//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $Workfile: $
// $Date: $
// $Log: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <windows.h>
// base vgui interfaces
#include <vgui/vgui.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Panel.h>
#include <vgui/IVGui.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <vgui/Cursor.h>
#include <vgui_controls/ProgressBox.h>
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "IAdminServer.h"
#include "MainPanel.h"
#include <imanageserver.h>
#include "ivguimodule.h"
#include <vgui/IVGui.h>
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
using namespace vgui;
static CMainPanel *s_InternetDlg = NULL; CSysModule *g_hAdminServerModule = NULL; extern IAdminServer *g_pAdminServer; char *gpszCvars = NULL;
void Sys_Sleep_Old( int msec );
extern BOOL gbAppHasBeenTerminated; // used to signal the server thread
// Purpose: Constructor
CMainPanel::CMainPanel( ) : Panel(NULL, "CMainPanel") { SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( false ); SetFgColor( Color( 0,0,0,0 ) ); m_bStarting = false; m_flPreviousSteamProgress = 0.0f; m_pGameServer= NULL; }
// Purpose: Destructor
CMainPanel::~CMainPanel() { if (gpszCvars) { free(gpszCvars); }
// Purpose: Called once to set up
void CMainPanel::Initialize( ) { s_InternetDlg = this; m_pGameServer = NULL;
m_bStarted = false; m_bIsInConfig = true; m_bClosing = false; m_pProgressBox = NULL; m_hShutdown = NULL;
m_pConfigPage = new CCreateMultiplayerGameServerPage(this, "Config"); }
// Purpose:
void CMainPanel::Open( void ) { m_pConfigPage->SetVisible(true); m_pConfigPage->MoveToFront(); }
// Purpose:
void CMainPanel::OnClose() { DoStop(); }
// Purpose: returns a pointer to a static instance of this dialog
CMainPanel *CMainPanel::GetInstance() { return s_InternetDlg; }
// Purpose: Changes to the console page and starts up the actual server
void CMainPanel::StartServer(const char *cvars) { surface()->SetCursor(dc_hourglass); m_pConfigPage->GetServer(s1);
// hide the config page and close it
m_pConfigPage->SetVisible(false); m_pConfigPage->Close(); gpszCvars = strdup(cvars);
// show the basic progress box immediately
m_pProgressBox = new ProgressBox("#Start_Server_Loading_Title", "#Server_UpdatingSteamResources", "Starting dedicated server..."); m_pProgressBox->SetCancelButtonVisible(true); m_pProgressBox->ShowWindow();
// make sure we have all the steam content for this mod
char reslist[_MAX_PATH]; _snprintf(reslist, sizeof(reslist), "reslists/%s/preload.lst", m_pConfigPage->GetGameName()); m_hResourceWaitHandle = g_pFullFileSystem->WaitForResources(reslist); if (!m_hResourceWaitHandle) { Assert( 0 ); }
m_hShutdown = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL ); ivgui()->AddTickSignal(GetVPanel()); }
// Purpose: lets us delay the loading of the management screen until the server has started
void CMainPanel::OnTick() { if (m_hResourceWaitHandle) { // see if we've been cancelled
if (!m_pProgressBox.Get() || !m_pProgressBox->IsVisible()) { // cancel out
g_pFullFileSystem->CancelWaitForResources(m_hResourceWaitHandle); m_hResourceWaitHandle = NULL; DoStop(); return; }
// update resource waiting
bool complete; float progress; if (g_pFullFileSystem->GetWaitForResourcesProgress(m_hResourceWaitHandle, &progress, &complete)) { vgui::ivgui()->DPrintf2( "progress %.2f %s\n", progress, complete ? "not complete" : "complete" );
// don't set the progress if we've jumped straight from 0 to 100% complete
if (!(progress == 1.0f && m_flPreviousSteamProgress == 0.0f)) { m_pProgressBox->SetProgress(progress); m_flPreviousSteamProgress = progress; } }
// This is here because without it, the dedicated server will consume a lot of CPU and it will slow Steam down
// so much that it'll download at 64k instead of 6M.
Sleep( 200 );
// see if we're done
if (complete) { m_hResourceWaitHandle = NULL; m_bStarting = true; m_bIsInConfig = false; // at this stage in the process the user can no longer cancel
m_pProgressBox->SetCancelButtonEnabled(false); } }
if (m_bStarting) // if we are actively launching the app
{ static int count = 0; if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(m_hShutdown, 10) || count > 5000) { if (!m_bStarted) { serveritem_t server; m_pConfigPage->GetServer(server); ManageServerUIHandle_t managePage = g_pAdminServer->OpenManageServerDialog(server.name, server.gameDir); m_pGameServer = g_pAdminServer->GetManageServerInterface(managePage); m_bStarted = true;
if (m_pProgressBox) { m_pProgressBox->Close(); m_pProgressBox = NULL; } } else // must be stopping the server
{ DoStop(); } surface()->SetCursor(dc_user); m_bStarting = false; ResetEvent(m_hShutdown); } else { count++; } } }
// Purpose: stops VGUI and kills any progress dialog we may have been displaying
void CMainPanel::DoStop() { surface()->SetCursor(dc_user);
m_bStarted = false; m_bClosing = true;
if (m_pProgressBox) { m_pProgressBox->Close(); m_pProgressBox = NULL; }
ivgui()->Stop(); }
// Purpose: Pushes text into the console
void CMainPanel::AddConsoleText(const char *msg) { if (m_pGameServer) { m_pGameServer->AddToConsole(msg); } }
// Purpose: Message map
MessageMapItem_t CMainPanel::m_MessageMap[] = { MAP_MESSAGE( CMainPanel, "Quit", OnClose ), };
#endif // _WIN32