//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include <stdint.h>
#include "tier1/utlstring.h"
#include "tier1/strtools.h"
#include <ctype.h>
// NOTE: This has to be the last file included!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Simple string class.
// Either allocates or reallocates memory to the length
// Allocated space for length characters. It automatically adds space for the
// nul and the cached length at the start of the memory block. Will adjust
// m_pString and explicitly set the nul at the end before returning.
void *CUtlString::AllocMemory( uint32 length ) { void *pMemoryBlock; if ( m_pString ) { pMemoryBlock = realloc( m_pString, length + 1 ); } else { pMemoryBlock = malloc( length + 1 ); } m_pString = (char*)pMemoryBlock; m_pString[ length ] = 0;
return pMemoryBlock; }
void CUtlString::SetDirect( const char *pValue, int nChars ) { if ( pValue && nChars > 0 ) { if ( pValue == m_pString ) { AssertMsg( nChars == Q_strlen(m_pString), "CUtlString::SetDirect does not support resizing strings in place." ); return; // Do nothing. Realloc in AllocMemory might move pValue's location resulting in a bad memcpy.
Assert( nChars <= Min<int>( strnlen(pValue, nChars) + 1, nChars ) ); AllocMemory( nChars ); Q_memcpy( m_pString, pValue, nChars ); } else { Purge(); }
void CUtlString::Set( const char *pValue ) { int length = pValue ? V_strlen( pValue ) : 0; SetDirect( pValue, length ); }
// Sets the length (used to serialize into the buffer )
void CUtlString::SetLength( int nLen ) { if ( nLen > 0 ) { #ifdef _DEBUG
int prevLen = m_pString ? Length() : 0; #endif
AllocMemory( nLen ); #ifdef _DEBUG
if ( nLen > prevLen ) { V_memset( m_pString + prevLen, 0xEB, nLen - prevLen ); } #endif
} else { Purge(); } }
const char *CUtlString::Get( ) const { if (!m_pString) { return ""; } return m_pString; }
char *CUtlString::GetForModify() { if ( !m_pString ) { // In general, we optimise away small mallocs for empty strings
// but if you ask for the non-const bytes, they must be writable
// so we can't return "" here, like we do for the const version - jd
void *pMemoryBlock = malloc( 1 ); m_pString = (char *)pMemoryBlock; *m_pString = 0; }
return m_pString; }
char CUtlString::operator[]( int i ) const { if ( !m_pString ) return '\0';
if ( i >= Length() ) { return '\0'; }
return m_pString[i]; }
void CUtlString::Clear() { Purge(); }
void CUtlString::Purge() { free( m_pString ); m_pString = NULL; }
bool CUtlString::IsEqual_CaseSensitive( const char *src ) const { if ( !src ) { return (Length() == 0); } return ( V_strcmp( Get(), src ) == 0 ); }
bool CUtlString::IsEqual_CaseInsensitive( const char *src ) const { if ( !src ) { return (Length() == 0); } return ( V_stricmp( Get(), src ) == 0 ); }
void CUtlString::ToLower() { if ( !m_pString ) { return; }
V_strlower( m_pString ); }
void CUtlString::ToUpper() { if ( !m_pString ) { return; }
V_strupr( m_pString ); }
CUtlString &CUtlString::operator=( const CUtlString &src ) { SetDirect( src.Get(), src.Length() ); return *this; }
CUtlString &CUtlString::operator=( const char *src ) { Set( src ); return *this; }
bool CUtlString::operator==( const CUtlString &src ) const { if ( IsEmpty() ) { if ( src.IsEmpty() ) { return true; }
return false; } else { if ( src.IsEmpty() ) { return false; }
return Q_strcmp( m_pString, src.m_pString ) == 0; } }
CUtlString &CUtlString::operator+=( const CUtlString &rhs ) { const int lhsLength( Length() ); const int rhsLength( rhs.Length() );
if (!rhsLength) { return *this; }
const int requestedLength( lhsLength + rhsLength );
AllocMemory( requestedLength ); Q_memcpy( m_pString + lhsLength, rhs.m_pString, rhsLength );
return *this; }
CUtlString &CUtlString::operator+=( const char *rhs ) { const int lhsLength( Length() ); const int rhsLength( V_strlen( rhs ) ); const int requestedLength( lhsLength + rhsLength );
if (!requestedLength) { return *this; }
AllocMemory( requestedLength ); Q_memcpy( m_pString + lhsLength, rhs, rhsLength );
return *this; }
CUtlString &CUtlString::operator+=( char c ) { const int lhsLength( Length() );
AllocMemory( lhsLength + 1 ); m_pString[ lhsLength ] = c;
return *this; }
CUtlString &CUtlString::operator+=( int rhs ) { Assert( sizeof( rhs ) == 4 );
char tmpBuf[ 12 ]; // Sufficient for a signed 32 bit integer [ -2147483648 to +2147483647 ]
V_snprintf( tmpBuf, sizeof( tmpBuf ), "%d", rhs ); tmpBuf[ sizeof( tmpBuf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
return operator+=( tmpBuf ); }
CUtlString &CUtlString::operator+=( double rhs ) { char tmpBuf[ 256 ]; // How big can doubles be??? Dunno.
V_snprintf( tmpBuf, sizeof( tmpBuf ), "%lg", rhs ); tmpBuf[ sizeof( tmpBuf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
return operator+=( tmpBuf ); }
bool CUtlString::MatchesPattern( const CUtlString &Pattern, int nFlags ) const { const char *pszSource = String(); const char *pszPattern = Pattern.String(); bool bExact = true;
while( 1 ) { if ( ( *pszPattern ) == 0 ) { return ( (*pszSource ) == 0 ); }
if ( ( *pszPattern ) == '*' ) { pszPattern++;
if ( ( *pszPattern ) == 0 ) { return true; }
bExact = false; continue; }
int nLength = 0;
while( ( *pszPattern ) != '*' && ( *pszPattern ) != 0 ) { nLength++; pszPattern++; }
while( 1 ) { const char *pszStartPattern = pszPattern - nLength; const char *pszSearch = pszSource;
for( int i = 0; i < nLength; i++, pszSearch++, pszStartPattern++ ) { if ( ( *pszSearch ) == 0 ) { return false; }
if ( ( *pszSearch ) != ( *pszStartPattern ) ) { break; } }
if ( pszSearch - pszSource == nLength ) { break; }
if ( bExact == true ) { return false; }
if ( ( nFlags & PATTERN_DIRECTORY ) != 0 ) { if ( ( *pszPattern ) != '/' && ( *pszSource ) == '/' ) { return false; } }
pszSource++; }
pszSource += nLength; } }
int CUtlString::Format( const char *pFormat, ... ) { va_list marker;
va_start( marker, pFormat ); int len = FormatV( pFormat, marker ); va_end( marker );
return len; }
// This can be called from functions that take varargs.
int CUtlString::FormatV( const char *pFormat, va_list marker ) { char tmpBuf[ 4096 ]; //< Nice big 4k buffer, as much memory as my first computer had, a Radio Shack Color Computer
//va_start( marker, pFormat );
int len = V_vsprintf_safe( tmpBuf, pFormat, marker ); //va_end( marker );
Set( tmpBuf ); return len; }
// Strips the trailing slash
void CUtlString::StripTrailingSlash() { if ( IsEmpty() ) return;
int nLastChar = Length() - 1; char c = m_pString[ nLastChar ]; if ( c == '\\' || c == '/' ) { SetLength( nLastChar ); } }
void CUtlString::FixSlashes( char cSeparator/*=CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR*/ ) { if ( m_pString ) { V_FixSlashes( m_pString, cSeparator ); } }
// Trim functions
void CUtlString::TrimLeft( char cTarget ) { int nIndex = 0;
if ( IsEmpty() ) { return; }
while( m_pString[nIndex] == cTarget ) { ++nIndex; }
// We have some whitespace to remove
if ( nIndex > 0 ) { memcpy( m_pString, &m_pString[nIndex], Length() - nIndex ); SetLength( Length() - nIndex ); } }
void CUtlString::TrimLeft( const char *szTargets ) { int i;
if ( IsEmpty() ) { return; }
for( i = 0; m_pString[i] != 0; i++ ) { bool bWhitespace = false;
for( int j = 0; szTargets[j] != 0; j++ ) { if ( m_pString[i] == szTargets[j] ) { bWhitespace = true; break; } }
if ( !bWhitespace ) { break; } }
// We have some whitespace to remove
if ( i > 0 ) { memcpy( m_pString, &m_pString[i], Length() - i ); SetLength( Length() - i ); } }
void CUtlString::TrimRight( char cTarget ) { const int nLastCharIndex = Length() - 1; int nIndex = nLastCharIndex;
while ( nIndex >= 0 && m_pString[nIndex] == cTarget ) { --nIndex; }
// We have some whitespace to remove
if ( nIndex < nLastCharIndex ) { m_pString[nIndex + 1] = 0; SetLength( nIndex + 2 ); } }
void CUtlString::TrimRight( const char *szTargets ) { const int nLastCharIndex = Length() - 1; int i;
for( i = nLastCharIndex; i > 0; i-- ) { bool bWhitespace = false;
for( int j = 0; szTargets[j] != 0; j++ ) { if ( m_pString[i] == szTargets[j] ) { bWhitespace = true; break; } }
if ( !bWhitespace ) { break; } }
// We have some whitespace to remove
if ( i < nLastCharIndex ) { m_pString[i + 1] = 0; SetLength( i + 2 ); } }
void CUtlString::Trim( char cTarget ) { TrimLeft( cTarget ); TrimRight( cTarget ); }
void CUtlString::Trim( const char *szTargets ) { TrimLeft( szTargets ); TrimRight( szTargets ); }
CUtlString CUtlString::Slice( int32 nStart, int32 nEnd ) const { int length = Length(); if ( length == 0 ) { return CUtlString(); }
if ( nStart < 0 ) nStart = length - (-nStart % length); else if ( nStart >= length ) nStart = length;
if ( nEnd == INT32_MAX ) nEnd = length; else if ( nEnd < 0 ) nEnd = length - (-nEnd % length); else if ( nEnd >= length ) nEnd = length; if ( nStart >= nEnd ) return CUtlString();
const char *pIn = String();
CUtlString ret; ret.SetDirect( pIn + nStart, nEnd - nStart ); return ret; }
// Grab a substring starting from the left or the right side.
CUtlString CUtlString::Left( int32 nChars ) const { return Slice( 0, nChars ); }
CUtlString CUtlString::Right( int32 nChars ) const { return Slice( -nChars ); }
CUtlString CUtlString::Replace( char cFrom, char cTo ) const { if (!m_pString) { return CUtlString(); }
CUtlString ret = *this; int len = ret.Length(); for ( int i=0; i < len; i++ ) { if ( ret.m_pString[i] == cFrom ) ret.m_pString[i] = cTo; }
return ret; }
CUtlString CUtlString::Replace( const char *pszFrom, const char *pszTo ) const { Assert( pszTo ); // Can be 0 length, but not null
Assert( pszFrom && *pszFrom ); // Must be valid and have one character.
const char *pos = V_strstr( String(), pszFrom ); if ( !pos ) { return *this; }
const char *pFirstFound = pos;
// count number of search string
int nSearchCount = 0; int nSearchLength = V_strlen( pszFrom ); while ( pos ) { nSearchCount++; int nSrcOffset = ( pos - String() ) + nSearchLength; pos = V_strstr( String() + nSrcOffset, pszFrom ); }
// allocate the new string
int nReplaceLength = V_strlen( pszTo ); int nAllocOffset = nSearchCount * ( nReplaceLength - nSearchLength ); size_t srcLength = Length(); CUtlString strDest; size_t destLength = srcLength + nAllocOffset; strDest.SetLength( destLength );
// find and replace the search string
pos = pFirstFound; int nDestOffset = 0; int nSrcOffset = 0; while ( pos ) { // Found an instance
int nCurrentSearchOffset = pos - String(); int nCopyLength = nCurrentSearchOffset - nSrcOffset; V_strncpy( strDest.GetForModify() + nDestOffset, String() + nSrcOffset, nCopyLength + 1 ); nDestOffset += nCopyLength; V_strncpy( strDest.GetForModify() + nDestOffset, pszTo, nReplaceLength + 1 ); nDestOffset += nReplaceLength;
nSrcOffset = nCurrentSearchOffset + nSearchLength; pos = V_strstr( String() + nSrcOffset, pszFrom ); }
// making sure that the left over string from the source is the same size as the left over dest buffer
Assert( destLength - nDestOffset == srcLength - nSrcOffset ); if ( destLength - nDestOffset > 0 ) { V_strncpy( strDest.GetForModify() + nDestOffset, String() + nSrcOffset, destLength - nDestOffset + 1 ); }
return strDest; }
CUtlString CUtlString::AbsPath( const char *pStartingDir ) const { char szNew[MAX_PATH]; V_MakeAbsolutePath( szNew, sizeof( szNew ), this->String(), pStartingDir ); return CUtlString( szNew ); }
CUtlString CUtlString::UnqualifiedFilename() const { const char *pFilename = V_UnqualifiedFileName( this->String() ); return CUtlString( pFilename ); }
CUtlString CUtlString::DirName() const { CUtlString ret( this->String() ); V_StripLastDir( (char*)ret.Get(), ret.Length() + 1 ); V_StripTrailingSlash( (char*)ret.Get() ); return ret; }
CUtlString CUtlString::StripExtension() const { char szTemp[MAX_PATH]; V_StripExtension( String(), szTemp, sizeof( szTemp ) ); return CUtlString( szTemp ); }
CUtlString CUtlString::StripFilename() const { const char *pFilename = V_UnqualifiedFileName( Get() ); // NOTE: returns 'Get()' on failure, never NULL
int nCharsToCopy = pFilename - Get(); CUtlString result; result.SetDirect( Get(), nCharsToCopy ); result.StripTrailingSlash(); return result; }
CUtlString CUtlString::GetBaseFilename() const { char szTemp[MAX_PATH]; V_FileBase( String(), szTemp, sizeof( szTemp ) ); return CUtlString( szTemp ); }
CUtlString CUtlString::GetExtension() const { char szTemp[MAX_PATH]; V_ExtractFileExtension( String(), szTemp, sizeof( szTemp ) ); return CUtlString( szTemp ); }
CUtlString CUtlString::PathJoin( const char *pStr1, const char *pStr2 ) { char szPath[MAX_PATH]; V_ComposeFileName( pStr1, pStr2, szPath, sizeof( szPath ) ); return CUtlString( szPath ); }
CUtlString CUtlString::operator+( const char *pOther ) const { CUtlString s = *this; s += pOther; return s; }
CUtlString CUtlString::operator+( const CUtlString &other ) const { CUtlString s = *this; s += other; return s; }
CUtlString CUtlString::operator+( int rhs ) const { CUtlString ret = *this; ret += rhs; return ret; }
// Purpose: concatenate the provided string to our current content
void CUtlString::Append( const char *pchAddition ) { (*this) += pchAddition; }
void CUtlString::Append( const char *pchAddition, int nChars ) { nChars = Min<int>( nChars, V_strlen( pchAddition ) );
const int lhsLength( Length() ); const int rhsLength( nChars ); const int requestedLength( lhsLength + rhsLength );
AllocMemory( requestedLength ); const int allocatedLength( requestedLength ); const int copyLength( allocatedLength - lhsLength < rhsLength ? allocatedLength - lhsLength : rhsLength ); memcpy( GetForModify() + lhsLength, pchAddition, copyLength ); m_pString[ allocatedLength ] = '\0'; }
// Shared static empty string.
const CUtlString &CUtlString::GetEmptyString() { static const CUtlString s_emptyString;
return s_emptyString; }