//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: The robots for use in the Robot Destruction TF2 game mode.
#include "cbase.h"
#include "tf_logic_robot_destruction.h"
#include "tf_shareddefs.h"
#include "particle_parse.h"
#include "tf_gamerules.h"
#include "debugoverlay_shared.h"
#ifdef GAME_DLL
#include "tf_ammo_pack.h"
#include "entity_bonuspack.h"
#include "entity_capture_flag.h"
#include "effect_dispatch_data.h"
#include "te_effect_dispatch.h"
#include "tf_gamestats.h"
#include "eventlist.h"
#include "eventlist.h"
#ifdef GAME_DLL
extern ConVar tf_obj_gib_velocity_min; extern ConVar tf_obj_gib_velocity_max; extern ConVar tf_obj_gib_maxspeed; #endif
#define ADD_POINTS_CONTEXT "add_points_context"
#define SPEW_BARS_CONTEXT "spew_bars_context"
#define SELF_DESTRUCT_THINK "self_destruct_think"
#define ANIMS_THINK "anims_think"
ConVar tf_rd_robot_repair_rate( "tf_rd_robot_repair_rate", "60", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY );
RobotData_t* g_RobotData[ NUM_ROBOT_TYPES ] = { // Model // Busted model // Pain // Death // Collide // Idle // Bar offset
new RobotData_t( "models/bots/bot_worker/bot_worker_A.mdl", "models/bots/bot_worker/bot_worker_A.mdl", "Robot.Pain", "Robot.Death", "Robot.Collide", "Robot.Greeting", -35.f ), #ifdef STAGING_ONLY
new RobotData_t( "models/bots/bot_worker/bot_worker_b.mdl", "models/bots/bot_worker/bot_worker_b.mdl", "Robot.Pain", "Robot.Death", "Robot.Collide", "Robot.Greeting", -30.f ), #else
new RobotData_t( "models/bots/bot_worker/bot_worker2.mdl", "models/bots/bot_worker/bot_worker2.mdl", "Robot.Pain", "Robot.Death", "Robot.Collide", "Robot.Greeting", -30.f ), #endif
new RobotData_t( "models/bots/bot_worker/bot_worker3.mdl", "models/bots/bot_worker/bot_worker3_nohead.mdl", "Robot.Pain", "Robot.Death", "Robot.Collide", "Robot.Greeting", -10.f ), };
#define ROBOT_DEATH_EXPLOSION "RD.BotDeathExplosion"
#define SCORING_POINTS_PARTICLE_EFFECT "bot_radio_waves"
#define DAMAGED_ROBOT_PARTICLE_EFFECT "sentrydamage_4"
#define DEATH_PARTICLE_EFFECT "rd_robot_explosion"
void RobotData_t::Precache() { if ( GetStringData( MODEL_KEY ) ) { CBaseEntity::PrecacheModel( GetStringData( MODEL_KEY ) ); PrecacheGibsForModel( modelinfo->GetModelIndex( GetStringData( MODEL_KEY ) ) ); PrecachePropsForModel( modelinfo->GetModelIndex( GetStringData( MODEL_KEY ) ), "spawn" ); } if ( GetStringData( DAMAGED_MODEL_KEY ) ) CBaseEntity::PrecacheModel( GetStringData( DAMAGED_MODEL_KEY ) ); if ( GetStringData( HURT_SOUND_KEY ) ) CBaseEntity::PrecacheScriptSound( GetStringData( HURT_SOUND_KEY ) ); if ( GetStringData( DEATH_SOUND_KEY ) ) CBaseEntity::PrecacheScriptSound( GetStringData( DEATH_SOUND_KEY ) ); if ( GetStringData( COLLIDE_SOUND_KEY ) ) CBaseEntity::PrecacheScriptSound( GetStringData( COLLIDE_SOUND_KEY ) ); if ( GetStringData( IDLE_SOUND_KEY ) ) CBaseEntity::PrecacheScriptSound( GetStringData( IDLE_SOUND_KEY ) ); }
CTFRobotDestruction_RobotAnimController::CTFRobotDestruction_RobotAnimController( CTFRobotDestruction_Robot *pOuter ) : m_vecOldOrigin( vec3_origin ) , m_vecLean( vec3_origin ) , m_pOuter( pOuter ) , m_vecImpulse( vec3_origin ) {}
void CTFRobotDestruction_RobotAnimController::Update() { if( !m_pOuter ) return;
CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr = m_pOuter->GetModelPtr(); if ( !pStudioHdr ) return;
const Vector vecNewOrigin = m_pOuter->GetAbsOrigin(); const Vector vecVelocity = m_vecOldOrigin - vecNewOrigin; m_vecOldOrigin = vecNewOrigin;
Approach( m_vecLean, vecVelocity + m_vecImpulse, 2.f ); GetPoseParams(); Approach( m_vecImpulse, vec3_origin, 200.f );
Vector vecForward, vecRight; AngleVectors( m_pOuter->GetAbsAngles(), &vecForward, &vecRight, NULL );
float flRightLean = vecRight.Dot( m_vecLean ); float flForwardLean = vecForward.Dot( m_vecLean );
m_pOuter->SetPoseParameter( m_poseParams.m_nMoveX, flForwardLean ); m_pOuter->SetPoseParameter( m_poseParams.m_nMoveY, flRightLean ); }
void CTFRobotDestruction_RobotAnimController::Impulse( const Vector& vecImpulse ) { m_vecImpulse += vecImpulse * 5; }
void CTFRobotDestruction_RobotAnimController::Approach( Vector& vecIn, const Vector& vecTarget, float flRate ) { Vector vecApproach = ( vecTarget - vecIn ) * flRate * gpGlobals->frametime; if ( vecApproach.LengthSqr() > ( vecIn - vecTarget ).LengthSqr() ) vecIn = vecTarget; else vecIn += vecApproach; }
void CTFRobotDestruction_RobotAnimController::GetPoseParams() { m_poseParams.m_nMoveX = m_pOuter->LookupPoseParameter( "move_x" ); m_poseParams.m_nMoveY = m_pOuter->LookupPoseParameter( "move_y" ); }
IMPLEMENT_NETWORKCLASS_ALIASED( TFRobotDestruction_Robot, DT_TFRobotDestruction_Robot )
BEGIN_NETWORK_TABLE( CTFRobotDestruction_Robot, DT_TFRobotDestruction_Robot ) #ifdef CLIENT_DLL
RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_iHealth) ), RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_iMaxHealth) ), RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_eType) ), #else
SendPropInt(SENDINFO(m_iHealth), -1, SPROP_VARINT ), SendPropInt(SENDINFO(m_iMaxHealth), -1, SPROP_VARINT ), SendPropInt(SENDINFO(m_eType), -1, SPROP_VARINT ), #endif
BEGIN_DATADESC( CTFRobotDestruction_Robot ) #ifdef GAME_DLL
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "StopAndUseComputer", InputStopAndUseComputer ), #endif
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( tf_robot_destruction_robot, CTFRobotDestruction_Robot );
CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::CTFRobotDestruction_Robot() : m_animController( this ) { #ifdef GAME_DLL
m_nPointsSpewed = 0;
m_intention = new CRobotIntention( this ); m_locomotor = new CRobotLocomotion( this ); m_body = new CHeadlessHatmanBody( this ); m_bIsPanicked = false; #else
ListenForGameEvent( "rd_robot_impact" ); #endif
CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::~CTFRobotDestruction_Robot() { #ifdef CLIENT_DLL
m_hDamagedParticleEffect = NULL; #else
if ( m_hSpawn ) m_hSpawn->ClearRobot(); if ( m_intention ) delete m_intention; if ( m_locomotor ) delete m_locomotor; if ( m_body ) delete m_body; #endif
void CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::StaticPrecache() { PrecacheParticleSystem( DEATH_PARTICLE_EFFECT ); PrecacheParticleSystem( SCORING_POINTS_PARTICLE_EFFECT ); PrecacheParticleSystem( DAMAGED_ROBOT_PARTICLE_EFFECT ); PrecacheScriptSound( ROBOT_DEATH_EXPLOSION );
for( int i=0; i < ARRAYSIZE( g_RobotData ); ++i ) { g_RobotData[i]->Precache(); } }
void CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::Precache() { BaseClass::Precache(); StaticPrecache(); }
void CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::Spawn() { // Clear out the gib list and create a new one.
m_aGibs.Purge(); BuildGibList( m_aGibs, GetModelIndex(), 1.0f, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE ); BuildPropList( "spawn", m_aSpawnProps, GetModelIndex(), 1.f, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE );
SetSolid( SOLID_BBOX );
m_takedamage = DAMAGE_YES; m_nSkin = ( GetTeamNumber() == TF_TEAM_RED ) ? 0 : 1; #ifdef GAME_DLL
SetContextThink( &CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::UpdateAnimsThink, gpGlobals->curtime, ANIMS_THINK );
if ( m_hGroup ) { m_hGroup->UpdateState(); }
m_hNextPath.Set( dynamic_cast<CPathTrack*>( gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, m_spawnData.m_pszPathName ) ) ); // The path needs to exist
if ( !m_hNextPath ) { UTIL_Remove( this ); }
if ( CTFRobotDestructionLogic::GetRobotDestructionLogic() ) CTFRobotDestructionLogic::GetRobotDestructionLogic()->RobotCreated( this );
// Create our dispenser
m_pDispenser = dynamic_cast<CRobotDispenser*>( CreateEntityByName( "rd_robot_dispenser" ) ); Assert( m_pDispenser ); m_pDispenser->SetParent( this ); m_pDispenser->Spawn(); m_pDispenser->ChangeTeam( GetTeamNumber() ); m_pDispenser->OnGoActive(); #endif
// Purpose: Dont collide with players
bool CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::ShouldCollide( int collisionGroup, int contentsMask ) const { if ( collisionGroup == COLLISION_GROUP_PLAYER_MOVEMENT ) { return false; }
return BaseClass::ShouldCollide( collisionGroup, contentsMask ); }
// Purpose: Specify where our healthbars should go over our heads
float CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::GetHealthBarHeightOffset() const { return g_RobotData[ m_eType ]->GetFloatData( RobotData_t::HEALTH_BAR_OFFSET_KEY ); }
void CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::OnDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t type ) { BaseClass::OnDataChanged( type );
if ( type == DATA_UPDATE_CREATED ) { SetNextClientThink( CLIENT_THINK_ALWAYS ); }
UpdateDamagedEffects(); }
// Purpose: Play damaged effects, similar to sentries
void CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::UpdateDamagedEffects() { // Start playing our damaged particle if we're damaged
bool bLowHealth = GetHealth() <= (GetMaxHealth() * 0.5); if ( bLowHealth && !m_hDamagedParticleEffect ) { m_hDamagedParticleEffect = ParticleProp()->Create( DAMAGED_ROBOT_PARTICLE_EFFECT, PATTACH_ABSORIGIN_FOLLOW, INVALID_PARTICLE_ATTACHMENT, Vector(0,0,50) );
} else if ( !bLowHealth && m_hDamagedParticleEffect ) { ParticleProp()->StopEmission( m_hDamagedParticleEffect ); m_hDamagedParticleEffect = NULL; } }
void CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::UpdateClientSideAnimation( void ) { m_animController.Update();
BaseClass::UpdateClientSideAnimation(); }
void CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::FireEvent( const Vector& origin, const QAngle& angles, int event, const char *options ) { if ( event == AE_RD_ROBOT_POP_PANELS_OFF ) { CUtlVector<breakmodel_t> vecProp; FOR_EACH_VEC( m_aSpawnProps, i ) { char pstrLowerName[ MAX_PATH ]; memset( pstrLowerName, 0, sizeof(pstrLowerName) ); Q_snprintf( pstrLowerName, sizeof(pstrLowerName), "%s", options ); Q_strlower( pstrLowerName ); if ( Q_strstr( m_aSpawnProps[i].modelName, pstrLowerName ) ) { vecProp.AddToTail( m_aSpawnProps[i] ); } }
if ( vecProp.Count() ) { Vector vForward, vRight, vUp; AngleVectors( GetAbsAngles(), &vForward, &vRight, &vUp );
Vector vecBreakVelocity = Vector(0,0,200); AngularImpulse angularImpulse( RandomFloat( 0.0f, 120.0f ), RandomFloat( 0.0f, 120.0f ), 0.0 ); Vector vecOrigin = GetAbsOrigin() + vForward*70 + vUp*10; QAngle vecAngles = GetAbsAngles(); breakablepropparams_t breakParams( vecOrigin, vecAngles, vecBreakVelocity, angularImpulse ); breakParams.impactEnergyScale = 1.0f; breakParams.defBurstScale = 3.f; int nModelIndex = GetModelIndex();
CreateGibsFromList( vecProp, nModelIndex, NULL, breakParams, this, -1 , false, true ); } }
BaseClass::FireEvent( origin, angles, event, options ); }
void CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *pEvent ) { const char *pszName = pEvent->GetName(); if ( FStrEq( pszName, "rd_robot_impact" ) ) { const int index_ = pEvent->GetInt( "entindex" ); if ( index_ == entindex() ) { Vector vecImpulse( pEvent->GetFloat( "impulse_x" ), pEvent->GetFloat( "impulse_y" ), pEvent->GetFloat( "impulse_z" ) ); m_animController.Impulse( vecImpulse.Normalized() * 20 ); } } }
CStudioHdr* CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::OnNewModel() { CStudioHdr *hdr = BaseClass::OnNewModel(); BuildPropList( "spawn", m_aSpawnProps, GetModelIndex(), 1.f, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE );
return hdr; }
#ifdef GAME_DLL
void CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::HandleAnimEvent( animevent_t *pEvent ) { if ((pEvent->type & AE_TYPE_NEWEVENTSYSTEM) && (pEvent->type & AE_TYPE_SERVER)) { /* if ( pEvent->event == AE_RD_ROBOT_POP_PANELS_OFF )
{ CUtlVector<breakmodel_t> vecProp; FOR_EACH_VEC( m_aSpawnProps, i ) { char pstrLowerName[ MAX_PATH ]; memset( pstrLowerName, 0, sizeof(pstrLowerName) ); Q_snprintf( pstrLowerName, sizeof(pstrLowerName), "%s", pEvent->options ); Q_strlower( pstrLowerName ); if ( Q_strstr( m_aSpawnProps[i].modelName, pstrLowerName ) ) { vecProp.AddToTail( m_aSpawnProps[i] ); } }
if ( vecProp.Count() ) { Vector vForward, vRight, vUp; AngleVectors( GetAbsAngles(), &vForward, &vRight, &vUp );
Vector vecBreakVelocity = Vector(0,0,200); AngularImpulse angularImpulse( RandomFloat( 0.0f, 120.0f ), RandomFloat( 0.0f, 120.0f ), 0.0 ); Vector vecOrigin = GetAbsOrigin() + vForward*70 + vUp*10; QAngle vecAngles = GetAbsAngles(); breakablepropparams_t breakParams( vecOrigin, vecAngles, vecBreakVelocity, angularImpulse ); breakParams.impactEnergyScale = 1.0f;
int nModelIndex = modelinfo->GetModelIndex( STRING(GetModelName()) ); CreateGibsFromList( vecProp, nModelIndex, NULL, breakParams, NULL, -1 , false, true ); } }*/ } }
// Purpose: Tell the game logic we're gone
void CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::UpdateOnRemove( void ) { BaseClass::UpdateOnRemove();
if ( CTFRobotDestructionLogic::GetRobotDestructionLogic() ) { CTFRobotDestructionLogic::GetRobotDestructionLogic()->RobotRemoved( this ); } }
// Purpose: Play our death visual and audio effects
void CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::PlayDeathEffects() { EmitSound( g_RobotData[ GetRobotSpawnData().m_eType ]->GetStringData( RobotData_t::DEATH_SOUND_KEY ) ); EmitSound( ROBOT_DEATH_EXPLOSION ); DispatchParticleEffect( DEATH_PARTICLE_EFFECT, GetAbsOrigin(), QAngle( 0,0,0 ) ); }
// Purpose: Handle getting killed
void CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::Event_Killed( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ) { // Let the game logic know that we died
if ( CTFRobotDestructionLogic::GetRobotDestructionLogic() ) { CTFRobotDestructionLogic::GetRobotDestructionLogic()->RobotRemoved( this ); }
// Find the killer & the scorer
CBaseEntity *pInflictor = info.GetInflictor(); CBaseEntity *pKiller = info.GetAttacker(); CTFPlayer *pScorer = ToTFPlayer( TFGameRules()->GetDeathScorer( pKiller, pInflictor, this ) ); CTFPlayer *pAssister = NULL;
if ( pScorer ) { // If a player is healing the scorer, give that player credit for the assist
CTFPlayer *pHealer = ToTFPlayer( static_cast<CBaseEntity *>( pScorer->m_Shared.GetFirstHealer() ) ); // Must be a medic to receive a healing assist, otherwise engineers get credit for assists from dispensers doing healing.
// Also don't give an assist for healing if the inflictor was a sentry gun, otherwise medics healing engineers get assists for the engineer's sentry kills.
if ( pHealer && ( pHealer->GetPlayerClass()->GetClassIndex() == TF_CLASS_MEDIC ) ) { pAssister = pHealer; }
// Work out what killed the player, and send a message to all clients about it
int iWeaponID; const char *killer_weapon_name = TFGameRules()->GetKillingWeaponName( info, NULL, &iWeaponID ); const char *killer_weapon_log_name = killer_weapon_name;
CTFWeaponBase *pWeapon = dynamic_cast< CTFWeaponBase * >( pScorer->Weapon_OwnsThisID( iWeaponID ) ); if ( pWeapon ) { CEconItemView *pItem = pWeapon->GetAttributeContainer()->GetItem();
if ( pItem ) { if ( pItem->GetStaticData()->GetIconClassname() ) { killer_weapon_name = pItem->GetStaticData()->GetIconClassname(); }
if ( pItem->GetStaticData()->GetLogClassname() ) { killer_weapon_log_name = pItem->GetStaticData()->GetLogClassname(); } } }
IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "rd_robot_killed" ); if ( event ) { if ( pAssister && ( pAssister != pScorer ) ) { event->SetInt( "assister", pAssister->GetUserID() ); } event->SetInt( "attacker", pScorer->GetUserID() ); // attacker
event->SetString( "weapon", killer_weapon_name ); event->SetString( "weapon_logclassname", killer_weapon_log_name ); event->SetInt( "weaponid", iWeaponID ); event->SetInt( "priority", 6 ); // HLTV event priority, not transmitted
gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } }
if ( m_hSpawn ) { m_hSpawn->OnRobotKilled(); }
if ( m_hGroup ) { m_hGroup->OnRobotKilled(); }
// Kings dont die right away. Their head cracks open and they spew points out over time, then self-destruct
if ( m_spawnData.m_eType == ROBOT_TYPE_KING ) { // Change our model to be the damage king model
SetModel( g_RobotData[ m_spawnData.m_eType ]->GetStringData( RobotData_t::DAMAGED_MODEL_KEY ) ); ResetSequence( LookupSequence("idle") );
m_takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; SetContextThink( &CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::SpewBarsThink, gpGlobals->curtime, SPEW_BARS_CONTEXT ); SetContextThink( &CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::SelfDestructThink, gpGlobals->curtime + 5.f, SELF_DESTRUCT_THINK );
return; }
// Spew our points
SpewBars( m_spawnData.m_nNumGibs );
// Spew ammo gibs out
CBaseAnimating::Event_Killed( info ); }
// Purpose: Spew out robot gibs that give ammo
void CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::SpewGibs() { for ( int i=0; i<m_aGibs.Count(); i++ ) { CTFAmmoPack *pAmmoPack = CTFAmmoPack::Create( GetAbsOrigin() + m_aGibs[i].offset, GetAbsAngles(), this, m_aGibs[i].modelName ); Assert( pAmmoPack ); if ( pAmmoPack ) { pAmmoPack->ActivateWhenAtRest();
// Calculate the initial impulse on the weapon.
Vector vecImpulse( random->RandomFloat( -0.5f, 0.5f ), random->RandomFloat( -0.5f, 0.5f ), random->RandomFloat( 0.75f, 1.25f ) ); VectorNormalize( vecImpulse ); // Detect the head model
bool bIsTheHead = FStrEq( "models/bots/bot_worker/bot_worker_head_gib.mdl", m_aGibs[i].modelName ); if ( bIsTheHead ) { // Pop more up than anything
vecImpulse[2] = 3.f; vecImpulse *= random->RandomFloat( tf_obj_gib_velocity_max.GetFloat() * 0.75, tf_obj_gib_velocity_max.GetFloat() ); } else { vecImpulse *= random->RandomFloat( tf_obj_gib_velocity_min.GetFloat(), tf_obj_gib_velocity_max.GetFloat() ); }
// Cap the impulse.
float flSpeed = vecImpulse.Length(); if ( flSpeed > tf_obj_gib_maxspeed.GetFloat() ) { VectorScale( vecImpulse, tf_obj_gib_maxspeed.GetFloat() / flSpeed, vecImpulse ); }
if ( pAmmoPack->VPhysicsGetObject() ) { AngularImpulse angImpulse( 0.f, random->RandomFloat( 0.f, 100.f ), 0.f ); if ( bIsTheHead ) { // Make the head spin around like a top
angImpulse = AngularImpulse( RandomFloat(-60.f,60.f), RandomFloat(-60.f,60.f), 100000.f ); } pAmmoPack->VPhysicsGetObject()->SetVelocityInstantaneous( &vecImpulse, &angImpulse ); }
pAmmoPack->SetInitialVelocity( vecImpulse );
pAmmoPack->m_nSkin = ( GetTeamNumber() == TF_TEAM_RED ) ? 0 : 1;
// Give the ammo pack some health, so that trains can destroy it.
pAmmoPack->SetCollisionGroup( COLLISION_GROUP_DEBRIS ); pAmmoPack->m_takedamage = DAMAGE_YES; pAmmoPack->SetHealth( 900 ); pAmmoPack->m_bObjGib = true; } } }
// Purpose: Do some special effects when we take damage
int CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::OnTakeDamage( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ) { // Check teams
if ( info.GetAttacker() ) { if ( InSameTeam(info.GetAttacker()) ) return 0; CBasePlayer *pAttacker = ToBasePlayer( info.GetAttacker() ); if ( pAttacker ) { pAttacker->SetLastObjectiveTime( gpGlobals->curtime ); } }
SetContextThink( &CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::RepairSelfThink, gpGlobals->curtime + 5.f, "RepairSelfThink" );
if ( m_bShielded ) { return 0; }
CTakeDamageInfo newInfo; newInfo = info; ModifyDamage( &newInfo );
// Get our attack vectors
Vector vecDamagePos = newInfo.GetDamagePosition(); QAngle vecDamageAngles; VectorAngles( -newInfo.GetDamageForce(), vecDamageAngles ); // Use worldspace center if no damage position (happens with flamethrowers)
if ( vecDamagePos == vec3_origin ) { vecDamagePos = WorldSpaceCenter(); }
// Play a spark effect
DispatchParticleEffect( "rd_bot_impact_sparks", vecDamagePos, vecDamageAngles );
// Send an impulse event to the client for this bot
Vector vecImpulse( newInfo.GetDamageForce() ); m_animController.Impulse( vecImpulse.Normalized() * 20.f );
IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "rd_robot_impact" ); if ( event ) { event->SetInt( "entindex", entindex() ); event->SetInt( "impulse_x", vecImpulse.x ); event->SetInt( "impulse_y", vecImpulse.y ); event->SetInt( "impulse_z", vecImpulse.z );
gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); }
if( m_hGroup ) { m_hGroup->OnRobotAttacked(); }
int nBaseResult = BaseClass::OnTakeDamage( newInfo );
// Let the game logic know that we got hurt
if ( CTFRobotDestructionLogic::GetRobotDestructionLogic() ) CTFRobotDestructionLogic::GetRobotDestructionLogic()->RobotAttacked( this ); return nBaseResult; }
void CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::ModifyDamage( CTakeDamageInfo *info ) const { CTFPlayer *pAttacker = ToTFPlayer( info->GetAttacker() ); if ( pAttacker ) { float flScale = 1.f;
if ( pAttacker->IsPlayerClass( TF_CLASS_SCOUT ) ) flScale = 1.5f; else if( pAttacker->IsPlayerClass( TF_CLASS_SNIPER ) ) flScale = 2.25f; else if ( pAttacker->IsPlayerClass( TF_CLASS_SPY ) ) flScale = 2.f; else if ( pAttacker->IsPlayerClass( TF_CLASS_PYRO ) ) flScale = 0.75; else if ( pAttacker->IsPlayerClass( TF_CLASS_HEAVYWEAPONS ) ) flScale = 0.75; else if ( pAttacker->IsPlayerClass( TF_CLASS_MEDIC ) ) flScale = 2.f; info->SetDamage( info->GetDamage() * flScale ); } }
// Purpose: Override base traceattack to prevent visible effects from team members shooting me
void CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::TraceAttack( const CTakeDamageInfo &inputInfo, const Vector &vecDir, trace_t *ptr, CDmgAccumulator *pAccumulator ) { // Prevent team damage here so blood doesn't appear
if ( inputInfo.GetAttacker() && InSameTeam(inputInfo.GetAttacker()) ) return;
AddMultiDamage( inputInfo, this ); }
void CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::UpdateAnimsThink( void ) { m_animController.Update();
SetContextThink( &CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::UpdateAnimsThink, gpGlobals->curtime, ANIMS_THINK ); }
// Purpose: Change our AI state to use a computer
void CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::InputStopAndUseComputer( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { // TODO: Fire off into the AI
// Purpose: Shoot bars out as we die
void CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::SpewBars( int nNumToSpew ) { for( int i=0; i < nNumToSpew; ++i ) { CBonusPack *pBonusPack = assert_cast< CBonusPack* >( CreateEntityByName( "item_bonuspack" ) ); if ( pBonusPack ) { pBonusPack->ChangeTeam( GetEnemyTeam( GetTeamNumber() ) ); pBonusPack->SetDisabled( false ); pBonusPack->SetAbsOrigin( GetAbsOrigin() + Vector(0,0,20) ); pBonusPack->SetAbsAngles( QAngle( 0.f, RandomFloat( 0, 360.f ), 0.f ) ); // Calculate the initial impulse on the cores
Vector vecImpulse( random->RandomFloat( -0.5, 0.5 ), random->RandomFloat( -0.5, 0.5 ), random->RandomFloat( 1.0, 1.25 ) ); VectorNormalize( vecImpulse ); vecImpulse *= random->RandomFloat( 125.f, 150.f );
// Cap the impulse.
float flSpeed = vecImpulse.Length(); if ( flSpeed > tf_obj_gib_maxspeed.GetFloat() ) { VectorScale( vecImpulse, tf_obj_gib_maxspeed.GetFloat() / flSpeed, vecImpulse ); }
pBonusPack->SetCollisionGroup( COLLISION_GROUP_DEBRIS ); pBonusPack->AddSpawnFlags( SF_NORESPAWN ); pBonusPack->m_nSkin = GetTeamNumber() == TF_TEAM_RED ? 0 : 1;
DispatchSpawn( pBonusPack ); pBonusPack->DropSingleInstance( vecImpulse, NULL, 0, 0 ); pBonusPack->SetCycle( RandomFloat( 0.f, 1.f ) ); pBonusPack->SetGravity( 0.2f ); } } }
void CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::SpewBarsThink() { int nNumToSpew = 1; m_nPointsSpewed += nNumToSpew; SpewBars( nNumToSpew );
if ( m_nPointsSpewed >= m_spawnData.m_nNumGibs ) { SelfDestructThink(); } else { SetContextThink( &CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::SpewBarsThink, gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f, SPEW_BARS_CONTEXT ); } }
void CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::SelfDestructThink() { SpewGibs(); SpewBars( m_spawnData.m_nNumGibs - m_nPointsSpewed ); PlayDeathEffects(); UTIL_Remove( this ); }
// Purpose: Repair ourselves!
void CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::RepairSelfThink() { // Heal!
int nHealth = GetHealth(); if ( tf_rd_robot_repair_rate.GetFloat() != 0.f ) { nHealth += GetMaxHealth() / tf_rd_robot_repair_rate.GetFloat(); } nHealth = Min( nHealth, GetMaxHealth() ); SetHealth( nHealth );
// Continue to heal if we're still hurt
if ( GetHealth() != GetMaxHealth() ) { SetContextThink( &CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::RepairSelfThink, gpGlobals->curtime + 1.f, "RepairSelfThink" ); } }
void CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::ArriveAtPath() { m_hNextPath->AcceptInput( "InPass", this, this, variant_t(), 0 ); m_hNextPath = m_hNextPath->GetNext(); }
void CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::EnableUber() { m_bShielded = true; m_nSkin = GetTeamNumber() == TF_TEAM_RED ? 2 : 3;
if ( m_hGroup ) { m_hGroup->UpdateState(); } }
void CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::DisableUber() { m_bShielded = false; m_nSkin = GetTeamNumber() == TF_TEAM_RED ? 0 : 1;
if ( m_hGroup ) { m_hGroup->UpdateState(); } }
void CTFRobotDestruction_Robot::SetNewActivity( Activity activity ) { int nSequence = SelectWeightedSequence( activity ); if ( nSequence ) { SetSequence( nSequence ); SetPlaybackRate( 1.0f ); SetCycle( 0 ); ResetSequenceInfo(); } }
class CRobotPatrol : public Action< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > { public: void PlayIdleActivity( CTFRobotDestruction_Robot *pMe ) { pMe->SetNewActivity( ACT_BOT_PRIMARY_MOVEMENT ); }
virtual ActionResult< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > OnStart( CTFRobotDestruction_Robot *pMe, Action< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > *priorAction ) { PlayIdleActivity( pMe );
return Continue(); }
virtual ActionResult< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > OnResume( CTFRobotDestruction_Robot *pMe, Action< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > *interruptingAction ) { PlayIdleActivity( pMe );
return Continue(); }
virtual ActionResult< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > Update( CTFRobotDestruction_Robot *pMe, float interval ) { CPathTrack* pNextPath = pMe->GetNextPath();
if ( pMe->IsRangeGreaterThan( pNextPath, CLOSE_ENOUGH_TO_PATH ) ) { if ( m_path.GetAge() > 0.5f ) { CRobotPathCost cost( pMe ); m_path.Compute( pMe, pNextPath->GetAbsOrigin(), cost ); }
m_path.Update( pMe ); } else { pMe->ArriveAtPath(); }
return Continue(); }
virtual const char *GetName( void ) const { return "Patrol"; } // return name of this action
PathFollower m_path; };
class CRobotSpawn : public Action< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > { virtual ActionResult< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > OnStart( CTFRobotDestruction_Robot *pMe, Action< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > *priorAction ) { pMe->SetNewActivity( ACT_BOT_SPAWN ); return Continue(); }
virtual ActionResult< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > Update( CTFRobotDestruction_Robot *pMe, float interval ) { if ( pMe->IsActivityFinished() ) { return ChangeTo( new CRobotPatrol, "I've finished my spawn sequence" ); } return Continue(); }
EventDesiredResult< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > OnInjured( CTFRobotDestruction_Robot *pMe, const CTakeDamageInfo &info ) { return TryToSustain( RESULT_CRITICAL, "I'm spawning and being attacked" ); }
virtual void OnEnd( CTFRobotDestruction_Robot *pMe, Action< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > *nextAction ) { pMe->SetBodygroup( pMe->FindBodygroupByName( "head_shell" ), 1 ); pMe->SetBodygroup( pMe->FindBodygroupByName( "body_shell" ), 1 ); }
virtual const char *GetName( void ) const { return "Spawn"; } // return name of this action
class CRobotMaterialize : public Action< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > { public: virtual ActionResult< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > OnStart( CTFRobotDestruction_Robot *pMe, Action< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > *priorAction ) { // TODO: Play the materialize anim and effects
/*int nSequence = pMe->SelectWeightedSequence( ACT_BOT_MATERIALIZE );
pMe->ResetSequence( nSequence );*/ return Continue(); }
virtual ActionResult< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > Update( CTFRobotDestruction_Robot *pMe, float interval ) { // TODO: Check if materialize activity is finished
//if ( pMe->IsActivityFinished() )
{ return ChangeTo( new CRobotSpawn, "I've fully materialized" ); }
// TODO: Control the materialize anim
return Continue(); }
virtual const char *GetName( void ) const { return "Materialize"; } // return name of this action
PathFollower m_path; };
class CRobotPanic : public Action< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > { public: virtual ActionResult< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > OnStart( CTFRobotDestruction_Robot *pMe, Action< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > *priorAction ); virtual ActionResult< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > Update( CTFRobotDestruction_Robot *pMe, float interval ); virtual EventDesiredResult< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > OnInjured( CTFRobotDestruction_Robot *pMe, const CTakeDamageInfo &info ); virtual void OnEnd( CTFRobotDestruction_Robot *pMe, Action< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > *nextAction );
virtual const char *GetName( void ) const { return "Panic"; }
CountdownTimer m_SpeakTimer; CountdownTimer m_attackedTimer; CountdownTimer m_spinTimer; bool m_bSpinRight; };
class CRobotEnterPanic : public Action< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > { virtual ActionResult< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > OnStart( CTFRobotDestruction_Robot *pMe, Action< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > *priorAction ) { pMe->SetNewActivity( ACT_BOT_PANIC_START ); return Continue(); }
virtual ActionResult< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > Update( CTFRobotDestruction_Robot *pMe, float interval ) { if ( pMe->IsActivityFinished() ) { return ChangeTo( new CRobotPanic, "I've finished my enter panic sequence" ); } return Continue(); }
EventDesiredResult< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > OnInjured( CTFRobotDestruction_Robot *pMe, const CTakeDamageInfo &info ) { return TryToSustain( RESULT_CRITICAL, "I'm entering panic and being attacked" ); }
virtual const char *GetName( void ) const { return "Enter Panic"; } // return name of this action
class CRobotLeavePanic : public Action< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > { virtual ActionResult< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > OnStart( CTFRobotDestruction_Robot *pMe, Action< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > *priorAction ) { pMe->SetNewActivity( ACT_BOT_PANIC_END ); return Continue(); }
virtual ActionResult< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > Update( CTFRobotDestruction_Robot *pMe, float interval ) { if ( pMe->IsActivityFinished() ) { return Done( "I've finished my leave panic sequence" ); } return Continue(); }
EventDesiredResult< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > OnInjured( CTFRobotDestruction_Robot *pMe, const CTakeDamageInfo &info ) { return TryToSustain( RESULT_CRITICAL, "I'm leaving panic and being attacked" ); }
virtual const char *GetName( void ) const { return "Leave Panic"; } // return name of this action
ActionResult< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > CRobotPanic::OnStart( CTFRobotDestruction_Robot *pMe, Action< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > *priorAction ) { m_bSpinRight = RandomInt(0,1) == 1; // Randomly pick which way to spin
pMe->SetIsPanicked( true ); // Let our bot know he's panicked
m_attackedTimer.Start( 5.f ); // We panic for 5 seconds
m_spinTimer.Start( RandomFloat( 0.75f, 1.25f ) ); // Spin for a little bit
pMe->GetLocomotionInterface()->SetDesiredSpeed( 150.f ); // We go fast when panicked
DispatchParticleEffect( "rocketjump_smoke", PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW, pMe, "wheel" ); // Smoke trails on our tire when panicked
pMe->SetNewActivity( ACT_BOT_PANIC ); // Play panicked activity
m_SpeakTimer.Start( 3.f ); const RobotSpawnData_t & data = pMe->GetRobotSpawnData(); pMe->EmitSound( g_RobotData[ data.m_eType ]->GetStringData( RobotData_t::HURT_SOUND_KEY ) ); return Continue(); }
ActionResult< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > CRobotPanic::Update( CTFRobotDestruction_Robot *pMe, float interval ) { // If we haven't been attacked in awhile, then we're done panicking
if ( m_attackedTimer.IsElapsed() ) { return ChangeTo( new CRobotLeavePanic, "I'm done panicking" ); }
QAngle angles = pMe->GetLocalAngles();
// If our spin timer is still going, then spin!
if ( m_spinTimer.GetRemainingTime() < ( m_spinTimer.GetCountdownDuration() * 0.5f ) ) { float flSpinAmt = 2500.f * gpGlobals->frametime; flSpinAmt *= m_bSpinRight ? 1.f : -1.f; angles.y += flSpinAmt; pMe->SetLocalAngles( angles ); }
// We just drive forard
Vector vForward; AngleVectors( angles, &vForward ); Vector vArrivePosition = pMe->GetAbsOrigin() + vForward * 30;
trace_t tr; // See if we hit anything solid a little bit below the robot. We dont want to jump off cliffs
UTIL_TraceLine( vArrivePosition, vArrivePosition + Vector(0,0,-30), MASK_PLAYERSOLID, pMe, COLLISION_GROUP_PLAYER_MOVEMENT, &tr ); if ( tr.fraction < 1.0f ) { pMe->GetLocomotionInterface()->Approach( vArrivePosition ); } // It's time change our spin direction, choose when to spin next, and reapply our smoke particle
if ( m_spinTimer.IsElapsed() ) { m_bSpinRight = RandomInt(0,1) == 1; m_spinTimer.Start( RandomFloat( 0.75f, 1.25f ) ); DispatchParticleEffect( "rocketjump_smoke", PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW, pMe, "wheel" ); }
return Continue(); }
EventDesiredResult< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > CRobotPanic::OnInjured( CTFRobotDestruction_Robot *pMe, const CTakeDamageInfo &info ) { if ( m_SpeakTimer.IsElapsed() ) { m_SpeakTimer.Start( RandomFloat( 1.5f, 2.f ) ); const RobotSpawnData_t & data = pMe->GetRobotSpawnData(); pMe->EmitSound( g_RobotData[ data.m_eType ]->GetStringData( RobotData_t::HURT_SOUND_KEY ) ); }
m_attackedTimer.Start( m_attackedTimer.GetCountdownDuration() ); return TryToSustain( RESULT_IMPORTANT, "I'm panicking and getting attacked" ); }
void CRobotPanic::OnEnd( CTFRobotDestruction_Robot *pMe, Action< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > *nextAction ) { pMe->SetIsPanicked( false ); pMe->GetLocomotionInterface()->SetDesiredSpeed( 80.f ); }
Action< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > *CRobotBehavior::InitialContainedAction( CTFRobotDestruction_Robot *pMe ) { return new CRobotMaterialize; }
ActionResult< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > CRobotBehavior::OnStart( CTFRobotDestruction_Robot *pMe, Action< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > *priorAction ) { return Continue(); }
ConVar sv_rd_bots_STFU( "sv_rd_bots_STFU", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); #endif
ActionResult< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > CRobotBehavior::Update( CTFRobotDestruction_Robot *pMe, float interval ) { //const CKnownEntity *pThreat = pMe->GetVisionInterface()->GetPrimaryKnownThreat();
//if ( pThreat )
// return SuspendFor( new CRobotAttackEnemy, "I see an enemy!" );
if ( !sv_rd_bots_STFU.GetBool() ) #endif
{ // We've been wandering for a bit. Speak!
if ( m_IdleSpeakTimer.IsElapsed() && m_SpeakTimer.IsElapsed() ) { m_SpeakTimer.Start( 1.f ); m_IdleSpeakTimer.Start( RandomFloat( 6.f, 10.f ) ); const RobotSpawnData_t & data = pMe->GetRobotSpawnData(); pMe->EmitSound( g_RobotData[ data.m_eType ]->GetStringData( RobotData_t::IDLE_SOUND_KEY ) ); } }
// Do stuff!
return Continue(); }
EventDesiredResult< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > CRobotBehavior::OnInjured( CTFRobotDestruction_Robot *pMe, const CTakeDamageInfo &info ) { return TrySuspendFor( new CRobotEnterPanic, RESULT_TRY, "I've been attacked" ); }
EventDesiredResult< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot > CRobotBehavior::OnContact( CTFRobotDestruction_Robot *pMe, CBaseEntity *pOther, CGameTrace *result ) { if ( m_SpeakTimer.IsElapsed() && ( pOther->IsPlayer() || dynamic_cast< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot * >( pOther ) ) ) { m_SpeakTimer.Start( 3.f );
if ( !sv_rd_bots_STFU.GetBool() ) #endif
{ const RobotSpawnData_t & data = pMe->GetRobotSpawnData(); pMe->EmitSound( g_RobotData[ data.m_eType ]->GetStringData( RobotData_t::COLLIDE_SOUND_KEY ) ); } }
return TryContinue( RESULT_TRY ); }
CRobotIntention::CRobotIntention( CTFRobotDestruction_Robot *pMe ) : IIntention( pMe ) { m_behavior = new Behavior< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot >( new CRobotBehavior ); }
CRobotIntention::~CRobotIntention() { delete m_behavior; }
void CRobotIntention::Reset( void ) { delete m_behavior; m_behavior = new Behavior< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot >( new CRobotBehavior ); }
void CRobotIntention::Update( void ) { m_behavior->Update( static_cast< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot * >( GetBot() ), GetUpdateInterval() ); }
// is this a place we can be?
QueryResultType CRobotIntention::IsPositionAllowed( const INextBot *pMeBot, const Vector &pos ) const { return ANSWER_YES; }
float CRobotLocomotion::GetRunSpeed( void ) const { CTFRobotDestruction_Robot *pRobotMe = static_cast< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot *>( GetBot()->GetEntity() ); return pRobotMe->GetIsPanicked() ? 150.f : 80.f; }
float CRobotLocomotion::GetGroundSpeed() const { CTFRobotDestruction_Robot *pRobotMe = static_cast< CTFRobotDestruction_Robot *>( GetBot()->GetEntity() ); return pRobotMe->GetIsPanicked() ? 150.f : 80.f; }
// if delta Z is greater than this, we have to jump to get up
float CRobotLocomotion::GetStepHeight( void ) const { return 24.0f; }
// return maximum height of a jump
float CRobotLocomotion::GetMaxJumpHeight( void ) const { return 40.0f; }
// Return max rate of yaw rotation
float CRobotLocomotion::GetMaxYawRate( void ) const { return 200.0f; }
bool CRobotLocomotion::ShouldCollideWith( const CBaseEntity *object ) const { return false; }
// Robot Dispenser
IMPLEMENT_NETWORKCLASS_ALIASED( RobotDispenser, DT_RobotDispenser ) LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( rd_robot_dispenser, CRobotDispenser );
#ifdef GAME_DLL
// Purpose:
CRobotDispenser::CRobotDispenser() { m_bUseGenerateMetalSound = false; }
// Purpose:
void CRobotDispenser::Spawn( void ) { // This cast is for the benefit of GCC
m_fObjectFlags |= (int)OF_DOESNT_HAVE_A_MODEL; m_takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; m_iUpgradeLevel = 1;
TFGameRules()->OnDispenserBuilt( this ); }
// Purpose: Finished building
void CRobotDispenser::OnGoActive( void ) { BaseClass::OnGoActive();
if ( m_hTouchTrigger ) { m_hTouchTrigger->SetParent( GetParent() ); }
SetModel( "" ); }
// Spawn the vgui control screens on the object
void CRobotDispenser::GetControlPanelInfo( int nPanelIndex, const char *&pPanelName ) { // no panels
return; }
// Purpose:
void CRobotDispenser::SetModel( const char *pModel ) { CBaseObject::SetModel( pModel ); }