//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Base class for objects that are kept in synch between client and server
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "gcsdk_gcmessages.pb.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
namespace GCSDK {
// Purpose: Map of all the factory functions for all CSharedObject classes
CUtlMap<int, CSharedObject::SharedObjectInfo_t> CSharedObject::sm_mapFactories(DefLessFunc(int));
// Purpose: Registers a new CSharedObject class
void CSharedObject::RegisterFactory( int nTypeID, SOCreationFunc_t fnFactory, uint32 unFlags, const char *pchClassName ) { SharedObjectInfo_t info; info.m_pFactoryFunction = fnFactory; info.m_unFlags = unFlags; info.m_pchClassName = pchClassName; info.m_sBuildCacheSubNodeName.Format( "BuildCacheSubscribed(%s)", pchClassName ); info.m_sCreateNodeName.Format( "Create(%s)", pchClassName ); info.m_sUpdateNodeName.Format( "Update(%s)", pchClassName ); sm_mapFactories.InsertOrReplace( nTypeID, info );
//register this class with our SO stats as well
#ifdef GC
g_SharedObjectStats.RegisterSharedObjectType( nTypeID, pchClassName ); #endif //GC
// Purpose: Creates a new CSharedObject instance of the specified type ID
CSharedObject *CSharedObject::Create( int nTypeID ) { int nIndex = sm_mapFactories.Find( nTypeID ); AssertMsg1( sm_mapFactories.IsValidIndex( nIndex ), "Probably failed to set object type (%d) on the server/client.\n", nTypeID ); if( sm_mapFactories.IsValidIndex( nIndex ) ) { return sm_mapFactories[nIndex].m_pFactoryFunction(); } else { return NULL; } }
// Purpose: Various accessors for static class data
uint32 CSharedObject::GetTypeFlags( int nTypeID ) { int nIndex = sm_mapFactories.Find( nTypeID ); if( !sm_mapFactories.IsValidIndex( nIndex ) ) return 0; else return sm_mapFactories[nIndex].m_unFlags; }
const char *CSharedObject::PchClassName( int nTypeID ) { int nIndex = sm_mapFactories.Find( nTypeID ); if( !sm_mapFactories.IsValidIndex( nIndex ) ) return 0; else return sm_mapFactories[nIndex].m_pchClassName;
const char *CSharedObject::PchClassBuildCacheNodeName( int nTypeID ) { int nIndex = sm_mapFactories.Find( nTypeID ); if( !sm_mapFactories.IsValidIndex( nIndex ) ) return 0; else return sm_mapFactories[nIndex].m_sBuildCacheSubNodeName.Get(); }
const char *CSharedObject::PchClassCreateNodeName( int nTypeID ) { int nIndex = sm_mapFactories.Find( nTypeID ); if( !sm_mapFactories.IsValidIndex( nIndex ) ) return 0; else return sm_mapFactories[nIndex].m_sCreateNodeName.Get(); }
const char *CSharedObject::PchClassUpdateNodeName( int nTypeID ) { int nIndex = sm_mapFactories.Find( nTypeID ); if( !sm_mapFactories.IsValidIndex( nIndex ) ) return 0; else return sm_mapFactories[nIndex].m_sUpdateNodeName.Get(); }
// Purpose: Figures out if the primary keys on these two objects are the same
// using the subclass-defined less function
bool CSharedObject::BIsKeyEqual( const CSharedObject & soRHS ) const { // Make sure they are the same type.
if ( GetTypeID() != soRHS.GetTypeID() ) return false;
return !BIsKeyLess( soRHS ) && !soRHS.BIsKeyLess( *this ); }
#ifdef GC
// Purpose: Sends a create message for this shared object to the specified
// steam ID.
bool CSharedObject::BSendCreateToSteamID( const CSteamID & steamID, const CSteamID & steamIDOwner, uint64 ulVersion ) const { // Don't send these while shutting down. We'll use higher-level
// connection-oriented messages instead
if ( GGCBase()->GetIsShuttingDown() ) return false;
CProtoBufMsg< CMsgSOSingleObject > msg( k_ESOMsg_Create ); msg.Body().set_owner( steamIDOwner.ConvertToUint64() ); msg.Body().set_type_id( GetTypeID() ); msg.Body().set_version( ulVersion ); if( !BAddToMessage( msg.Body().mutable_object_data() ) ) { EmitWarning( SPEW_SHAREDOBJ, SPEW_ALWAYS, "Failed to add create fields to message in create" ); return false; }
return GGCBase()->BSendGCMsgToClient( steamID, msg ); }
// Purpose: Sends a destroy message for this object to the specified steam ID
bool CSharedObject::BSendDestroyToSteamID( const CSteamID & steamID, const CSteamID & steamIDOwner, uint64 ulVersion ) const { // Don't send these while shutting down. We'll use higher-level
// connection-oriented messages instead
if ( GGCBase()->GetIsShuttingDown() ) return false;
CProtoBufMsg< CMsgSOSingleObject > msg( k_ESOMsg_Destroy ); msg.Body().set_owner( steamIDOwner.ConvertToUint64() ); msg.Body().set_type_id( GetTypeID() ); msg.Body().set_version( ulVersion ); if( !BAddDestroyToMessage( msg.Body().mutable_object_data() ) ) { EmitWarning( SPEW_SHAREDOBJ, SPEW_ALWAYS, "Failed to add key to message in create" ); return false; } return GGCBase()->BSendGCMsgToClient( steamID, msg ); }
// Purpose: Wraps BYieldingAddInsertToTransaction with a transaction and a
// commit.
bool CSharedObject::BYieldingAddToDatabase() { CSQLAccess sqlAccess; sqlAccess.BBeginTransaction( CFmtStr( "CSharedObject::BYieldingAddToDatabase Type %d", GetTypeID() ) ); if( !BYieldingAddInsertToTransaction( sqlAccess ) ) { sqlAccess.RollbackTransaction(); return false; }
return sqlAccess.BCommitTransaction(); }
// Purpose: Wraps BYieldingAddWriteToTransaction with a transaction and a
// commit.
bool CSharedObject::BYieldingWriteToDatabase( const CUtlVector< int > &fields ) { CSQLAccess sqlAccess; sqlAccess.BBeginTransaction( CFmtStr( "CSharedObject::BYieldingWriteToDatabase Type %d", GetTypeID() ) ); if( !BYieldingAddWriteToTransaction( sqlAccess, fields ) ) { sqlAccess.RollbackTransaction(); return false; }
if( sqlAccess.BCommitTransaction() ) { return true; } else { return false; } }
// Purpose: Wraps BYieldingAddRemoveToTransaction with a transaction and a
// commit.
bool CSharedObject::BYieldingRemoveFromDatabase() { CSQLAccess sqlAccess; sqlAccess.BBeginTransaction( CFmtStr( "CSharedObject::BYieldingRemoveFromDatabase Type %d", GetTypeID() ) ); if( !BYieldingAddRemoveToTransaction( sqlAccess ) ) { sqlAccess.RollbackTransaction(); return false; }
return sqlAccess.BCommitTransaction(); }
// CSharedObjectStats
//our global stats for our SO objects
CSharedObjectStats g_SharedObjectStats;
CSharedObjectStats::CSharedObjectStats() : m_bCollectingStats( false ) , m_nMicroSElapsed( 0 ) { }
CSharedObjectStats::SOStats_t::SOStats_t() : m_nNumActive( 0 ) { ResetStats(); }
void CSharedObjectStats::SOStats_t::ResetStats() { m_nNumCreated = 0; m_nNumDestroyed = 0; m_nNumSends = 0; m_nRawBytesSent = 0; m_nMultiplexedBytesSent = 0; m_nNumSubOwner = 0; m_nNumSubOtherUsers = 0; m_nNumSubGameServer = 0; }
void CSharedObjectStats::StartCollectingStats() { //do nothing if already collecting
if( m_bCollectingStats ) return;
m_bCollectingStats = true; m_CollectTime.SetToJobTime(); }
void CSharedObjectStats::StopCollectingStats() { if( !m_bCollectingStats ) return;
m_bCollectingStats = false; m_nMicroSElapsed = m_CollectTime.CServerMicroSecsPassed(); }
void CSharedObjectStats::RegisterSharedObjectType( int nTypeID, const char* pszTypeName ) { if( nTypeID < 0 ) { AssertMsg2( false, "Error registering shared object type %d (%s), negative type ID's are not supported", nTypeID, pszTypeName ); return; }
//see if we need to grow our list to accommodate this type id
if( nTypeID >= m_vTypeToIndex.Count() ) { //make sure people aren't getting carried away with index ranges
AssertMsg( nTypeID < 8 * 1024, "Warning: Using a very large type ID which can be inefficient for the shared object stats. Try to keep values to a smaller range" ); int nOldSize = m_vTypeToIndex.Count(); m_vTypeToIndex.AddMultipleToTail( nTypeID + 1 - nOldSize ); for( int nCurrFill = nOldSize; nCurrFill < nTypeID; nCurrFill++ ) { m_vTypeToIndex[ nCurrFill ] = knInvalidIndex; } } else if( m_vTypeToIndex[ nTypeID ] != knInvalidIndex ) { //we have already registered something in this slot
AssertMsg2( false, "Error registering shared object type %d (%s), may have multiple registrations of this type, check for conflicts", nTypeID, pszTypeName ); return; }
//we need to register this type by adding a new record, and updating our index
int nNewIndex = m_Stats.AddToTail(); m_Stats[ nNewIndex ].m_sName = pszTypeName; m_Stats[ nNewIndex ].m_nTypeID = nTypeID; m_vTypeToIndex[ nTypeID ] = nNewIndex; }
void CSharedObjectStats::TrackSharedObjectLifetime( int nTypeID, int32 nCount ) { uint16 nIndex = ( m_vTypeToIndex.IsValidIndex( nTypeID ) ) ? m_vTypeToIndex[ nTypeID ] : knInvalidIndex; if( nIndex != knInvalidIndex ) { m_Stats[ nIndex ].m_nNumActive += nCount; } }
void CSharedObjectStats::TrackSharedObjectSendCreate( int nTypeID, uint32 nCount ) { uint16 nIndex = ( m_vTypeToIndex.IsValidIndex( nTypeID ) ) ? m_vTypeToIndex[ nTypeID ] : knInvalidIndex; if( nIndex != knInvalidIndex ) { m_Stats[ nIndex ].m_nNumCreated += nCount; } }
void CSharedObjectStats::TrackSharedObjectSendDestroy( int nTypeID, uint32 nCount ) { uint16 nIndex = (m_vTypeToIndex.IsValidIndex( nTypeID ) ) ? m_vTypeToIndex[ nTypeID ] : knInvalidIndex; if( nIndex != knInvalidIndex ) { m_Stats[ nIndex ].m_nNumDestroyed += nCount; } }
void CSharedObjectStats::TrackSubscription( int nTypeID, uint32 nFlags, uint32 nNumSubscriptions ) { if( !m_bCollectingStats ) return;
uint16 nIndex = ( m_vTypeToIndex.IsValidIndex( nTypeID ) ) ? m_vTypeToIndex[ nTypeID ] : knInvalidIndex; if( nIndex != knInvalidIndex ) { if( nFlags & k_ESOFlag_SendToOwner ) m_Stats[ nIndex ].m_nNumSubOwner += nNumSubscriptions; if( nFlags & k_ESOFlag_SendToOtherUsers ) m_Stats[ nIndex ].m_nNumSubOtherUsers += nNumSubscriptions; if( nFlags & k_ESOFlag_SendToOtherGameservers ) m_Stats[ nIndex ].m_nNumSubGameServer += nNumSubscriptions; }
void CSharedObjectStats::TrackSharedObjectSend( int nTypeID, uint32 nNumClients, uint32 nMsgSize ) { if( !m_bCollectingStats ) return;
uint16 nIndex = ( m_vTypeToIndex.IsValidIndex( nTypeID ) ) ? m_vTypeToIndex[ nTypeID ] : knInvalidIndex; if( nIndex != knInvalidIndex ) { m_Stats[ nIndex ].m_nNumSends++; m_Stats[ nIndex ].m_nRawBytesSent += nMsgSize; m_Stats[ nIndex ].m_nMultiplexedBytesSent += nMsgSize * nNumClients; } }
void CSharedObjectStats::ResetStats() { FOR_EACH_VEC( m_Stats, nCurrSO ) { m_Stats[ nCurrSO ].ResetStats(); } }
bool CSharedObjectStats::SortSOStatsSent( const SOStats_t* pLhs, const SOStats_t* pRhs ) { //highest bandwidth ones go up top
if( pLhs->m_nMultiplexedBytesSent != pRhs->m_nMultiplexedBytesSent ) return pLhs->m_nMultiplexedBytesSent > pRhs->m_nMultiplexedBytesSent;
//otherwise sort by the name
return pLhs->m_nTypeID < pRhs->m_nTypeID; }
bool CSharedObjectStats::SortSOStatsSubscribe( const SOStats_t* pLhs, const SOStats_t* pRhs ) { //sort based on total number of subscriptions
uint32 nLhsSub = pLhs->m_nNumSubOwner + pLhs->m_nNumSubOtherUsers + pLhs->m_nNumSubGameServer; uint32 nRhsSub = pRhs->m_nNumSubOwner + pRhs->m_nNumSubOtherUsers + pRhs->m_nNumSubGameServer; if( nLhsSub != nRhsSub ) return nLhsSub > nRhsSub;
//otherwise sort by the name
return pLhs->m_nTypeID < pRhs->m_nTypeID; }
void CSharedObjectStats::ReportCollectedStats() const { //build up a list of our stats, so we can sort them appropriately (also total how many bytes we send)
uint64 nTotalRawBytes = 0; uint64 nTotalMultiplexBytes = 0; uint32 nTotalActive = 0; uint32 nTotalCreates = 0; uint32 nTotalFrees = 0; uint32 nTotalSends = 0; uint32 nTotalSubOwner = 0; uint32 nTotalSubOtherUsers = 0; uint32 nTotalSubGameServer = 0;
CUtlVector< const SOStats_t* > sortedStats( 0, m_Stats.Count() ); FOR_EACH_VEC( m_Stats, nCurrSO ) { sortedStats.AddToTail( &( m_Stats[ nCurrSO ] ) );
nTotalRawBytes += m_Stats[ nCurrSO ].m_nRawBytesSent; nTotalMultiplexBytes += m_Stats[ nCurrSO ].m_nMultiplexedBytesSent; nTotalActive += m_Stats[ nCurrSO ].m_nNumActive; nTotalCreates += m_Stats[ nCurrSO ].m_nNumCreated; nTotalFrees += m_Stats[ nCurrSO ].m_nNumDestroyed; nTotalSends += m_Stats[ nCurrSO ].m_nNumSends; nTotalSubOwner += m_Stats[ nCurrSO ].m_nNumSubOwner; nTotalSubOtherUsers += m_Stats[ nCurrSO ].m_nNumSubOtherUsers; nTotalSubGameServer += m_Stats[ nCurrSO ].m_nNumSubGameServer; }
//determine the time scale to normalize this into per second measurements
uint64 nMicroSElapsed = ( m_bCollectingStats ) ? m_CollectTime.CServerMicroSecsPassed() : m_nMicroSElapsed; double fSeconds = nMicroSElapsed / 1000000.0; double fToS = ( nMicroSElapsed > 0 ) ? 1000000.0 / nMicroSElapsed : 1.0;
// Update stats
std::sort( sortedStats.begin(), sortedStats.end(), SortSOStatsSent );
EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "\n" ); EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "SO Cache Transmits - %.2f second capture\n", fSeconds ); EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "\n" );
//now run through and display our report
EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "%s", "Type Name SendKB % SendKB/S MPlex Create C/S Destroy D/S Update U/S Active U/S (%)\n" ); EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "%s", "---- ------------------------------ ------- ------ -------- ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------- -------\n" );
FOR_EACH_VEC( sortedStats, nCurrSO ) { const SOStats_t& stats = *sortedStats[ nCurrSO ];
EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "%4d %-30s %7u %5.1f%% %8.1f %6.2f %7u %7.0f %7u %7.0f %7u %7.0f %9u %6.3f%%\n", stats.m_nTypeID, stats.m_sName.Get(), ( uint32 )( stats.m_nRawBytesSent / 1024 ), 100.0 * ( double )stats.m_nRawBytesSent / ( double )MAX( 1, nTotalRawBytes ), ( double )( stats.m_nRawBytesSent / 1024 ) * fToS, ( double )stats.m_nMultiplexedBytesSent / MAX( 1, stats.m_nRawBytesSent ), stats.m_nNumCreated, stats.m_nNumCreated * fToS, stats.m_nNumDestroyed, stats.m_nNumDestroyed * fToS, stats.m_nNumSends, stats.m_nNumSends * fToS, stats.m_nNumActive, 100.0 * stats.m_nNumSends * fToS / MAX( 1, stats.m_nNumActive ) ); }
//close it out with the totals
EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "%s", "---- ------------------------------ ------- ------ -------- ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------- -------\n" ); EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, " Totals %7u %5.1f%% %8.1f %6.2f %7u %7.0f %7u %7.0f %7u %7.0f %9u %6.3f%%\n", ( uint32 )( nTotalRawBytes / 1024 ), 100.0, ( double )( nTotalRawBytes / 1024 ) * fToS, ( double )nTotalMultiplexBytes / ( double )MAX( 1, nTotalRawBytes ), nTotalCreates, nTotalCreates * fToS, nTotalFrees, nTotalFrees * fToS, nTotalSends, nTotalSends * fToS, nTotalActive, 100.0 * nTotalSends * fToS / MAX( 1, nTotalActive ) );
// Subscription stats
std::sort( sortedStats.begin(), sortedStats.end(), SortSOStatsSubscribe );
EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "\n" ); EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "SO Cache Subscriptions Sends - %.2f second capture\n", fSeconds ); EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "\n" );
EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "%s", "Type Name Owner Owner/S Other Other/S Server Server/S\n" ); EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "%s", "---- ------------------------------ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------\n" );
FOR_EACH_VEC( sortedStats, nCurrSO ) { const SOStats_t& stats = *sortedStats[ nCurrSO ];
EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "%4d %-30s %8u %8.0f %8u %8.0f %8u %8.0f\n", stats.m_nTypeID, stats.m_sName.Get(), stats.m_nNumSubOwner, stats.m_nNumSubOwner * fToS, stats.m_nNumSubOtherUsers, stats.m_nNumSubOtherUsers * fToS, stats.m_nNumSubGameServer, stats.m_nNumSubGameServer * fToS ); }
//close it out with the totals
EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "%s", "---- ------------------------------ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------\n" ); EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, " Totals %8u %8.0f %8u %8.0f %8u %8.0f\n", nTotalSubOwner, nTotalSubOwner * fToS, nTotalSubOtherUsers, nTotalSubOtherUsers * fToS, nTotalSubGameServer, nTotalSubGameServer * fToS );
#endif // GC
// Purpose: Claims all the memory for the shared object
void CSharedObject::Validate( CValidator &validator, const char *pchName ) { VALIDATE_SCOPE(); }
// Purpose: Claims all the static memory for the shared object (i.e. the
// factory function map.
void CSharedObject::ValidateStatics( CValidator & validator ) { CValidateAutoPushPop validatorAutoPushPop( validator, NULL, "CSharedObject::ValidateStatics", "CSharedObject::ValidateStatics" ); ValidateObj( sm_mapFactories ); }
} // namespace GCSDK