//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "jpegloader.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "tier1/utlvector.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#include "jpeglib/jpeglib.h"
#include <setjmp.h>
//#include "fileio.h"
class CFileWriter {
class CJpegDestMgr : public jpeg_destination_mgr { public: CJpegDestMgr( CFileWriter &refOutputFileWriter ) : m_pOutputFileWriter( &refOutputFileWriter ), m_pOutputBuffer( NULL ) { Init(); }
CJpegDestMgr( CUtlBuffer &refOutputBuffer ) : m_pOutputFileWriter( NULL ), m_pOutputBuffer( &refOutputBuffer ) { Init(); }
void Init() { this->init_destination = &CJpegDestMgr::imp_init_dest; this->empty_output_buffer = &CJpegDestMgr::imp_empty_output_buffer; this->term_destination = &CJpegDestMgr::imp_term_destination;
this->next_output_byte = 0; this->free_in_buffer = 0; }
static void imp_init_dest( j_compress_ptr cinfo ) { CJpegDestMgr *pInstance = (CJpegDestMgr*)cinfo->dest;
if ( pInstance->m_pOutputBuffer ) pInstance->m_pOutputBuffer->EnsureCapacity( cinfo->image_width*cinfo->image_height*3 );
const int k_cubMaxTempJpegBuffer = 1024*10; int cubBufferSize = MIN( cinfo->image_width*cinfo->image_height*3, k_cubMaxTempJpegBuffer ); pInstance->m_Buffer.EnsureCapacity( cubBufferSize ); pInstance->free_in_buffer = pInstance->m_Buffer.Size(); pInstance->next_output_byte = (JOCTET*)pInstance->m_Buffer.Base(); }
static boolean imp_empty_output_buffer( j_compress_ptr cinfo ) { /*
CJpegDestMgr *pInstance = (CJpegDestMgr*)cinfo->dest;
// Write the entire buffer, ignoring next_output_byte and free_in_buffer as they lie (see docs)
if ( pInstance->m_pOutputFileWriter ) pInstance->m_pOutputFileWriter->Write( pInstance->m_Buffer.Base(), pInstance->m_Buffer.Size() ); else pInstance->m_pOutputBuffer->Put( pInstance->m_Buffer.Base(), pInstance->m_Buffer.Size() );
pInstance->free_in_buffer = pInstance->m_Buffer.Size(); pInstance->next_output_byte = (JOCTET*)pInstance->m_Buffer.Base(); */ return true; }
static void imp_term_destination(j_compress_ptr cinfo) { /*
CJpegDestMgr *pInstance = (CJpegDestMgr*)cinfo->dest;
// next_output_byte and free_in_buffer don't lie here like in empty_output_buffer
int cubToWrite = (byte*)pInstance->next_output_byte - (byte*)pInstance->m_Buffer.Base(); if ( cubToWrite > 0 ) { if ( pInstance->m_pOutputFileWriter ) pInstance->m_pOutputFileWriter->Write( pInstance->m_Buffer.Base(), cubToWrite ); else pInstance->m_pOutputBuffer->Put( pInstance->m_Buffer.Base(), cubToWrite ); }
if ( pInstance->m_pOutputFileWriter ) pInstance->m_pOutputFileWriter->Flush(); */ }
static void error_exit( j_common_ptr cptr ) { longjmp( m_JmpBuf, 1 ); }
static jmp_buf m_JmpBuf;
private: CFileWriter *m_pOutputFileWriter; CUtlBuffer *m_pOutputBuffer; CUtlBuffer m_Buffer; };
jmp_buf CJpegDestMgr::m_JmpBuf;
class CJpegSourceMgr : public jpeg_source_mgr { public: CJpegSourceMgr() { this->init_source = &CJpegSourceMgr::imp_init_source; this->fill_input_buffer = &CJpegSourceMgr::imp_fill_input_buffer; this->skip_input_data = &CJpegSourceMgr::imp_skip_input_data; this->resync_to_restart = &CJpegSourceMgr::imp_resync_to_restart; this->term_source = &CJpegSourceMgr::imp_term_source;
this->next_input_byte = 0; this->bytes_in_buffer = 0; }
bool Init( const byte *pubData, int cubData ) { m_Data.AddMultipleToTail( cubData, (char *)pubData ); bytes_in_buffer = m_Data.Count(); next_input_byte = (unsigned char*)m_Data.Base(); return true; }
static void imp_init_source(j_decompress_ptr cinfo) { // We handled everything needed in our own Init() call.
static boolean imp_fill_input_buffer(j_decompress_ptr cinfo) { // If this is hit it means we are reading a corrupt file. We can't provide more data
// as we provided all of it upfront already.
return 0; }
static void imp_skip_input_data(j_decompress_ptr cinfo, long num_bytes) { // The library is asking us to skip a chunk of data, usually exif header data or such. Need
// to actually do that. The library tries to be robust and skip obviously bad data on its own
// one byte at a time as well, but faster here, and safer as the library can't always do it
// correctly if we fail these calls.
CJpegSourceMgr *pInstance = (CJpegSourceMgr*)cinfo->src; pInstance->bytes_in_buffer -= num_bytes; pInstance->next_input_byte += num_bytes; }
static boolean imp_resync_to_restart(j_decompress_ptr cinfo, int desired) { // This happens if the library fails to find a resync marker where expected, we'll then
// use it's default handler. This handler will skip ahead trying to find the next point,
// we could maybe do better going backwards as we have the full buffer, but that's lots more
// work and this will only get hit on a partially corrupt image anyway.
return jpeg_resync_to_restart( cinfo, desired ); }
static void imp_term_source(j_decompress_ptr cinfo) { }
static void error_exit( j_common_ptr cptr ) { longjmp( m_JmpBuf, 1 ); }
static jmp_buf m_JmpBuf;
public: CUtlVector<char> m_Data; };
jmp_buf CJpegSourceMgr::m_JmpBuf;
// Purpose: returns the dimensions of a jpg file from it's contents
bool GetJpegDimensions( const byte *pubData, int cubData, uint32 &width, uint32 &height ) { CJpegSourceMgr sourceMgr; bool bRet = sourceMgr.Init( pubData, cubData ); if ( !bRet ) return false;
// Load the jpeg.
struct jpeg_decompress_struct jpegInfo; struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr;
memset( &jpegInfo, 0, sizeof( jpegInfo ) ); jpegInfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr); jerr.error_exit = &CJpegSourceMgr::error_exit; jpeg_create_decompress(&jpegInfo); jpegInfo.src = &sourceMgr;
if ( setjmp( sourceMgr.m_JmpBuf ) == 1 ) { jpeg_destroy_decompress(&jpegInfo); return false; }
if (jpeg_read_header(&jpegInfo, TRUE) != JPEG_HEADER_OK) { jpeg_destroy_decompress(&jpegInfo); return false; }
width = jpegInfo.image_width; height = jpegInfo.image_height;
jpeg_destroy_decompress(&jpegInfo); return true; }
// Purpose: takes the contents of a .jpg file and turns it into RGB data, returning the width and height and optionally the number of bytes used
bool ConvertJpegToRGB( const byte *pubData, int cubData, CUtlVector<byte> &buf, int &width, int &height, int *pcubUsed ) { CJpegSourceMgr sourceMgr; bool bRet = sourceMgr.Init( pubData, cubData ); if ( !bRet ) return false;
if ( pcubUsed ) *pcubUsed = 0;
sourceMgr.bytes_in_buffer = sourceMgr.m_Data.Count(); sourceMgr.next_input_byte = (unsigned char*)sourceMgr.m_Data.Base();
// Load the jpeg.
struct jpeg_decompress_struct jpegInfo; struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr;
memset( &jpegInfo, 0, sizeof( jpegInfo ) ); jpegInfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr); jerr.error_exit = &CJpegSourceMgr::error_exit; jpeg_create_decompress(&jpegInfo); jpegInfo.src = &sourceMgr;
if ( setjmp( sourceMgr.m_JmpBuf ) == 1 ) { jpeg_destroy_decompress(&jpegInfo); return false; }
if (jpeg_read_header(&jpegInfo, TRUE) != JPEG_HEADER_OK) { jpeg_destroy_decompress(&jpegInfo); return false; }
// start the decompress with the jpeg engine.
if ( !jpeg_start_decompress(&jpegInfo) || jpegInfo.output_components != 3) { jpeg_destroy_decompress(&jpegInfo); return false; }
// now that we've started the decompress with the jpeg lib, we have the attributes of the
// cdnfile ready to be read out of the decompress struct.
int row_stride = jpegInfo.output_width * jpegInfo.output_components; int mem_required = jpegInfo.image_height * jpegInfo.image_width * jpegInfo.output_components; JSAMPROW row_pointer[1]; int cur_row = 0;
width = jpegInfo.output_width; height = jpegInfo.output_height;
// allocate the memory to read the cdnfile data into.
buf.SetSize( mem_required );
// read in all the scan lines of the cdnfile into our cdnfile data buffer.
bool working = true; while (working && (jpegInfo.output_scanline < jpegInfo.output_height)) { row_pointer[0] = &(buf[cur_row * row_stride]); if ( !jpeg_read_scanlines(&jpegInfo, row_pointer, 1) ) { working = false; } ++cur_row; }
if (!working) { jpeg_destroy_decompress(&jpegInfo); return false; }
if ( pcubUsed ) *pcubUsed = (int)((byte*)sourceMgr.next_input_byte - (byte*)sourceMgr.m_Data.Base()); jpeg_finish_decompress(&jpegInfo); jpeg_destroy_decompress(&jpegInfo); return true; }
// Purpose: Converts an RGB image to RGBA opacity will be 100%
void ConvertRGBToRGBAImage( CUtlVector<unsigned char> &srcData, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, byte *destData, int destWidth, int destHeight ) { int destPixelSize = 4; int cub = destWidth * destHeight * destPixelSize; byte *pSrc = srcData.Base(); for ( int i = 0; i < cub; i += 4 ) { destData[i] = *pSrc++; destData[i+1] = *pSrc++; destData[i+2] = *pSrc++; destData[i+3] = 255; } }
// Purpose: Converts raw Jpeg file data and converts to RGBA image buffer
bool ConvertJpegToRawInternal( const byte *pubJpegData, int cubJpegData, CUtlBuffer &bufOutput, int &width, int &height, int *pcubUsed, bool bMakeRGBA ) { // Temporary buffer to decompress Jpeg into as RGB, since libjpeg doesn't do RGBA
CUtlVector<byte> vecRGB;
bool bConverted = false; { VPROF_BUDGET( "ConvertJpegToRGB", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_OTHER_VGUI ); bConverted = ConvertJpegToRGB( pubJpegData, cubJpegData, vecRGB, width, height, pcubUsed ); }
if ( bConverted ) { bufOutput.Clear();
int bytesPerPixel = 3; if ( bMakeRGBA ) bytesPerPixel = 4;
// make sure the buffer is big enough to hold the cdnfile data
bufOutput.EnsureCapacity( width * height * bytesPerPixel );
// If the buffer was externally allocated the EnsureCapacity can fail
if ( bufOutput.Size() < width * height * bytesPerPixel ) return false;
bufOutput.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, width*height*bytesPerPixel );
// convert RGB->RGBA, into the final buffer
if ( bMakeRGBA ) { VPROF_BUDGET( "ConvertRGBToRGBAImage", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_OTHER_VGUI ); ConvertRGBToRGBAImage( vecRGB, width, height, (byte *)bufOutput.Base(), width, height ); } else { Q_memcpy( bufOutput.Base(), vecRGB.Base(), width*height*bytesPerPixel ); }
// done
return true; }
return false; }
// Purpose: Converts raw Jpeg file data and converts to RGBA image buffer
bool ConvertJpegToRGBA( const byte *pubJpegData, int cubJpegData, CUtlBuffer &bufOutput, int &width, int &height, int *pcubUsed ) { return ConvertJpegToRawInternal( pubJpegData, cubJpegData, bufOutput, width, height, pcubUsed, true ); }
// Purpose: Converts raw Jpeg file data and converts to RGB image buffer
bool ConvertJpegToRGB( const byte *pubJpegData, int cubJpegData, CUtlBuffer &bufOutput, int &width, int &height, int *pcubUsed ) { return ConvertJpegToRawInternal( pubJpegData, cubJpegData, bufOutput, width, height, pcubUsed, false ); }
// Purpose: Internal method for converting RGB to Jpeg and writing either
// to disk or to an output buffer
bool ConvertRGBToJpegInternal( CJpegDestMgr &destMgr, int quality, int width, int height, CUtlBuffer &bufRGB ) { struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo = {0}; JSAMPROW row_ptr[1]; struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr;
cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr); jerr.error_exit = &CJpegDestMgr::error_exit; jpeg_create_compress(&cinfo); cinfo.dest = &destMgr;
if ( setjmp( destMgr.m_JmpBuf ) == 1 ) { jpeg_destroy_compress(&cinfo); return false; }
cinfo.image_width = width; cinfo.image_height = height; cinfo.input_components = 3; cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_RGB;
jpeg_set_defaults( &cinfo ); cinfo.dct_method = JDCT_FLOAT; jpeg_set_quality(&cinfo, quality, TRUE);
jpeg_start_compress( &cinfo, TRUE );
byte *rawBytes = (byte*)bufRGB.Base(); while( cinfo.next_scanline < cinfo.image_height ) { row_ptr[0] = (unsigned char *)rawBytes+(width*3*cinfo.next_scanline); jpeg_write_scanlines( &cinfo, row_ptr, 1 ); }
jpeg_finish_compress( &cinfo ); jpeg_destroy_compress( &cinfo );
return true; }
// Purpose: Takes a RGB buffer and writes it to disk as a Jpeg
// Params: qualtity should be 0-100, where 100 is best quality. 80 is generally
// a good value.
bool ConvertRGBToJpeg( const char *pchFileOut, int quality, int width, int height, CUtlBuffer &bufRGB ) { /*
CFileWriter fileWriter; if ( !fileWriter.BSetFile( pchFileOut ) ) return false;
CJpegDestMgr destMgr( fileWriter ); return ConvertRGBToJpegInternal( destMgr, quality, width, height, bufRGB ); */ return false; }
// Purpose: Takes a RGB buffer and writes it to a buffer as a jpeg
// Params: qualtity should be 0-100, where 100 is best quality. 80 is generally
// a good value.
bool ConvertRGBToJpeg( CUtlBuffer &bufOutput, int quality, int width, int height, CUtlBuffer &bufRGB ) { CJpegDestMgr destMgr( bufOutput ); return ConvertRGBToJpegInternal( destMgr, quality, width, height, bufRGB ); }