//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: low-level code to write IVP_Compact_Ledge/IVP_Compact_Triangle.
// also includes code to pack/unpack outer hull ledges to 8-bit rep
#include "cbase.h"
#include "convert.h"
#include <ivp_surface_manager.hxx>
#include <ivp_surman_polygon.hxx>
#include <ivp_template_surbuild.hxx>
#include <ivp_compact_surface.hxx>
#include <ivp_compact_ledge.hxx>
#include "utlbuffer.h"
#include "ledgewriter.h"
// gets the max vertex index referenced by a compact ledge
static int MaxLedgeVertIndex( const IVP_Compact_Ledge *pLedge ) { int maxIndex = -1; for ( int i = 0; i < pLedge->get_n_triangles(); i++ ) { const IVP_Compact_Triangle *pTri = pLedge->get_first_triangle() + i; for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) { int ivpIndex = pTri->get_edge(j)->get_start_point_index(); maxIndex = max(maxIndex, ivpIndex); } } return maxIndex; }
struct vertmap_t {
CUtlVector<int> map; int minRef; int maxRef; };
// searches pVerts for each vert used by pLedge and builds a one way map from ledge indices to pVerts indices
// NOTE: pVerts is in HL coords, pLedge is in IVP coords
static void BuildVertMap( vertmap_t &out, const Vector *pVerts, int vertexCount, const IVP_Compact_Ledge *pLedge ) { out.map.EnsureCount(MaxLedgeVertIndex(pLedge)+1); for ( int i = 0; i < out.map.Count(); i++ ) { out.map[i] = -1; } out.minRef = vertexCount; out.maxRef = 0; const IVP_Compact_Poly_Point *pVertList = pLedge->get_point_array(); for ( int i = 0; i < pLedge->get_n_triangles(); i++ ) { // iterate each triangle, for each referenced vert that hasn't yet been mapped, search for the nearest match
const IVP_Compact_Triangle *pTri = pLedge->get_first_triangle() + i; for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) { int ivpIndex = pTri->get_edge(j)->get_start_point_index(); if ( out.map[ivpIndex] < 0 ) { int index = -1; Vector tmp; ConvertPositionToHL( &pVertList[ivpIndex], tmp); float minDist = 1e24; for ( int k = 0; k < vertexCount; k++ ) { float dist = (tmp-pVerts[k]).Length(); if ( dist < minDist ) { index = k; minDist = dist; } } Assert(minDist<0.1f); out.map[ivpIndex] = index; out.minRef = min(out.minRef, index); out.maxRef = max(out.maxRef, index); } } } }
// Each IVP_Compact_Triangle and IVP_Compact_Edge occupies an index
// 0,1,2,3 is tri, edge, edge, edge (tris and edges are both 16 bytes)
// So you can just add the index to get_first_triangle to get a pointer
inline int EdgeIndex( const IVP_Compact_Ledge *pLedge, const IVP_Compact_Edge *pEdge ) { return pEdge - (const IVP_Compact_Edge *)pLedge->get_first_triangle(); }
// Builds a packedhull_t from a IVP_Compact_Ledge. Assumes that the utlbuffer points at the memory following pHull (pHull is the header, utlbuffer is the body)
void PackLedgeIntoBuffer( packedhull_t *pHull, CUtlBuffer &buf, const IVP_Compact_Ledge *pLedge, const virtualmeshlist_t &list ) { if ( !pLedge ) return;
// The lists store the ivp index of each element to be written out
// The maps store the output packed index for each ivp index
CUtlVector<int> triangleList, triangleMap; CUtlVector<int> edgeList, edgeMap; vertmap_t vertMap; BuildVertMap( vertMap, list.pVerts, list.vertexCount, pLedge ); pHull->baseVert = vertMap.minRef; // clear the maps
triangleMap.EnsureCount(pLedge->get_n_triangles()); for ( int i = 0; i < triangleMap.Count(); i++ ) { triangleMap[i] = -1; } edgeMap.EnsureCount(pLedge->get_n_triangles()*4); // each triangle also occupies an edge index
for ( int i = 0; i < edgeMap.Count(); i++ ) { edgeMap[i] = -1; }
// we're going to reorder the triangles and edges so that the ones marked virtual
// appear first in the list. This way we only need a virtual count, not a per-item
// flag.
// also, the edges are stored relative to the first triangle that references them
// so an edge from 0->1 means that the first triangle that references the edge is 0->1 and the
// second triangle is 1->0. This way we store half the edges and the winged edge pointers are implicit
// sort triangles in two passes
for ( int i = 0; i < pLedge->get_n_triangles(); i++ ) { const IVP_Compact_Triangle *pTri = pLedge->get_first_triangle() + i; if ( pTri->get_is_virtual() ) { triangleMap[i] = triangleList.AddToTail(i); } } pHull->vtriCount = triangleList.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < pLedge->get_n_triangles(); i++ ) { const IVP_Compact_Triangle *pTri = pLedge->get_first_triangle() + i; if ( !pTri->get_is_virtual() ) { triangleMap[i] = triangleList.AddToTail(i); } } // sort edges in two passes
for ( int i = 0; i < pLedge->get_n_triangles(); i++ ) { const IVP_Compact_Triangle *pTri = pLedge->get_first_triangle() + triangleList[i]; for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) { const IVP_Compact_Edge *pEdge = pTri->get_edge(j); if ( pEdge->get_is_virtual() && edgeMap[EdgeIndex(pLedge, pEdge->get_opposite())] < 0 ) { edgeMap[EdgeIndex(pLedge, pEdge)] = edgeList.AddToTail(EdgeIndex(pLedge, pEdge)); } } } pHull->vedgeCount = edgeList.Count();
for ( int i = 0; i < pLedge->get_n_triangles(); i++ ) { const IVP_Compact_Triangle *pTri = pLedge->get_first_triangle() + triangleList[i]; for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) { const IVP_Compact_Edge *pEdge = pTri->get_edge(j); int index = EdgeIndex(pLedge, pEdge); int oppositeIndex = EdgeIndex(pLedge, pEdge->get_opposite()); if ( !pEdge->get_is_virtual() && edgeMap[oppositeIndex] < 0 ) { edgeMap[index] = edgeList.AddToTail(index); } if ( edgeMap[index] < 0 ) { Assert(edgeMap[oppositeIndex] >= 0); edgeMap[index] = edgeMap[oppositeIndex]; } } } Assert( edgeList.Count() == pHull->edgeCount );
// now write the packed triangles
for ( int i = 0; i < pHull->triangleCount; i++ ) { packedtriangle_t tri; const IVP_Compact_Triangle *pTri = pLedge->get_first_triangle() + triangleList[i]; const IVP_Compact_Edge *pEdge; pEdge = pTri->get_edge(0); tri.opposite = triangleMap[pTri->get_pierce_index()]; Assert(tri.opposite<pHull->triangleCount); tri.e0 = edgeMap[EdgeIndex(pLedge, pEdge)]; pEdge = pTri->get_edge(1); tri.e1 = edgeMap[EdgeIndex(pLedge, pEdge)]; pEdge = pTri->get_edge(2); tri.e2 = edgeMap[EdgeIndex(pLedge, pEdge)]; Assert(tri.e0<pHull->edgeCount); Assert(tri.e1<pHull->edgeCount); Assert(tri.e2<pHull->edgeCount); buf.Put(&tri, sizeof(tri)); } // now write the packed edges
for ( int i = 0; i < pHull->edgeCount; i++ ) { packededge_t edge; const IVP_Compact_Edge *pEdge = (const IVP_Compact_Edge *)pLedge->get_first_triangle() + edgeList[i]; Assert((edgeList[i]&3) != 0); // must not be a triangle
int v0 = vertMap.map[pEdge->get_start_point_index()] - pHull->baseVert; int v1 = vertMap.map[pEdge->get_next()->get_start_point_index()] - pHull->baseVert; Assert(v0>=0 && v0<256); Assert(v1>=0 && v1<256); edge.v0 = v0; edge.v1 = v1; buf.Put(&edge, sizeof(edge)); } }
// decompress packed hull into a compact ledge
void CVPhysicsVirtualMeshWriter::UnpackCompactLedgeFromHull( IVP_Compact_Ledge *pLedge, int materialIndex, const IVP_Compact_Poly_Point *pPointList, const virtualmeshhull_t *pHullHeader, int hullIndex, bool isVirtualLedge ) { const packedhull_t *pHull = pHullHeader->GetPackedHull(hullIndex); const packedtriangle_t *pPackedTris = pHullHeader->GetPackedTriangles(hullIndex); // write the ledge
pLedge->set_offset_ledge_points( (int)((char *)pPointList - (char *)pLedge) ); // byte offset from 'this' to (ledge) point array
pLedge->set_is_compact( IVP_TRUE ); pLedge->set_size(sizeof(IVP_Compact_Ledge) + sizeof(IVP_Compact_Triangle)*pHull->triangleCount); // <0 indicates a non compact compact ledge
pLedge->n_triangles = pHull->triangleCount; pLedge->has_chilren_flag = isVirtualLedge ? IVP_TRUE : IVP_FALSE;
// Make the offset -pLedge so the result is a NULL ledgetree node - we haven't needed to create one of these as of yet
pLedge->ledgetree_node_offset = -((int)pLedge);
// keep track of which triangle edge referenced this edge (so the next one can swap the order and point to the first one)
int forwardEdgeIndex[255]; for ( int i = 0; i < pHull->edgeCount; i++ ) { forwardEdgeIndex[i] = -1; } packededge_t *pPackedEdges = (packededge_t *)(pPackedTris + pHull->triangleCount); IVP_Compact_Triangle *pOut = pLedge->get_first_triangle(); // now write the compact triangles and their edges
int baseVert = pHull->baseVert; for ( int i = 0; i < pHull->triangleCount; i++ ) { pOut[i].set_tri_index(i); pOut[i].set_material_index(materialIndex); pOut[i].set_is_virtual( i < pHull->vtriCount ? IVP_TRUE : IVP_FALSE ); pOut[i].set_pierce_index(pPackedTris[i].opposite); Assert(pPackedTris[i].opposite<pHull->triangleCount); int edges[3] = {pPackedTris[i].e0, pPackedTris[i].e1, pPackedTris[i].e2}; for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) { Assert(edges[j]<pHull->edgeCount); if ( forwardEdgeIndex[edges[j]] < 0 ) { // this is the first triangle to use this edge, so it's forward (and the other triangle sharing (opposite edge pointer) is unknown)
int startVert = pPackedEdges[edges[j]].v0 + baseVert; pOut[i].c_three_edges[j].set_start_point_index(startVert); pOut[i].c_three_edges[j].set_is_virtual( edges[j] < pHull->vedgeCount ? IVP_TRUE : IVP_FALSE ); forwardEdgeIndex[edges[j]] = EdgeIndex(pLedge, &pOut[i].c_three_edges[j]); } else { // this is the second triangle to use this edge, so it's reversed (and the other triangle sharing is in the forward edge table)
int oppositeIndex = forwardEdgeIndex[edges[j]];
int startVert = pPackedEdges[edges[j]].v1 + baseVert; pOut[i].c_three_edges[j].set_start_point_index(startVert); pOut[i].c_three_edges[j].set_is_virtual( edges[j] < pHull->vedgeCount ? IVP_TRUE : IVP_FALSE ); // now build the links between the triangles sharing this edge
int thisEdgeIndex = EdgeIndex( pLedge, &pOut[i].c_three_edges[j] ); pOut[i].c_three_edges[j].set_opposite_index( oppositeIndex - thisEdgeIndex ); pOut[i].c_three_edges[j].get_opposite()->set_opposite_index( thisEdgeIndex - oppositeIndex ); } } } }
// low-level code to initialize a 2-sided triangle
static void InitTriangle( IVP_Compact_Triangle *pTri, int index, int materialIndex, int v0, int v1, int v2, int opp0, int opp1, int opp2 ) { pTri->set_tri_index(index); pTri->set_material_index(materialIndex);
pTri->c_three_edges[0].set_start_point_index(v0); pTri->c_three_edges[1].set_start_point_index(v1); pTri->c_three_edges[2].set_start_point_index(v2);
pTri->c_three_edges[0].set_opposite_index(opp0); pTri->c_three_edges[1].set_opposite_index(opp1); pTri->c_three_edges[2].set_opposite_index(opp2); }
void CVPhysicsVirtualMeshWriter::InitTwoSidedTriangleLege( triangleledge_t *pOut, const IVP_Compact_Poly_Point *pPoints, int v0, int v1, int v2, int materialIndex ) { IVP_Compact_Ledge *pLedge = &pOut->ledge; pLedge->set_offset_ledge_points( (int)((char *)pPoints - (char *)pLedge) ); // byte offset from 'this' to (ledge) point array
pLedge->set_is_compact( IVP_TRUE ); pLedge->set_size(sizeof(triangleledge_t)); // <0 indicates a non compact compact ledge
pLedge->n_triangles = 2; pLedge->has_chilren_flag = IVP_FALSE; // triangles
InitTriangle( &pOut->faces[0], 0, materialIndex, v0, v1, v2, 6, 4, 2 ); InitTriangle( &pOut->faces[1], 1, materialIndex, v0, v2, v1, -2, -4, -6); pOut->faces[0].set_pierce_index(1); pOut->faces[1].set_pierce_index(0); }
bool CVPhysicsVirtualMeshWriter::LedgeCanBePacked(const IVP_Compact_Ledge *pLedge, const virtualmeshlist_t &list) { int edgeCount = pLedge->get_n_triangles() * 3; if ( edgeCount > 512 ) return false; vertmap_t vertMap; BuildVertMap( vertMap, list.pVerts, list.vertexCount, pLedge ); if ( (vertMap.maxRef - vertMap.minRef) > 255 ) return false; return true; }
// this builds a packed hull array from a compact ledge array (needs the virtualmeshlist for reference)
virtualmeshhull_t *CVPhysicsVirtualMeshWriter::CreatePackedHullFromLedges( const virtualmeshlist_t &list, const IVP_Compact_Ledge **pLedges, int ledgeCount ) { int triCount = 0; int edgeCount = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < ledgeCount; i++ ) { triCount += pLedges[i]->get_n_triangles(); edgeCount += (pLedges[i]->get_n_triangles() * 3)/2; Assert(LedgeCanBePacked(pLedges[i], list)); }
unsigned int totalSize = sizeof(packedtriangle_t)*triCount + sizeof(packededge_t)*edgeCount + sizeof(packedhull_t)*ledgeCount + sizeof(virtualmeshhull_t); byte *pBuf = new byte[totalSize];
CUtlBuffer buf; buf.SetExternalBuffer( pBuf, totalSize, 0, 0 );
if ( 1 ) { virtualmeshhull_t tmp; Q_memset( &tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp) ); tmp.hullCount = ledgeCount; buf.Put(&tmp, sizeof(tmp)); }
// write the headers
Assert(ledgeCount < 16); packedhull_t *pHulls[16]; for ( int i = 0; i < ledgeCount; i++ ) { pHulls[i] = (packedhull_t *)buf.PeekPut(); packedhull_t hull; hull.triangleCount = pLedges[i]->get_n_triangles(); hull.edgeCount = (hull.triangleCount * 3) / 2; buf.Put(&hull, sizeof(hull)); }
// write the data itself
for ( int i = 0; i < ledgeCount; i++ ) { PackLedgeIntoBuffer( pHulls[i], buf, pLedges[i], list ); }
return (virtualmeshhull_t *)pBuf; }
// frees the memory associated with this packed hull
void CVPhysicsVirtualMeshWriter::DestroyPackedHull( virtualmeshhull_t *pHull ) { byte *pData = (byte *)pHull; delete[] pData; }
unsigned int CVPhysicsVirtualMeshWriter::UnpackLedgeListFromHull( byte *pOut, virtualmeshhull_t *pHull, IVP_Compact_Poly_Point *pPoints ) { unsigned int memOffset = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < pHull->hullCount; i++ ) { IVP_Compact_Ledge *pHullLedge = (IVP_Compact_Ledge *)(pOut + memOffset); CVPhysicsVirtualMeshWriter::UnpackCompactLedgeFromHull( pHullLedge, 0, pPoints, pHull, i, true ); memOffset += pHullLedge->get_size(); } return memOffset; }
#define DUMP_FILES 1
static bool DumpListToGLView( const char *pFilename, const virtualmeshlist_t &list ) { #if DUMP_FILES
FILE *fp = fopen( pFilename, "a+" ); for ( int i = 0; i < list.triangleCount; i++ ) { fprintf( fp, "3\n" ); fprintf( fp, "%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f 1 0 0\n", list.pVerts[list.indices[i*3+0]].x, list.pVerts[list.indices[i*3+0]].y, list.pVerts[list.indices[i*3+0]].z ); fprintf( fp, "%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f 0 1 0\n", list.pVerts[list.indices[i*3+1]].x, list.pVerts[list.indices[i*3+1]].y, list.pVerts[list.indices[i*3+1]].z ); fprintf( fp, "%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f 0 0 1\n", list.pVerts[list.indices[i*3+2]].x, list.pVerts[list.indices[i*3+2]].y, list.pVerts[list.indices[i*3+2]].z ); } fclose(fp); #endif
return true; }
static bool DumpLedgeToGLView( const char *pFilename, const IVP_Compact_Ledge *pLedge, float r=1.0f, float g=1.0f, float b=1.0f, float offset=0.0f ) { #if DUMP_FILES
FILE *fp = fopen( pFilename, "a+" ); int ivpIndex; Vector tmp[3]; const IVP_Compact_Poly_Point *pPoints = pLedge->get_point_array(); for ( int i = 0; i < pLedge->get_n_triangles(); i++ ) { // iterate each triangle, for each referenced vert that hasn't yet been mapped, search for the nearest match
const IVP_Compact_Triangle *pTri = pLedge->get_first_triangle() + i; ivpIndex = pTri->get_edge(2)->get_start_point_index(); ConvertPositionToHL( &pPoints[ivpIndex], tmp[0] ); ivpIndex = pTri->get_edge(1)->get_start_point_index(); ConvertPositionToHL( &pPoints[ivpIndex], tmp[1] ); ivpIndex = pTri->get_edge(0)->get_start_point_index(); ConvertPositionToHL( &pPoints[ivpIndex], tmp[2] ); tmp[0].x += offset; tmp[1].x += offset; tmp[2].x += offset; fprintf( fp, "2\n" ); fprintf( fp, "%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %.1f %.1f %.1f\n", tmp[0].x, tmp[0].y, tmp[0].z, r, g, b ); fprintf( fp, "%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %.1f %.1f %.1f\n", tmp[1].x, tmp[1].y, tmp[1].z, r, g, b ); fprintf( fp, "2\n" ); fprintf( fp, "%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %.1f %.1f %.1f\n", tmp[1].x, tmp[1].y, tmp[1].z, r, g, b ); fprintf( fp, "%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %.1f %.1f %.1f\n", tmp[2].x, tmp[2].y, tmp[2].z, r, g, b ); fprintf( fp, "2\n" ); fprintf( fp, "%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %.1f %.1f %.1f\n", tmp[2].x, tmp[2].y, tmp[2].z, r, g, b ); fprintf( fp, "%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %.1f %.1f %.1f\n", tmp[0].x, tmp[0].y, tmp[0].z, r, g, b ); } fclose( fp ); #endif
return true; }
static int ComputeSize( virtualmeshhull_t *pHeader ) { packedhull_t *pHull = (packedhull_t *)(pHeader+1); unsigned int size = pHeader->hullCount * sizeof(IVP_Compact_Ledge); for ( int i = 0; i < pHeader->hullCount; i++ ) { size += sizeof(IVP_Compact_Triangle) * pHull[i].triangleCount; } return size; }
bool CVPhysicsVirtualMeshWriter::CheckHulls( virtualmeshhull_t *pHull0, virtualmeshhull_t *pHull1, const virtualmeshlist_t &list ) { for ( int i = 0; i < pHull0->hullCount; i++ ) { const packedhull_t *pP0 = pHull0->GetPackedHull(i); const packedhull_t *pP1 = pHull1->GetPackedHull(i); Assert(pP0->triangleCount == pP1->triangleCount); Assert(pP0->vtriCount == pP1->vtriCount); Assert(pP0->edgeCount == pP1->edgeCount); Assert(pP0->vedgeCount == pP1->vedgeCount); Assert(pP0->baseVert == pP1->baseVert); const packedtriangle_t *pTri0 = pHull0->GetPackedTriangles( i ); const packedtriangle_t *pTri1 = pHull1->GetPackedTriangles( i ); for ( int j = 0; j < pP0->triangleCount; j++ ) { Assert(pTri0[j].e0 == pTri1[j].e0); Assert(pTri0[j].e1 == pTri1[j].e1); Assert(pTri0[j].e2 == pTri1[j].e2); Assert(pTri0[j].opposite == pTri1[j].opposite); } } { int size0 = ComputeSize(pHull0); int pointSize0 = sizeof(IVP_Compact_Poly_Point) * list.vertexCount; byte *pMem0 = (byte *)ivp_malloc_aligned( size0+pointSize0, 16 ); IVP_Compact_Poly_Point *pPoints = (IVP_Compact_Poly_Point *)pMem0; IVP_Compact_Ledge *pLedge0 = (IVP_Compact_Ledge *)(pPoints + list.vertexCount); for ( int i = 0; i < list.vertexCount; i++ ) { ConvertPositionToIVP( list.pVerts[i], pPoints[i] ); } UnpackLedgeListFromHull( (byte *)pLedge0, pHull0, pPoints ); for ( int i = 0; i < pHull0->hullCount; i++ ) { if ( i == i ) DumpLedgeToGLView( "c:\\jay.txt", pLedge0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ); pLedge0 = (IVP_Compact_Ledge *)( ((byte *)pLedge0 ) + pLedge0->get_size() ); } ivp_free_aligned(pMem0); }
{ int size1 = ComputeSize(pHull1); int pointSize1 = sizeof(IVP_Compact_Poly_Point) * list.vertexCount; byte *pMem1 = (byte *)ivp_malloc_aligned( size1+pointSize1, 16 ); IVP_Compact_Poly_Point *pPoints = (IVP_Compact_Poly_Point *)pMem1; IVP_Compact_Ledge *pLedge1 = (IVP_Compact_Ledge *)(pPoints + list.vertexCount); for ( int i = 0; i < list.vertexCount; i++ ) { ConvertPositionToIVP( list.pVerts[i], pPoints[i] ); } UnpackLedgeListFromHull( (byte *)pLedge1, pHull1, pPoints ); for ( int i = 0; i < pHull1->hullCount; i++ ) { if ( i == i ) DumpLedgeToGLView( "c:\\jay.txt", pLedge1, 0, 1, 0, 1024 ); pLedge1 = (IVP_Compact_Ledge *)( ((byte *)pLedge1 ) + pLedge1->get_size() ); } ivp_free_aligned(pMem1); } return true; }