//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include <stdio.h>
//#define GAME_DLL
#ifdef GAME_DLL
#include "cbase.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "interface.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "engine/iserverplugin.h"
#include "eiface.h"
#include "igameevents.h"
#include "convar.h"
#include "Color.h"
#include "vstdlib/random.h"
#include "engine/IEngineTrace.h"
#include "tier2/tier2.h"
#include "game/server/pluginvariant.h"
#include "game/server/iplayerinfo.h"
#include "game/server/ientityinfo.h"
#include "game/server/igameinfo.h"
#include "tf/tf_shareddefs.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Interfaces from the engine
IVEngineServer *engine = NULL; // helper functions (messaging clients, loading content, making entities, running commands, etc)
IGameEventManager *gameeventmanager_ = NULL; // game events interface
#ifndef GAME_DLL
#define gameeventmanager gameeventmanager_
IPlayerInfoManager *playerinfomanager = NULL; // game dll interface to interact with players
IEntityInfoManager *entityinfomanager = NULL; // game dll interface to interact with all entities (like IPlayerInfo)
IGameInfoManager *gameinfomanager = NULL; // game dll interface to get data from game rules directly
IBotManager *botmanager = NULL; // game dll interface to interact with bots
IServerPluginHelpers *helpers = NULL; // special 3rd party plugin helpers from the engine
IUniformRandomStream *randomStr = NULL; IEngineTrace *enginetrace = NULL;
CGlobalVars *gpGlobals = NULL;
// function to initialize any cvars/command in this plugin
void Bot_RunAll( void );
// useful helper func
#ifndef GAME_DLL
inline bool FStrEq(const char *sz1, const char *sz2) { return(Q_stricmp(sz1, sz2) == 0); } #endif
// Purpose: a sample 3rd party plugin class
class CEmptyServerPlugin: public IServerPluginCallbacks, public IGameEventListener { public: CEmptyServerPlugin(); ~CEmptyServerPlugin();
// IServerPluginCallbacks methods
virtual bool Load( CreateInterfaceFn interfaceFactory, CreateInterfaceFn gameServerFactory ); virtual void Unload( void ); virtual void Pause( void ); virtual void UnPause( void ); virtual const char *GetPluginDescription( void ); virtual void LevelInit( char const *pMapName ); virtual void ServerActivate( edict_t *pEdictList, int edictCount, int clientMax ); virtual void GameFrame( bool simulating ); virtual void LevelShutdown( void ); virtual void ClientActive( edict_t *pEntity ); virtual void ClientDisconnect( edict_t *pEntity ); virtual void ClientPutInServer( edict_t *pEntity, char const *playername ); virtual void SetCommandClient( int index ); virtual void ClientSettingsChanged( edict_t *pEdict ); virtual PLUGIN_RESULT ClientConnect( bool *bAllowConnect, edict_t *pEntity, const char *pszName, const char *pszAddress, char *reject, int maxrejectlen ); virtual PLUGIN_RESULT ClientCommand( edict_t *pEntity, const CCommand &args ); virtual PLUGIN_RESULT NetworkIDValidated( const char *pszUserName, const char *pszNetworkID ); virtual void OnQueryCvarValueFinished( QueryCvarCookie_t iCookie, edict_t *pPlayerEntity, EQueryCvarValueStatus eStatus, const char *pCvarName, const char *pCvarValue ); virtual void OnEdictAllocated( edict_t *edict ); virtual void OnEdictFreed( const edict_t *edict );
// IGameEventListener Interface
virtual void FireGameEvent( KeyValues * event );
virtual int GetCommandIndex() { return m_iClientCommandIndex; } private: int m_iClientCommandIndex; };
// The plugin is a static singleton that is exported as an interface
CEmptyServerPlugin g_EmtpyServerPlugin; EXPOSE_SINGLE_INTERFACE_GLOBALVAR(CEmptyServerPlugin, IServerPluginCallbacks, INTERFACEVERSION_ISERVERPLUGINCALLBACKS, g_EmtpyServerPlugin );
// Purpose: constructor/destructor
CEmptyServerPlugin::CEmptyServerPlugin() { m_iClientCommandIndex = 0; }
CEmptyServerPlugin::~CEmptyServerPlugin() { }
// Purpose: called when the plugin is loaded, load the interface we need from the engine
bool CEmptyServerPlugin::Load( CreateInterfaceFn interfaceFactory, CreateInterfaceFn gameServerFactory ) { ConnectTier1Libraries( &interfaceFactory, 1 ); ConnectTier2Libraries( &interfaceFactory, 1 );
entityinfomanager = (IEntityInfoManager *)gameServerFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_ENTITYINFOMANAGER,NULL); if ( !entityinfomanager ) { Warning( "Unable to load entityinfomanager, ignoring\n" ); // this isn't fatal, we just won't be able to access entity data
playerinfomanager = (IPlayerInfoManager *)gameServerFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_PLAYERINFOMANAGER,NULL); if ( !playerinfomanager ) { Warning( "Unable to load playerinfomanager, ignoring\n" ); // this isn't fatal, we just won't be able to access specific player data
botmanager = (IBotManager *)gameServerFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_PLAYERBOTMANAGER, NULL); if ( !botmanager ) { Warning( "Unable to load botcontroller, ignoring\n" ); // this isn't fatal, we just won't be able to access specific bot functions
} gameinfomanager = (IGameInfoManager *)gameServerFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_GAMEINFOMANAGER, NULL); if (!gameinfomanager) { Warning( "Unable to load gameinfomanager, ignoring\n" ); }
engine = (IVEngineServer*)interfaceFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_VENGINESERVER, NULL); gameeventmanager = (IGameEventManager *)interfaceFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_GAMEEVENTSMANAGER,NULL); helpers = (IServerPluginHelpers*)interfaceFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_ISERVERPLUGINHELPERS, NULL); enginetrace = (IEngineTrace *)interfaceFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_ENGINETRACE_SERVER,NULL); randomStr = (IUniformRandomStream *)interfaceFactory(VENGINE_SERVER_RANDOM_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL);
// get the interfaces we want to use
if( ! ( engine && gameeventmanager && g_pFullFileSystem && helpers && enginetrace && randomStr ) ) { return false; // we require all these interface to function
if ( playerinfomanager ) { gpGlobals = playerinfomanager->GetGlobalVars(); }
MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2.0f ); ConVar_Register( 0 ); return true; }
// Purpose: called when the plugin is unloaded (turned off)
void CEmptyServerPlugin::Unload( void ) { gameeventmanager->RemoveListener( this ); // make sure we are unloaded from the event system
ConVar_Unregister( ); DisconnectTier2Libraries( ); DisconnectTier1Libraries( ); }
// Purpose: called when the plugin is paused (i.e should stop running but isn't unloaded)
void CEmptyServerPlugin::Pause( void ) { }
// Purpose: called when the plugin is unpaused (i.e should start executing again)
void CEmptyServerPlugin::UnPause( void ) { }
// Purpose: the name of this plugin, returned in "plugin_print" command
const char *CEmptyServerPlugin::GetPluginDescription( void ) { return "Emtpy-Plugin V2, Valve"; }
// Purpose: called on level start
void CEmptyServerPlugin::LevelInit( char const *pMapName ) { Msg( "Level \"%s\" has been loaded\n", pMapName ); gameeventmanager->AddListener( this, true ); }
// Purpose: called on level start, when the server is ready to accept client connections
// edictCount is the number of entities in the level, clientMax is the max client count
void CEmptyServerPlugin::ServerActivate( edict_t *pEdictList, int edictCount, int clientMax ) { }
// Purpose: called once per server frame, do recurring work here (like checking for timeouts)
void CEmptyServerPlugin::GameFrame( bool simulating ) { if ( simulating ) { Bot_RunAll(); } }
// Purpose: called on level end (as the server is shutting down or going to a new map)
void CEmptyServerPlugin::LevelShutdown( void ) // !!!!this can get called multiple times per map change
{ gameeventmanager->RemoveListener( this ); }
// Purpose: called when a client spawns into a server (i.e as they begin to play)
void CEmptyServerPlugin::ClientActive( edict_t *pEntity ) { }
// Purpose: called when a client leaves a server (or is timed out)
void CEmptyServerPlugin::ClientDisconnect( edict_t *pEntity ) { }
// Purpose: called on
void CEmptyServerPlugin::ClientPutInServer( edict_t *pEntity, char const *playername ) { KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "msg" ); kv->SetString( "title", "Hello" ); kv->SetString( "msg", "Hello there" ); kv->SetColor( "color", Color( 255, 0, 0, 255 )); kv->SetInt( "level", 5); kv->SetInt( "time", 10); helpers->CreateMessage( pEntity, DIALOG_MSG, kv, this ); kv->deleteThis(); }
// Purpose: called on level start
void CEmptyServerPlugin::SetCommandClient( int index ) { m_iClientCommandIndex = index; }
void ClientPrint( edict_t *pEdict, char *format, ... ) { va_list argptr; static char string[1024]; va_start (argptr, format); Q_vsnprintf(string, sizeof(string), format,argptr); va_end (argptr);
engine->ClientPrintf( pEdict, string ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: called on level start
void CEmptyServerPlugin::ClientSettingsChanged( edict_t *pEdict ) { if ( playerinfomanager ) { IPlayerInfo *playerinfo = playerinfomanager->GetPlayerInfo( pEdict );
const char * name = engine->GetClientConVarValue( engine->IndexOfEdict(pEdict), "name" );
// CAN'T use Q_stricmp here, this dll is made by 3rd parties and may not link to tier0/vstdlib
if ( playerinfo && name && playerinfo->GetName() && stricmp( name, playerinfo->GetName()) ) // playerinfo may be NULL if the MOD doesn't support access to player data
// OR if you are accessing the player before they are fully connected
{ ClientPrint( pEdict, "Your name changed to \"%s\" (from \"%s\"\n", name, playerinfo->GetName() ); // this is the bad way to check this, the better option it to listen for the "player_changename" event in FireGameEvent()
// this is here to give a real example of how to use the playerinfo interface
} } }
// Purpose: called when a client joins a server
PLUGIN_RESULT CEmptyServerPlugin::ClientConnect( bool *bAllowConnect, edict_t *pEntity, const char *pszName, const char *pszAddress, char *reject, int maxrejectlen ) { return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; }
CON_COMMAND( DoAskConnect, "Server plugin example of using the ask connect dialog" ) { if ( args.ArgC() < 2 ) { Warning ( "DoAskConnect <server IP>\n" ); } else { const char *pServerIP = args.Arg( 1 );
KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "menu" ); kv->SetString( "title", pServerIP ); // The IP address of the server to connect to goes in the "title" field.
kv->SetInt( "time", 3 );
for ( int i=1; i < gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ ) { edict_t *pEdict = engine->PEntityOfEntIndex( i ); if ( pEdict ) { helpers->CreateMessage( pEdict, DIALOG_ASKCONNECT, kv, &g_EmtpyServerPlugin ); } }
kv->deleteThis(); } }
const char *classNames[] = { "unknown", "scout", "sniper", "soldier", "demoman", "medic", "heavy weapons guy", "pyro", "spy", "engineer", };
bool TFPlayerHasCondition( int inBits, int condition ) { Assert( condition >= 0 && condition < TF_COND_LAST );
return ( ( inBits & (1<<condition) ) != 0 ); }
void SentryStatus( edict_t *pEntity ) { IPlayerInfo *playerinfo = playerinfomanager->GetPlayerInfo( pEntity ); if (!playerinfo) { Msg("couldn't get playerinfo\n"); return; }
Msg("Sentry Status:\n"); pluginvariant value; pluginvariant emptyVariant; edict_t *pSentry = NULL; if (playerinfo->GetCustomInfo(TFPLAYERINFO_ENTINDEX_SENTRY, value, emptyVariant)) { pSentry = engine->PEntityOfEntIndex( value.Int() ); if (!pSentry) { Warning("couldn't attain sentry gun entity\n"); return; } } else { Msg("No Sentrygun built.\n"); return;
} IEntityInfo *entinfo = entityinfomanager->GetEntityInfo( pSentry ); if (!entinfo) { Warning("couldn't get entinfo for sentry gun\n"); return; }
if (playerinfo->GetCustomInfo(TFPLAYERINFO_BUILDING_SENTRY, value, emptyVariant)) { if (value.Bool()) Msg("Sentry Under Construction...\n"); } if (playerinfo->GetCustomInfo(TFPLAYERINFO_UPGRADING_SENTRY, value, emptyVariant)) { if (value.Bool()) Msg("Sentry Upgrading...\n"); }
int sentryLevel = 0; if (playerinfo->GetCustomInfo(TFPLAYERINFO_SENTRY_LEVEL, value, emptyVariant)) { sentryLevel = value.Int(); Msg("Sentry Level: %i\n", sentryLevel ); } else Msg("Unable to retrive sentry level\n");
if (playerinfo->GetCustomInfo(TFPLAYERINFO_SENTRY_PROGRESS, value, emptyVariant)) { if (sentryLevel < 3) { int iMetal, iRequiredMetal; iRequiredMetal = value.Int() & 0xFF; iMetal = (value.Int()>>8) & 0xFF; Msg("%i / %i Metal Required for Sentry Level %i\n", iMetal, iRequiredMetal, sentryLevel+1); } else Msg("Sentry cannot be upgraded further.\n"); }
Msg("Health: %i\n", entinfo->GetHealth() );
if (playerinfo->GetCustomInfo(TFPLAYERINFO_SENTRY_KILLS, value, emptyVariant)) Msg("Kills: %i\n", value.Int() ); else Msg("Unable to retrieve sentry kills\n");
if (playerinfo->GetCustomInfo(TFPLAYERINFO_SENTRY_AMMO_SHELLS, value, emptyVariant)) { int iShells, iMaxShells; iMaxShells = value.Int() & 0xFF; iShells = (value.Int()>>8) & 0xFF; Msg("Shells: %i / %i\n", iShells, iMaxShells); } if (sentryLevel > 2) { if (playerinfo->GetCustomInfo(TFPLAYERINFO_SENTRY_AMMO_ROCKETS, value, emptyVariant)) { int iRockets, iMaxRockets; iMaxRockets = value.Int() & 0xFF; iRockets = (value.Int()>>8) & 0xFF; Msg("Rockets: %i / %i\n", iRockets, iMaxRockets); } }
} void DispenserStatus( edict_t *pEntity ) { IPlayerInfo *playerinfo = playerinfomanager->GetPlayerInfo( pEntity ); if (!playerinfo) { Msg("couldn't get playerinfo\n"); return; }
Msg("Dispenser Status:\n"); pluginvariant value; pluginvariant emptyVariant; edict_t *pDispenser = NULL; if (playerinfo->GetCustomInfo(TFPLAYERINFO_ENTINDEX_DISPENSER, value, emptyVariant)) { pDispenser = engine->PEntityOfEntIndex( value.Int() ); if (!pDispenser) { Warning("couldn't attain dispenser entity\n"); return; } } else { Msg("No dispenser built.\n"); return; } IEntityInfo *entinfo = entityinfomanager->GetEntityInfo( pDispenser ); if (!entinfo) { Warning("couldn't get entinfo for dispenser\n"); return; } if (playerinfo->GetCustomInfo(TFPLAYERINFO_BUILDING_DISPENSER, value, emptyVariant)) { if (value.Bool()) Msg("Dispenser Under Construction...\n"); } Msg("Health: %i\n", entinfo->GetHealth() ); if (playerinfo->GetCustomInfo(TFPLAYERINFO_DISPENSER_METAL, value, emptyVariant)) Msg("Metal: %i\n", value.Int() ); } void TeleporterStatus( edict_t *pEntity ) { IPlayerInfo *playerinfo = playerinfomanager->GetPlayerInfo( pEntity ); if (!playerinfo) { Msg("couldn't get playerinfo\n"); return; }
Msg("Teleporter Status:\n");
pluginvariant value; pluginvariant emptyVariant; edict_t *pEntrance = NULL; edict_t *pExit = NULL; if (playerinfo->GetCustomInfo(TFPLAYERINFO_ENTINDEX_TELEPORTER_ENTRANCE, value, emptyVariant)) { pEntrance = engine->PEntityOfEntIndex( value.Int() ); if (!pEntrance) { Warning("couldn't attain entrance entity\n"); } } else { Msg("No Teleporter Entrance built.\n"); } if (playerinfo->GetCustomInfo(TFPLAYERINFO_ENTINDEX_TELEPORTER_EXIT, value, emptyVariant)) { pExit = engine->PEntityOfEntIndex( value.Int() ); if (!pExit) { Warning("couldn't attain exit entity\n"); } } else { Msg("No Teleporter Entrance built.\n"); } IEntityInfo *entranceInfo = entityinfomanager->GetEntityInfo( pEntrance ); if (!entranceInfo) { Warning("couldn't get entinfo for teleporter entrance\n"); } IEntityInfo *exitInfo = entityinfomanager->GetEntityInfo( pExit ); if (!exitInfo) { Warning("couldn't get entinfo for teleporter exit\n"); }
if (pEntrance && entranceInfo) { if (playerinfo->GetCustomInfo(TFPLAYERINFO_BUILDING_TELEPORTER_ENTRANCE, value, emptyVariant)) { if (value.Bool()) Msg("Entrance Under Construction...\n"); } Msg("Entrance Health: %i\n", entranceInfo->GetHealth() ); if (playerinfo->GetCustomInfo(TFPLAYERINFO_TELEPORTER_USES, value, emptyVariant)) Msg("Entrance Used %i Times.\n", value.Int() );
} if (pExit && exitInfo) { if (playerinfo->GetCustomInfo(TFPLAYERINFO_BUILDING_TELEPORTER_EXIT, value, emptyVariant)) { if (value.Bool()) Msg("Exit Under Construction...\n"); } Msg("Exit Health: %i\n", exitInfo->GetHealth() ); } } void ClassStatus( edict_t *pEntity ) { IPlayerInfo *playerinfo = playerinfomanager->GetPlayerInfo( pEntity ); if (!playerinfo) { Msg("couldn't get playerinfo\n"); return; } int playerClassId = playerinfo->GetPlayerClassId();
Msg("Player Class: %s\n", playerinfo->GetPlayerClassName()); pluginvariant conditionValue; pluginvariant emptyVariant; if (!playerinfo->GetCustomInfo(TFPLAYERINFO_CONDITIONS, conditionValue, emptyVariant)) { Warning("unable to retrieve conditions!\n"); } if (TFPlayerHasCondition(conditionValue.Int(), TF_COND_INVULNERABLE )) Msg("You are Invulnerable!\n"); if (TFPlayerHasCondition(conditionValue.Int(), TF_COND_SELECTED_TO_TELEPORT )) Msg("You are about to Teleport.\n"); if (TFPlayerHasCondition(conditionValue.Int(), TF_COND_TELEPORTED )) Msg("You have recently been teleported.\n");
switch(playerClassId) { default: case TF_CLASS_MEDIC: break; case TF_CLASS_ENGINEER: Msg("Building Information:\n"); SentryStatus( pEntity ); DispenserStatus( pEntity ); TeleporterStatus( pEntity ); break; case TF_CLASS_SPY: { int disguiseClass = 0; pluginvariant value;
if (playerinfo->GetCustomInfo(TFPLAYERINFO_SPY_DISGUISEDAS, value, emptyVariant)) disguiseClass = value.Int();
if ( TFPlayerHasCondition(conditionValue.Int(), TF_COND_DISGUISING ) ) Msg("Disguising..\n"); else if (TFPlayerHasCondition(conditionValue.Int(), TF_COND_DISGUISED ) ) Msg("Disguised as: %s\n", classNames[disguiseClass] );
if (TFPlayerHasCondition(conditionValue.Int(), TF_COND_STEALTHED )) Msg("Cloaked!\n"); if (playerinfo->GetCustomInfo(TFPLAYERINFO_SPY_CLOAKCHARGELEVEL, value, emptyVariant)) Msg("Cloak Charge Percent: %d\n", value.Float() );
break; } case TF_CLASS_DEMOMAN: break; } } const char *ctf_flagtype[] = { "ctf", //TF_FLAGTYPE_CTF = 0,
"attack / defend", //TF_FLAGTYPE_ATTACK_DEFEND,
"territory control", //TF_FLAGTYPE_TERRITORY_CONTROL,
"king of the hill", //TF_FLAGTYPE_KINGOFTHEHILL,
}; const char *ctf_flagstatus[] = { "unknown", "At Home", "Dropped", "Stolen", }; void FlagStatus( edict_t *pPlayer ) { IPlayerInfo *pInfo = playerinfomanager->GetPlayerInfo( pPlayer ); if (!pInfo) { Msg( "couldn't get playerinfo\n" ); return; } IGameInfo *gameInfo = gameinfomanager->GetGameInfo(); if (!gameInfo) { Msg( "couldn't get gameinfo\n" ); }
int gameType = gameInfo->GetInfo_GameType();
if (gameType != 1) { Msg( "Game is not CTF.\n" ); return; } Msg( "===============================\n" ); Msg( "Capture The Flag -- Flag Status\n" ); Msg( "===============================\n" ); pluginvariant value, options;
edict_t *pFlag = NULL; while ( (pFlag = entityinfomanager->FindEntityByClassname(pFlag, "item_teamflag")) != NULL ) { IEntityInfo *pFlagInfo = entityinfomanager->GetEntityInfo( pFlag ); if (!pFlagInfo) continue;
Msg( "\nTeam %s's Flag\n", gameInfo->GetInfo_GetTeamName( pFlagInfo->GetTeamIndex() ) ); options.SetInt(engine->IndexOfEdict(pFlag)); if ( gameInfo->GetInfo_Custom( TFGAMEINFO_CTF_FLAG_TYPE, value, options) ) Msg( "Type: %s\n", ctf_flagtype[value.Int()] ); if ( gameInfo->GetInfo_Custom( TFGAMEINFO_CTF_FLAG_STATUS, value, options) ) { Msg( "Status: %s\n", ctf_flagstatus[value.Int()] ); //Tony; if we're carried, find out who has us.
if (value.Int() == 3) { edict_t *pPlayer = pFlagInfo->GetOwner(); if (pPlayer) { IPlayerInfo *pPlayerInfo = playerinfomanager->GetPlayerInfo( pPlayer ); if (pPlayerInfo) Msg( "Carried by: %s\n", pPlayerInfo->GetName() ); } } } }
Msg( "===============================\n" ); } #endif
// Purpose: called when a client types in a command (only a subset of commands however, not CON_COMMAND's)
PLUGIN_RESULT CEmptyServerPlugin::ClientCommand( edict_t *pEntity, const CCommand &args ) { const char *pcmd = args[0];
if ( !pEntity || pEntity->IsFree() ) { return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; }
if ( FStrEq( pcmd, "menu" ) ) { KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "menu" ); kv->SetString( "title", "You've got options, hit ESC" ); kv->SetInt( "level", 1 ); kv->SetColor( "color", Color( 255, 0, 0, 255 )); kv->SetInt( "time", 20 ); kv->SetString( "msg", "Pick an option\nOr don't." ); for( int i = 1; i < 9; i++ ) { char num[10], msg[10], cmd[10]; Q_snprintf( num, sizeof(num), "%i", i ); Q_snprintf( msg, sizeof(msg), "Option %i", i ); Q_snprintf( cmd, sizeof(cmd), "option%i", i );
KeyValues *item1 = kv->FindKey( num, true ); item1->SetString( "msg", msg ); item1->SetString( "command", cmd ); }
helpers->CreateMessage( pEntity, DIALOG_MENU, kv, this ); kv->deleteThis(); return PLUGIN_STOP; // we handled this function
} else if ( FStrEq( pcmd, "rich" ) ) { KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "menu" ); kv->SetString( "title", "A rich message" ); kv->SetInt( "level", 1 ); kv->SetInt( "time", 20 ); kv->SetString( "msg", "This is a long long long text string.\n\nIt also has line breaks." ); helpers->CreateMessage( pEntity, DIALOG_TEXT, kv, this ); kv->deleteThis(); return PLUGIN_STOP; // we handled this function
} else if ( FStrEq( pcmd, "msg" ) ) { KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "menu" ); kv->SetString( "title", "Just a simple hello" ); kv->SetInt( "level", 1 ); kv->SetInt( "time", 20 ); helpers->CreateMessage( pEntity, DIALOG_MSG, kv, this ); kv->deleteThis(); return PLUGIN_STOP; // we handled this function
} else if ( FStrEq( pcmd, "entry" ) ) { KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "entry" ); kv->SetString( "title", "Stuff" ); kv->SetString( "msg", "Enter something" ); kv->SetString( "command", "say" ); // anything they enter into the dialog turns into a say command
kv->SetInt( "level", 1 ); kv->SetInt( "time", 20 ); helpers->CreateMessage( pEntity, DIALOG_ENTRY, kv, this ); kv->deleteThis(); return PLUGIN_STOP; // we handled this function
else if ( FStrEq( pcmd, "gameinfo" ) ) { IGameInfo *gameInfo = gameinfomanager->GetGameInfo(); if (!gameInfo) return PLUGIN_STOP;
Msg("=== Game Information ===\n"); Msg("Game Type: %i / %s\n", gameInfo->GetInfo_GameType(), gameInfo->GetInfo_GameTypeName() ); int teamCount = gameInfo->GetInfo_GetTeamCount(); Msg("Num Teams: %i\n", teamCount );
Msg("Player Counts:\n"); for (int i = 0;i<teamCount;i++) { //If this failes, we can assume the rest is invalid too.
if (!gameInfo->GetInfo_GetTeamName(i) ) continue; Msg("Team: %s, Players: %i\n", gameInfo->GetInfo_GetTeamName(i), gameInfo->GetInfo_NumPlayersOnTeam(i) ); } return PLUGIN_STOP;
} // Sample to use the new CustomInfo added to TF2 for plugins
else if ( FStrEq( pcmd, "tfcond" ) ) { IPlayerInfo *playerinfo = playerinfomanager->GetPlayerInfo( pEntity ); if (!playerinfo) return PLUGIN_STOP;
pluginvariant conditionValue; pluginvariant emptyVariant; if (!playerinfo->GetCustomInfo(TFPLAYERINFO_CONDITIONS, conditionValue, emptyVariant)) { Msg("unable to retrieve conditions!\n"); return PLUGIN_STOP; }
Msg("Disguising?: %s\n", TFPlayerHasCondition(conditionValue.Int(), TF_COND_DISGUISING ) ? "yes" : "no" ); Msg("Disguised?: %s\n", TFPlayerHasCondition(conditionValue.Int(), TF_COND_DISGUISED ) ? "yes" : "no" ); Msg("Stealthed?: %s\n", TFPlayerHasCondition(conditionValue.Int(), TF_COND_STEALTHED ) ? "yes" : "no" ); Msg("Invulnerable?: %s\n", TFPlayerHasCondition(conditionValue.Int(), TF_COND_INVULNERABLE ) ? "yes" : "no" ); Msg("Teleported Recently?: %s\n", TFPlayerHasCondition(conditionValue.Int(), TF_COND_TELEPORTED ) ? "yes" : "no" ); Msg("Selected for Teleportation?: %s\n", TFPlayerHasCondition(conditionValue.Int(), TF_COND_SELECTED_TO_TELEPORT ) ? "yes" : "no" ); Msg("On Fire?: %s\n", TFPlayerHasCondition(conditionValue.Int(), TF_COND_BURNING ) ? "yes" : "no" );
return PLUGIN_STOP; } else if ( FStrEq( pcmd, "sentry_status" ) ) { SentryStatus(pEntity); return PLUGIN_STOP; } else if ( FStrEq( pcmd, "class_status" ) ) { ClassStatus(pEntity); return PLUGIN_STOP; } else if ( FStrEq( pcmd, "flag_status" ) ) { FlagStatus(pEntity); return PLUGIN_STOP; } #ifdef GAME_DLL
else if ( FStrEq( pcmd, "cbe_test" ) ) { IPlayerInfo *playerinfo = playerinfomanager->GetPlayerInfo( pEntity ); if (!playerinfo) return PLUGIN_STOP;
CBaseEntity *pEnt = static_cast< CBaseEntity* >(entityinfomanager->GetEntity( pEntity )); if (pEnt) Msg("got a pointer to CBaseEntity..\n"); Msg("attempting to print this entities modelname directly..\n");
Msg("ModelName: %s\n", STRING(pEnt->GetModelName()) );
return PLUGIN_STOP; } #endif
// Purpose: called when a client is authenticated
PLUGIN_RESULT CEmptyServerPlugin::NetworkIDValidated( const char *pszUserName, const char *pszNetworkID ) { return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; }
// Purpose: called when a cvar value query is finished
void CEmptyServerPlugin::OnQueryCvarValueFinished( QueryCvarCookie_t iCookie, edict_t *pPlayerEntity, EQueryCvarValueStatus eStatus, const char *pCvarName, const char *pCvarValue ) { Msg( "Cvar query (cookie: %d, status: %d) - name: %s, value: %s\n", iCookie, eStatus, pCvarName, pCvarValue ); } void CEmptyServerPlugin::OnEdictAllocated( edict_t *edict ) { } void CEmptyServerPlugin::OnEdictFreed( const edict_t *edict ) { }
// Purpose: called when an event is fired
void CEmptyServerPlugin::FireGameEvent( KeyValues * event ) { const char * name = event->GetName(); Msg( "CEmptyServerPlugin::FireGameEvent: Got event \"%s\"\n", name ); }
// Purpose: an example of how to implement a new command
CON_COMMAND( empty_version, "prints the version of the empty plugin" ) { Msg( "Version:\n" ); }
CON_COMMAND( empty_log, "logs the version of the empty plugin" ) { engine->LogPrint( "Version:\n" ); }
// Purpose: an example cvar
static ConVar empty_cvar("plugin_empty", "0", FCVAR_NOTIFY, "Example plugin cvar");