//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
#include "cbase.h"
#include "tf_player.h"
#include "tf_gamerules.h"
#include "tf_team.h"
#include "nav_mesh/tf_nav_area.h"
#include "NextBot/Path/NextBotChasePath.h"
#include "econ_wearable.h"
#include "team_control_point_master.h"
#include "particle_parse.h"
#include "tf_weaponbase_merasmus_grenade.h"
#include "merasmus_dancer.h"
#include "tf_wheel_of_doom.h"
#include "soundenvelope.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "tf_obj_sentrygun.h"
#include "logicrelay.h"
#include "steamworks_gamestats.h"
#include "tf/halloween/ghost/ghost.h"
#include "player_vs_environment/monster_resource.h"
#include "merasmus_trick_or_treat_prop.h"
#include "merasmus.h"
#include "merasmus_behavior/merasmus_disguise.h"
#include "merasmus_behavior/merasmus_dying.h"
#include "merasmus_behavior/merasmus_reveal.h"
#include "merasmus_behavior/merasmus_teleport.h"
#include "rtime.h"
#include "gc_clientsystem.h"
#include "tf_gcmessages.h"
#include "tf_fx.h"
ConVar tf_merasmus_health_base( "tf_merasmus_health_base", "33750", FCVAR_CHEAT ); ConVar tf_merasmus_health_per_player( "tf_merasmus_health_per_player", "2500", FCVAR_CHEAT ); ConVar tf_merasmus_min_player_count( "tf_merasmus_min_player_count", "10", FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar tf_merasmus_lifetime( "tf_merasmus_lifetime", "120", FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar tf_merasmus_speed( "tf_merasmus_speed", "600", FCVAR_CHEAT ); ConVar tf_merasmus_speed_recovery_rate( "tf_merasmus_speed_recovery_rate", "100", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Movement units/second" ); ConVar tf_merasmus_chase_duration( "tf_merasmus_chase_duration", "7", FCVAR_CHEAT ); ConVar tf_merasmus_chase_range( "tf_merasmus_chase_range", "2000", FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar tf_merasmus_should_disguise_threshold( "tf_merasmus_should_disguise_threshold", "0.45f", FCVAR_CHEAT ); ConVar tf_merasmus_min_props_to_reveal( "tf_merasmus_min_props_to_reveal", "0.7f", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Percentage of total fake props players have to destroy before Merasmus reveals himself");
ConVar tf_merasmus_attack_range( "tf_merasmus_attack_range", "200", FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar tf_merasmus_health_regen_rate( "tf_merasmus_health_regen_rate", "0.001f", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Percentage of Max HP per sec that Merasmus will regenerate while in disguise" );
ConVar tf_merasmus_bomb_head_duration( "tf_merasmus_bomb_head_duration", "15.f", FCVAR_CHEAT ); ConVar tf_merasmus_bomb_head_per_team( "tf_merasmus_bomb_head_per_team", "1", FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar tf_merasmus_stun_duration( "tf_merasmus_stun_duration", "2.f", FCVAR_CHEAT );
extern ConVar tf_merasmus_spawn_interval; extern ConVar tf_merasmus_spawn_interval_variation;
#define MERASMUS_MODEL_NAME "models/bots/merasmus/merasmus.mdl"
#define MERASMUS_BOMB_MODEL "models/props_lakeside_event/bomb_temp.mdl"
static const char* s_pszDisguiseProps[] = { // "models/props_hydro/dumptruck.mdl", // 265
"models/props_halloween/pumpkin_02.mdl", "models/props_halloween/pumpkin_03.mdl", "models/egypt/palm_tree/palm_tree.mdl", "models/props_spytech/control_room_console01.mdl", "models/props_spytech/work_table001.mdl", // "models/egypt/tent/tent.mdl", // 248
"models/props_coalmines/boulder1.mdl", "models/props_coalmines/boulder2.mdl", "models/props_farm/concrete_block001.mdl", // 152
// "models/props_farm/tractor_tire001.mdl", // requires offset
"models/props_farm/welding_machine01.mdl", "models/props_medieval/medieval_resupply.mdl", "models/props_medieval/target/target.mdl", "models/props_swamp/picnic_table.mdl", "models/props_manor/baby_grand_01.mdl", // 154
"models/props_manor/bookcase_132_02.mdl", "models/props_manor/chair_01.mdl", "models/props_manor/couch_01.mdl", "models/props_manor/grandfather_clock_01.mdl", // "models/props_manor/tractor_01.mdl", // 227
// "models/props_gameplay/haybale.mdl", // requires offset
"models/props_viaduct_event/coffin_simple_closed.mdl", // "models/props_farm/wooden_barrel.mdl", // requires offset
"models/props_2fort/miningcrate001.mdl", "models/props_gameplay/resupply_locker.mdl", "models/props_2fort/oildrum.mdl", // "models/props_farm/wood_pile.mdl", // requires offset
"models/props_lakeside/wood_crate_01.mdl", // "models/props_farm/pallet001.mdl", // requires offset
"models/props_well/hand_truck01.mdl", "models/props_vehicles/mining_car_metal.mdl", "models/props_2fort/tire002.mdl", "models/props_well/computer_cart01.mdl", "models/egypt/palm_tree/palm_tree.mdl" };
// The Horseless Headless Horseman
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( merasmus, CMerasmus );
IMPLEMENT_SERVERCLASS_ST( CMerasmus, DT_Merasmus ) SendPropBool( SENDINFO( m_bRevealed ) ), SendPropBool( SENDINFO( m_bIsDoingAOEAttack ) ), SendPropBool( SENDINFO( m_bStunned ) ), END_SEND_TABLE()
int CMerasmus::m_level = 1;
CMerasmus::CMerasmus() { m_intention = new CMerasmusIntention( this ); m_locomotor = new CMerasmusLocomotion( this ); m_flyingLocomotor = new CMerasmusFlyingLocomotion( this ); m_body = new CMerasmusBody( this ); m_bRevealed = false; m_bIsDoingAOEAttack = false;
m_wheel = NULL;
m_stunTimer.Invalidate(); m_bStunned = false;
m_nBombHitCount = 0;
m_hMerasmusRevealer = NULL;
m_isFlying = false; m_isHiding=false;
m_hHealthBar = g_pMonsterResource; ListenForGameEvent( "player_death" ); }
CMerasmus::~CMerasmus() { if ( m_intention ) delete m_intention;
if ( m_locomotor ) delete m_locomotor;
if ( m_flyingLocomotor ) delete m_flyingLocomotor;
if ( m_body ) delete m_body;
// Make sure the health meter goes away
if( m_hHealthBar.Get() ) { m_hHealthBar->HideBossHealthMeter(); }
IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "recalculate_truce" ); if ( event ) { gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event, true ); } }
void CMerasmus::Precache() { BaseClass::Precache();
// always allow late precaching, so we don't pay the cost of the
// Halloween Boss for the entire year
bool bAllowPrecache = CBaseEntity::IsPrecacheAllowed(); CBaseEntity::SetAllowPrecache( true );
CBaseEntity::SetAllowPrecache( bAllowPrecache ); }
void CMerasmus::PrecacheMerasmus() { int model = PrecacheModel( MERASMUS_MODEL_NAME ); PrecacheGibsForModel( model );
// precache disguise prop list
for ( int i=0; i<ARRAYSIZE( s_pszDisguiseProps ); ++i ) { PrecacheModel( s_pszDisguiseProps[i] ); }
PrecacheModel( MERASMUS_BOMB_MODEL ); PrecacheModel( "models/props_lakeside_event/bomb_temp_hat.mdl" ); // bomb head on player
PrecacheModel( "models/props_halloween/bombonomicon.mdl" ); // bombonomicon hint to player
// Boss VOs
PrecacheScriptSound( "Halloween.MerasmusAppears" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Halloween.MerasmusBanish" ); //PrecacheScriptSound( "Halloween.MerasmusCastBleedingSpell" );
PrecacheScriptSound( "Halloween.MerasmusCastFireSpell" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Halloween.MerasmusCastJarateSpell" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Halloween.MerasmusCastJarateSpellRare" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Halloween.MerasmusLaunchSpell" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Halloween.MerasmusControlPoint" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Halloween.MerasmusDepart" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Halloween.MerasmusDepartRare" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Halloween.MerasmusDiscovered" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Halloween.MerasmusGrenadeThrow" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Halloween.MerasmusHidden" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Halloween.MerasmusHiddenRare" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Halloween.MerasmusHitByBomb" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Halloween.MerasmusHitByBombRare" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Halloween.MerasmusInitiateHiding" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Halloween.MerasmusStaffAttack" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Halloween.MerasmusStaffAttackRare" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Halloween.MerasmusTauntFakeProp" );
//PrecacheScriptSound( "Halloween.MerasmusTeleport" );
// Boss event sound effects
PrecacheScriptSound( "Halloween.MerasmusBossSpawn" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Halloween.Merasmus_Death" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Halloween.EyeballBossEscapeSoon" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Halloween.EyeballBossEscapeImminent" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Halloween.EyeballBossEscaped" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Halloween.Merasmus_Float" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Halloween.Merasmus_Stun" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Halloween.Merasmus_Spell" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Halloween.Merasmus_Hiding_Explode" );
PrecacheParticleSystem( "merasmus_spawn" ); // spawn
PrecacheParticleSystem( "merasmus_tp" ); // puff effect
PrecacheParticleSystem( "merasmus_blood" ); // when he takes damage
PrecacheParticleSystem( "merasmus_blood_bits" ); // when he takes damage while stunned
PrecacheParticleSystem( "merasmus_ambient_body" ); // glow around the body
PrecacheParticleSystem( "merasmus_shoot" ); // when he casts spell
PrecacheParticleSystem( "merasmus_book_attack" ); // big attack
PrecacheParticleSystem( "merasmus_object_spawn" ); // object spawn
PrecacheParticleSystem( "merasmus_zap" ); // zap!
PrecacheParticleSystem( "merasmus_dazed" ); // stunned
PrecacheParticleSystem( "merasmus_dazed_explosion" ); // bomb head explode
PrecacheScriptSound( "Halloween.HeadlessBossAxeHitFlesh" ); }
void CMerasmus::Spawn( void ) { Precache();
// scale the boss' health with the player count
int totalPlayers = GetGlobalTFTeam( TF_TEAM_BLUE )->GetNumPlayers() + GetGlobalTFTeam( TF_TEAM_RED )->GetNumPlayers();
int health = tf_merasmus_health_base.GetInt(); if ( totalPlayers > tf_merasmus_min_player_count.GetInt() ) { health += ( totalPlayers - tf_merasmus_min_player_count.GetInt() ) * tf_merasmus_health_per_player.GetInt(); }
CBaseEntity *pWheel = gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, "wheel_of_fortress" ); if ( pWheel ) { m_wheel = assert_cast< CWheelOfDoom* >( pWheel ); }
SetHealth( health ); SetMaxHealth( health );
m_homePos = GetAbsOrigin();
m_damagePoseParameter = -1;
SetBloodColor( DONT_BLEED );
if ( m_pIdleSound ) { CSoundEnvelopeController::GetController().SoundDestroy( m_pIdleSound ); m_pIdleSound = NULL; }
// Collect all of the players that are alive at this moment. These are the players who will get
// their hat leveled up when Merasmus dies. We only want to give credit to these players to discourage
// the strategy of spawning Merasmus with 10 people so his health is scaled for 10 people,
// then have 22 other people connect and destroy him.
CUtlVector< CTFPlayer * > playerVector; CollectPlayers( &playerVector ); FOR_EACH_VEC( playerVector, i ) { m_startingAttackersVector.AddToTail( playerVector[i] ); }
CPVSFilter filter( GetAbsOrigin() ); CSoundEnvelopeController &controller = CSoundEnvelopeController::GetController(); m_pIdleSound = controller.SoundCreate( filter, entindex(), "Halloween.Merasmus_Float" ); controller.Play( m_pIdleSound, 1.0, 100 );
m_solidType = GetSolid(); m_solidFlags = GetSolidFlags();
const float flLifeTime = tf_merasmus_lifetime.GetFloat(); m_lifeTimer.Start( flLifeTime ); m_flLastWarnTime = 0;
IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "merasmus_summoned" ); if ( event ) { event->SetInt( "level", GetLevel() ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } TriggerLogicRelay( "boss_enter_relay", true );
DispatchParticleEffect( "merasmus_spawn", GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsAngles() );
event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "recalculate_truce" ); if ( event ) { gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event, true ); } }
void RemoveAllBombHeadFromPlayers() { CUtlVector< CTFPlayer * > playerVector; CollectPlayers( &playerVector, TF_TEAM_RED, COLLECT_ONLY_LIVING_PLAYERS ); CollectPlayers( &playerVector, TF_TEAM_BLUE, COLLECT_ONLY_LIVING_PLAYERS, APPEND_PLAYERS );
for ( int i=0; i<playerVector.Count(); ++i ) { if ( playerVector[i]->m_Shared.InCond( TF_COND_HALLOWEEN_BOMB_HEAD ) ) { playerVector[i]->m_Shared.RemoveCond( TF_COND_HALLOWEEN_BOMB_HEAD ); } } }
void CMerasmus::UpdateOnRemove() { Assert( TFGameRules() ); if ( m_hHealthBar ) { m_hHealthBar->HideBossHealthMeter(); }
if ( m_pIdleSound ) { CSoundEnvelopeController::GetController().SoundDestroy( m_pIdleSound ); m_pIdleSound = NULL; }
// the boss is NULL, remove bomb head condition won't give players power play
// Report Stats
SW_ReportMerasmusStats(); }
float MerasmusModifyDamage( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ) { CTFWeaponBase *pWeapon = dynamic_cast< CTFWeaponBase * >( info.GetWeapon() ); CObjectSentrygun *sentry = dynamic_cast< CObjectSentrygun * >( info.GetInflictor() ); CTFProjectile_SentryRocket *sentryRocket = dynamic_cast< CTFProjectile_SentryRocket * >( info.GetInflictor() );
if ( sentry || sentryRocket ) { return info.GetDamage() * 0.5f; } else if ( pWeapon ) { switch( pWeapon->GetWeaponID() ) { case TF_WEAPON_MINIGUN: return info.GetDamage() * 0.5f;
case TF_WEAPON_SODA_POPPER: return info.GetDamage() * 1.5f;
case TF_WEAPON_HANDGUN_SCOUT_PRIMARY: return info.GetDamage() * 1.75;
case TF_WEAPON_SCATTERGUN: case TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER: return info.GetDamage() * 2.f;
// unmodified
return info.GetDamage(); }
int CMerasmus::OnTakeDamage_Alive( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ) { if ( !IsRevealed() ) { return 0; }
if ( IsSelf( info.GetAttacker() ) ) { // don't injure myself
return 0; }
CTakeDamageInfo modifiedInfo = info;
if ( RandomInt( 0, 30 ) == 0 ) { //EmitSound( "Halloween.MerasmusHurt" ); << add new sound entry
if ( IsStunned() ) { DispatchParticleEffect( "merasmus_blood", modifiedInfo.GetDamagePosition(), GetAbsAngles() ); } else { DispatchParticleEffect( "merasmus_blood_bits", modifiedInfo.GetDamagePosition(), GetAbsAngles() ); }
modifiedInfo.SetDamage( MerasmusModifyDamage( modifiedInfo ) ); if ( m_bIsDoingAOEAttack || m_bStunned ) { modifiedInfo.AddDamageType( DMG_CRITICAL ); }
int result = BaseClass::OnTakeDamage_Alive( modifiedInfo );
// update boss health meter
float healthPercentage = (float)GetHealth() / (float)GetMaxHealth();
if ( m_hHealthBar ) { if ( healthPercentage <= 0.0f ) { m_hHealthBar->HideBossHealthMeter(); } else { m_hHealthBar->SetBossHealthPercentage( healthPercentage ); } }
// Stats Tracking
CTFPlayer *pAttacker = ToTFPlayer( info.GetAttacker() ); if ( pAttacker ) { int iClass = pAttacker->GetPlayerClass()->GetClassIndex(); if ( iClass > TF_CLASS_UNDEFINED && iClass < TF_LAST_NORMAL_CLASS ) { m_bossStats.m_arrClassDamage[ iClass ] += info.GetDamage(); } } return result; }
void CMerasmus::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event) { if ( !V_strcmp( event->GetName(), "player_death" ) ) { // Collect Data
int nDmgType = event->GetInt( "customkill", -1 ); if ( nDmgType == TF_DMG_CUSTOM_MERASMUS_DECAPITATION || nDmgType == TF_DMG_CUSTOM_MERASMUS_ZAP ) { m_bossStats.m_nStaffKills++; } else if ( nDmgType == TF_DMG_CUSTOM_MERASMUS_GRENADE || nDmgType == TF_DMG_CUSTOM_MERASMUS_PLAYER_BOMB ) { m_bossStats.m_nBombKills++; } else { // Treat as a PvPKill
m_bossStats.m_nPvpKills++; } } }
void CMerasmus::Update( void ) { BaseClass::Update();
if ( m_damagePoseParameter < 0 ) { m_damagePoseParameter = LookupPoseParameter( "damage" ); }
if ( m_damagePoseParameter >= 0 ) { SetPoseParameter( m_damagePoseParameter, 1.0f - ( (float)GetHealth() / (float)GetMaxHealth() ) ); } }
Vector CMerasmus::GetCastPosition() const { Vector vForward, vRight, vUp; AngleVectors( GetAbsAngles(), &vForward, &vRight, &vUp ); return WorldSpaceCenter() + vForward * 60.f + 30.f * vRight + 60.f * vUp; }
void RemoveAllGrenades( CMerasmus *me ) { const int maxCollectedEntities = 1024; CBaseEntity *pObjects[ maxCollectedEntities ]; int count = UTIL_EntitiesInSphere( pObjects, maxCollectedEntities, me->GetAbsOrigin(), 400, FL_GRENADE );
for( int i = 0; i < count; ++i ) { if ( pObjects[i] == NULL ) continue;
if ( pObjects[i]->IsPlayer() ) continue;
// Remove the enemy pipe
pObjects[i]->SetThink( &CBaseEntity::SUB_Remove ); pObjects[i]->SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime ); pObjects[i]->SetTouch( NULL ); pObjects[i]->AddEffects( EF_NODRAW ); } }
void CMerasmus::OnRevealed(bool bPlaySound) { RecordDisguiseTime(); m_bRevealed = true; m_isHiding = false; m_nRevealedHealth = GetHealth();
if (bPlaySound) { PlayHighPrioritySound( "Halloween.MerasmusDiscovered" ); }
RemoveEffects( EF_NOINTERP | EF_NODRAW );
DispatchParticleEffect( "merasmus_spawn", WorldSpaceCenter(), GetAbsAngles() );
// don't collide with anything, we do our own collision detection in our think method
SetSolid( m_solidType ); SetSolidFlags( m_solidFlags );
RemoveAllFakeProps(); TFGameRules()->PushAllPlayersAway( GetAbsOrigin(), 400.f, 500.f, TF_TEAM_RED ); TFGameRules()->PushAllPlayersAway( GetAbsOrigin(), 400.f, 500.f, TF_TEAM_BLUE ); RemoveAllGrenades( this );
// give player who found merasmus buff
if ( m_hMerasmusRevealer ) { // condition was removed by blowing up merasmus, you get buff award
const float buffDuration = 10.0f; m_hMerasmusRevealer->m_Shared.AddCond( TF_COND_CRITBOOSTED_PUMPKIN, buffDuration ); m_hMerasmusRevealer->m_Shared.AddCond( TF_COND_SPEED_BOOST, buffDuration ); m_hMerasmusRevealer->m_Shared.AddCond( TF_COND_INVULNERABLE, buffDuration ); } m_hMerasmusRevealer = NULL;
// show Boss' health meter on HUD
if ( m_hHealthBar ) { float healthPercentage = (float)GetHealth() / (float)GetMaxHealth(); m_hHealthBar->SetBossHealthPercentage( healthPercentage ); }
// face towards a nearby player
CUtlVector< CTFPlayer * > playerVector; CollectPlayers( &playerVector, TF_TEAM_RED, COLLECT_ONLY_LIVING_PLAYERS ); CollectPlayers( &playerVector, TF_TEAM_BLUE, COLLECT_ONLY_LIVING_PLAYERS, APPEND_PLAYERS );
float closeRangeSq = FLT_MAX; CTFPlayer *close = NULL;
for( int i=0; i<playerVector.Count(); ++i ) { CTFPlayer *player = playerVector[i];
float rangeSq = GetRangeSquaredTo( player ); if ( rangeSq < closeRangeSq ) { closeRangeSq = rangeSq; close = player; } }
QAngle facingAngle;
if ( close ) { Vector toPlayer = close->GetAbsOrigin() - GetAbsOrigin(); toPlayer.z = 0.0f; toPlayer.NormalizeInPlace();
VectorAngles( toPlayer, Vector(0,0,1), facingAngle ); } else { facingAngle.x = 0.0f; facingAngle.y = RandomFloat( 0.0f, 360.0f ); facingAngle.z = 0.0f; }
SetAbsAngles( facingAngle ); }
bool CMerasmus::ShouldReveal() const { int nDestroyedProps = 0; for ( int i=0; i<m_fakePropVector.Count(); ++i ) { if ( m_fakePropVector[i] == NULL ) { nDestroyedProps++; } } return nDestroyedProps >= m_nDestroyedPropsToReveal; }
bool CMerasmus::IsNextKilledPropMerasmus() const { int nDestroyedProps = 0; for ( int i=0; i<m_fakePropVector.Count(); ++i ) { if ( m_fakePropVector[i] == NULL ) { nDestroyedProps++; } } return nDestroyedProps + 1 == m_nDestroyedPropsToReveal; }
void CMerasmus::OnDisguise() { m_flStartDisguiseTime = gpGlobals->curtime; m_bRevealed = false; m_isHiding = true;
DispatchParticleEffect( "merasmus_tp", WorldSpaceCenter(), GetAbsAngles() );
// don't collide with anything, we do our own collision detection in our think method
SetSolid( SOLID_NONE ); SetSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID );
// fake randomness of when Merasmus should reveal
m_nDestroyedPropsToReveal = RandomInt( MAX( 1, tf_merasmus_min_props_to_reveal.GetFloat() * m_fakePropVector.Count() ), m_fakePropVector.Count() ); }
bool CMerasmus::ShouldDisguise() const { if ( GetHealth() <= 0 ) { return false; }
float flLostHealthPercentage = (float)( m_nRevealedHealth - GetHealth() ) / (float)GetMaxHealth(); return flLostHealthPercentage > tf_merasmus_should_disguise_threshold.GetFloat(); }
CTFWeaponBaseGrenadeProj* CMerasmus::CreateMerasmusGrenade( const Vector& vPosition, const Vector& vVelocity, CBaseCombatCharacter* pOwner, float fScale ) { QAngle qAngles = RandomAngle( 0, 360 ); CTFWeaponBaseMerasmusGrenade *pGrenade = static_cast<CTFWeaponBaseMerasmusGrenade*>( CBaseEntity::Create( "tf_weaponbase_merasmus_grenade", vPosition, qAngles, pOwner ) ); if ( pGrenade ) { pGrenade->SetModel( MERASMUS_BOMB_MODEL ); DispatchSpawn( pGrenade ); pGrenade->InitGrenade( vVelocity, AngularImpulse( 600, random->RandomInt( -1200, 1200 ), 0 ), pOwner, 50 * fScale, 300.f * fScale ); pGrenade->SetDetonateTimerLength( 2.f ); pGrenade->SetModelScale( fScale ); pGrenade->SetCollisionGroup( TFCOLLISION_GROUP_ROCKETS ); // we want to use collision_group_rockets so we don't ever collide with players
return pGrenade; }
const char* CMerasmus::GetRandomPropModelName() { int which = RandomInt( 0, ARRAYSIZE( s_pszDisguiseProps ) - 1 ); return s_pszDisguiseProps[ which ]; }
void CMerasmus::PushPlayer( CTFPlayer* pPlayer, float flPushForce ) const { // send the player flying
// make sure we push players up and away
Vector toPlayer = pPlayer->EyePosition() - GetAbsOrigin(); toPlayer.z = 0.0f; toPlayer.NormalizeInPlace(); toPlayer.z = 1.0f;
Vector push = flPushForce * toPlayer;
pPlayer->ApplyAbsVelocityImpulse( push ); }
void CMerasmus::AddStun( CTFPlayer* pPlayer ) { if ( !IsRevealed() ) { // don't let bomb head player explode on merasmus while disguise
return; }
// first stun
if ( !IsStunned() ) { CPVSFilter filter( WorldSpaceCenter() ); if (RandomInt( 1, 10) == 9 ) { PlayLowPrioritySound( filter, "Halloween.MerasmusHitByBombRare" ); } else { PlayLowPrioritySound( filter, "Halloween.MerasmusHitByBomb" ); } }
// buff the player that stunned me
const float buffDuration = 10.0f; pPlayer->m_Shared.AddCond( TF_COND_CRITBOOSTED_PUMPKIN, buffDuration ); pPlayer->m_Shared.AddCond( TF_COND_SPEED_BOOST, buffDuration ); pPlayer->m_Shared.AddCond( TF_COND_INVULNERABLE, buffDuration );
pPlayer->m_Shared.RemoveCond( TF_COND_STUNNED ); pPlayer->m_Shared.RemoveCond( TF_COND_HALLOWEEN_BOMB_HEAD ); pPlayer->MerasmusPlayerBombExplode( false ); PushPlayer( pPlayer, 300.f ); DispatchParticleEffect( "merasmus_dazed_explosion", WorldSpaceCenter(), GetAbsAngles() );
IGameEvent *pEvent = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "merasmus_stunned" ); if ( pEvent ) { pEvent->SetInt( "player", pPlayer->GetUserID() ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( pEvent, true ); }
// don't stun while doing AOE
if ( !m_bIsDoingAOEAttack ) { m_nBombHitCount++; m_stunTimer.Start( tf_merasmus_stun_duration.GetFloat() ); } }
void CMerasmus::OnBeginStun() { EmitSound( "Halloween.Merasmus_Stun" );
m_bStunned = true; }
void CMerasmus::OnEndStun() { m_stunTimer.Invalidate(); m_bStunned = false; }
void CMerasmus::AddFakeProp( CTFMerasmusTrickOrTreatProp* pFakeProp ) { m_fakePropVector.AddToTail( pFakeProp ); }
void CMerasmus::RemoveAllFakeProps() { for ( int i=0; i<m_fakePropVector.Count(); ++i ) { if ( m_fakePropVector[i] != NULL ) { UTIL_Remove( m_fakePropVector[i] ); } } m_fakePropVector.RemoveAll(); }
void BombHeadForTeam( int nTeam, int nBombHeadPlayers ) { // decrease nBombHeadPlayers by the number of existing bomb heads
CUtlVector< CTFPlayer * > playerVector; CollectPlayers( &playerVector, nTeam, COLLECT_ONLY_LIVING_PLAYERS );
if ( playerVector.Count() <= 0 ) { // everyone on this team is dead
return; }
for( int n=0; n<nBombHeadPlayers; ++n ) { // find the living player who was a bombhead the longest time ago and give them the bomb
CTFPlayer *pVictim = NULL; float oldestTimeStamp = -1.0f;
for( int i=0; i<playerVector.Count(); ++i ) { CTFPlayer *pPlayer = playerVector[i];
if ( pPlayer->GetTimeSinceWasBombHead() > oldestTimeStamp && !pPlayer->m_Shared.InCond( TF_COND_HALLOWEEN_BOMB_HEAD ) && pPlayer->GetLastKnownArea() && pPlayer->GetLastKnownArea()->HasFuncNavPrefer() ) { pVictim = pPlayer; oldestTimeStamp = pPlayer->GetTimeSinceWasBombHead(); } }
if ( !pVictim ) { // no victims available - try again next time
return; }
// give this victim the bomb
float flBuffDuration = tf_merasmus_bomb_head_duration.GetFloat(); pVictim->m_Shared.StunPlayer( tf_merasmus_bomb_head_duration.GetFloat(), 0.f, TF_STUN_LOSER_STATE ); pVictim->m_Shared.AddCond( TF_COND_HALLOWEEN_BOMB_HEAD, flBuffDuration ); pVictim->m_Shared.AddCond( TF_COND_SPEED_BOOST, flBuffDuration );
// notify player they are a bomb
ClientPrint( pVictim, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "#TF_HALLOWEEN_MERASMUS_YOU_ARE_BOMB", pVictim->GetPlayerName() ); } }
void CMerasmus::BombHeadMode() { int nBombHeadPlayers = tf_merasmus_bomb_head_per_team.GetInt(); BombHeadForTeam( TF_TEAM_RED, nBombHeadPlayers ); BombHeadForTeam( TF_TEAM_BLUE, nBombHeadPlayers ); }
bool CMerasmus::ShouldLeave() const { return m_lifeTimer.IsElapsed(); }
void CMerasmus::LeaveWarning() { if ( m_lifeTimer.GetRemainingTime() < 10.0f && m_flLastWarnTime > 10.0f ) { IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "merasmus_escape_warning" ); if ( event ) { event->SetInt( "level", GetLevel() ); event->SetInt( "time_remaining", 10 ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } } else if ( m_lifeTimer.GetRemainingTime() < 30.0f && m_flLastWarnTime > 30.0f ) { IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "merasmus_escape_warning" ); if ( event ) { event->SetInt( "level", GetLevel() ); event->SetInt( "time_remaining", 30 ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } } else if ( m_lifeTimer.GetRemainingTime() < 60.0f && m_flLastWarnTime > 60.0f ) { IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "merasmus_escape_warning" ); if ( event ) { event->SetInt( "level", GetLevel() ); event->SetInt( "time_remaining", 60 ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } } m_flLastWarnTime = m_lifeTimer.GetRemainingTime(); }
void CMerasmus::OnLeaveWhileInPropForm() { CUtlVector< CBaseEntity* > validProps; for ( int i=0; i<m_fakePropVector.Count(); ++i ) { if ( m_fakePropVector[i] != NULL ) { validProps.AddToTail( m_fakePropVector[i] ); } }
if ( validProps.Count() ) { int which = RandomInt( 0, validProps.Count() -1 ); SetAbsOrigin( validProps[ which ]->GetAbsOrigin() ); } }
void CMerasmus::TriggerLogicRelay( const char* pszLogicRelayName, bool bSpawn /*= false*/ ) { CLogicRelay* pLogicRelay = assert_cast< CLogicRelay* >( gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, pszLogicRelayName ) ); if ( pLogicRelay ) { inputdata_t data; data.pCaller = this; data.pActivator = this; pLogicRelay->InputTrigger( data );
if ( bSpawn ) { SetAbsOrigin( pLogicRelay->GetAbsOrigin() ); } } }
void CMerasmus::PlayLowPrioritySound( IRecipientFilter &filter, const char* pszSoundEntryName ) { CSoundParameters params; if ( CBaseEntity::GetParametersForSound( pszSoundEntryName, params, NULL ) ) { EmitSound_t es( params ); es.m_nFlags |= SND_DO_NOT_OVERWRITE_EXISTING_ON_CHANNEL; EmitSound( filter, entindex(), es ); } }
void CMerasmus::PlayHighPrioritySound( const char* pszSoundEntryName ) { CBroadcastRecipientFilter filter; CSoundParameters params; if ( CBaseEntity::GetParametersForSound( pszSoundEntryName, params, NULL ) ) { EmitSound_t es( params ); EmitSound( filter, entindex(), es ); } }
void CMerasmus::RecordDisguiseTime( ) { if ( m_flStartDisguiseTime == 0 ) return;
float flTime = ( gpGlobals->curtime - m_flStartDisguiseTime );
if ( m_bossStats.m_flPropHuntTime1 == 0 ) { m_bossStats.m_flPropHuntTime1 = flTime; } else { m_bossStats.m_flPropHuntTime2 = flTime; }
m_flStartDisguiseTime = 0; }
void CMerasmus::StartRespawnTimer() const { if( TFGameRules() ) { if( GetLevel() <= 3 ) { TFGameRules()->StartHalloweenBossTimer( tf_merasmus_spawn_interval.GetFloat() ,tf_merasmus_spawn_interval_variation.GetFloat() ); } else { TFGameRules()->StartHalloweenBossTimer( 60.f ); } } }
void CMerasmus::SW_ReportMerasmusStats( void ) { if ( !GCClientSystem() ) return;
static uint8 unEventCounter = 0; GCSDK::CProtoBufMsg<CMsgHalloween_Merasmus2012> msg( k_EMsgGC_Halloween_Merasmus2012 ); msg.Body().set_time_submitted( CRTime::RTime32TimeCur() ); msg.Body().set_is_valve_server( false ); msg.Body().set_boss_level( GetLevel() ); msg.Body().set_spawned_health( GetMaxHealth() ); msg.Body().set_remaining_health( GetHealth() ); msg.Body().set_life_time( (int)m_lifeTimer.GetElapsedTime() ); // Amount of time in seconds, boss was alive for
msg.Body().set_bomb_kills( m_bossStats.m_nBombKills ); // Kills from Bombs
msg.Body().set_staff_kills( m_bossStats.m_nStaffKills ); // kills from staff attack
msg.Body().set_pvp_kills( m_bossStats.m_nPvpKills ); // Number of kills from players while Boss is out (Jerk factor)
msg.Body().set_prophunt_time1( m_bossStats.m_flPropHuntTime1 ); msg.Body().set_prophunt_time2( m_bossStats.m_flPropHuntTime2 );
msg.Body().set_dmg_scout( m_bossStats.m_arrClassDamage[ TF_CLASS_SCOUT ] ); // Amount of damage done by each class
msg.Body().set_dmg_sniper( m_bossStats.m_arrClassDamage[ TF_CLASS_SNIPER] ); msg.Body().set_dmg_soldier( m_bossStats.m_arrClassDamage[ TF_CLASS_SOLDIER] ); msg.Body().set_dmg_demo( m_bossStats.m_arrClassDamage[ TF_CLASS_DEMOMAN] ); msg.Body().set_dmg_medic( m_bossStats.m_arrClassDamage[ TF_CLASS_MEDIC ] ); msg.Body().set_dmg_heavy( m_bossStats.m_arrClassDamage[ TF_CLASS_HEAVYWEAPONS ] ); msg.Body().set_dmg_pyro( m_bossStats.m_arrClassDamage[ TF_CLASS_PYRO ] ); msg.Body().set_dmg_spy( m_bossStats.m_arrClassDamage[ TF_CLASS_SPY ] ); msg.Body().set_dmg_engineer( m_bossStats.m_arrClassDamage[ TF_CLASS_ENGINEER ] );
// Class counts
CUtlVector< CTFPlayer * > playerVector; CollectPlayers( &playerVector ); int nClassCounts[ TF_LAST_NORMAL_CLASS ]; V_memset( nClassCounts, 0, sizeof( nClassCounts ) ); FOR_EACH_VEC( playerVector, index ) { int iClass = playerVector[index]->GetPlayerClass()->GetClassIndex(); if ( iClass > TF_CLASS_UNDEFINED && iClass < TF_LAST_NORMAL_CLASS ) { nClassCounts[iClass]++; } }
msg.Body().set_scout_count( nClassCounts[TF_CLASS_SCOUT] ); // Class and player break down at the point of boss despawn
msg.Body().set_sniper_count( nClassCounts[TF_CLASS_SNIPER] ); msg.Body().set_solider_count( nClassCounts[TF_CLASS_SOLDIER] ); msg.Body().set_demo_count( nClassCounts[TF_CLASS_DEMOMAN] ); msg.Body().set_medic_count( nClassCounts[TF_CLASS_MEDIC] ); msg.Body().set_heavy_count( nClassCounts[TF_CLASS_HEAVYWEAPONS] ); msg.Body().set_pyro_count( nClassCounts[TF_CLASS_PYRO] ); msg.Body().set_spy_count( nClassCounts[TF_CLASS_SPY] ); msg.Body().set_engineer_count( nClassCounts[TF_CLASS_ENGINEER] );
GCClientSystem()->BSendMessage( msg );
// OGS Version
//#if !defined(NO_STEAM)
// KeyValues* pKVData = new KeyValues( "TF2Halloween2012MerasmusBossStats" );
// // Auto Values
// // ID
// // SessionID
// // TimeSubmitted
// //pKVData->SetBool( "IsValveServer", false );
// pKVData->SetInt( "BossLevel", GetLevel() );
// pKVData->SetInt( "SpawnedHealth", GetMaxHealth() );
// pKVData->SetInt( "RemainingHealth", GetHealth() ); // 0 == Boss was killed
// pKVData->SetInt( "LifeTime", (int)m_lifeTimer.GetElapsedTime() ); // Amount of time in seconds, boss was alive for
// pKVData->SetInt( "BombKills", m_bossStats.m_nBombKills ); // Kills from Bombs
// pKVData->SetInt( "StaffKills", m_bossStats.m_nStaffKills ); // kills from staff account
// pKVData->SetInt( "PvPKills", m_bossStats.m_nPvpKills ); // Number of kills from players while Boss is out (Jerk factor)
// pKVData->SetInt( "PropHuntTime1", m_bossStats.m_flPropHuntTime1 );
// pKVData->SetInt( "PropHuntTime2", m_bossStats.m_flPropHuntTime2 );
// // Class Damage
// pKVData->SetInt( "DmgFromScout", m_bossStats.m_arrClassDamage[ TF_CLASS_SCOUT ] ); // Amount of damage done by each class
// pKVData->SetInt( "DmgFromSniper", m_bossStats.m_arrClassDamage[ TF_CLASS_SNIPER ] );
// pKVData->SetInt( "DmgFromSoldier", m_bossStats.m_arrClassDamage[ TF_CLASS_SOLDIER ] );
// pKVData->SetInt( "DmgFromDemo", m_bossStats.m_arrClassDamage[ TF_CLASS_DEMOMAN ] );
// pKVData->SetInt( "DmgFromMedic", m_bossStats.m_arrClassDamage[ TF_CLASS_MEDIC ] );
// pKVData->SetInt( "DmgFromHeavy", m_bossStats.m_arrClassDamage[ TF_CLASS_HEAVYWEAPONS ] );
// pKVData->SetInt( "DmgFromPyro", m_bossStats.m_arrClassDamage[ TF_CLASS_PYRO ] );
// pKVData->SetInt( "DmgFromSpy", m_bossStats.m_arrClassDamage[ TF_CLASS_SPY ] );
// pKVData->SetInt( "DmgFromEngineer", m_bossStats.m_arrClassDamage[ TF_CLASS_ENGINEER ] );
// // Class counts
// CUtlVector< CTFPlayer * > playerVector;
// CollectPlayers( &playerVector );
// int nClassCounts[ TF_LAST_NORMAL_CLASS ];
// V_memset( nClassCounts, 0, sizeof( nClassCounts ) );
// FOR_EACH_VEC( playerVector, index )
// {
// int iClass = playerVector[index]->GetPlayerClass()->GetClassIndex();
// if ( iClass > TF_CLASS_UNDEFINED && iClass < TF_LAST_NORMAL_CLASS )
// {
// nClassCounts[iClass]++;
// }
// }
// pKVData->SetInt( "ScoutCount", nClassCounts[TF_CLASS_SCOUT] ); // Class and player break down at the point of boss despawn
// pKVData->SetInt( "SniperCount", nClassCounts[TF_CLASS_SNIPER] );
// pKVData->SetInt( "SoldierCount", nClassCounts[TF_CLASS_SOLDIER] );
// pKVData->SetInt( "DemoCount", nClassCounts[TF_CLASS_DEMOMAN] );
// pKVData->SetInt( "MedicCount", nClassCounts[TF_CLASS_MEDIC] );
// pKVData->SetInt( "HeavyCount", nClassCounts[TF_CLASS_HEAVYWEAPONS] );
// pKVData->SetInt( "PyroCount", nClassCounts[TF_CLASS_PYRO] );
// pKVData->SetInt( "SpyCount", nClassCounts[TF_CLASS_SPY] );
// pKVData->SetInt( "EngineerCount", nClassCounts[TF_CLASS_ENGINEER] );
// //GetSteamWorksSGameStatsUploader().AddStatsForUpload( pKVData );
m_bossStats.ResetStats(); }
void CollectTargets( CBaseCombatCharacter *pCaster, float flSpellRange, int nTargetTeam, int nMaxTarget, CUtlVector< CHandle< CBaseEntity > > &vecTargets ) { vecTargets.RemoveAll();
// collect everyone
CUtlVector< CTFPlayer * > playerVector; CollectPlayers( &playerVector, nTargetTeam, COLLECT_ONLY_LIVING_PLAYERS );
CUtlVector< CTFPlayer * > candidateTargets; for ( int i=0; i<playerVector.Count(); ++i ) { CTFPlayer *pPlayer = playerVector[i]; Vector toPlayer = pCaster->EyePosition() - pPlayer->WorldSpaceCenter(); if ( toPlayer.IsLengthLessThan( flSpellRange ) && pCaster->IsLineOfSightClear( pPlayer ) ) { candidateTargets.AddToTail( pPlayer ); } }
while ( candidateTargets.Count() != 0 && vecTargets.Count() != nMaxTarget ) { int which = RandomInt( 0, candidateTargets.Count() - 1 ); vecTargets.AddToTail( candidateTargets[ which ] ); candidateTargets.FastRemove( which ); }
// find sentry in range
for ( int i=0; i<IBaseObjectAutoList::AutoList().Count(); ++i ) { CBaseObject *pObj = static_cast< CBaseObject* >( IBaseObjectAutoList::AutoList()[i] ); if ( pObj->ObjectType() == OBJ_SENTRYGUN ) { Vector toSentry = pCaster->EyePosition() - pObj->WorldSpaceCenter(); if ( toSentry.IsLengthLessThan( flSpellRange ) && pCaster->IsLineOfSightClear( pObj ) ) { vecTargets.AddToTail( pObj ); } } } }
void CastSpell( CBaseCombatCharacter* pCaster, const char* pszCastingAttachmentName, float flSpellRange, float flMinDamage, float flMaxDamage, CBaseEntity* pTarget ) { float flSpellTime = 5.f;
if ( pTarget->IsPlayer() ) { CTFPlayer *pPlayer = ToTFPlayer( pTarget ); pPlayer->m_Shared.SelfBurn( flSpellTime ); pPlayer->ApplyAbsVelocityImpulse( 1000.f * Vector( 0, 0, 1 ) );
Vector toPlayer = pCaster->EyePosition() - pPlayer->WorldSpaceCenter(); float flDistSqr = toPlayer.LengthSqr();
float flDmg = RemapValClamped( flDistSqr, 100.f, Square( 0.5f * flSpellRange ), flMaxDamage, flMinDamage ); CTakeDamageInfo info( pCaster, pCaster, flDmg, DMG_BURN, TF_DMG_CUSTOM_MERASMUS_ZAP ); pPlayer->TakeDamage( info ); } else if ( pTarget->IsBaseObject() ) { CBaseObject *pObj = static_cast< CBaseObject* >( pTarget ); pObj->DetonateObject(); }
// Shoot a beam at them
CReliableBroadcastRecipientFilter filter; Vector vStartPos; QAngle qStartAngles; pCaster->GetAttachment( pszCastingAttachmentName, vStartPos, qStartAngles ); Vector vEnd = pTarget->EyePosition(); te_tf_particle_effects_control_point_t controlPoint = { PATTACH_ABSORIGIN, vEnd }; TE_TFParticleEffectComplex( filter, 0.0f, "merasmus_zap", vStartPos, qStartAngles, NULL, &controlPoint, pCaster, PATTACH_CUSTOMORIGIN ); }
/*static*/ bool CMerasmus::Zap( CBaseCombatCharacter *pCaster, const char* pszCastingAttachmentName, float flSpellRange, float flMinDamage, float flMaxDamage, int nMaxTarget, int nTargetTeam /*= TEAM_ANY*/ ) { CUtlVector< CHandle< CBaseEntity > > vecTargets; CollectTargets( pCaster, flSpellRange, nTargetTeam, nMaxTarget, vecTargets );
if ( vecTargets.Count() == 0 ) return false;
for ( int i=0; i<vecTargets.Count(); ++i ) { CBaseEntity *pTarget = vecTargets[i]; if ( pTarget ) { CastSpell( pCaster, pszCastingAttachmentName, flSpellRange, flMinDamage, flMaxDamage, pTarget ); } }
return true; }
class CMerasmusBehavior : public Action< CMerasmus > { public: virtual Action< CMerasmus > *InitialContainedAction( CMerasmus *me ) { return new CMerasmusReveal; }
virtual ActionResult< CMerasmus > OnStart( CMerasmus *me, Action< CMerasmus > *priorAction ) { return Continue(); }
virtual ActionResult< CMerasmus > Update( CMerasmus *me, float interval ) { if ( !me->IsAlive() ) { if ( !me->WasSpawnedByCheats() ) { // award achievement to everyone who injured me within the last few seconds
const float deathTime = 5.0f; const CUtlVector< CMerasmus::AttackerInfo > &attackerVector = me->GetAttackerVector(); for( int i=0; i<attackerVector.Count(); ++i ) { if ( attackerVector[i].m_attacker != NULL && gpGlobals->curtime - attackerVector[i].m_timestamp < deathTime ) { CReliableBroadcastRecipientFilter filter; UTIL_SayText2Filter( filter, attackerVector[i].m_attacker, false, "#TF_Halloween_Merasmus_Killers", attackerVector[i].m_attacker->GetPlayerName() );
if ( TFGameRules() && TFGameRules()->IsHalloweenScenario( CTFGameRules::HALLOWEEN_SCENARIO_LAKESIDE ) ) { attackerVector[i].m_attacker->AwardAchievement( ACHIEVEMENT_TF_HALLOWEEN_MERASMUS_KILL ); } } }
// Award hat levels based on Merasmus' level when he dies, but only to people who were
// around when Merasmus spawned.
const CUtlVector< CHandle<CTFPlayer> >& vecStartingAttackers = me->GetStartingAttackers(); if ( GCClientSystem() ) { // GC message
// Notify the GC that this occurred to possibly level up your hat if you have one
GCSDK::CProtoBufMsg<CMsgUpdateHalloweenMerasmusLootLevel> msg( k_EMsgGC_Halloween_UpdateMerasmusLootLevel ); msg.Body().set_merasmus_level( me->GetLevel() );
FOR_EACH_VEC( vecStartingAttackers, i ) { CTFPlayer* pPlayer = vecStartingAttackers[i]; if ( pPlayer ) { CSteamID steamID; if ( pPlayer->GetSteamID( &steamID ) && steamID.IsValid() && steamID.BIndividualAccount() ) { CMsgUpdateHalloweenMerasmusLootLevel_Player *pMsgPlayer = msg.Body().add_players(); pMsgPlayer->set_steam_id( steamID.ConvertToUint64() ); } } } GCClientSystem()->BSendMessage( msg ); } }
// nobody is IT any longer
TFGameRules()->SetIT( NULL );
return ChangeTo( new CMerasmusDying, "I am dead!" ); } else { me->LeaveWarning();
if ( me->ShouldLeave() && !me->IsStunned() && !me->IsFlying() ) { return ChangeTo( new CMerasmusEscape, "Escaping..." ); } }
return Continue(); }
virtual EventDesiredResult< CMerasmus > OnInjured( CMerasmus *me, const CTakeDamageInfo &info ) { if ( me->ShouldDisguise() && me->IsRevealed() && !me->IsStunned() && !me->IsFlying() ) { return TrySuspendFor( new CMerasmusDisguise, RESULT_IMPORTANT, "Disguise" ); }
return TryContinue(); }
virtual const char *GetName( void ) const { return "Merasmus Behavior"; } // return name of this action
CMerasmusIntention::CMerasmusIntention( CMerasmus *me ) : IIntention( me ) { m_behavior = new Behavior< CMerasmus >( new CMerasmusBehavior ); }
CMerasmusIntention::~CMerasmusIntention() { delete m_behavior; }
void CMerasmusIntention::Reset( void ) { delete m_behavior; m_behavior = new Behavior< CMerasmus >( new CMerasmusBehavior ); }
void CMerasmusIntention::Update( void ) { m_behavior->Update( static_cast< CMerasmus * >( GetBot() ), GetUpdateInterval() ); }
// is this a place we can be?
QueryResultType CMerasmusIntention::IsPositionAllowed( const INextBot *meBot, const Vector &pos ) const { return ANSWER_YES; }
void CMerasmusLocomotion::Update( void ) { CMerasmus *me = (CMerasmus *)GetBot()->GetEntity();
if ( me->IsFlying() ) { // don't update this locomotor since the flying locomotor is active
return; }
NextBotGroundLocomotion::Update(); }
float CMerasmusLocomotion::GetRunSpeed( void ) const { return tf_merasmus_speed.GetFloat(); }
// if delta Z is greater than this, we have to jump to get up
float CMerasmusLocomotion::GetStepHeight( void ) const { return 18.0f; }
// return maximum height of a jump
float CMerasmusLocomotion::GetMaxJumpHeight( void ) const { return 18.0f; }
// Return max rate of yaw rotation
float CMerasmusLocomotion::GetMaxYawRate( void ) const { return 200.0f; }
bool CMerasmusLocomotion::ShouldCollideWith( const CBaseEntity *object ) const { if ( !object ) return false;
// Don't collide with players
return object->IsPlayer() ? false : true; }
#define MERASMUS_ACCELERATION 250.0f //500.0f
CMerasmusFlyingLocomotion::CMerasmusFlyingLocomotion( INextBot *bot ) : ILocomotion( bot ) { Reset(); }
CMerasmusFlyingLocomotion::~CMerasmusFlyingLocomotion() { }
// (EXTEND) reset to initial state
void CMerasmusFlyingLocomotion::Reset( void ) { m_velocity = vec3_origin; m_acceleration = vec3_origin; m_currentSpeed = 0.0f; m_forward = vec3_origin; m_desiredAltitude = 50.0f; }
void CMerasmusFlyingLocomotion::MaintainAltitude( void ) { CBaseCombatCharacter *me = GetBot()->GetEntity();
float groundZ; TheNavMesh->GetSimpleGroundHeight( me->GetAbsOrigin(), &groundZ );
float currentAltitude = me->GetAbsOrigin().z - groundZ; float error = m_desiredAltitude - currentAltitude; float accelZ = clamp( error, -MERASMUS_ACCELERATION, MERASMUS_ACCELERATION );
m_acceleration.z += accelZ; }
// (EXTEND) update internal state
void CMerasmusFlyingLocomotion::Update( void ) { CMerasmus *me = (CMerasmus *)GetBot()->GetEntity(); const float deltaT = GetUpdateInterval();
if ( !me->IsFlying() ) { // not flying - let the other locomotor run
return; }
Vector pos = me->GetAbsOrigin();
// always maintain altitude, even if not trying to move (ie: no Approach call)
m_forward = m_velocity; m_currentSpeed = m_forward.NormalizeInPlace();
Vector damping( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ); Vector totalAccel = m_acceleration - m_velocity * damping;
m_velocity += totalAccel * deltaT; me->SetAbsVelocity( m_velocity );
pos += m_velocity * deltaT;
// Merasmus doesn't collide with players and floats between valid nav areas
// so skip the collision checking
GetBot()->GetEntity()->SetAbsOrigin( pos ); m_acceleration = vec3_origin; }
// (EXTEND) move directly towards the given position
void CMerasmusFlyingLocomotion::Approach( const Vector &goalPos, float goalWeight ) { Vector flyGoal = goalPos; flyGoal.z += m_desiredAltitude;
Vector toGoal = flyGoal - GetBot()->GetEntity()->GetAbsOrigin(); // altitude is handled in Update()
toGoal.z = 0.0f; toGoal.NormalizeInPlace();
m_acceleration += MERASMUS_ACCELERATION * toGoal; }
float CMerasmusFlyingLocomotion::GetDesiredSpeed( void ) const { return tf_merasmus_speed.GetFloat(); }
void CMerasmusFlyingLocomotion::SetDesiredAltitude( float height ) { m_desiredAltitude = height; }
float CMerasmusFlyingLocomotion::GetDesiredAltitude( void ) const { return m_desiredAltitude; }
bool CMerasmusFlyingLocomotion::ShouldCollideWith( const CBaseEntity *object ) const { if ( !object ) return false;
// Don't collide with players
return object->IsPlayer() ? false : true; }
void CMerasmusFlyingLocomotion::FaceTowards( const Vector &target ) { CMerasmus *me = (CMerasmus *)GetBot()->GetEntity(); const float deltaT = GetUpdateInterval();
QAngle angles = me->GetLocalAngles();
float desiredYaw = UTIL_VecToYaw( target - GetFeet() );
float angleDiff = UTIL_AngleDiff( desiredYaw, angles.y );
const float maxYawRate = 100.0f; float deltaYaw = maxYawRate * deltaT;
if ( angleDiff < -deltaYaw ) { angles.y -= deltaYaw; } else if ( angleDiff > deltaYaw ) { angles.y += deltaYaw; } else { angles.y += angleDiff; }
me->SetLocalAngles( angles ); }