Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: CTF Halloween Pickup.
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#ifdef GAME_DLL
#include "tf_powerup.h"
#include "tf_gamerules.h"
#include "tf_player.h"
#include "ehandle.h"
#define TF_HALLOWEEN_PICKUP_MODEL "models/items/target_duck.mdl"
#define TF_DUCK_PICKUP_MODEL "models/workshop/player/items/pyro/eotl_ducky/eotl_bonus_duck.mdl"
#define TF_GIFT_MODEL "models/props_halloween/gargoyle_ghost.mdl"; //"models/props_halloween/halloween_gift.mdl";
#define BONUS_DUCK_GLOW "superrare_beams1"
#define BONUS_DUCK_TRAIL_RED "duck_collect_trail_red"
#define BONUS_DUCK_TRAIL_BLUE "duck_collect_trail_blue"
#define BONUS_DUCK_TRAIL_SPECIAL_RED "duck_collect_trail_special_red"
#define BONUS_DUCK_TRAIL_SPECIAL_BLUE "duck_collect_trail_special_blue"
#define CBonusDuckPickup C_BonusDuckPickup
#define CHalloweenPickup C_HalloweenPickup
#define CHalloweenGiftPickup C_HalloweenGiftPickup
#include "c_tf_player.h"
// CTF Halloween Pickup class.
class CHalloweenPickup #ifdef GAME_DLL
: public CTFPowerup #else
: public C_BaseAnimating #endif
{ public: #ifdef GAME_DLL
DECLARE_CLASS( CHalloweenPickup, CTFPowerup ); #else
DECLARE_CLASS( CHalloweenPickup, C_BaseAnimating ); #endif
CHalloweenPickup(); ~CHalloweenPickup();
virtual void Precache( void ) OVERRIDE;
#ifdef GAME_DLL
virtual int UpdateTransmitState() OVERRIDE; virtual int ShouldTransmit( const CCheckTransmitInfo *pInfo ) OVERRIDE; virtual bool ValidTouch( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ) OVERRIDE; virtual bool MyTouch( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ) OVERRIDE; virtual CBaseEntity* Respawn( void );
virtual const char *GetDefaultPowerupModel( void ) OVERRIDE { return TF_HALLOWEEN_PICKUP_MODEL; }
virtual float GetRespawnDelay( void ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool ItemCanBeTouchedByPlayer( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ); #endif // GAME_DLL
private: string_t m_iszSound; string_t m_iszParticle;
#ifdef GAME_DLL
COutputEvent m_OnRedPickup; COutputEvent m_OnBluePickup; #endif
class CBonusDuckPickup : public CHalloweenPickup { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CBonusDuckPickup, CHalloweenPickup );
CBonusDuckPickup(); ~CBonusDuckPickup();
virtual void Precache( void ) OVERRIDE; #ifdef GAME_DLL
virtual const char *GetDefaultPowerupModel( void ) OVERRIDE { return TF_DUCK_PICKUP_MODEL; }
virtual float GetLifeTime() { if ( m_flLifeTime == 0) { m_flLifeTime = RandomFloat( 17.0f, 20.0f ); } return m_flLifeTime; }
virtual bool ValidTouch( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ) OVERRIDE; void Spawn( void ); virtual bool MyTouch( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ) OVERRIDE;
void DropSingleInstance( Vector &vecLaunchVel, CBaseCombatCharacter *pThrower, float flThrowerTouchDelay, float flResetTime = 0.1f ); void NotifyFadeOut( void );
void UpdateCollisionBounds();
// Make this a base class in powerup
void BlinkThink();
void SetCreatorId( int value ) { m_iCreatorId = value; } int GetCreatorId( void ) { return m_iCreatorId; }
void SetAssisterId( int value ) { m_iAssisterId = value; } int GetAssisterId( void ) { return m_iAssisterId; }
void SetVictimId( int value ) { m_iVictimId = value; } int GetVictimId( void ) { return m_iVictimId; }
void SetSpecial( void ){ m_bSpecial = true; } void SetDuckFlag( int iFlag ) { m_iFlags |= iFlag; } #else
virtual void OnDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType ) OVERRIDE; #endif // GAME_DLL
private: string_t m_iszSound; string_t m_iszParticle;
#ifdef GAME_DLL
float m_flLifeTime; float m_flKillTime; int m_nBlinkCount; int m_iCreatorId; int m_iAssisterId; int m_iVictimId; int m_iFlags; #else
CNewParticleEffect *pGlowEffect; #endif
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bSpecial );
#ifdef GAME_DLL
DECLARE_AUTO_LIST( IHalloweenGiftSpawnAutoList );
// Dumb entity that is placed in Hammer.
// On Map load, server finds all the locations and makes note then deletes the entity
class CHalloweenGiftSpawnLocation : public CBaseEntity, public IHalloweenGiftSpawnAutoList { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CHalloweenGiftSpawnLocation, CBaseEntity ); CHalloweenGiftSpawnLocation(); };
#endif // GAME_DLL
// Networked Entity that represents a gift. Only visible and 'touchable' by the intended target
// Has a lifetime
// A server can spawn multiple of these for different people or the same person but each gift has a single target
class CHalloweenGiftPickup : public CHalloweenPickup { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CHalloweenGiftPickup, CHalloweenPickup );
CHalloweenGiftPickup(); //~CHalloweenGiftPickup();
virtual void Precache( void ) OVERRIDE; void Spawn( void );
#ifdef GAME_DLL
void SetTargetPlayer( CTFPlayer *pTarget ); // Must be called before spawn
void DespawnGift(); void RemoveGift();
virtual const char *GetDefaultPowerupModel( void ) OVERRIDE { return TF_GIFT_MODEL; }
//virtual float GetLifeTime() { if ( m_flLifeTime == 0 ) { m_flLifeTime = RandomFloat( 17.0f, 20.0f ); } return m_flLifeTime; }
virtual bool ValidTouch( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ) OVERRIDE; virtual bool MyTouch( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ) OVERRIDE; #endif
virtual bool ShouldDraw(); virtual void OnDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType ) OVERRIDE;
CTFPlayer *m_pPreviousTargetPlayer; #endif
CNetworkVar( CHandle<CTFPlayer>, m_hTargetPlayer );