//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifndef RICHTEXT_H
#define RICHTEXT_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include <vgui_controls/Panel.h>
#include <utlvector.h>
namespace vgui {
class ClickPanel;
// Purpose: Non-editable display of a rich text control
class RichText : public Panel { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( RichText, Panel );
public: RichText(Panel *parent, const char *panelName); ~RichText();
// text manipulation
virtual void SetText(const char *text); virtual void SetText(const wchar_t *text); void GetText(int offset, OUT_Z_BYTECAP(bufLenInBytes) wchar_t *buf, int bufLenInBytes); void GetText(int offset, OUT_Z_BYTECAP(bufLenInBytes) char *pch, int bufLenInBytes);
// configuration
void SetFont(HFont font);
// inserts characters at the end of the stream
void InsertChar(wchar_t ch); void InsertString(const char *text); void InsertString(const wchar_t *wszText); // selection
void SelectNone(); void SelectAllText(); void SelectNoText(); MESSAGE_FUNC( CutSelected, "DoCutSelected" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( CopySelected, "DoCopySelected" );
// sets the RichText control interactive or not (meaning you can select/copy text in the window)
void SetPanelInteractive( bool bInteractive ){ m_bInteractive = bInteractive; }
// sets the RichText scrollbar invisible if it's not going to be used
void SetUnusedScrollbarInvisible( bool bInvis ){ m_bUnusedScrollbarInvis = bInvis; }
// cursor movement
void GotoTextStart(); // go to start of text buffer
void GotoTextEnd(); // go to end of text buffer
// configuration
// sets visibility of scrollbar
void SetVerticalScrollbar(bool state); // sets limit of number of characters insertable into field; set to -1 to remove maximum
// only works with if rich-edit is NOT enabled
void SetMaximumCharCount(int maxChars);
// rich edit commands
void InsertColorChange(Color col); // IndentChange doesn't take effect until the next newline character
void InsertIndentChange(int pixelsIndent); // clickable text
// notification that text was clicked is through "TextClicked" message
void InsertClickableTextStart( const char *pchClickAction = NULL ); void InsertClickableTextEnd(); // inserts a string that needs to be scanned for urls/mailto commands to be made clickable
void InsertPossibleURLString(const char *text, Color URLTextColor, Color normalTextColor);
void InsertFade( float flSustain, float flLength );
void ResetAllFades( bool bHold, bool bOnlyExpired = false, float flNewSustain = -1.0f );
// sets the height of the window so all text is visible.
// used by tooltips
void SetToFullHeight(); int GetNumLines();
"SetText" input: "text" - text is set to be this string */
/* MESSAGE SENDING (to action signal targets)
"TextChanged" - sent when the text is edited by the user "TextClicked" - sent when clickable text has been clicked on "text" - the text that was clicked on */
virtual bool RequestInfo(KeyValues *outputData); /* INFO HANDLING
"GetText" returns: "text" - text contained in the text box */ virtual void SetFgColor( Color color ); virtual void SetDrawOffsets( int ofsx, int ofsy ); bool IsScrollbarVisible();
// sets how URL's are handled
// if set, a "URLClicked" "url" "<data>" message will be sent to that panel
void SetURLClickedHandler( Panel *pPanelToHandleClickMsg );
void SetUnderlineFont( HFont font );
bool IsAllTextAlphaZero() const; bool HasText() const;
void SetDrawTextOnly();
protected: virtual void OnThink(); virtual void PerformLayout(); // layout the text in the window
virtual void ApplySchemeSettings(IScheme *pScheme); virtual void Paint();
virtual void ApplySettings( KeyValues *inResourceData ); virtual void GetSettings( KeyValues *outResourceData ); virtual const char *GetDescription( void ); MESSAGE_FUNC_WCHARPTR( OnSetText, "SetText", text ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnSliderMoved, "ScrollBarSliderMoved" ); // respond to scroll bar events
virtual void OnKillFocus(); virtual void OnMouseWheeled(int delta); // respond to mouse wheel events
virtual void OnKeyCodeTyped(KeyCode code); //respond to keyboard events
MESSAGE_FUNC_INT( OnClickPanel, "ClickPanel", index);
virtual void OnCursorMoved(int x, int y); // respond to moving the cursor with mouse button down
virtual void OnMousePressed(MouseCode code); // respond to mouse down events
virtual void OnMouseDoublePressed(MouseCode code); virtual void OnMouseReleased(MouseCode code); // respond to mouse up events
virtual void OnMouseFocusTicked(); // do while window has mouse focus
virtual void OnCursorEntered(); // handle cursor entering window
virtual void OnCursorExited(); // handle cursor exiting window
virtual void OnMouseCaptureLost(); virtual void OnSizeChanged(int newWide, int newTall); virtual void OnSetFocus();
// clickable url handling
int ParseTextStringForUrls(const char *text, int startPos, char *pchURLText, int cchURLText, char *pchURL, int cchURL, bool &clickable); virtual void OnTextClicked(const wchar_t *text);
virtual void Validate( CValidator &validator, char *pchName ); #endif // DBGFLAG_VALIDATE
protected: ScrollBar *_vertScrollBar; // the scroll bar used in the window
private: int GetLineHeight(); HFont GetDefaultFont();
const wchar_t *ResolveLocalizedTextAndVariables( char const *pchLookup, OUT_Z_BYTECAP(outbufsizeinbytes) wchar_t *outbuf, size_t outbufsizeinbytes ); void CheckRecalcLineBreaks();
void GotoWordRight(); // move cursor to start of next word
void GotoWordLeft(); // move cursor to start of prev word
void TruncateTextStream(); bool GetSelectedRange(int& cx0,int& cx1); void CursorToPixelSpace(int cursorPos, int &cx, int &cy); int PixelToCursorSpace(int cx, int cy); void AddAnotherLine(int &cx, int &cy); void RecalculateDefaultState(int startIndex);
void LayoutVerticalScrollBarSlider(); void OpenEditMenu(); void FinishingURL(int x, int y); // Returns the character index the drawing should Start at
int GetStartDrawIndex(int &lineBreakIndexIndex); int GetCursorLine(); int GetClickableTextIndexStart(int startIndex); void CreateEditMenu(); // create copy/cut/paste menu
MESSAGE_FUNC_INT( MoveScrollBar, "MoveScrollBar", delta ); MESSAGE_FUNC_INT( MoveScrollBarDirect, "MoveScrollBarDirect", delta );
// linebreak stream functions
void InvalidateLineBreakStream(); void RecalculateLineBreaks();
struct TFade { float flFadeStartTime; float flFadeLength; float flFadeSustain; int iOriginalAlpha; };
// format stream - describes changes in formatting for the text stream
struct TFormatStream { // render state
Color color; int pixelsIndent; bool textClickable; CUtlSymbol m_sClickableTextAction;
TFade fade;
// position in TextStream that these changes take effect
int textStreamIndex; };
bool m_bResetFades; bool m_bInteractive; bool m_bUnusedScrollbarInvis; bool m_bAllTextAlphaIsZero;
// data
CUtlVector<wchar_t> m_TextStream; // the text in the text window is stored in this buffer
CUtlVector<int> m_LineBreaks; // an array that holds the index in the buffer to wrap lines at
CUtlVector<TFormatStream> m_FormatStream; // list of format changes
bool m_bRecalcLineBreaks;
int _recalculateBreaksIndex; // tells next linebreakindex index to Start recalculating line breaks
bool _invalidateVerticalScrollbarSlider; int _cursorPos; // the position in the text buffer of the blinking cursor
bool _mouseSelection; // whether we are highlighting text or not (selecting text)
bool _mouseDragSelection; // tells weather mouse is outside window and button is down so we select text
int _select[2]; // select[1] is the offset in the text to where the cursor is currently
// select[0] is the offset to where the cursor was dragged to. or -1 if no drag.
int _pixelsIndent; int _maxCharCount; // max number of chars that can be in the text buffer
HFont _font; // font of chars in the text buffer
HFont m_hFontUnderline; Color _selectionColor; Color _selectionTextColor; // color of the highlighted text
bool _currentTextClickable; CUtlVector<ClickPanel *> _clickableTextPanels; int _clickableTextIndex; Color _defaultTextColor; int _drawOffsetX; int _drawOffsetY;
Panel *m_pInterior; PHandle m_hPanelToHandleClickingURLs;
// sub-controls
Menu *m_pEditMenu; // cut/copy/paste popup
char *m_pszInitialText; // initial text
// saved state
bool _recalcSavedRenderState; struct TRenderState { // rendering positions
int x, y; // basic state
Color textColor; int pixelsIndent; bool textClickable;
// index into our current position in the formatting stream
int formatStreamIndex; }; TRenderState m_CachedRenderState; // cached render state for the beginning of painting
// updates a render state based on the formatting and color streams
// returns true if any state changed
bool UpdateRenderState(int textStreamPos, TRenderState &renderState); void CalculateFade( TRenderState &renderState );
void GenerateRenderStateForTextStreamIndex(int textStreamIndex, TRenderState &renderState); int FindFormatStreamIndexForTextStreamPos(int textStreamIndex);
// draws a string of characters with the same formatting using the current render state
int DrawString(int iFirst, int iLast, TRenderState &renderState, HFont font); };
} // namespace vgui
#endif // RICHTEXT_H