//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Loads mesh data from dmx files
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "studiomdl.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmemodel.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmemesh.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmefaceset.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmematerial.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmeclip.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmechannel.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmeattachment.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmeanimationlist.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmecombinationoperator.h"
void UnifyIndices( s_source_t *psource );
// Mapping of bone transforms
struct BoneTransformMap_t { // Number of bones
int m_nBoneCount;
// The order in which transforms appear in this list specifies their bone indices
CDmeTransform *m_ppTransforms[MAXSTUDIOSRCBONES];
// BoneRemap[bone index in file] == bone index in studiomdl
int m_pBoneRemap[MAXSTUDIOSRCBONES]; };
// Index into an s_node_t array for the default root node
static int s_nDefaultRootNode;
// Balance/speed data
static CUtlVector<float> s_Balance; static CUtlVector<float> s_Speed;
// List of unique vertices
struct VertIndices_t { int v; int n; int t; int balance; int speed; };
static CUtlVector< VertIndices_t > s_UniqueVertices; // A list of the unique vertices in the mesh
// Given the non-unique vertex index, return the unique vertex index
// The indices are absolute indices into s_UniqueVertices
// But as both arrays contain information for all meshes in the DMX
// The proper offset for the desired mesh must be added to the lookup
// into the map but the value returned has the offset already built in
static CUtlVector< int > s_UniqueVerticesMap;
// Delta state intermediate data [used for positions, normals, etc.]
struct DeltaIndex_t { DeltaIndex_t() : m_nPositionIndex(-1), m_nNormalIndex(-1), m_nNextDelta(-1), m_nWrinkleIndex(-1), m_bInList(false) {} int m_nPositionIndex; // Index into DeltaState_t::m_PositionDeltas
int m_nNormalIndex; // Index into DeltaState_t::m_NormalDeltas
int m_nWrinkleIndex; // Index into DeltaState_t::m_WrinkleDeltas
int m_nNextDelta; // Index into DeltaState_t::m_DeltaIndices;
bool m_bInList; };
struct DeltaState_t { DeltaState_t() : m_nDeltaCount( 0 ), m_nFirstDelta( -1 ) {}
CUtlString m_Name; CUtlVector< Vector > m_PositionDeltas; CUtlVector< Vector > m_NormalDeltas; CUtlVector< float > m_WrinkleDeltas; CUtlVector< DeltaIndex_t > m_DeltaIndices; int m_nDeltaCount; int m_nFirstDelta; };
// NOTE: This is a temporary which loses its state once Load_DMX is exited.
static CUtlVector<DeltaState_t> s_DeltaStates;
// Finds or adds delta states. These pointers are invalidated by calling FindOrAddDeltaState again
static DeltaState_t* FindOrAddDeltaState( const char *pDeltaStateName, int nBaseStateVertexCount ) { int nCount = s_DeltaStates.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( s_DeltaStates[i].m_Name, pDeltaStateName ) ) { MdlWarning( "Unsupported duplicate delta state named \"%s\" in DMX file\n", pDeltaStateName );
s_DeltaStates[i].m_DeltaIndices.EnsureCount( nBaseStateVertexCount ); return &s_DeltaStates[i]; } }
int j = s_DeltaStates.AddToTail(); s_DeltaStates[j].m_Name = pDeltaStateName; s_DeltaStates[j].m_DeltaIndices.SetCount( nBaseStateVertexCount ); return &s_DeltaStates[j]; }
// Loads the vertices from the model
static bool DefineUniqueVertices( CDmeVertexData *pBindState, int nStartingUniqueCount ) { const CUtlVector<int> &positionIndices = pBindState->GetVertexIndexData( CDmeVertexData::FIELD_POSITION ); const CUtlVector<int> &normalIndices = pBindState->GetVertexIndexData( CDmeVertexData::FIELD_NORMAL ); const CUtlVector<int> &texcoordIndices = pBindState->GetVertexIndexData( CDmeVertexData::FIELD_TEXCOORD ); const CUtlVector<int> &balanceIndices = pBindState->GetVertexIndexData( CDmeVertexData::FIELD_BALANCE ); const CUtlVector<int> &speedIndices = pBindState->GetVertexIndexData( CDmeVertexData::FIELD_MORPH_SPEED );
int nPositionCount = positionIndices.Count(); int nNormalCount = normalIndices.Count(); int nTexcoordCount = texcoordIndices.Count(); int nBalanceCount = balanceIndices.Count(); int nSpeedCount = speedIndices.Count(); if ( nNormalCount && nPositionCount != nNormalCount ) { MdlError( "Encountered a mesh with invalid geometry (different number of indices for various data fields)\n" ); return false; } if ( nTexcoordCount && nPositionCount != nTexcoordCount ) { MdlError( "Encountered a mesh with invalid geometry (different number of indices for various data fields)\n" ); return false; } if ( nBalanceCount && nPositionCount != nBalanceCount ) { MdlError( "Encountered a mesh with invalid geometry (different number of indices for various data fields)\n" ); return false; } if ( nSpeedCount && nPositionCount != nSpeedCount ) { MdlError( "Encountered a mesh with invalid geometry (different number of indices for various data fields)\n" ); return false; }
// Only add unique vertices to the list as in UnifyIndices
for ( int i = 0; i < nPositionCount; ++i ) { VertIndices_t vert; vert.v = g_numverts + positionIndices[i]; vert.n = ( nNormalCount > 0 ) ? g_numnormals + normalIndices[i] : -1; vert.t = ( nTexcoordCount > 0 ) ? g_numtexcoords + texcoordIndices[i] : -1; vert.balance = s_Balance.Count() + ( ( nBalanceCount > 0 ) ? balanceIndices[i] : 0 ); vert.speed = s_Speed.Count() + ( ( nSpeedCount > 0 ) ? speedIndices[i] : 0 );
bool unique( true ); for ( int j = nStartingUniqueCount; j < s_UniqueVertices.Count(); ++j ) { const VertIndices_t &tmpVert( s_UniqueVertices[j] );
if ( vert.v != tmpVert.v ) continue; if ( vert.n != tmpVert.n ) continue; if ( vert.t != tmpVert.t ) continue;
unique = false; s_UniqueVerticesMap.AddToTail( j ); break; }
if ( !unique ) continue;
int k = s_UniqueVertices.AddToTail(); s_UniqueVertices[k] = vert; s_UniqueVerticesMap.AddToTail( k ); }
return true; }
// Loads the vertices from the model
static bool LoadVertices( CDmeVertexData *pBindState, const matrix3x4_t& mat, float flScale, int nBoneAssign, int *pBoneRemap, int nStartingUniqueCount ) { if ( nBoneAssign < 0 ) { nBoneAssign = s_nDefaultRootNode; }
// Used by the morphing system to set up delta states
DefineUniqueVertices( pBindState, nStartingUniqueCount );
matrix3x4_t normalMat; MatrixInverseTranspose( mat, normalMat );
const CUtlVector<Vector> &positions = pBindState->GetPositionData( ); const CUtlVector<Vector> &normals = pBindState->GetNormalData( ); const CUtlVector<Vector2D> &texcoords = pBindState->GetTextureCoordData( ); const CUtlVector<float> &balances = pBindState->GetBalanceData( ); const CUtlVector<float> &speeds = pBindState->GetMorphSpeedData( );
int nCount = positions.Count(); int nJointCount = pBindState->HasSkinningData() ? pBindState->JointCount() : 0; if ( nJointCount > MAXSTUDIOBONEWEIGHTS ) { MdlError( "Too many bone influences per vertex!\n" ); return false; }
// Copy positions + bone info
for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { // NOTE: The transform transforms the positions into the bind space
VectorTransform( positions[i], mat, g_vertex[g_numverts] ); g_vertex[g_numverts] *= flScale; if ( nJointCount == 0 ) { g_bone[g_numverts].numbones = 1; g_bone[g_numverts].bone[0] = pBoneRemap[ nBoneAssign ]; g_bone[g_numverts].weight[0] = 1.0; } else { const float *pJointWeights = pBindState->GetJointWeightData( i ); const int *pJointIndices = pBindState->GetJointIndexData( i );
float *pWeightBuf = (float*)_alloca( nJointCount * sizeof(float) ); int *pIndexBuf = (int*)_alloca( nJointCount * sizeof(int) ); memcpy( pWeightBuf, pJointWeights, nJointCount * sizeof(float) ); memcpy( pIndexBuf, pJointIndices, nJointCount * sizeof(int) );
int nBoneCount = SortAndBalanceBones( nJointCount, MAXSTUDIOBONEWEIGHTS, pIndexBuf, pWeightBuf );
g_bone[g_numverts].numbones = nBoneCount; for ( int j = 0; j < nBoneCount; ++j ) { g_bone[g_numverts].bone[j] = pBoneRemap[ pIndexBuf[j] ]; g_bone[g_numverts].weight[j] = pWeightBuf[j]; } } ++g_numverts; }
// Copy normals
nCount = normals.Count(); if ( nCount + g_numnormals > MAXSTUDIOVERTS ) { MdlError( "Too many normals in model!\n" ); return false; } for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { VectorRotate( normals[i], normalMat, g_normal[g_numnormals] ); VectorNormalize( g_normal[g_numnormals] ); ++g_numnormals; }
// Copy texcoords
nCount = texcoords.Count(); if ( nCount + g_numtexcoords > MAXSTUDIOVERTS ) { MdlError( "Too many texture coordinates in model!\n" ); return false; } bool bFlipVCoordinate = pBindState->IsVCoordinateFlipped(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { g_texcoord[g_numtexcoords].x = texcoords[i].x; g_texcoord[g_numtexcoords].y = bFlipVCoordinate ? 1.0f - texcoords[i].y : texcoords[i].y; ++g_numtexcoords; }
// In the event of no speed or balance map, use the same value of 1 for all vertices
if ( balances.Count() ) { s_Balance.AddMultipleToTail( balances.Count(), balances.Base() ); } else { s_Balance.AddToTail( 1.0f ); }
if ( speeds.Count() ) { s_Speed.AddMultipleToTail( speeds.Count(), speeds.Base() ); } else { s_Speed.AddToTail( 1.0f ); }
return true; }
// Hook delta into delta list
static void AddToDeltaList( DeltaState_t *pDeltaStateData, int nUniqueVertex ) { DeltaIndex_t &index = pDeltaStateData->m_DeltaIndices[ nUniqueVertex ]; if ( !index.m_bInList ) { index.m_nNextDelta = pDeltaStateData->m_nFirstDelta; pDeltaStateData->m_nFirstDelta = nUniqueVertex; pDeltaStateData->m_nDeltaCount++; index.m_bInList = true; } }
// Loads the vertices from the delta state
static bool LoadDeltaState( CDmeVertexDeltaData *pDeltaState, CDmeVertexData *pBindState, const matrix3x4_t& mat, float flScale, int nStartingUniqueVertex, int nStartingUniqueVertexMap ) { DeltaState_t *pDeltaStateData = FindOrAddDeltaState( pDeltaState->GetName(), nStartingUniqueVertex + pBindState->VertexCount() );
matrix3x4_t normalMat; MatrixInverseTranspose( mat, normalMat );
const CUtlVector<Vector> &positions = pDeltaState->GetPositionData( ); const CUtlVector<int> &positionIndices = pDeltaState->GetVertexIndexData( CDmeVertexDataBase::FIELD_POSITION ); const CUtlVector<Vector> &normals = pDeltaState->GetNormalData( ); const CUtlVector<int> &normalIndices = pDeltaState->GetVertexIndexData( CDmeVertexDataBase::FIELD_NORMAL ); const CUtlVector<float> &wrinkle = pDeltaState->GetWrinkleData( ); const CUtlVector<int> &wrinkleIndices = pDeltaState->GetVertexIndexData( CDmeVertexDataBase::FIELD_WRINKLE );
if ( positions.Count() != positionIndices.Count() ) { MdlError( "DeltaState %s contains a different number of positions + position indices!\n", pDeltaState->GetName() ); return false; }
if ( normals.Count() != normalIndices.Count() ) { MdlError( "DeltaState %s contains a different number of normals + normal indices!\n", pDeltaState->GetName() ); return false; }
if ( wrinkle.Count() != wrinkleIndices.Count() ) { MdlError( "DeltaState %s contains a different number of wrinkles + wrinkle indices!\n", pDeltaState->GetName() ); return false; }
// Copy position delta
int nCount = positions.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { Vector vecDelta;
// NOTE NOTE!!: This is VectorRotate, *not* VectorTransform. This is because
// we're transforming a delta, which is basically a direction vector. To
// move it into the new space, we must rotate it
VectorRotate( positions[i], mat, vecDelta ); vecDelta *= flScale;
int nPositionIndex = pDeltaStateData->m_PositionDeltas.AddToTail( vecDelta );
// Indices
const CUtlVector< int > &baseVerts = pBindState->FindVertexIndicesFromDataIndex( CDmeVertexData::FIELD_POSITION, positionIndices[i] ); int nBaseVertCount = baseVerts.Count(); for ( int k = 0; k < nBaseVertCount; ++k ) { int nUniqueVertexIndex = s_UniqueVerticesMap[ nStartingUniqueVertexMap + baseVerts[k] ]; AddToDeltaList( pDeltaStateData, nUniqueVertexIndex ); DeltaIndex_t &index = pDeltaStateData->m_DeltaIndices[ nUniqueVertexIndex ]; index.m_nPositionIndex = nPositionIndex; } }
// Copy normals
nCount = normals.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { Vector vecDelta; VectorRotate( normals[i], normalMat, vecDelta ); int nNormalIndex = pDeltaStateData->m_NormalDeltas.AddToTail( vecDelta );
// Indices
const CUtlVector< int > &baseVerts = pBindState->FindVertexIndicesFromDataIndex( CDmeVertexData::FIELD_NORMAL, normalIndices[i] ); int nBaseVertCount = baseVerts.Count(); for ( int k = 0; k < nBaseVertCount; ++k ) { int nUniqueVertexIndex = s_UniqueVerticesMap[ nStartingUniqueVertexMap + baseVerts[k] ]; AddToDeltaList( pDeltaStateData, nUniqueVertexIndex ); DeltaIndex_t &index = pDeltaStateData->m_DeltaIndices[ nUniqueVertexIndex ]; index.m_nNormalIndex = nNormalIndex; } }
// Copy wrinkle
nCount = wrinkle.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { int nWrinkleIndex = pDeltaStateData->m_WrinkleDeltas.AddToTail( wrinkle[i] );
// Indices
const CUtlVector< int > &baseVerts = pBindState->FindVertexIndicesFromDataIndex( CDmeVertexData::FIELD_WRINKLE, wrinkleIndices[i] ); int nBaseVertCount = baseVerts.Count(); for ( int k = 0; k < nBaseVertCount; ++k ) { int nUniqueVertexIndex = s_UniqueVerticesMap[ nStartingUniqueVertexMap + baseVerts[k] ]; AddToDeltaList( pDeltaStateData, nUniqueVertexIndex ); DeltaIndex_t &index = pDeltaStateData->m_DeltaIndices[ nUniqueVertexIndex ]; index.m_nWrinkleIndex = nWrinkleIndex; } } return true; }
// Reads the face data from the DMX data
static void ParseFaceData( CDmeVertexData *pVertexData, int material, int v1, int v2, int v3, int vi, int ni, int ti ) { s_tmpface_t f; f.material = material;
int p, n, t; p = pVertexData->GetPositionIndex(v1); n = pVertexData->GetNormalIndex(v1); t = pVertexData->GetTexCoordIndex(v1); f.a = ( p >= 0 ) ? vi + p : 0; f.na = ( n >= 0 ) ? ni + n : 0; f.ta = ( t >= 0 ) ? ti + t : 0; p = pVertexData->GetPositionIndex(v2); n = pVertexData->GetNormalIndex(v2); t = pVertexData->GetTexCoordIndex(v2); f.b = ( p >= 0 ) ? vi + p : 0; f.nb = ( n >= 0 ) ? ni + n : 0; f.tb = ( t >= 0 ) ? ti + t : 0; p = pVertexData->GetPositionIndex(v3); n = pVertexData->GetNormalIndex(v3); t = pVertexData->GetTexCoordIndex(v3); f.c = ( p >= 0 ) ? vi + p : 0; f.nc = ( n >= 0 ) ? ni + n : 0; f.tc = ( t >= 0 ) ? ti + t : 0;
Assert( f.a <= (unsigned long)g_numverts && f.b <= (unsigned long)g_numverts && f.c <= (unsigned long)g_numverts ); Assert( f.na <= (unsigned long)g_numnormals && f.nb <= (unsigned long)g_numnormals && f.nc <= (unsigned long)g_numnormals ); Assert( f.ta <= (unsigned long)g_numtexcoords && f.tb <= (unsigned long)g_numtexcoords && f.tc <= (unsigned long)g_numtexcoords );
Assert( g_numfaces < MAXSTUDIOTRIANGLES-1 ); if ( g_numfaces >= MAXSTUDIOTRIANGLES-1 ) return;
int i = g_numfaces++; g_face[i] = f; }
// Reads the mesh data from the DMX data
static bool LoadMesh( CDmeMesh *pMesh, CDmeVertexData *pBindState, const matrix3x4_t& mat, float flScale, int nBoneAssign, int *pBoneRemap, s_source_t *pSource ) { pMesh->CollapseRedundantNormals( normal_blend );
// Load the vertices
int nStartingVertex = g_numverts; int nStartingNormal = g_numnormals; int nStartingTexCoord = g_numtexcoords; int nStartingUniqueCount = s_UniqueVertices.Count(); int nStartingUniqueMapCount = s_UniqueVerticesMap.Count();
// This defines s_UniqueVertices & s_UniqueVerticesMap
LoadVertices( pBindState, mat, flScale, nBoneAssign, pBoneRemap, nStartingUniqueCount );
// Load the deltas
int nDeltaStateCount = pMesh->DeltaStateCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < nDeltaStateCount; ++i ) { CDmeVertexDeltaData *pDeltaState = pMesh->GetDeltaState( i ); if ( !LoadDeltaState( pDeltaState, pBindState, mat, flScale, nStartingUniqueCount, nStartingUniqueMapCount ) ) return false; }
// load the base triangles
int texture; int material; char pTextureName[MAX_PATH];
int nFaceSetCount = pMesh->FaceSetCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < nFaceSetCount; ++i ) { CDmeFaceSet *pFaceSet = pMesh->GetFaceSet( i ); CDmeMaterial *pMaterial = pFaceSet->GetMaterial();
// Get the material name
Q_strncpy( pTextureName, pMaterial->GetMaterialName(), sizeof(pTextureName) );
// funky texture overrides (specified with the -t command-line argument)
for ( int j = 0; j < numrep; j++ ) { if ( sourcetexture[j][0] == '\0' ) { Q_strncpy( pTextureName, defaulttexture[j], sizeof(pTextureName) ); break; } if ( Q_stricmp( pTextureName, sourcetexture[j]) == 0 ) { Q_strncpy( pTextureName, defaulttexture[j], sizeof(pTextureName) ); break; } }
// skip all faces with the null texture on them.
char pPathNoExt[MAX_PATH]; Q_StripExtension( pTextureName, pPathNoExt, sizeof(pPathNoExt) ); if ( !Q_stricmp( pPathNoExt, "null" ) ) continue;
texture = LookupTexture( pTextureName, true ); pSource->texmap[texture] = texture; // hack, make it 1:1
material = UseTextureAsMaterial( texture );
// prepare indices
int nFirstIndex = 0; int nIndexCount = pFaceSet->NumIndices(); while ( nFirstIndex < nIndexCount ) { int nVertexCount = pFaceSet->GetNextPolygonVertexCount( nFirstIndex ); if ( nVertexCount >= 3 ) { int nOutCount = (nVertexCount-2) * 3; int *pIndices = (int*)_alloca( nOutCount * sizeof(int) ); pMesh->ComputeTriangulatedIndices( pBindState, pFaceSet, nFirstIndex, pIndices, nOutCount ); for ( int ii = 0; ii < nOutCount; ii +=3 ) { ParseFaceData( pBindState, material, pIndices[ii], pIndices[ii+2], pIndices[ii+1], nStartingVertex, nStartingNormal, nStartingTexCoord ); } } nFirstIndex += nVertexCount + 1; } }
return true; }
// Method used to add mesh data
struct LoadMeshInfo_t { s_source_t *m_pSource; CDmeModel *m_pModel; float m_flScale; int *m_pBoneRemap; matrix3x4_t m_pBindPose[MAXSTUDIOSRCBONES]; };
static bool LoadMeshes( const LoadMeshInfo_t &info, CDmeDag *pDag, const matrix3x4_t &parentToBindPose, int nBoneAssign ) { // We want to create an aggregate matrix transforming from this dag to its closest
// parent which actually is an animated joint. This is done so we can autoskin
// meshes to their closest parents if they have not been skinned.
matrix3x4_t dagToBindPose; CDmeTransform *pDagTransform = pDag->GetTransform(); int nFoundIndex = info.m_pModel->GetJointTransformIndex( pDagTransform );
// Update autoskin to autoskin to non-DmeJoint's if they are children of the DmeModel (i.e. they have no parent bone)
if ( nFoundIndex >= 0 ) { if ( pDag == info.m_pModel || CastElement< CDmeJoint >( pDag ) ) { nBoneAssign = nFoundIndex; } else { for ( int i = 0; i < info.m_pModel->GetChildCount(); ++i ) { if ( info.m_pModel->GetChild( i ) == pDag ) { nBoneAssign = nFoundIndex; break; } } } }
if ( nFoundIndex >= 0 ) { ConcatTransforms( parentToBindPose, info.m_pBindPose[nFoundIndex], dagToBindPose ); } else { // NOTE: This isn't particularly kosher; we're using the current pose instead of the bind pose
// because there's no transform in the bind pose
matrix3x4_t dagToParent; pDagTransform->GetTransform( dagToParent ); ConcatTransforms( parentToBindPose, dagToParent, dagToBindPose ); }
CDmeMesh *pMesh = CastElement< CDmeMesh >( pDag->GetShape() ); if ( pMesh ) { CDmeVertexData *pBindState = pMesh->FindBaseState( "bind" ); if ( !pBindState ) return false;
if ( !LoadMesh( pMesh, pBindState, dagToBindPose, info.m_flScale, nBoneAssign, info.m_pBoneRemap, info.m_pSource ) ) return false; }
int nCount = pDag->GetChildCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { CDmeDag *pChild = pDag->GetChild( i ); if ( !LoadMeshes( info, pChild, dagToBindPose, nBoneAssign ) ) return false; }
return true; }
// Method used to add mesh data
static bool LoadMeshes( CDmeModel *pModel, float flScale, int *pBoneRemap, s_source_t *pSource ) { matrix3x4_t mat; SetIdentityMatrix( mat );
LoadMeshInfo_t info; info.m_pModel = pModel; info.m_flScale = flScale; info.m_pBoneRemap = pBoneRemap; info.m_pSource = pSource;
CDmeTransformList *pBindPose = pModel->FindBaseState( "bind" ); int nCount = pBindPose ? pBindPose->GetTransformCount() : pModel->GetJointTransformCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { CDmeTransform *pTransform = pBindPose ? pBindPose->GetTransform(i) : pModel->GetJointTransform(i);
matrix3x4_t jointTransform; pTransform->GetTransform( info.m_pBindPose[i] ); }
int nChildCount = pModel->GetChildCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < nChildCount; ++i ) { CDmeDag *pChild = pModel->GetChild( i ); if ( !LoadMeshes( info, pChild, mat, -1 ) ) return false; }
return true; }
// Builds s_vertanim_ts
static void BuildVertexAnimations( s_source_t *pSource ) { int nCount = s_DeltaStates.Count(); if ( nCount == 0 ) return;
Assert( s_Speed.Count() > 0 ); Assert( s_Balance.Count() > 0 );
Assert( s_UniqueVertices.Count() == numvlist ); s_vertanim_t *pVertAnim = (s_vertanim_t *)_alloca( numvlist * sizeof( s_vertanim_t ) ); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { DeltaState_t &state = s_DeltaStates[i];
s_sourceanim_t *pSourceAnim = FindOrAddSourceAnim( pSource, state.m_Name ); pSourceAnim->numframes = 1; pSourceAnim->startframe = 0; pSourceAnim->endframe = 0; pSourceAnim->newStyleVertexAnimations = true;
// Traverse the linked list of unique vertex indices j that has a delta
int nVertAnimCount = 0; for ( int j = state.m_nFirstDelta; j >= 0; j = state.m_DeltaIndices[j].m_nNextDelta ) { // The Delta Indices array is a parallel array to s_UniqueVertices
// j is used to index into both
DeltaIndex_t &delta = state.m_DeltaIndices[j]; Assert( delta.m_nPositionIndex >= 0 || delta.m_nNormalIndex >= 0 || delta.m_nWrinkleIndex >= 0 );
VertIndices_t &uniqueVert = s_UniqueVertices[j];
const v_unify_t *pList = v_list[uniqueVert.v]; for( ; pList; pList = pList->next ) { if ( pList->n != uniqueVert.n || pList->t != uniqueVert.t ) continue; s_vertanim_t& vertanim = pVertAnim[nVertAnimCount++]; vertanim.vertex = pList - v_listdata; vertanim.speed = s_Speed[ s_UniqueVertices[j].speed ]; vertanim.side = s_Balance[ s_UniqueVertices[j].balance ]; if ( delta.m_nPositionIndex >= 0 ) { vertanim.pos = state.m_PositionDeltas[ delta.m_nPositionIndex ]; } else { vertanim.pos = vec3_origin; } if ( delta.m_nNormalIndex >= 0 ) { vertanim.normal = state.m_NormalDeltas[ delta.m_nNormalIndex ]; } else { vertanim.normal = vec3_origin; }
if ( delta.m_nWrinkleIndex >= 0 ) { vertanim.wrinkle = state.m_WrinkleDeltas[ delta.m_nWrinkleIndex ]; } else { vertanim.wrinkle = 0.0f; } } } pSourceAnim->numvanims[0] = nVertAnimCount; pSourceAnim->vanim[0] = (s_vertanim_t *)kalloc( nVertAnimCount, sizeof( s_vertanim_t ) ); memcpy( pSourceAnim->vanim[0], pVertAnim, nVertAnimCount * sizeof( s_vertanim_t ) ); } }
// Loads the skeletal hierarchy from the game model, returns bone count
static bool AddDagJoint( CDmeModel *pModel, CDmeDag *pDag, s_node_t *pNodes, int nParentIndex, BoneTransformMap_t &boneMap ) { CDmeTransform *pDmeTransform = pDag->GetTransform(); const char *pTransformName = pDmeTransform->GetName(); int nJointIndex = boneMap.m_nBoneCount++; if ( nJointIndex >= MAXSTUDIOSRCBONES ) { MdlWarning( "DMX Model has too many bones [%d, max can be %d]!\n", boneMap.m_nBoneCount, MAXSTUDIOSRCBONES ); return false; } boneMap.m_ppTransforms[ nJointIndex ] = pDmeTransform; int nFoundIndex = 0; if ( pModel ) { nFoundIndex = pModel->GetJointTransformIndex( pDmeTransform ); if ( nFoundIndex >= 0 ) { boneMap.m_pBoneRemap[nFoundIndex] = nJointIndex; } }
Q_strncpy( pNodes[ nJointIndex ].name, pTransformName, sizeof( pNodes[ nJointIndex ].name ) ); pNodes[ nJointIndex ].parent = nParentIndex;
// Now deal with children
int nChildCount = pDag->GetChildCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < nChildCount; ++i ) { CDmeDag *pChild = pDag->GetChild( i ); if ( !pChild ) continue;
int nCurrentBoneCount = boneMap.m_nBoneCount; if ( !AddDagJoint( pModel, pChild, pNodes, nJointIndex, boneMap ) ) return false;
if ( ( nCurrentBoneCount != boneMap.m_nBoneCount ) && ( nFoundIndex < 0 ) ) { MdlWarning( "DMX Model has a joint \"%s\" which is not in its joint transform list.\n" "This joint has children which are in the joint transform list, which is illegal.\n", pDag->GetName() ); return false; } }
return true; }
// Main entry point for loading the skeleton
static int LoadSkeleton( CDmeDag *pRoot, CDmeModel *pModel, s_node_t *pNodes, BoneTransformMap_t &map ) { // Initialize bone indices
map.m_nBoneCount = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < MAXSTUDIOSRCBONES; ++i ) { pNodes[i].name[0] = 0; pNodes[i].parent = -1; map.m_pBoneRemap[i] = -1; map.m_ppTransforms[i] = NULL; }
// Don't create joints for the the root dag ever.. just deal with the children
int nChildCount = pRoot->GetChildCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < nChildCount; ++i ) { CDmeDag *pChild = pRoot->GetChild( i ); if ( !pChild ) continue;
if ( !AddDagJoint( pModel, pChild, pNodes, -1, map ) ) return 0; }
// Add a default identity bone used for autoskinning if no joints are specified
s_nDefaultRootNode = map.m_nBoneCount; Q_strncpy( pNodes[s_nDefaultRootNode].name, "defaultRoot", sizeof( pNodes[ s_nDefaultRootNode ].name ) ); pNodes[s_nDefaultRootNode].parent = -1;
if ( !pModel ) return map.m_nBoneCount + 1;
// Look for joints listed in the transform list which aren't in the hierarchy
int nInitialBoneCount = pModel->GetJointTransformCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < nInitialBoneCount; ++i ) { int nIndex = map.m_pBoneRemap[i]; if ( nIndex < 0 ) { map.m_pBoneRemap[i] = map.m_nBoneCount++; nIndex = map.m_pBoneRemap[i]; } if ( pNodes[nIndex].name[0] == 0 ) { CDmeTransform *pTransform = pModel->GetJointTransform( i ); Q_strncpy( pNodes[ nIndex ].name, pTransform->GetName(), sizeof( pNodes[ nIndex ].name ) ); MdlWarning( "Joint %s specified in the joint transform list but doesn't appear in the dag hierarchy!\n", pTransform->GetName() ); } } return map.m_nBoneCount + 1; }
// Loads the skeletal hierarchy from the game model, returns bone count
static void LoadAttachments( CDmeDag *pRoot, CDmeDag *pDag, s_source_t *pSource ) { CDmeAttachment *pAttachment = CastElement< CDmeAttachment >( pDag->GetShape() ); if ( pAttachment && ( pDag != pRoot ) ) { int i = pSource->m_Attachments.AddToTail(); s_attachment_t &attachment = pSource->m_Attachments[i]; memset( &attachment, 0, sizeof(s_attachment_t) ); Q_strncpy( attachment.name, pAttachment->GetName(), sizeof( attachment.name ) ); Q_strncpy( attachment.bonename, pDag->GetName(), sizeof( attachment.bonename ) ); SetIdentityMatrix( attachment.local ); if ( pAttachment->m_bIsRigid ) { attachment.type |= IS_RIGID; } if ( pAttachment->m_bIsWorldAligned ) { attachment.flags |= ATTACHMENT_FLAG_WORLD_ALIGN; } }
// Don't create joints for the the root dag ever.. just deal with the children
int nChildCount = pDag->GetChildCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < nChildCount; ++i ) { CDmeDag *pChild = pDag->GetChild( i ); if ( !pChild ) continue;
LoadAttachments( pRoot, pChild, pSource ); } }
// Loads the bind pose
static void LoadBindPose( CDmeModel *pModel, float flScale, int *pBoneRemap, s_source_t *pSource ) { s_sourceanim_t *pSourceAnim = FindOrAddSourceAnim( pSource, "BindPose" ); pSourceAnim->startframe = 0; pSourceAnim->endframe = 0; pSourceAnim->numframes = 1;
// Default all transforms to identity
pSourceAnim->rawanim[0] = (s_bone_t *)kalloc( pSource->numbones, sizeof(s_bone_t) ); for ( int i = 0; i < pSource->numbones; ++i ) { pSourceAnim->rawanim[0][i].pos.Init(); pSourceAnim->rawanim[0][i].rot.Init(); } // Override those bones in the bind pose with the real values
// NOTE: This means that bones that are not in the bind pose are set to identity!
// Is this correct? I think it shouldn't matter, but we may need to fix this.
CDmeTransformList *pBindPose = pModel->FindBaseState( "bind" ); int nCount = pBindPose ? pBindPose->GetTransformCount() : pModel->GetJointTransformCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { CDmeTransform *pTransform = pBindPose ? pBindPose->GetTransform(i) : pModel->GetJointTransform(i);
matrix3x4_t jointTransform; pTransform->GetTransform( jointTransform );
int nActualBoneIndex = pBoneRemap[i]; s_bone_t &bone = pSourceAnim->rawanim[0][nActualBoneIndex]; MatrixAngles( jointTransform, bone.rot, bone.pos ); bone.pos *= flScale; }
Build_Reference( pSource, "BindPose" ); }
// Main entry point for loading DMX files
static void PrepareChannels( CDmeChannelsClip *pAnimation ) { int nChannelsCount = pAnimation->m_Channels.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nChannelsCount; ++i ) { pAnimation->m_Channels[i]->SetMode( CM_PLAY ); } }
// Update channels so they are in position for the next frame
static void UpdateChannels( CDmeChannelsClip *pAnimation, DmeTime_t clipTime ) { int nChannelsCount = pAnimation->m_Channels.Count(); DmeTime_t channelTime = pAnimation->ToChildMediaTime( clipTime ); CUtlVector< IDmeOperator* > operators( 0, nChannelsCount ); for ( int i = 0; i < nChannelsCount; ++i ) { pAnimation->m_Channels[i]->SetCurrentTime( channelTime ); operators.AddToTail( pAnimation->m_Channels[i] ); }
// Recompute the position of the joints
{ CDisableUndoScopeGuard guard; g_pDmElementFramework->SetOperators( operators ); g_pDmElementFramework->Operate( true ); } g_pDmElementFramework->BeginEdit(); }
// Initialize the pose for this frame
static void ComputeFramePose( s_sourceanim_t *pSourceAnim, int nFrame, float flScale, BoneTransformMap_t& boneMap ) { pSourceAnim->rawanim[nFrame] = (s_bone_t *)kalloc( boneMap.m_nBoneCount, sizeof( s_bone_t ) );
for ( int i = 0; i < boneMap.m_nBoneCount; ++i ) { matrix3x4_t jointTransform; boneMap.m_ppTransforms[i]->GetTransform( jointTransform ); MatrixAngles( jointTransform, pSourceAnim->rawanim[nFrame][i].rot, pSourceAnim->rawanim[nFrame][i].pos ); pSourceAnim->rawanim[nFrame][i].pos *= flScale; } }
// Main entry point for loading animations
static void LoadAnimations( s_source_t *pSource, CDmeAnimationList *pAnimationList, float flScale, BoneTransformMap_t &boneMap ) { int nAnimationCount = pAnimationList->GetAnimationCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < nAnimationCount; ++i ) { CDmeChannelsClip *pAnimation = pAnimationList->GetAnimation( i );
if ( !Q_stricmp( pAnimationList->GetName(), "BindPose" ) ) { MdlError( "Error: Cannot use \"BindPose\" as an animation name!\n" ); break; }
s_sourceanim_t *pSourceAnim = FindOrAddSourceAnim( pSource, pAnimation->GetName() );
DmeTime_t nStartTime = pAnimation->GetStartTime(); DmeTime_t nEndTime = pAnimation->GetEndTime(); int nFrameRateVal = pAnimation->GetValue<int>( "frameRate" ); if ( nFrameRateVal <= 0 ) { nFrameRateVal = 30; } DmeFramerate_t nFrameRate = nFrameRateVal; pSourceAnim->startframe = nStartTime.CurrentFrame( nFrameRate ); pSourceAnim->endframe = nEndTime.CurrentFrame( nFrameRate ); pSourceAnim->numframes = pSourceAnim->endframe - pSourceAnim->startframe + 1;
// Prepare channels for playback
PrepareChannels( pAnimation );
float flOOFrameRate = 1.0f / (float)nFrameRateVal; DmeTime_t nTime = nStartTime; int nFrame = 0; while ( nFrame < pSourceAnim->numframes ) { int nSecond = nFrame / nFrameRateVal; int nFraction = nFrame - nSecond * nFrameRateVal; DmeTime_t t = nStartTime + DmeTime_t( nSecond * 10000 ) + DmeTime_t( (float)nFraction * flOOFrameRate );
// Update the current time
UpdateChannels( pAnimation, t );
// Initialize the pose for this frame
ComputeFramePose( pSourceAnim, nFrame, flScale, boneMap );
++nFrame; } } }
// Loads the skeletal hierarchy from the game model, returns bone count
static void AddFlexKeys( CDmeDag *pRoot, CDmeDag *pDag, CDmeCombinationOperator *pComboOp, s_source_t *pSource ) { CDmeMesh *pMesh = CastElement< CDmeMesh >( pDag->GetShape() ); if ( pMesh && ( pDag != pRoot ) ) { int nDeltaStateCount = pMesh->DeltaStateCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < nDeltaStateCount; ++i ) { CDmeVertexDeltaData *pDeltaState = pMesh->GetDeltaState( i ); AddFlexKey( pSource, pComboOp, pDeltaState->GetName() ); } }
// Don't create joints for the the root dag ever.. just deal with the children
int nChildCount = pDag->GetChildCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < nChildCount; ++i ) { CDmeDag *pChild = pDag->GetChild( i ); if ( !pChild ) continue;
AddFlexKeys( pRoot, pChild, pComboOp, pSource ); } }
// Loads all auxilliary model info:
// * Determine original source files used to generate
// the current DMX file and schedule them for processing.
void LoadModelInfo( CDmElement *pRoot, char const *pFullPath ) { // Determine original source files and schedule them for processing
if ( CDmElement *pMakeFile = pRoot->GetValueElement< CDmElement >( "makefile" ) ) { if ( CDmAttribute *pSources = pMakeFile->GetAttribute( "sources" ) ) { CDmrElementArray< CDmElement > arrSources( pSources ); for ( int kk = 0; kk < arrSources.Count(); ++ kk ) { if ( CDmElement *pModelSource = arrSources.Element( kk ) ) { if ( char const *szName = pModelSource->GetName() ) { ProcessOriginalContentFile( pFullPath, szName ); } } } } } }
// Main entry point for loading DMX files
int Load_DMX( s_source_t *pSource ) { DmFileId_t fileId; s_DeltaStates.RemoveAll(); s_Balance.RemoveAll(); s_Speed.RemoveAll(); s_UniqueVertices.RemoveAll(); s_UniqueVerticesMap.RemoveAll();
// use the full search tree, including mod hierarchy to find the file
char pFullPath[MAX_PATH]; if ( !GetGlobalFilePath( pSource->filename, pFullPath, sizeof(pFullPath) ) ) return 0;
// When reading, keep the CRLF; this will make ReadFile read it in binary format
// and also append a couple 0s to the end of the buffer.
CDmElement *pRoot; if ( g_pDataModel->RestoreFromFile( pFullPath, NULL, NULL, &pRoot ) == DMFILEID_INVALID ) return 0;
if ( !g_quiet ) { Msg( "DMX Model %s\n", pFullPath ); }
// Load model info
LoadModelInfo( pRoot, pFullPath );
// Extract out the skeleton
CDmeDag *pSkeleton = pRoot->GetValueElement< CDmeDag >( "skeleton" ); CDmeModel *pModel = pRoot->GetValueElement< CDmeModel >( "model" ); CDmeCombinationOperator *pCombinationOperator = pRoot->GetValueElement< CDmeCombinationOperator >( "combinationOperator" ); if ( !pSkeleton ) goto dmxError;
// BoneRemap[bone index in file] == bone index in studiomdl
BoneTransformMap_t boneMap; pSource->numbones = LoadSkeleton( pSkeleton, pModel, pSource->localBone, boneMap ); if ( pSource->numbones == 0 ) goto dmxError;
LoadAttachments( pSkeleton, pSkeleton, pSource );
g_numfaces = 0; if ( pModel ) { if ( pCombinationOperator ) { pCombinationOperator->GenerateWrinkleDeltas( false ); } LoadBindPose( pModel, g_currentscale, boneMap.m_pBoneRemap, pSource ); if ( !LoadMeshes( pModel, g_currentscale, boneMap.m_pBoneRemap, pSource ) ) goto dmxError;
UnifyIndices( pSource ); BuildVertexAnimations( pSource ); BuildIndividualMeshes( pSource ); }
if ( pCombinationOperator ) { AddFlexKeys( pModel, pModel, pCombinationOperator, pSource ); AddCombination( pSource, pCombinationOperator ); }
CDmeAnimationList *pAnimationList = pRoot->GetValueElement< CDmeAnimationList >( "animationList" ); if ( pAnimationList ) { LoadAnimations( pSource, pAnimationList, g_currentscale, boneMap ); }
fileId = pRoot->GetFileId(); g_pDataModel->RemoveFileId( fileId ); return 1;
dmxError: fileId = pRoot->GetFileId(); g_pDataModel->RemoveFileId( fileId ); return 0; }