//====== Copyright (c), Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// Purpose: Provides a scheduled function manager that will bucket events into
// time chunks and execute them as time elapses
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
namespace GCSDK {
//interface for events that can be scheduled to run on the GC base
class IGCScheduledFunction { public: IGCScheduledFunction() : m_nAbsScheduleBucket( knInvalidBucket ) {} virtual ~IGCScheduledFunction(); //called in response to our event time elapsing
virtual void OnEvent() = 0;
bool BIsScheduled() const { return m_nAbsScheduleBucket != IGCScheduledFunction::knInvalidBucket; }
private: //the absolute bucket that we were scheduled in (or invalid). Used to enable deregistering
friend class CScheduledFunctionMgr; uint32 m_nAbsScheduleBucket; uint32 m_nLLIndex; static const uint32 knInvalidBucket = ( uint32 )-1; };
//utility for scheduling a global function
class CGlobalScheduledFunction : public IGCScheduledFunction { public:
CGlobalScheduledFunction(); typedef void ( *func_t )();
void ScheduleMS( func_t pfn, uint32 nDelayMS ); void ScheduleSecond( func_t pfn, uint32 nDelaySecond ); void ScheduleMinute( func_t pfn, uint32 nDelayMinute ); void Cancel();
virtual void OnEvent() OVERRIDE;
private: func_t m_pfn; };
//the same as the above, but automatically deletes the object once the event is fired
class CGlobalScheduledFunctionAutoDelete : public CGlobalScheduledFunction { public: CGlobalScheduledFunctionAutoDelete() {}
virtual void OnEvent() OVERRIDE { CGlobalScheduledFunction::OnEvent(); delete this; } };
//utility for scheduling a member function
template< class T > class CScheduledFunction : public IGCScheduledFunction { public: CScheduledFunction() : m_pObj( NULL ), m_pfn( NULL ) {}
typedef void ( T::*func_t )();
void ScheduleMS( T* pObj, func_t pfn, uint32 nDelayMS ) { m_pObj = pObj; m_pfn = pfn; GScheduledFunctionMgr().ScheduleMS( this, nDelayMS ); }
void ScheduleSecond( T* pObj, func_t pfn, uint32 nDelaySecond ) { m_pObj = pObj; m_pfn = pfn; GScheduledFunctionMgr().ScheduleSecond( this, nDelaySecond ); }
void ScheduleMinute( T* pObj, func_t pfn, uint32 nDelayMinute ) { m_pObj = pObj; m_pfn = pfn; GScheduledFunctionMgr().ScheduleMinute( this, nDelayMinute ); }
void Cancel() { GScheduledFunctionMgr().Cancel( this ); }
virtual void OnEvent() OVERRIDE { ( m_pObj->*m_pfn )(); }
private: T* m_pObj; func_t m_pfn; };
//similar to the above, but auto deletes once the event is fired
template< class T > class CScheduledFunctionAutoDelete : public CScheduledFunction< T > { public: typedef void ( T::*func_t )();
CScheduledFunctionAutoDelete() {} CScheduledFunctionAutoDelete( T* pObj, func_t pfn, uint32 nDelayMS ) { Schedule( pObj, pfn, nDelayMS ); } virtual void OnEvent() OVERRIDE { CScheduledFunction< T >::OnEvent(); delete this; } };
class CScheduledFunctionMgr { public:
//called to initialize the starting time for the scheduled function manager. It doesn't need to be globally absolute, just relative to the time values provided
//to the run function
void InitStartingTime();
//called to register a scheduled event for a certain period in the future, with the delay specified in milliseconds. This has resolution of an individual frame, and
//will unregister from any previously registered time slot
void ScheduleMS( IGCScheduledFunction* pEvent, uint32 nMSDelay ); //similar to the above, but instead of having frame resolution, this has second level resolution, and should be used for low granularity tasks
void ScheduleSecond( IGCScheduledFunction* pEvent, uint32 nSDelay ); //similar to the above but has minute level resolution which should be used for very low resolution tasks
void ScheduleMinute( IGCScheduledFunction* pEvent, uint32 nMinuteDelay );
//deregisters a previously registered event
void Cancel( IGCScheduledFunction* pEvent );
//called to run registered functions
void RunFunctions(); private: //called internally by the other schedule functions to schedule the event at the specified resolution in our resolution array
void InternalSchedule( uint32 nResolution, IGCScheduledFunction* pEvent, uint32 nMSDelay );
//the list type that we store all of the entries in. We use a single list to avoid the overhead of so many lists
typedef CUtlLinkedList< IGCScheduledFunction*, uint32 > TScheduleList;
//all information tied to a specific resolution, including the time hash buckets, number of buckets, and which buckets it has executed
class CScheduleBucket { public: CScheduleBucket(); ~CScheduleBucket(); void Init( TScheduleList& MasterList, uint32 nNumBuckets, uint32 nMicroSPerBucket );
//maps a micro second time to a bucket time
uint32 GetAbsScheduleBucketIndex( uint64 nMicroSTime ) const { return ( uint32 )( nMicroSTime / m_nMicroSPerBucket ); }
//called to run registered functions
void RunFunctions( TScheduleList& MasterList, uint64 nMicroSTime );
//for each bucket, we insert a node into the master linked list, then our list runs from this node to the next empty node (or end) in the list
uint32* m_pBuckets; //the number of buckets that we have
uint32 m_nNumBuckets; //how many micro seconds each bucket represents
uint32 m_nMicroSPerBucket; //the last bucket that we had executed
uint32 m_nAbsLastScheduleBucket; };
//the list of all of our entries. We store bucket starts within here, and then insert the events in between them
TScheduleList m_ScheduleList;
//the list of resolutions that we have
CScheduleBucket m_Resolutions[ 3 ]; };
//global singleton access
CScheduledFunctionMgr& GScheduledFunctionMgr();
} //namespace GCSDK