//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "pch_tier0.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#define WIN_32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
#include <windows.h>
#include <winsock.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "tier0/vcrmode.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
// FIXME: We totally have a bad tier dependency here
#include "inputsystem/inputenums.h"
#ifndef NO_VCR
#define PvRealloc realloc
#define PvAlloc malloc
#define VCR_RuntimeAssert(x) VCR_RuntimeAssertFn(x, #x)
double g_flLastVCRFloatTimeValue;
bool g_bExpectingWindowProcCalls = false;
IVCRHelpers *g_pHelpers = 0;
FILE *g_pVCRFile = NULL; VCRMode_t g_VCRMode = VCR_Disabled; VCRMode_t g_OldVCRMode = VCR_Invalid; // Stored temporarily between SetEnabled(0)/SetEnabled(1) blocks.
int g_iCurEvent = 0;
int g_CurFilePos = 0; // So it knows when we're done playing back.
int g_FileLen = 0;
VCREvent g_LastReadEvent = (VCREvent)-1; // Last VCR_ReadEvent() call.
int g_LastEventThread; // The thread index of the thread that g_LastReadEvent is intended for.
int g_bVCREnabled = 0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// These wrappers exist because for some reason thread-blocking functions nuke the
// last function on the call stack, so it's very hard to debug without these wrappers.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
inline unsigned long Wrap_WaitForSingleObject( HANDLE hObj, DWORD duration ) { return WaitForSingleObject( hObj, duration ); }
inline unsigned long Wrap_WaitForMultipleObjects( uint32 nHandles, const void **pHandles, int bWaitAll, uint32 timeout ) { return WaitForMultipleObjects( nHandles, (const HANDLE *)pHandles, bWaitAll, timeout ); }
inline void Wrap_EnterCriticalSection( CRITICAL_SECTION *pSection ) { EnterCriticalSection( pSection ); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// Threadsafe debugging file output.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
FILE *g_pDebugFile = 0; CRITICAL_SECTION g_DebugFileCS;
class CCSInit { public: CCSInit() { InitializeCriticalSection( &g_DebugFileCS ); } ~CCSInit() { DeleteCriticalSection( &g_DebugFileCS ); } } g_DebugFileCS222;
void VCR_Debug( const char *pMsg, ... ) { va_list marker; va_start( marker, pMsg );
EnterCriticalSection( &g_DebugFileCS );
if ( !g_pDebugFile ) g_pDebugFile = fopen( "c:\\vcrdebug.txt", "wt" );
if ( g_pDebugFile ) { vfprintf( g_pDebugFile, pMsg, marker ); fflush( g_pDebugFile ); }
LeaveCriticalSection( &g_DebugFileCS ); va_end( marker ); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// VCR threading support.
// It uses 2 methods to implement threading, depending on whether you're recording or not.
// If you're recording, it uses critical sections to control access to the events written
// into the file.
// During playback, every thread waits on a windows event handle. When a VCR event is done
// being read out, it peeks ahead and sees which thread should get the next VCR event
// and it wakes up that thread.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
#define MAX_VCR_THREADS 512
class CVCRThreadInfo { public: DWORD m_ThreadID; // The Windows thread ID.
HANDLE m_hWaitEvent; // Used to get the signal that there is an event for this thread.
bool m_bEnabled; // By default, this is true, but it can be set to false to temporarily disable a thread's VCR usage.
}; CVCRThreadInfo *g_pVCRThreads = NULL; // This gets allocated to MAX_VCR_THREADS size if we're doing any VCR recording or playback.
int g_nVCRThreads = 0;
// Used to avoid writing the thread ID into events that are for the main thread.
DWORD g_VCRMainThreadID = 0;
// Set to true if VCR_Start is ever called.
bool g_bVCRStartCalled = false;
unsigned short GetCurrentVCRThreadIndex() { DWORD hCurThread = GetCurrentThreadId(); for ( int i=0; i < g_nVCRThreads; i++ ) { if ( g_pVCRThreads[i].m_ThreadID == hCurThread ) return (unsigned short)i; } Error( "GetCurrentVCRThreadInfo: no matching thread." ); return 0; }
CVCRThreadInfo* GetCurrentVCRThreadInfo() { return &g_pVCRThreads[ GetCurrentVCRThreadIndex() ]; }
static void VCR_SignalNextEvent();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// This manages which thread gets the next event.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
class CVCRThreadSafe { public: CVCRThreadSafe() { m_bSignalledNextEvent = false;
if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Record ) { Wrap_EnterCriticalSection( &g_VCRCriticalSection ); } else if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Playback ) { // Wait until our event is signalled, telling us that we are the next guy in line for an event.
WaitForSingleObject( GetCurrentVCRThreadInfo()->m_hWaitEvent, INFINITE ); } } ~CVCRThreadSafe() { if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Record ) { LeaveCriticalSection( &g_VCRCriticalSection ); } else if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Playback && !m_bSignalledNextEvent ) { // Set the event for the next thread's VCR event.
VCR_SignalNextEvent(); } } void SignalNextEvent() { VCR_SignalNextEvent(); m_bSignalledNextEvent = true; }
private: bool m_bSignalledNextEvent; };
class CVCRThreadSafeInitter { public: CVCRThreadSafeInitter() { InitializeCriticalSection( &g_VCRCriticalSection ); } ~CVCRThreadSafeInitter() { DeleteCriticalSection( &g_VCRCriticalSection ); } } g_VCRThreadSafeInitter;
#define VCR_THREADSAFE CVCRThreadSafe vcrThreadSafe;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Internal functions.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
static void VCR_Error( const char *pFormat, ... ) { #ifdef _DEBUG
// Figure out which thread we're in, for the debugger.
DWORD curThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); int iCurThread = -1; for ( int i=0; i < g_nVCRThreads; i++ ) { if ( g_pVCRThreads[i].m_ThreadID == curThreadId ) iCurThread = i; }
DebuggerBreak(); #endif
char str[256]; va_list marker; va_start( marker, pFormat ); _vsnprintf( str, sizeof( str ), pFormat, marker ); va_end( marker );
g_pHelpers->ErrorMessage( str ); VCREnd(); }
static void VCR_RuntimeAssertFn(int bAssert, char const *pStr) { if(!bAssert) { VCR_Error( "*** VCR ASSERT FAILED: %s ***\n", pStr ); } }
static void VCR_Read(void *pDest, int size) { if(!g_pVCRFile) { memset(pDest, 0, size); return; }
fread(pDest, 1, size, g_pVCRFile); g_CurFilePos += size; VCR_RuntimeAssert(g_CurFilePos <= g_FileLen); if(g_CurFilePos >= g_FileLen) { VCREnd(); } }
template<class T> static void VCR_ReadVal(T &val) { VCR_Read(&val, sizeof(val)); }
static void VCR_Write(void const *pSrc, int size) { fwrite(pSrc, 1, size, g_pVCRFile); fflush(g_pVCRFile); }
template<class T> static void VCR_WriteVal(T &val) { VCR_Write(&val, sizeof(val)); }
void VCR_SignalNextEvent() { // When this function is called, we know that we are the only thread that is accessing the VCR file.
unsigned char event; VCR_Read( &event, 1 );
// Verify that we're in the correct thread for this event.
unsigned short threadID; if ( event & 0x80 ) { VCR_ReadVal( threadID ); event &= ~0x80; } else { threadID = 0; }
// Must be a valid thread ID.
if ( threadID >= g_nVCRThreads ) { Error( "VCR_ReadEvent: invalid threadID (%d).", threadID ); }
// Now signal the next thread.
g_LastReadEvent = (VCREvent)event; g_LastEventThread = threadID; SetEvent( g_pVCRThreads[threadID].m_hWaitEvent ); }
static VCREvent VCR_ReadEvent() { return g_LastReadEvent; }
static void VCR_WriteEvent( VCREvent event ) { unsigned char cEvent = (unsigned char)event; unsigned short threadID = GetCurrentVCRThreadIndex(); if ( threadID == 0 ) { VCR_Write( &cEvent, 1 ); } else { cEvent |= 0x80; VCR_Write( &cEvent, 1 ); VCR_WriteVal( threadID ); } }
static void VCR_IncrementEvent() { ++g_iCurEvent; }
static void VCR_Event(VCREvent type) { if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Disabled ) return;
VCR_IncrementEvent(); if(g_VCRMode == VCR_Record) { VCR_WriteEvent(type); } else { VCREvent currentEvent = VCR_ReadEvent(); VCR_RuntimeAssert( currentEvent == type ); } }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// VCR trace interface.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
class CVCRTrace : public IVCRTrace { public: virtual VCREvent ReadEvent() { return VCR_ReadEvent(); }
virtual void Read( void *pDest, int size ) { VCR_Read( pDest, size ); } };
static CVCRTrace g_VCRTrace;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// VCR interface.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
static int VCR_Start( char const *pFilename, bool bRecord, IVCRHelpers *pHelpers ) { unsigned long version; g_VCRMainThreadID = GetCurrentThreadId(); g_bVCRStartCalled = true;
// Setup the initial VCR thread list.
g_pVCRThreads = new CVCRThreadInfo[MAX_VCR_THREADS]; g_pVCRThreads[0].m_ThreadID = GetCurrentThreadId(); g_pVCRThreads[0].m_hWaitEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, false, false, NULL ); g_pVCRThreads[0].m_bEnabled = true; g_nVCRThreads = 1;
g_pHelpers = pHelpers; VCREnd();
g_OldVCRMode = VCR_Invalid; if ( bRecord ) { char *pCommandLine = GetCommandLine(); if ( !strstr( pCommandLine, "-nosound" ) ) Error( "VCR record: must use -nosound." );
g_pVCRFile = fopen( pFilename, "wb" ); if( g_pVCRFile ) { // Write the version.
version = VCRFILE_VERSION; VCR_Write(&version, sizeof(version));
g_VCRMode = VCR_Record; return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } else { g_pVCRFile = fopen( pFilename, "rb" ); if( g_pVCRFile ) { // Get the file length.
fseek(g_pVCRFile, 0, SEEK_END); g_FileLen = ftell(g_pVCRFile); fseek(g_pVCRFile, 0, SEEK_SET); g_CurFilePos = 0;
// Verify the file version.
VCR_Read(&version, sizeof(version)); if(version != VCRFILE_VERSION) { assert(!"VCR_Start: invalid file version"); VCREnd(); return FALSE; } g_VCRMode = VCR_Playback; VCR_SignalNextEvent(); // Signal the first thread for its event.
return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } }
static void VCR_End() { if ( g_pVCRFile ) { fclose(g_pVCRFile); g_pVCRFile = NULL; }
if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Playback ) { // It's going to get screwy now, especially if we have threads, so just exit.
#ifdef _DEBUG
if ( IsDebuggerPresent() ) DebuggerBreak(); #endif
TerminateProcess( GetCurrentProcess(), 1 ); }
g_VCRMode = VCR_Disabled; }
static IVCRTrace* VCR_GetVCRTraceInterface() { return &g_VCRTrace; }
static VCRMode_t VCR_GetMode() { return g_VCRMode; }
static void VCR_SetEnabled( int bEnabled ) { if ( g_VCRMode != VCR_Disabled ) { g_pVCRThreads[ GetCurrentVCRThreadIndex() ].m_bEnabled = (bEnabled != 0); } }
inline bool IsVCRModeEnabledForThisThread() { if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Disabled || !g_bVCRStartCalled ) return false;
return g_pVCRThreads[ GetCurrentVCRThreadIndex() ].m_bEnabled; }
static void VCR_SyncToken(char const *pToken) { // Preamble.
if ( !IsVCRModeEnabledForThisThread() ) return;
unsigned char len;
VCR_THREADSAFE; VCR_Event(VCREvent_SyncToken);
if(g_VCRMode == VCR_Record) { int intLen = strlen( pToken ); assert( intLen <= 255 );
len = (unsigned char)intLen; VCR_Write(&len, 1); VCR_Write(pToken, len); } else if(g_VCRMode == VCR_Playback) { char test[256];
VCR_Read(&len, 1); VCR_Read(test, len); VCR_RuntimeAssert( len == (unsigned char)strlen(pToken) ); VCR_RuntimeAssert( memcmp(pToken, test, len) == 0 ); } }
static double VCR_Hook_Sys_FloatTime(double time) { // Preamble.
if ( !IsVCRModeEnabledForThisThread() ) return time;
VCR_THREADSAFE; VCR_Event(VCREvent_Sys_FloatTime);
if(g_VCRMode == VCR_Record) { VCR_Write(&time, sizeof(time)); } else if(g_VCRMode == VCR_Playback) { VCR_Read(&time, sizeof(time)); g_flLastVCRFloatTimeValue = time; }
return time; }
static int VCR_Hook_PeekMessage( struct tagMSG *msg, void *hWnd, unsigned int wMsgFilterMin, unsigned int wMsgFilterMax, unsigned int wRemoveMsg ) { // Preamble.
if ( !IsVCRModeEnabledForThisThread() ) return PeekMessage((MSG*)msg, (HWND)hWnd, wMsgFilterMin, wMsgFilterMax, wRemoveMsg);
if( g_VCRMode == VCR_Record ) { // The trapped windowproc calls should be flushed by the time we get here.
int ret; ret = PeekMessage( (MSG*)msg, (HWND)hWnd, wMsgFilterMin, wMsgFilterMax, wRemoveMsg );
// NOTE: this must stay AFTER the trapped window proc calls or things get
// read back in the wrong order.
VCR_Event( VCREvent_PeekMessage );
VCR_WriteVal(ret); if(ret) VCR_Write(msg, sizeof(MSG));
return ret; } else { Assert( g_VCRMode == VCR_Playback );
// Playback any windows messages that got trapped.
VCR_Event( VCREvent_PeekMessage );
int ret; VCR_ReadVal(ret); if(ret) VCR_Read(msg, sizeof(MSG));
return ret; } }
void VCR_Hook_RecordGameMsg( const InputEvent_t& event ) { // Preamble.
if ( !IsVCRModeEnabledForThisThread() ) return;
if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Record ) { VCR_Event( VCREvent_GameMsg ); char val = 1; VCR_WriteVal( val ); VCR_WriteVal( event.m_nType ); VCR_WriteVal( event.m_nData ); VCR_WriteVal( event.m_nData2 ); VCR_WriteVal( event.m_nData3 ); } }
void VCR_Hook_RecordEndGameMsg() { // Preamble.
if ( !IsVCRModeEnabledForThisThread() ) return;
if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Record ) { VCR_Event( VCREvent_GameMsg ); char val = 0; VCR_WriteVal( val ); // record that there are no more messages.
} }
bool VCR_Hook_PlaybackGameMsg( InputEvent_t* pEvent ) { // Preamble.
if ( !IsVCRModeEnabledForThisThread() ) return false;
if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Playback ) { VCR_Event( VCREvent_GameMsg ); char bMsg; VCR_ReadVal( bMsg ); if ( bMsg ) { VCR_ReadVal( pEvent->m_nType ); VCR_ReadVal( pEvent->m_nData ); VCR_ReadVal( pEvent->m_nData2 ); VCR_ReadVal( pEvent->m_nData3 ); return true; } } return false; }
static void VCR_Hook_GetCursorPos(struct tagPOINT *pt) { // Preamble.
if ( !IsVCRModeEnabledForThisThread() ) { GetCursorPos(pt); return; }
if(g_VCRMode == VCR_Playback) { VCR_ReadVal(*pt); } else { GetCursorPos(pt);
if(g_VCRMode == VCR_Record) { VCR_WriteVal(*pt); } } }
static void VCR_Hook_ScreenToClient(void *hWnd, struct tagPOINT *pt) { // Preamble.
if ( !IsVCRModeEnabledForThisThread() ) { ScreenToClient((HWND)hWnd, pt); return; }
VCR_THREADSAFE; VCR_Event(VCREvent_ScreenToClient);
if(g_VCRMode == VCR_Playback) { VCR_ReadVal(*pt); } else { ScreenToClient((HWND)hWnd, pt);
if(g_VCRMode == VCR_Record) { VCR_WriteVal(*pt); } } }
static int VCR_Hook_recvfrom(int s, char *buf, int len, int flags, struct sockaddr *from, int *fromlen) { // Preamble.
if ( !IsVCRModeEnabledForThisThread() ) { return recvfrom((SOCKET)s, buf, len, flags, from, fromlen); }
VCR_THREADSAFE; VCR_Event(VCREvent_recvfrom);
int ret; if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Playback ) { // Get the result from our file.
VCR_Read(&ret, sizeof(ret)); if(ret == SOCKET_ERROR) { int err; VCR_ReadVal(err); WSASetLastError(err); } else { VCR_Read( buf, ret );
char bFrom; VCR_ReadVal( bFrom ); if ( bFrom ) { VCR_Read( from, *fromlen ); } } } else { ret = recvfrom((SOCKET)s, buf, len, flags, from, fromlen);
if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Record ) { // Record the result.
VCR_Write(&ret, sizeof(ret)); if(ret == SOCKET_ERROR) { int err = WSAGetLastError(); VCR_WriteVal(err); } else { VCR_Write( buf, ret ); char bFrom = !!from; VCR_WriteVal( bFrom ); if ( bFrom ) VCR_Write( from, *fromlen ); } } }
return ret; }
static int VCR_Hook_recv(int s, char *buf, int len, int flags) { // Preamble.
if ( !IsVCRModeEnabledForThisThread() ) { return recv( (SOCKET)s, buf, len, flags ); }
int ret; if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Playback ) { // Get the result from our file.
VCR_Read(&ret, sizeof(ret)); if(ret == SOCKET_ERROR) { int err; VCR_ReadVal(err); WSASetLastError(err); } else { VCR_Read( buf, ret ); } } else { ret = recv( (SOCKET)s, buf, len, flags );
if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Record ) { // Record the result.
VCR_Write(&ret, sizeof(ret)); if(ret == SOCKET_ERROR) { int err = WSAGetLastError(); VCR_WriteVal(err); } else { VCR_Write( buf, ret ); } } }
return ret; }
static int VCR_Hook_send(int s, const char *buf, int len, int flags) { // Preamble.
if ( !IsVCRModeEnabledForThisThread() ) { return send( (SOCKET)s, buf, len, flags ); }
int ret; if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Playback ) { // Get the result from our file.
VCR_Read(&ret, sizeof(ret)); if(ret == SOCKET_ERROR) { int err; VCR_ReadVal(err); WSASetLastError(err); } } else { ret = send( (SOCKET)s, buf, len, flags );
if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Record ) { // Record the result.
VCR_Write(&ret, sizeof(ret)); if(ret == SOCKET_ERROR) { int err = WSAGetLastError(); VCR_WriteVal(err); } } }
return ret; }
static void VCR_Hook_Cmd_Exec(char **f) { // Preamble.
if ( !IsVCRModeEnabledForThisThread() ) return;
if(g_VCRMode == VCR_Playback) { int len;
VCR_Read(&len, sizeof(len)); if(len == -1) { *f = NULL; } else { *f = (char*)PvAlloc(len); VCR_Read(*f, len); } } else if(g_VCRMode == VCR_Record) { int len; char *str = *f;
if(str) { len = strlen(str)+1; VCR_Write(&len, sizeof(len)); VCR_Write(str, len); } else { len = -1; VCR_Write(&len, sizeof(len)); } } }
static char* VCR_Hook_GetCommandLine() { // This function is special in that it can be called before VCR mode is initialized.
// In this special case, just return the command line.
if ( !g_pVCRThreads ) return GetCommandLine();
// Preamble.
if ( !IsVCRModeEnabledForThisThread() ) return GetCommandLine();
int len; char *ret;
if(g_VCRMode == VCR_Playback) { VCR_Read(&len, sizeof(len)); ret = new char[len]; VCR_Read(ret, len); } else { ret = GetCommandLine();
if(g_VCRMode == VCR_Record) { len = strlen(ret) + 1; VCR_WriteVal(len); VCR_Write(ret, len); } } return ret; }
static long VCR_Hook_RegOpenKeyEx( void *hKey, const char *lpSubKey, unsigned long ulOptions, unsigned long samDesired, void *pHKey ) { // Preamble.
if ( !IsVCRModeEnabledForThisThread() ) return RegOpenKeyEx( (HKEY)hKey, lpSubKey, ulOptions, samDesired, (PHKEY)pHKey );
long ret; if(g_VCRMode == VCR_Playback) { VCR_ReadVal(ret); // (don't actually write anything to the person's registry when playing back).
} else { ret = RegOpenKeyEx( (HKEY)hKey, lpSubKey, ulOptions, samDesired, (PHKEY)pHKey );
if(g_VCRMode == VCR_Record) VCR_WriteVal(ret); }
return ret; }
static long VCR_Hook_RegSetValueEx(void *hKey, tchar const *lpValueName, unsigned long Reserved, unsigned long dwType, unsigned char const *lpData, unsigned long cbData) { // Preamble.
if ( !IsVCRModeEnabledForThisThread() ) return RegSetValueEx((HKEY)hKey, lpValueName, Reserved, dwType, lpData, cbData);
VCR_THREADSAFE; VCR_Event(VCREvent_RegSetValueEx);
long ret; if(g_VCRMode == VCR_Playback) { VCR_ReadVal(ret); // (don't actually write anything to the person's registry when playing back).
} else { ret = RegSetValueEx((HKEY)hKey, lpValueName, Reserved, dwType, lpData, cbData);
if(g_VCRMode == VCR_Record) VCR_WriteVal(ret); }
return ret; }
static long VCR_Hook_RegQueryValueEx(void *hKey, tchar const *lpValueName, unsigned long *lpReserved, unsigned long *lpType, unsigned char *lpData, unsigned long *lpcbData) { // Preamble.
if ( !IsVCRModeEnabledForThisThread() ) return RegQueryValueEx((HKEY)hKey, lpValueName, lpReserved, lpType, lpData, lpcbData);
VCR_THREADSAFE; VCR_Event(VCREvent_RegQueryValueEx);
// Doesn't support this being null right now (although it would be trivial to add support).
assert(lpData); long ret; unsigned long dummy = 0; if(g_VCRMode == VCR_Playback) { VCR_ReadVal(ret); VCR_ReadVal(lpType ? *lpType : dummy); VCR_ReadVal(*lpcbData); VCR_Read(lpData, *lpcbData); } else { ret = RegQueryValueEx((HKEY)hKey, lpValueName, lpReserved, lpType, lpData, lpcbData);
if(g_VCRMode == VCR_Record) { VCR_WriteVal(ret); VCR_WriteVal(lpType ? *lpType : dummy); VCR_WriteVal(*lpcbData); VCR_Write(lpData, *lpcbData); } }
return ret; }
static long VCR_Hook_RegCreateKeyEx(void *hKey, char const *lpSubKey, unsigned long Reserved, char *lpClass, unsigned long dwOptions, unsigned long samDesired, void *lpSecurityAttributes, void *phkResult, unsigned long *lpdwDisposition) { // Preamble.
if ( !IsVCRModeEnabledForThisThread() ) return RegCreateKeyEx((HKEY)hKey, lpSubKey, Reserved, lpClass, dwOptions, samDesired, (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)lpSecurityAttributes, (HKEY*)phkResult, lpdwDisposition);
VCR_THREADSAFE; VCR_Event(VCREvent_RegCreateKeyEx);
long ret; if(g_VCRMode == VCR_Playback) { VCR_ReadVal(ret); // (don't actually write anything to the person's registry when playing back).
} else { ret = RegCreateKeyEx((HKEY)hKey, lpSubKey, Reserved, lpClass, dwOptions, samDesired, (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)lpSecurityAttributes, (HKEY*)phkResult, lpdwDisposition);
if(g_VCRMode == VCR_Record) VCR_WriteVal(ret); }
return ret; }
static void VCR_Hook_RegCloseKey(void *hKey) { // Preamble.
if ( !IsVCRModeEnabledForThisThread() ) { RegCloseKey( (HKEY)hKey ); return; }
VCR_THREADSAFE; VCR_Event(VCREvent_RegCloseKey);
if(g_VCRMode == VCR_Playback) { } else { RegCloseKey((HKEY)hKey); } }
int VCR_Hook_GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents( void *hInput, unsigned long *pNumEvents ) { // Preamble.
if ( !IsVCRModeEnabledForThisThread() ) return GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents( (HANDLE)hInput, pNumEvents );
VCR_THREADSAFE; VCR_Event( VCREvent_GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents );
char ret; if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Playback ) { VCR_ReadVal( ret ); VCR_ReadVal( *pNumEvents ); } else { ret = (char)GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents( (HANDLE)hInput, pNumEvents );
if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Record ) { VCR_WriteVal( ret ); VCR_WriteVal( *pNumEvents ); } }
return ret; }
int VCR_Hook_ReadConsoleInput( void *hInput, void *pRecs, int nMaxRecs, unsigned long *pNumRead ) { // Preamble.
if ( !IsVCRModeEnabledForThisThread() ) return ReadConsoleInput( (HANDLE)hInput, (INPUT_RECORD*)pRecs, nMaxRecs, pNumRead );
VCR_THREADSAFE; VCR_Event( VCREvent_ReadConsoleInput );
char ret; if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Playback ) { VCR_ReadVal( ret ); if ( ret ) { VCR_ReadVal( *pNumRead ); VCR_Read( pRecs, *pNumRead * sizeof( INPUT_RECORD ) ); } } else { ret = (char)ReadConsoleInput( (HANDLE)hInput, (INPUT_RECORD*)pRecs, nMaxRecs, pNumRead );
if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Record ) { VCR_WriteVal( ret ); if ( ret ) { VCR_WriteVal( *pNumRead ); VCR_Write( pRecs, *pNumRead * sizeof( INPUT_RECORD ) ); } } }
return ret; }
void VCR_Hook_LocalTime( struct tm *today ) { // We just provide a wrapper on this function so we can protect access to time() everywhere.
time_t ltime; time( <ime ); tm *pTime = localtime( <ime ); memcpy( today, pTime, sizeof( *today ) );
// Preamble.
if ( !IsVCRModeEnabledForThisThread() ) return;
VCR_THREADSAFE; VCR_Event( VCREvent_LocalTime ); if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Playback ) { VCR_Read( today, sizeof( *today ) ); } else if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Record ) { VCR_Write( today, sizeof( *today ) ); } }
void VCR_Hook_Time( long *today ) { // We just provide a wrapper on this function so we can protect access to time() everywhere.
// NOTE: For 64-bit systems we should eventually get a function that takes a time_t, but we should have
// until about 2038 to do that before we overflow a long.
time_t curTime; time( &curTime );
// Preamble.
if ( !IsVCRModeEnabledForThisThread() ) { *today = (long)curTime; return; }
VCR_THREADSAFE; VCR_Event( VCREvent_Time ); if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Playback ) { VCR_Read( &curTime, sizeof( curTime ) ); } else if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Record ) { VCR_Write( &curTime, sizeof( curTime ) ); } *today = (long)curTime; }
short VCR_Hook_GetKeyState( int nVirtKey ) { // Preamble.
if ( !IsVCRModeEnabledForThisThread() ) return ::GetKeyState( nVirtKey );
VCR_THREADSAFE; VCR_Event( VCREvent_GetKeyState );
short ret; if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Playback ) { VCR_ReadVal( ret ); } else { ret = ::GetKeyState( nVirtKey ); if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Record ) VCR_WriteVal( ret ); }
return ret; }
void VCR_GenericRecord( const char *pEventName, const void *pData, int len ) { // Preamble.
if ( !IsVCRModeEnabledForThisThread() ) return;
VCR_THREADSAFE; VCR_Event( VCREvent_Generic );
if ( g_VCRMode != VCR_Record ) Error( "VCR_GenericRecord( %s ): not recording a VCR file", pEventName );
// Write the event name (or 255 if none).
int nameLen = 255; if ( pEventName ) { nameLen = strlen( pEventName ) + 1; if ( nameLen >= 255 ) { VCR_Error( "VCR_GenericRecord( %s ): nameLen too long (%d)", pEventName, nameLen ); return; } } unsigned char ucNameLen = (unsigned char)nameLen; VCR_WriteVal( ucNameLen ); VCR_Write( pEventName, ucNameLen );
// Write the data.
VCR_WriteVal( len ); VCR_Write( pData, len ); }
int VCR_GenericPlaybackInternal( const char *pEventName, void *pOutData, int maxLen, bool bForceSameLen, bool bForceSameContents ) { // Preamble.
if ( !IsVCRModeEnabledForThisThread() || g_VCRMode != VCR_Playback ) Error( "VCR_Playback( %s ): not playing back a VCR file", pEventName );
VCR_THREADSAFE; VCR_Event( VCREvent_Generic );
unsigned char nameLen; VCR_ReadVal( nameLen ); if ( nameLen != 255 ) { char testName[512]; VCR_Read( testName, nameLen ); if ( strcmp( pEventName, testName ) != 0 ) { VCR_Error( "VCR_GenericPlayback( %s ) - event name does not match '%s'", pEventName, testName ); return 0; } }
int dataLen; VCR_ReadVal( dataLen ); if ( dataLen > maxLen ) { VCR_Error( "VCR_GenericPlayback( %s ) - generic data too long (greater than maxLen: %d)", pEventName, maxLen ); return 0; } else if ( bForceSameLen && dataLen != maxLen ) { VCR_Error( "VCR_GenericPlayback( %s ) - data size in file (%d) different than desired (%d)", pEventName, dataLen, maxLen ); return 0; }
if ( bForceSameContents ) { if ( !bForceSameLen ) Error( "bForceSameContents and !bForceSameLen not allowed." );
static char *pTempData = new char[dataLen]; static int tempDataLen = dataLen; if ( tempDataLen < dataLen ) { delete [] pTempData; pTempData = new char[dataLen]; tempDataLen = dataLen; } VCR_Read( pTempData, dataLen ); if ( memcmp( pTempData, pOutData, dataLen ) != 0 ) { VCR_Error( "VCR_GenericPlayback: data doesn't match on playback." ); } } else { VCR_Read( pOutData, dataLen ); }
return dataLen; }
int VCR_GenericPlayback( const char *pEventName, void *pOutData, int maxLen, bool bForceSameLen ) { return VCR_GenericPlaybackInternal( pEventName, pOutData, maxLen, bForceSameLen, false ); }
void VCR_GenericValue( const char *pEventName, void *pData, int maxLen ) { // Preamble.
if ( !IsVCRModeEnabledForThisThread() ) return;
if ( !pEventName ) pEventName = ""; if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Record ) VCR_GenericRecord( pEventName, pData, maxLen ); else if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Playback ) VCR_GenericPlaybackInternal( pEventName, pData, maxLen, true, false ); }
void VCR_GenericValueVerify( const tchar *pEventName, const void *pData, int maxLen ) { // Preamble.
if ( !IsVCRModeEnabledForThisThread() ) return;
if ( !pEventName ) pEventName = ""; if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Record ) VCR_GenericRecord( pEventName, pData, maxLen ); else if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Playback ) VCR_GenericPlaybackInternal( pEventName, (void*)pData, maxLen, true, true ); }
void WriteShortString( const char *pStr ) { int len = strlen( pStr ) + 1; if ( len >= 0xFFFF ) { Error( "VCR_WriteShortString, string too long (%d characters).", len ); }
unsigned short twobytes = (unsigned short)len; VCR_WriteVal( twobytes ); VCR_Write( pStr, len ); }
void ReadAndVerifyShortString( const char *pStr ) { int len = strlen( pStr ) + 1;
unsigned short incomingSize; VCR_ReadVal( incomingSize );
if ( incomingSize != len ) VCR_Error( "ReadAndVerifyShortString (%s), lengths different.", pStr );
static char *pTempData = 0; static int tempDataLen = 0; if ( tempDataLen < len ) { delete [] pTempData; pTempData = new char[len]; tempDataLen = len; }
VCR_Read( pTempData, len ); if ( memcmp( pTempData, pStr, len ) != 0 ) { VCR_Error( "ReadAndVerifyShortString: strings different ('%s' vs '%s').", pStr, pTempData ); } }
void VCR_GenericRecordString( const char *pEventName, const char *pString ) { // Preamble.
if ( !IsVCRModeEnabledForThisThread() ) return;
VCR_THREADSAFE; VCR_Event( VCREvent_GenericString );
if ( g_VCRMode != VCR_Record ) Error( "VCR_GenericRecordString( %s ): not recording a VCR file", pEventName );
// Write the event name (or 255 if none).
WriteShortString( pEventName ); WriteShortString( pString ); }
void VCR_GenericPlaybackString( const char *pEventName, const char *pString ) { // Preamble.
if ( !IsVCRModeEnabledForThisThread() || g_VCRMode != VCR_Playback ) Error( "VCR_GenericPlaybackString( %s ): not playing back a VCR file", pEventName );
VCR_THREADSAFE; VCR_Event( VCREvent_GenericString );
ReadAndVerifyShortString( pEventName ); ReadAndVerifyShortString( pString ); }
void VCR_GenericString( const char *pEventName, const char *pString ) { // Preamble.
if ( !IsVCRModeEnabledForThisThread() ) return;
if ( !pEventName ) pEventName = "";
if ( !pString ) pString = "";
if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Record ) VCR_GenericRecordString( pEventName, pString ); else if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Playback ) VCR_GenericPlaybackString( pEventName, pString ); }
double VCR_GetPercentCompleted() { if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Playback ) { return (double)g_CurFilePos / g_FileLen; } else { return 0; } }
void* VCR_CreateThread( void *lpThreadAttributes, unsigned long dwStackSize, void *lpStartAddress, void *lpParameter, unsigned long dwCreationFlags, unsigned long *lpThreadID ) { unsigned dwThreadID = 0;
// Use _beginthreadex because it sets up C runtime
// correctly, and is safer than _beginthread. See MSDN.
// Preamble.
if ( !IsVCRModeEnabledForThisThread() ) { if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Disabled ) { HANDLE hThread = (void *)_beginthreadex( (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)lpThreadAttributes, dwStackSize, (unsigned (__stdcall *) (void *))lpStartAddress, lpParameter, dwCreationFlags, &dwThreadID );
if ( lpThreadID ) *lpThreadID = dwThreadID;
return hThread; } else { Error( "VCR_CreateThread: VCR mode disabled in calling thread." ); } } // We could make this work without too much pain.
if ( GetCurrentThreadId() != g_VCRMainThreadID ) { Error( "VCR_CreateThread called outside main thread." ); }
if ( g_nVCRThreads >= MAX_VCR_THREADS ) { // This is easy to fix if we ever hit it.. just allow more threads.
Error( "VCR_CreateThread: g_nVCRThreads >= MAX_VCR_THREADS." ); }
// Write out the VCR event saying this thread is being created.
VCR_THREADSAFE; VCR_Event( VCREvent_CreateThread );
// Create the thread.
HANDLE hThread = (void*)_beginthreadex( (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)lpThreadAttributes, dwStackSize, (unsigned (__stdcall *) (void *))lpStartAddress, lpParameter, dwCreationFlags | CREATE_SUSPENDED, &dwThreadID );
if ( lpThreadID ) *lpThreadID = dwThreadID;
if ( !hThread ) { // We don't handle this case in VCR mode (but we could pretty easily).
if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Playback || g_VCRMode == VCR_Record ) Error( "VCR_CreateThread: CreateThread() failed." );
return NULL; }
// Register this thread so we can write its ID into future VCR events.
int iNewThread = g_nVCRThreads++; g_pVCRThreads[iNewThread].m_ThreadID = dwThreadID; g_pVCRThreads[iNewThread].m_hWaitEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, false, false, NULL ); g_pVCRThreads[iNewThread].m_bEnabled = true;
// Now resume the thread.
if ( !( dwCreationFlags & CREATE_SUSPENDED ) ) { ResumeThread( hThread ); }
return hThread; }
unsigned long VCR_WaitForSingleObject( void *handle, unsigned long dwMilliseconds ) { // Preamble.
if ( !IsVCRModeEnabledForThisThread() ) return Wrap_WaitForSingleObject( handle, dwMilliseconds ); //Error( "VCR_WaitForSingleObject: VCR mode disabled in calling thread." );
// We have to do the wait here BEFORE we acquire the VCR mutex, otherwise, we could freeze
// the thread that's supposed to signal "handle".
unsigned long ret = 0; if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Record ) { ret = Wrap_WaitForSingleObject( handle, dwMilliseconds ); }
VCR_THREADSAFE; VCR_Event( VCREvent_WaitForSingleObject );
char val = 1; if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Record ) { if ( ret == WAIT_ABANDONED ) val = 2; else if ( ret == WAIT_TIMEOUT ) val = 3;
VCR_WriteVal( val ); return ret; } else { Assert( g_VCRMode == VCR_Playback ); VCR_ReadVal( val ); if ( val == 1 ) { // Hack job.. let other threads start reading events now.. we're basically saying here that we're
// finished reading our VCR event. If we didn't pass the buck onto the next one, if the event hadn't
// already been signalled, it might never get signalled.
// If it wrote 1, then we know that this call has to signal the object, so just wait until it gets signalled.
ret = Wrap_WaitForSingleObject( handle, INFINITE ); if ( ret == WAIT_ABANDONED || ret == WAIT_TIMEOUT ) { Error( "VCR_WaitForSingleObject: got inconsistent value on playback." ); }
return ret; } else { // Return whatever the function returned while it was recording.
return (val == 2) ? WAIT_ABANDONED : WAIT_TIMEOUT; } } }
unsigned long VCR_WaitForMultipleObjects( uint32 nHandles, const void **pHandles, int bWaitAll, uint32 timeout ) { // Preamble.
if ( !IsVCRModeEnabledForThisThread() ) return Wrap_WaitForMultipleObjects( nHandles, pHandles, bWaitAll, timeout );
// TODO:
AssertMsg( 0, "Need to implement VCR_WaitForMultipleObjects" ); return 0; }
void VCR_EnterCriticalSection( void *pInputCS ) { CRITICAL_SECTION *pCS = (CRITICAL_SECTION*)pInputCS;
if ( !IsVCRModeEnabledForThisThread() ) { Wrap_EnterCriticalSection( pCS ); return; }
// While recording, let's get the critical section first.
if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Record ) { Wrap_EnterCriticalSection( pCS ); }
VCR_THREADSAFE; VCR_Event( VCREvent_EnterCriticalSection );
if ( g_VCRMode == VCR_Playback ) { // When playing back, we want to grab the CS -after- the event has been read out, because it means that
// we're the only thread that is at this spot now. If we tried to grab the CS before calling VCR_Event,
// then it might let the wrong thread have the CS on playback.
Wrap_EnterCriticalSection( pCS ); } }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// The global VCR interface.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
VCR_t g_VCR = { VCR_Start, VCR_End, VCR_GetVCRTraceInterface, VCR_GetMode, VCR_SetEnabled, VCR_SyncToken, VCR_Hook_Sys_FloatTime, VCR_Hook_PeekMessage, VCR_Hook_RecordGameMsg, VCR_Hook_RecordEndGameMsg, VCR_Hook_PlaybackGameMsg, VCR_Hook_recvfrom, VCR_Hook_GetCursorPos, VCR_Hook_ScreenToClient, VCR_Hook_Cmd_Exec, VCR_Hook_GetCommandLine, VCR_Hook_RegOpenKeyEx, VCR_Hook_RegSetValueEx, VCR_Hook_RegQueryValueEx, VCR_Hook_RegCreateKeyEx, VCR_Hook_RegCloseKey, VCR_Hook_GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents, VCR_Hook_ReadConsoleInput, VCR_Hook_LocalTime, VCR_Hook_GetKeyState, VCR_Hook_recv, VCR_Hook_send, VCR_GenericRecord, VCR_GenericPlayback, VCR_GenericValue, VCR_GetPercentCompleted, VCR_CreateThread, VCR_WaitForSingleObject, VCR_EnterCriticalSection, VCR_Hook_Time, VCR_GenericString, VCR_GenericValueVerify, VCR_WaitForMultipleObjects, };
VCR_t *g_pVCR = &g_VCR;
#endif // NO_VCR