//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "matsys_controls/baseassetpicker.h"
#include "tier1/KeyValues.h"
#include "tier1/utlntree.h"
#include "tier1/utlrbtree.h"
#include "vgui_controls/ListPanel.h"
#include "vgui_controls/TextEntry.h"
#include "vgui_controls/ComboBox.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Button.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Splitter.h"
#include "vgui_controls/TreeView.h"
#include "vgui_controls/ImageList.h"
#include "vgui_controls/CheckButton.h"
#include "vgui/ISurface.h"
#include "vgui/IInput.h"
#include "vgui/IVGui.h"
#include "vgui/Cursor.h"
using namespace vgui;
// sorting function, should return true if node1 should be displayed before node2
bool AssetTreeViewSortFunc( KeyValues *node1, KeyValues *node2 ) { const char *pDir1 = node1->GetString( "text", NULL ); const char *pDir2 = node2->GetString( "text", NULL ); return Q_stricmp( pDir1, pDir2 ) < 0; }
// Tree view for assets
class CAssetTreeView : public vgui::TreeView { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CAssetTreeView, vgui::TreeView );
public: CAssetTreeView( vgui::Panel *parent, const char *name, const char *pRootFolderName, const char *pRootDir );
// Inherited from base classes
virtual void GenerateChildrenOfNode( int itemIndex ); virtual void ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme );
// Opens and selects the root folder
void OpenRoot();
// Purpose: Refreshes the active file list
void RefreshFileList();
// Adds a subdirectory
DirHandle_t GetRootDirectory( ); DirHandle_t AddSubDirectory( DirHandle_t hParent, const char *pDirName ); void ClearDirectories();
// Selects a folder
void SelectFolder( const char *pSubDir, const char *pPath );
private: // Allocates the root node
void AllocateRootNode( );
// Purpose: Refreshes the active file list
DirHandle_t RefreshTreeViewItem( int nItemIndex );
// Sets an item to be colored as if its a menu
void SetItemColorForDirectories( int nItemID );
// Add a directory into the treeview
void AddDirectoryToTreeView( int nParentItemIndex, const char *pFullParentPath, DirHandle_t hPath );
// Selects an item in the tree
bool SelectFolder_R( int nItemID, const char *pPath );
CUtlString m_RootFolderName; CUtlString m_RootDirectory; vgui::ImageList m_Images; CUtlNTree< CUtlString, DirHandle_t > m_DirectoryStructure; };
// Constructor
CAssetTreeView::CAssetTreeView( Panel *pParent, const char *pName, const char *pRootFolderName, const char *pRootDir ) : BaseClass(pParent, pName), m_Images( false ) { SetSortFunc( AssetTreeViewSortFunc );
m_RootFolderName = pRootFolderName; m_RootDirectory = pRootDir; AllocateRootNode();
// build our list of images
m_Images.AddImage( scheme()->GetImage( "resource/icon_folder", false ) ); SetImageList( &m_Images, false );
SETUP_PANEL( this ); }
// Purpose: Refreshes the active file list
void CAssetTreeView::OpenRoot() { RemoveAll();
// add the base node
const char *pRootDir = m_DirectoryStructure[ m_DirectoryStructure.Root() ]; KeyValues *pkv = new KeyValues( "root" ); pkv->SetString( "text", m_RootFolderName.Get() ); pkv->SetInt( "root", 1 ); pkv->SetInt( "expand", 1 ); pkv->SetInt( "dirHandle", m_DirectoryStructure.Root() ); pkv->SetString( "path", pRootDir ); int iRoot = AddItem( pkv, GetRootItemIndex() ); pkv->deleteThis(); ExpandItem( iRoot, true ); }
// Allocates the root node
void CAssetTreeView::AllocateRootNode( ) { DirHandle_t hRoot = m_DirectoryStructure.Alloc(); m_DirectoryStructure.SetRoot( hRoot ); m_DirectoryStructure[hRoot] = m_RootDirectory; }
// Adds a subdirectory (maintains sorted order)
DirHandle_t CAssetTreeView::GetRootDirectory( ) { return m_DirectoryStructure.Root(); }
DirHandle_t CAssetTreeView::AddSubDirectory( DirHandle_t hParent, const char *pDirName ) { DirHandle_t hSubdir = m_DirectoryStructure.Alloc(); m_DirectoryStructure[hSubdir] = pDirName; m_DirectoryStructure[hSubdir].ToLower();
DirHandle_t hChild = m_DirectoryStructure.FirstChild( hParent ); m_DirectoryStructure.LinkChildBefore( hParent, hChild, hSubdir );
return hSubdir; }
void CAssetTreeView::ClearDirectories() { m_DirectoryStructure.RemoveAll(); AllocateRootNode(); }
// Sets an item to be colored as if its a menu
void CAssetTreeView::SetItemColorForDirectories( int nItemID ) { // mark directories in orange
SetItemFgColor( nItemID, Color(224, 192, 0, 255) ); }
// Add a directory into the treeview
void CAssetTreeView::AddDirectoryToTreeView( int nParentItemIndex, const char *pFullParentPath, DirHandle_t hPath ) { const char *pDirName = m_DirectoryStructure[hPath].Get(); KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "node", "text", pDirName );
char pFullPath[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( pFullPath, sizeof( pFullPath ), "%s/%s", pFullParentPath, pDirName ); Q_FixSlashes( pFullPath ); Q_strlower( pFullPath ); bool bHasSubdirectories = m_DirectoryStructure.FirstChild( hPath ) != m_DirectoryStructure.InvalidIndex(); kv->SetString( "path", pFullPath ); kv->SetInt( "expand", bHasSubdirectories ); kv->SetInt( "image", 0 ); kv->SetInt( "dirHandle", hPath );
int nItemID = AddItem( kv, nParentItemIndex ); kv->deleteThis();
// mark directories in orange
SetItemColorForDirectories( nItemID ); }
// override to incremental request and show p4 directories
void CAssetTreeView::GenerateChildrenOfNode( int nItemIndex ) { KeyValues *pkv = GetItemData( nItemIndex );
const char *pFullParentPath = pkv->GetString( "path", NULL ); if ( !pFullParentPath ) return;
DirHandle_t hPath = (DirHandle_t)pkv->GetInt( "dirHandle", m_DirectoryStructure.InvalidIndex() ); if ( hPath == m_DirectoryStructure.InvalidIndex() ) return;
DirHandle_t hChild = m_DirectoryStructure.FirstChild( hPath ); while ( hChild != m_DirectoryStructure.InvalidIndex() ) { AddDirectoryToTreeView( nItemIndex, pFullParentPath, hChild ); hChild = m_DirectoryStructure.NextSibling( hChild ); } }
// Purpose: Refreshes the active file list
DirHandle_t CAssetTreeView::RefreshTreeViewItem( int nItemIndex ) { if ( nItemIndex < 0 ) return m_DirectoryStructure.InvalidIndex();
// Make sure the expand icons are set correctly
KeyValues *pkv = GetItemData( nItemIndex ); DirHandle_t hPath = (DirHandle_t)pkv->GetInt( "dirHandle", m_DirectoryStructure.InvalidIndex() ); const char *pFullParentPath = pkv->GetString( "path", NULL ); bool bHasSubdirectories = m_DirectoryStructure.FirstChild( hPath ) != m_DirectoryStructure.InvalidIndex(); if ( bHasSubdirectories != ( pkv->GetInt( "expand" ) != 0 ) ) { pkv->SetInt( "expand", bHasSubdirectories ); ModifyItem( nItemIndex, pkv ); } bool bIsExpanded = IsItemExpanded( nItemIndex ); if ( !bIsExpanded ) return hPath;
// Check all children + build a list of children we've already got
int nChildCount = GetNumChildren( nItemIndex ); DirHandle_t *pFoundHandles = (DirHandle_t*)_alloca( nChildCount * sizeof(DirHandle_t) ); memset( pFoundHandles, 0xFF, nChildCount * sizeof(DirHandle_t) ); for ( int i = 0; i < nChildCount; ++i ) { int nChildItemIndex = GetChild( nItemIndex, i ); pFoundHandles[i] = RefreshTreeViewItem( nChildItemIndex ); }
// Check directory structure to see if other directories were added
DirHandle_t hChild = m_DirectoryStructure.FirstChild( hPath ); for ( ; hChild != m_DirectoryStructure.InvalidIndex(); hChild = m_DirectoryStructure.NextSibling( hChild ) ) { // Search for existence of this child already
bool bFound = false; for ( int j = 0; j < nChildCount; ++j ) { if ( pFoundHandles[j] == hChild ) { pFoundHandles[j] = pFoundHandles[nChildCount-1]; --nChildCount; bFound = true; break; } }
if ( bFound ) continue;
// Child is new, add it
AddDirectoryToTreeView( nItemIndex, pFullParentPath, hChild ); }
return hPath; }
void CAssetTreeView::RefreshFileList() { // Make sure the expand icons are set correctly
RefreshTreeViewItem( GetRootItemIndex() ); InvalidateLayout(); }
// Selects a folder
bool CAssetTreeView::SelectFolder_R( int nItemID, const char *pPath ) { if ( nItemID < 0 ) return false;
KeyValues *kv = GetItemData( nItemID ); const char *pTestPath = kv->GetString( "path" ); if ( !Q_stricmp( pTestPath, pPath ) ) { AddSelectedItem( nItemID, true, false, true ); return true; }
// Substring match..
CUtlString str = pTestPath; str += '\\'; if ( Q_strnicmp( str, pPath, str.Length() ) ) return false;
ExpandItem( nItemID, true );
int nChildCount = GetNumChildren( nItemID ); for ( int i = 0; i < nChildCount; ++i ) { int nChildItemID = GetChild( nItemID, i ); if ( SelectFolder_R( nChildItemID, pPath ) ) return true; } return false; }
void CAssetTreeView::SelectFolder( const char *pSubDir, const char *pPath ) { char pTemp[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( pTemp, sizeof(pTemp), "%s\\%s", pSubDir, pPath ); Q_StripTrailingSlash( pTemp );
int nItem = GetRootItemIndex(); SelectFolder_R( nItem, pTemp ); }
// setup a smaller font
void CAssetTreeView::ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *pScheme ) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme ); SetFont( pScheme->GetFont("DefaultSmall") ); SetFgColor( Color(216, 222, 211, 255) ); }
// Cache of asset data so we don't need to rebuild all the time
DECLARE_POINTER_HANDLE( AssetList_t ); #define ASSET_LIST_INVALID ((AssetList_t)(0xFFFF))
class CAssetCache { public: struct CachedAssetInfo_t { CUtlString m_AssetName; int m_nModIndex; };
struct ModInfo_t { CUtlString m_ModName; CUtlString m_Path; };
// Mod iteration
int ModCount() const; const ModInfo_t& ModInfo( int nIndex ) const; // Building the mod list
void BuildModList();
AssetList_t FindAssetList( const char *pAssetType, const char *pSubDir, int nExtCount, const char **ppExt ); bool BeginAssetScan( AssetList_t hList, bool bForceRescan = false ); CAssetTreeView* GetFileTree( AssetList_t hList ); int GetAssetCount( AssetList_t hList ) const; const CachedAssetInfo_t& GetAsset( AssetList_t hList, int nIndex ) const;
void AddAsset( AssetList_t hList, const CachedAssetInfo_t& info );
bool ContinueSearchForAssets( AssetList_t hList, float flDuration );
private: struct DirToCheck_t { CUtlString m_DirName; DirHandle_t m_hDirHandle; };
struct CachedAssetList_t { CachedAssetList_t() {} CachedAssetList_t( const char *pSearchSubDir, int nExtCount, const char **ppSearchExt ) : m_pSubDir( pSearchSubDir, Q_strlen( pSearchSubDir ) + 1 ) { m_Ext.AddMultipleToTail( nExtCount, ppSearchExt ); } CachedAssetList_t( const CachedAssetList_t& ) { // Only used during insertion; do nothing
CUtlVector< CachedAssetInfo_t > m_AssetList; CAssetTreeView *m_pFileTree;
CUtlString m_pSubDir; CUtlVector< const char * > m_Ext;
CUtlLinkedList< DirToCheck_t > m_DirectoriesToCheck; FileFindHandle_t m_hFind; bool m_bAssetScanComplete; };
private: bool AddFilesInDirectory( CachedAssetList_t& list, const char *pStartingFile, const char *pFilePath, DirHandle_t hDirHandle, float flStartTime, float flDuration ); bool DoesExtensionMatch( CachedAssetList_t& list, const char *pFileName ); void AddAssetToList( CachedAssetList_t& list, const char *pAssetName, int nModIndex );
private: // List of known mods
CUtlVector< ModInfo_t > m_ModList;
// List of cached assets
CUtlRBTree< CachedAssetList_t > m_CachedAssets;
// Have we built the mod list?
bool m_bBuiltModList;
static bool CachedAssetLessFunc( const CachedAssetList_t& src1, const CachedAssetList_t& src2 ); };
// Static instance of the asset cache
static CAssetCache s_AssetCache;
// Map sort func
bool CAssetCache::CachedAssetLessFunc( const CAssetCache::CachedAssetList_t& src1, const CAssetCache::CachedAssetList_t& src2 ) { int nRetVal = Q_stricmp( src1.m_pSubDir, src2.m_pSubDir ) > 0; if ( nRetVal != 0 ) return nRetVal > 0;
int nCount = src1.m_Ext.Count(); int nDiff = nCount - src2.m_Ext.Count(); if ( nDiff != 0 ) return nDiff > 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { nRetVal = Q_stricmp( src1.m_Ext[i], src2.m_Ext[i] ); if ( nRetVal != 0 ) return nRetVal > 0; }
return false; }
// Constructor
CAssetCache::CAssetCache() : m_CachedAssets( 0, 0, CachedAssetLessFunc ) { m_bBuiltModList = false; }
// Mod iteration
int CAssetCache::ModCount() const { return m_ModList.Count(); }
const CAssetCache::ModInfo_t& CAssetCache::ModInfo( int nIndex ) const { return m_ModList[nIndex]; }
// Building the mod list
void CAssetCache::BuildModList() { if ( m_bBuiltModList ) return;
m_bBuiltModList = true;
// Add all mods
int nLen = g_pFullFileSystem->GetSearchPath( "GAME", false, NULL, 0 ); char *pSearchPath = (char*)stackalloc( nLen * sizeof(char) ); g_pFullFileSystem->GetSearchPath( "GAME", false, pSearchPath, nLen ); char *pPath = pSearchPath; while( pPath ) { char *pSemiColon = strchr( pPath, ';' ); if ( pSemiColon ) { *pSemiColon = 0; }
Q_StripTrailingSlash( pPath ); Q_FixSlashes( pPath );
char pModName[ MAX_PATH ]; Q_FileBase( pPath, pModName, sizeof( pModName ) );
// Always start in an asset-specific directory
// char pAssetPath[MAX_PATH];
// Q_snprintf( pAssetPath, MAX_PATH, "%s\\%s", pPath, m_pAssetSubDir );
// Q_FixSlashes( pPath );
int i = m_ModList.AddToTail( ); m_ModList[i].m_ModName.Set( pModName ); m_ModList[i].m_Path.Set( pPath );
pPath = pSemiColon ? pSemiColon + 1 : NULL; } }
// Adds an asset to the list of assets of this type
void CAssetCache::AddAssetToList( CachedAssetList_t& list, const char *pAssetName, int nModIndex ) { int i = list.m_AssetList.AddToTail( ); CachedAssetInfo_t& info = list.m_AssetList[i]; info.m_AssetName.Set( pAssetName ); info.m_nModIndex = nModIndex; }
// Extension matches?
bool CAssetCache::DoesExtensionMatch( CachedAssetList_t& info, const char *pFileName ) { char pChildExt[MAX_PATH]; Q_ExtractFileExtension( pFileName, pChildExt, sizeof(pChildExt) );
// Check the extension matches
int nCount = info.m_Ext.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( info.m_Ext[i], pChildExt ) ) return true; }
return false; }
// Recursively add all files matching the wildcard under this directory
bool CAssetCache::AddFilesInDirectory( CachedAssetList_t& list, const char *pStartingFile, const char *pFilePath, DirHandle_t hCurrentDir, float flStartTime, float flDuration ) { // Indicates no files found
if ( list.m_hFind == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_FIND_HANDLE ) return true;
// generate children
// add all the items
int nModCount = m_ModList.Count(); int nSubDirLen = list.m_pSubDir ? Q_strlen(list.m_pSubDir) : 0; const char *pszFileName = pStartingFile; while ( pszFileName ) { char pRelativeChildPath[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( pRelativeChildPath, MAX_PATH, "%s\\%s", pFilePath, pszFileName );
if ( g_pFullFileSystem->FindIsDirectory( list.m_hFind ) ) { // If .svn is in the name, don't add this directory!!
if ( strstr (pszFileName, ".svn") ) { pszFileName = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( list.m_hFind ); continue; }
if ( Q_strnicmp( pszFileName, ".", 2 ) && Q_strnicmp( pszFileName, "..", 3 ) ) { DirHandle_t hDirHandle = list.m_pFileTree->AddSubDirectory( hCurrentDir, pszFileName ); int i = list.m_DirectoriesToCheck.AddToTail(); list.m_DirectoriesToCheck[i].m_DirName = pRelativeChildPath; list.m_DirectoriesToCheck[i].m_hDirHandle = hDirHandle; } } else { // Check the extension matches
if ( DoesExtensionMatch( list, pszFileName ) ) { char pFullAssetPath[MAX_PATH]; g_pFullFileSystem->RelativePathToFullPath( pRelativeChildPath, "GAME", pFullAssetPath, sizeof(pFullAssetPath) );
int nModIndex = -1; for ( int i = 0; i < nModCount; ++i ) { if ( !Q_strnicmp( pFullAssetPath, m_ModList[i].m_Path, m_ModList[i].m_Path.Length() ) ) { nModIndex = i; break; } }
if ( nModIndex >= 0 ) { // Strip 'subdir/' prefix
char *pAssetName = pRelativeChildPath; if ( list.m_pSubDir ) { if ( !Q_strnicmp( list.m_pSubDir, pAssetName, nSubDirLen ) ) { if ( pAssetName[nSubDirLen] == '\\' ) { pAssetName += nSubDirLen + 1; } } } strlwr( pAssetName );
AddAssetToList( list, pAssetName, nModIndex ); } } }
// Don't let the search go for too long at a time
if ( Plat_FloatTime() - flStartTime >= flDuration ) return false;
pszFileName = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( list.m_hFind ); }
return true; }
// Recursively add all files matching the wildcard under this directory
bool CAssetCache::ContinueSearchForAssets( AssetList_t hList, float flDuration ) { CachedAssetList_t& list = m_CachedAssets[ (int)hList ];
float flStartTime = Plat_FloatTime(); while ( list.m_DirectoriesToCheck.Count() ) { const char *pFilePath = list.m_DirectoriesToCheck[ list.m_DirectoriesToCheck.Head() ].m_DirName; DirHandle_t hCurrentDir = list.m_DirectoriesToCheck[ list.m_DirectoriesToCheck.Head() ].m_hDirHandle;
const char *pStartingFile; if ( list.m_hFind == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_FIND_HANDLE ) { char pSearchString[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( pSearchString, MAX_PATH, "%s\\*", pFilePath );
// get the list of files
pStartingFile = g_pFullFileSystem->FindFirstEx( pSearchString, "GAME", &list.m_hFind ); } else { pStartingFile = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( list.m_hFind ); }
if ( !AddFilesInDirectory( list, pStartingFile, pFilePath, hCurrentDir, flStartTime, flDuration ) ) return false;
g_pFullFileSystem->FindClose( list.m_hFind ); list.m_hFind = FILESYSTEM_INVALID_FIND_HANDLE; list.m_DirectoriesToCheck.Remove( list.m_DirectoriesToCheck.Head() ); } list.m_bAssetScanComplete = true; return true; }
// Asset cache iteration
bool CAssetCache::BeginAssetScan( AssetList_t hList, bool bForceRescan ) { CachedAssetList_t& list = m_CachedAssets[ (int)hList ]; if ( bForceRescan ) { list.m_bAssetScanComplete = false; if ( list.m_hFind != FILESYSTEM_INVALID_FIND_HANDLE ) { g_pFullFileSystem->FindClose( list.m_hFind ); list.m_hFind = FILESYSTEM_INVALID_FIND_HANDLE; } list.m_DirectoriesToCheck.RemoveAll(); }
if ( list.m_bAssetScanComplete ) return false;
// This case occurs if we stopped the picker previously while in the middle of a scan
if ( list.m_hFind != FILESYSTEM_INVALID_FIND_HANDLE ) return true;
list.m_AssetList.RemoveAll(); list.m_pFileTree->ClearDirectories();
// Add all files, determine which mod they are in.
int i = list.m_DirectoriesToCheck.AddToTail(); list.m_DirectoriesToCheck[i].m_DirName = list.m_pSubDir; list.m_DirectoriesToCheck[i].m_hDirHandle = list.m_pFileTree->GetRootDirectory(); return true; }
// Asset cache iteration
AssetList_t CAssetCache::FindAssetList( const char *pAssetType, const char *pSubDir, int nExtCount, const char **ppExt ) { CachedAssetList_t search( pSubDir, nExtCount, ppExt ); int nIndex = m_CachedAssets.Find( search ); if ( nIndex == m_CachedAssets.InvalidIndex() ) { nIndex = m_CachedAssets.Insert( search ); CachedAssetList_t &list = m_CachedAssets[nIndex]; list.m_pSubDir = pSubDir; list.m_Ext.AddMultipleToTail( nExtCount, ppExt ); list.m_hFind = FILESYSTEM_INVALID_FIND_HANDLE; list.m_bAssetScanComplete = false; list.m_pFileTree = new CAssetTreeView( NULL, "FolderFilter", pAssetType, pSubDir ); }
return (AssetList_t)nIndex; }
CAssetTreeView* CAssetCache::GetFileTree( AssetList_t hList ) { if ( hList == ASSET_LIST_INVALID ) return NULL; return m_CachedAssets[ (int)hList ].m_pFileTree; }
int CAssetCache::GetAssetCount( AssetList_t hList ) const { if ( hList == ASSET_LIST_INVALID ) return 0; return m_CachedAssets[ (int)hList ].m_AssetList.Count(); }
const CAssetCache::CachedAssetInfo_t& CAssetCache::GetAsset( AssetList_t hList, int nIndex ) const { Assert( nIndex < GetAssetCount(hList) ); return m_CachedAssets[ (int)hList ].m_AssetList[ nIndex ]; }
// Base asset Picker
// Sort by asset name
static int __cdecl AssetBrowserSortFunc( vgui::ListPanel *pPanel, const ListPanelItem &item1, const ListPanelItem &item2 ) { bool bRoot1 = item1.kv->GetInt("root") != 0; bool bRoot2 = item2.kv->GetInt("root") != 0; if ( bRoot1 != bRoot2 ) return bRoot1 ? -1 : 1; const char *pString1 = item1.kv->GetString("asset"); const char *pString2 = item2.kv->GetString("asset"); return Q_stricmp( pString1, pString2 ); }
static int __cdecl AssetBrowserModSortFunc( vgui::ListPanel *pPanel, const ListPanelItem &item1, const ListPanelItem &item2 ) { int nMod1 = item1.kv->GetInt("modIndex", -1); int nMod2 = item2.kv->GetInt("modIndex", -1); if ( nMod1 != nMod2 ) return nMod1 - nMod2; return AssetBrowserSortFunc( pPanel, item1, item2 ); }
// Purpose: Constructor
CBaseAssetPicker::CBaseAssetPicker( vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *pAssetType, const char *pExt, const char *pSubDir, const char *pTextType ) : BaseClass( pParent, "AssetPicker" ) { m_bBuiltAssetList = false; m_pAssetType = pAssetType; m_pAssetTextType = pTextType; m_pAssetExt = pExt; m_pAssetSubDir = pSubDir; m_bFinishedAssetListScan = false; m_bFirstAssetScan = false; m_nMatchingAssets = 0; m_bSubDirCheck = true; m_hAssetList = ASSET_LIST_INVALID; }
// Purpose: Destructor
CBaseAssetPicker::~CBaseAssetPicker() { SaveUserConfig();
// Detach!
m_pFileTree->RemoveActionSignalTarget( this ); m_pFileTree->SetParent( (Panel*)NULL ); m_pFileTree = NULL; }
// Creates standard controls
void CBaseAssetPicker::CreateStandardControls( vgui::Panel *pParent, bool bAllowMultiselect ) { int nExtCount = 1 + m_ExtraAssetExt.Count(); const char **ppExt = (const char **)_alloca( nExtCount * sizeof(const char *) ); ppExt[0] = m_pAssetExt; if ( nExtCount > 1 ) { memcpy( ppExt + 1, m_ExtraAssetExt.Base(), nExtCount - 1 ); }
m_hAssetList = s_AssetCache.FindAssetList( m_pAssetType, m_pAssetSubDir, nExtCount, ppExt );
m_pAssetSplitter = new vgui::Splitter( pParent, "AssetSplitter", SPLITTER_MODE_HORIZONTAL, 1 ); vgui::Panel *pSplitterTopSide = m_pAssetSplitter->GetChild( 0 ); vgui::Panel *pSplitterBottomSide = m_pAssetSplitter->GetChild( 1 );
// Combo box for mods
m_pModSelector = new ComboBox( pSplitterTopSide, "ModFilter", 5, false ); m_pModSelector->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
// Rescan button
m_pRescanButton = new Button( pSplitterTopSide, "RescanButton", "Rescan", this, "AssetRescan" );
// file browser tree controls
m_pFileTree = s_AssetCache.GetFileTree( m_hAssetList ); m_pFileTree->SetParent( pSplitterTopSide ); m_pFileTree->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
m_pSubDirCheck = new CheckButton( pSplitterTopSide, "SubDirCheck", "Check subfolders for files?" ); m_pSubDirCheck->SetSelected( true ); m_pSubDirCheck->SetEnabled( false ); m_pSubDirCheck->SetVisible( false ); m_pSubDirCheck->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
char pTemp[512]; Q_snprintf( pTemp, sizeof(pTemp), "No .%s files", m_pAssetExt ); m_pAssetBrowser = new vgui::ListPanel( pSplitterBottomSide, "AssetBrowser" ); m_pAssetBrowser->AddColumnHeader( 0, "mod", "Mod", 52, 0 ); m_pAssetBrowser->AddColumnHeader( 1, "asset", m_pAssetType, 128, ListPanel::COLUMN_RESIZEWITHWINDOW ); m_pAssetBrowser->SetSelectIndividualCells( false ); m_pAssetBrowser->SetMultiselectEnabled( bAllowMultiselect ); m_pAssetBrowser->SetEmptyListText( pTemp ); m_pAssetBrowser->SetDragEnabled( true ); m_pAssetBrowser->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_pAssetBrowser->SetSortFunc( 0, AssetBrowserModSortFunc ); m_pAssetBrowser->SetSortFunc( 1, AssetBrowserSortFunc ); m_pAssetBrowser->SetSortColumn( 1 ); // filter selection
m_pFilter = new TextEntry( pSplitterBottomSide, "FilterList" ); m_pFilter->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
// full path
m_pFullPath = new TextEntry( pSplitterBottomSide, "FullPath" ); m_pFullPath->SetEnabled( false ); m_pFullPath->SetEditable( false );
m_nCurrentModFilter = -1; }
// Reads user config settings
void CBaseAssetPicker::ApplyUserConfigSettings( KeyValues *pUserConfig ) { BaseClass::ApplyUserConfigSettings( pUserConfig );
// Populates the mod list names
const char *pFilter = pUserConfig->GetString( "filter", "" ); m_FolderFilter = pUserConfig->GetString( "folderfilter", "" ); const char *pMod = pUserConfig->GetString( "mod", "" ); SetFilter( pFilter ); m_nCurrentModFilter = -1; if ( pMod && pMod[0] ) { int nCount = s_AssetCache.ModCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { const CAssetCache::ModInfo_t& modInfo = s_AssetCache.ModInfo( i ); if ( Q_stricmp( pMod, modInfo.m_ModName ) ) continue;
int nItemCount = m_pModSelector->GetItemCount(); for ( int j = 0; j < nItemCount; ++j ) { int nItemID = m_pModSelector->GetItemIDFromRow( j ); KeyValues *kv = m_pModSelector->GetItemUserData( nItemID ); int nModIndex = kv->GetInt( "mod" ); if ( nModIndex == i ) { m_nCurrentModFilter = i; m_pModSelector->ActivateItem( nItemID ); break; } } break; } } }
// Purpose: returns user config settings for this control
void CBaseAssetPicker::GetUserConfigSettings( KeyValues *pUserConfig ) { BaseClass::GetUserConfigSettings( pUserConfig ); pUserConfig->SetString( "filter", m_Filter ); pUserConfig->SetString( "folderfilter", m_FolderFilter ); pUserConfig->SetString( "mod", ( m_nCurrentModFilter >= 0 ) ? s_AssetCache.ModInfo( m_nCurrentModFilter ).m_ModName : "" ); }
// Purpose: optimization, return true if this control has any user config settings
bool CBaseAssetPicker::HasUserConfigSettings() { return true; }
// Allows the picker to browse multiple asset types
void CBaseAssetPicker::AddExtension( const char *pExtension ) { m_ExtraAssetExt.AddToTail( pExtension ); }
// Is multiselect enabled?
bool CBaseAssetPicker::IsMultiselectEnabled() const { return m_pAssetBrowser->IsMultiselectEnabled(); }
// Sets the initial selected asset
void CBaseAssetPicker::SetInitialSelection( const char *pAssetName ) { // This makes it so the background list filling code will automatically select this asset when it gets to it.
m_SelectedAsset = pAssetName; if ( pAssetName ) { // Sometimes we've already refreshed our list with a bunch of cached resources and the item is already in the list,
// so in that case just select it here.
int cnt = m_pAssetBrowser->GetItemCount(); for ( int i=0; i < cnt; i++ ) { KeyValues *kv = m_pAssetBrowser->GetItem( i ); if ( !kv ) continue; const char *pTestAssetName = kv->GetString( "asset" ); if ( !pTestAssetName ) continue; if ( Q_stricmp( pTestAssetName, pAssetName ) == 0 ) { m_pAssetBrowser->SetSelectedCell( i, 0 ); break; } } } }
// Set/get the filter
void CBaseAssetPicker::SetFilter( const char *pFilter ) { m_Filter = pFilter; m_pFilter->SetText( pFilter ); }
const char *CBaseAssetPicker::GetFilter() { return m_Filter; }
// Purpose: called to open
void CBaseAssetPicker::Activate() { RefreshAssetList(); RequestFilterFocus(); }
// Purpose:
void CBaseAssetPicker::OnKeyCodePressed( KeyCode code ) { if (( code == KEY_UP ) || ( code == KEY_DOWN ) || ( code == KEY_PAGEUP ) || ( code == KEY_PAGEDOWN )) { KeyValues *pMsg = new KeyValues("KeyCodePressed", "code", code); vgui::ipanel()->SendMessage( m_pAssetBrowser->GetVPanel(), pMsg, GetVPanel()); pMsg->deleteThis(); } else { BaseClass::OnKeyCodePressed( code ); } }
// Is a particular asset visible?
bool CBaseAssetPicker::IsAssetVisible( int nAssetIndex ) { const CAssetCache::CachedAssetInfo_t& info = s_AssetCache.GetAsset( m_hAssetList, nAssetIndex );
// Filter based on active mod
int nModIndex = info.m_nModIndex; if ( ( m_nCurrentModFilter >= 0 ) && ( m_nCurrentModFilter != nModIndex ) ) return false;
// Filter based on name
const char *pAssetName = info.m_AssetName; if ( !Q_strcmp( pAssetName, m_SelectedAsset ) ) return true;
if ( m_Filter.Length() && !Q_stristr( pAssetName, m_Filter.Get() ) ) return false;
// Filter based on folder
if ( m_FolderFilter.Length() && Q_strnicmp( pAssetName, m_FolderFilter.Get(), m_FolderFilter.Length() ) ) return false;
// Filter based on subdirectory check
if ( !m_bSubDirCheck && strchr( pAssetName + m_FolderFilter.Length(), '\\' ) ) return false;
return true; }
// Adds an asset from the cache to the list
void CBaseAssetPicker::AddAssetToList( int nAssetIndex ) { const CAssetCache::CachedAssetInfo_t& info = s_AssetCache.GetAsset( m_hAssetList, nAssetIndex );
bool bInRootDir = !strchr( info.m_AssetName, '\\' ) && !strchr( info.m_AssetName, '/' );
KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "node", "asset", info.m_AssetName ); kv->SetString( "mod", s_AssetCache.ModInfo( info.m_nModIndex ).m_ModName ); kv->SetInt( "modIndex", info.m_nModIndex ); kv->SetInt( "root", bInRootDir ); int nItemID = m_pAssetBrowser->AddItem( kv, 0, false, false ); kv->deleteThis(); if ( m_pAssetBrowser->GetSelectedItemsCount() == 0 && !Q_strcmp( m_SelectedAsset, info.m_AssetName ) ) { m_pAssetBrowser->SetSelectedCell( nItemID, 0 ); }
KeyValues *pDrag = new KeyValues( "drag", "text", info.m_AssetName ); if ( m_pAssetTextType ) { pDrag->SetString( "texttype", m_pAssetTextType ); } m_pAssetBrowser->SetItemDragData( nItemID, pDrag );
int i = m_AssetList.AddToTail( ); m_AssetList[i].m_nAssetIndex = nAssetIndex; m_AssetList[i].m_nItemId = nItemID;
bool bIsVisible = IsAssetVisible( i ); m_pAssetBrowser->SetItemVisible( nItemID, bIsVisible ); if ( bIsVisible ) { ++m_nMatchingAssets; } }
// Continues to build the asset list
void CBaseAssetPicker::OnTick() { BaseClass::OnTick();
int nPreAssetCount = s_AssetCache.GetAssetCount( m_hAssetList );
// Stop getting called back once all assets have been found
float flTime = m_bFirstAssetScan ? ASSET_LIST_DIRECTORY_INITIAL_SEARCH_TIME : ASSET_LIST_DIRECTORY_SEARCH_TIME; bool bFinished = s_AssetCache.ContinueSearchForAssets( m_hAssetList, flTime );
if ( m_bFirstAssetScan ) { m_pFileTree->OpenRoot(); } m_bFirstAssetScan = false;
int nPostAssetCount = s_AssetCache.GetAssetCount( m_hAssetList ); for ( int i = nPreAssetCount; i < nPostAssetCount; ++i ) { AddAssetToList( i ); }
if ( bFinished ) { vgui::ivgui()->RemoveTickSignal( GetVPanel() ); m_bFinishedAssetListScan = true;
// Copy the current folder filter.. this is necessary
// to finally select the folder loaded from the user config settings
// in the free view (since it's finally populated at this point)
// NOTE: if a user has changed the folder filter between startup
// and this point, this should still work since m_FolderFilter should be updated
m_pFileTree->SelectFolder( m_pAssetSubDir, m_FolderFilter ); RefreshAssetList( ); return; }
UpdateAssetColumnHeader(); }
// Builds the Bsp name list
void CBaseAssetPicker::BuildAssetNameList( ) { if ( m_bBuiltAssetList ) return;
m_bBuiltAssetList = true; m_nMatchingAssets = 0; m_nCurrentModFilter = -1;
// Build the list of known mods if we haven't
m_pModSelector->RemoveAll(); m_pModSelector->AddItem( "All Mods", new KeyValues( "Mod", "mod", -1 ) ); int nModCount = s_AssetCache.ModCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < nModCount; ++i ) { const char *pModName = s_AssetCache.ModInfo( i ).m_ModName; m_pModSelector->AddItem( pModName, new KeyValues( "Mod", "mod", i ) ); } m_pModSelector->ActivateItemByRow( 0 );
// If we've already read in
if ( s_AssetCache.BeginAssetScan( m_hAssetList ) ) { m_bFirstAssetScan = true; m_bFinishedAssetListScan = false; vgui::ivgui()->AddTickSignal( GetVPanel(), 10 ); } else { m_bFirstAssetScan = false; m_bFinishedAssetListScan = true; }
int nAssetCount = s_AssetCache.GetAssetCount( m_hAssetList ); for ( int i = 0; i < nAssetCount; ++i ) { AddAssetToList( i ); } }
// Rescan assets
void CBaseAssetPicker::RescanAssets() { m_pAssetBrowser->RemoveAll(); m_AssetList.RemoveAll(); s_AssetCache.BeginAssetScan( m_hAssetList, true ); m_bFirstAssetScan = true; m_nMatchingAssets = 0;
if ( m_bFinishedAssetListScan ) { m_bFinishedAssetListScan = false; vgui::ivgui()->AddTickSignal( GetVPanel(), 10 ); } }
// Returns the mod path to the item index
const char *CBaseAssetPicker::GetModPath( int nModIndex ) { return s_AssetCache.ModInfo( nModIndex ).m_Path.Get(); }
// Command handler
void CBaseAssetPicker::OnCommand( const char *pCommand ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( pCommand, "AssetRescan" ) ) { RescanAssets(); return; }
BaseClass::OnCommand( pCommand ); }
// Update column headers
void CBaseAssetPicker::UpdateAssetColumnHeader( ) { char pColumnTitle[512]; Q_snprintf( pColumnTitle, sizeof(pColumnTitle), "%s (%d/%d)%s", m_pAssetType, m_nMatchingAssets, m_AssetList.Count(), m_bFinishedAssetListScan ? "" : " ..." ); m_pAssetBrowser->SetColumnHeaderText( 1, pColumnTitle ); }
// Request focus of the filter box
void CBaseAssetPicker::RequestFilterFocus() { if ( m_Filter.Length() ) { m_pFilter->SelectAllOnFirstFocus( true ); } m_pFilter->RequestFocus(); }
// Purpose: refreshes the asset list
void CBaseAssetPicker::RefreshAssetList( ) { BuildAssetNameList();
// Check the filter matches
int nCount = m_AssetList.Count(); m_nMatchingAssets = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { // Filter based on active mod
bool bIsVisible = IsAssetVisible( i ); m_pAssetBrowser->SetItemVisible( m_AssetList[i].m_nItemId, bIsVisible ); if ( bIsVisible ) { ++m_nMatchingAssets; } }
UpdateAssetColumnHeader(); m_pAssetBrowser->SortList();
if ( ( m_pAssetBrowser->GetSelectedItemsCount() == 0 ) && ( m_pAssetBrowser->GetItemCount() > 0 ) ) { // Invoke a callback if the next selection will be a 'default' selection
OnNextSelectionIsDefault(); int nItemID = m_pAssetBrowser->GetItemIDFromRow( 0 ); m_pAssetBrowser->SetSelectedCell( nItemID, 0 ); }
m_pFileTree->RefreshFileList(); }
// Purpose: refreshes dialog on file folder changing
void CBaseAssetPicker::OnFileSelected() { // update list
const char *pFolderFilter = ""; int iItem = m_pFileTree->GetFirstSelectedItem(); if ( iItem >= 0 ) { KeyValues *pkv = m_pFileTree->GetItemData( iItem ); pFolderFilter = pkv->GetString( "path" );
// The first keys are always the subdir
pFolderFilter += Q_strlen( m_pAssetSubDir ); if ( *pFolderFilter ) { ++pFolderFilter; } }
if ( Q_stricmp( pFolderFilter, m_FolderFilter.Get() ) ) { int nLen = Q_strlen( pFolderFilter ); m_FolderFilter = pFolderFilter; if ( nLen > 0 ) { m_FolderFilter += '\\'; } RefreshAssetList(); } }
// Purpose: refreshes dialog on text changing
void CBaseAssetPicker::OnTextChanged( KeyValues *pKeyValues ) { vgui::Panel *pSource = (vgui::Panel*)pKeyValues->GetPtr( "panel" ); if ( pSource == m_pFilter ) { int nLength = m_pFilter->GetTextLength(); char *pNewFilter = (char*)_alloca( (nLength+1) * sizeof(char) ); if ( nLength > 0 ) { m_pFilter->GetText( pNewFilter, nLength+1 ); } else { pNewFilter[0] = 0; } if ( Q_stricmp( pNewFilter, m_Filter.Get() ) ) { m_Filter.SetLength( nLength ); m_Filter = pNewFilter; RefreshAssetList(); } return; }
if ( pSource == m_pModSelector ) { KeyValues *pKeyValuesActive = m_pModSelector->GetActiveItemUserData(); if ( pKeyValuesActive ) { m_nCurrentModFilter = pKeyValuesActive->GetInt( "mod", -1 ); RefreshAssetList(); } return; } }
// Purpose: Updates preview when an item is selected
void CBaseAssetPicker::OnItemSelected( KeyValues *kv ) { Panel *pPanel = (Panel *)kv->GetPtr( "panel", NULL ); if ( pPanel == m_pAssetBrowser ) { int nCount = GetSelectedAssetCount(); Assert( nCount > 0 ); const char *pSelectedAsset = GetSelectedAsset( nCount - 1 );
// Fill in the full path
int nModIndex = GetSelectedAssetModIndex(); char pBuf[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( pBuf, sizeof(pBuf), "%s\\%s\\%s", s_AssetCache.ModInfo( nModIndex ).m_Path.Get(), m_pAssetSubDir, pSelectedAsset ); Q_FixSlashes( pBuf ); m_pFullPath->SetText( pBuf );
surface()->SetCursor( dc_waitarrow ); OnSelectedAssetPicked( pSelectedAsset ); return; } }
void CBaseAssetPicker::OnCheckButtonChecked( KeyValues *kv ) { vgui::Panel *pSource = (vgui::Panel*)kv->GetPtr( "panel" ); if ( pSource == m_pSubDirCheck ) { m_bSubDirCheck = m_pSubDirCheck->IsSelected(); RefreshAssetList(); } }
// Returns the selceted asset count
int CBaseAssetPicker::GetSelectedAssetCount() { return m_pAssetBrowser->GetSelectedItemsCount(); }
// Returns the selceted asset name
const char *CBaseAssetPicker::GetSelectedAsset( int nAssetIndex ) { int nSelectedAssetCount = m_pAssetBrowser->GetSelectedItemsCount(); if ( nAssetIndex < 0 ) { nAssetIndex = nSelectedAssetCount - 1; } if ( nSelectedAssetCount <= nAssetIndex || nAssetIndex < 0 ) return NULL;
int nIndex = m_pAssetBrowser->GetSelectedItem( nAssetIndex ); KeyValues *pItemKeyValues = m_pAssetBrowser->GetItem( nIndex ); return pItemKeyValues->GetString( "asset" ); }
// Returns the selceted asset mod index
int CBaseAssetPicker::GetSelectedAssetModIndex( ) { if ( m_pAssetBrowser->GetSelectedItemsCount() == 0 ) return 0;
int nIndex = m_pAssetBrowser->GetSelectedItem( 0 ); KeyValues *pItemKeyValues = m_pAssetBrowser->GetItem( nIndex ); return pItemKeyValues->GetInt( "modIndex" ); }
// Purpose: Modal picker frame
CBaseAssetPickerFrame::CBaseAssetPickerFrame( vgui::Panel *pParent ) : BaseClass( pParent, "AssetPickerFrame" ) { m_pContextKeyValues = NULL; SetDeleteSelfOnClose( true ); m_pOpenButton = new Button( this, "OpenButton", "#FileOpenDialog_Open", this, "Open" ); m_pCancelButton = new Button( this, "CancelButton", "#FileOpenDialog_Cancel", this, "Cancel" ); SetBlockDragChaining( true ); }
CBaseAssetPickerFrame::~CBaseAssetPickerFrame() { CleanUpMessage(); }
// Allows the derived class to create the picker
void CBaseAssetPickerFrame::SetAssetPicker( CBaseAssetPicker* pPicker ) { m_pPicker = pPicker; m_pPicker->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); }
// Deletes the message
void CBaseAssetPickerFrame::CleanUpMessage() { if ( m_pContextKeyValues ) { m_pContextKeyValues->deleteThis(); m_pContextKeyValues = NULL; } }
// Sets the initial selected asset
void CBaseAssetPickerFrame::SetInitialSelection( const char *pAssetName ) { m_pPicker->SetInitialSelection( pAssetName ); }
// Set/get the filter
void CBaseAssetPickerFrame::SetFilter( const char *pFilter ) { m_pPicker->SetFilter( pFilter ); }
const char *CBaseAssetPickerFrame::GetFilter() { return m_pPicker->GetFilter( ); }
// Purpose: Activate the dialog
void CBaseAssetPickerFrame::DoModal( KeyValues *pKeyValues ) { BaseClass::DoModal(); CleanUpMessage(); m_pContextKeyValues = pKeyValues; m_pPicker->Activate(); }
// Posts a message (passing the key values)
void CBaseAssetPickerFrame::PostMessageAndClose( KeyValues *pKeyValues ) { if ( m_pContextKeyValues ) { pKeyValues->AddSubKey( m_pContextKeyValues ); m_pContextKeyValues = NULL; } CloseModal(); PostActionSignal( pKeyValues ); }
// On command
void CBaseAssetPickerFrame::OnCommand( const char *pCommand ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( pCommand, "Open" ) ) { KeyValues *pActionKeys = new KeyValues( "AssetSelected" ); if ( !m_pPicker->IsMultiselectEnabled() ) { const char *pAssetName = m_pPicker->GetSelectedAsset( ); pActionKeys->SetString( "asset", pAssetName ); } else { char pBuf[512]; KeyValues *pAssetKeys = pActionKeys->FindKey( "assets", true ); int nCount = m_pPicker->GetSelectedAssetCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { Q_snprintf( pBuf, sizeof(pBuf), "asset%d", i ); pAssetKeys->SetString( pBuf, m_pPicker->GetSelectedAsset( i ) ); } } PostMessageAndClose( pActionKeys ); return; }
if ( !Q_stricmp( pCommand, "Cancel" ) ) { CloseModal(); return; }
BaseClass::OnCommand( pCommand ); }