//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
// CTextConsoleWin32.cpp: Win32 implementation of the TextConsole class.
#include "TextConsoleWin32.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "utlvector.h"
// Could possibly switch all this code over to using readline. This:
// http://mingweditline.sourceforge.net/?Description
// readline() / add_history(char *)
#ifdef _WIN32
BOOL WINAPI ConsoleHandlerRoutine( DWORD CtrlType ) { NOTE_UNUSED( CtrlType ); /* TODO ?
if ( CtrlType != CTRL_C_EVENT && CtrlType != CTRL_BREAK_EVENT ) m_System->Stop(); // don't quit on break or ctrl+c
return TRUE; }
// GetConsoleHwnd() helper function from MSDN Knowledge Base Article Q124103
// needed, because HWND GetConsoleWindow(VOID) is not avaliable under Win95/98/ME
HWND GetConsoleHwnd(void) { typedef HWND (WINAPI *PFNGETCONSOLEWINDOW)( VOID ); static PFNGETCONSOLEWINDOW s_pfnGetConsoleWindow = (PFNGETCONSOLEWINDOW) GetProcAddress( GetModuleHandle("kernel32"), "GetConsoleWindow" ); if ( s_pfnGetConsoleWindow ) return s_pfnGetConsoleWindow();
HWND hwndFound; // This is what is returned to the caller.
char pszNewWindowTitle[1024]; // Contains fabricated WindowTitle
char pszOldWindowTitle[1024]; // Contains original WindowTitle
// Fetch current window title.
GetConsoleTitle( pszOldWindowTitle, 1024 );
// Format a "unique" NewWindowTitle.
wsprintf( pszNewWindowTitle,"%d/%d", GetTickCount(), GetCurrentProcessId() );
// Change current window title.
// Ensure window title has been updated.
// Look for NewWindowTitle.
hwndFound = FindWindow( NULL, pszNewWindowTitle );
// Restore original window title.
SetConsoleTitle( pszOldWindowTitle );
return hwndFound; }
CTextConsoleWin32::CTextConsoleWin32() { hinput = NULL; houtput = NULL; Attrib = 0; statusline[0] = '\0'; }
bool CTextConsoleWin32::Init() { (void) AllocConsole(); SetTitle( "SOURCE DEDICATED SERVER" );
hinput = GetStdHandle ( STD_INPUT_HANDLE ); houtput = GetStdHandle ( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ); if ( !SetConsoleCtrlHandler( &ConsoleHandlerRoutine, TRUE) ) { Print( "WARNING! TextConsole::Init: Could not attach console hook.\n" ); }
SetWindowPos( GetConsoleHwnd(), HWND_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_SHOWWINDOW );
memset( m_szConsoleText, 0, sizeof( m_szConsoleText ) ); m_nConsoleTextLen = 0; m_nCursorPosition = 0;
memset( m_szSavedConsoleText, 0, sizeof( m_szSavedConsoleText ) ); m_nSavedConsoleTextLen = 0;
memset( m_aszLineBuffer, 0, sizeof( m_aszLineBuffer ) ); m_nTotalLines = 0; m_nInputLine = 0; m_nBrowseLine = 0;
// these are log messages, not related to console
Msg( "\n" ); Msg( "Console initialized.\n" );
return CTextConsole::Init(); }
void CTextConsoleWin32::ShutDown( void ) { FreeConsole(); }
void CTextConsoleWin32::SetVisible( bool visible ) { ShowWindow ( GetConsoleHwnd(), visible ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE ); m_ConsoleVisible = visible; }
char * CTextConsoleWin32::GetLine( int index, char *buf, int buflen ) { while ( 1 ) { INPUT_RECORD recs[ 1024 ]; unsigned long numread; unsigned long numevents;
if ( !GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents( hinput, &numevents ) ) { Error("CTextConsoleWin32::GetLine: !GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents"); return NULL; }
if ( numevents <= 0 ) break;
if ( !ReadConsoleInput( hinput, recs, ARRAYSIZE( recs ), &numread ) ) { Error("CTextConsoleWin32::GetLine: !ReadConsoleInput"); return NULL; }
if ( numread == 0 ) return NULL;
for ( int i=0; i < (int)numread; i++ ) { INPUT_RECORD *pRec = &recs[i]; if ( pRec->EventType != KEY_EVENT ) continue;
if ( pRec->Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown ) { // check for cursor keys
if ( pRec->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_UP ) { ReceiveUpArrow(); } else if ( pRec->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_DOWN ) { ReceiveDownArrow(); } else if ( pRec->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_LEFT ) { ReceiveLeftArrow(); } else if ( pRec->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_RIGHT ) { ReceiveRightArrow(); } else { char ch; int nLen;
ch = pRec->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar; switch ( ch ) { case '\r': // Enter
nLen = ReceiveNewline(); if ( nLen ) { strncpy( buf, m_szConsoleText, buflen ); buf[ buflen - 1 ] = 0; return buf; } break;
case '\b': // Backspace
ReceiveBackspace(); break;
case '\t': // TAB
ReceiveTab(); break;
default: if ( ( ch >= ' ') && ( ch <= '~' ) ) // dont' accept nonprintable chars
{ ReceiveStandardChar( ch ); } break; } } } } }
return NULL; }
void CTextConsoleWin32::Print( char * pszMsg ) { if ( m_nConsoleTextLen ) { int nLen;
nLen = m_nConsoleTextLen;
while ( nLen-- ) { PrintRaw( "\b \b" ); } }
PrintRaw( pszMsg );
if ( m_nConsoleTextLen ) { PrintRaw( m_szConsoleText, m_nConsoleTextLen ); }
UpdateStatus(); }
void CTextConsoleWin32::PrintRaw( const char * pszMsg, int nChars ) { unsigned long dummy;
if ( houtput == NULL ) { houtput = GetStdHandle ( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ); if ( houtput == NULL ) return; } if ( nChars <= 0 ) { nChars = strlen( pszMsg ); if ( nChars <= 0 ) return; }
// filter out ASCII BEL characters because windows actually plays a
// bell sound, which can be used to lag the server in a DOS attack.
char * pTempBuf = NULL; for ( int i = 0; i < nChars; ++i ) { if ( pszMsg[i] == 0x07 /*BEL*/ ) { if ( !pTempBuf ) { pTempBuf = ( char * ) malloc( nChars ); memcpy( pTempBuf, pszMsg, nChars ); } pTempBuf[i] = '.'; } } WriteFile( houtput, pTempBuf ? pTempBuf : pszMsg, nChars, &dummy, NULL );
free( pTempBuf ); // usually NULL
int CTextConsoleWin32::GetWidth( void ) { CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; int nWidth;
nWidth = 0;
if ( GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( houtput, &csbi ) ) { nWidth = csbi.dwSize.X; }
if ( nWidth <= 1 ) nWidth = 80;
return nWidth; }
void CTextConsoleWin32::SetStatusLine( char * pszStatus ) { strncpy( statusline, pszStatus, 80 ); statusline[ 79 ] = '\0'; UpdateStatus(); }
void CTextConsoleWin32::UpdateStatus( void ) { COORD coord; DWORD dwWritten = 0; WORD wAttrib[ 80 ]; for ( int i = 0; i < 80; i++ ) { wAttrib[i] = Attrib; //FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY | BACKGROUND_INTENSITY ;
coord.X = coord.Y = 0;
WriteConsoleOutputAttribute( houtput, wAttrib, 80, coord, &dwWritten ); WriteConsoleOutputCharacter( houtput, statusline, 80, coord, &dwWritten ); }
void CTextConsoleWin32::SetTitle( char * pszTitle ) { SetConsoleTitle( pszTitle ); }
void CTextConsoleWin32::SetColor(WORD attrib) { Attrib = attrib; }
int CTextConsoleWin32::ReceiveNewline( void ) { int nLen = 0;
PrintRaw( "\n" );
if ( m_nConsoleTextLen ) { nLen = m_nConsoleTextLen;
m_szConsoleText[ m_nConsoleTextLen ] = 0; m_nConsoleTextLen = 0; m_nCursorPosition = 0;
// cache line in buffer, but only if it's not a duplicate of the previous line
if ( ( m_nInputLine == 0 ) || ( strcmp( m_aszLineBuffer[ m_nInputLine - 1 ], m_szConsoleText ) ) ) { strncpy( m_aszLineBuffer[ m_nInputLine ], m_szConsoleText, MAX_CONSOLE_TEXTLEN ); m_nInputLine++;
if ( m_nInputLine > m_nTotalLines ) m_nTotalLines = m_nInputLine;
if ( m_nInputLine >= MAX_BUFFER_LINES ) m_nInputLine = 0;
m_nBrowseLine = m_nInputLine; }
return nLen; }
void CTextConsoleWin32::ReceiveBackspace( void ) { int nCount;
if ( m_nCursorPosition == 0 ) { return; }
m_nConsoleTextLen--; m_nCursorPosition--;
PrintRaw( "\b" );
for ( nCount = m_nCursorPosition; nCount < m_nConsoleTextLen; nCount++ ) { m_szConsoleText[ nCount ] = m_szConsoleText[ nCount + 1 ]; PrintRaw( m_szConsoleText + nCount, 1 ); }
PrintRaw( " " );
nCount = m_nConsoleTextLen; while ( nCount >= m_nCursorPosition ) { PrintRaw( "\b" ); nCount--; }
m_nBrowseLine = m_nInputLine; }
void CTextConsoleWin32::ReceiveTab( void ) { CUtlVector<char *> matches;
m_szConsoleText[ m_nConsoleTextLen ] = 0;
if ( matches.Count() == 0 ) { return; }
if ( matches.Count() == 1 ) { char * pszCmdName; char * pszRest;
pszCmdName = matches[0]; pszRest = pszCmdName + strlen( m_szConsoleText );
if ( pszRest ) { PrintRaw( pszRest ); strcat( m_szConsoleText, pszRest ); m_nConsoleTextLen += strlen( pszRest );
PrintRaw( " " ); strcat( m_szConsoleText, " " ); m_nConsoleTextLen++; } } else { int nLongestCmd; int nTotalColumns; int nCurrentColumn; char * pszCurrentCmd; int i = 0;
nLongestCmd = 0;
pszCurrentCmd = matches[0]; while ( pszCurrentCmd ) { if ( (int)strlen( pszCurrentCmd) > nLongestCmd ) { nLongestCmd = strlen( pszCurrentCmd); }
i++; pszCurrentCmd = (char *)matches[i]; }
nTotalColumns = ( GetWidth() - 1 ) / ( nLongestCmd + 1 ); nCurrentColumn = 0;
PrintRaw( "\n" );
// Would be nice if these were sorted, but not that big a deal
pszCurrentCmd = matches[0]; i = 0; while ( pszCurrentCmd ) { char szFormatCmd[ 256 ];
if ( nCurrentColumn > nTotalColumns ) { PrintRaw( "\n" ); nCurrentColumn = 1; }
Q_snprintf( szFormatCmd, sizeof(szFormatCmd), "%-*s ", nLongestCmd, pszCurrentCmd ); PrintRaw( szFormatCmd );
i++; pszCurrentCmd = matches[i]; }
PrintRaw( "\n" ); PrintRaw( m_szConsoleText ); // TODO: Tack on 'common' chars in all the matches, i.e. if I typed 'con' and all the
// matches begin with 'connect_' then print the matches but also complete the
// command up to that point at least.
m_nCursorPosition = m_nConsoleTextLen; m_nBrowseLine = m_nInputLine; }
void CTextConsoleWin32::ReceiveStandardChar( const char ch ) { int nCount;
// If the line buffer is maxed out, ignore this char
if ( m_nConsoleTextLen >= ( sizeof( m_szConsoleText ) - 2 ) ) { return; }
nCount = m_nConsoleTextLen; while ( nCount > m_nCursorPosition ) { m_szConsoleText[ nCount ] = m_szConsoleText[ nCount - 1 ]; nCount--; }
m_szConsoleText[ m_nCursorPosition ] = ch;
PrintRaw( m_szConsoleText + m_nCursorPosition, m_nConsoleTextLen - m_nCursorPosition + 1 );
m_nConsoleTextLen++; m_nCursorPosition++;
nCount = m_nConsoleTextLen; while ( nCount > m_nCursorPosition ) { PrintRaw( "\b" ); nCount--; }
m_nBrowseLine = m_nInputLine; }
void CTextConsoleWin32::ReceiveUpArrow( void ) { int nLastCommandInHistory;
nLastCommandInHistory = m_nInputLine + 1; if ( nLastCommandInHistory > m_nTotalLines ) { nLastCommandInHistory = 0; }
if ( m_nBrowseLine == nLastCommandInHistory ) { return; }
if ( m_nBrowseLine == m_nInputLine ) { if ( m_nConsoleTextLen > 0 ) { // Save off current text
strncpy( m_szSavedConsoleText, m_szConsoleText, m_nConsoleTextLen ); // No terminator, it's a raw buffer we always know the length of
m_nSavedConsoleTextLen = m_nConsoleTextLen; }
m_nBrowseLine--; if ( m_nBrowseLine < 0 ) { m_nBrowseLine = m_nTotalLines - 1; }
while ( m_nConsoleTextLen-- ) // delete old line
{ PrintRaw( "\b \b" ); }
// copy buffered line
PrintRaw( m_aszLineBuffer[ m_nBrowseLine ] );
strncpy( m_szConsoleText, m_aszLineBuffer[ m_nBrowseLine ], MAX_CONSOLE_TEXTLEN ); m_nConsoleTextLen = strlen( m_aszLineBuffer[ m_nBrowseLine ] );
m_nCursorPosition = m_nConsoleTextLen; }
void CTextConsoleWin32::ReceiveDownArrow( void ) { if ( m_nBrowseLine == m_nInputLine ) { return; }
m_nBrowseLine++; if ( m_nBrowseLine > m_nTotalLines ) { m_nBrowseLine = 0; }
while ( m_nConsoleTextLen-- ) // delete old line
{ PrintRaw( "\b \b" ); }
if ( m_nBrowseLine == m_nInputLine ) { if ( m_nSavedConsoleTextLen > 0 ) { // Restore current text
strncpy( m_szConsoleText, m_szSavedConsoleText, m_nSavedConsoleTextLen ); // No terminator, it's a raw buffer we always know the length of
PrintRaw( m_szConsoleText, m_nSavedConsoleTextLen ); }
m_nConsoleTextLen = m_nSavedConsoleTextLen; } else { // copy buffered line
PrintRaw( m_aszLineBuffer[ m_nBrowseLine ] );
strncpy( m_szConsoleText, m_aszLineBuffer[ m_nBrowseLine ], MAX_CONSOLE_TEXTLEN );
m_nConsoleTextLen = strlen( m_aszLineBuffer[ m_nBrowseLine ] ); }
m_nCursorPosition = m_nConsoleTextLen; }
void CTextConsoleWin32::ReceiveLeftArrow( void ) { if ( m_nCursorPosition == 0 ) { return; }
PrintRaw( "\b" ); m_nCursorPosition--; }
void CTextConsoleWin32::ReceiveRightArrow( void ) { if ( m_nCursorPosition == m_nConsoleTextLen ) { return; }
PrintRaw( m_szConsoleText + m_nCursorPosition, 1 ); m_nCursorPosition++; }
#endif // _WIN32