//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifndef STDIO_H
#include <stdio.h>
#ifndef STRING_H
#include <string.h>
#ifndef QUANTIZE_H
#include <quantize.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <minmax.h>
#include <math.h>
static int current_ndims; static struct QuantizedValue *current_root; static int current_ssize;
static uint8 *current_weights;
double SquaredError;
#define SQ(x) ((x)*(x))
static struct QuantizedValue *AllocQValue(void) { struct QuantizedValue *ret=new QuantizedValue; ret->Samples=0; ret->Children[0]=ret->Children[1]=0; ret->NSamples=0; ret->ErrorMeasure=new double[current_ndims]; ret->Mean=new uint8[current_ndims]; ret->Mins=new uint8[current_ndims]; ret->Maxs=new uint8[current_ndims]; ret->Sums=new int [current_ndims]; memset(ret->Sums,0,sizeof(int)*current_ndims); ret->NQuant=0; ret->sortdim=-1; return ret; }
void FreeQuantization(struct QuantizedValue *t) { if (t) { delete[] t->ErrorMeasure; delete[] t->Mean; delete[] t->Mins; delete[] t->Maxs; FreeQuantization(t->Children[0]); FreeQuantization(t->Children[1]); delete[] t->Sums; delete[] t; } }
static int QNumSort(void const *a, void const *b) { int32 as=((struct Sample *) a)->QNum; int32 bs=((struct Sample *) b)->QNum; if (as==bs) return 0; return (as>bs)?1:-1; }
static int current_sort_dim;
static int samplesort(void const *a, void const *b) { uint8 as=((struct Sample *) a)->Value[current_sort_dim]; uint8 bs=((struct Sample *) b)->Value[current_sort_dim]; if (as==bs) return 0; return (as>bs)?1:-1; } #endif
static int sortlong(void const *a, void const *b) { // treat the entire vector of values as a long integer for duplicate removal.
return memcmp(((struct Sample *) a)->Value, ((struct Sample *) b)->Value,current_ndims); }
#define NEXTSAMPLE(s) ( (struct Sample *) (((uint8 *) s)+current_ssize))
#define SAMPLE(s,i) NthSample(s,i,current_ndims)
static void SetNDims(int n) { current_ssize=sizeof(struct Sample)+(n-1); current_ndims=n; }
int CompressSamples(struct Sample *s, int nsamples, int ndims) { SetNDims(ndims); qsort(s,nsamples,current_ssize,sortlong); // now, they are all sorted by treating all dimensions as a large number.
// we may now remove duplicates.
struct Sample *src=s; struct Sample *dst=s; struct Sample *lastdst=dst; dst=NEXTSAMPLE(dst); // copy first sample to get the ball rolling
src=NEXTSAMPLE(src); int noutput=1; while(--nsamples) // while some remain
{ if (memcmp(src->Value,lastdst->Value,current_ndims)) { // yikes, a difference has been found!
memcpy(dst,src,current_ssize); lastdst=dst; dst=NEXTSAMPLE(dst); noutput++; } else lastdst->Count++; src=NEXTSAMPLE(src); } return noutput; }
void PrintSamples(struct Sample const *s, int nsamples, int ndims) { SetNDims(ndims); int cnt=0; while(nsamples--) { printf("sample #%d, count=%d, values=\n { ",cnt++,s->Count); for(int d=0;d<ndims;d++) printf("%02x,",s->Value[d]); printf("}\n"); s=NEXTSAMPLE(s); } }
void PrintQTree(struct QuantizedValue const *p,int idlevel) { int i;
if (p) { for(i=0;i<idlevel;i++) printf(" "); printf("node=%p NSamples=%d value=%d Mean={",p,p->NSamples,p->value); for(i=0;i<current_ndims;i++) printf("%x,",p->Mean[i]); printf("}\n"); for(i=0;i<idlevel;i++) printf(" "); printf("Errors={"); for(i=0;i<current_ndims;i++) printf("%f,",p->ErrorMeasure[i]); printf("}\n"); for(i=0;i<idlevel;i++) printf(" "); printf("Mins={"); for(i=0;i<current_ndims;i++) printf("%d,",p->Mins[i]); printf("} Maxs={"); for(i=0;i<current_ndims;i++) printf("%d,",p->Maxs[i]); printf("}\n"); PrintQTree(p->Children[0],idlevel+2); PrintQTree(p->Children[1],idlevel+2); } }
static void UpdateStats(struct QuantizedValue *v) { // first, find mean
int32 Means[MAXDIMS]; double Errors[MAXDIMS]; double WorstError[MAXDIMS]; int i,j; memset(Means,0,sizeof(Means)); int N=0; for(i=0;i<v->NSamples;i++) { struct Sample *s=SAMPLE(v->Samples,i); N+=s->Count; for(j=0;j<current_ndims;j++) { uint8 val=s->Value[j]; Means[j]+=val*s->Count; } } for(j=0;j<current_ndims;j++) { if (N) v->Mean[j]=(uint8) (Means[j]/N); Errors[j]=WorstError[j]=0.; } for(i=0;i<v->NSamples;i++) { struct Sample *s=SAMPLE(v->Samples,i); double c=s->Count; for(j=0;j<current_ndims;j++) { double diff=SQ(s->Value[j]-v->Mean[j]); Errors[j]+=c*diff; // charles uses abs not sq()
if (diff>WorstError[j]) WorstError[j]=diff; } } v->TotalError=0.; double ErrorScale=1.; // /sqrt((double) (N));
for(j=0;j<current_ndims;j++) { v->ErrorMeasure[j]=(ErrorScale*Errors[j]*current_weights[j]); v->TotalError+=v->ErrorMeasure[j]; #if SPLIT_THEN_SORT
v->ErrorMeasure[j]*=WorstError[j]; #endif
} v->TotSamples=N; }
static int ErrorDim; static double ErrorVal; static struct QuantizedValue *ErrorNode;
static void UpdateWorst(struct QuantizedValue *q) { if (q->Children[0]) { // not a leaf node
UpdateWorst(q->Children[0]); UpdateWorst(q->Children[1]); } else { if (q->TotalError>ErrorVal) { ErrorVal=q->TotalError; ErrorNode=q; ErrorDim=0; for(int d=0;d<current_ndims;d++) if (q->ErrorMeasure[d]>q->ErrorMeasure[ErrorDim]) ErrorDim=d; } } }
static int FindWorst(void) { ErrorVal=-1.; UpdateWorst(current_root); return (ErrorVal>0); }
static void SubdivideNode(struct QuantizedValue *n, int whichdim) { int NAdded=0; int i;
// we will try the "split then sort" method. This works by finding the
// means for all samples above and below the mean along the given axis.
// samples are then split into two groups, with the selection based upon
// which of the n-dimensional means the sample is closest to.
double LocalMean[MAXDIMS][2]; int totsamps[2]; for(i=0;i<current_ndims;i++) LocalMean[i][0]=LocalMean[i][1]=0.; totsamps[0]=totsamps[1]=0; uint8 minv=255; uint8 maxv=0; struct Sample *minS=0,*maxS=0; for(i=0;i<n->NSamples;i++) { uint8 v; int whichside=1; struct Sample *sl; sl=SAMPLE(n->Samples,i); v=sl->Value[whichdim]; if (v<minv) { minv=v; minS=sl; } if (v>maxv) { maxv=v; maxS=sl; } if (v<n->Mean[whichdim]) whichside=0; totsamps[whichside]+=sl->Count; for(int d=0;d<current_ndims;d++) LocalMean[d][whichside]+= sl->Count*sl->Value[d]; }
if (totsamps[0] && totsamps[1]) for(i=0;i<current_ndims;i++) { LocalMean[i][0]/=totsamps[0]; LocalMean[i][1]/=totsamps[1]; } else { // it is possible that the clustering failed to split the samples.
// this can happen with a heavily biased sample (i.e. all black
// with a few stars). If this happens, we will cluster around the
// extrema instead. LocalMean[i][0] will be the point with the lowest
// value on the dimension and LocalMean[i][1] the one with the lowest
// value.
for(i=0;i<current_ndims;i++) { LocalMean[i][0]=minS->Value[i]; LocalMean[i][1]=maxS->Value[i]; } }
// now, we have 2 n-dimensional means. We will label each sample
// for which one it is nearer to by using the QNum field.
for(i=0;i<n->NSamples;i++) { double dist[2]; dist[0]=dist[1]=0.; struct Sample *s=SAMPLE(n->Samples,i); for(int d=0;d<current_ndims;d++) for(int w=0;w<2;w++) dist[w]+=current_weights[d]*SQ(LocalMean[d][w]-s->Value[d]); s->QNum=(dist[0]<dist[1]); }
// hey ho! we have now labelled each one with a candidate bin. Let's
// sort the array by moving the 0-labelled ones to the head of the array.
n->sortdim=-1; qsort(n->Samples,n->NSamples,current_ssize,QNumSort); for(i=0;i<n->NSamples;i++,NAdded++) if (SAMPLE(n->Samples,i)->QNum) break; #else
if (whichdim != n->sortdim) { current_sort_dim=whichdim; qsort(n->Samples,n->NSamples,current_ssize,samplesort); n->sortdim=whichdim; } // now, the samples are sorted along the proper dimension. we need
// to find the place to cut in order to split the node. this is
// complicated by the fact that each sample entry can represent many
// samples. What we will do is start at the beginning of the array,
// adding samples to the first node, until either the number added
// is >=TotSamples/2, or there is only one left.
int TotAdded=0; for(;;) { if (NAdded==n->NSamples-1) break; if (TotAdded>=n->TotSamples/2) break; TotAdded+=SAMPLE(n->Samples,NAdded)->Count; NAdded++; } #endif
struct QuantizedValue *a=AllocQValue(); a->sortdim=n->sortdim; a->Samples=n->Samples; a->NSamples=NAdded; n->Children[0]=a; UpdateStats(a); a=AllocQValue(); a->Samples=SAMPLE(n->Samples,NAdded); a->NSamples=n->NSamples-NAdded; a->sortdim=n->sortdim; n->Children[1]=a; UpdateStats(a); }
static int colorid=0;
static void Label(struct QuantizedValue *q, int updatecolor) { // fill in max/min values for tree, etc.
if (q) { Label(q->Children[0],updatecolor); Label(q->Children[1],updatecolor); if (! q->Children[0]) // leaf node?
{ if (updatecolor) { q->value=colorid++; for(int j=0;j<q->NSamples;j++) { SAMPLE(q->Samples,j)->QNum=q->value; SAMPLE(q->Samples,j)->qptr=q; } } for(int i=0;i<current_ndims;i++) { q->Mins[i]=q->Mean[i]; q->Maxs[i]=q->Mean[i]; } } else for(int i=0;i<current_ndims;i++) { q->Mins[i]=min(q->Children[0]->Mins[i],q->Children[1]->Mins[i]); q->Maxs[i]=max(q->Children[0]->Maxs[i],q->Children[1]->Maxs[i]); } } }
struct QuantizedValue *FindQNode(struct QuantizedValue const *q, int32 code) { if (! (q->Children[0])) if (code==q->value) return (struct QuantizedValue *) q; else return 0; else { struct QuantizedValue *found=FindQNode(q->Children[0],code); if (! found) found=FindQNode(q->Children[1],code); return found; } }
void CheckInRange(struct QuantizedValue *q, uint8 *max, uint8 *min) { if (q) { if (q->Children[0]) { // non-leaf node
CheckInRange(q->Children[0],q->Maxs, q->Mins); CheckInRange(q->Children[1],q->Maxs, q->Mins); CheckInRange(q->Children[0],max, min); CheckInRange(q->Children[1],max, min); } for (int i=0;i<current_ndims;i++) { if (q->Maxs[i]>max[i]) printf("error1\n"); if (q->Mins[i]<min[i]) printf("error2\n"); } } }
struct QuantizedValue *Quantize(struct Sample *s, int nsamples, int ndims, int nvalues, uint8 *weights, int firstvalue) { SetNDims(ndims); current_weights=weights; current_root=AllocQValue(); current_root->Samples=s; current_root->NSamples=nsamples; UpdateStats(current_root); while(--nvalues) { if (! FindWorst()) break; // if <n unique ones, stop now
SubdivideNode(ErrorNode,ErrorDim); } colorid=firstvalue; Label(current_root,1); return current_root; }
double MinimumError(struct QuantizedValue const *q, uint8 const *sample, int ndims, uint8 const *weights) { double err=0; for(int i=0;i<ndims;i++) { int val1; int val2=sample[i]; if ((q->Mins[i]<=val2) && (q->Maxs[i]>=val2)) val1=val2; else { val1=(val2<=q->Mins[i])?q->Mins[i]:q->Maxs[i]; } err+=weights[i]*SQ(val1-val2); } return err; }
double MaximumError(struct QuantizedValue const *q, uint8 const *sample, int ndims, uint8 const *weights) { double err=0; for(int i=0;i<ndims;i++) { int val2=sample[i]; int val1=(abs(val2-q->Mins[i])>abs(val2-q->Maxs[i]))? q->Mins[i]: q->Maxs[i]; err+=weights[i]*SQ(val2-val1); } return err; }
// heap (priority queue) routines used for nearest-neghbor searches
struct FHeap { int heap_n; double *heap[MAXQUANT]; };
void InitHeap(struct FHeap *h) { h->heap_n=0; }
void UpHeap(int k, struct FHeap *h) { double *tmpk=h->heap[k]; double tmpkn=*tmpk; while((k>1) && (tmpkn <= *(h->heap[k/2]))) { h->heap[k]=h->heap[k/2]; k/=2; } h->heap[k]=tmpk; }
void HeapInsert(struct FHeap *h,double *elem) { h->heap_n++; h->heap[h->heap_n]=elem; UpHeap(h->heap_n,h); }
void DownHeap(int k, struct FHeap *h) { double *v=h->heap[k]; while(k<=h->heap_n/2) { int j=2*k; if (j<h->heap_n) if (*(h->heap[j]) >= *(h->heap[j+1])) j++; if (*v < *(h->heap[j])) { h->heap[k]=v; return; } h->heap[k]=h->heap[j]; k=j; } h->heap[k]=v; }
void *RemoveHeapItem(struct FHeap *h) { void *ret=0; if (h->heap_n!=0) { ret=h->heap[1]; h->heap[1]=h->heap[h->heap_n]; h->heap_n--; DownHeap(1,h); } return ret; }
// now, nearest neighbor finder. Use a heap to traverse the tree, stopping
// when there are no nodes with a minimum error < the current error.
struct FHeap TheQueue;
#define PUSHNODE(a) { \
(a)->MinError=MinimumError(a,sample,ndims,weights); \ if ((a)->MinError < besterror) HeapInsert(&TheQueue,&(a)->MinError); \ }
struct QuantizedValue *FindMatch(uint8 const *sample, int ndims, uint8 *weights, struct QuantizedValue *q) { InitHeap(&TheQueue); struct QuantizedValue *bestmatch=0; double besterror=1.0e63; PUSHNODE(q); for(;;) { struct QuantizedValue *test=(struct QuantizedValue *) RemoveHeapItem(&TheQueue); if (! test) break; // heap empty
// printf("got pop node =%p minerror=%f\n",test,test->MinError);
if (test->MinError>besterror) break; if (test->Children[0]) { // it's a parent node. put the children on the queue
struct QuantizedValue *c1=test->Children[0]; struct QuantizedValue *c2=test->Children[1]; c1->MinError=MinimumError(c1,sample,ndims,weights); if (c1->MinError < besterror) HeapInsert(&TheQueue,&(c1->MinError)); c2->MinError=MinimumError(c2,sample,ndims,weights); if (c2->MinError < besterror) HeapInsert(&TheQueue,&(c2->MinError)); } else { // it's a leaf node. This must be a new minimum or the MinError
// test would have failed.
if (test->MinError < besterror) { bestmatch=test; besterror=test->MinError; } } } if (bestmatch) { SquaredError+=besterror; bestmatch->NQuant++; for(int i=0;i<ndims;i++) bestmatch->Sums[i]+=sample[i]; } return bestmatch; }
static void RecalcMeans(struct QuantizedValue *q) { if (q) { if (q->Children[0]) { // not a leaf, invoke recursively.
RecalcMeans(q->Children[0]); RecalcMeans(q->Children[0]); } else { // it's a leaf. Set the means
if (q->NQuant) { for(int i=0;i<current_ndims;i++) { q->Mean[i]=(uint8) (q->Sums[i]/q->NQuant); q->Sums[i]=0; } q->NQuant=0; } } } } void OptimizeQuantizer(struct QuantizedValue *q, int ndims) { SetNDims(ndims); RecalcMeans(q); // reset q values
Label(q,0); // update max/mins
static void RecalcStats(struct QuantizedValue *q) { if (q) { UpdateStats(q); RecalcStats(q->Children[0]); RecalcStats(q->Children[1]); } }
void RecalculateValues(struct QuantizedValue *q, int ndims) { SetNDims(ndims); RecalcStats(q); Label(q,0); }