//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $Workfile: $
// $Date: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "tier1/CommandBuffer.h"
#include "tier1/utlbuffer.h"
#include "tier1/strtools.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
#define MAX_ALIAS_NAME 32
struct cmdalias_t { cmdalias_t *next; char name[ MAX_ALIAS_NAME ]; char *value; };
// Constructor, destructor
CCommandBuffer::CCommandBuffer( ) : m_Commands( 32, 32 ) { m_hNextCommand = m_Commands.InvalidIndex(); m_nWaitDelayTicks = 1; m_nCurrentTick = 0; m_nLastTickToProcess = -1; m_nArgSBufferSize = 0; m_bIsProcessingCommands = false; m_nMaxArgSBufferLength = ARGS_BUFFER_LENGTH; }
CCommandBuffer::~CCommandBuffer() { }
// Indicates how long to delay when encoutering a 'wait' command
void CCommandBuffer::SetWaitDelayTime( int nTickDelay ) { Assert( nTickDelay >= 0 ); m_nWaitDelayTicks = nTickDelay; }
// Specifies a max limit of the args buffer. For unittesting. Size == 0 means use default
void CCommandBuffer::LimitArgumentBufferSize( int nSize ) { if ( nSize > ARGS_BUFFER_LENGTH ) { nSize = ARGS_BUFFER_LENGTH; }
m_nMaxArgSBufferLength = ( nSize == 0 ) ? ARGS_BUFFER_LENGTH : nSize; }
// Parses argv0 out of the buffer
bool CCommandBuffer::ParseArgV0( CUtlBuffer &buf, char *pArgV0, int nMaxLen, const char **pArgS ) { pArgV0[0] = 0; *pArgS = NULL;
if ( !buf.IsValid() ) return false;
int nSize = buf.ParseToken( CCommand::DefaultBreakSet(), pArgV0, nMaxLen ); if ( ( nSize <= 0 ) || ( nMaxLen == nSize ) ) return false;
int nArgSLen = buf.TellMaxPut() - buf.TellGet(); *pArgS = (nArgSLen > 0) ? (const char*)buf.PeekGet() : NULL; return true; }
// Insert a command into the command queue
void CCommandBuffer::InsertCommandAtAppropriateTime( int hCommand ) { int i; Command_t &command = m_Commands[hCommand]; for ( i = m_Commands.Head(); i != m_Commands.InvalidIndex(); i = m_Commands.Next(i) ) { if ( m_Commands[i].m_nTick > command.m_nTick ) break; } m_Commands.LinkBefore( i, hCommand ); }
// Insert a command into the command queue at the appropriate time
void CCommandBuffer::InsertImmediateCommand( int hCommand ) { m_Commands.LinkBefore( m_hNextCommand, hCommand ); }
// Insert a command into the command queue
bool CCommandBuffer::InsertCommand( const char *pArgS, int nCommandSize, int nTick ) { if ( nCommandSize >= CCommand::MaxCommandLength() ) { Warning( "WARNING: Command too long... ignoring!\n%s\n", pArgS ); return false; }
// Add one for null termination
if ( m_nArgSBufferSize + nCommandSize + 1 > m_nMaxArgSBufferLength ) { Compact(); if ( m_nArgSBufferSize + nCommandSize + 1 > m_nMaxArgSBufferLength ) return false; } memcpy( &m_pArgSBuffer[m_nArgSBufferSize], pArgS, nCommandSize ); m_pArgSBuffer[m_nArgSBufferSize + nCommandSize] = 0; ++nCommandSize;
int hCommand = m_Commands.Alloc(); Command_t &command = m_Commands[hCommand]; command.m_nTick = nTick; command.m_nFirstArgS = m_nArgSBufferSize; command.m_nBufferSize = nCommandSize;
m_nArgSBufferSize += nCommandSize;
if ( !m_bIsProcessingCommands || ( nTick > m_nCurrentTick ) ) { InsertCommandAtAppropriateTime( hCommand ); } else { InsertImmediateCommand( hCommand ); } return true; }
// Returns the length of the next command
void CCommandBuffer::GetNextCommandLength( const char *pText, int nMaxLen, int *pCommandLength, int *pNextCommandOffset ) { int nCommandLength = 0; int nNextCommandOffset; bool bIsQuoted = false; bool bIsCommented = false; for ( nNextCommandOffset=0; nNextCommandOffset < nMaxLen; ++nNextCommandOffset, nCommandLength += bIsCommented ? 0 : 1 ) { char c = pText[nNextCommandOffset]; if ( !bIsCommented ) { if ( c == '"' ) { bIsQuoted = !bIsQuoted; continue; }
// don't break if inside a C++ style comment
if ( !bIsQuoted && c == '/' ) { bIsCommented = ( nNextCommandOffset < nMaxLen-1 ) && pText[nNextCommandOffset+1] == '/'; if ( bIsCommented ) { ++nNextCommandOffset; continue; } }
// don't break if inside a quoted string
if ( !bIsQuoted && c == ';' ) break; }
// FIXME: This is legacy behavior; should we not break if a \n is inside a quoted string?
if ( c == '\n' ) break; }
*pCommandLength = nCommandLength; *pNextCommandOffset = nNextCommandOffset; }
// Add text to command buffer, return false if it couldn't owing to overflow
bool CCommandBuffer::AddText( const char *pText, int nTickDelay ) { Assert( nTickDelay >= 0 );
int nLen = Q_strlen( pText ); int nTick = m_nCurrentTick + nTickDelay;
// Parse the text into distinct commands
const char *pCurrentCommand = pText; int nOffsetToNextCommand; for( ; nLen > 0; nLen -= nOffsetToNextCommand+1, pCurrentCommand += nOffsetToNextCommand+1 ) { // find a \n or ; line break
int nCommandLength; GetNextCommandLength( pCurrentCommand, nLen, &nCommandLength, &nOffsetToNextCommand ); if ( nCommandLength <= 0 ) continue;
const char *pArgS; char *pArgV0 = (char*)_alloca( nCommandLength+1 ); CUtlBuffer bufParse( pCurrentCommand, nCommandLength, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER | CUtlBuffer::READ_ONLY ); ParseArgV0( bufParse, pArgV0, nCommandLength+1, &pArgS ); if ( pArgV0[0] == 0 ) continue;
// Deal with the special 'wait' command
if ( !Q_stricmp( pArgV0, "wait" ) && IsWaitEnabled() ) { int nDelay = pArgS ? atoi( pArgS ) : m_nWaitDelayTicks; nTick += nDelay; continue; }
if ( !InsertCommand( pCurrentCommand, nCommandLength, nTick ) ) return false; }
return true; }
// Are we in the middle of processing commands?
bool CCommandBuffer::IsProcessingCommands() { return m_bIsProcessingCommands; } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Delays all queued commands to execute at a later time
void CCommandBuffer::DelayAllQueuedCommands( int nDelay ) { if ( nDelay <= 0 ) return;
for ( int i = m_Commands.Head(); i != m_Commands.InvalidIndex(); i = m_Commands.Next(i) ) { m_Commands[i].m_nTick += nDelay; } }
// Call this to begin iterating over all commands up to flCurrentTime
void CCommandBuffer::BeginProcessingCommands( int nDeltaTicks ) { if ( nDeltaTicks == 0 ) return;
Assert( !m_bIsProcessingCommands ); m_bIsProcessingCommands = true; m_nLastTickToProcess = m_nCurrentTick + nDeltaTicks - 1;
// Necessary to insert commands while commands are being processed
m_hNextCommand = m_Commands.Head(); }
// Returns the next command
bool CCommandBuffer::DequeueNextCommand( ) { m_CurrentCommand.Reset();
Assert( m_bIsProcessingCommands ); if ( m_Commands.Count() == 0 ) return false;
int nHead = m_Commands.Head(); Command_t &command = m_Commands[ nHead ]; if ( command.m_nTick > m_nLastTickToProcess ) return false;
m_nCurrentTick = command.m_nTick;
// Copy the current command into a temp buffer
// NOTE: This is here to avoid the pointers returned by DequeueNextCommand
// to become invalid by calling AddText. Is there a way we can avoid the memcpy?
if ( command.m_nBufferSize > 0 ) { m_CurrentCommand.Tokenize( &m_pArgSBuffer[command.m_nFirstArgS] ); }
m_Commands.Remove( nHead );
// Necessary to insert commands while commands are being processed
m_hNextCommand = m_Commands.Head();
// Msg("Dequeue : ");
// for ( int i = 0; i < nArgc; ++i )
// {
// Msg("%s ", m_pCurrentArgv[i] );
// }
// Msg("\n");
return true; }
// Returns the next command
int CCommandBuffer::DequeueNextCommand( const char **& ppArgv ) { DequeueNextCommand(); ppArgv = ArgV(); return ArgC(); }
// Compacts the command buffer
void CCommandBuffer::Compact() { // Compress argvbuffer + argv
// NOTE: I'm using this choice instead of calling malloc + free
// per command to allocate arguments because I expect to post a
// bunch of commands but not have many delayed commands;
// avoiding the allocation cost seems more important that the memcpy
// cost here since I expect to not have much to copy.
m_nArgSBufferSize = 0;
char pTempBuffer[ ARGS_BUFFER_LENGTH ]; for ( int i = m_Commands.Head(); i != m_Commands.InvalidIndex(); i = m_Commands.Next(i) ) { Command_t &command = m_Commands[ i ];
memcpy( &pTempBuffer[m_nArgSBufferSize], &m_pArgSBuffer[command.m_nFirstArgS], command.m_nBufferSize ); command.m_nFirstArgS = m_nArgSBufferSize; m_nArgSBufferSize += command.m_nBufferSize; }
// NOTE: We could also store 2 buffers in the command buffer and switch
// between the two to avoid the 2nd memcpy; but again I'm guessing the memory
// tradeoff isn't worth it
memcpy( m_pArgSBuffer, pTempBuffer, m_nArgSBufferSize ); }
// Call this to finish iterating over all commands
void CCommandBuffer::EndProcessingCommands() { Assert( m_bIsProcessingCommands ); m_bIsProcessingCommands = false; m_nCurrentTick = m_nLastTickToProcess + 1; m_hNextCommand = m_Commands.InvalidIndex();
// Extract commands that are before the end time
// NOTE: This is a bug for this to
int i = m_Commands.Head(); if ( i == m_Commands.InvalidIndex() ) { m_nArgSBufferSize = 0; return; }
while ( i != m_Commands.InvalidIndex() ) { if ( m_Commands[i].m_nTick >= m_nCurrentTick ) break;
AssertMsgOnce( false, "CCommandBuffer::EndProcessingCommands() called before all appropriate commands were dequeued.\n" ); int nNext = i; Msg( "Warning: Skipping command %s\n", &m_pArgSBuffer[ m_Commands[i].m_nFirstArgS ] ); m_Commands.Remove( i ); i = nNext; }
Compact(); }
// Returns a handle to the next command to process
CommandHandle_t CCommandBuffer::GetNextCommandHandle() { Assert( m_bIsProcessingCommands ); return m_Commands.Head(); }
#if 0
=============== Cmd_Alias_f
Creates a new command that executes a command string (possibly ; seperated) =============== */ void Cmd_Alias_f (void) { cmdalias_t *a; char cmd[MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH]; int i, c; char *s;
if (Cmd_Argc() == 1) { Con_Printf ("Current alias commands:\n"); for (a = cmd_alias ; a ; a=a->next) Con_Printf ("%s : %s\n", a->name, a->value); return; }
s = Cmd_Argv(1); if (strlen(s) >= MAX_ALIAS_NAME) { Con_Printf ("Alias name is too long\n"); return; }
// copy the rest of the command line
cmd[0] = 0; // start out with a null string
c = Cmd_Argc(); for (i=2 ; i< c ; i++) { Q_strncat(cmd, Cmd_Argv(i), sizeof( cmd ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS); if (i != c) { Q_strncat (cmd, " ", sizeof( cmd ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); } } Q_strncat (cmd, "\n", sizeof( cmd ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS);
// if the alias already exists, reuse it
for (a = cmd_alias ; a ; a=a->next) { if (!strcmp(s, a->name)) { if ( !strcmp( a->value, cmd ) ) // Re-alias the same thing
delete[] a->value; break; } }
if (!a) { a = (cmdalias_t *)new cmdalias_t; a->next = cmd_alias; cmd_alias = a; } Q_strncpy (a->name, s, sizeof( a->name ) );
a->value = COM_StringCopy(cmd); }
============================================================================= */
#define MAX_ARGS 80
static int cmd_argc; static char *cmd_argv[MAX_ARGS]; static char *cmd_null_string = ""; static const char *cmd_args = NULL;
cmd_source_t cmd_source;
// Purpose:
// Output : void Cmd_Init
// Purpose:
void Cmd_Shutdown( void ) { // TODO, cleanup
while ( cmd_alias ) { cmdalias_t *next = cmd_alias->next; delete cmd_alias->value; // created by StringCopy()
delete cmd_alias; cmd_alias = next; } }
============ Cmd_ExecuteString
A complete command line has been parsed, so try to execute it FIXME: lookupnoadd the token to speed search? ============ */ const ConCommandBase *Cmd_ExecuteString (const char *text, cmd_source_t src) { cmdalias_t *a;
cmd_source = src; Cmd_TokenizeString (text); // execute the command line
if (!Cmd_Argc()) return NULL; // no tokens
// check alias
for (a=cmd_alias ; a ; a=a->next) { if (!Q_strcasecmp (cmd_argv[0], a->name)) { Cbuf_InsertText (a->value); return NULL; } } // check ConCommands
ConCommandBase const *pCommand = ConCommandBase::FindCommand( cmd_argv[ 0 ] ); if ( pCommand && pCommand->IsCommand() ) { bool isServerCommand = ( pCommand->IsBitSet( FCVAR_GAMEDLL ) && // Typed at console
cmd_source == src_command && // Not HLDS
!sv.IsDedicated() );
// Hook to allow game .dll to figure out who type the message on a listen server
if ( serverGameClients ) { // We're actually the server, so set it up locally
if ( sv.IsActive() ) { g_pServerPluginHandler->SetCommandClient( -1 ); #ifndef SWDS
// Special processing for listen server player
if ( isServerCommand ) { g_pServerPluginHandler->SetCommandClient( cl.m_nPlayerSlot ); } #endif
} // We're not the server, but we've been a listen server (game .dll loaded)
// forward this command tot he server instead of running it locally if we're still
// connected
// Otherwise, things like "say" won't work unless you quit and restart
else if ( isServerCommand ) { if ( cl.IsConnected() ) { Cmd_ForwardToServer(); return NULL; } else { // It's a server command, but we're not connected to a server. Don't try to execute it.
return NULL; } } }
// Allow cheat commands in singleplayer, debug, or multiplayer with sv_cheats on
#ifndef _DEBUG
if ( pCommand->IsBitSet( FCVAR_CHEAT ) ) { if ( !Host_IsSinglePlayerGame() && sv_cheats.GetInt() == 0 ) { Msg( "Can't use cheat command %s in multiplayer, unless the server has sv_cheats set to 1.\n", pCommand->GetName() ); return NULL; } } #endif
(( ConCommand * )pCommand )->Dispatch(); return pCommand; }
// check cvars
if ( cv->IsCommand() ) { return pCommand; }
// forward the command line to the server, so the entity DLL can parse it
if ( cmd_source == src_command ) { if ( cl.IsConnected() ) { Cmd_ForwardToServer(); return NULL; } } Msg("Unknown command \"%s\"\n", Cmd_Argv(0));
return NULL; } #endif