//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Load item upgrade data from KeyValues
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "tf_shareddefs.h"
#include "tf_upgrades_shared.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "econ_item_system.h"
#include "tf_gamerules.h"
#include "tf_item_powerup_bottle.h"
CMannVsMachineUpgradeManager g_MannVsMachineUpgrades;
CMannVsMachineUpgradeManager::CMannVsMachineUpgradeManager() { SetDefLessFunc( m_AttribMap ); }
// Purpose:
void CMannVsMachineUpgradeManager::LevelInitPostEntity() { LoadUpgradesFile(); }
// Purpose:
void CMannVsMachineUpgradeManager::LevelShutdownPostEntity() { m_Upgrades.RemoveAll(); }
// Purpose:
void CMannVsMachineUpgradeManager::ParseUpgradeBlockForUIGroup( KeyValues *pKV, int iDefaultUIGroup ) { if ( !pKV ) return;
for ( KeyValues *pData = pKV->GetFirstSubKey(); pData != NULL; pData = pData->GetNextKey() ) { // Check that the expected data is there
KeyValues *pkvAttribute = pData->FindKey( "attribute" ); KeyValues *pkvIcon = pData->FindKey( "icon" ); KeyValues *pkvIncrement = pData->FindKey( "increment" ); KeyValues *pkvCap = pData->FindKey( "cap" ); KeyValues *pkvCost = pData->FindKey( "cost" ); if ( !pkvAttribute || !pkvIcon || !pkvIncrement || !pkvCap || !pkvCost ) { Warning( "Upgrades: One or more upgrades missing attribute, icon, increment, cap, or cost value.\n" ); return; }
int index = m_Upgrades.AddToTail();
const char *pszAttrib = pData->GetString( "attribute" ); V_strncpy( m_Upgrades[ index ].szAttrib, pszAttrib, sizeof( m_Upgrades[ index ].szAttrib ) ); const CEconItemSchema *pSchema = ItemSystem()->GetItemSchema(); if ( pSchema ) { // If we can't find a matching attribute, nuke this entry completely
const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pAttr = pSchema->GetAttributeDefinitionByName( m_Upgrades[ index ].szAttrib ); if ( !pAttr ) { Warning( "Upgrades: Invalid attribute reference! -- %s.\n", m_Upgrades[ index ].szAttrib ); m_Upgrades.Remove( index ); continue; } Assert( pAttr->GetAttributeType() ); if ( !pAttr->GetAttributeType()->BSupportsGameplayModificationAndNetworking() ) { Warning( "Upgrades: Invalid attribute '%s' is of a type that doesn't support networking!\n", m_Upgrades[ index ].szAttrib ); m_Upgrades.Remove( index ); continue; } if ( !pAttr->IsStoredAsFloat() || pAttr->IsStoredAsInteger() ) { Warning( "Upgrades: Attribute reference '%s' is not stored as a float!\n", m_Upgrades[ index ].szAttrib ); m_Upgrades.Remove( index ); continue; } }
V_strncpy( m_Upgrades[index].szIcon, pData->GetString( "icon" ), sizeof( m_Upgrades[ index ].szIcon ) ); m_Upgrades[ index ].flIncrement = pData->GetFloat( "increment" ); m_Upgrades[ index ].flCap = pData->GetFloat( "cap" ); m_Upgrades[ index ].nCost = pData->GetInt( "cost" ); m_Upgrades[ index ].nUIGroup = pData->GetInt( "ui_group", iDefaultUIGroup ); m_Upgrades[ index ].nQuality = pData->GetInt( "quality", MVM_UPGRADE_QUALITY_NORMAL ); m_Upgrades[ index ].nTier = pData->GetInt( "tier", 0 ); } }
// Purpose:
int CMannVsMachineUpgradeManager::GetAttributeIndexByName( const char* pszAttributeName ) { // Already in the map?
if( m_AttribMap.Find( pszAttributeName ) != m_AttribMap.InvalidIndex() ) { return m_AttribMap.Element( m_AttribMap.Find( pszAttributeName ) ); }
// Not in the map. Find it in the vector and add it to the map
for( int i=0, nCount = m_Upgrades.Count() ; i<nCount; ++i ) { // Find the index
const char* pszAttrib = m_Upgrades[i].szAttrib; if( FStrEq( pszAttributeName, pszAttrib ) ) { // Add to map
m_AttribMap.Insert( pszAttributeName, i ); // Return value
return i; } }
AssertMsg1( 0, "Attribute \"%s\" not found!", pszAttributeName ); return -1; }
// Purpose:
void CMannVsMachineUpgradeManager::LoadUpgradesFile( void ) { // Determine the upgrades file to load
const char *pszPath = "scripts/items/mvm_upgrades.txt";
// Allow map to override
const char *pszCustomUpgradesFile = TFGameRules()->GetCustomUpgradesFile(); if ( TFGameRules() && pszCustomUpgradesFile && pszCustomUpgradesFile[0] ) { pszPath = pszCustomUpgradesFile; } #ifdef STAGING_ONLY
else if ( TFGameRules() && !TFGameRules()->IsMannVsMachineMode() ) { pszPath = "scripts/items/bountymode_upgrades.txt"; } #endif // STAGING_ONLY
LoadUpgradesFileFromPath( pszPath ); }
// Purpose: Loads an upgrade file from a specific path
void CMannVsMachineUpgradeManager::LoadUpgradesFileFromPath( const char *pszPath ) { // Check that the path is valid
const char *pszExtension = V_GetFileExtension( pszPath ); if ( V_strstr( pszPath, ".." ) || V_strstr( pszPath, " " ) || V_strstr( pszPath, "\r" ) || V_strstr( pszPath, "\n" ) || V_strstr( pszPath, ":" ) || V_strstr( pszPath, "\\\\" ) || V_IsAbsolutePath( pszPath ) || pszExtension == NULL || V_strcmp( pszExtension, "txt" ) != 0 ) { return; }
KeyValues *pKV = new KeyValues( "Upgrades" ); if ( !pKV->LoadFromFile( filesystem, pszPath, "MOD" ) ) { Warning( "Can't open %s\n", pszPath ); pKV->deleteThis(); return; }
// Parse upgrades.txt
ParseUpgradeBlockForUIGroup( pKV->FindKey( "ItemUpgrades" ), 0 ); ParseUpgradeBlockForUIGroup( pKV->FindKey( "PlayerUpgrades" ), 1 );
pKV->deleteThis(); }
int GetUpgradeStepData( CTFPlayer *pPlayer, int nWeaponSlot, int nUpgradeIndex, int &nCurrentStep, bool &bOverCap ) { if ( !pPlayer ) return 0;
// Get the item entity. We use the entity, not the item in the loadout, because we want
// the dynamic attributes that have already been purchases and attached.
CEconEntity *pEntity = NULL; const CEconItemView *pItemData = CTFPlayerSharedUtils::GetEconItemViewByLoadoutSlot( pPlayer, nWeaponSlot, &pEntity );
const CMannVsMachineUpgrades *pMannVsMachineUpgrade = &( g_MannVsMachineUpgrades.m_Upgrades[ nUpgradeIndex ] );
CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pAttribDef = ItemSystem()->GetStaticDataForAttributeByName( pMannVsMachineUpgrade->szAttrib ); if ( !pAttribDef ) return 0;
// Special-case short-circuit logic for the powerup bottle. I don't know why we do this, but
// we did before so this seems like the safest way of not breaking anything.
const CTFPowerupBottle *pPowerupBottle = dynamic_cast< CTFPowerupBottle* >( pEntity ); if ( pPowerupBottle ) { Assert( pMannVsMachineUpgrade->nUIGroup == UIGROUP_POWERUPBOTTLE );
nCurrentStep = ::FindAttribute( pItemData, pAttribDef ) ? pPowerupBottle->GetNumCharges() : 0; bOverCap = nCurrentStep == pPowerupBottle->GetMaxNumCharges(); return pPowerupBottle->GetMaxNumCharges(); }
Assert( pAttribDef->IsStoredAsFloat() ); Assert( !pAttribDef->IsStoredAsInteger() );
int nFormat = pAttribDef->GetDescriptionFormat();
// Find the baseline value for this attribute. We start by assuming that it has no default value on
// the item level (CEconItem) and defaulting to 100% for percentages and 0 for anything else.
float flBase = bPercentage ? 1.0f : 0.0f; // If the item has a backing store, we pull from that to find the attribute value before any
// gameplay-specific (CEconItemView-level) attribute modifications. If we're a player we don't have
// any persistent backing store. This will either stomp our above value if found or leave it unchanged
// if not found.
if ( pItemData && pItemData->GetSOCData() ) { ::FindAttribute_UnsafeBitwiseCast<attrib_value_t>( pItemData->GetSOCData(), pAttribDef, &flBase ); }
// ...
float flCurrentAttribValue = bPercentage ? 1.0f : 0.0f; if ( pMannVsMachineUpgrade->nUIGroup == UIGROUP_UPGRADE_ATTACHED_TO_PLAYER ) { ::FindAttribute_UnsafeBitwiseCast<attrib_value_t>( pPlayer->GetAttributeList(), pAttribDef, &flCurrentAttribValue ); } else { Assert( pMannVsMachineUpgrade->nUIGroup == UIGROUP_UPGRADE_ATTACHED_TO_ITEM ); if ( pItemData ) { ::FindAttribute_UnsafeBitwiseCast<attrib_value_t>( pItemData, pAttribDef, &flCurrentAttribValue ); } }
// ...
const float flIncrement = pMannVsMachineUpgrade->flIncrement; // Figure out the cap value for this attribute. We start by trusting whatever is specified in our
// upgrade config but if we're dealing with an item that specifies different properties at a level
// before MvM upgrades (ie., the Soda Popper already specifies "Reload time decreased") then we
// need to make sure we consider that the actual high end for UI purposes.
const float flCap = pMannVsMachineUpgrade->flCap;
if ( BIsAttributeValueWithDeltaOverCap( flCurrentAttribValue, flIncrement, flCap ) ) { // Early out here -- we know we're over the cap already, so just fill out and return values
// that show that.
bOverCap = true; nCurrentStep = RoundFloatToInt( fabsf( ( flCurrentAttribValue - flBase ) / flIncrement ) );
return nCurrentStep; // Include the 0th step
// Calculate the the total number of upgrade levels and current upgrade level
int nNumSteps = 0; // ...
nNumSteps = RoundFloatToInt( fabsf( ( flCap - flBase ) / flIncrement ) ); nCurrentStep = RoundFloatToInt( fabsf( ( flCurrentAttribValue - flBase ) / flIncrement ) );
// Include the 0th step
return nNumSteps; }