// NextBotPlayerBody.cpp
// Implementation of Body interface for CBasePlayer-derived classes
// Author: Michael Booth, October 2006
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
#include "cbase.h"
#include "NextBot.h"
#include "NextBotPlayerBody.h"
#include "NextBotPlayer.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
ConVar nb_saccade_time( "nb_saccade_time", "0.1", FCVAR_CHEAT ); ConVar nb_saccade_speed( "nb_saccade_speed", "1000", FCVAR_CHEAT ); ConVar nb_head_aim_steady_max_rate( "nb_head_aim_steady_max_rate", "100", FCVAR_CHEAT ); ConVar nb_head_aim_settle_duration( "nb_head_aim_settle_duration", "0.3", FCVAR_CHEAT ); ConVar nb_head_aim_resettle_angle( "nb_head_aim_resettle_angle", "100", FCVAR_CHEAT, "After rotating through this angle, the bot pauses to 'recenter' its virtual mouse on its virtual mousepad" ); ConVar nb_head_aim_resettle_time( "nb_head_aim_resettle_time", "0.3", FCVAR_CHEAT, "How long the bot pauses to 'recenter' its virtual mouse on its virtual mousepad" );
* A useful reply for IBody::AimHeadTowards. When the * head is aiming on target, press the fire button. */ void PressFireButtonReply::OnSuccess( INextBot *bot ) { INextBotPlayerInput *playerInput = dynamic_cast< INextBotPlayerInput * >( bot->GetEntity() ); if ( playerInput ) { playerInput->PressFireButton(); } }
* A useful reply for IBody::AimHeadTowards. When the * head is aiming on target, press the alternate fire button. */ void PressAltFireButtonReply::OnSuccess( INextBot *bot ) { INextBotPlayerInput *playerInput = dynamic_cast< INextBotPlayerInput * >( bot->GetEntity() ); if ( playerInput ) { playerInput->PressMeleeButton(); } }
* A useful reply for IBody::AimHeadTowards. When the * head is aiming on target, press the jump button. */ void PressJumpButtonReply::OnSuccess( INextBot *bot ) { INextBotPlayerInput *playerInput = dynamic_cast< INextBotPlayerInput * >( bot->GetEntity() ); if ( playerInput ) { playerInput->PressJumpButton(); } }
PlayerBody::PlayerBody( INextBot *bot ) : IBody( bot ) { m_player = static_cast< CBasePlayer * >( bot->GetEntity() ); }
PlayerBody::~PlayerBody() { }
* reset to initial state */ void PlayerBody::Reset( void ) { m_posture = STAND;
m_lookAtPos = vec3_origin; m_lookAtSubject = NULL; m_lookAtReplyWhenAimed = NULL; m_lookAtVelocity = vec3_origin; m_lookAtExpireTimer.Invalidate();
m_lookAtPriority = BORING; m_lookAtExpireTimer.Invalidate(); m_lookAtDurationTimer.Invalidate(); m_isSightedIn = false; m_hasBeenSightedIn = false; m_headSteadyTimer.Invalidate(); m_priorAngles = vec3_angle; m_anchorRepositionTimer.Invalidate(); m_anchorForward = vec3_origin; }
ConVar bot_mimic( "bot_mimic", "0", 0, "Bot uses usercmd of player by index." );
* Update internal state. * Do this every tick to keep head aims smooth and accurate */ void PlayerBody::Upkeep( void ) { // If mimicking the player, don't modify the view angles.
static ConVarRef bot_mimic( "bot_mimic" ); if ( bot_mimic.IsValid() && bot_mimic.GetBool() ) return;
const float deltaT = gpGlobals->frametime; if ( deltaT < 0.00001f ) { return; }
CBasePlayer *player = ( CBasePlayer * )GetBot()->GetEntity();
// get current view angles
QAngle currentAngles = player->EyeAngles() + player->GetPunchAngle();
// track when our head is "steady"
bool isSteady = true;
float actualPitchRate = AngleDiff( currentAngles.x, m_priorAngles.x ); if ( abs( actualPitchRate ) > nb_head_aim_steady_max_rate.GetFloat() * deltaT ) { isSteady = false; } else { float actualYawRate = AngleDiff( currentAngles.y, m_priorAngles.y );
if ( abs( actualYawRate ) > nb_head_aim_steady_max_rate.GetFloat() * deltaT ) { isSteady = false; } }
if ( isSteady ) { if ( !m_headSteadyTimer.HasStarted() ) { m_headSteadyTimer.Start(); } } else { m_headSteadyTimer.Invalidate(); }
if ( GetBot()->IsDebugging( NEXTBOT_LOOK_AT ) ) { if ( IsHeadSteady() ) { const float maxTime = 3.0f; float t = GetHeadSteadyDuration() / maxTime; t = clamp( t, 0.f, 1.0f ); NDebugOverlay::Circle( player->EyePosition(), t * 10.0f, 0, 255, 0, 255, true, 2.0f * deltaT ); } }
m_priorAngles = currentAngles;
// if our current look-at has expired, don't change our aim further
if ( m_hasBeenSightedIn && m_lookAtExpireTimer.IsElapsed() ) { return; }
// simulate limited range of mouse movements
// compute the angle change from "center"
const Vector &forward = GetViewVector(); float deltaAngle = RAD2DEG( acos( DotProduct( forward, m_anchorForward ) ) ); if ( deltaAngle > nb_head_aim_resettle_angle.GetFloat() ) { // time to recenter our 'virtual mouse'
m_anchorRepositionTimer.Start( RandomFloat( 0.9f, 1.1f ) * nb_head_aim_resettle_time.GetFloat() ); m_anchorForward = forward; return; }
// if we're currently recentering our "virtual mouse", wait
if ( m_anchorRepositionTimer.HasStarted() && !m_anchorRepositionTimer.IsElapsed() ) { return; } m_anchorRepositionTimer.Invalidate();
// if we have a subject, update lookat point
CBaseEntity *subject = m_lookAtSubject; if ( subject ) { if ( m_lookAtTrackingTimer.IsElapsed() ) { // update subject tracking by periodically estimating linear aim velocity, allowing for "slop" between updates
Vector desiredLookAtPos;
if ( subject->MyCombatCharacterPointer() ) { desiredLookAtPos = GetBot()->GetIntentionInterface()->SelectTargetPoint( GetBot(), subject->MyCombatCharacterPointer() ); } else { desiredLookAtPos = subject->WorldSpaceCenter(); }
desiredLookAtPos += GetHeadAimSubjectLeadTime() * subject->GetAbsVelocity();
Vector errorVector = desiredLookAtPos - m_lookAtPos; float error = errorVector.NormalizeInPlace();
float trackingInterval = GetHeadAimTrackingInterval(); if ( trackingInterval < deltaT ) { trackingInterval = deltaT; }
float errorVel = error / trackingInterval;
m_lookAtVelocity = ( errorVel * errorVector ) + subject->GetAbsVelocity();
m_lookAtTrackingTimer.Start( RandomFloat( 0.8f, 1.2f ) * trackingInterval ); }
m_lookAtPos += deltaT * m_lookAtVelocity; }
// aim view towards last look at point
Vector to = m_lookAtPos - GetEyePosition(); to.NormalizeInPlace();
QAngle desiredAngles; VectorAngles( to, desiredAngles );
QAngle angles;
if ( GetBot()->IsDebugging( NEXTBOT_LOOK_AT ) ) { NDebugOverlay::Line( GetEyePosition(), GetEyePosition() + 100.0f * forward, 255, 255, 0, false, 2.0f * deltaT );
float thickness = isSteady ? 2.0f : 3.0f; int r = m_isSightedIn ? 255 : 0; int g = subject ? 255 : 0; NDebugOverlay::HorzArrow( GetEyePosition(), m_lookAtPos, thickness, r, g, 255, 255, false, 2.0f * deltaT ); }
const float onTargetTolerance = 0.98f; float dot = DotProduct( forward, to ); if ( dot > onTargetTolerance ) { // on target
m_isSightedIn = true;
if ( !m_hasBeenSightedIn ) { m_hasBeenSightedIn = true;
if ( GetBot()->IsDebugging( NEXTBOT_LOOK_AT ) ) { ConColorMsg( Color( 255, 100, 0, 255 ), "%3.2f: %s Look At SIGHTED IN\n", gpGlobals->curtime, m_player->GetPlayerName() ); } }
if ( m_lookAtReplyWhenAimed ) { m_lookAtReplyWhenAimed->OnSuccess( GetBot() ); m_lookAtReplyWhenAimed = NULL; } } else { // off target
m_isSightedIn = false; }
// rotate view at a rate proportional to how far we have to turn
// max rate if we need to turn around
// want first derivative continuity of rate as our aim hits to avoid pop
float approachRate = GetMaxHeadAngularVelocity();
const float easeOut = 0.7f; if ( dot > easeOut ) { float t = RemapVal( dot, easeOut, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.02f ); const float halfPI = 1.57f; approachRate *= sin( halfPI * t ); }
const float easeInTime = 0.25f; if ( m_lookAtDurationTimer.GetElapsedTime() < easeInTime ) { approachRate *= m_lookAtDurationTimer.GetElapsedTime() / easeInTime; }
angles.y = ApproachAngle( desiredAngles.y, currentAngles.y, approachRate * deltaT ); angles.x = ApproachAngle( desiredAngles.x, currentAngles.x, 0.5f * approachRate * deltaT ); angles.z = 0.0f;
// back out "punch angle"
angles -= player->GetPunchAngle();
angles.x = AngleNormalize( angles.x ); angles.y = AngleNormalize( angles.y );
player->SnapEyeAngles( angles ); }
bool PlayerBody::SetPosition( const Vector &pos ) { m_player->SetAbsOrigin( pos ); return true; }
* Return the eye position of the bot in world coordinates */ const Vector &PlayerBody::GetEyePosition( void ) const { m_eyePos = m_player->EyePosition(); return m_eyePos; }
CBaseEntity *PlayerBody::GetEntity( void ) { return m_player; }
* Return the view unit direction vector in world coordinates */ const Vector &PlayerBody::GetViewVector( void ) const { m_player->EyeVectors( &m_viewVector ); return m_viewVector; }
* Aim the bot's head towards the given goal */ void PlayerBody::AimHeadTowards( const Vector &lookAtPos, LookAtPriorityType priority, float duration, INextBotReply *replyWhenAimed, const char *reason ) { if ( duration <= 0.0f ) { duration = 0.1f; }
// don't spaz our aim around
if ( m_lookAtPriority == priority ) { if ( !IsHeadSteady() || GetHeadSteadyDuration() < nb_head_aim_settle_duration.GetFloat() ) { // we're still finishing a look-at at the same priority
if ( replyWhenAimed ) { replyWhenAimed->OnFail( GetBot(), INextBotReply::DENIED ); }
if ( GetBot()->IsDebugging( NEXTBOT_LOOK_AT ) ) { ConColorMsg( Color( 255, 0, 0, 255 ), "%3.2f: %s Look At '%s' rejected - previous aim not %s\n", gpGlobals->curtime, m_player->GetPlayerName(), reason, IsHeadSteady() ? "settled long enough" : "head-steady" ); } return; } }
// don't short-circuit if "sighted in" to avoid rapid view jitter
if ( m_lookAtPriority > priority && !m_lookAtExpireTimer.IsElapsed() ) { // higher priority lookat still ongoing
if ( replyWhenAimed ) { replyWhenAimed->OnFail( GetBot(), INextBotReply::DENIED ); }
if ( GetBot()->IsDebugging( NEXTBOT_LOOK_AT ) ) { ConColorMsg( Color( 255, 0, 0, 255 ), "%3.2f: %s Look At '%s' rejected - higher priority aim in progress\n", gpGlobals->curtime, m_player->GetPlayerName(), reason ); } return; }
if ( m_lookAtReplyWhenAimed ) { // in-process aim was interrupted
m_lookAtReplyWhenAimed->OnFail( GetBot(), INextBotReply::INTERRUPTED ); }
m_lookAtReplyWhenAimed = replyWhenAimed; m_lookAtExpireTimer.Start( duration );
// if given the same point, just update priority
const float epsilon = 1.0f; if ( ( m_lookAtPos - lookAtPos ).IsLengthLessThan( epsilon ) ) { m_lookAtPriority = priority; return; }
// new look-at point
m_lookAtPos = lookAtPos; m_lookAtSubject = NULL;
m_lookAtPriority = priority; m_lookAtDurationTimer.Start();
// do NOT clear this here, or continuous calls to AimHeadTowards will keep IsHeadAimingOnTarget returning false all of the time
// m_isSightedIn = false;
m_hasBeenSightedIn = false;
if ( GetBot()->IsDebugging( NEXTBOT_LOOK_AT ) ) { NDebugOverlay::Cross3D( lookAtPos, 2.0f, 255, 255, 100, true, 2.0f * duration ); const char *priName = ""; switch( priority ) { case BORING: priName = "BORING"; break; case INTERESTING: priName = "INTERESTING"; break; case IMPORTANT: priName = "IMPORTANT"; break; case CRITICAL: priName = "CRITICAL"; break; } ConColorMsg( Color( 255, 100, 0, 255 ), "%3.2f: %s Look At ( %g, %g, %g ) for %3.2f s, Pri = %s, Reason = %s\n", gpGlobals->curtime, m_player->GetPlayerName(), lookAtPos.x, lookAtPos.y, lookAtPos.z, duration, priName, ( reason ) ? reason : "" ); } }
* Aim the bot's head towards the given goal */ void PlayerBody::AimHeadTowards( CBaseEntity *subject, LookAtPriorityType priority, float duration, INextBotReply *replyWhenAimed, const char *reason ) { if ( duration <= 0.0f ) { duration = 0.1f; }
if ( subject == NULL ) { return; }
// don't spaz our aim around
if ( m_lookAtPriority == priority ) { if ( !IsHeadSteady() || GetHeadSteadyDuration() < nb_head_aim_settle_duration.GetFloat() ) { // we're still finishing a look-at at the same priority
if ( replyWhenAimed ) { replyWhenAimed->OnFail( GetBot(), INextBotReply::DENIED ); }
if ( GetBot()->IsDebugging( NEXTBOT_LOOK_AT ) ) { ConColorMsg( Color( 255, 0, 0, 255 ), "%3.2f: %s Look At '%s' rejected - previous aim not %s\n", gpGlobals->curtime, m_player->GetPlayerName(), reason, IsHeadSteady() ? "head-steady" : "settled long enough" ); } return; } }
// don't short-circuit if "sighted in" to avoid rapid view jitter
if ( m_lookAtPriority > priority && !m_lookAtExpireTimer.IsElapsed() ) { // higher priority lookat still ongoing
if ( replyWhenAimed ) { replyWhenAimed->OnFail( GetBot(), INextBotReply::DENIED ); }
if ( GetBot()->IsDebugging( NEXTBOT_LOOK_AT ) ) { ConColorMsg( Color( 255, 0, 0, 255 ), "%3.2f: %s Look At '%s' rejected - higher priority aim in progress\n", gpGlobals->curtime, m_player->GetPlayerName(), reason ); } return; }
if ( m_lookAtReplyWhenAimed ) { // in-process aim was interrupted
m_lookAtReplyWhenAimed->OnFail( GetBot(), INextBotReply::INTERRUPTED ); }
m_lookAtReplyWhenAimed = replyWhenAimed; m_lookAtExpireTimer.Start( duration );
// if given the same subject, just update priority
if ( subject == m_lookAtSubject ) { m_lookAtPriority = priority; return; }
// new subject
m_lookAtSubject = subject;
CBasePlayer *pMyPlayer = static_cast< CBasePlayer * >( GetEntity() ); if ( subject->IsPlayer() ) { // looking at a player, look at their eye position
TerrorPlayer *pMyTarget = ToTerrorPlayer( subject ); m_lookAtPos = subject->EyePosition(); if(pMyPlayer) { pMyPlayer->SetLookatPlayer( pMyTarget ); } } else { // not looking at a player
m_lookAtPos = subject->WorldSpaceCenter(); if(pMyPlayer) { pMyPlayer->SetLookatPlayer( NULL ); } } #endif
m_lookAtPriority = priority; m_lookAtDurationTimer.Start();
// do NOT clear this here, or continuous calls to AimHeadTowards will keep IsHeadAimingOnTarget returning false all of the time
// m_isSightedIn = false;
m_hasBeenSightedIn = false;
if ( GetBot()->IsDebugging( NEXTBOT_LOOK_AT ) ) { NDebugOverlay::Cross3D( m_lookAtPos, 2.0f, 100, 100, 100, true, duration ); const char *priName = ""; switch( priority ) { case BORING: priName = "BORING"; break; case INTERESTING: priName = "INTERESTING"; break; case IMPORTANT: priName = "IMPORTANT"; break; case CRITICAL: priName = "CRITICAL"; break; } ConColorMsg( Color( 255, 100, 0, 255 ), "%3.2f: %s Look At subject %s for %3.2f s, Pri = %s, Reason = %s\n", gpGlobals->curtime, m_player->GetPlayerName(), subject->GetClassname(), duration, priName, ( reason ) ? reason : "" ); } }
* Return true if head is not rapidly turning to look somewhere else */ bool PlayerBody::IsHeadSteady( void ) const { return m_headSteadyTimer.HasStarted(); }
* Return the duration that the bot's head has been on-target */ float PlayerBody::GetHeadSteadyDuration( void ) const { // return ( IsHeadAimingOnTarget() ) ? m_headSteadyTimer.GetElapsedTime() : 0.0f;
return m_headSteadyTimer.HasStarted() ? m_headSteadyTimer.GetElapsedTime() : 0.0f; }
// Clear out currently pending replyWhenAimed callback
void PlayerBody::ClearPendingAimReply( void ) { m_lookAtReplyWhenAimed = NULL; }
float PlayerBody::GetMaxHeadAngularVelocity( void ) const { return nb_saccade_speed.GetFloat(); }
bool PlayerBody::StartActivity( Activity act, unsigned int flags ) { // player animation state is controlled on the client
return false; }
* Return currently animating activity */ Activity PlayerBody::GetActivity( void ) const { return ACT_INVALID; }
* Return true if currently animating activity matches the given one */ bool PlayerBody::IsActivity( Activity act ) const { return false; }
* Return true if currently animating activity has any of the given flags */ bool PlayerBody::HasActivityType( unsigned int flags ) const { return false; }
* Request a posture change */ void PlayerBody::SetDesiredPosture( PostureType posture ) { m_posture = posture; }
* Get posture body is trying to assume */ IBody::PostureType PlayerBody::GetDesiredPosture( void ) const { return m_posture; }
* Return true if body is trying to assume this posture */ bool PlayerBody::IsDesiredPosture( PostureType posture ) const { return ( posture == m_posture ); }
* Return true if body's actual posture matches its desired posture */ bool PlayerBody::IsInDesiredPosture( void ) const { return true; }
* Return body's current actual posture */ IBody::PostureType PlayerBody::GetActualPosture( void ) const { return m_posture; }
* Return true if body is actually in the given posture */ bool PlayerBody::IsActualPosture( PostureType posture ) const { return ( posture == m_posture ); }
* Return true if body's current posture allows it to move around the world */ bool PlayerBody::IsPostureMobile( void ) const { return true; }
* Return true if body's posture is in the process of changing to new posture */ bool PlayerBody::IsPostureChanging( void ) const { return false; }
* Arousal level change */ void PlayerBody::SetArousal( ArousalType arousal ) { m_arousal = arousal; }
* Get arousal level */ IBody::ArousalType PlayerBody::GetArousal( void ) const { return m_arousal; }
* Return true if body is at this arousal level */ bool PlayerBody::IsArousal( ArousalType arousal ) const { return ( arousal == m_arousal ); }
* Width of bot's collision hull in XY plane */ float PlayerBody::GetHullWidth( void ) const { return VEC_HULL_MAX_SCALED( m_player ).x - VEC_HULL_MIN_SCALED( m_player ).x; }
* Height of bot's current collision hull based on posture */ float PlayerBody::GetHullHeight( void ) const { if ( m_posture == CROUCH ) { return GetCrouchHullHeight(); }
return GetStandHullHeight(); }
* Height of bot's collision hull when standing */ float PlayerBody::GetStandHullHeight( void ) const { return VEC_HULL_MAX_SCALED( m_player ).z - VEC_HULL_MIN_SCALED( m_player ).z; }
* Height of bot's collision hull when crouched */ float PlayerBody::GetCrouchHullHeight( void ) const { return VEC_DUCK_HULL_MAX_SCALED( m_player ).z - VEC_DUCK_HULL_MIN_SCALED( m_player ).z; }
* Return current collision hull minimums based on actual body posture */ const Vector &PlayerBody::GetHullMins( void ) const { if ( m_posture == CROUCH ) { m_hullMins = VEC_DUCK_HULL_MIN_SCALED( m_player ); } else { m_hullMins = VEC_HULL_MIN_SCALED( m_player ); } return m_hullMins; }
* Return current collision hull maximums based on actual body posture */ const Vector &PlayerBody::GetHullMaxs( void ) const { if ( m_posture == CROUCH ) { m_hullMaxs = VEC_DUCK_HULL_MAX_SCALED( m_player ); } else { m_hullMaxs = VEC_HULL_MAX_SCALED( m_player ); }
return m_hullMaxs; }
* Return the bot's collision mask (hack until we get a general hull trace abstraction here or in the locomotion interface) */ unsigned int PlayerBody::GetSolidMask( void ) const { return ( m_player ) ? m_player->PlayerSolidMask() : MASK_PLAYERSOLID; }