsigned long m_AlphaToCoverageState; // State to ping to toggle Alpha To Coverage (vendor-dependent)
unsigned long m_AlphaToCoverageEnableValue; // Value to set above state to turn on Alpha To Coverage (vendor-dependent)
unsigned long m_AlphaToCoverageDisableValue; // Value to set above state to turn off Alpha To Coverage (vendor-dependent)
int m_nMaxViewports; float m_flMinGammaControlPoint; float m_flMaxGammaControlPoint; int m_nGammaControlPointCount; int m_MaxVertexShader30InstructionSlots; int m_MaxPixelShader30InstructionSlots; int m_MaxSimultaneousRenderTargets;
bool m_bDeviceOk : 1; bool m_HasSetDeviceGammaRamp : 1; bool m_SupportsVertexShaders : 1; bool m_SupportsVertexShaders_2_0 : 1; bool m_SupportsPixelShaders : 1; bool m_SupportsPixelShaders_1_4 : 1; bool m_SupportsPixelShaders_2_0 : 1; bool m_SupportsPixelShaders_2_b : 1; bool m_SupportsShaderModel_3_0 : 1; bool m_bSupportsAnisotropicFiltering : 1; bool m_bSupportsMagAnisotropicFiltering : 1; bool m_bSupportsVertexTextures : 1; bool m_ZBiasAndSlopeScaledDepthBiasSupported : 1; bool m_SupportsMipmapping : 1; bool m_SupportsOverbright : 1; bool m_SupportsCubeMaps : 1; bool m_SupportsHardwareLighting : 1; bool m_SupportsMipmappedCubemaps : 1; bool m_SupportsNonPow2Textures : 1; bool m_PreferDynamicTextures : 1; bool m_HasProjectedBumpEnv : 1; bool m_SupportsSRGB : 1; // Means both read and write
bool m_bSupportsSpheremapping : 1; bool m_UseFastClipping : 1; bool m_bNeedsATICentroidHack : 1; bool m_bDisableShaderOptimizations : 1; bool m_bColorOnSecondStream : 1; bool m_bSupportsStreamOffset : 1; bool m_bFogColorSpecifiedInLinearSpace : 1; bool m_bFogColorAlwaysLinearSpace : 1; bool m_bSupportsAlphaToCoverage : 1; bool m_bSupportsShadowDepthTextures : 1; bool m_bSupportsFetch4 : 1; bool m_bSoftwareVertexProcessing : 1; bool m_bScissorSupported : 1; bool m_bSupportsFloat32RenderTargets : 1; bool m_bSupportsBorderColor : 1; bool m_bDX10Card : 1; // Indicates DX10 part with performant vertex textures running DX9 path
bool m_bDX10Blending : 1; // Indicates DX10 part that does DX10 blending (but may not have performant vertex textures, such as Intel parts)
bool m_bSupportsStaticControlFlow : 1; // Useful on OpenGL, where we have a mix of support...
bool m_FakeSRGBWrite : 1; // Gotta do this on OpenGL. Mostly hidden, but some high level code needs to know
bool m_CanDoSRGBReadFromRTs : 1; // Gotta do this on OpenGL. Mostly hidden, but some high level code needs to know
bool m_bSupportsGLMixedSizeTargets : 1; // on OpenGL, are mixed size depth buffers supported - aka ARB_framebuffer_object
bool m_bCanStretchRectFromTextures : 1; // Does the device expose D3DDEVCAPS2_CAN_STRETCHRECT_FROM_TEXTURES (or is it >DX9?)
HDRType_t m_MaxHDRType; };
// Contains the hardware configuration for the current device
class CHardwareConfig : public IHardwareConfigInternal { public: CHardwareConfig();
// Sets up the hardware caps given the specified DX level
void SetupHardwareCaps( const ShaderDeviceInfo_t& mode, const HardwareCaps_t &actualCaps );
// FIXME: This is for backward compat only.. don't use these
void SetupHardwareCaps( int nDXLevel, const HardwareCaps_t &actualCaps ); HardwareCaps_t& ActualCapsForEdit() { return m_ActualCaps; } HardwareCaps_t& CapsForEdit() { return m_Caps; }
// Members of IMaterialSystemHardwareConfig
virtual bool HasDestAlphaBuffer() const; virtual bool HasStencilBuffer() const; virtual int GetFrameBufferColorDepth() const; virtual int GetSamplerCount() const; virtual bool HasSetDeviceGammaRamp() const; virtual bool SupportsCompressedTextures() const; virtual VertexCompressionType_t SupportsCompressedVertices() const; virtual bool SupportsBorderColor() const; virtual bool SupportsFetch4() const; virtual bool CanStretchRectFromTextures() const; virtual bool SupportsVertexAndPixelShaders() const; virtual bool SupportsPixelShaders_1_4() const; virtual bool SupportsPixelShaders_2_0() const; virtual bool SupportsStaticControlFlow() const; virtual bool SupportsVertexShaders_2_0() const; virtual int MaximumAnisotropicLevel() const; virtual int MaxTextureWidth() const; virtual int MaxTextureHeight() const; virtual int TextureMemorySize() const; virtual bool SupportsOverbright() const; virtual bool SupportsCubeMaps() const; virtual bool SupportsMipmappedCubemaps() const; virtual bool SupportsNonPow2Textures() const; virtual int GetTextureStageCount() const; virtual int NumVertexShaderConstants() const; virtual int NumBooleanVertexShaderConstants() const; virtual int NumIntegerVertexShaderConstants() const; virtual int NumPixelShaderConstants() const; virtual int NumBooleanPixelShaderConstants() const; virtual int NumIntegerPixelShaderConstants() const; virtual int MaxNumLights() const; virtual bool SupportsHardwareLighting() const; virtual int MaxBlendMatrices() const; virtual int MaxBlendMatrixIndices() const; virtual int MaxTextureAspectRatio() const; virtual int MaxVertexShaderBlendMatrices() const; virtual int MaxUserClipPlanes() const; virtual bool UseFastClipping() const; virtual int GetDXSupportLevel() const; virtual const char *GetShaderDLLName() const; virtual bool ReadPixelsFromFrontBuffer() const; virtual bool PreferDynamicTextures() const; virtual bool SupportsHDR() const; virtual bool HasProjectedBumpEnv() const; virtual bool SupportsSpheremapping() const; virtual bool NeedsAAClamp() const; virtual bool NeedsATICentroidHack() const; virtual bool SupportsColorOnSecondStream() const; virtual bool SupportsStaticPlusDynamicLighting() const; virtual bool PreferReducedFillrate() const; virtual int GetMaxDXSupportLevel() const; virtual bool SpecifiesFogColorInLinearSpace() const; virtual bool SupportsSRGB() const; virtual bool FakeSRGBWrite() const; virtual bool CanDoSRGBReadFromRTs() const; virtual bool SupportsGLMixedSizeTargets() const; virtual bool IsAAEnabled() const; virtual int GetVertexTextureCount() const; virtual int GetMaxVertexTextureDimension() const; virtual int MaxTextureDepth() const; virtual HDRType_t GetHDRType() const; virtual HDRType_t GetHardwareHDRType() const; virtual bool SupportsPixelShaders_2_b() const; virtual bool SupportsShaderModel_3_0() const; virtual bool SupportsStreamOffset() const; virtual int StencilBufferBits() const; virtual int MaxViewports() const; virtual void OverrideStreamOffsetSupport( bool bOverrideEnabled, bool bEnableSupport ); virtual int GetShadowFilterMode() const; virtual int NeedsShaderSRGBConversion() const; virtual bool UsesSRGBCorrectBlending() const; virtual bool HasFastVertexTextures() const; virtual int MaxHWMorphBatchCount() const;
const char *GetHWSpecificShaderDLLName() const; int GetActualSamplerCount() const; int GetActualTextureStageCount() const; bool SupportsMipmapping() const; virtual bool ActuallySupportsPixelShaders_2_b() const;
virtual bool SupportsHDRMode( HDRType_t nHDRMode ) const;
const HardwareCaps_t& ActualCaps() const { return m_ActualCaps; } const HardwareCaps_t& Caps() const { return m_Caps; } virtual bool GetHDREnabled( void ) const; virtual void SetHDREnabled( bool bEnable );
protected: // Gets the recommended configuration associated with a particular dx level
void ForceCapsToDXLevel( HardwareCaps_t *pCaps, int nDxLevel, const HardwareCaps_t &actualCaps );
// Members related to capabilities
HardwareCaps_t m_ActualCaps; HardwareCaps_t m_Caps; HardwareCaps_t m_UnOverriddenCaps; bool m_bHDREnabled; };
// Singleton hardware config
extern CHardwareConfig *g_pHardwareConfig;