Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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261 lines
6.2 KiB

  1. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. //
  4. // Base Settings for Source(TM) Projects
  5. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. $MacroRequired "SRCDIR"
  8. $MacroRequired "OUTBINNAME"
  9. $MacroRequired "OUTBINDIR"
  10. $IgnoreRedundancyWarning "ON"
  11. $Configuration "Debug"
  12. {
  13. $General
  14. {
  15. // General
  16. $OutputDirectory ".\Debug_360"
  17. $IntermediateDirectory ".\Debug_360"
  18. $ExtensionsToDeleteOnClean
  19. $BuildLogFile
  20. $InheritedProjectPropertySheets
  21. // Project Defaults
  22. $ConfigurationType "Application (.exe)"
  23. $CharacterSet "Not Set"
  24. $WholeProgramOptimization "No Whole Program Optimization"
  25. }
  26. $Debugging
  27. {
  28. $Command "$(RemoteRoot)\$(TargetFileName)"
  29. $CommandArguments
  30. $MapDVDDrive
  31. $RemoteMachine
  32. }
  33. $Compiler
  34. {
  35. // General
  36. $AdditionalIncludeDirectories "$SRCDIR\common;$SRCDIR\public;$SRCDIR\public\tier0;$SRCDIR\public\tier1"
  37. $DebugInformationFormat "Program Database (/Zi)"
  38. $SuppressStartupBanner "Yes (/nologo)"
  39. $WarningLevel "Level 4 (/W4)"
  40. $TreatWarningsAsErrors "No"
  41. $UseUNICODEResponseFiles "No"
  42. // Optimization
  43. $Optimization "Disabled (/Od)"
  44. $InlineFunctionExpansion
  45. $EnableIntrinsicFunctions "Yes (/Oi)"
  46. $FavorSizeOrSpeed "Neither"
  47. $EnableFiberSafeOptimizations "No"
  48. $WholeProgramOptimization "No"
  49. // Preprocessor
  51. $PreprocessorDefinitions "$BASE;_CERT" [$CERT]
  52. $IgnoreStandardIncludePath
  53. $GeneratePreprocessedFile
  54. $KeepComments "No"
  55. // Code Generation
  56. $EnableStringPooling "Yes (/GF)"
  57. $EnableMinimalRebuild "Yes (/Gm)"
  58. $EnableC++Exceptions "No"
  59. $SmallerTypeCheck
  60. $BasicRuntimeChecks "Both (/RTC1, equiv. to /RTCsu)"
  61. $RuntimeLibrary "Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd)"
  62. $StructMemberAlignment
  63. // 360 Issue: Enable BufferSecurityCheck below in AdditionalOptions
  64. $BufferSecurityCheck "No"
  65. $EnableFunctionLevelLinking
  66. $FloatingPointModel "Fast (/fp:fast)"
  67. $EnableFloatingPointExceptions "No"
  68. // Language
  69. $DisableLanguageExtensions "No"
  70. $DefaultCharUnsigned "No"
  71. $TreatWCHAR_TAsBuiltInType "Yes (/Zc:wchar_t)"
  72. $ForceConformanceInForLoopScope "Yes (/Zc:forScope)"
  73. $EnableRunTimeTypeInfo "Yes (/GR)"
  74. $OpenMPSupport "No"
  75. // Precompiled Headers
  76. $Create/UsePrecompiledHeader "Not Using Precompiled Headers"
  77. $Create/UsePCHThroughFile
  78. $PrecompiledHeaderFile
  79. // Output Files
  80. $ExpandAttributedSource "No"
  81. $AssemblerOutput "No Listing"
  82. $ASMListLocation "$(IntDir)/"
  83. $ObjectFileName "$(IntDir)/"
  84. $ProgramDatabaseFileName "$(IntDir)/"
  85. // Browse Information
  86. $EnableBrowseInformation "None"
  87. $BrowseFile "$(IntDir)/"
  88. // Advanced
  89. $CompileAs "Compile as C++ Code (/TP)"
  90. $DisableSpecificWarnings
  91. $ForceIncludes "tier0/platform.h"
  92. $ShowIncludes "No"
  93. $UndefinePreprocessorDefinitions
  94. $UndefineAllPreprocessorDefinitions "No"
  95. $UseFullPaths
  96. $OmitDefaultLibraryNames
  97. // Xbox 360
  98. $RegisterReservation "No"
  99. $TrapIntegerDividesOptimization "No"
  100. $PreschedulingOptimization "No"
  101. $InlineAssemblyOptimization "No"
  102. $Stalls "No"
  103. $CallAttributedProfiling "Disabled"
  104. // Command Line
  105. $AdditionalOptions "/QVMX128 /GS"
  106. }
  107. $Linker
  108. {
  109. // General
  110. $OutputFile "$(OutDir)/$OUTBINNAME.exe"
  111. $ShowProgress "Not Set"
  112. $Version
  113. $EnableIncrementalLinking "Yes (/INCREMENTAL)"
  114. $SuppressStartupBanner "Yes (/NOLOGO)"
  115. $IgnoreImportLibrary
  116. $AdditionalLibraryDirectories
  117. $LinkLibraryDependencies
  118. $UseLibraryDependencyInputs
  119. $UseUNICODEResponseFiles "No"
  120. // Input
  121. $AdditionalDependencies "d3d9d.lib xapilibd.lib xboxkrnl.lib libpmcpbd.lib"
  122. $AdditionalDependencies "d3d9d.lib xapilibd.lib xboxkrnl.lib libpmcpbd.lib xbdm.lib" [$PROFILE]
  123. $AdditionalDependencies "d3d9d.lib xapilibd.lib xboxkrnl.lib" [$CERT]
  124. $IgnoreAllDefaultLibraries
  125. $IgnoreSpecificLibrary "libc;libcd;libcmt;xapilib"
  126. $ModuleDefinitionFile
  127. $ForceSymbolReferences
  128. // Debugging
  129. $GenerateDebugInfo "Yes (/DEBUG)"
  130. $GenerateProgramDatabaseFile "$(IntDir)/$(TargetName).pdb"
  131. $StripPrivateSymbols
  132. $GenerateMapFile "No"
  133. $MapFileName "$(IntDir)/$(TargetName).map"
  134. $MapExports "No"
  135. // System
  136. $StackCommitSize "262144"
  137. // Optimization
  138. $References
  139. $EnableCOMDATFolding
  140. $FunctionOrder
  141. $ProfileGuidedDatabase
  142. $LinkTimeCodeGeneration
  143. // Advanced
  144. $EntryPoint
  145. $NoEntryPoint
  146. $SetChecksum "No"
  148. $FixedBaseAddress "Image must be loaded at a fixed address (/FIXED)"
  149. $ImportLibrary
  150. $MergeSections
  151. $ErrorReporting "Prompt Immediately (/ERRORREPORT:PROMPT)"
  152. // Command Line
  153. $AdditionalOptions
  154. }
  155. $Xbox360ImageConversion
  156. {
  157. // General
  158. $OutputFile "$(OutDir)/$OUTBINNAME.xex"
  159. $TitleID
  160. $LANKey
  161. $SuppressStartupBanner "Yes (/NOLOGO)"
  162. $BaseAddress
  163. $HeapSize
  164. $WorkspaceSize
  165. $AdditionalSections
  166. $ExportByName
  167. // Privileges
  168. $OpticalDiscDriveMapping
  169. $PAL50Incompatible
  170. // Project Defaults
  171. $ProjectDefaults
  172. // Command Line
  173. $AdditionalOptions
  174. }
  175. $BrowseInformation
  176. {
  177. $SuppressStartupBanner "Yes (/nologo)"
  178. $OutputFile "$(OutDir)/$OUTBINNAME.bsc"
  179. $AdditionalOptions
  180. }
  181. $PreBuildEvent
  182. {
  183. $CommandLine
  184. $Description
  185. $ExcludedFromBuild "No"
  186. }
  187. $PreLinkEvent
  188. {
  189. $CommandLine
  190. $Description
  191. $ExcludedFromBuild "No"
  192. }
  193. $PostBuildEvent
  194. {
  195. $CommandLine
  196. $Description
  197. $ExcludedFromBuild "No"
  198. }
  199. $CustomBuildStep
  200. {
  201. // General
  202. $CommandLine
  203. $Description
  204. $Outputs
  205. $AdditionalDependencies
  206. }
  207. $ConsoleDeployment
  208. {
  209. // Common Settings
  210. $DeploymentType "Copy to Hard Drive"
  211. $DeploymentFiles "$(RemoteRoot)=$(TargetPath);"
  212. // Copy to Hard Drive
  213. $ExcludedFromBuild "Yes"
  214. $SuppressStartupBanner "Yes (/nologo)"
  215. $Progress "No"
  216. $ForceCopy
  217. $DeploymentRoot
  218. // Emulate DVD Drive
  219. $EmulationType
  220. $Layout
  221. $LayoutRoot
  222. // Command Line
  223. $AdditionalOptions
  224. }
  225. }