// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "quest_objective_manager.h"
#include "gcsdk/gcclient.h"
#include "gc_clientsystem.h"
#include "econ_quests.h"
#include "steamworks_gamestats.h"
#include "tf_gamerules.h"
#include "entity_halloween_pickup.h"
#include "econ_notifications.h"
#include "tf_item_inventory.h"
#include "clientmode_tf.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
extern ConVar tf_mm_trusted;
CQuestObjectiveManager::CQuestObjectiveManager() {}
CQuestObjectiveManager::~CQuestObjectiveManager() { SO_TRACKER_SPEW( "Destroying CQuestObjectiveManager\n", SO_TRACKER_SPEW_ITEM_TRACKER_MANAGEMENT ); Shutdown();
if ( steamapicontext && steamapicontext->SteamUser() ) { CSteamID steamID = steamapicontext->SteamUser()->GetSteamID(); GCClientSystem()->GetGCClient()->RemoveSOCacheListener( steamID, this ); } }
CSOTrackerManager::SOTrackerMap_t::KeyType_t CQuestObjectiveManager::GetKeyForObjectTracker( const CSharedObject* pItem, CSteamID steamIDOwner ) { return assert_cast< const CEconItem* >( pItem )->GetItemID(); }
bool CQuestObjectiveManager::ShouldTrackObject( const CSteamID & steamIDOwner, const CSharedObject *pObject ) const { // We only care about items!
if( pObject->GetTypeID() != CEconItem::k_nTypeID ) return false;
CEconItem *pItem = (CEconItem *)pObject; const GameItemDefinition_t* pItemDef = pItem->GetItemDefinition();
// Not a quest? Don't care
if ( pItemDef->GetQuestDef() == NULL ) { SO_TRACKER_SPEW( CFmtStr( "Not accepting item %llu with defindex %d. It doesn't have a quest def.\n", pItem->GetID(), pItemDef->GetDefinitionIndex() ), SO_TRACKER_SPEW_TRACKER_ACCEPTANCE ); return false; }
// We only create trackers for identified items
if ( IsQuestItemUnidentified( pItem ) ) { SO_TRACKER_SPEW( CFmtStr( "Not accepting item %llu with defindex %d. It's not identified.\n", pItem->GetID(), pItemDef->GetDefinitionIndex() ), SO_TRACKER_SPEW_TRACKER_ACCEPTANCE ); return false; }
SO_TRACKER_SPEW( CFmtStr( "Accepting item %llu with defindex %d.\n", pItem->GetID(), pItemDef->GetDefinitionIndex() ), SO_TRACKER_SPEW_TRACKER_ACCEPTANCE ); return true; }
int CQuestObjectiveManager::CompareRecords( const ::google::protobuf::Message* pNewProtoMsg, const ::google::protobuf::Message* pExistingProtoMsg ) const { const CMsgGCQuestObjective_PointsChange* pNew = assert_cast< const CMsgGCQuestObjective_PointsChange* >( pNewProtoMsg ); const CMsgGCQuestObjective_PointsChange* pExisting = assert_cast< const CMsgGCQuestObjective_PointsChange* >( pExistingProtoMsg );
int nNewPoints = pNew->standard_points() + pNew->bonus_points(); int nExistingPoints = pExisting->standard_points() + pExisting->bonus_points();
return nNewPoints - nExistingPoints; }
void CQuestObjectiveManager::UpdateFromServer( itemid_t nID, uint32 nStandardPoints, uint32 nBonusPoints ) { CQuestItemTracker* pTracker = assert_cast< CQuestItemTracker* >( GetTracker( nID ) ); if ( pTracker ) { pTracker->UpdateFromServer( nStandardPoints, nBonusPoints ); } else { SO_TRACKER_SPEW( CFmtStr( "Got update from server, but itemID: %llu doesn't exist!", nID ), SO_TRACKER_SPEW_OBJECTIVES ); } } #endif // CLIENT_DLL
#ifdef GAME_DLL
void CQuestObjectiveManager::SendMessageForCommit( const ::google::protobuf::Message* pProtoMessage ) const { GCSDK::CProtoBufMsg< CMsgGCQuestObjective_PointsChange > msg( k_EMsgGCQuestObjective_PointsChange ); msg.Body() = *assert_cast< const CMsgGCQuestObjective_PointsChange* >( pProtoMessage ); GCClientSystem()->BSendMessage( msg ); } #endif
CFmtStr CQuestObjectiveManager::GetDebugObjectDescription( const CSharedObject* pSObject ) const { const CEconItem* pItem = assert_cast< const CEconItem* >( pSObject ); return CFmtStr( "%llu (%s)", pItem->GetItemID(), pItem->GetItemDefinition()->GetQuestDef()->GetRolledNameForItem( pItem ) ); }
CBaseSOTracker* CQuestObjectiveManager::AllocateNewTracker( const CSharedObject* pItem, CSteamID steamIDOwner, CSOTrackerManager* pManager ) const { return new CQuestItemTracker( pItem, steamIDOwner, pManager ); }
::google::protobuf::Message* CQuestObjectiveManager::AllocateNewProtoMessage() const { return new CMsgGCQuestObjective_PointsChange(); }
// Purpose: Handle the GC responding to an earlier commit. Remove any unacknowledged
// commits records we have.
void CQuestObjectiveManager::OnCommitRecieved( const ::google::protobuf::Message* pProtoMsg ) { const CMsgGCQuestObjective_PointsChange* pPointsChangeMsg = assert_cast< const CMsgGCQuestObjective_PointsChange* >( pProtoMsg ); // Check if we should update points. This happens when the record comes from a server
// where the player has disconnected from (this could be ourselves).
if ( pPointsChangeMsg->update_base_points() ) { CQuestItemTracker* pItemTracker = assert_cast<CQuestItemTracker*>( GetTracker( pPointsChangeMsg->quest_item_id() ) ); if ( pItemTracker ) { pItemTracker->UpdatePointsFromSOItem(); } } }
#ifdef GAME_DLL
CON_COMMAND( tf_quests_spew_trackers, "Spews all currently active quest trackers" ) { QuestObjectiveManager()->Spew(); }
CON_COMMAND( ensure_so_trackers_for_steamid, "Ensures a steamID has all the trackers it should have, with extra spew along the way" ) { if ( args.ArgC() != 2 ) { Warning( "Need the 64bit representation of a steamID as well\n" ); return; }
CSteamID steamID( (uint32)V_atoi( args[1] ),
// GetUniverse() DOESNT WORK on servers, so we're hacking this for now
k_EUniverseDev, #else
k_EUniversePublic, #endif
k_EAccountTypeIndividual ); if ( !steamID.IsValid() ) { Warning( "SteamID is not valid!\n" ); return; }
g_nQuestSpewFlags |= SO_TRACKER_SPEW_TRACKER_ACCEPTANCE; QuestObjectiveManager()->EnsureTrackersForPlayer( steamID ); g_nQuestSpewFlags &= ~SO_TRACKER_SPEW_TRACKER_ACCEPTANCE; } #endif
#if ( defined( DEBUG ) || defined( STAGING_ONLY ) ) && defined( GAME_DLL )
CON_COMMAND( tf_quests_spew_unacknowledged_commits, "Spews info on all unacknowledged commits" ) { QuestObjectiveManager()->DBG_SpewPendingCommits(); } #endif // ( defined( DEBUG ) || defined( STAGING_ONLY ) ) && defined( GAME_DLL )
#ifdef GAME_DLL
// Purpose: GC Msg handler for points change response
class CGCQuestObjective_PointsChangeResponse : public GCSDK::CGCClientJob { public: CGCQuestObjective_PointsChangeResponse( GCSDK::CGCClient *pClient ) : GCSDK::CGCClientJob( pClient ) {}
virtual bool BYieldingRunGCJob( GCSDK::IMsgNetPacket *pNetPacket ) { GCSDK::CProtoBufMsg< CMsgGCQuestObjective_PointsChange > msg( pNetPacket );
QuestObjectiveManager()->AcknowledgeCommit( &msg.Body(), msg.Body().quest_item_id() );
return true; }
GC_REG_JOB( GCSDK::CGCClient, CGCQuestObjective_PointsChangeResponse, "CGCQuestObjective_PointsChangeResponse", k_EMsgGCQuestObjective_PointsChange, GCSDK::k_EServerTypeGCClient );
#endif // GAME_DLL
#if ( defined( DEBUG ) || defined( STAGING_ONLY ) ) && defined( GAME_DLL )
CON_COMMAND( tf_quests_complete_all, "Completes all quests" ) { QuestObjectiveManager()->DBG_CompleteQuests(); }
void CQuestObjectiveManager::DBG_CompleteQuests() { CTFPlayer *pPlayer = ToTFPlayer( UTIL_GetCommandClient() ); if ( !pPlayer ) return;
CSteamID steamIDForPlayer; if ( !pPlayer->GetSteamID( &steamIDForPlayer ) ) return;
CTFPlayerInventory* pInv = TFInventoryManager()->GetInventoryForPlayer( steamIDForPlayer ); if ( pInv ) { int iCount = pInv->GetItemCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < iCount; i++ ) { CEconItemView *pItem = pInv->GetItem(i); if ( !pItem ) continue;
if( !pItem->GetStaticData() || !pItem->GetStaticData()->GetQuestDef() ) continue;
CQuestItemTracker* pTracker = assert_cast<CQuestItemTracker*>( GetTracker( pItem->GetItemID() ) ); if ( pTracker ) { pTracker->DBG_CompleteQuest(); } } } }
#endif // ( defined( DEBUG ) || defined( STAGING_ONLY ) ) && defined( GAME_DLL )