//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
#include "cl_sessioninfodownloader.h"
#include "replay/ienginereplay.h"
#include "replay/shared_defs.h"
#include "cl_recordingsession.h"
#include "cl_recordingsessionblock.h"
#include "cl_replaycontext.h"
#include "cl_sessionblockdownloader.h"
#include "KeyValues.h"
#include "convar.h"
#include "dbg.h"
#include "vprof.h"
#include "sessioninfoheader.h"
#include "utlbuffer.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
extern IEngineReplay *g_pEngine;
CSessionInfoDownloader::CSessionInfoDownloader() : m_pDownloader( NULL ), m_pSession( NULL ), m_flLastDownloadTime( 0.0f ), m_nError( ERROR_NONE ), m_nHttpError( HTTP_ERROR_NONE ), m_bDone( false ) { }
CSessionInfoDownloader::~CSessionInfoDownloader() { Assert( m_pDownloader == NULL ); // We should have deleted the downloader already
void CSessionInfoDownloader::CleanupDownloader() { if ( m_pDownloader ) { m_pDownloader->AbortDownloadAndCleanup(); m_pDownloader = NULL; } }
void CSessionInfoDownloader::DownloadSessionInfoAndUpdateBlocks( CBaseRecordingSession *pSession ) { Assert( m_pDownloader == NULL );
// Cache session
m_pSession = pSession;
// Download the session info now
m_pDownloader = new CHttpDownloader( this ); m_pDownloader->BeginDownload( pSession->GetSessionInfoURL(), NULL ); }
float CSessionInfoDownloader::GetNextThinkTime() const { extern ConVar replay_sessioninfo_updatefrequency; return m_flLastDownloadTime + replay_sessioninfo_updatefrequency.GetFloat(); }
void CSessionInfoDownloader::Think() { VPROF_BUDGET( "CSessionInfoDownloader::Think", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_REPLAY );
// If we're not downloading, no need to think
if ( !m_pDownloader ) return;
// If the download's complete
if ( m_pDownloader->IsDone() && m_pDownloader->CanDelete() ) { // We're done - CanDelete() will now return true
delete m_pDownloader; m_pDownloader = NULL; } else { // Otherwise, think...
m_pDownloader->Think(); } }
void CSessionInfoDownloader::OnDownloadComplete( CHttpDownloader *pDownloader, const unsigned char *pData ) { Assert( pDownloader );
// Clear out any previous error
m_nError = ERROR_NONE; m_nHttpError = HTTP_ERROR_NONE;
bool bUpdatedSomething = false;
#if _DEBUG
extern ConVar replay_simulatedownloadfailure; const bool bForceError = replay_simulatedownloadfailure.GetInt() == 2; #else
const bool bForceError = false; #endif
if ( pDownloader->GetStatus() != HTTP_DONE || bForceError ) { m_nError = ERROR_DOWNLOAD_FAILED; m_nHttpError = pDownloader->GetError(); DBG( "Session info download FAILED.\n" ); } else { Assert( pData );
// Read header
SessionInfoHeader_t header; if ( !ReadSessionInfoHeader( pData, pDownloader->GetSize(), header ) ) { m_nError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA; } else { IF_REPLAY_DBG( Warning( "Session info downloaded successfully for session %s\n", header.m_szSessionName ) );
// Get number of blocks for data validation
const int nNumBlocks = header.m_nNumBlocks; if ( nNumBlocks <= 0 ) { m_nError = ERROR_BAD_NUM_BLOCKS; } else { // The block has either been found or created - now, fill it with data
const char *pSessionName = header.m_szSessionName; if ( !pSessionName || !pSessionName[0] ) { m_nError = ERROR_NO_SESSION_NAME; } else { // Now that we have the session name, find it in the client session manager
CClientRecordingSession *pSession = CL_CastSession( CL_GetRecordingSessionManager()->FindSessionByName( pSessionName ) ); Assert( pSession ); if ( !pSession ) { AssertMsg( 0, "Session should always exist by this point" ); m_nError = ERROR_UNKNOWN_SESSION; } else { // Get recording state for session
pSession->m_bRecording = header.m_bRecording;
const CompressorType_t nHeaderCompressorType = header.m_nCompressorType; uint8 *pPayload = (uint8 *)pData + sizeof( SessionInfoHeader_t ); uint8 *pUncompressedPayload = NULL; unsigned int uUncompressedPayloadSize = header.m_uPayloadSizeUC;
// Validate the payload with the MD5 digest
bool bPayloadValid = g_pEngine->MD5_HashBuffer( header.m_aHash, (const uint8 *)pPayload, header.m_uPayloadSize, NULL );
if ( !bPayloadValid ) { m_nError = ERROR_PAYLOAD_HASH_FAILED; } else { if ( nHeaderCompressorType == COMPRESSORTYPE_INVALID ) { // Uncompressed payload is read to go
pUncompressedPayload = pPayload; } else { // Attempt to decompress the payload
ICompressor *pCompressor = CreateCompressor( header.m_nCompressorType ); if ( !pCompressor ) { bPayloadValid = false; m_nError = ERROR_COULD_NOT_CREATE_COMPRESSOR; } else { // Uncompressed size big enough to read at least one block?
if ( header.m_uPayloadSizeUC <= MIN_SESSION_INFO_PAYLOAD_SIZE ) { bPayloadValid = false; m_nError = ERROR_INVALID_UNCOMPRESSED_SIZE; } else { // Attempt to decompress payload now
pUncompressedPayload = new uint8[ uUncompressedPayloadSize ]; if ( !pCompressor->Decompress( (char *)pUncompressedPayload, &uUncompressedPayloadSize, (const char *)pPayload, header.m_uPayloadSize ) ) { bPayloadValid = false; m_nError = ERROR_PAYLOAD_DECOMPRESS_FAILED; } } } }
if ( bPayloadValid ) { AssertMsg( pUncompressedPayload, "This should never be NULL here." ); AssertMsg( uUncompressedPayloadSize >= MIN_SESSION_INFO_PAYLOAD_SIZE, "This size should always be valid here." );
RecordingSessionBlockSpec_t DummyBlock; CUtlBuffer buf( pUncompressedPayload, uUncompressedPayloadSize, CUtlBuffer::READ_ONLY );
// Optimization: start the read at the first block we care about, which is one block after the last consecutive, downloaded block.
// This optimization should come in handy on servers that run lengthy rounds, so we're not reiterating over inconsequential blocks
// (i.e. they were already downloaded).
int iStartBlock = pSession->GetGreatestConsecutiveBlockDownloaded() + 1; if ( iStartBlock > 0 ) { buf.SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, iStartBlock * sizeof( RecordingSessionBlockSpec_t ) ); }
// If for some reason the seek caused a 'get' overflow, try reading from the start of the buffer.
if ( !buf.IsValid() ) { iStartBlock = 0; buf.SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, 0 ); }
// Read blocks, starting from the calculated start block.
for ( int i = iStartBlock; i < header.m_nNumBlocks; ++i ) { // Attempt to read the current block from the buffer
buf.Get( &DummyBlock, sizeof( DummyBlock ) ); if ( !buf.IsValid() ) { m_nError = ERROR_BLOCK_READ_FAILED; break; }
IF_REPLAY_DBG( Warning( "processing block with recon index: %i\n", DummyBlock.m_iReconstruction ) );
// Get reconstruction index
const int iBlockReconstruction = (ReplayHandle_t)DummyBlock.m_iReconstruction; if ( iBlockReconstruction < 0 ) { m_nError = ERROR_INVALID_ORDER; continue; }
// Check status
const int nRemoteStatus = (int)DummyBlock.m_uRemoteStatus; if ( nRemoteStatus < 0 || nRemoteStatus >= CBaseRecordingSessionBlock::MAX_STATUS ) { // Status not found or invalid status
m_nError = ERROR_INVALID_REPLAY_STATUS; continue; }
// Get the block file size
const uint32 uFileSize = (uint32)DummyBlock.m_uFileSize;
// Get the uncompressed block size
const uint32 uUncompressedSize = (uint32)DummyBlock.m_uUncompressedSize;
// Get the compressor type
const int nCompressorType = (uint32)DummyBlock.m_nCompressorType;
// Attempt to find the block in the session
CClientRecordingSessionBlock *pBlock = CL_CastBlock( CL_GetRecordingSessionBlockManager()->FindBlockForSession( m_pSession->GetHandle(), iBlockReconstruction ) );
// If the block exists and has already been downloaded, we have nothing more to update
if ( pBlock && !pBlock->NeedsUpdate() ) continue;
bool bBlockDataChanged = false;
// If the block doesn't exist in the session block manager, create it now
if ( !pBlock ) { CClientRecordingSessionBlock *pNewBlock = CL_CastBlock( CL_GetRecordingSessionBlockManager()->CreateAndGenerateHandle() ); pNewBlock->m_iReconstruction = iBlockReconstruction; // pNewBlock->m_strFullFilename = Replay_va(
const char *pFullFilename = Replay_va( "%s%s_part_%i.%s", pNewBlock->GetPath(), pSession->m_strName.Get(), pNewBlock->m_iReconstruction, BLOCK_FILE_EXTENSION ); V_strcpy( pNewBlock->m_szFullFilename, pFullFilename ); pNewBlock->m_hSession = pSession->GetHandle();
// Add to session block manager
CL_GetRecordingSessionBlockManager()->Add( pNewBlock );
// Add the block to the session (marks session as dirty)
pSession->AddBlock( pNewBlock, false );
// Use the new block
pBlock = pNewBlock;
bBlockDataChanged = true; }
IF_REPLAY_DBG2( Warning( " Block %i status=%s\n", pBlock->m_iReconstruction, pBlock->GetRemoteStatusStringSafe( pBlock->m_nRemoteStatus ) ) );
// Now that we've got a block, replicate the server data/fill it in
if ( pBlock->m_nRemoteStatus != nRemoteStatus ) { pBlock->m_nRemoteStatus = (CBaseRecordingSessionBlock::RemoteStatus_t)nRemoteStatus; bBlockDataChanged = true; }
// Block file size needs to be set?
if ( pBlock->m_uFileSize != uFileSize ) { pBlock->m_uFileSize = uFileSize; bBlockDataChanged = true; }
// Uncompressed block file size needs to be set?
if ( pBlock->m_uUncompressedSize != uUncompressedSize ) { Assert( nCompressorType >= COMPRESSORTYPE_INVALID ); pBlock->m_uUncompressedSize = uUncompressedSize; bBlockDataChanged = true; }
// Compressor type needs to be set?
if ( pBlock->m_nCompressorType != (CompressorType_t)nCompressorType ) { pBlock->m_nCompressorType = (CompressorType_t)nCompressorType; bBlockDataChanged = true; }
// Attempt to read the hash if we haven't already done so
if ( !pBlock->HasValidHash() ) { V_memcpy( pBlock->m_aHash, DummyBlock.m_aHash, sizeof( pBlock->m_aHash ) ); bBlockDataChanged = true; }
// Shift the block's state from waiting to ready-to-download if the block is ready on the server.
if ( pBlock->m_nDownloadStatus == CClientRecordingSessionBlock::DOWNLOADSTATUS_WAITING && nRemoteStatus == CBaseRecordingSessionBlock::STATUS_READYFORDOWNLOAD ) { pBlock->m_nDownloadStatus = CClientRecordingSessionBlock::DOWNLOADSTATUS_READYTODOWNLOAD; }
// Save
if ( bBlockDataChanged ) { CL_GetRecordingSessionBlockManager()->FlagForFlush( pBlock, false );
bUpdatedSomething = true; } }
// If this session is not recording, make sure the max number of blocks in the session is in check.
if ( !pSession->m_bRecording && pSession->GetLastBlockToDownload() >= nNumBlocks ) { // This will adjust all replay max blocks
pSession->AdjustLastBlockToDownload( nNumBlocks - 1 ); }
// If we've updated something, set cache the current time in the session
if ( bUpdatedSomething ) { pSession->RefreshLastUpdateTime(); } else if ( pSession->GetLastUpdateTime() >= 0.0f && ( g_pEngine->GetHostTime() - pSession->GetLastUpdateTime() > DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT_THRESHOLD ) ) { pSession->OnDownloadTimeout(); } } } } } } } }
// Display a message for the given download error
if ( m_nError != ERROR_NONE ) { // Report an error to the user
const char *pErrorToken = GetErrorString( m_nError, m_nHttpError ); if ( m_nError == ERROR_DOWNLOAD_FAILED ) { KeyValues *pParams = new KeyValues( "args", "url", pDownloader->GetURL() ); CL_GetErrorSystem()->AddFormattedErrorFromTokenName( pErrorToken, pParams ); } else { CL_GetErrorSystem()->AddErrorFromTokenName( pErrorToken ); }
// Report error to OGS
CL_GetErrorSystem()->OGS_ReportSessioInfoDownloadError( pDownloader, pErrorToken ); }
// Flag as done
m_bDone = true;
// Cache download time
m_flLastDownloadTime = g_pEngine->GetHostTime(); }
const char *CSessionInfoDownloader::GetErrorString( int nError, HTTPError_t nHttpError ) const { switch ( nError ) { case ERROR_NO_SESSION_NAME: return "#Replay_DL_Err_SI_NoSessionName"; case ERROR_REPLAY_NOT_FOUND: return "#Replay_DL_Err_SI_ReplayNotFound"; case ERROR_INVALID_REPLAY_STATUS: return "#Replay_DL_Err_SI_InvalidReplayStatus"; case ERROR_INVALID_ORDER: return "#Replay_DL_Err_SI_InvalidOrder"; case ERROR_UNKNOWN_SESSION: return "#Replay_DL_Err_SI_Unknown_Session"; case ERROR_BLOCK_READ_FAILED: return "#Replay_DL_Err_SI_BlockReadFailed"; case ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA: return "#Replay_DL_Err_SI_NotEnoughData"; case ERROR_COULD_NOT_CREATE_COMPRESSOR: return "#Replay_DL_Err_SI_CouldNotCreateCompressor"; case ERROR_INVALID_UNCOMPRESSED_SIZE: return "#Replay_DL_Err_SI_InvalidUncompressedSize"; case ERROR_PAYLOAD_DECOMPRESS_FAILED: return "#Replay_DL_Err_SI_PayloadDecompressFailed"; case ERROR_PAYLOAD_HASH_FAILED: return "#Replay_DL_Err_SI_PayloadHashFailed";
case ERROR_DOWNLOAD_FAILED: switch ( m_nHttpError ) { case HTTP_ERROR_ZERO_LENGTH_FILE: return "#Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed_ZeroLengthFile"; case HTTP_ERROR_CONNECTION_CLOSED: return "#Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed_ConnectionClosed"; case HTTP_ERROR_INVALID_URL: return "#Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed_InvalidURL"; case HTTP_ERROR_INVALID_PROTOCOL: return "#Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed_InvalidProtocol"; case HTTP_ERROR_CANT_BIND_SOCKET: return "#Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed_CantBindSocket"; case HTTP_ERROR_CANT_CONNECT: return "#Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed_CantConnect"; case HTTP_ERROR_NO_HEADERS: return "#Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed_NoHeaders"; case HTTP_ERROR_FILE_NONEXISTENT: return "#Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed_FileNonExistent"; default: return "#Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed_UnknownError"; } } return "#Replay_DL_Err_SI_Unknown"; }