//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "sessionlobbydialog.h"
#include "engine/imatchmaking.h"
#include "GameUI_Interface.h"
#include "EngineInterface.h"
#include "vgui/ISurface.h"
#include "vgui_controls/ImagePanel.h"
#include "vgui/ILocalize.h"
#include "BasePanel.h"
#include "matchmakingbasepanel.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
CSessionLobbyDialog *g_pLobbyDialog;
// CSessionLobbyDialog
CSessionLobbyDialog::CSessionLobbyDialog( vgui::Panel *pParent ) : BaseClass( pParent, "SessionLobbyDialog" ) { m_Menus[0].SetParent( this ); m_Menus[0].SetName( "BluePlayers" ); m_Menus[1].SetParent( this ); m_Menus[1].SetName( "RedPlayers" );
m_iLocalTeam = -1; m_iActiveMenu = -1; m_nHostId = 0; m_bHostLobby = false; m_bCenterOnScreen = true;
m_pLobbyStateBg = new vgui::Panel( this, "LobbyStateBg" ); m_pLobbyStateLabel = new CPropertyLabel( this, "LobbyStateLabel", "" ); m_pLobbyStateIcon = new CPropertyLabel( this, "LobbyStateIcon", "" ); m_pHostLabel = new CPropertyLabel( this, "HostLabel", "" ); m_pHostOptionsPanel = new vgui::EditablePanel( this, "HostOptions" );
m_pScenarioInfo = new CScenarioInfoPanel( this, "GameScenario" ); m_pTeamInfos[BLUE_TEAM_LOBBY] = new CScenarioInfoPanel( this, "BlueTeamDescription" ); m_pTeamInfos[RED_TEAM_LOBBY] = new CScenarioInfoPanel( this, "RedTeamDescription" );
m_pDialogKeys = NULL;
g_pLobbyDialog = this;
m_bStartingGame = false; m_nLastPlayersNeeded = 0;
m_nMinInfoHeight[BLUE_TEAM_LOBBY] = 0; m_nMinInfoHeight[RED_TEAM_LOBBY] = 0; }
CSessionLobbyDialog::~CSessionLobbyDialog() { delete m_pLobbyStateBg; delete m_pLobbyStateLabel; delete m_pLobbyStateIcon; delete m_pHostLabel; delete m_pHostOptionsPanel;
delete m_pScenarioInfo; for ( int i = 0; i < TOTAL_LOBBY_TEAMS; ++i ) { delete m_pTeamInfos[i]; } }
// Purpose: Dialog keys contain session contexts and properties
void CSessionLobbyDialog::SetDialogKeys( KeyValues *pKeys ) { m_pDialogKeys = pKeys; InvalidateLayout(); }
// Purpose: Helper to set label text from keyvalues
void CSessionLobbyDialog::SetTextFromKeyvalues( CPropertyLabel *pLabel ) { KeyValues *pKey = m_pDialogKeys->FindKey( pLabel->m_szPropertyString ); if ( pKey ) { const char *pString = pKey->GetString( "displaystring", NULL ); if ( pString ) { pLabel->SetText( pString ); } } }
// Purpose: Center the dialog on the screen
void CSessionLobbyDialog::PerformLayout() { BaseClass::PerformLayout();
if ( !m_pDialogKeys ) return;
// Set the label strings according to the keyvalues passed in
SetTextFromKeyvalues( m_pScenarioInfo->m_pTitle ); SetTextFromKeyvalues( m_pScenarioInfo->m_pDescOne ); SetTextFromKeyvalues( m_pScenarioInfo->m_pDescTwo ); SetTextFromKeyvalues( m_pScenarioInfo->m_pDescThree ); SetTextFromKeyvalues( m_pScenarioInfo->m_pValueTwo ); SetTextFromKeyvalues( m_pScenarioInfo->m_pValueThree );
const char *pDiskName = "unknown"; KeyValues *pName = m_pDialogKeys->FindKey( "MapDiskNames" ); if ( pName ) { KeyValues *pScenario = m_pDialogKeys->FindKey( "CONTEXT_SCENARIO" ); if ( pScenario ) { pDiskName = pName->GetString( pScenario->GetString( "displaystring" ), "unknown" ); } }
// find the scenario type
KeyValues *pType = m_pDialogKeys->FindKey( "ScenarioTypes" ); if ( pType ) { const char *pString = pType->GetString( pDiskName, NULL ); if ( pString ) { m_pScenarioInfo->m_pSubtitle->SetText( pString ); } }
// Set the team goals
KeyValues *pGoals = m_pDialogKeys->FindKey( "TeamGoals" ); if ( pGoals ) { KeyValues *pTeam = pGoals->FindKey( "Blue" ); if ( pTeam ) { m_pTeamInfos[BLUE_TEAM_LOBBY]->m_pDescOne->SetText( pTeam->GetString( pDiskName, "" ) ); } pTeam = pGoals->FindKey( "Red" ); if ( pTeam ) { m_pTeamInfos[RED_TEAM_LOBBY]->m_pDescOne->SetText( pTeam->GetString( pDiskName, "" ) ); } }
for ( int i = 0; i < TOTAL_LOBBY_TEAMS; ++i ) { UpdatePlayerCountDisplay( i ); }
if ( m_bCenterOnScreen ) { MoveToCenterOfScreen(); }
// Don't allow player reviews in system link games
CMatchmakingBasePanel *pBase = dynamic_cast< CMatchmakingBasePanel* >( m_pParent ); if ( pBase ) { pBase->SetFooterButtonVisible( "#GameUI_PlayerReview", pBase->GetGameType() != GAMETYPE_SYSTEMLINK_MATCH );
// hide the settings changing if we're in a ranked game
if ( m_pHostOptionsPanel ) { bool bVisible = pBase->GetGameType() != GAMETYPE_RANKED_MATCH; vgui::Label *pSettingsLabel = (vgui::Label *)m_pHostOptionsPanel->FindChildByName("ChangeSettingsButton",true); if ( pSettingsLabel ) { pSettingsLabel->SetVisible( bVisible ); } pSettingsLabel = (vgui::Label *)m_pHostOptionsPanel->FindChildByName("ChangeSettingsText",true); if ( pSettingsLabel ) { pSettingsLabel->SetVisible( bVisible ); } } } }
// Purpose: Parse session properties and contexts from the resource file
void CSessionLobbyDialog::ApplySettings( KeyValues *pResourceData ) { BaseClass::ApplySettings( pResourceData );
m_nImageBorderWidth = pResourceData->GetInt( "imageborderwidth", 15 ); m_nTeamspacing = pResourceData->GetInt( "teamspacing", 0 ); m_bHostLobby = pResourceData->GetInt( "hostlobby", 0 ) != 0; m_bCenterOnScreen = pResourceData->GetInt( "center", 1 ) == 1;
Q_strncpy( m_szCommand, pResourceData->GetString( "commandstring", "NULL" ), sizeof( m_szCommand ) ); }
// Purpose: Set up colors and other such stuff
void CSessionLobbyDialog::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
Color cLabelColor = pScheme->GetColor( "MatchmakingDialogTitleColor", Color( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) );
m_pLobbyStateLabel->SetFgColor( cLabelColor ); m_pHostLabel->SetFgColor( cLabelColor );
m_pLobbyStateBg->SetBgColor( pScheme->GetColor( "TanDarker", Color( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ) ); m_pLobbyStateBg->SetPaintBackgroundType( 2 );
m_pHostOptionsPanel->SetBgColor( pScheme->GetColor( "TanDarker", Color( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ) ); m_pHostOptionsPanel->SetPaintBackgroundType( 2 );
m_pScenarioInfo->SetBgColor( pScheme->GetColor( "TanDarker", Color( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ) ); m_pTeamInfos[BLUE_TEAM_LOBBY]->SetBgColor( pScheme->GetColor( "HudBlueTeam", Color( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ) ); m_pTeamInfos[RED_TEAM_LOBBY]->SetBgColor( pScheme->GetColor( "HudRedTeam", Color( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ) );
// Cache of these heights so we never go below them when resizing
m_nMinInfoHeight[BLUE_TEAM_LOBBY] = m_pTeamInfos[BLUE_TEAM_LOBBY]->GetTall(); m_nMinInfoHeight[RED_TEAM_LOBBY] = m_pTeamInfos[RED_TEAM_LOBBY]->GetTall();
//Lets set all the labels this panel owns to be the right fgcolor. hooray vgui!
int iChildren = m_pHostOptionsPanel->GetChildCount();
for ( int i=0;i<iChildren;i++ ) { vgui::Label *pLabel = dynamic_cast< vgui::Label * >( m_pHostOptionsPanel->GetChild(i) ); if ( pLabel ) { SETUP_PANEL( pLabel ); pLabel->SetFgColor( cLabelColor ); } }
vgui::Label *pPlayerReviewLabel = (vgui::Label *)FindChildByName("PlayerReviewLabel" ); if ( pPlayerReviewLabel ) { SETUP_PANEL( pPlayerReviewLabel ); pPlayerReviewLabel->SetFgColor( cLabelColor ); }
SetLobbyReadyState( m_nLastPlayersNeeded ); }
void CSessionLobbyDialog::PositionTeamInfos() { // Line up the team info panels and menus
int x, y; int menux, menuy; m_pTeamInfos[0]->GetPos( x, y ); m_Menus[0].GetPos( menux, menuy );
for ( int i = 1; i < TOTAL_LOBBY_TEAMS; ++i ) { y += m_pTeamInfos[i - 1]->GetTall() + m_nTeamspacing; m_pTeamInfos[i]->SetPos( x, y ); m_Menus[i].SetPos( menux, y ); } }
void CSessionLobbyDialog::ActivateNextMenu() { int startIndex = m_iActiveMenu; m_Menus[m_iActiveMenu].SetFocus( -1 ); do { m_iActiveMenu = (m_iActiveMenu + 1) % TOTAL_LOBBY_TEAMS; } while ( m_Menus[m_iActiveMenu].GetItemCount() == 0 && m_iActiveMenu != startIndex );
m_Menus[m_iActiveMenu].SetFocus( 0 ); }
void CSessionLobbyDialog::ActivatePreviousMenu() { int startIndex = m_iActiveMenu; m_Menus[m_iActiveMenu].SetFocus( -1 ); do { m_iActiveMenu = m_iActiveMenu ? m_iActiveMenu - 1 : TOTAL_LOBBY_TEAMS - 1; } while ( m_Menus[m_iActiveMenu].GetItemCount() == 0 && m_iActiveMenu != startIndex );
m_Menus[m_iActiveMenu].SetFocus( m_Menus[m_iActiveMenu].GetItemCount() - 1 ); }
void CSessionLobbyDialog::UpdatePlayerCountDisplay( int iTeam ) { int ct = m_Menus[iTeam].GetItemCount(); wchar_t wszString[32]; wchar_t *wzPlayersFmt = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( ct != 1 ? "#TF_ScoreBoard_Players" : "#TF_ScoreBoard_Player" ); wchar_t wzPlayerCt[8]; V_snwprintf( wzPlayerCt, ARRAYSIZE( wzPlayerCt ), L"%d", ct ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszString, sizeof( wszString ), wzPlayersFmt, 1, wzPlayerCt );
m_pTeamInfos[iTeam]->m_pSubtitle->SetText( wszString );
if ( m_nMinInfoHeight[iTeam] == 0 ) { m_nMinInfoHeight[iTeam] = m_pTeamInfos[iTeam]->GetTall(); }
int height = max( m_nMinInfoHeight[iTeam], m_Menus[iTeam].GetTall() ); m_pTeamInfos[iTeam]->SetTall( height );
PositionTeamInfos(); }
void CSessionLobbyDialog::UpdatePlayerInfo( uint64 nPlayerId, const char *pName, int iTeam, byte cVoiceState, int nPlayersNeeded, bool bHost ) { if ( m_iLocalTeam == -1 ) { m_iLocalTeam = iTeam; }
bool bReady = ( nPlayersNeeded == 0 );
// Look for the player
int iFoundTeam = -1; int iFoundItem = -1; CPlayerItem *pFound = NULL; for ( int iMenu = 0; iMenu < TOTAL_LOBBY_TEAMS && !pFound; ++iMenu ) { CDialogMenu &menu = m_Menus[iMenu];
if ( menu.GetItemCount() == 0 ) continue;
for ( int idx = 0; idx < menu.GetItemCount(); ++idx ) { CPlayerItem *pPlayerItem = dynamic_cast< CPlayerItem* >( menu.GetItem( idx ) ); if ( pPlayerItem && pPlayerItem->m_nId == nPlayerId ) { pFound = pPlayerItem; iFoundTeam = iMenu; iFoundItem = idx; break; } } }
// Update menu and item focus if the player changed teams
if ( iFoundTeam != iTeam ) { if ( pFound ) { // Remove the player from the current team
m_Menus[iFoundTeam].RemovePlayerItem( iFoundItem ); UpdatePlayerCountDisplay( iFoundTeam ); }
if ( 0 <= iTeam && iTeam < TOTAL_LOBBY_TEAMS ) { // Add the player to the new team
m_Menus[iTeam].AddPlayerItem( pName, nPlayerId, cVoiceState, bReady ); UpdatePlayerCountDisplay( iTeam ); }
// if the player joined an empty lobby, set the active team
if ( m_iActiveMenu == -1 ) { m_iActiveMenu = iTeam; m_Menus[m_iActiveMenu].SetFocus( 0 ); }
// update the highlight position
if ( iFoundTeam == m_iActiveMenu ) { CDialogMenu &activeMenu = m_Menus[m_iActiveMenu]; int iActive = activeMenu.GetActiveItemIndex();
if ( iActive == iFoundItem ) { // The changed player was also the highlighted player
if ( iTeam >= 0 ) { // Move the highlight to the player's new position
activeMenu.SetFocus( -1 ); m_iActiveMenu = iTeam; m_Menus[m_iActiveMenu].SetFocus( m_Menus[m_iActiveMenu].GetItemCount() - 1 ); } else { // player left the game, move the highlight to the next filled slot
if ( iActive >= activeMenu.GetItemCount() ) { ActivateNextMenu(); } } } else if ( iActive > iFoundItem ) { // Need to drop the highlighted index one slot
m_Menus[m_iActiveMenu].SetFocus( iActive - 1 ); } } } else { if ( pFound ) { if ( pFound->m_bVoice != cVoiceState ) { pFound->m_bVoice = cVoiceState; pFound->InvalidateLayout(); } } }
if ( bHost ) { wchar_t wszString[MAX_PATH]; wchar_t wszHostname[MAX_PATH]; wchar_t *wzHostFmt = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#TF_Lobby_Host" ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( pName, wszHostname, sizeof( wszHostname ) );
V_snwprintf( wszString, ARRAYSIZE(wszString), L"%s\n%s", wzHostFmt, wszHostname );
m_pHostLabel->SetText( wszString ); m_nHostId = nPlayerId; }
int iPlayersNeeded = ( bReady ) ? 0 : nPlayersNeeded; SetLobbyReadyState( iPlayersNeeded ); m_nLastPlayersNeeded = iPlayersNeeded;
InvalidateLayout( true, false ); }
void CSessionLobbyDialog::SetLobbyReadyState( int nPlayersNeeded ) { // check if the host is allowed to start the game
if ( nPlayersNeeded <= 0 ) { if ( m_bHostLobby ) { m_pLobbyStateLabel->SetText( "#TF_PressStart" ); m_pLobbyStateIcon->SetText( "#GameUI_Icons_START" ); } else { m_pLobbyStateLabel->SetText( "#TF_WaitingForHost" ); m_pLobbyStateIcon->SetText( "#TF_Icon_Alert" );
m_bStartingGame = false; // client guesses that they can change teams
} } else { wchar_t wszWaiting[64]; wchar_t *wzWaitingFmt; if ( nPlayersNeeded == 1 ) { wzWaitingFmt = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#TF_WaitingForPlayerFmt" ); } else { wzWaitingFmt = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#TF_WaitingForPlayersFmt" ); } wchar_t wzPlayers[8]; V_snwprintf( wzPlayers, ARRAYSIZE( wzPlayers ), L"%d", nPlayersNeeded ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszWaiting, sizeof( wszWaiting ), wzWaitingFmt, 1, wzPlayers ); m_pLobbyStateLabel->SetText( wszWaiting ); m_pLobbyStateIcon->SetText( "#TF_Icon_Alert" );
// If we were starting and dropped below min players, cancel
SetStartGame( false ); } }
void CSessionLobbyDialog::UpdateCountdown( int seconds ) { if ( seconds == -1 ) { // countdown was canceled
SetLobbyReadyState( 0 ); return; }
// Set the text in the countdown label
wchar_t wszCountdown[MAX_PATH]; wchar_t wszSeconds[MAX_PATH]; wchar_t *wzCountdownFmt; if ( seconds != 1 ) { wzCountdownFmt = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#TF_StartingInSecs" ); } else { wzCountdownFmt = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#TF_StartingInSec" ); } V_snwprintf( wszSeconds, ARRAYSIZE( wszSeconds ), L"%d", seconds ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszCountdown, sizeof( wszCountdown ), wzCountdownFmt, 1, wszSeconds );
m_pLobbyStateLabel->SetText( wszCountdown );
if ( !m_bHostLobby ) { m_bStartingGame = true; // client guesses that they can't change teams
} }
// Purpose: Send key presses to the dialog's menu
void CSessionLobbyDialog::OnKeyCodePressed( vgui::KeyCode code ) { CDialogMenu *pMenu = &m_Menus[m_iActiveMenu]; if ( !pMenu ) return;
int idx = pMenu->GetActiveItemIndex(); int itemCt = pMenu->GetItemCount();
CPlayerItem *pItem = dynamic_cast< CPlayerItem* >( pMenu->GetItem( idx ) ); if ( !pItem ) return;
SetDeleteSelfOnClose( true );
switch( code ) { case KEY_XBUTTON_DOWN: case KEY_XSTICK1_DOWN: case STEAMCONTROLLER_DPAD_DOWN: if ( idx >= itemCt - 1 ) { ActivateNextMenu(); } else { pMenu->HandleKeyCode( code ); } break;
case KEY_XBUTTON_UP: case KEY_XSTICK1_UP: case STEAMCONTROLLER_DPAD_UP: if ( idx <= 0 ) { ActivatePreviousMenu(); } else { pMenu->HandleKeyCode( code ); } break;
case KEY_XBUTTON_A: case STEAMCONTROLLER_A: #ifdef _X360
XShowGamerCardUI( XBX_GetPrimaryUserId(), pItem->m_nId ); #endif
{ // Don't allow player reviews in system link games
CMatchmakingBasePanel *pBase = dynamic_cast< CMatchmakingBasePanel* >( m_pParent ); if ( pBase && pBase->GetGameType() == GAMETYPE_SYSTEMLINK_MATCH ) break; }
XShowPlayerReviewUI( XBX_GetPrimaryUserId(), pItem->m_nId ); #endif
case KEY_XBUTTON_LEFT_SHOULDER: { // Don't kick ourselves
if ( m_bHostLobby ) { if ( pItem && ((CPlayerItem*)pItem)->m_nId != m_nHostId ) { GameUI().ShowMessageDialog( MD_KICK_CONFIRMATION, this ); } else { vgui::surface()->PlaySound( "player/suit_denydevice.wav" ); } } } break;
if ( m_bHostLobby ) { SetStartGame( false ); } break;
case KEY_XBUTTON_X: case STEAMCONTROLLER_X: if ( m_bStartingGame ) { // We think we're loading the game, so play deny sound
vgui::surface()->PlaySound( "player/suit_denydevice.wav" ); } else { matchmaking->ChangeTeam( NULL ); } break;
case KEY_XBUTTON_Y: case STEAMCONTROLLER_Y: if ( m_bHostLobby ) { // Don't allow settings changes in ranked games
CMatchmakingBasePanel *pBase = dynamic_cast< CMatchmakingBasePanel* >( m_pParent ); if ( pBase && pBase->GetGameType() == GAMETYPE_RANKED_MATCH ) break;
SetDeleteSelfOnClose( false ); OnCommand( "SessionOptions_Modify" ); SetStartGame( false ); } break;
case KEY_XBUTTON_START: SetStartGame( !m_bStartingGame ); break;
default: pMenu->HandleKeyCode( code ); break; } }
// Purpose: start and stop the countdown
void CSessionLobbyDialog::SetStartGame( bool bStartGame ) { if ( !m_bHostLobby ) return;
bool bCanStart = true; if ( m_bStartingGame != bStartGame ) { if ( bStartGame ) { m_bStartingGame = matchmaking->StartGame(); bCanStart = m_bStartingGame; } else { if ( matchmaking->CancelStartGame() ) { m_bStartingGame = false; } }
// If we can start the game but haven't started yet, show the "Start Game" label
bool bShowStartGame = bCanStart && !m_bStartingGame;
// show/hide the "start game" and countdown hint label based on state
vgui::Label *pStartGame = (vgui::Label *)m_pHostOptionsPanel->FindChildByName("StartGameText" ); if ( pStartGame ) { pStartGame->SetVisible( m_bStartingGame == false ); }
vgui::Label *pCancelCountdown = (vgui::Label *)m_pHostOptionsPanel->FindChildByName("CancelGameText" ); if ( pCancelCountdown ) { pCancelCountdown->SetVisible( m_bStartingGame == true ); }
if ( bShowStartGame ) { m_pLobbyStateLabel->SetText( "#TF_PressStart" ); m_pLobbyStateIcon->SetText( "#GameUI_Icons_START" ); } } }
// Purpose: Handle menu commands
void CSessionLobbyDialog::OnCommand( const char *pCommand ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( pCommand, "ReturnToMainMenu" ) ) { matchmaking->KickPlayerFromSession( 0 ); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( pCommand, "KickPlayer" ) ) { CDialogMenu *pMenu = &m_Menus[m_iActiveMenu]; CPlayerItem *pItem = (CPlayerItem*)pMenu->GetItem( pMenu->GetActiveItemIndex() ); if ( pItem ) { matchmaking->KickPlayerFromSession( pItem->m_nId ); } }
GetParent()->OnCommand( pCommand ); }
static int pnum = 1;
CON_COMMAND( mm_add_player, "Add a player" ) { if ( args.ArgC() >= 5 ) { int team = atoi( args[1] ); const char *pName = args[2]; uint32 id = atoi( args[3] ); byte cVoiceState = atoi( args[4] ) != 0; int nPlayersNeeded = atoi( args[5] ); g_pLobbyDialog->UpdatePlayerInfo( id, pName, team, cVoiceState, nPlayersNeeded, false ); } else if ( args.ArgC() >= 1 ) { char name[ 32 ]; int team = pnum & 0x1; int id = pnum++; if ( args.ArgC() >= 2 ) { team = atoi( args[ 1 ] ); if ( args.ArgC() >= 3 ) { id = atoi( args[2] ); } } Q_snprintf( name, sizeof( name ), "Player%d", pnum ); g_pLobbyDialog->UpdatePlayerInfo( id, name, team, true, 0, false ); } }