// AUTHOR: Matt Pietrek - 1993
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "extrnvar.h"
typedef struct _i386RelocTypes { WORD type; PSTR name; } i386RelocTypes;
// ASCII names for the various relocations used in i386 COFF OBJs
i386RelocTypes i386Relocations[] = { { IMAGE_REL_I386_ABSOLUTE, "ABSOLUTE" }, { IMAGE_REL_I386_DIR16, "DIR16" }, { IMAGE_REL_I386_REL16, "REL16" }, { IMAGE_REL_I386_DIR32, "DIR32" }, { IMAGE_REL_I386_DIR32NB, "DIR32NB" }, { IMAGE_REL_I386_SEG12, "SEG12" }, { IMAGE_REL_I386_SECTION, "SECTION" }, { IMAGE_REL_I386_SECREL, "SECREL" }, { IMAGE_REL_I386_REL32, "REL32" } }; #define I386RELOCTYPECOUNT (sizeof(i386Relocations) / sizeof(i386RelocTypes))
// Given an i386 OBJ relocation type, return its ASCII name in a buffer
void GetObjRelocationName(WORD type, PSTR buffer, DWORD cBytes) { DWORD i; for ( i=0; i < I386RELOCTYPECOUNT; i++ ) if ( type == i386Relocations[i].type ) { strncpy(buffer, i386Relocations[i].name, cBytes); return; } wsprintf( buffer, "???_%X", type); }
// Dump the relocation table for one COFF section
void DumpObjRelocations(PIMAGE_RELOCATION pRelocs, DWORD count) { DWORD i; char szTypeName[32]; for ( i=0; i < count; i++ ) { GetObjRelocationName(pRelocs->Type, szTypeName, sizeof(szTypeName)); printf(" Address: %08X SymIndex: %08X Type: %s\n", pRelocs->VirtualAddress, pRelocs->SymbolTableIndex, szTypeName); pRelocs++; } }
// top level routine called from PEDUMP.C to dump the components of a
// COFF OBJ file.
void DumpObjFile( PIMAGE_FILE_HEADER pImageFileHeader ) { unsigned i; PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER pSections; DumpHeader(pImageFileHeader); printf("\n");
pSections = (PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER)(pImageFileHeader+1);
DumpSectionTable(pSections, pImageFileHeader->NumberOfSections, FALSE); printf("\n");
if ( fShowRelocations ) { for ( i=0; i < pImageFileHeader->NumberOfSections; i++ ) { if ( pSections[i].PointerToRelocations == 0 ) continue; printf("Section %02X (%.8s) relocations\n", i, pSections[i].Name); DumpObjRelocations( MakePtr(PIMAGE_RELOCATION, pImageFileHeader, pSections[i].PointerToRelocations), pSections[i].NumberOfRelocations ); printf("\n"); } } PCOFFSymbolTable = MakePtr(PIMAGE_SYMBOL, pImageFileHeader, pImageFileHeader->PointerToSymbolTable); COFFSymbolCount = pImageFileHeader->NumberOfSymbols;
if ( fShowLineNumbers ) { // Walk through the section table...
for (i=0; i < pImageFileHeader->NumberOfSections; i++) { // if there's any line numbers for this section, dump'em
if ( pSections->NumberOfLinenumbers ) { DumpLineNumbers( MakePtr(PIMAGE_LINENUMBER, pImageFileHeader, pSections->PointerToLinenumbers), pSections->NumberOfLinenumbers ); printf("\n"); } pSections++; } } if ( fShowSymbolTable ) { DumpSymbolTable(PCOFFSymbolTable, COFFSymbolCount); printf("\n"); } if ( fShowRawSectionData ) { DumpRawSectionData( (PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER)(pImageFileHeader+1), pImageFileHeader, pImageFileHeader->NumberOfSections); } }