//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include <stdio.h>
#include "GraphPanel.h"
#include <vgui/ISystem.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <vgui/IVGui.h>
#include <vgui/IScheme.h>
#include <vgui/ILocalize.h>
#include <KeyValues.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Label.h>
#include <vgui_controls/TextEntry.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Button.h>
#include <vgui_controls/ToggleButton.h>
#include <vgui_controls/RadioButton.h>
#include <vgui_controls/ListPanel.h>
#include <vgui_controls/ComboBox.h>
#include <vgui_controls/PHandle.h>
#include <vgui_controls/PropertySheet.h>
#include <vgui_controls/CheckButton.h>
#define max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define STATS_UPDATE_RATE 5.0f
// colors for the various graph lines+controls
Color CGraphPanel::CGraphsImage::CPUColor= Color(0,255,0,255); // green
Color CGraphPanel::CGraphsImage::FPSColor= Color(255,0,0,255); // red
Color CGraphPanel::CGraphsImage::NetInColor = Color(255,255,0,255); // yellow
Color CGraphPanel::CGraphsImage::NetOutColor = Color(0,255,255,255); // light blue
Color CGraphPanel::CGraphsImage::PlayersColor = Color(255,0,255,255); // purple
Color CGraphPanel::CGraphsImage::PingColor = Color(0,0,0,255); // black
//Color CGraphPanel::CGraphsImage::lineColor = Color(76,88,68,255);
using namespace vgui;
// Purpose: Constructor
CGraphPanel::CGraphPanel(vgui::Panel *parent, const char *name) : PropertyPage(parent, name) { SetMinimumSize(300,200);
m_pGraphsPanel = new ImagePanel(this,"Graphs"); m_pGraphs = new CGraphsImage(); m_pGraphsPanel->SetImage(m_pGraphs);
m_pInButton = new CheckButton(this,"InCheck","#Graph_In"); m_pOutButton = new CheckButton(this,"OutCheck","#Graph_Out"); m_pFPSButton = new CheckButton(this,"FPSCheck","#Graph_FPS"); m_pCPUButton = new CheckButton(this,"CPUCheck","#Graph_CPU"); m_pPINGButton = new CheckButton(this,"PingCheck","#Graph_Ping"); m_pPlayerButton = new CheckButton(this,"PlayersCheck","#Graph_Players");
m_pTimeCombo = new ComboBox(this, "TimeCombo",3,false); m_pTimeCombo->AddItem("#Graph_Minutes", NULL); int defaultItem = m_pTimeCombo->AddItem("#Graph_Hours", NULL); m_pTimeCombo->AddItem("#Graph_Day", NULL); m_pTimeCombo->ActivateItem(defaultItem);
m_pVertCombo = new ComboBox(this, "VertCombo",6,false); m_pVertCombo->AddItem("#Graph_In", NULL); m_pVertCombo->AddItem("#Graph_Out", NULL); m_pVertCombo->AddItem("#Graph_FPS", NULL); defaultItem = m_pVertCombo->AddItem("#Graph_CPU", NULL); m_pVertCombo->AddItem("#Graph_Ping", NULL); m_pVertCombo->AddItem("#Graph_Players", NULL); m_pVertCombo->ActivateItem(defaultItem);
// now setup defaults
m_pCPUButton->SetSelected(true); m_pInButton->SetSelected(false); m_pOutButton->SetSelected(false); m_pFPSButton->SetSelected(false); m_pPINGButton->SetSelected(false);
LoadControlSettings("Admin/GraphPanel.res", "PLATFORM");
int w,h; m_pGraphsPanel->GetSize(w,h); m_pGraphs->SaveSize(w,h); m_pGraphs->SetDraw(m_pCPUButton->IsSelected(),m_pFPSButton->IsSelected(), m_pInButton->IsSelected(),m_pOutButton->IsSelected(),m_pPINGButton->IsSelected(),m_pPlayerButton->IsSelected());
m_pPINGButton->SetFgColor(m_pGraphs->GetPingColor()); m_pCPUButton->SetFgColor(m_pGraphs->GetCPUColor()); m_pFPSButton->SetFgColor(m_pGraphs->GetFPSColor()); m_pInButton->SetFgColor(m_pGraphs->GetInColor()); m_pOutButton->SetFgColor(m_pGraphs->GetOutColor()); m_pPlayerButton->SetFgColor(m_pGraphs->GetPlayersColor());
ivgui()->AddTickSignal(GetVPanel()); m_flNextStatsUpdateTime = 0; }
// Purpose: Destructor
CGraphPanel::~CGraphPanel() {
void CGraphPanel::ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *pScheme ) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme ); m_pGraphsPanel->SetBorder( pScheme->GetBorder("ButtonDepressedBorder")); m_pGraphs->SetBgColor(GetSchemeColor("WindowBG", pScheme)); m_pGraphs->SetAxisColor(Color(76,88,68,255));
// Purpose: Activates the page
void CGraphPanel::OnPageShow() { BaseClass::OnPageShow(); }
// Purpose: Hides the page
void CGraphPanel::OnPageHide() { BaseClass::OnPageHide(); }
// Purpose: called every frame to update stats page
void CGraphPanel::OnTick() { if (m_flNextStatsUpdateTime > system()->GetFrameTime()) return;
m_flNextStatsUpdateTime = (float)system()->GetFrameTime() + STATS_UPDATE_RATE; RemoteServer().RequestValue(this, "stats"); }
// Purpose: tells the image about the new size
void CGraphPanel::PerformLayout() { BaseClass::PerformLayout(); int w,h,x,y; m_pGraphsPanel->GetBounds(x,y,w,h);
m_pGraphs->SaveSize(w,h); // tell the image about the resize
// push the mid axis label to the middle of the image
Label *entry = dynamic_cast<Label *>(FindChildByName("AxisMid")); if (entry) { int entry_x,entry_y; entry->GetPos(entry_x,entry_y); entry->SetPos(entry_x,y+(h/2)-8); } }
// Purpose: Handles stats command returns
void CGraphPanel::OnServerDataResponse(const char *value, const char *response) { if (!stricmp(value, "stats")) { // parse the stats out of the response
Points_t p; float uptime, users; sscanf(response, "%f %f %f %f %f %f %f", &p.cpu, &p.in, &p.out, &uptime, &users, &p.fps, &p.players); p.cpu = p.cpu / 100; // its given as a value between 0<x<100, we want 0<x<1
p.ping = 0; p.time = (float)system()->GetCurrentTime(); m_pGraphs->AddPoint(p);
// days:hours:minutes:seconds
char timeText[64]; _snprintf(timeText, sizeof(timeText), "%i", (int)p.players); SetControlString("TotalUsersLabel", timeText);
// mark the vert combo has changed to force it to update graph ranges
m_pVertCombo->GetText(timeText, 64); OnTextChanged(m_pVertCombo, timeText); } }
// Purpose: the paint routine for the graph image. Handles the layout and drawing of the graph image
void CGraphPanel::CGraphsImage::Paint() { int x,y; float distPoints; // needs to be a float, rounding errors cause problems with lots of points
int bottom=5; // be 5 pixels above the bottom
int left=2;
int *pCpuX=NULL, *pCpuY=NULL; int *pInX=NULL, *pInY=NULL; int *pOutX=NULL, *pOutY=NULL; int *pFPSX=NULL, *pFPSY=NULL; int *pPingX=NULL, *pPingY=NULL; int *pPlayersX=NULL, *pPlayersY=NULL;
SetColor(bgColor); SetBkColor(bgColor); DrawFilledRect(0,0,x,y);
y-=4; // borders
if(!cpu && !fps && !net_i && !net_o && !ping && !players) // no graphs selected
if(points.Count()<2) return; // not enough points yet...
if(x<=200 || y<=100) return; // to small
distPoints= static_cast<float>(x)/static_cast<float>(points.Count()-1); if(distPoints<=0) { distPoints=1; }
SetColor(lineColor); SetBkColor(lineColor); //DrawLine(4,5,x,5);
DrawLine(4,y/2,x,y/2); //DrawLine(4,y,x,y);
float RangePing=maxPing; float RangeFPS=maxFPS; float Range=0; float RangePlayers=maxPlayers;
if(ping) { RangePing+=static_cast<float>(maxPing*0.1); // don't let the top of the range touch the top of the panel
if(RangePing<=1) { // don't let the zero be at the top of the screen
RangePing=1.0; } pPingX = new int[points.Count()]; pPingY = new int[points.Count()]; }
if(cpu) { pCpuX = new int[points.Count()]; pCpuY = new int[points.Count()]; } if(fps) { RangeFPS+=static_cast<float>(maxFPS*0.1); // don't let the top of the range touch the top of the panel
if(RangeFPS<=1) { // don't let the zero be at the top of the screen
RangeFPS=1.0; } pFPSX = new int[points.Count()]; pFPSY = new int[points.Count()]; }
if(net_i) { // put them on a common scale, base it at zero
Range = max(maxIn,maxOut); Range+=static_cast<float>(Range*0.1); // don't let the top of the range touch the top of the panel
if(Range<=1) { // don't let the zero be at the top of the screen
Range=1.0; }
pInX = new int[points.Count()]; pInY = new int[points.Count()]; }
if(net_o) { // put them on a common scale, base it at zero
Range = max(maxIn,maxOut); Range+=static_cast<float>(Range*0.1); // don't let the top of the range touch the top of the panel
if(Range<=1) { // don't let the zero be at the top of the screen
Range=1.0; }
pOutX = new int[points.Count()]; pOutY = new int[points.Count()]; }
if(players) { RangePlayers+=static_cast<float>(maxPlayers*0.1); // don't let the top of the range touch the top of the panel
pPlayersX = new int[points.Count()]; pPlayersY = new int[points.Count()]; }
for(int i=0;i<points.Count();i++) // draw the graphs, left to right
{ if(cpu) { pCpuX[i] = left+static_cast<int>(i*distPoints); pCpuY[i] = static_cast<int>((1-points[i].cpu)*y); } if(net_i) { pInX[i] = left+static_cast<int>(i*distPoints); pInY[i] = static_cast<int>(( (Range-points[i].in)/Range)*y-bottom); } if(net_o) { pOutX[i] = left+static_cast<int>(i*distPoints); pOutY[i] = static_cast<int>(((Range-points[i].out)/Range)*y-bottom); }
if(fps) { pFPSX[i] = left+static_cast<int>(i*distPoints); pFPSY[i] = static_cast<int>(( (RangeFPS-points[i].fps)/RangeFPS)*y-bottom); }
if(ping) { pPingX[i] = left+static_cast<int>(i*distPoints); pPingY[i] = static_cast<int>(( (RangePing-points[i].ping)/RangePing)*y-bottom); }
if(players) { pPlayersX[i] = left+static_cast<int>(i*distPoints); pPlayersY[i] = static_cast<int>(( (RangePlayers-points[i].players)/RangePlayers)*y-bottom); }
} // we use DrawPolyLine, its much, much, much more efficient than calling lots of DrawLine()'s
if(cpu) { SetColor(CPUColor); // green
DrawPolyLine(pCpuX, pCpuY, points.Count()); delete [] pCpuX; delete [] pCpuY; }
if(net_i) { SetColor(NetInColor); // red
DrawPolyLine(pInX, pInY, points.Count()); delete [] pInX; delete [] pInY; } if(net_o) { SetColor(NetOutColor); //yellow
DrawPolyLine(pOutX, pOutY, points.Count()); delete [] pOutX; delete [] pOutY; } if(fps) { SetColor(FPSColor); DrawPolyLine(pFPSX, pFPSY, points.Count()); delete [] pFPSX; delete [] pFPSY; }
if(ping) { SetColor(PingColor); DrawPolyLine(pPingX, pPingY, points.Count()); delete [] pPingX; delete [] pPingY; }
if(players) { SetColor(PlayersColor); DrawPolyLine(pPlayersX, pPlayersY, points.Count()); delete [] pPlayersX; delete [] pPlayersY; } }
// Purpose: constructor for the graphs image
CGraphPanel::CGraphsImage::CGraphsImage(): vgui::Image(), points() { maxIn=maxOut=minIn=minOut=minFPS=maxFPS=minPing=maxPing=0; net_i=net_o=fps=cpu=ping=players=false; numAvgs=0; memset(&avgPoint,0x0,sizeof(Points_t)); }
// Purpose: sets which graph to draw, true means draw it
void CGraphPanel::CGraphsImage::SetDraw(bool cpu_in,bool fps_in,bool net_in,bool net_out,bool ping_in,bool players_in) { cpu=cpu_in; fps=fps_in; net_i=net_in; net_o=net_out; ping=ping_in; players=players_in; }
// Purpose: used to average points over a period of time
void CGraphPanel::CGraphsImage::AvgPoint(Points_t p) { avgPoint.cpu += p.cpu; avgPoint.fps += p.fps; avgPoint.in += p.in; avgPoint.out += p.out; avgPoint.ping += p.ping; avgPoint.players += p.players; numAvgs++; }
// Purpose: updates the current bounds of the points based on this new point
void CGraphPanel::CGraphsImage::CheckBounds(Points_t p) { if(p.in>maxIn) { maxIn=avgPoint.in; } if(p.out>maxOut) { maxOut=avgPoint.out; }
if(p.in<minIn) { minIn=avgPoint.in; } if(p.out<minOut) { minOut=avgPoint.out; }
if(p.fps>maxFPS) { maxFPS=avgPoint.fps; } if(p.fps<minFPS) { minFPS=avgPoint.fps; }
if(p.ping>maxPing) { maxPing=avgPoint.ping; } if(p.ping<minPing) { minPing=avgPoint.ping; }
if(p.players>maxPlayers) { maxPlayers=avgPoint.players; } if(p.players<minPlayers) { minPlayers=avgPoint.players; } }
// Purpose: adds a point to the graph image.
bool CGraphPanel::CGraphsImage::AddPoint(Points_t p) { int x,y; bool recalcBounds=false;
GetSize(x,y); if(avgPoint.cpu>1) // cpu is a percent !
{ return false; }
if(timeBetween==SECONDS) // most recent minute
{ while(points.Count() && (p.time-points[0].time)>60) { points.Remove(0); } } else if(timeBetween==HOURS) // most recent hour
{ while(points.Count() && (p.time-points[0].time)>60*60) { points.Remove(0); } } else if ( timeBetween==MINUTES) // most recent day
{ while(points.Count() && (p.time-points[0].time)>60*60*24) { points.Remove(0); } }
AvgPoint(p); // now work out the average of all the values
avgPoint.cpu /= numAvgs; avgPoint.fps /= numAvgs; avgPoint.in /= numAvgs; avgPoint.out /= numAvgs; avgPoint.ping /= numAvgs; avgPoint.players /= numAvgs; avgPoint.time = p.time; numAvgs=0;
int k=0;
if(x!=0 && points.Count()> x/2) // there are more points than pixels so thin them out
{ while(points.Count()> x/2) { // check that the bounds don't move
if(points[0].in==maxIn || points[0].out==maxOut || points[0].fps==maxFPS || points[0].ping==maxPing || points[0].players==maxPlayers) { recalcBounds=true; } points.Remove(k); // remove the head node
k+=2; if(k>points.Count()) { k=0; } } }
if(recalcBounds) { for(int i=0;i<points.Count();i++) { CheckBounds(points[i]); } }
points.AddToTail(avgPoint); memset(&avgPoint,0x0,sizeof(Points_t));
return true; }
void CGraphPanel::CGraphsImage::SetScale(intervals time) { timeBetween=time;
// scale is reset so remove all the points
// and reset the maxes
// Purpose: clear button handler, clears the current points
void CGraphPanel::OnClearButton() { m_pGraphs->RemovePoints(); }
// Purpose: passes the state of the check buttons (for graph line display) through to the graph image
void CGraphPanel::OnCheckButton() { m_pGraphs->SetDraw(m_pCPUButton->IsSelected(), m_pFPSButton->IsSelected(), m_pInButton->IsSelected(), m_pOutButton->IsSelected(), m_pPINGButton->IsSelected(), m_pPlayerButton->IsSelected()); }
// Purpose:Handles the scale radio buttons, passes the scale to use through to the graph image
void CGraphPanel::OnTextChanged(Panel *panel, const char *text) { if (panel == m_pTimeCombo) { if (strstr(text, "Hour")) { m_pGraphs->SetScale(MINUTES); } else if (strstr(text, "Day")) { m_pGraphs->SetScale(HOURS); } else { m_pGraphs->SetScale(SECONDS); } } else if (panel == m_pVertCombo) { float maxVal, minVal; char minText[20], midText[20], maxText[20];
if (strstr(text, "CPU")) { SetAxisLabels(m_pGraphs->GetCPUColor(), "100%", "50%", "0%"); } else if (strstr(text, "FPS")) { m_pGraphs->GetFPSLimits(maxVal, minVal); sprintf(maxText,"%0.2f", maxVal); sprintf(midText,"%0.2f", (maxVal - minVal) / 2); sprintf(minText,"%0.2f", minVal); SetAxisLabels(m_pGraphs->GetFPSColor(), maxText, midText, minText); } else if (strstr(text, "In")) { m_pGraphs->GetInLimits(maxVal, minVal); sprintf(maxText,"%0.2f", maxVal); sprintf(midText,"%0.2f", (maxVal - minVal) / 2); sprintf(minText,"%0.2f", minVal);
SetAxisLabels(m_pGraphs->GetInColor(), maxText, midText, minText); } else if (strstr(text, "Out")) { m_pGraphs->GetOutLimits(maxVal, minVal); sprintf(maxText,"%0.2f", maxVal); sprintf(midText,"%0.2f", (maxVal - minVal) / 2); sprintf(minText,"%0.2f", minVal); SetAxisLabels(m_pGraphs->GetOutColor(), maxText, midText, minText); } else if (strstr(text, "Ping")) { m_pGraphs->GetPingLimits(maxVal, minVal); sprintf(maxText,"%0.2f", maxVal); sprintf(midText,"%0.2f", (maxVal - minVal) / 2); sprintf(minText,"%0.2f", minVal); SetAxisLabels(m_pGraphs->GetPingColor(), maxText, midText, minText); } else if (strstr(text, "Players")) { m_pGraphs->GetPlayerLimits(maxVal, minVal); sprintf(maxText,"%0.2f", maxVal); sprintf(midText,"%0.2f", (maxVal - minVal) / 2); sprintf(minText,"%0.2f", minVal);
SetAxisLabels(m_pGraphs->GetPlayersColor(), maxText, midText, minText); } } }
// Purpose:
void CGraphPanel::SetAxisLabels(Color c, char *max, char *mid, char *min) { Label *lab; lab= GetLabel("AxisMax"); if(lab) { lab->SetFgColor(c); lab->SetText(max); } lab = GetLabel("AxisMid"); if(lab) { lab->SetFgColor(c); lab->SetText(mid); } lab = GetLabel("AxisMin"); if(lab) { lab->SetFgColor(c); lab->SetText(min); } }
Label *CGraphPanel::GetLabel(const char *name) { Label *lab = dynamic_cast<Label *>(FindChildByName(name)); return lab; }