//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $Workfile: $
// $Date: $
// $NoKeywords: $
//#include <stdafx.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include "builddisp.h"
#include "collisionutils.h"
#include "tier1/strtools.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Node Functions (friend functions)
// should make this more programatic and extensible!
int GetNodeLevel( int index ) { // root
if( index == 0 ) return 1;
// [1...4]
if( index < 5 ) return 2;
// [5....20]
if( index < 21 ) return 3;
// [21....84]
if( index < 85 ) return 4;
// error!!!
return -1; }
int GetNodeCount( int power ) { return ( ( 1 << ( power << 1 ) ) / 3 ); }
int GetNodeParent( int index ) { // ( index - 1 ) / 4
return ( ( index - 1 ) >> 2 ); }
int GetNodeChild( int power, int index, int direction ) { // ( index * 4 ) + direction
return ( ( index << 2 ) + ( direction - 3 ) ); }
int GetNodeMinNodeAtLevel( int level ) { switch( level ) { case 1: return 0; case 2: return 1; case 3: return 5; case 4: return 21; default: return -99999; } }
void GetComponentsFromNodeIndex( int index, int *x, int *y ) { *x = 0; *y = 0;
for( int shift = 0; index != 0; shift++ ) { *x |= ( index & 1 ) << shift; index >>= 1;
*y |= ( index & 1 ) << shift; index >>= 1; } }
int GetNodeIndexFromComponents( int x, int y ) { int index = 0;
// Interleave bits from the x and y values to create the index:
int shift; for( shift = 0; x != 0; shift += 2, x >>= 1 ) { index |= ( x & 1 ) << shift; }
for( shift = 1; y != 0; shift += 2, y >>= 1 ) { index |= ( y & 1 ) << shift; }
return index; }
bool CalcBarycentricCooefs( Vector const &v0, Vector const &v1, Vector const &v2, Vector const &pt, float &c0, float &c1, float &c2 ) { Vector vSeg0, vSeg1, vCross; vSeg0 = v1 - v0; vSeg1 = v2 - v0;
// get the area of the triangle
vCross = vSeg0.Cross( vSeg1 ); float totalArea = vCross.Length() * 0.5f; float ooTotalArea = totalArea ? 1.0f / totalArea : 0.0f;
// get the area for cooeficient 0 (pt, v1, v2)
vSeg0 = v1 - pt; vSeg1 = v2 - pt; vCross = vSeg0.Cross( vSeg1 ); float subArea = vCross.Length() * 0.5f; c0 = subArea * ooTotalArea;
// get the area for cooeficient 1 (v0, pt, v2)
vSeg0 = v2 - pt; vSeg1 = v0 - pt; vCross = vSeg0.Cross( vSeg1 ); subArea = vCross.Length() * 0.5f; c1 = subArea * ooTotalArea;
// get the area for cooeficient 2 (v0, v1, pt)
vSeg0 = v0 - pt; vSeg1 = v1 - pt; vCross = vSeg0.Cross( vSeg1 ); subArea = vCross.Length() * 0.5f; c2 = subArea * ooTotalArea;
float cTotal = c0 + c1 + c2; if ( FloatMakePositive( 1.0f - cTotal ) < 1e-3 ) return true;
return false; }
// For some reason, the global optimizer screws up the recursion here. disable the global optimizations to fix this.
// IN VC++ 6.0
#pragma optimize( "g", off )
CCoreDispSurface::CCoreDispSurface() { Init(); }
// CDispSurface Functions
void CCoreDispSurface::Init( void ) { m_Index = -1;
m_PointCount = 0; int i; for( i = 0; i < QUAD_POINT_COUNT; i++ ) { VectorClear( m_Points[i] ); VectorClear( m_Normals[i] ); Vector2DClear( m_TexCoords[i] );
for( int j = 0; j < NUM_BUMP_VECTS+1; j++ ) { Vector2DClear( m_LuxelCoords[i][j] ); }
m_Alphas[i] = 1.0f; }
m_PointStartIndex = -1; VectorClear( m_PointStart ); VectorClear( sAxis ); VectorClear( tAxis );
for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { m_EdgeNeighbors[i].SetInvalid(); m_CornerNeighbors[i].SetInvalid(); }
m_Flags = 0; m_Contents = 0; }
void CCoreDispSurface::SetNeighborData( const CDispNeighbor edgeNeighbors[4], const CDispCornerNeighbors cornerNeighbors[4] ) { for ( int i=0; i < 4; i++ ) { m_EdgeNeighbors[i] = edgeNeighbors[i]; m_CornerNeighbors[i] = cornerNeighbors[i]; } }
void CCoreDispSurface::GeneratePointStartIndexFromMappingAxes( Vector const &sAxis_, Vector const &tAxis_ ) { if( m_PointStartIndex != -1 ) return; int numIndices = 0; int indices[4]; int offsetIndex;
// project all points on to the v-axis first and find the minimum
float minValue = DotProduct( tAxis_, m_Points[0] ); indices[numIndices] = 0; numIndices++;
int i; for( i = 1; i < m_PointCount; i++ ) { float value = DotProduct( tAxis_, m_Points[i] ); float delta = ( value - minValue ); delta = FloatMakePositive( delta ); if( delta < 0.1 ) { indices[numIndices] = i; numIndices++; } else if( value < minValue ) { minValue = value; indices[0] = i; numIndices = 1; } }
// break ties with the u-axis projection
minValue = DotProduct( sAxis_, m_Points[indices[0]] ); offsetIndex = indices[0]; for( i = 1; i < numIndices; i++ ) { float value = DotProduct( sAxis_, m_Points[indices[i]] ); if( ( value < minValue ) ) { minValue = value; offsetIndex = indices[i]; } }
m_PointStartIndex = offsetIndex; }
int CCoreDispSurface::GenerateSurfPointStartIndex( void ) { //
// get the minimum surface component values
Vector bMin; VectorFill( bMin, 99999.0f );
int i; for( i = 0; i < QUAD_POINT_COUNT; i++ ) { for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) { if( m_Points[i][j] < bMin[j] ) { bMin[j] = m_Points[i][j]; } } }
// find the point closest to the minimum, that is the start point
int minIndex = -1; float minDistance = 999999999.0f; for( i = 0; i < QUAD_POINT_COUNT; i++ ) { Vector segment; segment = m_Points[i] - bMin; float distanceSq = segment.LengthSqr(); if( distanceSq < minDistance ) { minDistance = distanceSq; minIndex = i; } }
m_PointStartIndex = minIndex;
return minIndex; }
int CCoreDispSurface::FindSurfPointStartIndex( void ) { if( m_PointStartIndex != -1 ) return m_PointStartIndex;
int minIndex = -1; float minDistance = 999999999.0f;
for( int i = 0; i < QUAD_POINT_COUNT; i++ ) { Vector segment; VectorSubtract( m_PointStart, m_Points[i], segment ); float distanceSq = segment.LengthSqr(); if( distanceSq < minDistance ) { minDistance = distanceSq; minIndex = i; } }
m_PointStartIndex = minIndex;
return minIndex; }
void CCoreDispSurface::AdjustSurfPointData( void ) { Vector tmpPoints[4]; Vector tmpNormals[4]; Vector2D tmpTexCoords[4]; float tmpAlphas[4];
int i; for( i = 0; i < QUAD_POINT_COUNT; i++ ) { VectorCopy( m_Points[i], tmpPoints[i] ); VectorCopy( m_Normals[i], tmpNormals[i] ); Vector2DCopy( m_TexCoords[i], tmpTexCoords[i] );
tmpAlphas[i] = m_Alphas[i]; }
for( i = 0; i < QUAD_POINT_COUNT; i++ ) { VectorCopy( tmpPoints[(i+m_PointStartIndex)%4], m_Points[i] ); VectorCopy( tmpNormals[(i+m_PointStartIndex)%4], m_Normals[i] ); Vector2DCopy( tmpTexCoords[(i+m_PointStartIndex)%4], m_TexCoords[i] );
m_Alphas[i] = tmpAlphas[i]; } }
// Purpose:
bool CCoreDispSurface::LongestInU( const Vector &vecU, const Vector &vecV ) { Vector vecNormU = vecU; Vector vecNormV = vecV; VectorNormalize( vecNormU ); VectorNormalize( vecNormV );
float flDistU[4]; float flDistV[4]; for ( int iPoint = 0; iPoint < 4; ++iPoint ) { flDistU[iPoint] = vecNormU.Dot( m_Points[iPoint] ); flDistV[iPoint] = vecNormV.Dot( m_Points[iPoint] ); }
float flULength = 0.0f; float flVLength = 0.0f; for ( int iPoint = 0; iPoint < 4; ++iPoint ) { float flTestDist = fabs( flDistU[(iPoint+1)%4] - flDistU[iPoint] ); if ( flTestDist > flULength ) { flULength = flTestDist; }
flTestDist = fabs( flDistV[(iPoint+1)%4] - flDistV[iPoint] ); if ( flTestDist > flVLength ) { flVLength = flTestDist; } }
if ( flULength < flVLength ) { return false; }
return true; }
// Purpose:
// Input : -
bool CCoreDispSurface::CalcLuxelCoords( int nLuxels, bool bAdjust, const Vector &vecU, const Vector &vecV ) { // Valid value?
if ( nLuxels <= 0.0f ) return false;
// Get the start point offset.
int iOffset = 0; if ( bAdjust ) { iOffset = GetPointStartIndex(); }
// Does projecting along U or V create the longest edge?
bool bLongU = LongestInU( vecU, vecV );
float flLengthTemp = 0.0f; float flULength = ( m_Points[(3+iOffset)%4] - m_Points[(0+iOffset)%4] ).Length(); flLengthTemp = ( m_Points[(2+iOffset)%4] - m_Points[(1+iOffset)%4] ).Length(); if ( flLengthTemp > flULength ) { flULength = flLengthTemp; }
// Find the largest edge in V.
float flVLength = ( m_Points[(1+iOffset)%4] - m_Points[(0+iOffset)%4] ).Length(); flLengthTemp = ( m_Points[(2+iOffset)%4] - m_Points[(3+iOffset)%4] ).Length(); if ( flLengthTemp > flVLength ) { flVLength = flLengthTemp; }
float flOOLuxelScale = 1.0f / static_cast<float>( nLuxels ); float flUValue = static_cast<float>( static_cast<int>( flULength * flOOLuxelScale ) + 1 ); if ( flUValue > MAX_DISP_LIGHTMAP_DIM_WITHOUT_BORDER ) { flUValue = MAX_DISP_LIGHTMAP_DIM_WITHOUT_BORDER; }
float flVValue = static_cast<float>( static_cast<int>( flVLength * flOOLuxelScale ) + 1 ); if ( flVValue > MAX_DISP_LIGHTMAP_DIM_WITHOUT_BORDER ) { flVValue = MAX_DISP_LIGHTMAP_DIM_WITHOUT_BORDER; }
// Swap if necessary.
bool bSwapped = false; if ( bLongU ) { if ( flVValue > flUValue ) { bSwapped = true; } } else { if ( flUValue > flVValue ) { bSwapped = true; } }
m_nLuxelU = static_cast<int>( flUValue ); m_nLuxelV = static_cast<int>( flVValue );
// Generate luxel coordinates.
for( int iBump = 0; iBump < NUM_BUMP_VECTS+1; ++iBump ) { m_LuxelCoords[iBump][(0+iOffset)%4].Init( 0.5f, 0.5f ); m_LuxelCoords[iBump][(1+iOffset)%4].Init( 0.5f, flVValue + 0.5 ); m_LuxelCoords[iBump][(2+iOffset)%4].Init( flUValue + 0.5, flVValue + 0.5 ); m_LuxelCoords[iBump][(3+iOffset)%4].Init( flUValue + 0.5, 0.5f ); }
return bSwapped; }
// CDispNode Functions
void CCoreDispNode::Init( void ) { VectorClear( m_BBox[0] ); VectorClear( m_BBox[1] ); m_ErrorTerm = 0.0f; m_VertIndex = -1; int j; for( j = 0; j < MAX_NEIGHBOR_NODE_COUNT; j++ ) { m_NeighborVertIndices[j] = -1; } for( j = 0; j < MAX_SURF_AT_NODE_COUNT; j++ ) { VectorClear( m_SurfBBoxes[j][0] ); VectorClear( m_SurfBBoxes[j][1] ); VectorClear( m_SurfPlanes[j].normal ); m_SurfPlanes[j].dist = 0.0f; } }
void GetDispNodeTriVerts( CCoreDispInfo *pDisp, int nodeIndex, int triIndex, Vector& v1, Vector& v2, Vector& v3 ) { // get the node
CCoreDispNode *pNode = pDisp->GetNode( nodeIndex );
switch( triIndex ) { case 0: { pDisp->GetVert( pNode->GetNeighborVertIndex( 4 ), v1 ); pDisp->GetVert( pNode->GetNeighborVertIndex( 0 ), v2 ); pDisp->GetVert( pNode->GetNeighborVertIndex( 3 ), v3 ); return; } case 1: { pDisp->GetVert( pNode->GetNeighborVertIndex( 3 ), v1 ); pDisp->GetVert( pNode->GetNeighborVertIndex( 0 ), v2 ); pDisp->GetVert( pNode->GetCenterVertIndex(), v3 ); return; } case 2: { pDisp->GetVert( pNode->GetNeighborVertIndex( 3 ), v1 ); pDisp->GetVert( pNode->GetCenterVertIndex(), v2 ); pDisp->GetVert( pNode->GetNeighborVertIndex( 5 ), v3 ); return; } case 3: { pDisp->GetVert( pNode->GetNeighborVertIndex( 5 ), v1 ); pDisp->GetVert( pNode->GetCenterVertIndex(), v2 ); pDisp->GetVert( pNode->GetNeighborVertIndex( 2 ), v3 ); return; } case 4: { pDisp->GetVert( pNode->GetNeighborVertIndex( 0 ), v1 ); pDisp->GetVert( pNode->GetNeighborVertIndex( 6 ), v2 ); pDisp->GetVert( pNode->GetCenterVertIndex(), v3 ); return; } case 5: { pDisp->GetVert( pNode->GetCenterVertIndex(), v1 ); pDisp->GetVert( pNode->GetNeighborVertIndex( 6 ), v2 ); pDisp->GetVert( pNode->GetNeighborVertIndex( 1 ), v3 ); return; } case 6: { pDisp->GetVert( pNode->GetCenterVertIndex(), v1 ); pDisp->GetVert( pNode->GetNeighborVertIndex( 1 ), v2 ); pDisp->GetVert( pNode->GetNeighborVertIndex( 2 ), v3 ); return; } case 7: { pDisp->GetVert( pNode->GetNeighborVertIndex( 2 ), v1 ); pDisp->GetVert( pNode->GetNeighborVertIndex( 1 ), v2 ); pDisp->GetVert( pNode->GetNeighborVertIndex( 7 ), v3 ); return; } default: { return; } } }
// CCoreDispInfo Functions
CCoreDispInfo::CCoreDispInfo() { m_pVerts = NULL; m_RenderIndices = NULL; m_Nodes = NULL; m_pTris = NULL;
// initialize the base surface data
m_Surf.Init(); //
// initialize the disp info
m_Power = 0; m_Elevation = 0.0f; m_RenderIndexCount = 0; m_RenderCounter = 0; m_bTouched = false;
m_pNext = NULL;
m_ppListBase = NULL; m_ListSize = 0; m_nListIndex = -1; }
CCoreDispInfo::~CCoreDispInfo() { if (m_pVerts) delete [] m_pVerts; if (m_RenderIndices) delete [] m_RenderIndices; if (m_Nodes) delete [] m_Nodes; if (m_pTris) delete [] m_pTris; }
#if 0
void CCoreDispInfo::InitSurf( int parentIndex, Vector points[4], Vector normals[4], Vector2D texCoords[4], Vector2D lightCoords[4][4], int contents, int flags, bool bGenerateSurfPointStart, Vector& startPoint, bool bHasMappingAxes, Vector& uAxis, Vector& vAxis ) { // save the "parent" index
m_Surf.m_Index = parentIndex; //
// save the surface points and point normals, texture coordinates, and
// lightmap coordinates
m_Surf.m_PointCount = CSurface::QUAD_POINT_COUNT; for( int i = 0; i < CSurface::QUAD_POINT_COUNT; i++ ) { VectorCopy( points[i], m_Surf.m_Points[i] );
if( normals ) { VectorCopy( normals[i], m_Surf.m_pVerts[i].m_Normal ); }
if( texCoords ) { Vector2DCopy( texCoords[i], m_Surf.m_TexCoords[i] ); }
if( lightCoords ) { Assert( NUM_BUMP_VECTS == 3 ); Vector2DCopy( lightCoords[0][i], m_Surf.m_LightCoords[i][0] ); Vector2DCopy( lightCoords[1][i], m_Surf.m_LightCoords[i][1] ); Vector2DCopy( lightCoords[2][i], m_Surf.m_LightCoords[i][2] ); Vector2DCopy( lightCoords[3][i], m_Surf.m_LightCoords[i][3] ); } } // save the starting point
if( startPoint ) { VectorCopy( startPoint, m_Surf.m_PointStart ); }
// save the surface contents and flags
m_Contents = contents; m_Flags = flags;
// adjust surface points, texture coordinates, etc....
if( bHasMappingAxes && ( m_Surf.m_PointStartIndex == -1 ) ) { GeneratePointStartIndexFromMappingAxes( uAxis, vAxis ); } else { //
// adjust the surf data
if( bGenerateSurfPointStart ) { GenerateSurfPointStartIndex(); } else { FindSurfPointStartIndex(); } }
AdjustSurfPointData(); } #endif
void CCoreDispInfo::InitDispInfo( int power, int minTess, float smoothingAngle, float *alphas, Vector *dispVectorField, float *dispDistances ) { Assert( power >= MIN_MAP_DISP_POWER && power <= MAX_MAP_DISP_POWER );
// general displacement data
m_Power = power;
if ( ( minTess & 0x80000000 ) != 0 ) { // If the high bit is set, this represents FLAGS (SURF_NOPHYSICS_COLL, etc.) flags.
int nFlags = minTess; nFlags &= ~0x80000000; GetSurface()->SetFlags( nFlags ); }
// Allocate + initialize verts
int size = GetSize(); m_pVerts = new CoreDispVert_t[size];
int nIndexCount = size * 2 * 3; m_RenderIndices = new unsigned short[nIndexCount];
int nNodeCount = GetNodeCount(power); m_Nodes = new CCoreDispNode[nNodeCount];
int i; for( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { m_pVerts[i].m_FieldVector.Init(); m_pVerts[i].m_SubdivPos.Init(); m_pVerts[i].m_SubdivNormal.Init(); m_pVerts[i].m_FieldDistance = 0.0f; m_pVerts[i].m_Vert.Init(); m_pVerts[i].m_FlatVert.Init(); m_pVerts[i].m_Normal.Init(); m_pVerts[i].m_TangentS.Init(); m_pVerts[i].m_TangentT.Init(); m_pVerts[i].m_TexCoord.Init();
for( int j = 0; j < ( NUM_BUMP_VECTS + 1 ); j++ ) { m_pVerts[i].m_LuxelCoords[j].Init(); }
m_pVerts[i].m_Alpha = 0.0f; }
for( i = 0; i < nIndexCount; i++ ) { m_RenderIndices[i] = 0; }
for( i = 0; i < nNodeCount; i++ ) { m_Nodes[i].Init(); }
// save the displacement vector field and distances within the field
// offset have been combined with fieldvectors at this point!!!
if (alphas && dispVectorField && dispDistances) { for( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { VectorCopy( dispVectorField[i], m_pVerts[i].m_FieldVector ); m_pVerts[i].m_FieldDistance = dispDistances[i]; m_pVerts[i].m_Alpha = alphas[i]; } }
// Init triangle information.
int nTriCount = GetTriCount(); if ( nTriCount != 0 ) { m_pTris = new CoreDispTri_t[nTriCount]; if ( m_pTris ) { InitTris(); } } }
void CCoreDispInfo::InitDispInfo( int power, int minTess, float smoothingAngle, const CDispVert *pVerts, const CDispTri *pTris ) { Vector vectors[MAX_DISPVERTS]; float dists[MAX_DISPVERTS]; float alphas[MAX_DISPVERTS];
int nVerts = NUM_DISP_POWER_VERTS( power ); for ( int i=0; i < nVerts; i++ ) { vectors[i] = pVerts[i].m_vVector; dists[i] = pVerts[i].m_flDist; alphas[i] = pVerts[i].m_flAlpha; }
InitDispInfo( power, minTess, smoothingAngle, alphas, vectors, dists );
int nTris = NUM_DISP_POWER_TRIS( power ); for ( int iTri = 0; iTri < nTris; ++iTri ) { m_pTris[iTri].m_uiTags = pTris[iTri].m_uiTags; } }
void CCoreDispInfo::SetDispUtilsHelperInfo( CCoreDispInfo **ppListBase, int listSize ) { m_ppListBase = ppListBase; m_ListSize = listSize; }
const CPowerInfo* CCoreDispInfo::GetPowerInfo() const { return ::GetPowerInfo( GetPower() ); }
CDispNeighbor* CCoreDispInfo::GetEdgeNeighbor( int index ) { return GetSurface()->GetEdgeNeighbor( index ); }
CDispCornerNeighbors* CCoreDispInfo::GetCornerNeighbors( int index ) { return GetSurface()->GetCornerNeighbors( index ); }
CDispUtilsHelper* CCoreDispInfo::GetDispUtilsByIndex( int index ) { Assert( m_ppListBase ); return index == 0xFFFF ? 0 : m_ppListBase[index]; }
void CCoreDispInfo::BuildTriTLtoBR( int ndx ) { // get width and height of displacement maps
int nWidth = ( ( 1 << m_Power ) + 1 ); m_RenderIndices[m_RenderIndexCount] = ndx; m_RenderIndices[m_RenderIndexCount+1] = ndx + nWidth; m_RenderIndices[m_RenderIndexCount+2] = ndx + 1; m_RenderIndexCount += 3;
m_RenderIndices[m_RenderIndexCount] = ndx + 1; m_RenderIndices[m_RenderIndexCount+1] = ndx + nWidth; m_RenderIndices[m_RenderIndexCount+2] = ndx + nWidth + 1; m_RenderIndexCount += 3; }
void CCoreDispInfo::BuildTriBLtoTR( int ndx ) { // get width and height of displacement maps
int nWidth = ( ( 1 << m_Power ) + 1 ); m_RenderIndices[m_RenderIndexCount] = ndx; m_RenderIndices[m_RenderIndexCount+1] = ndx + nWidth; m_RenderIndices[m_RenderIndexCount+2] = ndx + nWidth + 1; m_RenderIndexCount += 3;
m_RenderIndices[m_RenderIndexCount] = ndx; m_RenderIndices[m_RenderIndexCount+1] = ndx + nWidth + 1; m_RenderIndices[m_RenderIndexCount+2] = ndx + 1; m_RenderIndexCount += 3; }
void CCoreDispInfo::GenerateCollisionSurface( void ) { // get width and height of displacement maps
int nWidth = ( ( 1 << m_Power ) + 1 ); int nHeight = ( ( 1 << m_Power ) + 1 );
// generate a fan tesselated (at quadtree node) rendering index list
m_RenderIndexCount = 0; for ( int iV = 0; iV < ( nHeight - 1 ); iV++ ) { for ( int iU = 0; iU < ( nWidth - 1 ); iU++ ) { int ndx = ( iV * nWidth ) + iU;
// test whether or not the index is odd
bool bOdd = ( ( ndx %2 ) == 1 );
// Top Left to Bottom Right
if( bOdd ) { BuildTriTLtoBR( ndx ); } // Bottom Left to Top Right
else { BuildTriBLtoTR( ndx ); } } } }
void CCoreDispInfo::GenerateCollisionData( void ) { GenerateCollisionSurface(); }
void CCoreDispInfo::CalcTriSurfPlanes( int nodeIndex, int indices[8][3] ) { //
// calculate plane info for each face
for( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { Vector v[3]; VectorCopy( m_pVerts[indices[i][0]].m_Vert, v[0] ); VectorCopy( m_pVerts[indices[i][1]].m_Vert, v[1] ); VectorCopy( m_pVerts[indices[i][2]].m_Vert, v[2] );
Vector seg[2]; VectorSubtract( v[1], v[0], seg[0] ); VectorSubtract( v[2], v[0], seg[1] );
Vector normal; CrossProduct( seg[1], seg[0], normal ); VectorNormalize( normal ); float dist = DotProduct( v[0], normal );
m_Nodes[nodeIndex].SetTriPlane( i, normal, dist ); } }
void CCoreDispInfo::CalcRayBoundingBoxes( int nodeIndex, int indices[8][3] ) { Vector triMin, triMax;
for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { triMin[0] = triMax[0] = m_pVerts[indices[(i*2)][0]].m_Vert[0]; triMin[1] = triMax[1] = m_pVerts[indices[(i*2)][0]].m_Vert[1]; triMin[2] = triMax[2] = m_pVerts[indices[(i*2)][0]].m_Vert[2];
for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) { //
// minimum
if( triMin[0] > m_pVerts[indices[(i*2)][j]].m_Vert[0] ) triMin[0] = m_pVerts[indices[(i*2)][j]].m_Vert[0]; if( triMin[0] > m_pVerts[indices[(i*2+1)][j]].m_Vert[0] ) triMin[0] = m_pVerts[indices[(i*2+1)][j]].m_Vert[0]; if( triMin[1] > m_pVerts[indices[(i*2)][j]].m_Vert[1] ) triMin[1] = m_pVerts[indices[(i*2)][j]].m_Vert[1]; if( triMin[1] > m_pVerts[indices[(i*2+1)][j]].m_Vert[1] ) triMin[1] = m_pVerts[indices[(i*2+1)][j]].m_Vert[1];
if( triMin[2] > m_pVerts[indices[(i*2)][j]].m_Vert[2] ) triMin[2] = m_pVerts[indices[(i*2)][j]].m_Vert[2]; if( triMin[2] > m_pVerts[indices[(i*2+1)][j]].m_Vert[2] ) triMin[2] = m_pVerts[indices[(i*2+1)][j]].m_Vert[2];
// maximum
if( triMax[0] < m_pVerts[indices[(i*2)][j]].m_Vert[0] ) triMax[0] = m_pVerts[indices[(i*2)][j]].m_Vert[0]; if( triMax[0] < m_pVerts[indices[(i*2+1)][j]].m_Vert[0] ) triMax[0] = m_pVerts[indices[(i*2+1)][j]].m_Vert[0]; if( triMax[1] < m_pVerts[indices[(i*2)][j]].m_Vert[1] ) triMax[1] = m_pVerts[indices[(i*2)][j]].m_Vert[1]; if( triMax[1] < m_pVerts[indices[(i*2+1)][j]].m_Vert[1] ) triMax[1] = m_pVerts[indices[(i*2+1)][j]].m_Vert[1];
if( triMax[2] < m_pVerts[indices[(i*2)][j]].m_Vert[2] ) triMax[2] = m_pVerts[indices[(i*2)][j]].m_Vert[2]; if( triMax[2] < m_pVerts[indices[(i*2+1)][j]].m_Vert[2] ) triMax[2] = m_pVerts[indices[(i*2+1)][j]].m_Vert[2]; }
m_Nodes[nodeIndex].SetRayBoundingBox( i, triMin, triMax ); } }
void CCoreDispInfo::CalcTriSurfBoundingBoxes( int nodeIndex, int indices[8][3] ) { Vector triMin, triMax;
for( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { m_Nodes[nodeIndex].GetTriBoundingBox( i, triMin, triMax );
for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) { //
// minimum
if( triMin[0] > m_pVerts[indices[i][j]].m_Vert[0] ) triMin[0] = m_pVerts[indices[i][j]].m_Vert[0];
if( triMin[1] > m_pVerts[indices[i][j]].m_Vert[1] ) triMin[1] = m_pVerts[indices[i][j]].m_Vert[1];
if( triMin[2] > m_pVerts[indices[i][j]].m_Vert[2] ) triMin[2] = m_pVerts[indices[i][j]].m_Vert[2];
// maximum
if( triMax[0] < m_pVerts[indices[i][j]].m_Vert[0] ) triMax[0] = m_pVerts[indices[i][j]].m_Vert[0];
if( triMax[1] < m_pVerts[indices[i][j]].m_Vert[1] ) triMax[1] = m_pVerts[indices[i][j]].m_Vert[1];
if( triMax[2] < m_pVerts[indices[i][j]].m_Vert[2] ) triMax[2] = m_pVerts[indices[i][j]].m_Vert[2]; }
m_Nodes[nodeIndex].SetTriBoundingBox( i, triMin, triMax ); } }
void CCoreDispInfo::CalcTriSurfIndices( int nodeIndex, int indices[8][3] ) { indices[0][0] = m_Nodes[nodeIndex].GetNeighborVertIndex( 4 ); indices[0][1] = m_Nodes[nodeIndex].GetNeighborVertIndex( 0 ); indices[0][2] = m_Nodes[nodeIndex].GetNeighborVertIndex( 3 );
indices[1][0] = m_Nodes[nodeIndex].GetNeighborVertIndex( 3 ); indices[1][1] = m_Nodes[nodeIndex].GetNeighborVertIndex( 0 ); indices[1][2] = m_Nodes[nodeIndex].GetCenterVertIndex();
indices[2][0] = m_Nodes[nodeIndex].GetNeighborVertIndex( 3 ); indices[2][1] = m_Nodes[nodeIndex].GetCenterVertIndex(); indices[2][2] = m_Nodes[nodeIndex].GetNeighborVertIndex( 5 );
indices[3][0] = m_Nodes[nodeIndex].GetNeighborVertIndex( 5 ); indices[3][1] = m_Nodes[nodeIndex].GetCenterVertIndex(); indices[3][2] = m_Nodes[nodeIndex].GetNeighborVertIndex( 2 );
indices[4][0] = m_Nodes[nodeIndex].GetNeighborVertIndex( 0 ); indices[4][1] = m_Nodes[nodeIndex].GetNeighborVertIndex( 6 ); indices[4][2] = m_Nodes[nodeIndex].GetCenterVertIndex();
indices[5][0] = m_Nodes[nodeIndex].GetCenterVertIndex(); indices[5][1] = m_Nodes[nodeIndex].GetNeighborVertIndex( 6 ); indices[5][2] = m_Nodes[nodeIndex].GetNeighborVertIndex( 1 );
indices[6][0] = m_Nodes[nodeIndex].GetCenterVertIndex(); indices[6][1] = m_Nodes[nodeIndex].GetNeighborVertIndex( 1 ); indices[6][2] = m_Nodes[nodeIndex].GetNeighborVertIndex( 2 );
indices[7][0] = m_Nodes[nodeIndex].GetNeighborVertIndex( 2 ); indices[7][1] = m_Nodes[nodeIndex].GetNeighborVertIndex( 1 ); indices[7][2] = m_Nodes[nodeIndex].GetNeighborVertIndex( 7 ); }
void CCoreDispInfo::CalcTriSurfInfoAtNode( int nodeIndex ) { int indices[8][3];
CalcTriSurfIndices( nodeIndex, indices ); CalcTriSurfBoundingBoxes( nodeIndex, indices ); CalcRayBoundingBoxes( nodeIndex, indices ); CalcTriSurfPlanes( nodeIndex, indices ); }
void CCoreDispInfo::CalcMinMaxBoundingBoxAtNode( int nodeIndex, Vector& bMin, Vector& bMax ) { // get the child node index
int childNodeIndex = GetNodeChild( m_Power, nodeIndex, 4 );
// get initial bounding box values
m_Nodes[childNodeIndex].GetBoundingBox( bMin, bMax );
Vector nodeMin, nodeMax; for( int i = 1, j = 5; i < 4; i++, j++ ) { //
// get the child node bounding box
childNodeIndex = GetNodeChild( m_Power, nodeIndex, j ); m_Nodes[childNodeIndex].GetBoundingBox( nodeMin, nodeMax );
// minimum
if( bMin[0] > nodeMin[0] ) bMin[0] = nodeMin[0];
if( bMin[1] > nodeMin[1] ) bMin[1] = nodeMin[1];
if( bMin[2] > nodeMin[2] ) bMin[2] = nodeMin[2];
// maximum
if( bMax[0] < nodeMax[0] ) bMax[0] = nodeMax[0];
if( bMax[1] < nodeMax[1] ) bMax[1] = nodeMax[1];
if( bMax[2] < nodeMax[2] ) bMax[2] = nodeMax[2]; } }
void CCoreDispInfo::CalcBoundingBoxAtNode( int nodeIndex ) { Vector bMin, bMax;
// initialize the minimum and maximum values for the bounding box
int level = GetNodeLevel( nodeIndex );
int vertIndex = m_Nodes[nodeIndex].GetCenterVertIndex(); if( level == m_Power ) { VectorCopy( m_pVerts[vertIndex].m_Vert, bMin ); VectorCopy( m_pVerts[vertIndex].m_Vert, bMax ); } else { CalcMinMaxBoundingBoxAtNode( nodeIndex, bMin, bMax );
if( bMin[0] > m_pVerts[vertIndex].m_Vert[0] ) bMin[0] = m_pVerts[vertIndex].m_Vert[0];
if( bMin[1] > m_pVerts[vertIndex].m_Vert[1] ) bMin[1] = m_pVerts[vertIndex].m_Vert[1];
if( bMin[2] > m_pVerts[vertIndex].m_Vert[2] ) bMin[2] = m_pVerts[vertIndex].m_Vert[2];
if( bMax[0] < m_pVerts[vertIndex].m_Vert[0] ) bMax[0] = m_pVerts[vertIndex].m_Vert[0];
if( bMax[1] < m_pVerts[vertIndex].m_Vert[1] ) bMax[1] = m_pVerts[vertIndex].m_Vert[1];
if( bMax[2] < m_pVerts[vertIndex].m_Vert[2] ) bMax[2] = m_pVerts[vertIndex].m_Vert[2]; }
for( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { int neighborVertIndex = m_Nodes[nodeIndex].GetNeighborVertIndex( i );
// minimum
if( bMin[0] > m_pVerts[neighborVertIndex].m_Vert[0] ) bMin[0] = m_pVerts[neighborVertIndex].m_Vert[0];
if( bMin[1] > m_pVerts[neighborVertIndex].m_Vert[1] ) bMin[1] = m_pVerts[neighborVertIndex].m_Vert[1];
if( bMin[2] > m_pVerts[neighborVertIndex].m_Vert[2] ) bMin[2] = m_pVerts[neighborVertIndex].m_Vert[2];
// maximum
if( bMax[0] < m_pVerts[neighborVertIndex].m_Vert[0] ) bMax[0] = m_pVerts[neighborVertIndex].m_Vert[0];
if( bMax[1] < m_pVerts[neighborVertIndex].m_Vert[1] ) bMax[1] = m_pVerts[neighborVertIndex].m_Vert[1];
if( bMax[2] < m_pVerts[neighborVertIndex].m_Vert[2] ) bMax[2] = m_pVerts[neighborVertIndex].m_Vert[2]; }
m_Nodes[nodeIndex].SetBoundingBox( bMin, bMax ); }
float CCoreDispInfo::GetMaxErrorFromChildren( int nodeIndex, int level ) { //
// check for children nodes
if( level == m_Power ) return 0.0f;
// get the child's error term and save the greatest error -- SW, SE, NW, NE
float errorTerm = 0.0f; for( int i = 4; i < 8; i++ ) { int childIndex = GetNodeChild( m_Power, nodeIndex, i );
float nodeErrorTerm = m_Nodes[childIndex].GetErrorTerm(); if( errorTerm < nodeErrorTerm ) { errorTerm = nodeErrorTerm; } }
return errorTerm; }
void CCoreDispInfo::CalcErrorTermAtNode( int nodeIndex, int level ) { if( level == m_Power ) return;
// get the vertex indices
int neighborVertIndices[9]; for( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { neighborVertIndices[i] = m_Nodes[nodeIndex].GetNeighborVertIndex( i ); } neighborVertIndices[8] = m_Nodes[nodeIndex].GetCenterVertIndex();
// calculate the error terms
Vector segment; Vector v;
VectorAdd( m_pVerts[neighborVertIndices[5]].m_Vert, m_pVerts[neighborVertIndices[4]].m_Vert, v ); VectorScale( v, 0.5f, v ); VectorSubtract( m_pVerts[neighborVertIndices[0]].m_Vert, v, segment ); float errorTerm = ( float )VectorLength( segment );
VectorAdd( m_pVerts[neighborVertIndices[5]].m_Vert, m_pVerts[neighborVertIndices[6]].m_Vert, v ); VectorScale( v, 0.5f, v ); VectorSubtract( m_pVerts[neighborVertIndices[1]].m_Vert, v, segment ); if( errorTerm < ( float )VectorLength( segment ) ) errorTerm = ( float )VectorLength( segment );
VectorAdd( m_pVerts[neighborVertIndices[6]].m_Vert, m_pVerts[neighborVertIndices[7]].m_Vert, v ); VectorScale( v, 0.5f, v ); VectorSubtract( m_pVerts[neighborVertIndices[2]].m_Vert, v, segment ); if( errorTerm < ( float )VectorLength( segment ) ) errorTerm = ( float )VectorLength( segment );
VectorAdd( m_pVerts[neighborVertIndices[7]].m_Vert, m_pVerts[neighborVertIndices[4]].m_Vert, v ); VectorScale( v, 0.5f, v ); VectorSubtract( m_pVerts[neighborVertIndices[3]].m_Vert, v, segment ); if( errorTerm < ( float )VectorLength( segment ) ) errorTerm = ( float )VectorLength( segment );
VectorAdd( m_pVerts[neighborVertIndices[4]].m_Vert, m_pVerts[neighborVertIndices[6]].m_Vert, v ); VectorScale( v, 0.5f, v ); VectorSubtract( m_pVerts[neighborVertIndices[8]].m_Vert, v, segment ); if( errorTerm < ( float )VectorLength( segment ) ) errorTerm = ( float )VectorLength( segment );
VectorAdd( m_pVerts[neighborVertIndices[5]].m_Vert, m_pVerts[neighborVertIndices[7]].m_Vert, v ); VectorScale( v, 0.5f, v ); VectorSubtract( m_pVerts[neighborVertIndices[8]].m_Vert, v, segment ); if( errorTerm < ( float )VectorLength( segment ) ) errorTerm = ( float )VectorLength( segment );
// add the max child's error term
errorTerm += GetMaxErrorFromChildren( nodeIndex, level );
// set the error term
m_Nodes[nodeIndex].SetErrorTerm( errorTerm ); }
void CCoreDispInfo::CalcNeighborVertIndicesAtNode( int nodeIndex, int level ) { // calculate the shift in direction in the matrix
int shift = ( 1 << ( m_Power - level ) ); // calculate the width, height of the displacement surface (are uniform)
int extent = ( ( 1 << m_Power ) + 1 );
// get the neighbor vertex indices (defining the surface at the node level)
for( int direction = 0; direction < 8; direction++ ) { //
// get the parent vertex index in component form
int posX = m_Nodes[nodeIndex].GetCenterVertIndex() % extent; int posY = m_Nodes[nodeIndex].GetCenterVertIndex() / extent;
// calculate the neighboring vertex indices for surface rendering
bool bError = false; switch( direction ) { case WEST: { posX -= shift; break; } case NORTH: { posY += shift; break; } case EAST: { posX += shift; break; } case SOUTH: { posY -= shift; break; } case SOUTHWEST: { posX -= shift; posY -= shift; break; } case SOUTHEAST: { posX += shift; posY -= shift; break; } case NORTHWEST: { posX -= shift; posY += shift; break; } case NORTHEAST: { posX += shift; posY += shift; break; } default: { bError = true; break; } } if( bError ) { m_Nodes[nodeIndex].SetNeighborVertIndex( direction, -99999 ); } else { m_Nodes[nodeIndex].SetNeighborVertIndex( direction, ( ( posY * extent ) + posX ) ); } } }
void CCoreDispInfo::CalcNodeInfo( int nodeIndex, int terminationLevel ) { // get the level of the current node
int level = GetNodeLevel( nodeIndex );
// get the node data at the termination level
if( level == terminationLevel ) { // get the neighbor vertex indices (used to create surface at node level)
CalcNeighborVertIndicesAtNode( nodeIndex, level );
// get the neighbor node indices
//CalcNeighborNodeIndicesAtNode( nodeIndex, level );
// calculate the error term at the node
CalcErrorTermAtNode( nodeIndex, level );
// calcluate the axial-aligned bounding box at the node
CalcBoundingBoxAtNode( nodeIndex );
// calculate the triangular surface info at the node
CalcTriSurfInfoAtNode( nodeIndex );
return; }
// continue recursion (down to nodes "children")
for( int i = 4; i < 8; i++ ) { int childIndex = GetNodeChild( m_Power, nodeIndex, i ); CalcNodeInfo( childIndex, terminationLevel ); } }
int CCoreDispInfo::GetNodeVertIndexFromParentIndex( int level, int parentVertIndex, int direction ) { // calculate the "shift"
int shift = ( 1 << ( m_Power - ( level + 1 ) ) );
// calculate the width and height of displacement (is uniform)
int extent = ( ( 1 << m_Power ) + 1 );
// get the parent vertex index in component form
int posX = parentVertIndex % extent; int posY = parentVertIndex / extent;
// calculate the child index based on the parent index and child
// direction
switch( direction ) { case SOUTHWEST: { posX -= shift; posY -= shift; break; } case SOUTHEAST: { posX += shift; posY -= shift; break; } case NORTHWEST: { posX -= shift; posY += shift; break; } case NORTHEAST: { posX += shift; posY += shift; break; } default: return -99999; }
// return the child vertex index
return ( ( posY * extent ) + posX ); }
void CCoreDispInfo::CalcVertIndicesAtNodes( int nodeIndex ) { //
// check for recursion termination ( node level = power )
int level = GetNodeLevel( nodeIndex ); if( level == m_Power ) return;
// get the children indices - SW, SE, NW, NE
int childIndices[4]; int i, j; for( i = 0, j = 4; i < 4; i++, j++ ) { childIndices[i] = GetNodeChild( m_Power, nodeIndex, j ); int centerIndex = GetNodeVertIndexFromParentIndex( level, m_Nodes[nodeIndex].GetCenterVertIndex(), j ); m_Nodes[childIndices[i]].SetCenterVertIndex( centerIndex ); }
// calculate the children's node vertex indices
for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { CalcVertIndicesAtNodes( childIndices[i] ); } }
void CCoreDispInfo::GenerateLODTree( void ) { //
// calculate the displacement surface's vertex index at each quad-tree node
// centroid
int size = GetSize(); int initialIndex = ( ( size - 1 ) >> 1 ); m_Nodes[0].SetCenterVertIndex( initialIndex ); CalcVertIndicesAtNodes( 0 );
// calculate the error terms, bounding boxes, and neighboring vertex indices
// at each node
for( int i = m_Power; i > 0; i-- ) { CalcNodeInfo( 0, i ); } }
void CCoreDispInfo::CalcDispSurfCoords( bool bLightMap, int lightmapID ) { //
// get base surface texture coords
Vector2D texCoords[4]; Vector2D luxelCoords[4]; CCoreDispSurface *pSurf = GetSurface();
int i; for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { pSurf->GetTexCoord( i, texCoords[i] ); pSurf->GetLuxelCoord( lightmapID, i, luxelCoords[i] ); }
// get images width and intervals along the edge
int postSpacing = GetPostSpacing(); float ooInt = ( 1.0f / ( float )( postSpacing - 1 ) );
// calculate the parallel edge intervals
Vector2D edgeInt[2]; if( !bLightMap ) { Vector2DSubtract( texCoords[1], texCoords[0], edgeInt[0] ); Vector2DSubtract( texCoords[2], texCoords[3], edgeInt[1] ); } else { Vector2DSubtract( luxelCoords[1], luxelCoords[0], edgeInt[0] ); Vector2DSubtract( luxelCoords[2], luxelCoords[3], edgeInt[1] ); } Vector2DMultiply( edgeInt[0], ooInt, edgeInt[0] ); Vector2DMultiply( edgeInt[1], ooInt, edgeInt[1] );
// calculate the displacement points
for( i = 0; i < postSpacing; i++ ) { //
// position along parallel edges (start and end for a perpendicular segment)
Vector2D endPts[2]; Vector2DMultiply( edgeInt[0], ( float )i, endPts[0] ); Vector2DMultiply( edgeInt[1], ( float )i, endPts[1] ); if( !bLightMap ) { Vector2DAdd( endPts[0], texCoords[0], endPts[0] ); Vector2DAdd( endPts[1], texCoords[3], endPts[1] ); } else { Vector2DAdd( endPts[0], luxelCoords[0], endPts[0] ); Vector2DAdd( endPts[1], luxelCoords[3], endPts[1] ); } //
// interval length for perpendicular edge
Vector2D seg, segInt; Vector2DSubtract( endPts[1], endPts[0], seg ); Vector2DMultiply( seg, ooInt, segInt );
// calculate the material (texture or light) coordinate at each point
for( int j = 0; j < postSpacing; j++ ) { Vector2DMultiply( segInt, ( float )j, seg );
if( !bLightMap ) { Vector2DAdd( endPts[0], seg, m_pVerts[i*postSpacing+j].m_TexCoord ); } else { Vector2DAdd( endPts[0], seg, m_pVerts[i*postSpacing+j].m_LuxelCoords[lightmapID] ); } } } }
#if 0
void CCoreDispInfo::CalcDispSurfAlphas( void ) { //
// get images width and intervals along the edge
int postSpacing = GetPostSpacing(); float ooInt = ( 1.0f / ( float )( postSpacing - 1 ) );
// calculate the parallel edge intervals
float edgeInt[2]; edgeInt[0] = m_Surf.m_Alpha[1] - m_Surf.m_Alpha[0]; edgeInt[1] = m_Surf.m_Alpha[2] - m_Surf.m_Alpha[3]; edgeInt[0] *= ooInt; edgeInt[1] *= ooInt;
// calculate the displacement points
for( int i = 0; i < postSpacing; i++ ) { //
// position along parallel edges (start and end for a perpendicular segment)
float endValues[2];
endValues[0] = edgeInt[0] * ( float )i; endValues[1] = edgeInt[1] * ( float )i; endValues[0] += m_Surf.m_Alpha[0]; endValues[1] += m_Surf.m_Alpha[3]; //
// interval length for perpendicular edge
float seg, segInt; seg = endValues[1] - endValues[0]; segInt = seg * ooInt;
// calculate the alpha value at each point
for( int j = 0; j < postSpacing; j++ ) { seg = segInt * ( float )j; m_Alphas[i*postSpacing+j] = endValues[0] + seg; } } } #endif
void CCoreDispInfo::GenerateDispSurfTangentSpaces( void ) { //
// get texture axes from base surface
CCoreDispSurface *pSurf = GetSurface(); Vector sAxis, tAxis; pSurf->GetSAxis( sAxis ); pSurf->GetTAxis( tAxis );
// calculate the tangent spaces
int size = GetSize(); for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { //
// create the axes - normals, tangents, and binormals
VectorCopy( tAxis, m_pVerts[i].m_TangentT ); VectorNormalize( m_pVerts[i].m_TangentT ); CrossProduct( m_pVerts[i].m_Normal, m_pVerts[i].m_TangentT, m_pVerts[i].m_TangentS ); VectorNormalize( m_pVerts[i].m_TangentS ); CrossProduct( m_pVerts[i].m_TangentS, m_pVerts[i].m_Normal, m_pVerts[i].m_TangentT ); VectorNormalize( m_pVerts[i].m_TangentT );
Vector tmpVect; Vector planeNormal; pSurf->GetNormal( planeNormal ); CrossProduct( sAxis, tAxis, tmpVect ); if( DotProduct( planeNormal, tmpVect ) > 0.0f ) { VectorScale( m_pVerts[i].m_TangentS, -1.0f, m_pVerts[i].m_TangentS ); } } }
void CCoreDispInfo::CalcNormalFromEdges( int indexRow, int indexCol, bool bIsEdge[4], Vector& normal ) { // get the post spacing (size/interval of displacement surface)
int postSpacing = ( ( 1 << m_Power ) + 1 );
// initialize the normal accumulator - counter
Vector accumNormal; int normalCount = 0;
VectorClear( accumNormal );
Vector tmpVect[2]; Vector tmpNormal;
// check quadrant I (posX, posY)
if( bIsEdge[1] && bIsEdge[2] ) { // tri i
VectorSubtract( m_pVerts[(indexCol+1)*postSpacing+indexRow].m_Vert, m_pVerts[indexCol*postSpacing+indexRow].m_Vert, tmpVect[0] ); VectorSubtract( m_pVerts[indexCol*postSpacing+(indexRow+1)].m_Vert, m_pVerts[indexCol*postSpacing+indexRow].m_Vert, tmpVect[1] ); CrossProduct( tmpVect[1], tmpVect[0], tmpNormal ); VectorNormalize( tmpNormal ); VectorAdd( accumNormal, tmpNormal, accumNormal ); normalCount++;
// tri 2
VectorSubtract( m_pVerts[(indexCol+1)*postSpacing+indexRow].m_Vert, m_pVerts[indexCol*postSpacing+(indexRow+1)].m_Vert, tmpVect[0] ); VectorSubtract( m_pVerts[(indexCol+1)*postSpacing+(indexRow+1)].m_Vert, m_pVerts[indexCol*postSpacing+(indexRow+1)].m_Vert, tmpVect[1] ); CrossProduct( tmpVect[1], tmpVect[0], tmpNormal ); VectorNormalize( tmpNormal ); VectorAdd( accumNormal, tmpNormal, accumNormal ); normalCount++; }
// check quadrant II (negX, posY)
if( bIsEdge[0] && bIsEdge[1] ) { // tri i
VectorSubtract( m_pVerts[(indexCol+1)*postSpacing+(indexRow-1)].m_Vert, m_pVerts[indexCol*postSpacing+(indexRow-1)].m_Vert, tmpVect[0] ); VectorSubtract( m_pVerts[indexCol*postSpacing+indexRow].m_Vert, m_pVerts[indexCol*postSpacing+(indexRow-1)].m_Vert, tmpVect[1] ); CrossProduct( tmpVect[1], tmpVect[0], tmpNormal ); VectorNormalize( tmpNormal ); VectorAdd( accumNormal, tmpNormal, accumNormal ); normalCount++;
// tri 2
VectorSubtract( m_pVerts[(indexCol+1)*postSpacing+(indexRow-1)].m_Vert, m_pVerts[indexCol*postSpacing+indexRow].m_Vert, tmpVect[0] ); VectorSubtract( m_pVerts[(indexCol+1)*postSpacing+indexRow].m_Vert, m_pVerts[indexCol*postSpacing+indexRow].m_Vert, tmpVect[1] ); CrossProduct( tmpVect[1], tmpVect[0], tmpNormal ); VectorNormalize( tmpNormal ); VectorAdd( accumNormal, tmpNormal, accumNormal ); normalCount++; }
// check quadrant III (negX, negY)
if( bIsEdge[0] && bIsEdge[3] ) { // tri i
VectorSubtract( m_pVerts[indexCol*postSpacing+(indexRow-1)].m_Vert, m_pVerts[(indexCol-1)*postSpacing+(indexRow-1)].m_Vert, tmpVect[0] ); VectorSubtract( m_pVerts[(indexCol-1)*postSpacing+indexRow].m_Vert, m_pVerts[(indexCol-1)*postSpacing+(indexRow-1)].m_Vert, tmpVect[1] ); CrossProduct( tmpVect[1], tmpVect[0], tmpNormal ); VectorNormalize( tmpNormal ); VectorAdd( accumNormal, tmpNormal, accumNormal ); normalCount++;
// tri 2
VectorSubtract( m_pVerts[indexCol*postSpacing+(indexRow-1)].m_Vert, m_pVerts[(indexCol-1)*postSpacing+indexRow].m_Vert, tmpVect[0] ); VectorSubtract( m_pVerts[indexCol*postSpacing+indexRow].m_Vert, m_pVerts[(indexCol-1)*postSpacing+indexRow].m_Vert, tmpVect[1] ); CrossProduct( tmpVect[1], tmpVect[0], tmpNormal ); VectorNormalize( tmpNormal ); VectorAdd( accumNormal, tmpNormal, accumNormal ); normalCount++; }
// check quadrant IV (posX, negY)
if( bIsEdge[2] && bIsEdge[3] ) { // tri i
VectorSubtract( m_pVerts[indexCol*postSpacing+indexRow].m_Vert, m_pVerts[(indexCol-1)*postSpacing+indexRow].m_Vert, tmpVect[0] ); VectorSubtract( m_pVerts[(indexCol-1)*postSpacing+(indexRow+1)].m_Vert, m_pVerts[(indexCol-1)*postSpacing+indexRow].m_Vert, tmpVect[1] ); CrossProduct( tmpVect[1], tmpVect[0], tmpNormal ); VectorNormalize( tmpNormal ); VectorAdd( accumNormal, tmpNormal, accumNormal ); normalCount++;
// tri 2
VectorSubtract( m_pVerts[indexCol*postSpacing+indexRow].m_Vert, m_pVerts[(indexCol-1)*postSpacing+(indexRow+1)].m_Vert, tmpVect[0] ); VectorSubtract( m_pVerts[indexCol*postSpacing+(indexRow+1)].m_Vert, m_pVerts[(indexCol-1)*postSpacing+(indexRow+1)].m_Vert, tmpVect[1] ); CrossProduct( tmpVect[1], tmpVect[0], tmpNormal ); VectorNormalize( tmpNormal ); VectorAdd( accumNormal, tmpNormal, accumNormal ); normalCount++; }
VectorScale( accumNormal, ( 1.0f / ( float )normalCount ), normal ); }
// Purpose: This function determines if edges exist in each of the directions
// off of the given point (given in component form). We know ahead of
// time that there are only 4 possibilities.
// 1 "directions"
// 0 + 2
// 3
// Input: indexRow - row position
// indexCol - col position
// direction - the direction (edge) currently being evaluated
// postSpacing - the number of intervals in the row and col directions
// Output: the edge existed? (true/false)
bool CCoreDispInfo::DoesEdgeExist( int indexRow, int indexCol, int direction, int postSpacing ) { switch( direction ) { case 0: // left edge
if( ( indexRow - 1 ) < 0 ) return false; return true; case 1: // top edge
if( ( indexCol + 1 ) > ( postSpacing - 1 ) ) return false; return true; case 2: // right edge
if( ( indexRow + 1 ) > ( postSpacing - 1 ) ) return false; return true; case 3: // bottom edge
if( ( indexCol - 1 ) < 0 ) return false; return true; default: return false; } }
void CCoreDispInfo::GenerateDispSurfNormals( void ) { // get the post spacing (size/interval of displacement surface)
int postSpacing = GetPostSpacing();
// generate the normals at each displacement surface vertex
for( int i = 0; i < postSpacing; i++ ) { for( int j = 0; j < postSpacing; j++ ) { bool bIsEdge[4];
// edges
for( int k = 0; k < 4; k++ ) { bIsEdge[k] = DoesEdgeExist( j, i, k, postSpacing ); }
Vector normal; CalcNormalFromEdges( j, i, bIsEdge, normal );
// save generated normal
VectorCopy( normal, m_pVerts[i*postSpacing+j].m_Normal ); } } }
void CCoreDispInfo::GenerateDispSurf( void ) { int i; CCoreDispSurface *pSurf = GetSurface(); Vector points[4]; for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { pSurf->GetPoint( i, points[i] ); }
// get the spacing (interval = width/height, are equal because it is uniform) along the edge
int postSpacing = GetPostSpacing(); float ooInt = 1.0f / ( float )( postSpacing - 1 );
// calculate the opposite edge intervals
Vector edgeInt[2]; VectorSubtract( points[1], points[0], edgeInt[0] ); VectorScale( edgeInt[0], ooInt, edgeInt[0] ); VectorSubtract( points[2], points[3], edgeInt[1] ); VectorScale( edgeInt[1], ooInt, edgeInt[1] );
Vector elevNormal; elevNormal.Init(); if( m_Elevation != 0.0f ) { pSurf->GetNormal( elevNormal ); VectorScale( elevNormal, m_Elevation, elevNormal ); }
// calculate the displaced vertices
for( i = 0; i < postSpacing; i++ ) { //
// calculate segment interval between opposite edges
Vector endPts[2]; VectorScale( edgeInt[0], ( float )i, endPts[0] ); VectorAdd( endPts[0], points[0], endPts[0] ); VectorScale( edgeInt[1], ( float )i, endPts[1] ); VectorAdd( endPts[1], points[3], endPts[1] );
Vector seg, segInt; VectorSubtract( endPts[1], endPts[0], seg ); VectorScale( seg, ooInt, segInt );
// calculate the surface vertices
for( int j = 0; j < postSpacing; j++ ) { int ndx = i * postSpacing + j;
CoreDispVert_t *pVert = &m_pVerts[ndx];
// calculate the flat surface position -- saved separately
pVert->m_FlatVert = endPts[0] + ( segInt * ( float )j );
// start with the base surface position
pVert->m_Vert = pVert->m_FlatVert;
// add the elevation vector -- if it exists
if( m_Elevation != 0.0f ) { pVert->m_Vert += elevNormal; }
// add the subdivision surface position
pVert->m_Vert += pVert->m_SubdivPos;
// add the displacement field direction(normalized) and distance
pVert->m_Vert += pVert->m_FieldVector * pVert->m_FieldDistance; } } }
//bool CCoreDispInfo::Create( int creationFlags )
bool CCoreDispInfo::Create( void ) { // sanity check
CCoreDispSurface *pSurf = GetSurface(); if( pSurf->GetPointCount() != 4 ) return false; // generate the displacement surface
GenerateDispSurf(); GenerateDispSurfNormals(); GenerateDispSurfTangentSpaces(); CalcDispSurfCoords( false, 0 ); for( int bumpID = 0; bumpID < ( NUM_BUMP_VECTS + 1 ); bumpID++ ) { CalcDispSurfCoords( true, bumpID ); } GenerateLODTree(); GenerateCollisionData(); CreateTris();
return true; }
// Purpose: Create a displacement surface without generating the LOD for it.
bool CCoreDispInfo::CreateWithoutLOD( void ) { // sanity check
CCoreDispSurface *pSurf = GetSurface(); if( pSurf->GetPointCount() != 4 ) return false; GenerateDispSurf(); GenerateDispSurfNormals(); GenerateDispSurfTangentSpaces(); CalcDispSurfCoords( false, 0 ); for( int bumpID = 0; bumpID < ( NUM_BUMP_VECTS + 1 ); bumpID++ ) { CalcDispSurfCoords( true, bumpID ); } GenerateCollisionData();
CreateTris(); return true; }
// Purpose: This function calculates the neighbor node index given the base
// node and direction of the neighbor node in the tree.
// Input: power - the size in one dimension of the displacement map (2^power + 1 )
// index - the "base" node index
// direction - the direction of the neighbor { W = 1, N = 2, E = 3, S = 4 }
// Output: returns the index of the neighbor node
int GetNodeNeighborNode( int power, int index, int direction, int level ) { // adjust the index to range [0...?]
int minNodeIndex = GetNodeMinNodeAtLevel( level );
// get node extent (uniform: height = width)
int nodeExtent = ( 1 << ( level - 1 ) );
// get node's component positions in quad-tree
int posX, posY; GetComponentsFromNodeIndex( ( index - minNodeIndex ), &posX, &posY );
// find the neighbor in the "direction"
switch( direction ) { case CCoreDispInfo::WEST: { if( ( posX - 1 ) < 0 ) { return -( CCoreDispInfo::WEST + 1 ); } else { return ( GetNodeIndexFromComponents( ( posX - 1 ), posY ) + minNodeIndex ); } } case CCoreDispInfo::NORTH: { if( ( posY + 1 ) == nodeExtent ) { return -( CCoreDispInfo::NORTH + 1 ); } else { return ( GetNodeIndexFromComponents( posX, ( posY + 1 ) ) + minNodeIndex ); } } case CCoreDispInfo::EAST: { if( ( posX + 1 ) == nodeExtent ) { return -( CCoreDispInfo::EAST + 1 ); } else { return ( GetNodeIndexFromComponents( ( posX + 1 ), posY ) + minNodeIndex ); } } case CCoreDispInfo::SOUTH: { if( ( posY - 1 ) < 0 ) { return -( CCoreDispInfo::SOUTH + 1 ); } else { return ( GetNodeIndexFromComponents( posX, ( posY - 1 ) ) + minNodeIndex ); } } default: { return -99999; } } }
int GetNodeNeighborNodeFromNeighborSurf( int power, int index, int direction, int level, int neighborOrient ) { // adjust the index to range [0...?]
int minNodeIndex = GetNodeMinNodeAtLevel( level );
// get node extent (uniform: height = width)
int nodeExtent = ( 1 << ( level - 1 ) );
// get node's component positions in quad-tree
int posX, posY; GetComponentsFromNodeIndex( ( index - minNodeIndex ), &posX, &posY );
switch( direction ) { case CCoreDispInfo::WEST: { switch( neighborOrient ) { case CCoreDispInfo::WEST: return -( ( GetNodeIndexFromComponents( posX, ( ( nodeExtent - 1 ) - posY ) ) ) + minNodeIndex ); case CCoreDispInfo::NORTH: return -( ( GetNodeIndexFromComponents( ( nodeExtent - 1 ) - posY, ( nodeExtent - 1 ) ) ) + minNodeIndex ); case CCoreDispInfo::EAST: return -( ( GetNodeIndexFromComponents( ( nodeExtent - 1 ), posY ) ) + minNodeIndex ); case CCoreDispInfo::SOUTH: return -( ( GetNodeIndexFromComponents( posY, posX ) ) + minNodeIndex ); default: return -99999; } } case CCoreDispInfo::NORTH: { switch( neighborOrient ) { case CCoreDispInfo::WEST: return -( ( GetNodeIndexFromComponents( ( ( nodeExtent - 1 ) - posY ), ( ( nodeExtent - 1 ) - posX ) ) ) + minNodeIndex ); case CCoreDispInfo::NORTH: return -( ( GetNodeIndexFromComponents( ( ( nodeExtent - 1 ) - posX ), posY ) ) + minNodeIndex ); case CCoreDispInfo::EAST: return -( ( GetNodeIndexFromComponents( posY, posX ) ) + minNodeIndex ); case CCoreDispInfo::SOUTH: return -( ( GetNodeIndexFromComponents( posX, ( ( nodeExtent - 1 ) - posY ) ) ) + minNodeIndex ); default: return -99999; } } case CCoreDispInfo::EAST: { switch( neighborOrient ) { case CCoreDispInfo::WEST: return -( ( GetNodeIndexFromComponents( ( ( nodeExtent - 1 ) - posX ), posY ) ) + minNodeIndex ); case CCoreDispInfo::NORTH: return -( ( GetNodeIndexFromComponents( posY, posX ) ) + minNodeIndex ); case CCoreDispInfo::EAST: return -( ( GetNodeIndexFromComponents( posX, ( ( nodeExtent - 1 ) - posY ) ) ) + minNodeIndex ); case CCoreDispInfo::SOUTH: return -( ( GetNodeIndexFromComponents( ( ( nodeExtent - 1 ) - posY ), ( ( nodeExtent - 1 ) - posX ) ) ) + minNodeIndex ); default: return -99999; } } case CCoreDispInfo::SOUTH: { switch( neighborOrient ) { case CCoreDispInfo::WEST: return -( ( GetNodeIndexFromComponents( posY, posX ) ) + minNodeIndex ); case CCoreDispInfo::NORTH: return -( ( GetNodeIndexFromComponents( posX, ( nodeExtent - 1 ) ) ) + minNodeIndex ); case CCoreDispInfo::EAST: return -( ( GetNodeIndexFromComponents( ( nodeExtent - 1 ), ( ( nodeExtent - 1 ) - posX ) ) ) + minNodeIndex ); case CCoreDispInfo::SOUTH: return -( ( GetNodeIndexFromComponents( ( ( nodeExtent - 1 ) - posX ), posY ) ) + minNodeIndex ); default: return -99999; } } default: { return -99999; } } }
// Turn the optimizer back on
#pragma optimize( "", on )
void CCoreDispInfo::GetPositionOnSurface( float u, float v, Vector &vPos, Vector *pNormal, float *pAlpha ) { Vector2D dispUV( u, v ); DispUVToSurf( dispUV, vPos, pNormal, pAlpha ); }
void CCoreDispInfo::BaseFacePlaneToDispUV( Vector const &planePt, Vector2D &dispUV ) { // Get the base surface points.
CCoreDispSurface *pSurf = GetSurface(); Vector vecPoints[4]; for( int iPoint = 0; iPoint < 4; ++iPoint ) { pSurf->GetPoint( iPoint, vecPoints[iPoint] ); }
PointInQuadToBarycentric( vecPoints[0], vecPoints[3], vecPoints[2], vecPoints[1], planePt, dispUV ); }
// Purpose:
void CCoreDispInfo::DispUVToSurf_TriTLToBR_1( const Vector &vecIntersectPoint, int nSnapU, int nNextU, int nSnapV, int nNextV, Vector &vecPoint, Vector *pNormal, float *pAlpha, bool bBackup ) { int nWidth = GetWidth();
int nIndices[3]; nIndices[0] = nNextV * nWidth + nSnapU; nIndices[1] = nNextV * nWidth + nNextU; nIndices[2] = nSnapV * nWidth + nNextU;
Vector vecFlatVerts[3], vecVerts[3]; float flAlphas[3]; for ( int iVert = 0; iVert < 3; ++iVert ) { vecFlatVerts[iVert] = m_pVerts[nIndices[iVert]].m_FlatVert; vecVerts[iVert] = m_pVerts[nIndices[iVert]].m_Vert; flAlphas[iVert] = m_pVerts[nIndices[iVert]].m_Alpha; }
if ( nSnapU == nNextU ) { if ( nSnapV == nNextV ) { vecPoint = vecVerts[0]; *pAlpha = flAlphas[0]; } else { float flFrac = ( vecIntersectPoint - vecFlatVerts[0] ).Length() / ( vecFlatVerts[2] - vecFlatVerts[0] ).Length(); vecPoint = vecVerts[0] + ( flFrac * ( vecVerts[2] - vecVerts[0] ) ); if ( pAlpha ) { *pAlpha = flAlphas[0] + ( flFrac * ( flAlphas[2] - flAlphas[0] ) ); } }
if( pNormal ) { Vector edgeU = vecVerts[0] - vecVerts[1]; Vector edgeV = vecVerts[2] - vecVerts[1]; *pNormal = CrossProduct( edgeU, edgeV ); VectorNormalize( *pNormal ); } } else if ( nSnapV == nNextV ) { if ( nSnapU == nNextU ) { vecPoint = vecVerts[0]; *pAlpha = flAlphas[0]; } else { float flFrac = ( vecIntersectPoint - vecFlatVerts[0] ).Length() / ( vecFlatVerts[2] - vecFlatVerts[0] ).Length(); vecPoint = vecVerts[0] + ( flFrac * ( vecVerts[2] - vecVerts[0] ) ); if ( pAlpha ) { *pAlpha = flAlphas[0] + ( flFrac * ( flAlphas[2] - flAlphas[0] ) ); } }
if( pNormal ) { Vector edgeU = vecVerts[0] - vecVerts[1]; Vector edgeV = vecVerts[2] - vecVerts[1]; *pNormal = CrossProduct( edgeU, edgeV ); VectorNormalize( *pNormal ); } } else { float flCfs[3]; if ( CalcBarycentricCooefs( vecFlatVerts[0], vecFlatVerts[1], vecFlatVerts[2], vecIntersectPoint, flCfs[0], flCfs[1], flCfs[2] ) ) { vecPoint = ( vecVerts[0] * flCfs[0] ) + ( vecVerts[1] * flCfs[1] ) + ( vecVerts[2] * flCfs[2] );
if( pAlpha ) { *pAlpha = ( flAlphas[0] * flCfs[0] ) + ( flAlphas[1] * flCfs[1] ) + ( flAlphas[2] * flCfs[2] ); } if( pNormal ) { Vector edgeU = vecVerts[0] - vecVerts[1]; Vector edgeV = vecVerts[2] - vecVerts[1]; *pNormal = CrossProduct( edgeU, edgeV ); VectorNormalize( *pNormal ); } } else { if ( !bBackup ) { DispUVToSurf_TriTLToBR_2( vecIntersectPoint, nSnapU, nNextU, nSnapV, nNextV, vecPoint, pNormal, pAlpha, true ); } } } }
// Purpose:
void CCoreDispInfo::DispUVToSurf_TriTLToBR_2( const Vector &vecIntersectPoint, int nSnapU, int nNextU, int nSnapV, int nNextV, Vector &vecPoint, Vector *pNormal, float *pAlpha, bool bBackup ) { int nWidth = GetWidth();
int nIndices[3]; nIndices[0] = nSnapV * nWidth + nSnapU; nIndices[1] = nNextV * nWidth + nSnapU; nIndices[2] = nSnapV * nWidth + nNextU;
Vector vecFlatVerts[3], vecVerts[3]; float flAlphas[3]; for ( int iVert = 0; iVert < 3; ++iVert ) { vecFlatVerts[iVert] = m_pVerts[nIndices[iVert]].m_FlatVert; vecVerts[iVert] = m_pVerts[nIndices[iVert]].m_Vert; flAlphas[iVert] = m_pVerts[nIndices[iVert]].m_Alpha; }
if ( nSnapU == nNextU ) { if ( nSnapV == nNextV ) { vecPoint = vecVerts[0]; *pAlpha = flAlphas[0]; } else { float flFrac = ( vecIntersectPoint - vecFlatVerts[0] ).Length() / ( vecFlatVerts[1] - vecFlatVerts[0] ).Length(); vecPoint = vecVerts[0] + ( flFrac * ( vecVerts[1] - vecVerts[0] ) ); if ( pAlpha ) { *pAlpha = flAlphas[0] + ( flFrac * ( flAlphas[1] - flAlphas[0] ) ); } }
if( pNormal ) { Vector edgeU = vecVerts[2] - vecVerts[0]; Vector edgeV = vecVerts[1] - vecVerts[0]; *pNormal = CrossProduct( edgeU, edgeV ); VectorNormalize( *pNormal ); } } else if ( nSnapV == nNextV ) { if ( nSnapU == nNextU ) { vecPoint = vecVerts[0]; *pAlpha = flAlphas[0]; } else { float flFrac = ( vecIntersectPoint - vecFlatVerts[0] ).Length() / ( vecFlatVerts[2] - vecFlatVerts[0] ).Length(); vecPoint = vecVerts[0] + ( flFrac * ( vecVerts[2] - vecVerts[0] ) ); if ( pAlpha ) { *pAlpha = flAlphas[0] + ( flFrac * ( flAlphas[2] - flAlphas[0] ) ); } }
if( pNormal ) { Vector edgeU = vecVerts[2] - vecVerts[0]; Vector edgeV = vecVerts[1] - vecVerts[0]; *pNormal = CrossProduct( edgeU, edgeV ); VectorNormalize( *pNormal ); } } else { float flCfs[3]; if ( CalcBarycentricCooefs( vecFlatVerts[0], vecFlatVerts[1], vecFlatVerts[2], vecIntersectPoint, flCfs[0], flCfs[1], flCfs[2] ) ) { vecPoint = ( vecVerts[0] * flCfs[0] ) + ( vecVerts[1] * flCfs[1] ) + ( vecVerts[2] * flCfs[2] );
if( pAlpha ) { *pAlpha = ( flAlphas[0] * flCfs[0] ) + ( flAlphas[1] * flCfs[1] ) + ( flAlphas[2] * flCfs[2] ); } if( pNormal ) { Vector edgeU = vecVerts[2] - vecVerts[0]; Vector edgeV = vecVerts[1] - vecVerts[0]; *pNormal = CrossProduct( edgeU, edgeV ); VectorNormalize( *pNormal ); } } else { if ( !bBackup ) { DispUVToSurf_TriTLToBR_1( vecIntersectPoint, nSnapU, nNextU, nSnapV, nNextV, vecPoint, pNormal, pAlpha, true ); } } } }
// Purpose:
void CCoreDispInfo::DispUVToSurf_TriTLToBR( Vector &vecPoint, Vector *pNormal, float *pAlpha, float flU, float flV, const Vector &vecIntersectPoint ) { const float TRIEDGE_EPSILON = 0.00001f;
int nWidth = GetWidth(); int nHeight = GetHeight();
int nSnapU = static_cast<int>( flU ); int nSnapV = static_cast<int>( flV ); int nNextU = nSnapU + 1; int nNextV = nSnapV + 1; if ( nNextU == nWidth) { --nNextU; } if ( nNextV == nHeight ) { --nNextV; }
float flFracU = flU - static_cast<float>( nSnapU ); float flFracV = flV - static_cast<float>( nSnapV );
if ( ( flFracU + flFracV ) >= ( 1.0f + TRIEDGE_EPSILON ) ) { DispUVToSurf_TriTLToBR_1( vecIntersectPoint, nSnapU, nNextU, nSnapV, nNextV, vecPoint, pNormal, pAlpha, false ); } else { DispUVToSurf_TriTLToBR_2( vecIntersectPoint, nSnapU, nNextU, nSnapV, nNextV, vecPoint, pNormal, pAlpha, false ); } }
// Purpose:
void CCoreDispInfo::DispUVToSurf_TriBLToTR_1( const Vector &vecIntersectPoint, int nSnapU, int nNextU, int nSnapV, int nNextV, Vector &vecPoint, Vector *pNormal, float *pAlpha, bool bBackup ) { int nWidth = GetWidth();
int nIndices[3]; nIndices[0] = nSnapV * nWidth + nSnapU; nIndices[1] = nNextV * nWidth + nSnapU; nIndices[2] = nNextV * nWidth + nNextU;
Vector vecFlatVerts[3], vecVerts[3]; float flAlphas[3]; for ( int iVert = 0; iVert < 3; ++iVert ) { vecFlatVerts[iVert] = m_pVerts[nIndices[iVert]].m_FlatVert; vecVerts[iVert] = m_pVerts[nIndices[iVert]].m_Vert; flAlphas[iVert] = m_pVerts[nIndices[iVert]].m_Alpha; }
if ( nSnapU == nNextU ) { if ( nSnapV == nNextV ) { vecPoint = vecVerts[0]; *pAlpha = flAlphas[0]; } else { float flFrac = ( vecIntersectPoint - vecFlatVerts[0] ).Length() / ( vecFlatVerts[2] - vecFlatVerts[0] ).Length(); vecPoint = vecVerts[0] + ( flFrac * ( vecVerts[2] - vecVerts[0] ) ); if ( pAlpha ) { *pAlpha = flAlphas[0] + ( flFrac * ( flAlphas[2] - flAlphas[0] ) ); } }
if( pNormal ) { Vector edgeU = vecVerts[2] - vecVerts[1]; Vector edgeV = vecVerts[0] - vecVerts[1]; *pNormal = CrossProduct( edgeU, edgeV ); VectorNormalize( *pNormal ); } } else if ( nSnapV == nNextV ) { if ( nSnapU == nNextU ) { vecPoint = vecVerts[0]; *pAlpha = flAlphas[0]; } else { float flFrac = ( vecIntersectPoint - vecFlatVerts[0] ).Length() / ( vecFlatVerts[2] - vecFlatVerts[0] ).Length(); vecPoint = vecVerts[0] + ( flFrac * ( vecVerts[2] - vecVerts[0] ) ); if ( pAlpha ) { *pAlpha = flAlphas[0] + ( flFrac * ( flAlphas[2] - flAlphas[0] ) ); } }
if( pNormal ) { Vector edgeU = vecVerts[2] - vecVerts[1]; Vector edgeV = vecVerts[0] - vecVerts[1]; *pNormal = CrossProduct( edgeV, edgeU ); VectorNormalize( *pNormal ); } } else { float flCfs[3]; if ( CalcBarycentricCooefs( vecFlatVerts[0], vecFlatVerts[1], vecFlatVerts[2], vecIntersectPoint, flCfs[0], flCfs[1], flCfs[2] ) ) { vecPoint = ( vecVerts[0] * flCfs[0] ) + ( vecVerts[1] * flCfs[1] ) + ( vecVerts[2] * flCfs[2] ); if( pAlpha ) { *pAlpha = ( flAlphas[0] * flCfs[0] ) + ( flAlphas[1] * flCfs[1] ) + ( flAlphas[2] * flCfs[2] ); }
if( pNormal ) { Vector edgeU = vecVerts[2] - vecVerts[1]; Vector edgeV = vecVerts[0] - vecVerts[1]; *pNormal = CrossProduct( edgeV, edgeU ); VectorNormalize( *pNormal ); } } else { if ( !bBackup ) { DispUVToSurf_TriBLToTR_2( vecIntersectPoint, nSnapU, nNextU, nSnapV, nNextV, vecPoint, pNormal, pAlpha, true ); } } } }
// Purpose:
void CCoreDispInfo::DispUVToSurf_TriBLToTR_2( const Vector &vecIntersectPoint, int nSnapU, int nNextU, int nSnapV, int nNextV, Vector &vecPoint, Vector *pNormal, float *pAlpha, bool bBackup ) { int nWidth = GetWidth();
int nIndices[3]; nIndices[0] = nSnapV * nWidth + nSnapU; nIndices[1] = nNextV * nWidth + nNextU; nIndices[2] = nSnapV * nWidth + nNextU;
Vector vecFlatVerts[3], vecVerts[3]; float flAlphas[3]; for ( int iVert = 0; iVert < 3; ++iVert ) { vecFlatVerts[iVert] = m_pVerts[nIndices[iVert]].m_FlatVert; vecVerts[iVert] = m_pVerts[nIndices[iVert]].m_Vert; flAlphas[iVert] = m_pVerts[nIndices[iVert]].m_Alpha; }
if ( nSnapU == nNextU ) { if ( nSnapV == nNextV ) { vecPoint = vecVerts[0]; *pAlpha = flAlphas[0]; } else { float flFrac = ( vecIntersectPoint - vecFlatVerts[0] ).Length() / ( vecFlatVerts[1] - vecFlatVerts[0] ).Length(); vecPoint = vecVerts[0] + ( flFrac * ( vecVerts[1] - vecVerts[0] ) ); if ( pAlpha ) { *pAlpha = flAlphas[0] + ( flFrac * ( flAlphas[1] - flAlphas[0] ) ); } }
if( pNormal ) { Vector edgeU = vecVerts[0] - vecVerts[2]; Vector edgeV = vecVerts[1] - vecVerts[2]; *pNormal = CrossProduct( edgeV, edgeU ); VectorNormalize( *pNormal ); } } else if ( nSnapV == nNextV ) { if ( nSnapU == nNextU ) { vecPoint = vecVerts[0]; *pAlpha = flAlphas[0]; } else { float flFrac = ( vecIntersectPoint - vecFlatVerts[0] ).Length() / ( vecFlatVerts[2] - vecFlatVerts[0] ).Length(); vecPoint = vecVerts[0] + ( flFrac * ( vecVerts[2] - vecVerts[0] ) );
if ( pAlpha ) { *pAlpha = flAlphas[0] + ( flFrac * ( flAlphas[2] - flAlphas[0] ) ); } }
if( pNormal ) { Vector edgeU = vecVerts[0] - vecVerts[2]; Vector edgeV = vecVerts[1] - vecVerts[2]; *pNormal = CrossProduct( edgeV, edgeU ); VectorNormalize( *pNormal ); } } else { float flCfs[3]; if ( CalcBarycentricCooefs( vecFlatVerts[0], vecFlatVerts[1], vecFlatVerts[2], vecIntersectPoint, flCfs[0], flCfs[1], flCfs[2] ) ) { vecPoint = ( vecVerts[0] * flCfs[0] ) + ( vecVerts[1] * flCfs[1] ) + ( vecVerts[2] * flCfs[2] ); if( pAlpha ) { *pAlpha = ( flAlphas[0] * flCfs[0] ) + ( flAlphas[1] * flCfs[1] ) + ( flAlphas[2] * flCfs[2] ); }
if( pNormal ) { Vector edgeU = vecVerts[0] - vecVerts[2]; Vector edgeV = vecVerts[1] - vecVerts[2]; *pNormal = CrossProduct( edgeV, edgeU ); VectorNormalize( *pNormal ); } } else { if ( !bBackup ) { DispUVToSurf_TriBLToTR_1( vecIntersectPoint, nSnapU, nNextU, nSnapV, nNextV, vecPoint, pNormal, pAlpha, true ); } } } }
// Purpose:
void CCoreDispInfo::DispUVToSurf_TriBLToTR( Vector &vecPoint, Vector *pNormal, float *pAlpha, float flU, float flV, const Vector &vecIntersectPoint ) { int nWidth = GetWidth(); int nHeight = GetHeight();
int nSnapU = static_cast<int>( flU ); int nSnapV = static_cast<int>( flV ); int nNextU = nSnapU + 1; int nNextV = nSnapV + 1; if ( nNextU == nWidth) { --nNextU; } if ( nNextV == nHeight ) { --nNextV; }
float flFracU = flU - static_cast<float>( nSnapU ); float flFracV = flV - static_cast<float>( nSnapV );
if( flFracU < flFracV ) { DispUVToSurf_TriBLToTR_1( vecIntersectPoint, nSnapU, nNextU, nSnapV, nNextV, vecPoint, pNormal, pAlpha, false ); } else { DispUVToSurf_TriBLToTR_2( vecIntersectPoint, nSnapU, nNextU, nSnapV, nNextV, vecPoint, pNormal, pAlpha, false ); } }
void CCoreDispInfo::DispUVToSurf( Vector2D const &dispUV, Vector &vecPoint, Vector *pNormal, float *pAlpha ) { // Check to see that the point is on the surface.
if ( dispUV.x < 0.0f || dispUV.x > 1.0f || dispUV.y < 0.0f || dispUV.y > 1.0f ) return;
// Get the base surface points.
Vector vecIntersectPoint; CCoreDispSurface *pSurf = GetSurface(); PointInQuadFromBarycentric( pSurf->GetPoint( 0 ), pSurf->GetPoint( 3 ), pSurf->GetPoint( 2 ), pSurf->GetPoint( 1 ), dispUV, vecIntersectPoint );
// Get the displacement power.
int nWidth = GetWidth(); int nHeight = GetHeight(); // Scale the U, V coordinates to the displacement grid size.
float flU = dispUV.x * ( static_cast<float>( nWidth ) - 1.000001f ); float flV = dispUV.y * ( static_cast<float>( nHeight ) - 1.000001f );
// Find the base U, V.
int nSnapU = static_cast<int>( flU ); int nSnapV = static_cast<int>( flV );
// Use this to get the triangle orientation.
bool bOdd = ( ( ( nSnapV * nWidth ) + nSnapU ) % 2 == 1 );
// Top Left to Bottom Right
if( bOdd ) { DispUVToSurf_TriTLToBR( vecPoint, pNormal, pAlpha, flU, flV, vecIntersectPoint ); } // Bottom Left to Top Right
else { DispUVToSurf_TriBLToTR( vecPoint, pNormal, pAlpha, flU, flV, vecIntersectPoint ); } }
// Purpose: Create bounding boxes around pairs of triangles (in a grid-like)
// fashion; used for culling
void CCoreDispInfo::CreateBoundingBoxes( CoreDispBBox_t *pBBox, int count ) { //
// Initialize the bounding boxes.
int iBox; for( iBox = 0; iBox < count; ++iBox ) { pBBox[iBox].vMin.Init( FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX ); pBBox[iBox].vMax.Init( FLT_MIN, FLT_MIN, FLT_MIN ); }
// Get the width and height of the displacement surface.
int nHeight = GetHeight(); int nWidth = GetWidth();
// Find bounding box of every two consecutive triangles
iBox = 0; int nIndex = 0; for( int iHgt = 0; iHgt < ( nHeight - 1 ); ++iHgt ) { for( int iWid = 0; iWid < ( nWidth - 1 ); ++iWid ) { for( int iPoint = 0; iPoint < 4; ++iPoint ) { switch( iPoint ) { case 0: { nIndex = ( nHeight * iHgt ) + iWid; break; } case 1: { nIndex = ( nHeight * ( iHgt + 1 ) ) + iWid; break; } case 2: { nIndex = ( nHeight * ( iHgt + 1 ) ) + ( iWid + 1 ); break; } case 3: { nIndex = ( nHeight * iHgt ) + ( iWid + 1 ); break; } default: { break; } }
Vector vecPoint; GetVert( nIndex, vecPoint ); if( vecPoint[0] < pBBox[iBox].vMin[0] ) { pBBox[iBox].vMin[0] = vecPoint[0]; } if( vecPoint[1] < pBBox[iBox].vMin[1] ) { pBBox[iBox].vMin[1] = vecPoint[1]; } if( vecPoint[2] < pBBox[iBox].vMin[2] ) { pBBox[iBox].vMin[2] = vecPoint[2]; } if( vecPoint[0] > pBBox[iBox].vMax[0] ) { pBBox[iBox].vMax[0] = vecPoint[0]; } if( vecPoint[1] > pBBox[iBox].vMax[1] ) { pBBox[iBox].vMax[1] = vecPoint[1]; } if( vecPoint[2] > pBBox[iBox].vMax[2] ) { pBBox[iBox].vMax[2] = vecPoint[2]; } }
iBox++; } }
// Verify.
Assert( iBox == count );
// Bloat.
for ( iBox = 0; iBox < count; ++iBox ) { for( int iAxis = 0; iAxis < 3; ++iAxis ) { pBBox[iBox].vMin[iAxis] -= 1.0f; pBBox[iBox].vMax[iAxis] += 1.0f; } } }
inline bool PointInDispBBox( CoreDispBBox_t *pBox, const Vector &vecPoint ) { // Check to see if point lies in box
if( ( vecPoint.x < pBox->vMin.x ) || ( vecPoint.x > pBox->vMax.x ) ) return false; if( ( vecPoint.y < pBox->vMin.y ) || ( vecPoint.y > pBox->vMax.y ) ) return false; if( ( vecPoint.z < pBox->vMin.z ) || ( vecPoint.z > pBox->vMax.z ) ) return false;
return true; }
void CCoreDispInfo::GetTriangleIndicesForDispBBox( int nIndex, int nTris[2][3] ) { // Test to see whether or not the index is odd.
bool bOdd = ( ( nIndex % 2 ) == 1 );
int nWidth = GetWidth();
// Tris for TLtoBR
if ( bOdd ) { nTris[0][0] = nIndex; nTris[0][1] = nIndex + nWidth; nTris[0][2] = nIndex + 1; nTris[1][0] = nIndex + 1; nTris[1][1] = nIndex + nWidth; nTris[1][2] = nIndex + nWidth + 1; } // Tris for BLtoTR
else { nTris[0][0] = nIndex; nTris[0][1] = nIndex + nWidth; nTris[0][2] = nIndex + nWidth + 1; nTris[1][0] = nIndex; nTris[1][1] = nIndex + nWidth + 1; nTris[1][2] = nIndex + 1; } }
bool CCoreDispInfo::SurfToBaseFacePlane( Vector const &surfPt, Vector &planePt ) { // Create bounding boxes
int nBoxCount = ( GetHeight() - 1 ) * ( GetWidth() - 1 ); CoreDispBBox_t *pBBox = new CoreDispBBox_t[nBoxCount]; CreateBoundingBoxes( pBBox, nBoxCount );
// Use the boxes as a first-pass culling mechanism.
for( int iBox = 0; iBox < nBoxCount; ++iBox ) { // Get the current displacement triangle-pair bounding-box.
CoreDispBBox_t *pBox = &pBBox[iBox]; if( !pBox ) continue;
// Check the point against the current displacement bounding-box.
if ( !PointInDispBBox( pBox, surfPt ) ) continue;
// Point lies within the bounding box.
int nIndex = iBox + ( iBox / ( GetWidth() - 1 ) );
// Get the triangle coordinates for this box.
int aTris[2][3]; GetTriangleIndicesForDispBBox( nIndex, aTris ); // Barycentrically test the triangles on the displacement surface.
Vector vecPoints[3]; for ( int iTri = 0; iTri < 2; ++iTri ) { for ( int iVert = 0; iVert < 3; ++iVert ) { GetVert( aTris[iTri][iVert], vecPoints[iVert] ); }
float c[3]; if ( CalcBarycentricCooefs( vecPoints[0], vecPoints[1], vecPoints[2], surfPt, c[0], c[1], c[2] ) ) { Vector vecFlatPoints[3]; for ( int iVert = 0; iVert < 3; ++iVert ) { GetFlatVert( aTris[iTri][iVert], vecFlatPoints[iVert] ); }
planePt = ( vecFlatPoints[0] * c[0] ) + ( vecFlatPoints[1] * c[1] ) + ( vecFlatPoints[2] * c[2] );
// Delete temporary memory.
delete [] pBBox; return true; } } }
// Delete temporary memory
delete [] pBBox; return false; }
// Purpose:
int CCoreDispInfo::GetTriCount( void ) { return ( ( GetHeight() - 1 ) * ( GetWidth() -1 ) * 2 ); }
// Purpose:
void CCoreDispInfo::GetTriIndices( int iTri, unsigned short &v1, unsigned short &v2, unsigned short &v3 ) { // Verify we have the correct data (only build when collision data is built).
if ( !m_pTris || ( iTri < 0 ) || ( iTri >= GetTriCount() ) ) { Assert( iTri >= 0 ); Assert( iTri < GetTriCount() ); Assert( m_pTris ); return; }
CoreDispTri_t *pTri = &m_pTris[iTri]; v1 = pTri->m_iIndex[0]; v2 = pTri->m_iIndex[1]; v3 = pTri->m_iIndex[2]; }
// Purpose:
void CCoreDispInfo::SetTriIndices( int iTri, unsigned short v1, unsigned short v2, unsigned short v3 ) { // Verify we have the correct data (only build when collision data is built).
if ( !m_pTris || ( iTri < 0 ) || ( iTri >= GetTriCount() ) ) { Assert( iTri >= 0 ); Assert( iTri < GetTriCount() ); Assert( m_pTris ); return; }
CoreDispTri_t *pTri = &m_pTris[iTri]; pTri->m_iIndex[0] = v1; pTri->m_iIndex[1] = v2; pTri->m_iIndex[2] = v3; }
// Purpose:
void CCoreDispInfo::GetTriPos( int iTri, Vector &v1, Vector &v2, Vector &v3 ) { // Verify we have the correct data (only build when collision data is built).
if ( !m_pTris || ( iTri < 0 ) || ( iTri >= GetTriCount() ) ) { Assert( iTri >= 0 ); Assert( iTri < GetTriCount() ); Assert( m_pTris ); return; }
CoreDispTri_t *pTri = &m_pTris[iTri]; v1 = m_pVerts[pTri->m_iIndex[0]].m_Vert; v2 = m_pVerts[pTri->m_iIndex[1]].m_Vert; v3 = m_pVerts[pTri->m_iIndex[2]].m_Vert; }
// Purpose:
void CCoreDispInfo::InitTris( void ) { // Verify we have the correct data (only build when collision data is built).
if ( !m_pTris ) { Assert( m_pTris ); return; }
int nTriCount = GetTriCount(); for ( int iTri = 0; iTri < nTriCount; ++iTri ) { m_pTris[iTri].m_uiTags = 0; } }
// Purpose:
void CCoreDispInfo::CreateTris( void ) { // Verify we have the correct data (only build when collision data is built).
if ( !m_pTris ) { Assert( m_pTris ); return; }
// Extra sanity check if wanted!
Assert( GetTriCount() == ( m_RenderIndexCount / 3 ) );
int nTriCount = GetTriCount(); for ( int iTri = 0, iRender = 0; iTri < nTriCount; ++iTri, iRender += 3 ) { m_pTris[iTri].m_iIndex[0] = m_RenderIndices[iRender]; m_pTris[iTri].m_iIndex[1] = m_RenderIndices[iRender+1]; m_pTris[iTri].m_iIndex[2] = m_RenderIndices[iRender+2]; } }
// Purpose:
bool CCoreDispInfo::IsTriWalkable( int iTri ) { if ( IsTriTag( iTri, COREDISPTRI_TAG_FORCE_WALKABLE_BIT ) ) { return IsTriTag( iTri, COREDISPTRI_TAG_FORCE_WALKABLE_VAL ); }
return IsTriTag( iTri, COREDISPTRI_TAG_WALKABLE ); }
// Purpose:
bool CCoreDispInfo::IsTriBuildable( int iTri ) { if ( IsTriTag( iTri, COREDISPTRI_TAG_FORCE_BUILDABLE_BIT ) ) { return IsTriTag( iTri, COREDISPTRI_TAG_FORCE_BUILDABLE_VAL ); }
// Purpose:
bool CCoreDispInfo::IsTriRemove( int iTri ) { return IsTriTag( iTri, COREDISPTRI_TAG_FORCE_REMOVE_BIT ); }
// Purpose:
void CCoreDispInfo::Position_Update( int iVert, Vector vecPos ) { Vector vSPos, vFlat; GetFlatVert( iVert, vFlat ); GetSubdivPosition( iVert, vSPos ); Vector vSeg; vSeg = vecPos - vFlat; vSeg -= vSPos; // Subtract out the elevation.
float elev = GetElevation(); if( elev != 0.0 ) { Vector vNormal; GetSurface()->GetNormal( vNormal ); vNormal *= elev; vSeg -= vNormal; } float flDistance = VectorNormalize( vSeg ); SetFieldVector( iVert, vSeg ); SetFieldDistance( iVert, flDistance ); }