//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifndef QUANTIZE_H
#define QUANTIZE_H
#ifndef STRING_H
#include <string.h>
#define MAXDIMS 768
#define MAXQUANT 16000
#include <tier0/platform.h>
struct Sample;
struct QuantizedValue { double MinError; // minimum possible error. used
// for neighbor searches.
struct QuantizedValue *Children[2]; // splits
int32 value; // only exists for leaf nodes
struct Sample *Samples; // every sample quantized into this
// entry
int32 NSamples; // how many were quantized to this.
int32 TotSamples; double *ErrorMeasure; // variance measure for each dimension
double TotalError; // sum of errors
uint8 *Mean; // average value of each dimension
uint8 *Mins; // min box for children and this
uint8 *Maxs; // max box for children and this
int NQuant; // the number of samples which were
// quantzied to this node since the
// last time OptimizeQuantizer()
// was called.
int *Sums; // sum used by OptimizeQuantizer
int sortdim; // dimension currently sorted along.
struct Sample { int32 ID; // identifier of this sample. can
// be used for any purpose.
int32 Count; // number of samples this sample
// represents
int32 QNum; // what value this sample ended up quantized
// to.
struct QuantizedValue *qptr; // ptr to what this was quantized to.
uint8 Value[1]; // array of values for multi-dimensional
// variables.
void FreeQuantization(struct QuantizedValue *t);
struct QuantizedValue *Quantize(struct Sample *s, int nsamples, int ndims, int nvalues, uint8 *weights, int value0=0);
int CompressSamples(struct Sample *s, int nsamples, int ndims);
struct QuantizedValue *FindMatch(uint8 const *sample, int ndims,uint8 *weights, struct QuantizedValue *QTable); void PrintSamples(struct Sample const *s, int nsamples, int ndims);
struct QuantizedValue *FindQNode(struct QuantizedValue const *q, int32 code);
inline struct Sample *NthSample(struct Sample *s, int i, int nd) { uint8 *r=(uint8 *) s; r+=i*(sizeof(*s)+(nd-1)); return (struct Sample *) r; }
inline struct Sample *AllocSamples(int ns, int nd) { size_t size5=(sizeof(struct Sample)+(nd-1))*ns; void *ret=new uint8[size5]; memset(ret,0,size5); for(int i=0;i<ns;i++) NthSample((struct Sample *)ret,i,nd)->Count=1; return (struct Sample *) ret; }
// MinimumError: what is the min error which will occur if quantizing
// a sample to the given qnode? This is just the error if the qnode
// is a leaf.
double MinimumError(struct QuantizedValue const *q, uint8 const *sample, int ndims, uint8 const *weights); double MaximumError(struct QuantizedValue const *q, uint8 const *sample, int ndims, uint8 const *weights);
void PrintQTree(struct QuantizedValue const *p,int idlevel=0); void OptimizeQuantizer(struct QuantizedValue *q, int ndims);
// RecalculateVelues: update the means in a sample tree, based upon
// the samples. can be used to reoptimize when samples are deleted,
// for instance.
void RecalculateValues(struct QuantizedValue *q, int ndims);
extern double SquaredError; // may be reset and examined. updated by
// FindMatch()
// the routines below can be used for uniform quantization via dart-throwing.
typedef void (*GENERATOR)(void *); // generate a random sample
typedef double (*COMPARER)(void const *a, void const *b);
void *DartThrow(int NResults, int NTries, size_t itemsize, GENERATOR gen, COMPARER cmp); void *FindClosestDart(void *items,int NResults, size_t itemsize, COMPARER cmp, void *lookfor, int *idx);
// color quantization of 24 bit images
#define QUANTFLAGS_NODITHER 1 // don't do Floyd-steinberg dither
extern void ColorQuantize( uint8 const *pImage, // 4 byte pixels ARGB
int nWidth, int nHeight, int nFlags, // QUANTFLAGS_xxx
int nColors, // # of colors to fill in in palette
uint8 *pOutPixels, // where to store resulting 8 bit pixels
uint8 *pOutPalette, // where to store resulting 768-byte palette
int nFirstColor); // first color to use in mapping