//===== Copyright 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose:
#if defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 )
#include <windows.h>
#define DONT_PROTECT_FILEIO_FUNCTIONS // for protected_things.h
#undef PROTECTED_THINGS_ENABLE // from protected_things.h
#include <stdio.h>
#include "tier1/interface.h"
#include "basetypes.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "tier1/strtools.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "tier0/stacktools.h"
#include "tier0/threadtools.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <direct.h> // getcwd
#if defined( _X360 )
#include "xbox/xbox_win32stubs.h"
#ifdef _PS3
#include "sys/prx.h"
#include "tier1/utlvector.h"
#include "ps3/ps3_platform.h"
#include "ps3/ps3_win32stubs.h"
#include "ps3/ps3_helpers.h"
#include "ps3_pathinfo.h"
#elif defined(POSIX)
#include "tier0/platform.h"
#endif // _PS3
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// InterfaceReg.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
#ifdef POSIX
InterfaceReg *s_pInterfaceRegs;
InterfaceReg::InterfaceReg( InstantiateInterfaceFn fn, const char *pName ) : m_pName(pName) { m_CreateFn = fn; m_pNext = s_pInterfaceRegs; s_pInterfaceRegs = this; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// CreateInterface.
// This is the primary exported function by a dll, referenced by name via dynamic binding
// that exposes an opqaue function pointer to the interface.
// We have the Internal variant so Sys_GetFactoryThis() returns the correct internal
// symbol under GCC/Linux/Mac as CreateInterface is DLL_EXPORT so its global so the loaders
// on those OS's pick exactly 1 of the CreateInterface symbols to be the one that is process wide and
// all Sys_GetFactoryThis() calls find that one, which doesn't work. Using the internal walkthrough here
// makes sure Sys_GetFactoryThis() has the dll specific symbol and GetProcAddress() returns the module specific
// function for CreateInterface again getting the dll specific symbol we need.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
void* CreateInterfaceInternal( const char *pName, int *pReturnCode ) { InterfaceReg *pCur; for (pCur=s_pInterfaceRegs; pCur; pCur=pCur->m_pNext) { if (strcmp(pCur->m_pName, pName) == 0) { if (pReturnCode) { *pReturnCode = IFACE_OK; } return pCur->m_CreateFn(); } } if (pReturnCode) { *pReturnCode = IFACE_FAILED; } return NULL; }
void* CreateInterface( const char *pName, int *pReturnCode ) { return CreateInterfaceInternal( pName, pReturnCode ); }
#if defined( POSIX ) && !defined( _PS3 )
// Linux doesn't have this function so this emulates its functionality
void *GetModuleHandle(const char *name) { void *handle;
if( name == NULL ) { // hmm, how can this be handled under linux....
// is it even needed?
return NULL; }
if( (handle=dlopen(name, RTLD_NOW))==NULL) { printf("DLOPEN Error:%s\n",dlerror()); // couldn't open this file
return NULL; }
// read "man dlopen" for details
// in short dlopen() inc a ref count
// so dec the ref count by performing the close
dlclose(handle); return handle; } #endif
#if defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 )
#include "windows.h"
// Purpose: returns a pointer to a function, given a module
// Input : pModuleName - module name
// *pName - proc name
static void *Sys_GetProcAddress( const char *pModuleName, const char *pName ) { #if defined( _PS3 )
Assert( !"Unsupported, use HMODULE" ); return NULL; #else // !_PS3
HMODULE hModule = (HMODULE)GetModuleHandle( pModuleName ); #if defined( WIN32 )
return (void *)GetProcAddress( hModule, pName ); #else // !WIN32
return (void *)dlsym( (void *)hModule, pName ); #endif // WIN32
#endif // _PS3
static void *Sys_GetProcAddress( HMODULE hModule, const char *pName ) { #if defined( WIN32 )
return (void *)GetProcAddress( hModule, pName ); #elif defined( _PS3 )
PS3_LoadAppSystemInterface_Parameters_t *pPRX = reinterpret_cast< PS3_LoadAppSystemInterface_Parameters_t * >( hModule ); if ( !pPRX ) return NULL; if ( !strcmp( pName, CREATEINTERFACE_PROCNAME ) ) return reinterpret_cast< void * >( pPRX->pfnCreateInterface ); Assert( !"Unknown PRX function requested!" ); return NULL; #else
return (void *)dlsym( (void *)hModule, pName ); #endif
bool Sys_IsDebuggerPresent() { return Plat_IsInDebugSession(); }
struct ThreadedLoadLibaryContext_t { const char *m_pLibraryName; HMODULE m_hLibrary; DWORD m_nError; ThreadedLoadLibaryContext_t() : m_pLibraryName(NULL), m_hLibrary(0), m_nError(0) {} };
#ifdef _WIN32
// wraps LoadLibraryEx() since 360 doesn't support that
static HMODULE InternalLoadLibrary( const char *pName ) { #if defined(_X360)
return LoadLibrary( pName ); #else
return LoadLibraryEx( pName, NULL, LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH ); #endif
} unsigned ThreadedLoadLibraryFunc( void *pParam ) { ThreadedLoadLibaryContext_t *pContext = (ThreadedLoadLibaryContext_t*)pParam; pContext->m_hLibrary = InternalLoadLibrary(pContext->m_pLibraryName); return 0; } #endif
// global to propagate a library load error from thread into Sys_LoadModule
static DWORD g_nLoadLibraryError = 0;
static HMODULE Sys_LoadLibraryGuts( const char *pLibraryName ) { #ifdef PLATFORM_PS3
PS3_LoadAppSystemInterface_Parameters_t *pPRX = new PS3_LoadAppSystemInterface_Parameters_t; V_memset( pPRX, 0, sizeof( PS3_LoadAppSystemInterface_Parameters_t ) ); pPRX->cbSize = sizeof( PS3_LoadAppSystemInterface_Parameters_t ); int iResult = PS3_PrxLoad( pLibraryName, pPRX ); if ( iResult < CELL_OK ) { delete pPRX; return NULL; } return reinterpret_cast< HMODULE >( pPRX );
char str[1024];
// How to get a string out of a #define on the command line.
const char *pModuleExtension = DLL_EXT_STRING; const char *pModuleAddition = pModuleExtension;
V_strncpy( str, pLibraryName, sizeof(str) ); if ( !V_stristr( str, pModuleExtension ) ) { if ( IsX360() ) { V_StripExtension( str, str, sizeof(str) ); } V_strncat( str, pModuleAddition, sizeof(str) ); } V_FixSlashes( str );
#ifdef _WIN32
ThreadedLoadLibraryFunc_t threadFunc = GetThreadedLoadLibraryFunc(); if ( !threadFunc ) { HMODULE retVal = InternalLoadLibrary( str ); if( retVal ) { StackToolsNotify_LoadedLibrary( str ); } #if 0 // you can enable this block to help track down why a module isn't loading:
else { #ifdef _WINDOWS
char buf[1024]; FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, GetLastError(), 0, // Default language
(LPTSTR) buf, 1023, NULL // no insert arguments
); Warning( "Could not load %s: %s\n", str, buf ); #endif
} #endif
return retVal; }
ThreadedLoadLibaryContext_t context; context.m_pLibraryName = str; context.m_hLibrary = 0;
ThreadHandle_t h = CreateSimpleThread( ThreadedLoadLibraryFunc, &context );
#ifdef _X360
ThreadSetAffinity( h, XBOX_PROCESSOR_3 ); #endif
unsigned int nTimeout = 0; while( WaitForSingleObject( (HANDLE)h, nTimeout ) == WAIT_TIMEOUT ) { nTimeout = threadFunc(); }
ReleaseThreadHandle( h );
if( context.m_hLibrary ) { g_nLoadLibraryError = 0; StackToolsNotify_LoadedLibrary( str ); } else { g_nLoadLibraryError = context.m_nError; }
return context.m_hLibrary;
#elif defined( POSIX ) && !defined( _PS3 )
HMODULE ret = (HMODULE)dlopen( str, RTLD_NOW ); if ( ! ret ) { const char *pError = dlerror(); if ( pError && ( strstr( pError, "No such file" ) == 0 ) && ( strstr( pError, "image not found") == 0 ) ) { Msg( " failed to dlopen %s error=%s\n", str, pError );
} }
// if( ret )
// StackToolsNotify_LoadedLibrary( str );
return ret; #endif
static HMODULE Sys_LoadLibrary( const char *pLibraryName ) { // load a library. If a library suffix is set, look for the library first with that name
char *pSuffix = NULL; if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-xlsp" ) ) { pSuffix = "_xlsp"; } #ifdef POSIX
else if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-valveinternal" ) ) { pSuffix = "_valveinternal"; } #endif
else if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-ds" ) ) // windows DS bins
{ pSuffix = "_ds"; } #endif
if ( pSuffix ) { char nameBuf[MAX_PATH]; strcpy( nameBuf, pLibraryName ); char *pDot = strchr( nameBuf, '.' ); if ( pDot ) *pDot = 0; V_strncat( nameBuf, pSuffix, sizeof( nameBuf ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); HMODULE hRet = Sys_LoadLibraryGuts( nameBuf ); if ( hRet ) return hRet; } return Sys_LoadLibraryGuts( pLibraryName ); }
// Purpose: Keeps a flag if the current dll/exe loaded any debug modules
// This flag can also get set if the current process discovers any other debug
// modules loaded by other dlls
static bool s_bRunningWithDebugModules = false;
// Purpose: Construct a process-specific name for kernel object to track
// if any debug modules were loaded
static void DebugKernelMemoryObjectName( char *pszNameBuffer ) { sprintf( pszNameBuffer, "VALVE-MODULE-DEBUG-%08X", GetCurrentProcessId() ); } #endif
// Purpose: Loads a DLL/component from disk and returns a handle to it
// Input : *pModuleName - filename of the component
// Output : opaque handle to the module (hides system dependency)
CSysModule *Sys_LoadModule( const char *pModuleName ) { // If using the Steam filesystem, either the DLL must be a minimum footprint
// file in the depot (MFP) or a filesystem GetLocalCopy() call must be made
// prior to the call to this routine.
char alteredFilename[ MAX_PATH ]; if ( IsPS3() ) { // PS3's load module *must* be fed extensions. If the extension is missing, add it.
if (!( strstr(pModuleName, ".sprx") || strstr(pModuleName, ".prx") )) { strncpy( alteredFilename, pModuleName, MAX_PATH ); strncat( alteredFilename, DLL_EXT_STRING, MAX_PATH ); pModuleName = alteredFilename; } } else { alteredFilename; // just to quash the warning
if ( !V_IsAbsolutePath( pModuleName ) ) { // full path wasn't passed in, using the current working dir
char szAbsoluteModuleName[1024]; #if defined( _PS3 )
// getcwd not supported on ps3; use PRX PATCH path if patched
if ( g_pPS3PathInfo->IsPatched() ) { V_snprintf( szAbsoluteModuleName, sizeof(szAbsoluteModuleName), "%s/bin/%s", g_pPS3PathInfo->GamePatchBasePath(), pModuleName ); hDLL = Sys_LoadLibrary( szAbsoluteModuleName ); } if ( !hDLL ) // use base PRX path
{ V_snprintf( szAbsoluteModuleName, sizeof(szAbsoluteModuleName), "%s/%s", g_pPS3PathInfo->PrxPath(), pModuleName ); hDLL = Sys_LoadLibrary( szAbsoluteModuleName ); } #else // !_PS3
char szCwd[1024]; _getcwd( szCwd, sizeof( szCwd ) ); if ( IsX360() ) { int i = CommandLine()->FindParm( "-basedir" ); if ( i ) { strcpy( szCwd, CommandLine()->GetParm( i+1 ) ); } } if (szCwd[strlen(szCwd) - 1] == '/' || szCwd[strlen(szCwd) - 1] == '\\' ) { szCwd[strlen(szCwd) - 1] = 0; }
size_t cCwd = strlen( szCwd ); if ( strstr( pModuleName, "bin/") == pModuleName || ( szCwd[ cCwd - 1 ] == 'n' && szCwd[ cCwd - 2 ] == 'i' && szCwd[ cCwd - 3 ] == 'b' ) ) { // don't make bin/bin path
V_snprintf( szAbsoluteModuleName, sizeof(szAbsoluteModuleName), "%s/%s", szCwd, pModuleName ); } else { V_snprintf( szAbsoluteModuleName, sizeof(szAbsoluteModuleName), "%s/bin/%s", szCwd, pModuleName ); } hDLL = Sys_LoadLibrary( szAbsoluteModuleName ); #endif // _PS3
if ( !hDLL ) { // full path failed, let LoadLibrary() try to search the PATH now
hDLL = Sys_LoadLibrary( pModuleName ); #if defined( _DEBUG )
if ( !hDLL ) { // So you can see what the error is in the debugger...
#if defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 )
(LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL );
LocalFree( (HLOCAL)lpMsgBuf ); #elif defined( _X360 )
DWORD error = g_nLoadLibraryError ? g_nLoadLibraryError : GetLastError(); Msg( "Error(%d) - Failed to load %s:\n", error, pModuleName ); #elif defined( _PS3 )
Msg( "Failed to load %s:\n", pModuleName ); #else
Msg( "Failed to load %s: %s\n", pModuleName, dlerror() ); #endif // _WIN32
} #endif // DEBUG
// If running in the debugger, assume debug binaries are okay, otherwise they must run with -allowdebug
if ( !IsGameConsole() && Sys_GetProcAddress( hDLL, "BuiltDebug" ) ) { if ( hDLL && !CommandLine()->FindParm( "-allowdebug" ) && !Sys_IsDebuggerPresent() ) { Error( "Module %s is a debug build\n", pModuleName ); }
DevWarning( "Module %s is a debug build\n", pModuleName );
if ( !s_bRunningWithDebugModules ) { s_bRunningWithDebugModules = true; #ifdef IS_WINDOWS_PC
char chMemoryName[ MAX_PATH ]; DebugKernelMemoryObjectName( chMemoryName ); (void) CreateFileMapping( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, 1024, chMemoryName ); // Created a shared memory kernel object specific to process id
// Existence of this object indicates that we have debug modules loaded
} }
return reinterpret_cast<CSysModule *>(hDLL); }
// Purpose: Determine if any debug modules were loaded
bool Sys_RunningWithDebugModules() { if ( !s_bRunningWithDebugModules ) { #ifdef IS_WINDOWS_PC
char chMemoryName[ MAX_PATH ]; DebugKernelMemoryObjectName( chMemoryName );
HANDLE hObject = OpenFileMapping( FILE_MAP_READ, FALSE, chMemoryName ); if ( hObject && hObject != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { CloseHandle( hObject ); s_bRunningWithDebugModules = true; } #endif
} return s_bRunningWithDebugModules; }
// Purpose: Unloads a DLL/component from
// Input : *pModuleName - filename of the component
// Output : opaque handle to the module (hides system dependency)
void Sys_UnloadModule( CSysModule *pModule ) { if ( !pModule ) return;
HMODULE hDLL = reinterpret_cast<HMODULE>(pModule);
#ifdef _WIN32
FreeLibrary( hDLL ); #elif defined( _PS3 )
PS3_PrxUnload( ( ( PS3_PrxLoadParametersBase_t *)pModule )->sysPrxId ); delete ( PS3_PrxLoadParametersBase_t *)pModule; #elif defined( POSIX )
dlclose((void *)hDLL); #endif
// Purpose: returns a pointer to a function, given a module
// Input : module - windows HMODULE from Sys_LoadModule()
// *pName - proc name
// Output : factory for this module
CreateInterfaceFn Sys_GetFactory( CSysModule *pModule ) { if ( !pModule ) return NULL;
HMODULE hDLL = reinterpret_cast<HMODULE>(pModule); #ifdef _WIN32
return reinterpret_cast<CreateInterfaceFn>(GetProcAddress( hDLL, CREATEINTERFACE_PROCNAME )); #elif defined( _PS3 )
return reinterpret_cast<CreateInterfaceFn>(Sys_GetProcAddress( hDLL, CREATEINTERFACE_PROCNAME )); #elif defined( POSIX )
// Linux gives this error:
//../public/interface.cpp: In function `IBaseInterface *(*Sys_GetFactory
//(CSysModule *)) (const char *, int *)':
//../public/interface.cpp:154: ISO C++ forbids casting between
//pointer-to-function and pointer-to-object
// so lets get around it :)
return (CreateInterfaceFn)(GetProcAddress( (void *)hDLL, CREATEINTERFACE_PROCNAME )); #endif
// Purpose: returns the instance of this module
// Output : interface_instance_t
CreateInterfaceFn Sys_GetFactoryThis( void ) { return &CreateInterfaceInternal; }
// Purpose: returns the instance of the named module
// Input : *pModuleName - name of the module
// Output : interface_instance_t - instance of that module
CreateInterfaceFn Sys_GetFactory( const char *pModuleName ) { #ifdef _WIN32
return static_cast<CreateInterfaceFn>( Sys_GetProcAddress( pModuleName, CREATEINTERFACE_PROCNAME ) ); #elif defined( _PS3 )
Assert( 0 ); return NULL; #elif defined(POSIX)
// see Sys_GetFactory( CSysModule *pModule ) for an explanation
return (CreateInterfaceFn)( Sys_GetProcAddress( pModuleName, CREATEINTERFACE_PROCNAME ) ); #endif
// Purpose: get the interface for the specified module and version
// Input :
// Output :
bool Sys_LoadInterface( const char *pModuleName, const char *pInterfaceVersionName, CSysModule **pOutModule, void **pOutInterface ) { CSysModule *pMod = Sys_LoadModule( pModuleName ); if ( !pMod ) return false;
CreateInterfaceFn fn = Sys_GetFactory( pMod ); if ( !fn ) { Sys_UnloadModule( pMod ); return false; }
*pOutInterface = fn( pInterfaceVersionName, NULL ); if ( !( *pOutInterface ) ) { Sys_UnloadModule( pMod ); return false; }
if ( pOutModule ) *pOutModule = pMod;
return true; }
// Purpose: Place this as a singleton at module scope (e.g.) and use it to get the factory from the specified module name.
// When the singleton goes out of scope (.dll unload if at module scope),
// then it'll call Sys_UnloadModule on the module so that the refcount is decremented
// and the .dll actually can unload from memory.
CDllDemandLoader::CDllDemandLoader( char const *pchModuleName ) : m_pchModuleName( pchModuleName ), m_hModule( 0 ), m_bLoadAttempted( false ) { }
CDllDemandLoader::~CDllDemandLoader() { Unload(); }
CreateInterfaceFn CDllDemandLoader::GetFactory() { if ( !m_hModule && !m_bLoadAttempted ) { m_bLoadAttempted = true; m_hModule = Sys_LoadModule( m_pchModuleName ); }
if ( !m_hModule ) { return NULL; }
return Sys_GetFactory( m_hModule ); }
void CDllDemandLoader::Unload() { if ( m_hModule ) { Sys_UnloadModule( m_hModule ); m_hModule = 0; } }